Paul Murray Live | 14 January

Published Jan 14, 2025, 12:08 PM

Labor's fake election campaign exposed. Plus, and a new survey reveals one in three Aussie families are struggling with school costs. And if you're looking for leadership, Paul tells you why you should look to Peter Dutton.

From the sky in Center. This is Paul Murray Live.

Can I mate, come on in world under Shari as always with the inside word about what's happening around the.

World with the biggest stories.

So right now nine pm Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne time, just gone midday in Gaza and in Israel, and as Shari was saying, reporters are apparently being briefed as we speak in Doha, in Qatar where it is about to go one pm. In fact it's just gone one pm about a potential ceasefire to the situation that has been happening there of course since October the seventh. The early details that Sharry has brought exclusively to us tonight is that the exchange will be one thousand Palestinian prisoners thirty three hostages that are currently being held by Hamas in and around Gaza. The expectation is we'll learn more detailed this hour and of course for full coverage. Make sure you stick with us at skynews dot com dot A you for this show tonight. On top of all of that, there's an awful lot to get to, including the great Nigel Farage. I've got a lot of emails towards the end of last year say come on mate, you've got to talk longer to him. That's the plan in twenty twenty five, even more, Nigel Farage. The only place you'll see him on Australium TV. The regular appearance is right here on Paul Murray Live. Well under the cops in Victoria who found a way to stick it to the Victorian acting premiere right in front of him and disrupted his press conference today. We'll explain why in a moment or two's time, and we know what they hid this summer. Despite what they say about the economy, surprise, surprise, the reality.

Is going to be very different.

And I'll get to some of those details that they don't want you to know before we are done tonight.

We've got a big one ahead now.

We know the Prime ministers in the world of pain and he thinks that somehow he's going to be able to spend his way out of trouble. The polls couldn't be clearer that even in the turnbul Times.

The Guardian, over half of the people.

Who answer their poll say that the country is on the wrong track and that the Prime Minister's disapproval is now in the territory where more people disapprove than approve. Meantime, Newspoll of course, has rated this Prime Minister as the weakest leader in a decade. There's a lot of chat about Whitlam. Well let's go back to Rudd, Gillard Rudd. He's right back to as bad as that government was and we all know how they copped it by going into minority in twenty ten and then blasted out of government in twenty and thirteen. So the Prime Minister has a plan and that plan, of course is to spend other people's money, otherwise known as of course your money. Another example of it today, third day in a row, major announcement, the excuse for a press conference. Of course, it's not just about the local announcement which local media will pick up on. It's about an opportunity to pretend that's a reason why the Prime Minister needs to be out and about when really he wants to talk about the national issues or just bash away at Peter Dutton. His announcement today was to spend five million dollars to help beautify the wonderful south coast town in New South Wales.

Now why this.

Is exactly the best use of federal taxpayers dollars.

We'll all wait and see. But oh, that's right.

It's in a marginal seat, a marginal seat that Labor could well lose because they only won it by about three hundred and seventy five votes last time, and that's when the tide was out on the Liberal Party. If presumably the tide is out on Labor, that Gilmour would be one of the first to four. We know that there was billions of dollars that were announced yesterday if you re elect this government to be spent on the in the Inn, and of course billions of dollars before that, he could have already spent on the Bruce Highway. But no, no, no, there's a promise that if you reelect him, finally I'll do what I haven't done for.

The past three years.

But I've got to say there's always something in each and every one of these announcements that just growns mcgear's a little because as necessary as some big promises of government are small amounts of money to just have an excuse to have a press conference is an example of money that I believe could be spent somewhere else. Because in the same way, that there is a fire, and I choose that metaphor intentionally. When a fire is burning, you need to put it out. You can then spend money to rebuild or to prevent against another fire. But when people are in the middle of stress, they need emergency support. There are three million people who are this close to homelessness. I talk about them every night because they are our Faro Australians, the Australians whom should be receiving maximum support from governments, but they are receiving maximum support right now from charities. The idea that we have food lines in twenty twenty five, a quarter of the way into the twenty first century, that are as bad as they have been in.

This century is a disgrace.

