Side Hustlers: Rosario and Quit Bitching Coalition

Published Feb 3, 2020, 6:09 PM

FYI!!! Carla Marie is no longer the host of a morning show in Seattle but she is still supporting small businesses in every way possible. She’s even started her own small business with her radio cohost and best friend, Anthony. All of the links below will help you stay up to date!

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Hello, this is the Side Hustlers podcast. I'm your host from my Heart Radio, Carla Marie, and I've been doing this podcast for almost two years now, and every week we get to hear from someone else who is following a passion outside of their day job. And who would have thought there would be this many people. There are a ton of people, and some of these people have actually taken their side hustle and turned it into their full time job. And hearing their stories is the most inspiring thing that has ever happened to me in my life, and I know it goes the same for you. I mean, we've had guests who started their own side hustle because they've heard this podcast, and then they become a guest on this podcast. That's what we like to call side Hustlers inception. Here, before we hear from this week's guest, I do want to tell you that I am approaching my one hundredth episode, which means we're going to have a party, obviously and celebrate the one hundredth episode by doing a live podcast. It will be in Seattle, in the basement of Stumptown Coffee where the Full Moon Market takes place. Now it's February, kicking off at four pm. It's free to come. The market will be going on all day prior to that, so I actually just getting there a little earlier checking out the market. Super cool. My guest is Laura Burkhart. Laura is a friend of mine now, but we have fun story about how we met, which will share on the podcast. But she is a woodworker, she's an artist, and this was her side hustle for a very long time and now she's a mom and she does this as her full time job. And her story it's just I cannot wait for her to share it because it's just incredible and what she's been through and how she's made this amazing business out of her passion. So be there February twenty two, four pm at Stubtown Coffee. We'll have a Q and A and I'll hang out afterwards too, so it'll be a lot of fun. You'll get to meet Laura see all her amazing work. Now, this week's guest is someone that I have known technically for about five years, but when we recorded this podcast, it's the first time I ever saw his face, which is wild to me. His name is Rosario and he has an apparel lifestyle brand. I wear the clothes to work out. I love them. But the company is called Quit Bitchen Coalition, and the whole idea behind it is to just quit Bitchen and do your thing and hustle. And I love what he's created. The crazy part is his day job is working for the government. So you've got a government worker who's a clothing line for a lot of people. You know, why are you? Why do you know what you want to do? And this is something you want to do and do it. I'm a hustle side side hustle do it. I'm a hustle hustle do it. I'm a hustles hustlove. Come on, ask about me yo yo. It's the Side Hustless podcast. We call on the roof, so joining me from Virginia. I've got Rosario. Hello, Rosario, how are you doing. I'm great. So it's weird because I feel like we've known each other for so long, but it's weird like this is the first time we've seen each other now face timing, but it's been about five years that we've been in contact at this point. Yeah exactly, yeah, right around that time. So you launched Quit Bitch, and Coalition, which I love being able to say it's the best in First of all, explain what Quit Bitch and Coalition is. Pretty much, it's a lifestyle peril brand, um that I came over with about Actually I launched it five years ago. I came with the idea and trademark about seven years ago. We'll get into we'll get into that later. It's just a lifestyle parl brand for people that, uh, don't bitch complain, keep going no matter what you know. Um, we had to say, it's it's fashion attitude. The line has an uh attitude by it, but also pretty cool fashionable stuff, you know what I mean. So you can look good and you know, feel good too at the same time. Well you have it's like the skull, the skeleton skull as like that's your main logo, that's the main one with with the sign. You know, we put down everything and you know on hoodies, dry fits, sweat pants, everything, hats, but you know about twenty other things. That's that's the thing I think we're most recognized for. So then seven years ago when you said, oh, hey, I have this idea for a company, what like what made that light bulb go off? In your head that I want to make an apparel company and I want to call it Quit Bitching Coalition. At the time, as you know, I had a full time job. I also had another side hustle. I was selling tickets to events. But I was getting