Outsiders | 9 March

Published Mar 9, 2025, 2:34 AM

Labor sees a massive swing against them in the WA election, Paul Murray joins from Queensland to provide an update on the ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred. Plus, Donald Trump issues an ultimatum to Hamas.

This is Outside.

Good morning, and welcome to Outsiders, the show that is to woke politics and left wing insanity. What the Democrats are to finding a brilliant new strategy to combat Donald Trump?

Yes, it's the female Democrat members of Congress put together an inspirational fight back against Donald Trump. Almost as cringe worthy as well.

Justin fighting back the tears.

Here to tell you all that we got you, even in the very last days of this government. We will not let Canadians down today and long into the future.

Meanwhile, even Hollywood seems to be getting the message. There's a new sheriff in town. Here's a clip from the New White Lotus series.

But do you ever talk politics without them? Sometimes I'm going to get awkward.

Why would it? Because wait, are you a Republican?


Wow, I'm an independent?

But Davis an Independent?

Since when you didn't vote for Trump?


Did you?


Even Hollywood scriptwriters, the best ones at least, recognize that Trump.

Is well and truly back. But meanwhile, as.

White Lotus waiting wait in vain for the return of Jennifer Coolidge, let's grab the latest outside his news. Well, there was an election in West Australia last night and the Libs did better than they were expected to and Labor didn't do as well as expected to. But Labor is still in power Rita.

They are quite comfortably, let's be clear about that. I think there was something like a twenty percent swing against them, so it wasn't all happy days. But there's no doubt that there's a difficult There's this bizarre situation in West Australia where you've got this mining state, this resources superpower, where people are overwhelmingly conservative. You only have to look at the Voice referendum to see how West Australians voted, and yet the state liberals consistently fail to provide a platform that West Australians can back, and you look hat how big that gap is. And there is a fundamental problem at state level. And I think it's evident certainly in Victoria, it's evident in New South Wales, and it appears to be evident in w As Libby Medson.

Who was leader there last time around, they had that ridiculous zurk Kerkhaup or whatever his name.

Was, always was, always always will be when the floor wokes up.

The number one lesson being never go woke Libs cuedos to libby Meton. I mean she's done, you know, done, okay for a first time out there, but she read to was actually one of the first Libs in this country to stand up and say unequivocally we're going to stop the puberty blockers for kids. And or she took on that whole transgender thing very well, which was great. So James's great to see a Liberal at a state level actually fighting the wok agenda.

She's done some good things and unlike the previous Liberal leader, she didn't concede the election before the election.

Well, but of.

Course, I mean that there's two good things that have happened for the Liberals. One they are now the official opposition party again because at the last election with the two seats, the Nationals were the official opposition. And the other thing, of course, is that Basil's implus the Perth Lord Mayor, looks like he has won a seat and to me he would be their future.

He is a character, so.

Yeah, really, well, yeah, okay, I disagree.

A lovely guy, but barely a conservative.

There you go, there you go.

That's barely a conviction politician. And I think that's the sort of people we need in the leadership to actually have any sort of chance at being elected.

And I acknowledge there has been a.

Shift from what we saw the previous election, and that's reflected probably in the numbers. Labors are what's what, twenty percent, But it doesn't change the fact that you can't just be a Johnny Come Lately and pick off a couple of high profile issues and say, Okay, we're going to go with the mainstream on this one and expect to be elected. It has to be more meaningful than that. It has to be it has to be far.

Broader than that.

So you've got to give people a clear choice. And I acknowledge it's not an easy task, but wa you look at what sort of a state it is, where people work, what their values are, and the referendum was a very good indicator of that they are not being served well by the state politicians.

They actually need someone like Tony Seabrooker. We've had on this show many times ahead of the past relation Pastor and Grazier's association. He'd be fantastic in the Libs or the Nationals. Opportunity in national at the forefront of a campaign.

And the point is.

As Rita was saying Western Australia is inherently conservative in its values. They had these ghastly Aboriginal heritage laws which Roger Cook took a hammering over. Only in the last week of the campaign, Tony Maddox, a farmer was convicted in WA putting a concrete kind of thing across a bit of a creek on his own land. Anyone who knows farming in Wa, my family are all farmers in WA, knows that if to suddenly penalize people for putting down a bit of concrete James across a creek so they can get their tracks across or whatever, absolute joke. And it was the Aboriginal heritage laws when we expose them here on Outsiders, thanks to Tony Sbrook, that really shifted the.

Entire momentum in the Voice campaign. When the rest of.

Australia suddenly saw a ludicrous this and out of control, this entire Aboriginal heritage fandango. Is that people woke up to it, and Rita is right we need to see from the Wa libs more of that sort of backbone attacking these cultural issues. But the big question reader in James, is what happens in the federal election because I want to see Rita's ironically wearing a teal jacket today.

Let's get a close up of beautiful beautile.

It suits you, It suits you more than it suits the elector Australia to have the color teal anywhere near the Houses of Parliament. And I want to see that teal. Kate Cheney punted, She's a joke, She's a farce. You've got a brilliant Liberal there, Tom White waiting in the wings to step in. The federal election is where WA's got to step out, step up and turf out the alban Eazy government.

James, Yeah, absolutely they do.

And you know, I think it was an advantage for the Labor Party in the West Australia that Anthony Albanezi was busy on the East Coast of Australia with that cyclone, because he's not exactly popular over there, and where the Liberals have picked up seats in the West Australian election is in those regional areas where some of those cultural heritage laws really have bitten, especially in the farming community who have been under attack not just in that but with that live sheep exports, So there's a lot of angst there and that will bite federal labor.

You would think at the election.

Rita, let's just play Roger Cook as he seems to set about insulting JD.

Vance. This was his brilliant contribution. He called, we don't.

Have the clear But he basically sat there and was asked one word that sprang to mind when he was when the words Jed Vans and came up and he said nob, you.

Know, sort of a couple of laughs from the leftist audience there.

He was playing up to that.

But again it shows you just the caliber of the state politicians we have.

This man's the premiere of the state.

A state that should be that close to the USA.

But never mind that, it doesn't matter whatever your own personal feelings may be. We're talking about the US president and vice president.

To be.

Sending insults their way in a public forum when your state may want to have some significant business dealings with them, it is just so ill advised, it's so juvenile, it's so reckless, and for what to get a few laughs from the pack of lefties there.

It was just idiotic, is what it was.

And that's why I just feel so bad for people across the country because it's not just WA, it is just about every state. The caliber of the politicians we are getting pre selected, the actual boughty, the administration side of the Liberal Party. There's something hopelessly broken there. There needs to be a change. We need to have the party and its candidates reflect the values of people who actually vote for them.

Then we might have some change.

Rob We don't forget the West Australian premier to call the Vice President of the US and knob when we are trying to get the Orchest agreement across the line. Many of those subs will be based in Western Australia.

And you talk about trying to.

Dodge tariffs that go back to put tariffs on aluminium and steel. You've got a resource of state where the premier is making those sorts of insults to and JD Bands it's probably going to be the next pres.

Exactly there was, James.

But you're right, James, there was a sub in Perth right, so they would have been sitting there going sorry, get he just called you a kannab.

Jim Chalmers was asked what he thought about Roger Cook's comments, and Jim Chalmers wasn't much better, He said, well, I would have used a different term, failing to condemn those comments. So it's just bad all round, whether it's state.

Australia is literally at a crossroads at this next election, guys, Australia has the choice of getting behind the entire Trump American agenda, which we are the natural partner of America economically, mining, agricultural values, our history, our heritage, our economies, our military. Everything says get behind the Trump agenda. And yet the Albanese, the left wing wall to war labor governments that we have low of America can't barely disguise their hatred for all things America. Australia is at a crossroads this next election, folks. We go one way, the way of prosperity, the way of up. In other words, let's make Australia great again, or we go the way of down, which is the way of more left wing misery, more left wing impoverishing ourselves, clomb of hysteria, woke garbage.

This is where we sit Australia. Within the next six weeks we have.

To decide do we go up or do we go down to impoverish ourselves and turn ourselves into the Venezuela of the South Pacific.

To listen to Roger Cook. We've gone him, we found him here he is. Let's go for it. Jd Vance is a knob.

Sorry, You've got to have one unprofessional moment, don't it?

That was it? Yes, well, West Australia, well done.

You've got an unprofessional moment for the next four years of the labor government.

What a farce.

Seriously, reason it is and what you just described you don't have to imagine it. You only have to look at certain European countries to see what happens if you don't go the path that the US is about to take.

Where you go and completely.

Cripple your economy self inflicted damage with these insane green madness that we've signed up to with net zero where you especially for a country like us, because you look at Germany, They're not sitting on the world's biggest reserves of uranium, They're not sitting on enormous amounts of coal and gas.

We are.

We should be the most prosperous country in the world. Our citizens should be enjoying the cheapest energy prices in the world. Instead, we've got some of the most expensive. Our manufacturing industry is completely crippled by.

These high energy costs.