A disgrace to a government that claims to care about costs living, claims to care about poor people, but just assumes that somehow they will be able to scare them in devoting for them rather than helping them after the next election. And we also learned today about another group of people who are in a world of trouble, and it's the kids of the parents who are in financial trouble. This should be very close to the Leads story. Tonight because it's a statement about the failures of our country. One in three Australian parents are apparently struggling right now to pay the basic expenses of going to a public school. Now, that news website repeated a press release which came out from an organization called Act for Kids, and I'm going to read from that now. Research from the national child protection organization Act for Kids has revealed almost one three Australians, or thirty percent, are struggling to pay for their children's basic educational needs. This is things like uniforms, stationary books, excursions and school fees. We're not talking about the elaborate private school fees. We're talking about the basic things that should be provided, but for some reason you have to pay for to access a system that already you or other members of your family have paid.

Taxes to pay for.

The Active Kids survey of almost one thousand Australian parents also found that a quarter or more than a quarter twenty seven percent are finding it difficult to afford the Internet at home. Now, for all the conversation about billions of dollars extra for the NBN, no conversations about it being cheaper or virtually free for people who are in this group, no conversation about that whatsoever. Forty percent of so they're battling to pay for extracurlque, extra curricular You knew I'd fail that one activities important to their child's social and physical well being, sport, music. Now we have a Prime Minister who every single day is spending other people's money, often years down the track, never never fingers crossed, because the reality is that the budget is in structural deficit for the next forty years, meaning that this government has put us in a place where the federal government will spend more than it earns and it will get worse every year between now and twenty sixty. That's how bad the scenario is going to be. Now we know that by the years of twenty forty, twenty fifty and twenty sixty, the Australian population, which is currently just under thirty will go past thirty, past forty and maybe even on its way towards fifty, double the number of people that are here now fifty million people. Yet still the government promises to spend more than it earns. The only solution is to increase taxes, and already Australians pay too much tax. As I tod you last night, the single greatest source of revenue for this federal government is not the GST. It is not petrol taxes, it is not cigarette taxes, it is not even company tax. It is personal income tax. Yet still under all of that system, we are in a world of trouble. And we've got five million dollars to beautify parts of Narra again beautiful city. And I'm not going to argue with what obviously has been ticked off as a good idea, but we know why that money is being announced at a prime ministerial level, and it's because it's a seat that if he loses, he gets one seat closer towards what seems to be an inevitable minority government, or it could be the start of many dominoes to fall, meaning that the minority government may be formed by the current Prime minister, but by the alternative prime minister in Peter Dudden and the Liberal and National Party. But it is to me a disgrace that with all of the money that comes into government more than ever before, and all of the money that goes out, which is more than ever before, we have a scenario where one in three parents, and that means kids. One in three kids is living in a household that may not be able to pay for their school uniform. Think about how that process which puts pressure on the start of your life, affeits the next stage, the next stage, and the next stage of your life.

The Act for kids. People were on with Chung Lei today here on Sky News.

So if we think about the kinds of things that we need to put into place to make sure kids do a great job at school, then parents are really worried about providing them this year. When parents are really stressed, it passes on to kids who are already a little bit anxious about going to school.

What I find despicable about Anthony Albernezi and his government's priorities is that this is a government that despite the fact that you have seen food lines around the block, three million people this close to homelessness, or one in three family struggling to pay for a school uniform. Is that this government has spent more money advertising itself and its political programs than it has given extra funds to things like food bank or the charities which you may well see the ads on television or here on the radio where they want you to sponsor a child here in Australia. Now, I think those charity efforts are spectacular. I do not understand how this government that has billions of dollars for the promises that they want to make to win votes can't find millions of dollars to help the charity sector in Australia. In fact, they have spent two hundred and fifty one How's that a quarter of a b four billion dollars since they became the government on government advertising. Government advertising that, of course way back when was disgraceful, but now it's their turn. They're spending against other people's money, this time on hoping that you will fall for their garbage. The federal government spent two hundred and fifty one million dollars on ads last year, recording the Financial Review, fueling criticism from integrity advocates about vote buying as advertising industry players predict a surge and taxpayer funded campaigns.

Before the election.

Figures from the Department of Finance show that ADS spending left forty percent last financial year as the Albanezi government outlaid millions of dollars to publicize things like too little, too late tax cuts, medicare, urgent clere clinics, despite the fact that the amount of people bolt billing is going down, and free tathe courses that are a great idea, but we are producing fewer apprentices than we were under the previous government. Now government is aboutorities. You cannot spend everything on every.

Good cause, but for goodness.