sick of that and I wanted to start a company. I had no clue what it was, and everything I've done, every business I've had a few has happened kind of by accident. So one late night I was just, you know, I didn't mind. I wanted to start a company. I was reading Facebook and every all these dudes and women were pretty much bitching about all this stuff, and I got fed up. So I literally put a status out at like midnight. I'm like, and I get a good about a following. I said, I'm so sick of you guys, you know bitching. I'm starting. I'm starting to quit pitch and cold you tomorrow. T shirts available in a week, and I said, don't don't even want to steal this. I went to bed not even thinking about a T shirt line nothing. I woke up and I had a trillion emails in boxes Texas like I can't wait for these shirts, and I'm like, oh sho, I might have something. So I literally had five in the morning. I made a pound of bacon and a pot of coffee, which I do every Saturday back in my single days, and I trade I trademarked them. Now this is why it was seven years ago. When you first said it to her. Was she like, what are you talking about? Yes? But she was used to me coming with up with ideas, right I I'm always pitching people things that my mind doesn't stop. My mother, my my wife, my girlf at the time who's not my wife. And when she stopped, she's like, you know what, you got something there? I'm like, okay, because usually she's like, nah, keep on moving, you know, you know not I don't like that idea, because I literally will would give her an idea a day, and then my mom liked it, my friends liked it. So I wanted to move fast, which I thankfully. I made a couple of designs and I loved them and they sucked. And my wife's she's like, you know what, why don't you slow down? Like at this time we just got engaged. Why don't you do it the right way? And that was the best advice she or anyone's given me. Because I look back at the old designers, I thought, we're fire, were horrible and we wouldn't we would where we're now. So I made a list of like things I wanted to do to get it right. From packaging, I mean, I was anyone knows me to think that I'd have a parrel line, you know, with tissue paper and all this. You know, you know, folded shirts and you're a tough Hotealian guy. Why would you have that exactly? So, I mean I'm literally like YouTube and everything. I made a big list and I said I won't launch it until I hit everything on this list and the packaging was on point. I employed a marketing company, uh Hope and tailor, Tailor and Hope to help me out, and we and we launched it and uh it's going good, you know, growing weekly, monthly whatever. You know, what are what are some other things that were on that list that you were like, we're not launching until we have this, because I feel like a lot of people do what you're about to do and kind of jump into something and then pick up the pieces, which isn't the worst. It sometimes works out, But if someone wants to go into their side hustle with some lot of a plan. What are something you said you had a marketing company on that list, um, everything from I had to know okay, I had to get the pack pitching right. Why didn't want to just throw it in the bag? So I had to get nice packaging. I had to figure okay, how do I do the shipping? That was the big thing. How do you charge people the right shipping? Then you have to get a scale right, and then you have to come up with some stickers, and you have to come up obviously have a website design. Then you have to come up with a launch. I mean everything from like I said, tissue paper to business cards to you know, trademarks, licensing the right licensing, um, just making sure you're die. You don't. You don't want to come across as doing it half fast, So you gotta do it, you know, do it the right way and do come across as professional as possible. And I did this by a talking to everyone I knew in the in the fashion world, which was you know, one person and YouTube and YouTube and stuff, you know what I mean, Like I YouTube and like okay, this is how you do this? And you know and I just made the list and crossed it off and and and it was up and down the list, and when I said, okay, now I can launch it, and I did a July two than Fi team. Wow. One thing we haven't talked about, which I think is the craziest part about this, is that quick Pitch and Coalition has been your side hustle this whole time, and your day job you work for the government, and we can't really say what it is, but I think it's it's so cool to me that you, first of all have a badass day job and don't fully know what it is, but I know it's a badass and it's completely different than your side hustle because I assume that you're not making apparel for the government. No, it's completely different. And the thing I learned is time management. You know, I have three kids, a wife, job, and then I have to do all this other