Credlin | 23 January

Published Jan 23, 2025, 8:53 AM

Melbourne braces for mass protests on Australia Day, and Donald Trump deploys additional troops to the border with Mexico. Plus, the shocking number of illegal immigrants believed to be living in London.   

Peter Krandler live on Sky News Australia.

Yeah, look well done, Chris Kenny. It's been fantastic coverage from Washington, DC. Now come home and get warm and be warm here certainly on Monday in Australia. Welcome to the show. Here's what's coming up tonight on Kredline. With the unofficial election campaign in full swing, I'll take a look at where the Prime Minister and the opposition leader are focusing their time the seats they are going to tells us a lot about where.

The campaign's up to.

Plus another diabolic poll result for the PM. Australians see no signs of hope in the cost of living crisis. Anthony albernezi Is still refuses to be drawn today and reports it foreign actors are behind Australia's rise in anti Semitic terror attacks. He says it's all under investigation, but he won't tell us anything now. Is this because he's not across his brief A former senior AFP officer will weigh in tonight Glass Trump's shock.

And All approach.

I said, this is what's year Republicans that told me would happen, And it is day three of his presidency. Already troops are being deployed to the border with Mexico. And speaking of the illegal migrants, you won't believe the number of them currently living in London. Maybe you will. I'll relieve that. Reveal that to you later in the show. And Melbourne yet again bracing the mass protests on Sunday anti Australia Day, protests converging with the usual pro Palestinian mob set to tarnish our country's reputation on the world stage.

A lot of these protests are designed and many of the people at the protests will not be there based on just the Australia Day of twenty six I guarantee you there will be more flags at those protests for pro Palestine rather.

Than talking about Australia Day.

People will use this as a platform for their own political agenda.

Let's just stay on that issue.

Because just when it seemed Australia Day was finally safe, the haters that are at it again. Australian Venue Company, the Hong Kong owned outfit with more than two hundred pubs in this country that previously publicly stated it would not mark our national Day because it meant different things it said to different people, only then to later recant and apologize after your storms of protest, or they're up to their former tricks. Marketing material at the pubs now refer to the January Long weekend rather than Australia Day. Something that was put to Opposition leader Peter Dutton today.

By somebody who is in the business of trying to provide custom and reaps a huge profit off the back of hard working Australians. Why they would shun the wishes of those Australians. Because the vast majority of Australians are particularly patrons going into some of these establishments, want us to celebrate Australia Day. Is something that that company will have to explain. I just say to patrons who know the pubs at this venue that this company owns, I would encourage them to call the company and express their view and express that they don't support this abandonment of our national day.

What are the country?

What other Western civilization abandons its national day? We shouldn't and Australia should be a great celebration of an amazing country.

I urge you too to vote with your feet on Australia Day. If you walk into a pub, a club or restaurant, any sort of venue and you can't see the Australian flag. Walk out, take your custom where people are celebrating our national Day. But what this pub chain's doing pales into insignificance. With news today have a huge protest planned for Sunday that will unite Melbourne's usual pro Palestinian rent a crowd with a whole new group who are against our National Day, with some thirty thousand activists and general rat bags set to disrupt the city. Bear in mind too that not only is Sunday Australia Day, we all know that, but it's also the final day of the Australian Open, the Men's Grand Slam Final no less, when Melbourne and brand Australia should be putting its best face forward to the wider world.

Now, this has got to stop.

Freedom of speech does not mean the freedom to endlessly disrupt other people going about their business. We learn today too that it's Victoria's new First Nations Assembly that's encouraging these protests, something the Premier today was asked about but failed to condemn.

Do you think it's the role of the First People's Assembly to be encouraging people to attend these protests.

Look, the First People's Assembly are an independent they're an independent body, and they are an elected body, and they're independent of government, and how they choose to conduct themselves is a matter for them.

Give me a break.

And yet again, just like the Voice, they're so out of step with the majority. Latest pobbling showing that sixty nine percent of Australians with a majority now across every single age group, think that Australia Day should be celebrated on January twenty six. And we also know that no date will satisfy the haters because their objection is not to any particular day, but to Australia itself and our largely Anglo Celtic culture and Judeo Christian heritage. But no way should we just have to put up with this either disgusting.

I think it'd be disgusting to target the Australian open and that would really break I think the patients of the.

Public now those earlier First Nations comments aside. The Utorian Premier today said what most of us wanted to hear on the issue, but in the end just words, because despite being in charge of the state, she does nothing. It's a classic example of a leader being in office but not in power. That wasn't how labor treated protest during the pandemic era, was it. If Victoria police could stop the Freedom Marches, then they should be more than capable of stopping this disruption on Australia Day. I think the public would cheer to see the police standing up for Australia for once, and not for the small minority who despires the country that's been so good to them. Now on this I'll give the last word to one former politician, one former policeman, sorry, who's got no issues defending our national day or our flag.