Sake, if you can spend a quarter of a billion dollars selling yourself, you can take half of that money. Well, I would suggest all of it, but still half of that money and create a scenario where we do not live in a country where one in three people can't afford to pay for the school uniform of their kid. The flow on effect of the confidence of that kid is real. Now wonder our classrooms remain as disruptive as they are, some of the worst in the OECD, and our academic performance has gone back despite the fact of hundreds of billions of dollars being spent in the education system. If a kid is ashamed of the financial circumstances of which they come, and their parents are doing any and everything they can to stretch what few dollars they have as far as possible, but they still are concerned about where the meals come from, how the medicine gets paid for, or how their kids wear a uniformed to school. Then we are in the wrong place. Forty percent increase in alban Ezy advertising about Albanesi, the government using other people's money to flog itself in the hope that you somehow will forget your own personal circumstances or the fact that you are well and truly not better off than you were three years ago, that this country has gone backwards.

Pick an indussy.

They're all there, all of them real that we have gone backwards in the past three years. Yet these people, who of course all get a pay rise, because every politician gets a pay rise, every public servant gets a pay rise. Many and most of the media will never comment on this because of course government advertising needs to be spent somewhere, and it means in many places in the media.

So yeah, I'm going to needle a hand that feeds here.

But it is wrong that the Prime Minister from Housing Commission, the bloke who claims to know what it's like to struggle but we know as well and truly gone from that with his brand new private planes or the million dollar holiday house or three pay rises, as I mentioned in the first term of being Prime minister.

You know why I.

Say each Way Albow a lot on this show is because he doesn't just take multiple positions on multiple issues. Sometimes he is the exact opposite of what he was in opposition. You see in opposition, this bloke was blowing up when it was the Liberal Party trying to save its ass by spending other people's money advertising its own lack of achievements. In fact, we have the tape.

There was too much waste there and this has been a wasteful government. They spent a billion dollars of your money on taxpayer advertising promoting themselves.

Now he's talking about a billion dollars over the multiple terms of the Liberal Party. That number was too high when those numbers were being criticized. I have long said on this show, and it's Labor or Liberal, you can check the tapes if you want to go all the way back. I've said that taxpayer funded government advertising should not be legally available to be spent in the calendar year of an election because it will be abused as it was last year. Forty percent up each Way Albo is not just because the bloke is weak or indecisive or wants to have it both ways. It's because he told lies as an opposition leader and they are provable now as the Prime minister. Which brings me to the idea of like the old horror movie, I know what you did last summer, Well, I know what they hid this summer, the Prime minister, his finance minister and his treasurer. Well, they're very quick to get out there and say that they have changed the federal budget for the better, that somehow they're good and sturdy economic management has reversed. Course, of course, they never mention that they got kissed on the proverbial by billions of dollars extra in revenue from that evil mining sector. But he was Katie Gallaher spinning that rubbish yesterday in Canberra.

We've delivered two surpluses, we've halved the deficits going forward. We've found savings, we've returned money where we've had it into the budget. We've lowered the debt. We've lowered the interest rate on the or the interest bill on their debt to the order of seventy billion dollars.

But people who are independent of government, people who are not afraid of government, because they don't get money from government. Have been looking at the books and they know where this government has hid things over summer. And while they try to change the conversation to the one that you just heard from the Finance Minister, access economics via the Australian Financial Review have shown that this government has been spending a lot more than it claims to have saved, in fact, sixty billion dollars more than they claim to have saved. One of their stories had Charmers hidden spending was eighty seven billion dollars. Eighty seven billion dollars, sixty billion dollars more than they claim in that little bit of video that I showed you to have saved the business of Australia or the budget of Australia. Reading from these articles, Labor's forecast to have spent a record eighty seven point one billion dollars.

Where have they hidden it off budget?

You see if they use the word invest it all works exactly the same as anything else they spend in the budget. But they just don't have to put it in the budget because magically the magic pudding can't be seen on Budget night. It'll be done over the next four years as politicians increasingly obscure spending on key priorities such as climate and manufacturing by labeling the expenses as in vestments. The Alternity Prime Minister is onto this little trick.

I just think when you look at the economic decisions that have been made over the last two years, two and a half years, the government's pulled every wrong lever and part of the reason that Australians are suffering at the moment is because of the budgetary decisions made by Jim Chalmers and Anthony Albanesi.