stuff, you know, and it's that might mean I might wake up at three in the morning, I might do stuff till midnight, you know what I mean. So you just have to figure out the best way to do it, and you can go as far as you want to go, you know, and take it do people at your day job know what you do as your side hustle. Oh yeah, yeah, but you know it's that's a good question because the opposite is not true. This is like a big deal for me, even say I have a full time job. You know, most people that have no I have a full side hustle. I think it's the real hustle. And that's and and that's the beauty of it. That's what I wanted. I make it as professional as possible that you can't tell if I do this ninety hours a week or three. So I do put in probably fourty hours a week with QBC. But some people think I do nothing else, you know what I mean, that's crazy. That was that was my design. You know, most people would have no clue. And that's how I like to keep it. That's actually you're probably the first person who's ever said that. I feel like some people may operate like that but don't realize that they're doing that. But I mean, you know, some people own the fact is my side hustle. But I kind of like how you're You don't want people to know that this may come second in some cases. You want them to just think this is what you do, and that's I think kind of a different mindset than what a lot of people have me before. Anyway, have you always kind of loved apparel? I know you said the idea came first, but have you always kind of been someone who's liked clothes at least? Yeah? Yeah, I mean I wouldn't be a fashionista called me that, but um yeah, I mean I played sports. I played a little bit of pro a lot of college out of high school, so I was into athletic stuff and the thing that appealed to me a lot. When you sell tickets, for example, you're buying a ticket, hopefully it's a high a good ticket yourself, there's no creativity there, you know. With apparel, I get to be creative and whether it's you know, writing the people like you were, making up shirts and doing a different functions, going to expose so it gets to show my personality, which I think of more than a lot of people's brands. My personality is is my brand, you know, and vice versa. You know, more though than I don't know when Mike, when Mr Nike, I read his book Boat, When the heck his name is? I forget at this point, but I don't know if he walks around thinking that looks like Mr. Nike, you know what I mean. But anyone that knows me knows that this brand kind of does match me pretty well, you know. So let you be be creative at the same time. You know, and you know, Italians you're the best in fashion out there, you know. Of course, my dad had a clothing store when before yeah, men a men's clothing store was called rich Man poor Man. And he's such a fashion it's hilarious. Exactly. You said you played sports. Let's go back to college. What sport were you playing? I played on baseball, George Washington. I was a catcher, so I played there and then um after that, and part of like I said, I didn't say part of the quick pitching thing was me not getting make it to the big leagues was a big chip on my shoulder and my big deal in my life. It was a whole thing. So my wife was pretty much she has told me like, hey, she didn't say the words quick bitching, but like, you gotta get over this. It's been a long time. So anyway, after Cole, instead of go to the big leagues, I went to Italy and I played for about six months on the Italian national team and a proteina. So that was a great experience, you know, being Italian and being a dual ctionnership. I was allowed to play, you know, for the national team. So it's something I'll never forget, you know what I mean. So, so you played for the Italian national baseball team in what year? You know? Two? So I played O two and I was the starting catcher for the national team. For me to play in Olympics and oh four, I would have had to go to stay over there and play two more years, or go to go to Australia or actually or tore around the Cuban with the team. Long story short. Because I was so much in the baseball for four years, I wasn't that much in the school. So I didn't have my degree yet. So I had another year or two of them to get to get my bachelor So I was like, now, in hindsight, screw the bachelors. I get that down the road. I should have put you sport around Italy in the world, But you know I was. I wanted to get done with school and I did complete my bachelor's degree. Awesome. What year did your wife say to you? Basically the quick bitch in conversation Oh god two fourteen, you know, like you know, we started dating, you know, right around there thirteen, And I love her. I don't even know her. I love her. Oh yeah, she's like and you know, she's a successful business woman as it is. And I had to and I got got over. And now I have three sons. We go to baseball games and you