We've already got high wages which they have to compete with overseas. So it really is a crossroads. And we have so much going for us country.

Let's not watch you.

We're throwing it all the way, James.

Wa should be about dig, baby dig, and drill baby drill. That's what WWA election should have been about. And seriously, instead they're going to they've got the woggle, who's a rainbow serpent stopping people from putting a concrete We're across their creek. Seriously, what a joke. People will look back in history and go.

These people were insane.

James will absolutely and I mean this insanity is all around the country when you speak about cultural heritage laws. We're talking before the program about Mount Panorama, the famous track where they sprinkled an indigenous elder's ashes just a couple of years ago and now it's.

A sacred sausages. And the Liberals have said that if they.

Win government at the federal election, they will reform the cultural heritage laws. I would just like a definition of what is cultural heritage. I mean, you talk about Tony Maddox in Western Australia. It was because the rainbow serpent, a mythical creature, apparently used that waterway.

So we need to define Busy that rainbow.

Certain he's stopped the gold mine, he's stopped the gas lines in the north, he's staring along under the under the continental shelf. Busy servent, I know, well, no, no, let's.

Talk about matt Mount Panorama because to have the top of that be declared it would be crazy. And this group that's behind it, it's a very small fringe group.

This is not the main body.

So we're talking about the We're a Dorry traditional owner Central West Aboriginal Corporation, and there's plenty of other Indigenous people who say they do not represent us or our views, or that they should not be having a say. But they're also the fringe group that got a billion dollar gold mine. Kilbus excited with them and got rid of this billion dollar gold mine that was going to provide hundreds of well paying jobs in a regional area, was going to provide a couple of hundred million dollars in royalties to the New South Wales government.

Chris Vince isn't happy about it.

And yet and we still have really not complete clarity about why that project was axed. And the secrecy around these decisions I think is a huge part of the problem. If you want people to respect and understand what the rationale is here, then there's got to be complete transparency. But there's say, the reason, but we can't be completely clear on why.

And also reason is absolutely right we should respect our indigenous heritage. But James is right, what is that indigenous heritage? Was our indigenous heritage, for example, best portrayed by that character wandering around the Mardi Gras in some kind of weird drag aboriginal get up, spearing a look alike of Jesus Christ? Is that Aboriginal heritage? Are we supposed to expect respect that? Are we supposed to respect the graffiti on various walls that are used as excuses to say that this or that. We've got to have a clear definition. James, it's out of control.

You're right, just on that Mardi Gras reference you made, I can't understand how that is not hate speech or vilification.

And this is another problemification if you're on the left side of politics, and then.

And if is what's being mocked, and it is you know what I actually am not for, as you know, for those sorts of laws, the racial realifications. I'm believing in free speech, and I think we've got enough limits to free speech. You can't go around making threats. That's a criminal offense. But for once, just for once, wouldn't it be refreshing to see these leftist activist clowns actually target and we're talking about the gay and lesbian Marto gra If.

You're going to mock a religion, try and mocking Islam.

See if you're brave enough to do that, because guess what Muslim majority countries where gay and lesbian people are system systematically persecuted, where there's the death penalty in certain Muslim majority countries for homosexual So if you're going to mock any religion, if you're going to mock any religious figure, try pointing.

Yes, I would suggestion that our drag, our aboriginal drag queen would last approximately point.

Zero zero three seconds in most Muslim countries.

But they're probably donning a kafir on the weekends and marching there.

Marine Ferouki actually marched in the wearing a kiffia I mean, you couldn't get one cognitive dissonance than that.

There were signs there, all the usual anti Israel, that this is the thing.

This used to be.

A gain lesbian Marty Grand Now it is a far left activist just I don't know what it is, tax pay funded exercise masquerading as a gain lesbian. And a lot of people in that community want nothing to do with it anymore because it's got so ugly.

Now here's a treat. We're going to go up to Brisbane chapter Paul Murray. Who hello, Paul?

How are you mate?

You're up in brizzy, You've got your rain coat on. Where's the umbrella and aids?

What's happening up there? How are you.

Well? You know, very good.

Love to see you, Rowan James, and happy birthday a month to Ureta.

Of course, the story this morning, I love you.

The story this morning is obviously wind and rain, but it's just how many places don't have power this morning. There's about three hundred thousand places in southeast Queensland, in Brisbane, Central or the CBD and outer areas, at sixty two thousand the Gold Coast. It's well, now what one hundred and twelve thousand to give.

You an idea of the wind.

Last night it moved up from the Gold Coast that copped another battering.

But Brisbane just got thumped last night one.

Hundred and five kN hour winds at Redcliffe and at Harvey Bay. There's been more than one hundred millimeters of rain in the past two hours. So as we speak, we're at the Energex depot here at Green Slopes.

These are the people who are the.

Ones going out in the rain, going out in the wind, trying to get as many places back on Now. The heartbreaking stuff for them is one step forward, one step back. They were able to get tens of thousands of places reconnected after what happened on Friday night, but they of course then got blown around and disconnected by the time we wake up this morning. So plenty more storm. The concern could be flooding northern New South Wales. That is its own story as well. After those members of the ADF, many of whom remain in hospital this morning. But the tropical cyclone which they said, oh was a fizzer, well, I've been standing in and around it for a couple of days.

Not quite a fizzer. If you're in the middle of it, went.

Well, yes, and where we're filled poorly for this people.

In our power, But come on, it was a fizzer.

We were told this was going to be some tropical cyclonel like the likes of which we've never seen. It was going to be earth shattering and yes, we've got a lot of rain and wind during the rain season in Queensland. I mean, we come on, they over egged this one a little bit.

Well, the problem is, right, is that, for obvious reasons only all they've got is satellites and the rest of it. It's not on a train track, so they know exactly where it's going to hit in terms of its intensity.

Look, I think it's a relief right now.

Normally I'm completely with everyone about you know, politicians standing up and telling us it's the end of days and all the rest of it. Right, But the reality is is that there's got to be a genuine sense of relief that it's not a whole bunch of roofs that have been torn off and people that have been hurt again apart from the ABF. So no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not arguing the point. I'm just saying is that is that? But the concept of oh, yeah, this is normal, like it's not right, Like it's like I've had many a wild night.

On the Gold Coast. Neither of the one that I've had. But was it the end of the world.

No, but sometimes after some nights on the GC, it has felt like the end of the world.

But Paul, where does this leave the narrative?

Because everyone was on the left was getting very excited that here was yet another example. We had Zali Steggles probably the least the lowest, in my opinion, the lowest intellect in our federal Parliament, and that's saying something telling us that this was all to do with climate change. And we've had even Albow sort of pitched in with that one. Surely this if you ask Gold Coast residents, they would tell you, yeah, we saw this in nineteen fifty four.

We've seen it. In fact, I'm.

Sure there aren't many many still alive, but they would remember eighteen ninety nine.

Perhaps even where there was a similar So, Paul, what are the Gold Coasts things?

Do they think this is climate change or do they think this is business as usual up on this part of the world in the tropics.

No, that's exactly right. That we are in the northern half of Australia. There are storms. Yes, this was the lowest one in a while, but as you say, you know plenty of time before. I mean actually one of the I was talking to a local MP and their first cyclone that they went through the Gold Coast had sixty thousand people in it. Logic is more people equals more storms. Well that was when it had sixty thousand people in it, and it was bigger than this. Now there's six hundred thousand on the Gold Coast. But again, to give you an idea of the map from Bunderberg in the north to Coffs Harbor in the south, that's how much rain is up and down.

People take it in their stride.

But yeah, I mean again, end of days not the case invented because of the multiple industrial revolutions and eight million people on the planet. Well, we'll wait for the ABC to do an hour on that later in the.

Day, which I'm sure they will.

Paul Murray, thanks so much for standing out there in the rain to chat to us on outside. Is always great to see you mate, and I'm glad to see pauls survived a night on the Gold Coast, not for the first time palls on the Gold Coast.

It's a spiritual home, the Gold Coast, right the Gold Coast. And yes, ever a town was created for a mate. The Gold Coast was created for Paul Murray.

Fantastic great to have Paul there.

The Allegraspender has now jumped up. Now I count this as you will recall, if you're a regular viewer of Outsiders, which of course you are. Allegra Spender wrote this letter, which I've kept a copy of, back in February's last year, that's over a year ago, urging Penny Wong that if she couldn't find any other aid AIDS outfits, which there aren't any others, to give money, more of your taxpayer money to hamas Ana to Anwha basically anwah, which we now know is linked very closely to a mass And we warnt on this show so many times.

Before that event, long before that event.

That there were too many links between hamas and Anha for people to not treat it like kryptonite basically. Yet Allegraspender was happy to see your taxpayer dollars go to Anwa in that instance, She's a.

She's now had to.

Turn around Rita Reata, our teal representative for today, who can tell us that Allegra has decided, oh, could there be an election? And it's in a Jewish electorre?

Do you think these two things might might be a play?

She may have.