But that word, get ready for it, investment, investment, investment. We'll have to put together one of those things where we show all the things that he said over all of the years investment.

You see.

That way, they don't have to tell you about it, especially in a budget if delivered before the election, that will have all of this spending into the nevern ever, but it'll be also off the books. All of course we've borrowed money in part because we still have a trillion.

Dollars worth of debt. But nothing to see here. It's all an investment, right, Albert.

This is an investment. This is an investment that will produce a return.

And one thing is very clear to me over the weekend, over summer as well, is that there are lots of hardcore lefties who are massive Dutton haters, and there are plenty of them in my life who are more than happy to tell me how wrong I am on every issue every time. But they are really nervous about what's about to happen in this federal election that the great Anthony Abernezi, who remember the Sidney Morning Hero, at one point was writing about he was setting up for multiple terms because the polls were good just after he became the Prime Minister. Not writing that anymore, are they well. The logic of course about why Dunn't won't get there and Albow will be able to hold on is apparently because voters that have always voted labor in out of suburban Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, they will continue.

To do so. Seats like Cabra matter.

Okay, if they end up going somewhere else, they're only going to go to a Dielle and at the end of the day she kind of has to back us in, right, But the expectation is that people who have never voted liberal will never vote liberal, and even if a few of them do. Of course, the Labor Party and many people in the media believe that the Teals will work as some sort of a firewall against an insurgent Liberal Party getting anywhere near that seventy six seats for a majority government, or seventy seats to be able to have a conversation with whatever Teals are left to be able to potentially form a minority government. But then there's the guy who has been right many times on big issues that Australians end up agreeing with him on. Be it the Voice where it was sixty forty yes instead it ended up being sixty forty no, or many other policies of this government where how do you oppose dumb ideas? How do you not agree with us that climate change must be fixed by tens of billions, in fact, almost half a trillion according to the CSIRO amount of money. This is the only way to be But Peter Dudden has been right, and Peter Dudden has picked his fights, and sometimes you may not be able to see the forest from the trees sometimes about what some of these fights are that hang on, why are we're talking about this?

What's going on? Well?

Guess what he ends up being proven right, and the polls keep moving his way again. I say what I always say, which is I don't think tonight that there's going to be a change, But jeez, I hope there's going to be a change.

I really do.

What Peter didn't of course, as you know, is going in hard on the defense of a national Day for Australia. Now, of course this is not a mysterious position about Australia Day that he believes that councils should, if they're going to do it at all, do a citizenship ceremony on our national Day, not a couple of days before, not a couple of days after. And as we know, the polls where they are where the alternative prime minister is, not where the current Prime Minister is. With this sort of wiggle room situation, remember the IPA pole that came out just yesterday showing that sixty eight percent of Australians say it should stay on Australia Day. That's up from this time last year, the number who say we should move the date down on this time last year. And Peter Dudden is making the conversation about Australia Day different than the one that we have had for the past eighteen years, because normally, between January one and January twenty sixth, the stories that we read and hear about are from the people who want to change the date. Very rarely does the normal debate begin with the people who want to keep the date. Now, I think the politics around this is really smart, firstly because it's where the extreme majority of Australians are, but secondly, it's also an understanding of people's modern recognition of Australia Day, which in the past twenty years has been a place where hundreds of thousands of people have chosen that day to become citizens of this country. And again, when we go back to that referendum vote of a couple of years ago, those very electorates that have never voted liberal in their lives were some of the hardest that voted no because they don't subscribe to what has become the modern activist left view of Australian Day in the past ten years. So Peter Dudden is doubling down.

There are millions of Australians who have made the migrant journey to our country. They have enriched this country and for many of them, Australia Day is Sacrisanc because they were sworn in, they became citizens on that day of.

The twenty sixth January.

And we have an incredible Indigenous history which we should celebrate. We have an incredible migrant story and we should celebrate that as well.

One hundred percent correct.

But you see the Prime Minister also thinks that if it's not the Teals, and it's not the people that have never voted Liberal, the people that will most save him and his government, either in a majority or the most likely minority, and certainly reject any sort of political advancement of Peter Dutton. Many of the people who are paid to talk all the time about Australian politics, and those are the people who work, of course, in Parliament House in Canberra, in the media, in the press gallery. Now there are a few exceptions here and there of people who really do try to call it down the line, but we know the reality is that there are many people in the media who like the new arrangements of who they still believe to be a new prime minister with a new cast smell, And how dare we go back to those evil, terrible Liberals. Despite the fact that picking indacy Australia is worse off than it was three years ago, no question. A perfect example about how the media is going to use its power to pick the elbow benefit of the doubt way as opposed to what the politics and the smart politics of where Peter Dunton is playing. Would be an example like what we played you on the show last night. A question asked of the Prime Minister about Australia Day. Pretty clear right, So you guys.