One of the things I want our country to have greater pride in is the wonderful migrant story, to tell the stories, particularly of people who came here from the end of the Second World War with nothing, and people have worked hard as tylers, as concreteors, as farmers, and they've educated their children. They've provided an opportunity that their grandparents could never have imagined, and their children now are contributing in an amazing way to society. Why somebody would be ashamed of that is beyond me.

Now, how deluded is energy Minister Chris Bowen today he is insisting that quote, the world is shifting to net zero.

Oh, we're not giving up on that, and every little inch of difference from one point five makes a huge difference. So it's appropriate that the world keeps working towards it because the implications group of being massively over one point five for human health through our population and very significant.

Now, how can you say that with a straight face? Just after a day when the new President Donald Trump withdrew America from the Parish Climate Accord, declared it an energy emergency, and then committed to getting more cheap and reliable fossil fuels into the system. Coincidentally, America's six biggest banks have also just withdrawn from the Net zero Climate Alliance. It's a tacit admission. The whole renewables push is basically a racket backed by rent seeking businesses, billionaires and former politicians that are harvesting subsidies while leaving your bills higher and driving our heavy industry and jobs offshore, with emissions reduction no longer an American policy priority, and with China, Russia and India never never committed to net zero by twenty fifty anyway, none of the world's biggest national emitters are like minded with Australia. So what's the point of the Albanezi government's obsessive pursuit of net zero given that we could shut down Australia tomorrow, completely shut it down, so that we've got no emissions at all in this country, and just the mere increase the annual increase, since China's emissions alone from one year to the next, would make our sacrifice meaningless. What's also important to understand is that the Almanza governments attempt to buy green votes and green preferences means Australias on the verge are running out of gas without more domestic gas extraction, and there are new gas fields ready for exploitation in New South Wales, the NT and off shore. We will either run out of gas befor to import fire and gas at sky high prices. All will have to break contracts with partners and allies like Japan. Under Peter Dutton, the Coalition isn't quite simulating Trump's drill baby drill policy, but in pointing to nearly one hundred billion dollars installed resource investment, much of it in colon gas projects, it's pretty clear that the coalition wants to.

Dig baby dig.

Dutton's playing this shrewdly, not giving Labor a target by committing to withdrawal from Paris or abandoned net zero. I know a lot of people want him to do that, but I've been there in the tactical.

Game of the last months of a campaign.

Don't give your enemies a target and saying that the only way to.

Keep the lights on is nuclear power. That's Darton's way.

And if Labor don't understand how much their energy failures are driving voters away, then they are in for the shock of their lives on election day.

I'll be honest all my life, I had voted Labor. I'll never vote Labor again. I think Albanezi is a one sided, two faced that doesn't take into consideration anybody out here. He's only thinking of himself.

We were shocked with the nauseus, absolutely devastated.

I do not want people coming onto my property, out my ground.

More and more I think people are waiting for this government with baseball bats. And the person most driving this anger is Chris Bowen. All right, let's get the headlines down from Canberra Sky newth political reporter cam Reddin.

Sky News has revealed Labor Senator Sue Lyons, who previously accused Israel of apartheid, was quietly dropped from a planned delegation to al Schwitz. A leaked email from a senior Home Affairs official obtained by Sky News listed the Senate President as leader of next week's trip. That's despite the Senate President's criticism of Israel before the last election.

Israeli policies against Palestinians fit the definition of the international crime of apartheid.

At the seventy fifth anniversary event in twenty twenty, then Liberal Senate President Scott Ryan was chosen to lead Australia's delegation and Senator Lines was set to continue that tradition. But senior government sources have now revealed to Sky News that Senator Lines was told in late December she would no longer be on the trip. She was let off the hook before a final decision had been made to send Foreign Minister Penny Wong as the head of Australia's delegation back home, the Albanezy government will take on fifty million dollars of debt owed by regional carrier Rex to keep the struggling airline alive and we want.

To make sure those services continue to be delivered.

And continuing the pre election trail, the opposition leader unveils a forty five million dollar package to upgrade roads around the Shoal Haven in the marginal seat of Gilmore. Cameron Reddin's Sky News Canberra.

Well, we don't know exactly when the election will be, but both sides are clearly at their battle stations and where the leaders are visiting tells me everything. Instead of chasing new territory, Labour's focused on sandbagging in their key marginal seats, whereas the Coalition they're launching campaigns targeting Green and Till seats as well as the must win seats of Labor and with polling numbers once more taking a dive, the PM's media appearances or they're ramping up. They're ahead of Peter Dutton twenty eight to eighteen. For more in this and the other day's big stories, I'm joined now by Sky News political reporter Cam Redden and News Corp Senior journalist Pat Carline. Gents, welcome, just before we get into the election sort of chat here, Cam ll credit to you the Sue lines and the investigative work you did. It should not have been such an issue for Labor. I mean, this is an administrative choice who you send to rep someone else on a delegation, But it's turned into five days of headlines and I've got to say to you, I can't believe the PM's office. Was it more alive to Sue Lion's history on the record about Israel before they signed are off in December?