Pulled this just at the local coffee shops and found that to be wildly unpopular, and suddenly she's realized perhaps, and I think over millions of dollars of Australian taxpayer money to a body that has been largely connected over years, and you've been talking about it more than anybody on this program. It wasn't just October twenty three when this issue came to the floor, but when it actually mattered she signed the letter.

It's all well and good. Now a year later, I just say, oh, well.

Yeah, maybe I was on the road. No, when it actually matted, you were every other idiot teal calling for more funding for AUNWA. So yeah, I'm glad that you've seen the light now, But too little, too late.

And the way she's tried to rewrite history. She says, when I signed that original letter, I had my reservations. I've had for reservations and it's I'm only going to terraces. Then you just say no.

But anyway, that's her attempt at least. Meanwhile, Donald Trump has come out.

And said again again, but there will be hell to pay unless all the hostages are released. What was truly heartbreaking was to hear the stories from some of those hostages who have been released. A young girl, it's absolutely devastating story. She spoke about the horror of her four hundred plus days as a victim of her mask. And what was intriguing Rita, although possibly not at all surprising, is she said that not a single not a single Gazan civilian at any point during that four hundred plus days showed any sympathy or empathy towards her, not even a little smile, not even a woman coming up and saying it'll be okay, not a friendly gesture, not a little no, no.

It's going to be.

You know, I've got nothing, nothing, Not one single Ghazan civilian in that civilian in that entire time treated her with any humanity whatsoever. Now, Donald Trump then reiterated this after having spoken to the male hostages as well.

Have a listen to Donald Trump.

Did what happened how was it, I said, did you see anybody in there that was kind? Like out of the hundreds of people that you were seeing hummas, did some of them wink at you and say, don't worry, you're going to be okay, or give you a piece of bread or no? I said, were there any people that were like kind?

I was shocked. Nobody.

There was nobody, just the opposite. It'd be slapped and punched. One man broke his ribs. He couldn't breathe for a month. It was brutal. I was so surprised. Could you think there'd be a couple of people that would be kind, that would say you're going to be okay? But they had none of That's pretty amazing.

And yet, James, unlike any other country in the world, we are importing three thousand guards and civilians into.

This country, which is absolutely unbelievable. You said, you know, it's shocking that no Garzans showed sympathy. But Ronan, it's not that shocking. You look at their education system. They are indoctrinated from a very young age to hate Jews and to aspire to martyrrism.

We know in October seven it.

Was Garzens who gave intel to her must because Garzens had been allowed to work in some of those kibbutz areas, and so they gave intel. When the hostages came back to Gaza, crowds swarmed those jeeps holding the hostages, celebrating, and we've seen the hostage release theater productions.

I think the Jews Jewish bodies in Australia should be suing the Albanesi government for failure of duty of care and putting Jews at reckless danger in this country. Tony Berg, Pennywong, alban EESI, you stand condemned because it is unacceptable what you are doing unacceptable.

And on Trump, as always, you look at what his objectives are and what the strategy is, not just how they melt down, because the retrick is on what you expect, which conservative commentators continue to do. I don't know how many times this needs to happen for them to sort of catch on that there is a strategy behind this, and we've seen that even when the Middle East, of course, he came out and said, you know, we're taking over Gaza, We're just going to rebuild it. Everyone's moving out, and that was to motivate the Arab States to do more, and now they have pledged the Arab States to devote more than fifty billion to rebuilding Gaza with the Ghazans there. I think the Trump administration said, not good enough, come back with more. But you can see how that's moving. And we see this over and over again. We've seen it with the entire Ukraine Russian peace still and the way Zelenski has had to do a fairly dramatic one eighty because.

It's time for peace.

The American people aren't going to fund this war, and there's no need for the for the people to continue to die in an unwinnable war.

So it just still shocks me. Rowan.

That's so often even people who are normally fairly sober analysts are not seeing.

Trunt arrangement syndrome. We know what it is. We're going to take a short break and we'll carry on more with this with a reader's reality check in a.

Tick you're watching outside as with your host rowand beds up burning, Dean James, Short Memory McPherson and I'm Rita Pana here and soon we'll be delving into the wacky world of far left lunacy. Afflicting academia and talking about far left lunacy.

Let's take a minute.

To marvel at the utter nasty idiocy former Midnight Oil frontman Peter Garrett.

Who launched into an ugly hate field.

Die tribe against Australia's most successful businesswoman, most successful business person, Jenna Reinhardt during last week's Perth Festival. The man Kevin Rudd, elevated to the position of Environment Minister, urged the audience to and I quote, pretend they're dancing on Gena Reinhart's grave. What a despicable performance from a has been against a woman whose contribution to this country dwarfs his meager output.

Wishing death on a woman.

Who employs thousands of Australians, pays more tax than any other Australian and is a generous supporter of numerous charitable causes is not just hateful, I would argue it's misogynistic because bitter Garrett did not ask people to imagine they were dancing on Togi Forest's grave, or Clive Palmer or a number of other male billionaire mining figures.

He saved his bile for the.

Woman who took a struggling business beset by all sorts of serious financial issues and transformed it into a goliath that explords record amounts of iron ore and is one of the country's biggest corporate tax payers. Last financial year contributed more than three point eight billion in federal and state taxes.

What did Peter Garrett do last year.

Other than being a sanctimonious global warming hysteric wishing death on a successful woman. Really, I mean, I do wonder where the sisterhood is in all this? Where is the sisterhood who see misogyny everywhere? They see it when Tony Abbott looks at his watch, but they say nothing after these ugly comments. Even West Australia's Labor Premier, Roger Cook, even he was quick to slam Garrett, noting his comments were disrespectful and sowing the seeds of hatred. The truth is Gena Reinhard would be a hero amongst feminists, a hero amongst the media, an activist.

Class if she were just any sort.

Of garden variety lefty virtue singling lefty. But because she actually speaks common sense, because she advocates for policies that would benefit ordinary Australians.

Not the point Piper.

Tuak set Well, she's attacked and she's maligned, and the media and activist class also given no credit for the enormous generosity the many causes she supports, often without fanfare, from backing athletes to the astonishing work of her foundation in Cambodia and helping impoverished girls, providing them with a safe home and education the means to break the cycles of extreme poverty. That's the sort of real, meaningful action feminists say they want to see, but when it comes from a conservative woman, they ignore it, or worse, they criticize it. As for that prancing clown Peter Garrett, the man who gave Australia the Pink Bats catastrophe, Well, his output at the Perth Festival wasn't limited to his comments about the country's most accomplished woman. He also ranted about President Donald Trump. Surprise, surprise, and launch into this Greta Thumberg style doomsayerrand.

Now when I see the CEO, the Texan born CEO of Woodside start to gaslight the people of Western Australia by suggesting that if you don't support and if politicians don't support a carbon bomb on the Northwest Shelf, as the oceans are heating up and ninglu roofs going under the scot reef.

Is jet jeopardized By saying that, well, in that case, you're going to have more coal.

I realized two things.

One, these people have no shame whatsoever.

And secondly, they're wrong, and they add the spirit and the full sighted this and the faith.

In the future that people really have but will have to fight like hell to secure.

Dear, imagine paying good money to watch some geriatric rocker built out a couple of old favorites from the eighties and having to listen to that. I mean, I would be ropable. Now, I do want to make it clear before the usual lefties get all agitated, that I don't wish to ban Peter Garrett from saying what he did. Indeed, I think it's best we allow people to show us who they really are. And Peter Garrett is free to make his hateful comments and we're free to call him a national embarrassment.

Isn't free speech?

Swell? Great?

Thanks Ritza well joining us now is the independent candidate for mcmon, Matt canon Zuli. Now McMahon, does that ring a bell? Yes, that's the electorate where Chris Bonne is currently the member. Now, Matt, you've taken on the godly mission to riv Australian politics of Chris Bowen.

It's fantastic.

You're out there, You've got your supporters there, you're out.

On the streets of McMahon.

Now, so tell us can you actually unseat Bowen?

And why would you do that? Tell us, Matt, We.

Well, we absolutely can rowan and I believe we must because Australia is right here on the precipice of absolute energy poverty and we've got all sorts of problems going on in the.

Pacific region right now.

So I feel that we must do everything that we can to get Chris out of Parliament.

Well, we should be a resource is superpower. The resources are superpower in the world. But they want us to be the renewables superpower. How's that going to work for the country because so far it's resulting in record bills and unreliable supply.

Well, look, this is absolutely right.

The problem one that we have is in a place like McMahon, the seat that I grew up in, people are struggling right now to pay for their groceries, to pay for food, to pay for the basics to just get by, and you've got Chris running around trying to sell these fanciful energy systems that clearly aren't working. Everything's costing us too much. The power bills are going up and up and up and up. While he's making videos and putting them up online of him trying to sell you surfboards made out of windmill parts, and the people in McMahon have to carry about three tolls just to get to the beach. Part that on top of all of the other costs that we're trying to carry right, So here he is trying to sell you surfboards and not worrying about what's going on in his home electric and.