Have any other women's today around.

Thus you view with any white house should.

Hold on data clear right.

But as we showed you last night, I'm again it'll show you and apologies for how long this is going to be, but you need to watch.

Trump used to have his pivot.

Well, the Prime Minister has the bad Beauty Queen answer where you just make it about something else.

My counsel holds him on Australia Day. And on Australia Day, I'll be here in Canberra at the National Event. I encourage Peter Dutton to come to the National Event. I always did when I was Opposition leader. It's a great event on the foreshores of Lake Burley. Griffin here and I think it's appropriate that the Prime Minister and the leader of the Opposition both be there. I ensured I was there every year that I was Leader of the Opposition, as well as every year as Prime Minister. And I'd also encourage mister Dutton to attend the Australia Day Awards. It's a celebration of the best of Australia, the Volunteer of the Year, the Young Australian of the Year, the Senior Australian of the Year, and the Australian of the Year. It's fantastic that that occurs. The first year I wasn't invited as leader of the Opposition, I requested an invite and I've been there every year since and I hope that there's a bipartisan show of support.

Then did I answer the question? No?

You just blathered you didn't answer the question instead, rather than the yes no scenario, which is exactly where normal people are. Oh, I couldn't possibly offend the Q and A crowd. I wouldn't want to annoy the people on Radio National. So how did the media interpret what you just saw? Well, in the Sydney Morning Here all they said that the Prime Minister was kind of playing four D chess here because he dodged the stoush. The non answer mean he didn't have to get involved in the debate. The ABC Prime Minister refuses to bite as Dunton seeks fight on Australia Day events.

No, Peter Dunn't has a clear view. Is it the same debate that we been having Uphill.

And dan Dale until it bores us all about Australia Day that normally is defined by the lydear thorpes of this world is being reclaimed by the almost seventy percent of Australians who say no, no as is. I get what our history is, but it's a day that's about recognizing our achievement and looking forward to the future. So the Prime Minister may think that the people have never voted Liberal will save him, or the teals will save him, or the media will save him. What are the latest polls tell us about what Australians in any and all parts of the country think of this bloke's leadership. The Prime Minister since the first poll after the last election has thirty nine percent of people who approve in his job performance. That's down twenty points. Fifty percent now disapprove. Again, that's in the sorry not the sitting on a herald in the essential poll in the Guardian, which is interesting to note because there is a social researcher who we probably would disagree on everything politically, but I quite like this social researcher. And she's been a guest on the show way back when, but still Rebecca Huntley. And she was writing in the Guardian today, the same place that had that poll showing about a twenty point swing or almost forty point swing in the performance.

Of Anthony Alberanesi.

And she wrote about Peter Dutton and the speech that he gave a couple of days ago, the one that in part focused on Australia Day focused on education.

Not in doctrination.

And she wrote this that Peter Dutton's greatest hits might get him elected, but he's not a min from the bad democracy trap. Now she gets to an accidental interesting point in a second, but of course we have to go through this first, because it's The Guardian. If Dunton wins or manages to form a minority government, it will not be because of enthusiasm for his compilation playlist of all two formiitted policies, well, because of excitement about nuclear energy. It will be proof positive that we are stuck in in what a professor told her is a bad democracy trap. This is where low voter trust in politicians, skepticism about effectiveness of institutions in holding politicians to account, and a preference for a default or familiar policies with short term benefits is the better option.

But also noted in here, and why I call all of this out is that despite the.

Fact that most of the press gallery thinks that this bloke's just too crazy, he's sort of Orange Man bad, the reality is that many of his policy proposals, apart from being where people are and what the majority of Australians think and what the majority of Australians support, they also are important statements of priorities. Back to how I started this conversation, that this government, when it chooses to spend a dollar, would spend a quarter of billion dollars on promoting itself rather than extra money for the charities that are taking care of the people who, among other things, can't afford food, medicine, or a school uniform for their kid. This government made a decision to reduce the amount of taxpayer funded telehealth sessions that you would be able to have with a mental health professional to be able to cope with the world as it is or whatever is going on inside you, because mental health is as real as a broken arm. There was this one line in the speech from Peter Dutton that might be why the lefties are shaking, and we will.