Well, this was the molehill that didn't need to become a mountain, Peter. It could have been very easily cleaned up. A couple of days ago. We asked these questions.

We put the.

Email board, its in black and white that at one stage she was going, and as we've confirmed today, she was told a few days later, you're off the trip. We need to upgrade this delegation, and as a result, a few days after that, Penny Wong and then ultimately Mark Drapus as well ended up going. That is the simple series of events here. How we've got to this several days later, Well, I suppose that's for others to answer. We still don't know exactly why she was taken off. It's been put to me that it wasn't necessarily related to those past comments. But the point is, Peter, that she was at one stage legislator to go. Well, she was slated to go. It was in black and white. There were steps, at least the initial stage is being taken and people have been told she was on there, So she was on.

She has taken behind.

We still don't have an explanation why. Yeah, well, I mean that's all I can say for sure, but there may be other factors. But that's about as much as we've been able to get at this point.

These official repping trips are signed up by the PM's office, briefs come up, and particularly on a contentious trip like this, given all the anti Semitism in Australia, so our Schwitz would have had a red flag, would have gone to the chief of Staff's desk, my old desk, and you would have had a careful look. We should have a careful look in the hist into the history on the record of anyone you're proposing to rep the government. So clearly that didn't happen. Clearly you caught them out. Keep it up, Cam, We're absolutely in the campaign. The point I just made before I crossed into you, blokes. Is the fact that I look very careful, as I'm sure we all do, now where are they going, what are the marginal seats? What are the issues they're raising in particular constituencies. Also, it's almost like it gives me a pole read when I look at their travel and the messaging that they've both got out there. PM's clearly sandbagging, right, He's running a very very defensive campaign. The fact that the opposit leaders looking at green seats, is in teal seats and is obviously after those labor marginals.

That's reflecting the poles, isn't it.

Well, Peter, my apologies, it's fascinating.

She Cam, I'll hit you first.


Sorry, I will say, Peter, I think you make a very good point there when you talk about the seat by seat breakdown. This is where the election will be won. It's going to be seat by seat. I think when we get those broad national looks, whether it's you know you're forty two or fifty two, forty eight or similar, those sort of national polls, that tells you something. But you make a really good point when it comes to those TiAl seats, and I think this is so critical. I know we've spoken about this before. That is really crucial breaking some of those teal seats and getting them to come back to the coalition. Some within the Coalition I speak to are becoming more and more serious by the week that they can win some of those TiAl seats back, and I mean multiple. I want to give you one example of Wentworth now. Six to nine months ago, some in the Coalition were pretty much writing this off, thinking Allegro Spender is almost a certainty for two terms. But given the situation in that seat when it comes to anti Semitic attacks, the fact that the Coalition is now proposing these tougher laws, this zero tolerance approach to anti semitism, talking about improving relations with Israel, some that I speak to in the coalition believe that is now very much a winnable seat, when in the past they were almost saying this one's probably going to Allegra Spender. So I think you're on the money there, Peter. And that's one example where the path is beginning to open up for Peter Dutton to win government at the next election, provided he.

Doesn't tailor his message to appeal to green left TiAl types and then miss the opportunity in the key marginals that will actually, in terms of volume numbers, decide whether it's in government or opposition. What's interesting, Patrick, is a key pitch i Donald Trump in the US election was to say, the voters, put aside everything else, ask yourself, are you better off after four years of a Biden presidency? And very clearly they were not, and they voted accordingly. That's pretty much the pitch here for Peter Dutton and Poles are showing, aren't they Australian voters fear it's not good now, it doesn't look better ahead, and that's a killer if you're the incumbent.

Absolutely looked. Bill Clinton got it right back in nineteen ninety two. I think his catchphrase was it's the economy stupid. And you've seen Peter Dutton over the last few weeks. He has a catchphrase and basically amounts to do you feel better off than three years ago?

Now? Plainly for most Australians the answer is no, and he's just going to push it. He wants it to be about the economy.

It has been a hard time, cost of living, people, as they surveys show, are feeling bleak about the future. I think the one sort of wildcard fact there might be the Reserve Bank. If it brings down a rate cut in February or March, that might have a bearing on the alban Ezy government spin, which is sort of Look, it has been hard, but we said it was getting better.

Look, just got an interest rate cut. But look for that.