know, teach them what I know. So then obviously, so your wife has a day job. Sounds like who is helping you with quick bitch and coalition? Is anyone? Most of it is me? But I mean I don't want to say most of it, the stuff like the package and all this stuff, and it didn't into social media. Now do I run things by my wife? Of course? Does she gave me ideas? Yes, very very good ideas. So I don't want to say. I want't say most of these people, I would say her, But it's it's when when we can you know, she doesn't put in you know, the same amoun hours. But hey, let's sit down and when to run this idea by you? And the best thing that she has told me, the best advice she's given me is honest advice. You know, no that sucks, that's great. If she said it's good, I know it's good because she's very good at what she does and her it might not be easy to hear, Hey that that idea sucks, but she's always right, so I might push back and then I sit around. So when she I liked to listen to her because of her honest advice, and I run things by everybody, you know what I mean. And your wife doesn't want you to fail because she fails exactly, exactly exactly. How do you market quit Bitch and Coalition? Because Instagram was around, but it wasn't what it is today, so a lot of people who are starting their side hustles now like Instagram is almost more important than a website sometimes. So yes, I guess as a company that's been around before Instagram really took off, and then now you're still here, how do you market quit Bitch and Coalition? That's a great question right now? Do the Instagram stuff? You use some influencers and one thing I do, um it's good and bad. I guess some people defending you go to my Instagram. It's very raw. So people that buy the stuff I put their pictures up, I put their testimonies I don't have I don't pay models to wear the stuff, and then they have awesome form of shoots like some people, you know what I mean. So it's real. So a lot of word of mouth, a lot of people tagging us that I've done some expos, right, I've done with the Marine Corps with a hundred thousand of people coming through your rent of booth and literally crushed it. Right, So the Marine Corps explain that there was a Marine Corps Marine Corps Marathon. So many marathons they have, they'll have an expo, right, and they'll have a convention centers full of like fifty different vendors. You pay a couple of grand, set up your booth, and you hope people like it. Right, So all those people I sold the boat the stuff at these expos, because my stuff does better in person. That's why the more stores we get into, when they really see the quality and feel it and stuff and then get to see me and talk about it, and you know, boom boom, we literally crushed it. So I'd like to do those those those expos and then you leave and they wear their stuff and it just spreads like that. We sponsor um A league called Street Beefs, which is a boxing outdoor boxing mm A league, and what they what they do is they settle beefs in the streets by fighting legally, and they have they have one point five million YouTube subscribers. So we're one of the sponsors there. Yeah, as of November, and they're growing. I mean they're growing at a minute, you know, different people's podcast And I haven't put a ton of money into real marketing yet. Someday we will, but it's going well. You have to why Yeah, Yeah, we'll get there, you know, whether it's by doing that or by you know, some who who knows, you know. But right now we're real grassroots green you know green. But it's uh, it's working, you know. So you said something about being sold in stores. Are you currently sold in stores? Yeah, Little Mama Pop stores in the malls. Because right now, even though I believe it or not, quid bitching to me. When I first launched it, I didn't know how people were gonna take it. The response has been unreal. I don't have anyone complaining, and I get approached by grandmother's I think they're about to yelp me about my stuff, and they love it. You don't meet the mall so, but it's not ready for food action or foot locker right now, right even though you hear it on TV. So, but the mama pops you know, you know that they can make the decision to do it. You have to go through corporate. I have it a different little score like in the chaosks. I've been in tattoo shops that have sold it. It's a very badass tattoo store brand. Yeah exactly. And now someday do I think that you can you can carry it in more mainstream yes, you know what I mean. But but right now it's not ready. But like I said, I launched it. The response has been way better than I thought. You are sold online. So by the way, anyone can go check it out. It's quit Bitching doc, which is how is that you are not taken? I don't know you're lucked out? Well no, no I didn't. I didn't look out. I had quick Bitch and coal isution from the jump right. And then what happened was I meet