Restore the number of Medicare subsidized psychological.

Sessions from ten to twenty and on a permanent basis.

Interesting now, no one will make their decision about which way they are going to vote of what is said today or what the political headlines are shaped this week. But when they do see a choice, when somebody who shares their values or sees that while it's not a glamorous thing to promise more help with your mental health, more help for a charity, more help for the people who are truly suffering in Australia might be a connection point that could result in people perhaps voting Liberal or National for the first time. As Rebecca concludes today in her piece in The turnbul Times, restoring the number of Medicare subsidized psychological sessions from ten to twenty on a permanent basis would be one important move towards addressing the mental health crisis, And there are a few moments in the speech when Dutton nails the central problem we face that governments shouldn't play a critical role in addressing. Our society is less cohesive, he says, for many Australians, aspiring has been replaced by anxiety. Optimism has turned into pessimism, and national confidence has changed into dispiritedness. Yet, how does the Prime Minister want you to view the speech if you're either in the media or consuming the.

Media like this, And yesterday Peter Dutton had an opportunity to announce a new policy, any policy ado. I mean, there was a big build up last week.

And nothing. It was like a balloon with a pin in it.

Nothing just air floated out and produced nothing at the end except a bit of rubber on the ground.

I think people who've got issues with their mental health would not consider this to be an deflated balloon with a bit of rubber on the ground.

Prime Minister.

But before we leave the greatest Prime Minister of all time, one more little each way elbow moment for you. This one to do with the tennis. And we know the Prime Minister loves the tennis, because of course he had those ice creams and loving every little moment of the first chance to be there as the Prime minister, where of course he spent more days at the tennis than he even spent traveling to Alice Springs the days before he went to the tennis. Remember that back at the start of twenty twenty three, a start of what was going to be the beginning of the undoing of the facade of this prime minister. And we also know that things can change because when he first went to the tennis, they cheered him, and then last year at the tennis they booed him.

I'd like to.

Welcome the Australian Prime Minister, the Honorable Anthony Albanesi, the Deputy Victorian Premier then Ben Carol.

What are they say? Boo ens, boo ns is what they are saying.

And we know that this Prime Minister was playing politics in Perth, raising money and playing tennis, of course, when he should have been showing much greater action and heading to the site of that synagogue fire, which he eventually got to a few days later, but only after, of course he'd been drag kicking and screaming, and after the alternative Prime Minister in Peter Duddin had actually turned up.

But that's not my each Way album, it's dead.


The each Way elbow on this particular one is to do with the champion tennis player Novak Djokovic. And we all know that Novak didn't like the COVID vaccine, chose not to take the COVID vaccine, yet still came to Australia to play in the twenty and twenty three, sorry the twenty twenty two Australian Open, but of course he was never able to get there. Why because, of course he was put into detention and then eventually deported from the country. Now, amazingly, the Prime Minister has had something to say about something that really is not top of mind for most people, certainly the people that are struggling with either their mental health or trying to pay for a school uniform for their kids.

But no, this was the priority, and.

The Prime Minister had the balls to say this about an issue that I know he was on a slightly different side of when it came to compassion and Novak Djokovic being booted out of the country for not being vaxed.

I found it.

Astonishing that in the lead up to Christmas, Novak Djokovic was denied by the then federal government the opportunity to see his Orthodox minister priest during that period.

I think that.

Was something that I think was hard to justify.

So sorry, maximum compassion and particularly about people of faith and people of faith, whether that's connected to whether they did or didn't make decisions way back when. I know it's still fresh in many people's mind. But this is weird because guess what, Anthony Albernezi didn't just support the fact that he was booted out of the country, but believe he never should have been in the country.

To start with.

So I'm not entirely sure how he's able to pull out of his backside compassion for this bloke, apart from the fact that the politics has changed, because this is what he said when all of this was playing out in twenty twenty two. I think quite clearly, mister Djokovic. In fact, I've got that for you.

Let's play it.

I think quite clearly mister Djokovic is given his statements of anti VAXA rhetoric, given the campaign that he ran very explicitly for all to see, it was clear what.