And I think it's very simple. It's all about the economy. It's all about the hip pocket. And he's been pushing that very hard for the last few weeks, and we'll keep hearing it again and again.

Let's got something else that come out to the US this week, and it's kicked into our politics. This is Donald Trump's decision to recognize only to genders in the United States. Now there's been called here from some coalition MPs for Australia to follow suit. There is a difference between gender and sex. Trump refers to gender biology makes it clear they're only two sexes.

But the left have.

Created this construct of multiple genders. Now Trump took aim at that. He took aim at gender. Today we had two labor politicians, Victorian Premier and the Federal Minister Catherine King, were asked for their views on this issue.

Have a listen.

How many genders do you think governments should recognize?

Really, I'll say this in a broad sense, we are seeing too much US style division coming to our country.

I think everyone has had enough of division, enough of people feeding and trying to engender hatred, whether it be anti Semitism or on issues around gender equality.

Cam I have to say it's the left that created the division here in the first place.

Is this going to be a campaign issue? Do you think is it going to play out in Australia.

I think it will only become a bigger campaign issue, Peter, if the leaders want to make it one. We saw David Little Proud kick this on a little bit on Sky News today, suggesting that the Coalition should be leaning into this debate, particularly when it comes to the areas, for example, of transgender athletes in sport. That's one area that he wants to lean into the debate. Peter Dutton was less keen to do that today. He said they're not changing their position on that at the moment. You can see Labor doesn't really want to have this debate as well. So whether it will become that big of an issue I think remains to be seen. I don't think it would be surpassing something like the cost of living, for example, but whether it's a factor for people, I think it will only become one if the leaders really want to make it one, and at this stage they don't seem to.

Yeah, Bitterda was asked about gender, but as I said, there's a difference between sex and gender. I think sex is the criteria for sport, and I think Patrick I'd be pretty surprised if Peter Dutton didn't weigh in on the issue of women's sport, on women's change rooms, on little girls being able to go into a toilet and expect only women and girls to be in that public toilet. I think is squarely an election issue for a lot of people.

I look at it makes people very passionate, very quickly, doesn't it, Peter, even though it's only I think it's one hundred and eighty two thousand gender fluid people in Australia. But I think, look, it sort of reached a nonsensical level for me back at the Paris Olympics where you have all these poor women boxes being absolutely clobbered. I think it was at the Algerian boxer who had been a man or or was transitioning and it was like, this is actually dangerous. This is an issue with safety and I think the Nationals were talking about this today. Look, it does get people fired up very quickly. I think Peter Dutton would like to just talk about economics. It's a nice clan, easy simple run for him to make going into an election. But it'll be interesting to see how it plays. You know, I agree to the cam. It doesn't look like either leader really wants to make a big issue of it, right.

I think you'll have to. I think I have to deal with it. I think it's common sense that people want a response from the leader on an issue like this.

Hey, we just talked.

About some polling camp. There's a whole lot of difficult data for the government. They're absolutely behind in their target to build one point two million homes by twenty twenty nine. That's out today also reported school students showed up for just eighty two percent of the school days, so attendance numbers are down considerably down. And finally, we have slipped as a country down seven places to thirty seven in global rankings for internet quality despite all the NBN billions, So.

It's not just the polls.

The statistics are not following the government's way either, are they.

No, they're not, Peter, and clearly, particularly on that housing issue. Clearly the industry experts I speak to people within the building construction sector say that there is not a lot of optimism at all that these targets are going to be met. It all boils down to a numbers game. We just need more people building homes more quickly. There are productivity factors in that. So we'll see what the government decides to do between now and the election. If there's an attempt to get that back on track. The figures are going to be difficult, and I've described these first few months previously. I think on the program Peter as the premiership quarter really for the government. We're going to get more inflation data by the end of the month. That's the big quarterly figure. We're also going to get a shot at a rate cut next month. It's still a toss of a coin as to whether or not that happens. Patrick mentioned earlier that if it does well, that's great for people. The government will feel a bit boyd. If it doesn't, then there's going to be another opportunity in April, and all of this of course ties back to election timing. That's why I'm confident that they're still going to try and give themselves room the government for a second rate cut or some kind of movement in April too. But you're right, Peter, they do need a little bit of good news to go their way in these next couple of months, and a lot really will hinge on those interest rate decisions.

All right, I'll get into Australia day after the break with Sam Groth, who will joined me to talk about their protests in Melbourne. But just let's go to Queenslane quickly if I can. Patrick the Gold Coast City Council forced into a humiliating backflip today reports surface that they were going to be handing out double sided flags. This is flags at citizenship ceremonies of the next couple of days. The flag would have an Aboriginal flag on one side and our Australian national flag on the other. Apparently the mayor didn't know anything about this. He didn't approve it, he says, nor would anyone who's been elected onto council. Well they've been ditched.