People are suffering. It's really hard.

James Matt, I'm keen to know what sort of response you're getting from locals there. I mean, it's a labor held seat since twenty ten when it was established. I think Chris Bowen's got like a nine point five percent margin. So you've taken on a big task and you're getting much local support.

The support is unbelievable.

The thing that I've learned here is that people just want an alternative, They just want something different, They want common sense. They want a common sense approach to everything, and what we're getting with Chris is someone who isn't listening. And I don't think the Albanezi government does listen. I think Labor has very much walked away from its base, from its core values and the things that it used to.

Really hold deer and believe in.

And now what we've got is nobody's really listening to the people of mcmart So we're here to listen to the people of mcmht and I'm prepared to give that representation.

I'm here. I'm prepared to leave my good life.

You know, I'm not a billionaire, and we're fighting billionaires here.

We're fighting the big end of town.

The big unions, the big super funds, all these people, they're all here, and they're all back in Chris, and I'm waiting for the red bus to rock up. We've already started to see signs of it. He's responding and we can do it, though, I've got to impress on you we can do it. We need help, we need more support, we need volunteers, and we really need more money. We've deployed a huge amount of capital, but there's more to be done.

We really need to get certain moving.

So Matt, you're running as an independent, you were in the Liberal Party before you decided to run as an independent. How big an issue is immigration in these in the Western City and also what suburbs specifically? Should people be aware that you are running in their area for.


Absolutely, Look, I think what you'll find on the first issue is that everybody knows that it's time for a sensible conversation on immigration. Everybody knows that we right now don't have enough housing. We have a major problem. We've got a housing shortage. Builders are going broke and we've got a housing shortage. Such is how Beneze is incompetence, and everybody knows. Everybody knows that when you have a fire, when you.

Try and put it out with eeterral, it just gets worse.

So we we all know, and I do think you'll find that the majority of people in suburbs like Gray Staines, like Pemaway, Minchionbury, Erskine Park, Sinclair. We're in Erska Park right now, Sinclair, Porsley Park, you know, Mount Vernon, Fairfield West, Fairfield, Undell Park.

There are a few other Smithfield you know, Wetherell Park. There are a number of suburbs that are that.

Are served by Chris or not served by Chris Boning Sea and yeah, look we all know, we all know we're getting the raw end of the stick here Western Sydney. You know, everything everything west of Parramatta really is asked to shoulder the burden of all of the bad ideas that the Labor government has and be the you know, the main whipping post almost completely ignored the forgotten people. You know, we're back to that and that's I suppose why, you know, for me, I'd like to see, you know, some common sense and we're just not seeing it.

And RETA well, now I was just gonna say, I will well, it's a little bit selfish, but I do hope that Chris Bowen stays in public life because I don't think there is an Australian politician who provides me with greater content than Chris Bowen.

He is pure selfishly, Matt, when you win the seat, you've got to promise every week you'll have something for retion to get on our show. Because Chris Bowen provides you can. You can't compete promise but but but on a serious note there, you've got some support there, some horns going in the background there. What are the political threats to Bowen as yourself?

What about this Muslim vote? Is that an issue out in the western suburbs?

Well, it is in some of the seats. McMahon is a different sort of seat, I suppose to some of the surrounding seats. I think it's got more borders than any of the other seats in Sydney, and some of those borders certainly will will have a big, a big sort.

Of Muslim vote presence.

But certainly McMahon we haven't seen and was the votes candidate where I think you'll find that that you know, it's very much the.

Character of old Sydney.

McMahon just wants to be listened to, wants to be heard and wants to be represented by.

People that understand that, you know, we are really going down the wrong path.

And so for us here it's more about a government that understands that people want aspirational opportunity. We want that hope, we want that reward, we want that opportunity.

People are prepared to do the work.

People just want a government that's listening to them and.

Presumably presumably the small business people out in the western suburbs would like jobs. You put on Twitter this week, Matt, the fact that the Treasury, the Federal Treasury.

Has confirmed and you played the actual clip. It was very good.

Eighty three percent of the jobs created by this Alban Easy Bowen Charmer's government eighty three percent. Eighty three percent are non market jobs, in other words, public servants, NGOs, things like that, and they're not real jobs going to real small businesses.

And this has got to be crucial in an electric like yours. Correct.

I think that's exactly right now.

The problem that we've got here in places like McMahon and some of the surrounding areas is that a lot of these government jobs are benefiting people and some of these. The even more insidious element to this is really the fact that some of these are government contractor based jobs. So you've got these contracting companies that the government gives business to, or you've got these third party associations the government gives business to. And these people that operate these sorts of businesses, they aren't in places like McMahon. Their homes ring the harbor. They're the big end of town, and they love this.

They love it, but it's a circular. It's a big circle.

The economy doesn't work when the government's borrowing money. It's like you borrowing money to pay you'll give it to your neighbors so they may pay their mortgage with it, possibly, but you're borrowing money to do it. It's unsustainable. It's entirely unsustainable. It's not even coming out of our taxes anymore. They're borrowing this money, and they're strapping our children with debt into probably their children as well.

It's crazy. It's just not going to work.

Matt Canon's early. Good luck.

They're in McMahon out in Western So get all you guys behind us to give us a big gooday and well you'll make sure that everyone Western Sydney sees that.

There go, guys and girls.

All the best, Thanks Matt, and good luck in the forthcoming federal election.

Thanks after the break.

We've got net zany, we've got lefty lunacy, we've got whacademia. So much coming up here on outside is in a tack. Yes, it's instant karma time. Poor old President of South Africa Cyril Rama Posa decided he could take on Donald true I'm going to dismiss him.

Have a look, must leave us alone.

You must leave us alone.

He said that you're going to cut in from South Africa.

Well, you plan to cut aid across other African nations and white only South Africa.

We are committed to having a good relationship with the United States, and we do relate to them in a number in a number of ways. And what has ensued now with the Secretary of State not attending.

I'll bet you do break your turn.

Whoa, here we go.

So good to say a world later, the leader of the free world. Actually do some stuff, exactly do stuff in general. But South Africa this it's like that you try to become Zimbabwe. They've seen what's happened there, the disaster and said yes, we'll have some of that police.

It's disgusting what's going on on.

They are persecuting that, the bors, the white Africanas. They We've had some idiot in the Congress Order of Parliament the other day saying that they were going to confiscate all their property.

It's South Africa.

Plan, which is what Donald Trump was pointing out of confiscating land from farmers without compensation. So this is what's being discussed, and that's why Trump administration has reacted and has said, you're not.

We're not giving you any more funding.

We're not giving you our taxpayer dollars to institute these racist, destructive policies.

And good on him. Where's our government?

Why isn't our government taking a standally?

We've got genuine racism, you've got deaths, you've got a government persecuting a racial minority. And here in Australia we're not taking in any of the bors, any of the farmers.

It's a joke.

And don't forget you've also got South Africa pursuing Israel and the International Criminal Court not to support them.

Now, let's go to some net zany, the crazy, insane, wacky world of net zero policies supported by both sides of both major parties in this country reata which I find it disturbing.

But anyway, Adam Band.

And Zalie Steggles and the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese were all blaming the storm, which we just showed. Paul Murray is up there in Brisbane. That storm is all crimate change and they're all running around. Last week, have a listened to a couple of these people desperate to blame climate change to make some justification out of their miserable communist philosophy.

Have to listen because we know from scientists overwhelmingly around the world that all weather events are being exacerbated.

So you look at the LA fires CSR. I didn't say that those are closed.

But that might be cyclones. We know bushfires, floods, droughts. We know everything is being exacipated. Experts talk about it in terms of climate whiplash events where you go from extremes, and the meaning of extremes is that the impacts will be greater when they hit.

What we know, the science tells us.

That there would be more extreme weather events, they would be more frequent, and they'd be more intense. I than anyone who looks at the science knows that that is what is occurring. I take climate change seriously, and my government takes climate change seriously.

Wiglash, climate whiplash.

WHOA, I'm feeling the climate whiplash.

It's extreme.

I love how you call it steglessly call a stagles.

It reminds me of the.

Nip of.

The Climate Council says the number of tropical cyclones is talk about cyclones and a cyclone they did about extreme weather events.

You know what, Yeah, because that's the way they stopped calling at global warming, because we're.

Having too much cool.

CIM think about in band he put out a tweet about the cyclone before the cyclone hits, calling it a disaster before it had even occurred, and then said my thoughts.

And then of course the queen kitties hear all this.

The school kidd is here all this, and they go to school, you know, they're not up in Queensland, most of them, and they go, oh, there was more climate change in Queenslands.

Unbelievable. But I love this little clip which was just.

Highly amusing where someone tracked the path of the cyclone as it kind of wandered around.

Someone said that you should.

Have been called cyclone Elbow because it was kind of wandering aimlessly around.

The place before knowing what to do. Look, it's Reagan.

It follows the exact path of Reagan the Breakdancer.

Yes, Gun, Reygun, it follows the same.