His position was too.

Granted that visa and why was it granted if the information that every other person is required to give wasn't received.

Each way? Albo many ways. It makes sense and we'll do it many more time.

I have no doubt between now and when you get to the chance to vote for the first time or again for a change of government, because it is frightening. Many are lefty all right after the break, prienty to talk about, including of course I want to get to Annalyis Nielsen, who's been doing some amazing reporting from the fires in Los Angeles. And don't forget Nigel Farach the only place you're going to see him right here on Palmurray Life.


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I'll explain more in a moment, but.

First, as always, strength and love to people in Los Angeles and in and around those parts of California that are suffering as a result of the fires, ones that have taken now more than twenty five lives and tens of thousands of people who have lost their homes. Now as we speak, it's the middle of the night in Los Angeles. A reporter and a Lisa Nielsen spoke with Peter Quedlin a bit earlier this evening about what was playing out because the winds are starting to pick up again.

The official wind warning coming back in they're expected to pick up and go right through to a Wednesday local time. So that's the real risk is that any fires could pick up in a very dramatic fashion.

Now she's done some great reporting. I'll show an example of that in a second.

But the news which is coming out of Los Angeles right now here in Australia and around the world is that many of the insurance companies that are going to have to be picking up the bill here well, they are global, meaning that in order to pay for the two hundred billion dollars worth of damage that has taken place in the United States, there is a massive chance that that is going to be handed on to us here in Australia, and it will do so via higher premiums. But there's also some ugliness in and around the politics here, and a little bit later we'll talk to Meegan Kelly about some of the lefty nonsense that has been part of what California is doing. But the reality is of whether people vote for you or they don't, when there's a natural disaster, you have to take care of them. But there are plenty of people that are in the Senate saying that California is not allowed to have the same money that other people have had during natural disasters because they're too woke.

Unless they show that they're going to change their ways and get back to building downs and storing water, doing the maintenance with the brush and the trees and everything that everybody else does in the country, and they refuse to do it, they don't deserve anything, to be honest with you, and the last they show us they're going to make some changes.

Now, I'm would say that about Florida when it was going through a hurricane or tornadoes all the rest of it. This shouldn't be the case when it comes to California. And I am no dripping lefty and no know who likes Gavin Newsom, and as I told you, he should.

Of course get the punt.

There are lots of ways you can try to help people from AFAR, including food banks. There are links that will put up on the screen now, but I'll make sure that they go up on the Facebook page. And most importantly the Red Cross. What they are doing in Los Angeles is of course the work of taking care of people who have lost the houses.

This is not for the celebrities, it's for people like this.

Well, it was one hundred mile an hour firestorm wind and nobody knows our clothes up was to losing my life the God because I lived up there by myself after my mother passed.

And still in the United States.

Just one week left of the rule of Joe Biden as the leader of the free world.


We'll have a full team, including among others, Chris Kenny, that will be in the United States for the inauguration of the forty seventh President of the United States.

Will get to all of that.

But it does mean, of course, that Biden goes no more stumbling up the stairs, no more rubbish like he would have won or she would have won when she didn't.

You regret your decision to run for re election.

Do you think that that made it easier for your predecessor now become very successful.

I don't think so.

I think I would have beaten Trump, could have beaten Trump, and I think that Karmena could have beaten Trump.

Would have been Trump no more calling half the country garbage. The only garbage I now there is his supporters.

And of course that wonderful moment where Donald Trump was able to make the most of that nonsense remembered by jumping into the garbage truck to say we ain't garbage. Wonderful way of middle finger.

Bugger you, Biden.

Well, guess what at the inauguration next week. At the inauguration and the parade next week, the dump Trump's going to be there, and the events and the parties in and around all of it, the village people are going to be there, which means dancing like this baby.

It's my understanding. It's understand.

I love it. I love it.

One week to go Niger Farras next on Pulmurray Live. Niger Farras is the leader of the Reform Party in the UK. It's a pleasure to talk to a mention in every week and we've got all your emails and I agree with you. Let's have more time with him.

So let's do it. Great man, Happy New Year and all the best.

