FYI!!! Carla Marie is no longer the host of a morning show in Seattle but she is still supporting small businesses in every way possible. She’s even started her own small business with her radio cohost and best friend, Anthony. All of the links below will help you stay up to date!
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This is the Side Hustlers podcast. I'm your host from my Heart Radio, Carla Marie. The whole point of this podcast was to talk to people following a passion outside of their day job, people who were working extra just to do that one thing that they loved. And last week we celebrated our one hundred episode of side Hustlers, which was crazy. It was actually recorded live with an audience. But we did that in February, which thank god we did because we wouldn't have been able to because we're currently in the middle of a pandemic. So go back and listen to that episode. It's really cool to hear Laura Berkhart's story. But today's episode is going to be much like the episode from two weeks ago, where I talked to people who have been on the podcast in the past about what they're doing right now to get through this crisis, how they're changing their business, tips that they have for other business owners, and how you can help them. And when I started this podcast, I had no idea that I would get into the small business community the way that I did. Let alone what's happening now, because I am literally feeling what all of these business owners are going through and I feel responsible for helping them and supporting them. And by doing this podcast, I'm hoping you can hear their story and you can support them in any way possible, even if it's with an Instagram follow and a like on their stuff. That helps. I'm telling you it really does. I hate the social media game, but it really does help these small businesses. Share them with a friend, Tell a friend about a small business market right now, save it for Christmas when you're gonna be Christmas shopping. Just help these small businesses in any way possible. If you can support them by shopping from them, that's amazing. Even if it's a gift card to use later, that's obviously incredible. Anything you can do right now is unbelievably appreciated. So thank you for that. And if you do support any of these small business owners, if you shop from them, screenshot your order and d m it to me on Instagram. I will send you a side Hustler sticker. I know it's not the best incentive, but if you're supporting these small businesses, I want to at least send you a sticker to prove that you did it. So screenshot your order and send it to me at the Carla Marie on Instagram and I will send you a sticker. I didn't mean to do this, but in this episode, we've got two greeting card companies completely different and completely different sides of the country. So we've got Sarah McNally from Constellation and Co here in Seattle, so we're gonna talk to her. And then the opposite side of the country in New York, we've got Joanna from Philosophies, and Joanna is going to talk about how she's teamed up with another local small business and how you can shop them from anywhere. It's really cool what they're doing. And then we're gonna also talk to Steve from Lark Media. And if you remember Steve from last summer, his whole business is creating content for small business owners and he's got some life tips for us as well. You're gonna love hearing from them. For a lot of people, you know, why are you wait? Do you know what you want to do? And this is something you want to do? Do it. I'm a hustle. Do it. I'm a hustle. Do it. I'm a hustle. Come on, ask about me, yo. It's the side Hustless Podcast. Joining me from New York is Joanna from Philosophies. Did I stay right? Philosophies Philosophies. I feel like sometimes I mess it up on purpose when I say in a sentence, I was walking around earlier going Philosophies Philosophies. Oh man, here I go again. I was laughing at myself, and I'm like, I just know shop Sophies dot com. You can go to shop Sophies dot com. Okay, so you obviously make custom greeting cards, invitations, Christmas cards. You did my Christmas cards for several years. You do amazing, amazing work. So right now you're dealing with kind of chaos because you do invitations for people and events are being canceled. So what are you doing with all of that? And how are you handling it? So I'm taking every day, you know, as it comes, just like everybody else, and just trying to stay positive and know that these special events people are celebrating will be resk eduled and that what we're gonna have to do is just basically reprint them with a new date and be mindful that you know that new date has to be pushed back again. Let's just you know, take a take a breather, kind of find out what's gonna happen in regards to the venue, what weekends are going to be open, and I don't know, there's a lot. I'm kind of going all over the place with this because currently my sister is getting married the fourth of July and we just we're supposed to have her shower March twenty nine, and that was canceled, so of course invitations went out for that, and then you know, we waited until the eleventh hour, hoping like things are going to be back to normal by the end of March, and obviously they weren't. So now we're into April. So now all of the April invitations that are supposed to be celebrated this month, those are no longer going to be happening either. So it's an interesting time to be honest, because we have to just kind of take it as it comes. And for me, I am just trying to do my best in regards to helping people know that this is the least of their concerns if they worked with me. When you know a new date and you feel strongly about it. I just had a rehearsal dinner that they're they're pushing it all the way out to November now, and they're still kind of like, can we wait until it gets closer to run those because we want to, you know, be a hundred percent And and I said, of course. So I'm letting the customer decide. In the grand scheme of things, this can be easily fixed and easily changed. So I'm just kind of going case by case basis of what what the customer wants to do and make them feel good about it because they're also handling this pandemic, you