You know, the sygling was going to be called Cyclone Anthony.

That was the next light name in line. But they changed policy.

They've promised a lot and delivered.

You know, you know what, of course we don't want the tropical cyclone to.

Be We don't want to hurt anybody and we don't want to do that absolutely. Meanwhile, Tanya Plibersak, who's obviously keen to be the next leader of the Labor Party after Albo loses the election, which is going to do in a few weeks time, thank goodness, she'll be the leader after that. Anyway, she's running around busily building new wind farms, because what we really need here is more wind farms to kill as many birds and bats as we possibly can. Three new New South Wales wind farms.


Yeah, what I don't understand here, Rowan, is you're going to build wind farms which will kill Koala's bats, birds.

That's okay.

But if you've got a gold mine which might interrup a mythical indigenous creature, then that is not okay.

So explain that to me.

When you're not suggesting hypocrisy on the left, are you sanity?

Row And it's insanity.

It is well beyond hypocrisy. We've entered the.

Lunar twilight zone and I.

Can't explain it, but I can tell you that thirty forty years from now, grandchildren will be looking back and going, what sort of crazy combination of drugs where these people are How do we have this mass psychosis where they made these sorts of decisions.

Yeah, absolutely insane.

After the break, I'll be chatting, among other things, about how Trump is defunding Columbia University by four hundred million dollars because it failed.

To tackle anti semitism.

In a tick, Hello, you're watching Outsiders with retail Fight Fight Fight, Panahee James, They're eaten the cats, They're written the dogs McPherson and myself Rowan make Australia great again, Dean. This week saw Donald Trump deliver what was in effect a State of the Union addressed both Houses of Congress. It's absolutely masterful, and at one hour and forty minutes, it was one of the longest speeches of its kind, which is even more remarkable given that Donald Trump has only been in.

The Oval office for six weeks.

Yet in that time, as he himself acknowledged, his administration has achieved more than most presidents achieve in one or even two terms.

And to my fellow citizens, America is back.

Yes, Trump certainly knows how to lay it on thick, and he didn't hold back. The contrast, of course, with Australia could not be stronger under Anthony Albanesi. National confidence has all but disappeared as anti Semitism.

Runs ramped across the land.

Social cohesion has been ripped ASA under and thanks to woke it Is City and woke education, we chastise ourselves over our colonial past, a glorious past, i might add, and one which we should all Indigenous and non Indigenous Australians take great pride in.

But back to Trump's speech, there were objections from the.

Democrats, including persistent interjections from Congressman al Green, forcing Speaker Mike Johnson to interject and then to expel him from the chamber.

Finding that members continue to engage in wilful and concerned, disrupted or proper decorum. The Chair now directs a startant at arms to restore order.

Remove this gentleman from the chamber.

Later on, when asked in an interview why he'd been turfed out by the sergeant at arms, al Green went on to blame you guessed it racism.

There is invidious discrimination in the House of Representatives and when the speaker decided that I would be removed, and then there was this motion, this resolution to censor me. It became obvious to me that I was not being treated as others were, and candidly speaking, it is invidious discrimination, harmful discrimination.

Invidious discrimination.

Yes, astonishingly, al Green, who was shouting and waving his cane around, was not treated like everybody else in the chamber who weren't ranting and waving their canes around.

That's discrimination and racism right there. But back to the speech.

I have signed nearly one hundred executive orders and taken more than four high hundred executive actions a record to restore common sense, safety, optimism, and wealth all across our wonderful land. The people elected me to do the job, and I'm doing it again.

The contrast with Albanese and Co. Could not be starker. Albo and Bowen had only one job.

They'd promised to drive down by two hundred and seventy five dollars electricity prices, and all they'd managed to do is drive them up and up, and then they've tried to compensate by throwing money at it.

Joke. Trump.

On the other hand, one office promising to close the southern border and now only six weeks into his term in office.

As a result, illegal border crossings last month were by far the lowest ever recorded ever.

During his speech, Trump blamed Biden and the Democrats several times for the mess he had inherited and has been voted in to fix up.

In comparison, under Joe Biden, the worst president in American history, there were hundreds of thousands of illegal crossings a month, and virtually all of them, including murderers, drug dealers, gang members, and people from mental institutions and insane asylums, were released into our country.

Who would want to do that?


Indeed mad crazy left wingers of course, which of course only made the already miserable Democrats there even more miserable.

So Trump stucked the boot in, and.

Once again I look at the Democrats in front of me, and I realized, there is absolutely nothing I can say to make them happy, or to make them stand or smile or applaud Nothing I can do.

Trump went on to say that he could cure the world's most devastating disease, and still the Dens would simply sit on their hands and refuse to clap, which is exactly what happened.

And these people sitting right here will not clap, will not stand, and certainly will not hear for these astronomical achievements. They won't do it no matter what.

Trump, of course, had several amazing individuals attend the speech, told their stories of heroism or suffering or both, and then standing up to be honored, as is now de riguer in all States of the Union speeches from both sides of politics, and has been since Ronald Reagan first started the custom back in the eighties. Yes, still, even with all of that, the Democrats sat mutes and the public noticed.

You couldn't pay me to be liberal again, you couldn't do it.

After watching that speech, I am convinced that Democrats hate America the way that they didn't stand for Lake and Riley's mother, the way that they didn't stand for that little boy who has brain cancer, the way that they didn't stand for that young man who got accepted into West Point.

Are you are you with me on this?

The way that they hate America?

Yes, it's dawning on sensible, common sense people throughout the United States at the left hate our way of life.

The Democrats sat.

There holding up their silly little auctioneers paddles that said things.

Like foals and musk steals.

Insteadfastly refused to applaud or even smile at anything for one hour and forty minutes. That in itself has now become a political story because, of course, it highlights the parlors state of the modern left in America and by extension throughout the West and here. Yes, the modern left quite literally stand for nothing.

And I have.

Stopped all government censorship and brought back free speech in America's back.

It was much much more within Donald Trump's speech, some great moments of humor and national pride, individual achievements as we mentioned before. Still the Democrats sat on their hands and refused to applaud, even as Donald Trump taunted them.

More so, Democrats sitting before me for just this one night, why not join us and celebrating so many incredible.

Wins for America, for the good of our nation.

Let's work together, and let's truly make America great again.

We would be here all day if I took you through Donald Trump's achievements and the achievements of his administration, which are just extraordinary, any one of which would be a political earthquake if attempted by our timid conservative politicians.

I terminated the ridiculous green news scam. I withdrew from the unfair Paris Climate Accord, which was costing US trillions of dollars.

I withdrew from the corrupt World.

Health Organization, and I also withdrew from the anti American UN Human Rights Council. We ended all of Biden's environmental restrictions that were making our country far less safe and totally unaffordable. And importantly, we ended the last administrations insane electric vehicle mandate, saving our auto workers and companies from economic destruction.

You have to ask yourself, if America saves billions of dollars of textped dollars by scrapping all these insane climate measures, how much of both the Coalition and Labor governments impoverished every single one of you and us here, single Australian citizen by relentlessly pursuing all these same idiotic net zero policies.

Duane shacko our economy. I have directed that for every one new regulation, ten old regulations must be eliminated.

Indeed, and here it is even worse.

We have red tape, we have green tape, and now we have black tape where the woggle rainbow serpent gets to determine if you can concrete a weir or whatever on your own farm. But Trump was only just warming up, and suffice to say, he carried on listing his achievements, many of them in the so called culture wars that our politicians are so terrified to touch.

We've ended weaponized government, where as, an example, a sitting president is allowed to viciously prosecute his political opponent like me.

How did that work out.

We've ended the tyranny of so called diversity and inclusion policies all across the entire federal government and indeed the private sector at our military and our country will be work no longer. We have removed the poison of critical race theory from our public schools, and I signed in order making it the official policy of the United States government that there are.

Only two genders, male and female.

I also signed an executive order to ben men from playing in women's sports.

Trump also pointed out that he had renamed Mount McKinley Mount McKinley. Imagine if we had a leader brave enough to say, and I've renamed Doo LaRue airs rock and you can climb it too. And what is the lesson out of all this? This is how you feet the modern left. For decades now, the modern Left have marched through our institutions, corrupted our youth, shredded and stomped all over our values and our traditions, and done it all by terrorizing people who questioned them with censorship, cancel culture, and the sneering, pious, fake morality of the woke left, where they have turned common sense on its head so that so much so that so many people, particularly the young, have ended up confused and anxious, terrified the world is going to end. Cyclones are going to destroy us bushfires because of fighting cows and plastic straws desperate to adhere to the fake values and creeds of the modern communists because that's what they are. Trump listed all the insane, wasteful programs that Elon Musk and Doge are dismantling, including the millions going on obscure and weird LGBT WhatsApp projects around the world, and even on.

Transgender mind Yes, you defeat the left by laughing at them.

You defeat the left by exposing their inanity at every level, and you defeat the left by denigrating and then defunding them, not by pandering to them. Since that speech, Trump has gone on to remove federal funding of four hundred million dollars from Columbia University because of the disgusting antisemitism, the disgusting jew hatred that that university permitted on their campuses all during last year, terrorizing.