What do you think?

This is? So dumb? It's funny.

I mean, the idea that the national flag and the indigenous flag could somehow be interchangeable is ludicrous and it was interesting to see the councilor is running away from it at a million miles an hour Today's and we didn't know about it, which is sort of understandable.

This is crazy, this is activism gone mad.

It has cut, but it's just weird that was actually allowed to happen the way that it did.

Yeah, well, I think this is the fight back continues, Patrick, Thank you very much, Cam thanks for doing all the work on the packages and fronting the show as well or after break, Melbourne braces for massive protests. As I said, Anti Australia Day ones teaming up with the pro Palestinian mobs. This is all for Sunday as we have the men's final of the Australian Open, plus a Prime minister won't give any details about foreign actors potentially involved in these anti Semitic attacks, So I've got someone now to talk to formally from the AFP welcome back is still to come. Just how concerned should we be about the revelation of foreign actors and their possible involvement in anti Semitic attacks and what if anything our government is doing about it. But versus if Melbourne hasn't seen enough protests already, pro Palestinian March is now a weekly a cut despite the ceasefire, we're now told we've got a brace for more massive anti Australia Day marches on Sunday and the Australian opens Men's final singles. It's expected the protest could be some thirty thousand strong, clogging up Melbourne and sending a terrible message to the world who's watching the Grand Slam event. For more on this, I'm joined by a former tennis champion. This is timely, isn't it, Victorian Deputy Liberal Leader and of course Shadow Minister for Sport and Tourism, Sam Groth.

Sam, thanks for your time.

Let's just start with the fact that we now have a convergence of an anti Australia Day protest and then the regular pro Palestinian mob. How concerning is this in terms of things potentially turning hostile?

Well, Peter, thank you for having me on and I'm a big support of Australia, as.

You will are well aware.

But I think what we're seeing right now in Melbourne and what we're hearing is going to happen on Sunday is a great concern. Don't want to see Melbourne, Victoria. What is a great city in a great state overtaken by people who, let's put a buntly, are activists in these spaces. We want to make sure that Melbourne is a city and on any given day, but especially on a day that has our National Day, where as you've already mentioned tonight, the majority of Australians want to be able to celebrate Australia Day. We want to see people be able to come into Melbourne to whether it's shopping, whether it's going for lunch with their family. I mean, what are our hospitality venues going to have to do? And we want to see Melbourne as a safe place. And we also want to make sure while the eyes of the world are on Melbourne Park that that event can continue to go ahead. It's such an important event in our major sporting calendar. We don't want to see it overtaken by protesters.

The Premier was pushed on this today after revelations that the first People's Assembly in Victoria they're encouraging these anti Australia Day protests.

Have a listen. Look, the First.

People's Assembly are an independent they're an independent body, and they are an elected body, and they're independent of government and how they choose to conduct themselves is a matter for them.

Well, they might be independent, but she funds them, taxpayers fund them, and she's sitting on the fence here, Sam, that's not good enough.

No, it's certainly not.

You're right, they are funded by government.

So just send to Alan. She should be stepping in.

We don't want a government funded body out there in citing what should be a peaceful day and a day.

Of celebration for Australians.

Yes, Australia means different things to different people, but we don't want to make it not a safe place in our city for those that do want to celebrate, and as we know that is the majority of Victorians and the majority of Autraians want to be able to celebrate.

And just into Alan.

She can say they're independent all they want, but whilst ever they are receiving that government funding, they should be held accountable for their actions.

Do we need some sort of permit system protests like they have in New South Wales?

Peter, We can go down the permit system conversation. But I think what we really need to see is just into Alan showing some strong leadership and giving the correct powers back to our police and actually taking action that she has available to her. The police need their move on laws reinstated so they have the power that when protests like these take over our city, if they turn violent or they're not acceptable, that the police can move these people on. Yes, we can have the conversation about permits in the future, but right now, just into Alan put the move on laws back in place so that police can do their job and that all of Victoria, all Victorians and all the strains can enjoy our national Day.

Look, I can't imagine the US Open, say, falling on the fourth of July and Flushing Meadows say put away your flags. You don't let us show the stars and stripes. This has nothing to do with an American celebrate. It's just all about the tennis. Here we are on Australia Day on Sunday, it's the men's final, it's the last.

Day of the Aussie Open. You'll put a lot of.

Pressure on Craig Tilie and Tennis Australia to have a fair income Australia Day ceremony on the day, how are you going.

I've been very vocal about this.

I know the Australian Open as well as anybody, and I've also had the chance to play in the US and they don't just do it at the US Open every single or on the fourth of July, every single sporting event.

They have there.

They sing the national anthem, they have the flag and they're proud. I want to see Australians get back to that.