thousands of people a year and they'll ask me what the company is. They're not remember quick bitch and coalition. It is a lot to say. Don't never remember. Ever QBC was taken. So I went to battle with you know, when you're going to buy a site, go daddy, wuld negotiat and behalf of you. A company in Africa owned it, and we went to battle and we bid it and I bought it. Let's put it this way. It costs. I got it for less than what they started at. I wrote them, and you know, we're going back and forth, and I got it. I got it for a good price. Let's put it that way. And I'm like, guys, I owned all the trademarks. No one else is gonna buy this, you know what I mean, like stopped playing. You know I always got quick bitching. Maybe three months ago, I didn't realize that, Yeah, I yeah, I mean we've been I've been battling. I went to battle in the beginning. I wasn't willing to pay anywhere near what they wanted, knowing that I get it eventually, and it took me about two months, and now I haven't. Now I just tell people quit pitching, and now they both you know how they both go to that cupitching Coalition dot Com. Well, I apologize for saying it was easy. Then oh no, no, it's all good. No, but it's a good story because, like I said, I I wanted it's been taken. They bought it and parked it for years. You know what I mean. So listen, I do that with random things that I think of, so I get it. Ye Have you noticed ever since now that you've been able to just say quit bitching, do you notice that there are more website hits or more sales or it's been too it's too soon, because I mean literally, when I go out, I mean, I'm telling you, I go out with a stack of cards. I don't care if I'm going to five guys the mall. I don't work, to my son's school, but like to the gym or anywhere I get approached, and everyone I know gets approached. So now I'll tell them the site, and I'll say, if you in the in the memo you know, mentioned the thing, or go to the site and some email said you a discount code. If I every every ten people I meet, three people go to the site. At least now they remember, you know, because even when you give cards I don't know, or people see the shirt, you know, or they see it on different different things and or people are just searching quick pitching now it comes up, so that that is really cool. You are sold obviously online. So do you have sales in every state? Yep, fifty states in fourteen countries so far. Yet, Like, when someone from Hawaii buys or shirt, are you like, how the hell did you find me? Yeah? Yeah, I actually, you know what, the first day that we launched, I don't know how it happened. I had four sales in Hawaii within an hour. I don't know, because I did the promotions on Instagram for a while. Yeah. Now when I get something from Belgium Ireland, then I'm like, what the heck. Australia is a big country for us, we do well there, m yeah exactly, but Canada is pretty big force. That's probably our second biggest country to make a quick pitching a h like, you know, like for Canadians. Yeah, that's that's actually a great idea. Yes, there you go. Thank you. That's a good one because I wanted I wanted to do a four and want to do flags. But that's even better. That's a great idea. That's a great I hope it doesn't fail. Yeah, that's yeah, a guy up. He's like my unofficial advisor in Canada in the shout out, shout out to Mike. But yeah, I think he'll like that. It's funny, good idea. So now you say he's an unofficial advisor. Who is this guy? And how did this happen? I know we met on Instagram and the dudes one of those dudes that just likes to help out. He's a he's a great dude. So he was said to me, because I'm not digitally good. He said to me, like different, you know, things to post, unreal ideas. He pushes me to do things that, you know, like for example, two more podcasts you know, on my own then I on my show. And he's got his own business stuff going on, you know as well. But he doesn't have you know, I've tried to pay him, I've tried to do things. Oh no, no, we'll get it here sometime, you know. Just but he's one of the smartest dudes I've ever met. And he has a full time job. He's a fireman, and he's got eyed hustles and you know, again, like I said, so you don't have to be this big corporate guy to be a smart guy or a woman, you know what I mean. This has actually been a theme I've had in the last few episodes where I've been hearing from people saying, well, other side hustlers started helping me. And it's crazy what that there is a community not just of people on this podcast, but there's just a community of people who get it and understand and want to help because they they know someone helped them or they know someone will help them. And it's crazy how people are willing to help when they believe in someone else's idea. And I personally do it all the time, Like I I to to a point and someone told me this when I was needing to help. I'll help