Their own Jewish students.

I believe the Coalition government should do exactly the same to Sydney UNI, to Melbourne and to all the Australian campuses that were just as bad. But ultimately, what we were left with is a president, the leader of the free world, that finally has a great sense of humor.

Twenty five million dollars for diversity, equity and inclusion scholarships in Burma, forty million dollars to improve the social and economic inclusion of sedentary migrants.

Nobody knows what that is.

The media and our friends in the Democrat Party kept saying we needed new legislation, we must have legislation to secure the border. But it turned out that all we really needed was a new president.

And that's what we need here in Australia, folks, A new prime minister determined to dismantle a left in all its hideous manifestations, and we.

Need it urgently.

Let's cross now to London, joining us as former Reform UK candidate Maran Central, Nathan Myron. Great to see you as always. Wow, so many things happening in London at the moment. You've got some idiot climbing up Big Ben or Westminster Palace waving a Palestinian flag.

There we go, we can see him up there.

Now we've got all sorts of something which disturbed me, I have to say incredibly, which was the way King Charles seems to be pandering to the Muslim community.

Above all others.

Myron, How fractured is British society at the moment between I guess the Muslim community and the non Muslim community.

Yeah, well you good to be with you. But you brought up King Charles, and it's interesting. It highlights a really important thing that's going on between Islam and Christianity. The monarch is traditionally the defender of the faith, and that faith is Christianity.

But King Charles kind of evolved that.

Statement that term to defenders of the faith's plural meaning all faiths, but I think he doesn't really understand the theology. I mean, Islam believes that Christ is merely a prophet and not a divine incarnation, and to think of Christ as a divine incarnation, which is the centerpiece of Christianity, is blasphemy. And unless you're a liberal Muslim, quite an open minded Muslim, for most Muslims, it's a blasphemy. So I don't think King Charles understands the theological confrontation and conflict between Christianity and Islam. And I think what's happened is Islam and Christianity religion in general has been racialized. And what I mean by that is Islam is seen by the liberal elite in particular as being the religion of brown people, and Christianity in return, is seen as the religion of white people. Now we all know that religion. Sorry, the left doesn't really have principles. What they have is a hierarchy of minorities, and at the top of that hierarchy.

Is the brown man. And so therefore Islam.

What we're seeing is Islam being getting special privileges and Christianity effectively been sidelined.

And that's what we saw with King Charles.

We saw him packing dates into for the IF celebrations for ending Ramadan. We saw him having a prayer session at Windsor Castle, but at the same time not a single mention about ash Wednesday, about Lent, about Christianity in general. We have Kirs Starmer, our Prime Minister, who addresses a whole Muslim congregation saying that this Ramadan time is particularly difficult for you because of what's going on in Gaza, but at the same time not mentioning anything about Christianity or indeed the slaughter of Christians across the world. And so there is a two tier religious system that seems to be going on. And it's quite sad to see that Christianity in the Church of England, which should be really the kind of strength and the backbone of a nation, has actually been sidelined and almost rushed under the carpet because it's fashionable. Its diversity is our strength to promote Islam and Muslims in general.

Brita oh Kis Starmer's had quite the week, though he got enormous praise for his brave speech talking about boots on the ground in Ukraine and how the UK was going to step in, but literally within fifteen seconds of boots on the ground, he mentioned all of that would need US support, something we know the US is not in any way interested in participating in.

So take me through the week.

It started off with his alliance amongst the European nations, but then it seems like we've gone back to Zelenski sitting down with Donald Trump and negotiating the peace still he should have completed a week ago.

Yeah, look, Trump's domestic policies. I'm a big fan of Trump's domestic policies. I think there are some concerns, some serious concerns about his foreign policy. But however, in Britain in general, we're having media commentators almost having a meltdown, enraged at the isolationism that Trump seems to be introducing for America and what it's doing. What it's done really is exposed how pathetic and how weak Britain and the European nation states are. We are like children tugging at the skirt of America pretending to be big men and women on the world stage. And you saw Kis Starmer trying to fill that vacuum on the international stage, saying we'll put boots on the ground. But as soon as he said that, the German chancellor at the time kind of slapped him down, said We're not going to put boots.

On the ground, and then he says we American backstop. And I think all.

Of this is just it's just they could cause it the coalition of the willing, but it's actually the coalition of the deluded because the leaders who just simply refused to accept early on that it's Trump. It's all about Trump, whether you like him or loathe him. At this stage, it's all about Trump. As he said to Zelenski, he holds all the cards, whether you like it or not.

And I think the rage.

Of citizens in Britain across Europe should actually be termed not on Trump, but on our own leaders, because they have made us weak over successive decades.

Massi immigration.

If you have people coming in from all around the world, they're not going to have an allegiance to your country and fight for you. If you follow net zero policies, you're going to be industrialize, You're not going to make primary steel, which is essential for a military. If you're educating your own citizens to hate their country because we're colonial masters and slave owners, they're not going to fight for your country.

If they're spending billions on.

Welfare and social security, of course you're not going to be able to put that money into a military. And so we have become weak in Britain and across Europe and we are now waking up to that. The Maga movement, the silver lining of the Mega movement is that it is going to make Europe great again by force. And that's what we're seeing panicking and eight hundred billion pound budget that Ursen of Underland has trying and.

Put together to try and invest.

In military to try and make us actually credible on the world stage instead of just grand standing on the world stage.


You've raised the issue of social cohesion, an issue we've got here in Australia. Back to King Charles again, he's been trying to bring a pet of unity between Muslim groups and Jewish groups there in the UK, but that's been scuttled because Muslim groups are refusing to sign this into faith pet, accusing the Chief Rabbi of Britain of being a Zionist.

Islam is a spectrum. I want to really kind of pick this apart. So Islam is the Kuran, the Hadif, and the bigraphers of the Prophet. But you have a liberal version of Islam, which is open and diverse and sees the non Muslim and the Jews as completely as legitimate as themselves. However, as you move along that spectrum, you get more and more conservative, and the non Muslim becomes sometimes seen as lesser, even dehumanized, and are particularly the jew as well. And so this is in grained almost as I said before, even theologically, if you look back to the Hadith, there are incidences of the Prophet having real conflicts with the Jewish tribes, you know, culling a whole Jewish.

Tribe as well.

And so this is baked into the theology in.

The mindset of many Muslims.

Even Mehdi Hassan, our good friend Mehdi Hassan wrote many years ago in The New Statesman about how anti Semitism is the dirty secret of Islam, and he made a whole article where he actually honestly mapped out that it is actually ingrained in the Muslim psyche. Unless you're in a liberal Muslim who is very open, has a very open interpretation, it is often the case that you're not going to have. You're not going to jump on board with Israel. Certainly you're not going to form pats with with with the Jewish community. And so King Charles doesn't Again, he doesn't understand these tensions, but wants to be the kind of umbrella, virtuous defender of the faiths.

And it's always going to backfire.

And Myron, just quickly before we go, Sadik Khan, the Muslim mayor of London, seems to be inciting riots or protests or whatever, certainly inciting action against Donald Trump. Is this the way for a mayor of a major global city to behave.


Sadik Khan had. He runs his whole campaign and his whole political career based on identity politics, and so Trump coming to London on a state visit is a massive opportunity for him to shine. It's a massive opportunity to show that he to bring up identity politics, to paint him as a fascist, as a far right racist, so that he can shine. He has no other policies, He has nothing to offer about the terrible crime that's going on and the breakdown of society in London.

He doesn't care about that.

Wherever there's a chance for identity politics to be thrust to the surface. He takes it and that's his entire political career in a nutshell him. This is a massive opportunity and he's seizing it as best he can by inciting Londoners to step up and protest and cause a scene, and he wants to be the champion of that behind the scenes or in fact in front of the scenes.

Very strange and dark days for a Britain ahead. Myron Central, Nathan, always great to chat to you. A fantastic insights as always. Thank you so much, mate, and thank you for staying up to be here on Outsiders as always.

That's Myron Central Nathan, isn't he brilliant coming up after the break? Lots more here on Outsiders in a tick.

Welcome back to Outsiders with Rowan Dean, Rita Pennahee and myself James McPherson. Well, just when you thought no one could possibly be worse than Justin Trudeau, along comes Christia Freeland. Canada's former deputy prime minister, is running to replace Trudeau as governor of America's fifty first state. I'll let her explain why.

A few weeks ago in Saskatoon, a four year old girl named Ari. She asked me, can you stop Trump from invading Canada? Ari is a smart girl, and she's asking the right question. I'm running to be leader of the Liberal Party and the next Prime Minister of Canada.