I've had a.

Conversation with Craig Tiley about this.

I want to see the Australian Open celebrate australiaday pop properly, but can also encourage all those Australians, all those people that are going to the Australian Open, and celebrate this day in your own way. You go out there and actually be proud, celebrate what makes Australia great, but also understand the world is watching us. The Australian Open Final on Australia is a chance for us to show the world exactly how proud we are of our country, of our history, of everything that makes it so special. For those people that were born here, for those people that have made Australia at.

Home who've come from elsewhere.

All of these people want to be able to celebrate Australia, and I courage everybody who's attending or not intending, to do everything they can to just show how proud we are to all be Australian.

Beautifully, said Sam. Great, great words from you tonight. I think everyone's going to take heart from that. Lovely to see a politician speak so frankly about our country. Thanks Sam, all right. I might add too, I was in Col's today. I took a picture and I haven't given it to my team to put up an air but plenty of merchandise, there are plenty of Australian flags. They're not dodging the issue. There's not just the yellow and the gold stuff. There plenty of Aussie flags there you go. I want to return it now to the revelations we heard them yesterday that the AFP are currently investigating whether foreign actors have actually used criminals for hire to carry out some of the recent terror attacks we've seen on the Jewish community. Just overnight, the Australian new newspapers reported that two city men have been charged by New South Wales Police Force Anti Semitism Task Force and they were seemingly hired by an unknown nefarious criminal referred to as James Bond to carry out the fire bombing of a Bondai brewery. There was actually the target here, a Jewish deli of a similar name. The PM wouldn't comment on any of this. Joining me now is someone who might be able to give us some clarity. Former AFP Detective Superintendent Doctor David Craig. David, thank you for your time. A lot of us were really concerned when we heard about the potential involvement of overseas money and foreign actors, criminals, possibly nationed states. We're not getting told a lot of information here. How real do you think this possibility is?

Look, I've got no doubt, Peter, and look before I go start, thank you for inviting me on. What I would like to say here is that foreign influence on crime and Australia is widespread. It's through the Internet, it's happening all the time. When we start using nonclamat are like foreign actors, that brings in a notion of foreign states or deliberate orchestration of criminal groups. I don't believe that that's happening on a wide scale. I think that what we are seeing here is predominantly and I mean predominantly homegrown terrorism and acts of anti semitism here in Australia. There may be some sponsorship from overseas, and I would call them influencers that use the influence, that use the influence of the Internet to radicalize people.

Okay, if that's where we are, and I think it's probably pretty heartening to hear that. Why can't we get that sort of clarity from our leaders or the AFP.

Look, I think I'm really surprised that this came out. I expect Rhese Kersh or the AFP Commissioner is quite an intelligent person. He wouldn't that this is a valuable line of inquiry, but it won't be the main thrust of what they're doing for anti terror's anti semitism here in Australia.

So why wouldn't they be now that they've put that out there, Why aren't they being I guess a little bit more forthcoming with information given if you are a Jewish Australian, you can see these attacks ramping up, and if the concern is that you've got a player like you run behind it, and that's certainly been speculated. You'd be increasingly worried that their terror hit squad's hitting the streets of Sydney. If that's not likely to be the case, wouldn't it be sensible for someone in Canberra just to lower the tone one hundred percent?


I mean, through the Five Eyes partners, our ASA overseas and AZO in Australia, we've got a very good picture of what is going on and if this is state sponsored attacks of anti Semitism in AUSTRAI, which I'll be very surprised. But when that line of inquiry fizzles out, they need to announce that it has been The line is no longer a strong lead for the AFP to poo pursuing that it's been discounted at the moment they're saying that there's intelligence, while there's intelligence on everything and evidence is hard to get. But if there is a foreign actor state then people need to know about that. But if they're not, they equally need to know about that. It's just raising fear in the public, in the public's mind that there are Iranian or Russian or Chinese hit squads going around Australia trying to promote anti Semitism and everyone's jumping on board. I think we need a little bit of context and clarity from the Prime Minister or from reskershor as far as where that we are with this investigation.

I've been critical, David, sorry, all the way through. I guess since the events on the steps of the Opera House in Sydney that government from outside looking in and I know what happens on the inside, I'm not seeing the apparatus of the National Security Committee of Cabinet being used and deployed. I was critical that the AFP and ASIO were not around the table anymore. That's since been reinstated, that the National Cabinet hasn't been called. These are all the things that I would like to see as someone who knows how it works, to give me confidence that the machine is working as it should in a totality. You've got obviously an insight into the AFP. There's been criticism that we haven't done enough quickly enough, and that could be the fault of the politicians, it could be the fault of our institutions.

What's your comment there, well.