other people with T shirt lines of stuff, but I can't take you the whole way because you've got to get your your hands dirty too, because you know, you need to be able to think on your own. It's not that I'm saying I'm being greedy, but I'll put you in the right direction or don't lead on me the whole way, because you'll never be able to do it if I if you always have to call me, you know what I mean. So, yeah, you're not gonna run their business for them forever. Yeah. I love helping people, you know, that's even before the business. And there is a bunch of people, especially the people that are successful, they understand that they got there for some reason, you know what I mean. So that's what that's what I like. So you said you have a podcast. What is that all about? The podcast is called Quit Pitching Nation, and we have It's sad because if we do great. I've done five episodes. I'm on pace to do them every five months, and I gotta start doing them like every every week every month because every one of them gets good views and people love them, and you know, I gotta start. I'm gonna get you on it now. Yeah, we talked about that, but it just runs out of time getting a chance for all the other stuff. But I gotta get it done. Yeah, I know, you know, I know, you know that's for sure. It's a lot. Do you plan on making quit Pitching your side hustle forever? No? I planned to be the full hustle, you know. Believe someday it will be I'll have a choice to quit everything and just do that, you know what I mean. I I have different reasons why, I know, it's gonna be that big and I'll have it'll be a no brainer, you know what I mean. And everyone says that, but I'm pretty sure it's a matter of time. Yeah. I told my wife and she asked me, how long are you gonna do this? I said, And I'm dead serious when I said, anyone knows me I'm gonna do this because I'm so calm until I die, Like I mean, I'm gonna make it. If it takes me one year or thirty years, I'm gonna be the seven year old guy you know on Instagram, you know, talking about quick bitching and it and it doesn't matter, you know, I think that. I mean, you should just find an old guy now who's doing it. Yeah, exactly, exactly. Do you also have a charity it's called Heart of a Hero and it's for kids with cancer? Or you work with a charity called Heart of a Hero. What it is is, um, this guy who's literally a Saint Rickey manna out in California. For about four years, he's visited kids with cancer or that whatever it may be, dressed as Spider Man. He wants to get across And I get to say for him, is he doesn't visit in coach play. He's not there as Spider Man. He really does help nurture and take charity kids or anyway he's back to by people like me. So this for the second year I've done. I've I've wrote him, checked and helped them out in the past. Last year I started to start giving campaign, made a shirt. All the sales and donations went to him for Christmas time. This year was our second year. We didn't start giving too. We made a new shirt, sold the shirt, and took the nations and wrote him a check. And that's just Children's cancer has always been one of my main causes. So I try to do as much as I can, and eventually one of the biggest goals and I every ever name and everything, I want to have my own charity, the streamline everything you know. Um it's gonna call probably called Maverick Miracles is what I'm thinking about doing because I you know, made for Mavericks the brand. But uh, you know, that's it. I was conflicted about. I like to do charity stuff and not tell anyone about it, but I do feel that if you get people other people, you have to sometimes talk. You have to Since I talk about it to get other people motivated. So that's why I started doing instead of just donate in and keep it quiet. I don't want any recognition. But the more people know, the more people to do it right. And sometimes people are more likely to buy something if they know. I get emails all day that we motivate other people to do more chanitable stuff, so then everyone wins. You know what I means exactly, Yeah, I got to put it out there. It's one thing that I've learned that when you're you're honest and open with everything, whether it's from selling clothing to just giving your opinion, it is so much better when you're telling everyone what's going on. It's what is the next step for quit bitching? Are you going to drop coalition? Are you gonna always keep it QBC? What's the plan? Yeah, I think I'm always going to keep it QBC. Keep keep the coalition because that's like the whole nation, everybody, the whole world. The coalition is all of us, right, you know, that's like the conglomerate. And then the quit bitching is more of just uh, you know, the saying and the and the website and stuff like that. But in the future, I plan on doing a lot more podcast. I plan on expanding into more stores and I have a couple of ways to do that, and I am