A four year old's always worrying about geopolitics. It actually reminds me of the time my three year old struck up a conversation with me about how Dostevski's crime and punishment profoundly affected his view of KINDI what I find strange is that Freeland's imagined toddler didn't ask about her government freezing Trucker's bank accounts during the pandemic. Maybe the kid had to go poop, or perhaps the four year old only started talking politics after realizing the former Deputy PM was never going to be any good at playing dolls. Enable as anyone in the Canadian Liberal Party is to distinguish between Ken and Barbie, I will.

Never apologize for standing up for an LGDP, LBG, LGBTQ two plush kids rate.

Christina Freeland's story of inspiration from a four year old is a lie, as anyone who's ever met the four year old will tell you.

But just imagine for a moment that.

It's true Christia Freeland, aged fifty six, wants to be Prime Minister of Canada. And why will a four year old pulled Freeland aside to express her deep existential dread that Trump would invade Canada. That was when Freeland knew things were serious. And it makes sense when a toddler is more concerned about Trump knuk in Canada than about, say, more juice or nap time. Will you simply have to pay attention. You might want to consider, however, that four year olds still believe in Santa and the two theory, and as it appears, the Canadian Liberal Party. May I suggest that if your strongest argument for attaining high office is that you have a toddler giving you foreign policy advice, I want to rethink your entire campaign, or at least run it by a couple of five year olds. First, Freeland continued.

Trump is posing the gravest challenge our country has faced since the Second World War.

Literally nobody believes this. Well, okay, maybe a four year old would believe that. If a four year old knew who Trump was or what the Second World War was, Freeland warned.

This time Trump's threats are even worse. He wants to make us the fifty first state. Trump is unleashed and empowered.

Now Trump's Russian Ukraine negotiations suddenly makes sense. He's trying to establish a precedent in Europe for the invasion of Canada. But four year olds throughout Ottawa can resume their figure painting. Freeland is on the job.

I will fight for you, I will fight for Canada, and together we will win.

Honestly, if Freeland is elected PM by her party later today, Trump won't need to invade Canadians will be begging him to take over. But Freeland didn't stop there. She has said that as Prime Minister, she would seek greater ties with the UK and France, whose nuclear weapons could protect Canada from Donald Trump.

That's right, She's proposing.

That Canada create a nuclear defense against America.

I would be sure that France and Britain were there who possess nuclear weapons, and I would be working urgently with those partners to build a closer security relationship that guarantees our security in a time when the United States can be.

A three Just incredible.

Freeland is a bigger ac job than Trudeau and that's saying something.

Speaking of the boy.

Governor, Justin Trudeau was on the verge of tears at the weekend when he spoke before one of his final engagements as leader.

Bull's backs, and that's why I'm here to tell you all that we got you, even in the very last days of this government. We will not let Canadians down today and long into the future.

The only person crying for Trudeau is Trudeau. But if his deputy, Christina Freeland is chosen to replace him when the ruling Liberal Party vote later today, well Canadians may end up missing Trudeau. Wouldn't that be a remarkable thing?


James Athough I was confused Justin Trudeau. I thought his name was Justin Castro. But anyway, that's just me joining us naskuy who's contributed. Roco Layercano from Western Australia. Where Rocco, you've still got Roger cooking power? What you promised me you'd get rid of him?

Mate? What are you like doing over there? Come on, Roco, come on, get your act together? Mate? Yeah, good morning everyone.

Yes, look, the Liberal Party here had a result which has been varyingly described as a disaster. The hope was that they would at least recover some of the ground to make a to make a credible opposition at the very least, but unfortunately that that's not the case. West Australians have decided to give Roger Cooker a thumping majority and the ALP a thumping majority once again, and it leaves it's a very sad day, not only for West Australians in general, I think, but also for democracy because to have a strong democracy you need a strong opposition.

You need a credible opposition.

And we haven't had that and I don't think we're going to have that for the next four years. I've made parallels with Victoria. Victoria is seen as the ultimate one party state. Well I think West Australia is going to surpass that now and notwithstand the fact that you've got a very bad government here where all the key indicators on health and crime, law and order tanking. People will still be prepared to re elect a bad government if they're not offered a credible center right alternative. And that was clear in the election campaign when people thought, look, we'll just stick with what we already got.

What won it for Roger cook or lost it for the Libs.

Look, look, the reader, there are a lot of things Libby met him. Look under trying circumstances, you have to say. I mean the Liberal Party was reduced to three members in the Lower House at the twenty twenty one election, one of whom was a refugee from the National Party.

Having said that.

It was unclear, I think how the Liberal Party were going to actually what solutions are actually proposing to the numerous problems of West Australia.

Has Libby met him myself?

And I think people won't forget that she was for the Voice and then she changed her mind and was against that.

She was for the.

Aboriginal Healthy Coach of the Lord Aberiginal Heritage cultural Laws, and then she changed their mind when she saw the people were against it.

People don't forget these things. The other thing too here.

Rita, is that West Australia still is doing very very well economically in terms of mining revenues. There's rivers of money flowing and a lot of people are still not feeling the effects of an economic downturn and cost of living, which I think a lot of people in the East would be would be feeling. So mining, you know, once again is propping up the economy, and when people seem comfortable, there's a lot of indifference, and the indifference to Libby Metam and to the Liberals, I think it was also a factor. You've also got the issue here of a media landscape. Unlike Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, You've got a news Corp newspaper there which argues a different point of view. We don't have that here, with the one major newspaper and the largest television network Kraft alike, in a lot of circumstances for them. But that again, the other thing too is I mean there were things also on costs of living in on energy. We know that the Cook Labor government here wants to close down all coal fire powerstations by twenty thirty. Having said that, the Liberals came out with the Energy Policy which said, yes, we want to close coal fire powerstations and we'll expand guests because we need to keep the lights, but we'll also invest more in solar wind and batteries than the Labor Party will. So there's this trying to walk both sides of the street. People look at these kinds of things and say, well, we'll just stick with what We've already got.

James Rocco, You've now got Basil z Pliss winning a seat in the State Parliament. How long before he challenges Libby met him and would that be a good thing?

Well, as at this morning, James Churchlands, which is the seat that besils Implus is standing, is still too close to call.

If he indeed does win.

Look, I think there will be there will be a challenge, I mean was there was speculation before the election was even called that there would that he would be the presumptive leader of the Liberal Party in a Campbell Newman style arrangement before the twenty twelve election.

But you'd have to look.

Libby met him, said last night that the leadership is obviously a matter for her colleagues, and I'm sure that there will be some soul searching as far as far as that is concerned. And if we want to do some more parallels with Queensland, the Liberals will argue. Look, it was it was very difficult to win off such a such a low base, but again there's a precedent for that in Australian politics. In twenty fifteen in Queensland, where Anastasia Palichet went in it to win it offer base of just seven seats, and indeed they and indeed they did win. Whether it's Basil's implus or whoever it is James, they have to find someone who's Alexandtik like or just Iner Price like, who understands and believes in corese center right principles and is prepared to fight for them and present that to the West Australian public, to present that credible center right alternative. And until that person emerges, the Liberals will remain in the wilderness. It doesn't matter who it is.

And just quickly before we go rocko the federal election, what is the mood.

If the mood is.

Tolerant towards or supportive of Roger Cork, what is the mood towards Anthony Albanzi.

Look, Anthony Alberzi did really well in this election state election campaign because he never came here. And if you're Peter, if you're Peter Dutton, that's and you're looking for a silver lining, that's it. Anthony ALBERNIZI when he talks or when he says something or does something is the gift that keeps on giving. He'll have to come here during the w election campaign, So that's one thing that the Liberals can look to as a positive. The other thing too is they did do well in all the primary vote went up for the Liberals and the Nationals in regional and out of suburban areas where obviously the cult heritage laws the live sheep ban.

Really really would have hurt the Labor.

Party and they're the things that they're the things that Peter Dutton Wood would want a campaign on. Worryingly though, in a seat like Curtain which the Liberals have to win, and they've got a good center right candidate in Tom White seats like Netlands Scarborough and Coddislo. Scarborough's gone, but Cottoslow and Nedland's still too close to call. Unfortunately, there are still too many people on those electrics who've got more bucks than brains and parking their vote with tier candidates.

Roger Lawyer, Kana, when you found that next Liberal leader who reminds you of just enterprise, that sort of Alexandic type character, please let us know because we're very eager to get them here on outside as Rocco. Great to chat to you as always from over there in Perth. Coming up, canbra Clown Show lots more here on. Outsiders, don't go away back in the tack.

Roll up, Roll up.

The circus is in town. It's the wackiest show on earth. Yes, it's the Canbra clown show. When we think of the great statesman, the great peacemakers, the great warriors, who have changed the course of world history merely with their inspirational oratory, do we think of Pericles appealing for war against the Spartans in four point thirty two BC, when our fathers stood against the Persians, they had no such resources as we have now. Or do we think of Hannibal addressing his troops after crossing the Alps on the right and left two seas and close you without your possessing even a single ship for or escape. Or perhaps our minds turned to Queen Elizabeth, I imperiled by the Spanish Armada, I am amongst you at this time, not as for my recreation or sport, but being resolved in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die amongst you all.

Or do we think of Winston Churchill to.

Wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalog of human crime that.

Is our policy.

All of course are magnificent, but truly can any of them compare to this?

From my government's perspective, we're open to consideration of any proposals going forward, as Australia has historically played an important role.

Magnificent Elbos I almost like as I imagine many are particularly driven to heights of patriotic fervor by his wonderful euphemism for our own great nation, Australia, Pericles, eat your heart out. Meanwhile, the clowns under the Burly Griffin Big Top were busy playing houses again.

Do you spend ten billion dollars buy three hundred houses?

No, that is not true.

You're misrepresenting three hundred houses.

A disaster. This is a boondoggle. Boon doggle.

Now there's a word that pretty much sums up the entire farce of this governance, a gum in of boondoggles. Meanwhile, Albozo has been perfecting his latest circus acts. Ladies and gentlemen, prepared to be amazed by my magical hat.


Yes, just in time for the traveling circus known as the Federal election, Albozo has been perfecting his greatest trick financing whatever you fancy by pulling money out of my magical hats or.

Two billion dollar auncement today five million dollars ten million dollars, two hundred million dollars, three billion dollar, three hundred and fifty million dollars, two billion dollar, thirty seven million dollar, eight hundred and forty two million dollar, two point four billion dollars eight point five billion dollar point eight billion dollar.

Of course, one of Albozo's most dangerous tricks is throwing open the tent doors and letting anyone who wants to come in and join.

The great circus Australia.

Three thousand gardens come on in twenty six thousand Afghans come on in lots of room for everybody under Albozo's Burley Griffin, big top and lollybags galore, stuffed with free accommodation, all the welfare you can eat. Bring the kiddies, aunts and uncles too. Trouble is according to renowned economist Leaf Van Onslan, Australia's labor productivity growth, which has been among the worst in the advanced world after recording zero improvement.

Since twenty sixteen. And why is that?

Last week the Reserve Bank of Australia's Michael plum tacitly admitted that Australia's mass immigration policy has eroded productivity via the process of capital shallowing, i e. The population has grown faster than business and infrastructure investment. Leith goes on to say that the Australian economy will remain caught in a productivity trap because the federal government continues to run an excessively high immigration program. But presumably Katie the Clown and her Canbra bureaucrats have loads of data to tell them what happens to productivity when you pour in millions of immigrants. Willy nilly, surely, so, what is.

The piece of work that exists in the treasury that shows the impact of having a million people.

Come into the country in the last two years and only building one hundred and sixty thousand ounces.

Where does that exists? That analysis? Who's got that you got to hear today? No, we don't have that analysis exist.

Oh we haven't done that, we haven't undertaken that analysis.

Work's bad, isn't it instead, All of which might explain why the OECD now tells us we.

Have just recorded the worst fall in living standards in the world. Great work.

Take a bow, Albozo, Jimbo bo bo Bo and Katie the Clown, speaking of.

Whom working from home arrangements are a part of private and public sector workplaces in the modern age.

Don't worry, Katie, with any lucky clowns will all be getting to work from home permanently in about six weeks time. Meanwhile, the Canbra Circus took to the streets of Sydney this week. When it comes to clown shows, this mob stand head and should above the rest.

Here are the Greens.

There's advent.

Leader of the Greens, Senator Maari Ferricki is there and their title is a quality without exception.

Meanwhile, as Albozo gallivants around the cyclo zone with his umbrella up, refusing to call the election even though the even though the election campaign needs to be called, them are in it. To all intents and purposes, it's already underway. I am reminded of Albozo himself back in twenty twenty two.

There's a theme here, you might have noticed, even though we're not in the election campaign, which is rather bizarre in itself. I've got to say I feel like putting in a phone call to the Prime Minister if he doesn't know where the Governor General lives, and offer.

Him a lift to the lodge to call this.

Election, because this absurdity of not having the election called so that he can continue to spend taxpayer funds on election app in the in the name of the government, but they're really about promoting, uh, the Liberal and National parties, and so that he can continue to make these extraordinary appointments.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. So how about it, Albozo, just say the world word and call the election. You know, you go to Government House and see the Governor General say the word.

And as the Fab four always.

Said, weekly wokey and so much going on. Reta and James Toyota have ditched Rita, Well.

They've died, ditched the lgbt active as. No, they've said they're they're not going to sponsor LGBTQ parades and events.

They're not going to be.

Obsessed with DEI diversity, equity inclusion.

You know what.

They might actually just focus on making good cars.

Making good cars. Give them a big hand, Toyota, well done.


Do we need more companies to recognize the insanity of what's going on.

James, Well, the company's chairman has said exactly that. He said from now on and this is amazing role and so profound. We're going to focus on making cars and things that actually.

Build the business.

Who would have thought that sponsoring gay parades doesn't sell toyotas or make for good vehicles.

Well, and we're seeing Mercedes do a bit of a U turn as well. Excuse the pun, because they were going down the all electric road, but no more because I guess what, people don't really like them. So they're bringing out V eights and just having a rethink about this whole electric thing.

Because well, reality has a way of catching up with you.

No matter how much virtue signaling you want to indulge in, at some point you've got to face reality.

And I think Mercedes is done.


We've got a labor government here with Chris Bow and we spoke earlier about Matt Cammon's earlier is going to try and tackle and get Chris Bow and out of that seat. Reta's point was the blocus, such a clown. We'll all miss him. But the reality is all these electric vehicle mandates, windmills, solar panels, all around the world, James, governments.

Are going this stuff doesn't work anymore. Move on, it didn't work. It was a mistake.

Let's concentrate on trying to be more prosperous, get our economies moving so we can actually do things and look after people, rather than virtue signaling.

And I mean blind. Freddy knows the public doesn't want this. When you need so many government subsidies to convince and conjol people to purchase electric vehicles, it clearly doesn't make sense. Manufacturers know that, and it's only been sense James.

This is the thing.

It wasn't like we could see a path towards this fantasy that they were painting. You didn't need to be an engineer or scientist to just look at the basic information and realize this can't work.

This is just not feasible. This is not.

Even desirable if you could get it there so that we have these Yeah, we expect politicians in the public sector to be idiotic, but when you've got the private sector in lockstep with them, that's where you really.

Get one absolutely well. Unfortunately, companies are seeing light wakademia.

We like to talk about what goes on around the world in universities, the universities, they still don't let us down it. They're still as as they've ever.

Been and can't see common sense.

Donald Trump, as I said earlier, defunding four hundred million from Columbia University, Well done to Donald Trump for that, because of their anti Semitism and their jee hatred on campus.

And let's call it out for what it is. We should be doing the same in Australia.

It's insane that we fund universities like Sydney University that promote due hatred and.

Admitted basically admitted as much.

But let's talk about this work. British universe. They don't like the word a piece of cake. Now suddenly we're back into controlling our language.

Why they're colloquial phrases that are too British. Apparently the English language is too English and that is offensive to people who are I don't know, speak the English language, but would rather it.

Be less English. I mean, the entire rationale here is absurd.

But this is Cardiff University and yeah, killed two birds with one stone or a piece of cake. They've got Other cultures don't have those sayings. But as someone who speaks in other cultures.

They've never killed two birds.

As someone anyone who speaks another language would tell you. There are sayings and idioms that are unique to that language.

It's part of the charm. It's not a reason to get rid of it. But it goes further than that.

They also they have got all these dei issue and they say words like crazy are offensive to people who are actually perhaps crazy.

Maybe we should those words.

Either, James tell us about Jason Claire. Is the madness here. We're spending eleven million dollars to do what.

We're going to teach endangered languages. It's about one hundred endangered languages. So now we go to ones indigenous Indigenous Aboriginal languages. So we're going to teach indigenous children languages that have spoken by only a few dozen people. How this prepares them to get a job so they can have a future. Well, we're going to spend eleven million dollars.

We're going to spread around the country.

Now that's where the money spent.

We're training indigenous leaders to teach these languages.

Twenty kilometer is a way who won't understand it? So what is exactly is the point here? What are we trying to achieve.

In just disadvantage. This is not the wait, it's not the way to do it.

How about it?

Just a novel idea In Australia we can teach people English, starting with starting with the Prime Minister.

That might help some English lessons there.

I might eleven million dollars probably wouldn't cover it, but anyway, anyway, Jason Claire, good luck with that policy. I hope it's another reason to not elect the Labor government. That's it for outsiders for this week. We'll see you next Sunday morning at nine am. But of course we also have during the week. What's that show everybody's talking about on every evening, the Rita Panny Show. That's the one everyone wants to watch it. Everyone's in a late debating course with James.

You've got that, You've.

Got Oneriday night another not exactly and introduce you everything exactly, and then Friday Nights the big night You've got the world according to around in at seven pm. Thank you all so much for the wonderful things you've said and for watching in such vast numbers.

Thank you very much.

And you've got you us report with James Mora and then you've got more.

Retail because you can't get enough retail.

That's it.

We'll see you next Sunday morning at nine am. Thanks, stay safe, bye,

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