Peter, My comment is that these attacks occurred on seventh of October twenty three. Operation Abolite, which is the AFP response to anti Semitism, wasn't launched until the ninth of December twenty twenty four, so that's just last month. In the twelve months since there's attacks in Israel, there has been a three hundred and sixteen percent increase in anti Semitic incidents occurring in Australia. Now this is a published report. Now the AFP must be aware of this. ASIO would certainly be aware of it. I would like to have seen why wasn't this task force that has suddenly been jumped up and a big knee jerk reaction has been initiated. Why wasn't this done back in line when the state police were looking at it. This is national sorry, Anti Semitism is a national crime problem and it needs a national crime solution and that can be done best through the Joint Canacterrorism Teams that are a combination of ASIO, Australian Federal Police and state or territory police in every capital city. They are well briefed, they already have a database that they are sharing information on. That's the appropriate body to be doing this. Why the AFP didn't look launched this task force for fourteen months after the attacks. I think there's some questions that Senate estimates coming.

I think you're probably right about that, Doctor David Craig, Thank you very much. Now go an AFP expert speaking about what he's observing.

As I do from the outside, it.

Looks like it's missing right after the break, the push to read to find Islamophobia. Now I fear this is going to be used to try and shut down.

Discussion about Islamistic terror.

Of Plus, you won't believe the number of illegal migrants living in London. It's a shaker. I'll discuss that after the break. Welcome back still to come? What next for the war in Ukraine? President Trump today turning the screws on at Putin. But first, a shocking your report from Edge Analytics has claimed as many as one in twelve people living in London are there illegally. Researchers used academic estimates about the number of illegal migrants crossing the channel into Britain, as well as the number of ne national insurance registrations for non EU foreign nationals over nine years to reach these figures. John have been out to discuss this in Law News Course UK Correspondent. So for Elsworth, well, so if this is an extraordinary claim, how accurate do you think it is?

Well, Peter, it is extraordinary.

The claim is that there's six hundred illegal sorry, six hundred thousand illegal immigrants in London and one million.

In the UK.

This is incredibly alarming, but it is difficult to know how accurate it is. It is because the Home Office, quite surprisingly doesn't publish estimations on how many illegal immigrants there are in the UK. But I can assure you, Peter, in the UK one of the hot topics, and it seems to be in.

The media day in day out.

In fact, I would argue it's probably the hottest issue in the UK always comes back to migration. This is a massive concern for the country because of the pressures it's putting on things such as schools, are the NHS roads, the impacts of all these illegal immigrants in the country. This is one of the issues that very many Brits are very concerned about.

I suspect when I dig into to material that I'm reading out of the UK and I watch a fee a bit of UK TV, this has got to be contributing to the rise of Nigel Reforms, the UK Party, the Niger Reform Niger.

Faraja's Reform Party.

I'm sure you're following my trainer thought there, because it's not just a slight uptick. I mean he has had a consistent climb. There's a recent new gov poll that's got the party well ahead of the Conservatives, only one point behind Labor.

This is a first term Labor governor.

I mean they do a bad job, but nonetheless they got it on a massive landslide vote. So how real do you think, you know, Farages lift, Yes.

It's very real, Peter, because you have a government that, as you said, has not been in very long.

They're hugely unpopular.

They never really had the honeymoon period the governments hope to have when they come into office, particularly after the Conservatives were in power for fourteen years. You also have an unpopular opposition and many people critical of Kemmy Badenoch. So people are looking for other alternatives and Nigel Farage he's the one who's making the headlines here. The thing that may work against him is his close ties to Elon Musk. There is concern in Britain that Elon Musk is getting too involved in politics in the UK, So it'll be interesting to see whether or not this plays out against Nigel Farrage because obviously they've had that relationship where Musk said.

He would back Reform UK.

Then he came out and said Nigel Farras should basically go, he should stand down. So it's a pretty rocky relationship there. But Reform had a huge amount of votes, had forty percent of the vote's last general election, and they're on the way up.

Well, let's go quickly to the attempts in the Commons to redefine and introduce a legal definition of is Lamophobia here at home. The federal governments Islamophobia or special envoy I think it is to the Islamic community has warned that Australians must not ignore Islamophobia. He says because we quote haven't seen mosques torched or cars vandalized. Is even accused a coalition of downplaying is Lamophobia. Now I have to say, under the government here, there's been no action against tape preachers. There's been no visas canceled for anyone out here preaching hate.

In mosques that I've seen. What's your update on this?

Definition, because I suspect if it passes the Parliament in the United Kingdom it'll start in a legitimate debate down here with labor.