gonna start doing some videos and more content, more lifestyle content, you know what I mean. And uh, you know, just get some people. I what I really want to have and I want more people to go around, you know, doing this to do with some funny thing. When you say doing this people listening, I have no idea what you just did. So, oh yeah, it's international international side to Quit Bitching. Yeah, and I've got thousands of pictures that. So we're trying to, you know, get some movements made. Well. Everyone can obviously go support at quit Pitching dot com and want them to help there. But I love the story of how we well we never really met before today, I guess, but the story of how you've been in touch for five years at this point, I actually don't even remember the official connection. Did you reach out to me or did someone else reach out to me when I was working for Elvis rough in the Morning show. I believe it was one of my cousins up in the work. That makes sense. So I woke up early. I was going to d C the Pope was going to be there, and I mean it was it was matter of He's like, hey, just so you know, I've reached out to the car Marie, and that was ram blah blah blah blah. I'm like, okay, I wasn't sure exactly. So I found you on Instagram, you know, and I thought I just forgot about it, right, So literally, I don't know the Pope was. I mean, it was is here. Yeah, the Pope's driving by waiver to me. I must have said a prayer and all of a sudden, I'm getting all these orders, and we get orders throughout the day. But it was just bing bing bing bing bing bing bing, and I'm like, what the I mean, wow, that was a quick prayer. You know that works fast. So then my uncle and people across the country were calling like, hey, they just talked about your company. I'm like, oh my god, that's what it was. You you did it. What's trending? You talked about a really twenty seconds and then it was on. Then I went to the website, website, and that was it. And then you know, we've been in communication and following you. Yeah, you and Anthy. I always tell you all the time, you guys live the coolest, like man, oh my god, I mean the cruise and all. I mean, you guys work your butt off exactly to make it happen. But no, you do it's it's on basically, it's yeah, you definitely. I mean, I don't even know how you do it. You know, you don't drinks like I mean, I'm in the energy crazy, I don't know. You have to be in the coffee or something. I stopped drinking coffee last April, so I'm almost out a year at this point. Possible. It is not been easy, but I have found different teas and different things, and after a while, you just get used to feeling foggy. I guess, oh god, yeah, but no, you guys definitely yeah, definitely. Uh work hard and the stuff you guys get to do because of your hard work is all you know. Like I love talking about in this podcast, the connections and reaching out to people. And if your cousin never reached out to me that day, it's just it's crazy to think, like, you know, you would great, Okay, you wouldn't have gotten those sales. You know, you would have been just fine, But think about all the other people who now knew about you because I was able to I had the opportunity to talk about you on Elvis's show, and then we've been in touch for five years at this point and just and supported each other whenever we could. So it's crazy the connections that you can make just by talking to someone. And I think that's that's something I always try to spread in this podcast. So I'm glad we finally got to tell this story on here after how long we've been talking about doing something together. Exactly, Yeah, exactly, I agree, Thank you so much, and I want everyone go support you. It's quit Bitching dot Com, but they can follow along on Instagram. It's Quit Bitching Coalition, but go to Quit Pitching dot com. Buy some things for everyone in your life who needs to quit bitching. And Rosario actually wants to offer a discount code to side Hustlers listeners, which is really cool. Um it is Carla Murie is the code you'll get off no spaces in my name, So it's Carla Murie off at quit Bitching dot Com. Get it for yourself, Get it for someone who you think needs to quit bitching, because we all got those people in our life. Go support a small business. It's quit bitching dot com and don't forget Live podcast February twenty second, Basement of Stumptown Coffee. By the way, I'm talking about two thousand and twenty. If you're hearing this podcast in the future, you missed it. But the live podcast with Laura Burkhardt February twenty two, Basement of Subtown Coffee. I've got all the information on my Instagram at the Carla Murray. I can't wait to see you there and until next week, keep ustling, yea.

Side Hustlers with Carla Marie

Carla Marie is the host of The Carla Marie & Anthony Show. She launched the Side Hustlers podcast in 
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