I know you've been powering through as everything's been happening in the UK, including this disgrace that the best part of you know, a few years ago, people know that any and everyone in power looked the other way because the people who were abusing girls were put simply Islamic, and they didn't want to they want to create racial tensions and all the rest of it. And it meant that a lot of people who should have been prosecuted, and systems that should have known way earlier than they did, well, it all went by the wayside. Importantly, all of this is back because the chief prosecutor at the time was none other than the current Prime Minister ki Is Starmer. Yet this bloke, for some reason is refusing to have an inquiry into his own failings.


I mean, look, the whole thing is shocking. We've learned that up to fifty towns in the country were involved. And these are and I don't want to show audience, but these are gang rapes on a massive scale, committed by men from the Pakistani community. That is the absolute blunt and brutal truth of this. I believe actually much of the motivation behind it was actually racist. They hated white people. They viewed young white girls as being trash. Honestly, it's quite difficult to read some of the statements from the court reports of those handful that have been given justice. There are thousands and thousands of men out there that committed these barbarities that have not been followed up. Nearly every single one of these atrocities happened in labor run councils. It is quite impossible that local elected politicians did not know. They turned a blind eye, The police turned a blind eye, Social services turned a blind eye, and they all did it, as you say, for fear of being called racist. Now seventy six percent of the country, in the light of these recent revelations brilliantly exposed by young journalists at GBNWS, seventy six percent want a full national inquiry into this and it happened immediately, and the Prime Minister is refusing to give it. Well, I'll tell you what, Paul, if the PM won't give us a national inquiry, I will do it. I will fund it myself. This is going to happen.


I mean, look that there was more effort put into the sort of dissection of party Gate than there has been into this situation, and we all know what the consequences were of that. Now this bloke cannot you know, essentially rise to the prime minister ship in part by saying, look how tough I was, I was a prosecutor. But the reality is now he's in a position to go even further than what he claims was his best efforts.

Yet why will he not have the inquiry?

Well, what do they have to hide? I mean a couple of points on this. Of course, he was from two thousand and eight the director of the Prosecution Department, and we do know in two thousand and eight one of these cases went to him that he decided not to prosecute. Now he might argue that he wires up laser.

I don't know.

But equally, the number of local labor politicians, you know, counselors around the country that have been convicted of pedophilia basically over the course of the last couple of years is really very very alarming, and it looks increasingly like the party has got something to hide, and that's a really bad look for the governing party of our country with a large majority in parliament, you know, in every way, whether it's this appalling scandal, whether it's what's happening to our economy. We're six months in to this government and frankly they're in free fall. It is extraordinary, is what is happening there.

And the fact that what a couple of million people had already said that it was time for a new prime minister, let alone, let alone again.

The financial stuff.

That was all apparently too far when they came to Liz Truss and her chancellor. Many of it is worse under this bloke and his chancellor. So we'll wait, watch and see when it comes to there. I've got a bit of breaking news that if you don't want to respond.

I understand.

But we're learning now that there could well be very close to a deal that he is going to get some hostages out of Gaza. We're learning via officials in Qatar. They're not willing to announce it now, but apparently representatives of hostages families are going to be meeting with the Prime Minister of Israel in the next few hours.

Some of the numbers that are.

Being discussed here is thirty three hostages in exchange for one thousand prisoners. Some other detail that's coming from the United States says that all of this doesn't happen until January the twenty second, which of course would be two days into the Trump presidency. Do you think that we're going to learn more in the next twenty four hours that get us closer to what a lot of people want.

Well, I hope and pray so I've been campaigning very openly for Emily Damari, who is the one British hostage being held. We haven't heard sight and the sound of it for best part of a year, so I very much hope she's past of that deal. Look, anything, anything that can get these hostages out would be a good thing. Maybe who knows, maybe Joe Biden will leave the presidency having done at least one good thing.

Yeah, I mean to me, it's this thing where if it happens tomorrow or it happens in the next few days, who cares on what data and whose presidency?

All of that is all right.

Good to talk to you, Nigel, Thank you mate, look forward to talking to you again in Catcher again. Plenty more of him and the only place to see him here is on Sky News on Paul Murray Live each and every Tuesday night. Now a little more to all of this in my thanks to Sherry Markson, who is feeding me directly the information that is coming here that the Katari Prime Minister has apparently said that they are the closest they've been in months to two a deal.


Her information and her reporting is that we will see something in the next couple of hours out of Israel about a meeting with some of those hostage families, the families of the hostages and the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanya, who you'll of course see it all play out before your very eyes here at Sky News. Full details in the morning, and of course Sherry again tomorrow night see it

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