We often follow the UK, don't repeat us. So absolutely we don't know yet if that will happen. But the Opposition leader Kenny Badenocher's raised concerns that this could shut down free speech, particularly with the Grooming gang scandal where a lot of the people involved in this lot of the culprits were British Pakistanis, and they're concerned it will cut down free speech. People will be too scared to speak out and label people for whichever groups they belong to, and then they will be targeted consequently for labeling these groups. So this is a very serious issue and one that we will watch very closely here.

All right, thank you, Sophie, thanks for your time. I quick breakout of the rag. We'll getting to the shock and awe Trump presidency. Three days in no sign anything much to slowing down troops amassing on the Mexican border. Thus more common sense for the Canadian Conservative leader Pierre Poliev, the master shutting down interviewers.

It's fantastic. I'll show you that soon welcome back.

Well, I told you, senior Republicans said to me, watch out, Peter, It's going to be shock and awe. From day one certainly has been a flurry of orders literally the first day on the job, from President Trump calling for an end to the war in Ukraine, sparking debates about gender, getting all the public servants back at the desk at work, exciting times, joining me how to discuss this at a whole lot more. Scotty's contributed. Kosha Garda, past chair of the Parliament's Foreign, Afairs and Defense Committee. Michael Danby, Well, you know we talked about Chokuna on a breakneck.

Speed he has delivered. Did you think it would be like.

This on some level because people are expecting that, But I think this probably surpasses most people's expectations. What it actually looks like. Two hundred and forty one executive actions on d one and twenty four hours, three speeches, all sorts of things, and a lot of action. He's really pushing the it's a presidential power in taking more of an offense type of strategy compared to what he did last time. And I think the reason is is he is in a changed mindset, just given what he's been through over the last four years personally with the attack, legally and every other which way, assassinations and all of that, plus just what's happened to the country in the last four years. It really is a crisis in many ways economically, immigration, et cetera.

So he's off and away and.

I've cost unfettered access for the media. I mean that is a game changer from where we've been with a very protected, sleepy, sleepy Joe. What do you make of his comments today in relation to Ukraine and comments he made to President Putin that he wants the war to end.

Well, the FSB better be monitoring from social media an agenda to them that is really much more balanced than his earlier comments in my view, And I think Vladimir Putin may be full of war fever, but he better know that Donald Trump is now president of the United States, just like the Chinese should notice that he's serious about Panama. And I'd be very interested to see where the Bike Dance accepts his offer of a fifty percent ownership, because if they don't, I think they might be dumb enough to refuse it.

You're talking about TikTok here, Yeah, about.

The ownership of TikTok, then I think Donald might be offering them fifty percent, so they refuse it. And in their refusal, TikTok like.

Huawei immigration, the border troops already under deployment too.

So this obviously was a signature issue for Trump, both in the first term and this time. But he is a term one, Trump on steroids, and this issue is front and center.

So it's a few things.

The border by declaring it a national emergency in an invasion, that unlocks all sorts of presidential powers and budgets, so he's militarizing the border. It'll be physical delineations like the wall, enforcement, cutting down and shutting down these apps that were allowing assails and refugees to skirt the law and find loopole's all of that's done. And then the third big one that actually was one of his baldest executive orders and hasn't gotten much analysis yet, is this end to birthright citizenship that he's doing by executive order. Immediately, it's been challenged because it's going to go up to the Supreme Court. But this is a two hundred year old statue that scholars have not agreed on whether that actually is correct in the Constitution, and somebody had to raise it to challenge it, and that's been a big firework that he's just laid off.

I want to come back about Generine Canada in the moment. But Gaza, we're told that already Hermas despite the ceasefire. Maybe it's the cover of the ceasefire. Hermas is back in control and you've got some breaking us.

So I agree with Donald Trump that the ceasefire it may not last. The three female hostages have just revealed that they were held in UN headquarters. Goterras must be the worst Secretary General of the UN ever. But I fear that there it's going to increase as psycho trauma, as coffins of babies who've been murdered by the depraved Hamas are released weekend after week as this seven week treaty goes. But the context is Hez Bolar is castrated, Syria pipeline doesn't exist, and Iran has been largely defanged of its air defense. So bad news in Gaza, good news in the rest of the Middle East.

Okay, just a quick one.

I want to play this grab from the Canadian opposition. Later, our guys are set on the fence here about Trump's gender changes, but not so in Canada.

Have listened.

I'm not aware of any other genders than men and women. I mean, if you have any other that you want me to consider, you're welcome to tell me. Right now, I'm only aware of too, But I mean if you have, if you come up with another list, then you're welcome to do that. But I'm aware of too. And as far as I'm concerned, we should have a government that just minds its own damn business and leaves people alone to make their own personal decisions.

Janalis has got nowhere to go.

There you go, Astralia, take a lesson from Pierre Polaverv.

There we go. All right, that's it for me. See you next week.

Have a wonderful weekend, have a wonderful Australia day.

He's Andrew Bolt

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