know what I mean. It's it's crazy. As a business owner, you will never win by being a terrible person and telling people Nope, too bad, you got to do this, or I'm not doing this for you. It's just we're all in this together. Everyone is taking a hit right now. It's not like just one industry or one company. It's all of us, mentally, monetarily, physically, all of it. So you're right, but by telling the customer, look, I'm here for you whatever you need, you're gonna win in the long run because of that. And people are gonna look back and be like, oh my god, Joanna, did my my cards, and during the Chaosh she she helped me. You should totally go to her for your invitations, and they're gonna recommend you, knowing in their hearts that it's not only going to be a great product, but it's a great person to work with. So I fully love what you're doing and I think it's great. Well, thank you. I am one of those people that I can't turn off the news, so I watch, you know, a lot of different news programs. I read a lot of different articles, and I see how every industry is being hit, and obviously you see the first responders and the doctors and the nurses and everything that's going on. It's like what I do is not changing the world by any means. You know, I'm not being able to save lives. But I just know even before this, when I try to justify why I do what I do, is that, like any artist, it's like you bring joy to someone. And so my work is right now to remain positive or try to stay positive. I have my days like anybody else, and be mindful that I'm just trying to to bring OI and bring that one moment of peace to someone in this time of complete chaos. Well, and you bring that up. The whole thing about you're saying you're not solve, that you're not changing lives, but you do bring joy and I love what you're doing right now. So I personally bought one of the things that you're doing and sent it to my sister because I love this and I think it's so important to a support small businesses. But being able to mail something to someone right now who could needs a smile or needs a pick me up is amazing. So you are doing air hugs and lots of love and I loved this. It was a mug with Sophie on it, your character and what does the mug say? Okay? And then with that you also sent cookies in there. So that was something I saw you post on Instagram and I immediately was like, this is amazing, I need to send it. So you posting on Instagram totally worked because it got me and I thought I was super cute. You adjusted to what was going on right now. You teamed up with another local business to do the cookies because I know you're not baking the cookies, and I'm not baking the cookies. I'm and I'm packaging. Just so everyone knows too, because I'm not you know, I know, I'm not essential. So my studio is closed and I'm literally in here by myself, you know, boxing and um, you know, picking up the cookies, being so mindful of everything and shipping these, you know, one at a time. I don't even have one other person in here with me because I really am that social distancing is beyond important, and everything gets wiped down, similar to you know what we were talking about before, like your boxes and and everything. Yeah, no, absolutely you have to do it at home because that's where you are spending the most time. But talk about what made you say, Okay, I need to make this mug and I need to do this, I need to team up with this business. Like what was that thought process like? Because you did that pretty early on. Yes, I did it really early on. So it goes back to my sister in her shower being canceled. She had hired a local bakery, Jen's Cookies Creations, to bake her favors for the shower, and when she had a cancel, I realized that she had so many cancelations similar to what I was experiencing for invitations being postponed. So, you know, for me, and same with her there. You know those events are postponed too, but they're obviously cancelations in regards to those cookies can't be baked for that event, for last month, this month, and so forth. So I contacted Jen and said, hey, you know, I really think that I want to, you know, continue to do my gifts and share positivity or do something we need to we need to keep in business. I can't be making these invitations right now. I can't just close my doors like there is overhead for all small businesses, and even you know, a week break is something that you are impacted by. So that's why I was like, I've got to do a special design. And then when I thought about what is this design going to, you know, entail, I thought about Sophie throwing up some air hugs. Coudn't you know, you know, we couldn't touch each other, and and virtual hugs didn't really work for what I was thinking about with sending love and and and male and seal mail my my business. I had a customer a few years back to tell me when she received a greeting card or set a greeting card, it was like receiving a hug. So instead of it being a virtual hug. I just thought air hugs because of this time of social distancing, and I'm like one of those people where I even see you six feet away and I'm like, hugs, yeah, arms up, no, I'm you know. So that's kind of where it came to be. And so Sophie is the you know, Sophie of the Philosophies, this fictional character that carries the brand, but she is a big part of my life. Obviously I illustrate her, but I want her to resemble or relate to any person. You know, mostly women, but men are receiving these mugs too and enjoying them. So okay, So when you posted the idea of doing the mug with the cookies, was it immediate like everyone wanted them? What was that reaction like, because obviously people aren't necessarily spending money as much as they normally would right now because people are concerned. So what was it like you posted it? Well, when I posted it, people are like, oh, wow, this is great, and I'm offering free shipping. Where it's if you think about it, like the box and the cookies and everything. I'm it's very a very good price point because I'm a small business working with another small business, and there's a lot of kind of like just materials involved in regards to wrapping something when you're not used to doing these one off gifts. So I try to keep me very mindful of it. And I understand UM the same way with you know, budgeting and everything. Now is not the time to be spending. But people did receive it very well. Because they can't get to their sister, they can't get to their mom, or they can't get to their brother in California, and so the notes that are going along with the cookies, I actually know I could type them up and just send them in the box, but I chose not to because I think a handwritten note is so much more meaningful. It's like when you send to think, you know, and you write the inside out, It's like people can feel that and they know that you put thought behind it. So I'm I'm handwriting each note to the recipient, and some of the notes that UM reading are really there. People are nervous right now and they're missing their loved ones, so you know, and they don't know when they're going to be able to travel again to go see them, or they could live, you know, three miles down the road, but their parents is seventy five years old and they're not going to go and you can't. So I think there's a lot of different emotional purchase I guess you would say involved in this. And honestly, I just did it Carlo Murray, just because I wanted to be able to provide something because people were asking me, are you totally going to close to in or you do you? Can I get any cards from you? Can I get a mug from you? How can I support you? And it was like, you know, I mean, not totally closed in the long term, you know what I mean, but like shut shut down for right now. And and I really didn't want to, you know, like I I I just wanted to try to put something together that that could make an impact, I guess, and like and like we've talked about, I I hope that I'm doing my part guards to being able to go to the post office for that person that can't or is scared to leave their apartment, whether it's psychological or they literally can't leave their apartment because they're writing me because they have autoimmune disease and they're not leaving you know what. I know it's true, and I know earlier you said that you keep saying like, oh, I'm not I'm not saving the world. I'm not you know, saving lives. But it is important for people to be able to get out and and give gifts. That that's some people's love language. And I know I had Shandon from a layer on last week who you have worked with, uh and have even been out here and at West Seattle at her store, UM, and she was talking about one of her customers who has down syndrome who can't come in, and her love language is to send greeting cards to people. So Shannon shut down the store. This is before all businesses had to be shut down, shut down the store just for her to come in and chop to be able to do that, and that did wonders for that girl mentally. So what you're doing, Like for me, it was so amazing to be able to send my sister this and she sent me a video of her opening it with and reading the card which you hand wrote, and it's like, it is an amazing gift to get. You've got a mug, you've got cookies, you've got a card. So I want people to go to shop Sophie's dot com. That's shop s O. P H I E s dot com. And if you also see the website celebrate with Sophie's dot com, it goes to the same place, right, yes, just in case they see, wait, what is this one? It celebrate with Sophie's or shop Sophiees dot com. But when you go to your website, you have a little blurb up there, and I want you to just quickly talk about that. I know it has nothing to do with owning a small business, nothing to do with shopping small businesses right now, but it's just a good life lesson for people. And you talk about what you feel, what you do when you start to feel overwhelmed or panic. Right now, what I posted was something that I honestly do, maybe sometimes multiple times day lately, is that I if I find myself starting to worry or feel that anxiety coming on, I take a moment, compose myself. I take five deep breaths, and then I think of one thing or a few things that I'm grateful of, and I say it out loud. So I take those breaths and then I will say I'm grateful that Carlo Marie thought of me this morning and you know, called me to share what I'm doing. And it makes a difference because you're psychologically your mind wants to be overpowered by those negative thoughts. It's it's human nature to go into this survival mode, you know what I mean. And so it's so simple and I don't know if it's I have like no psychology background, but I just know what I mean. I'm just doing. I'm telling you what I do as a person that's very into mindfulness and who does spend a lot of time by themselves regardless, because I'm a sole preneur and I have just you know, a few people helping me here, and they're depending on the need of the business. So it's not like I run this huge operation. So to me, it's just something where it's like, okay, yeah, it's it's totally true. I love these that you don't have a psychology background, but do you have a philosophy background? Yeah? Quarantine jokes man, man, quarantine jokes Okay, gets act for me to go. I've been outside in a few days between you and me and all of the funds and different things that could probably come out of our mouth listeners are probably like, what, who are these two? They're listening to two people who have completely lost their minds. That's what's happening basically, basically any and we'll welcome more because we know they're out there. Okay, thank you Joanna for being here. Go to us, celebrate with Sophie's dot com shop, Sophie's dot com support, Send all the gifts, Send all the greeting cards. Your family needs them right now. Okay, So we just had Joanna from New York talking about how her whole business is snail mail, and now I'm going back here to Seattle to Sarah. Sarah is the owner of Constellation and Co. And snail mail is your whole thing, right, Sarah? Oh, yes it is. And when we had you on the podcast, god, when was it last summer? I think so. Yeah. So it's been almost a year at this point, and you have a brick and mortar store in Seattle where you sell wonderful greeting cards that aren't your standard greeting cards. That was your whole thing. So I guess explain a little bit about what Constellation and Co. Is first, in case people didn't hear your episode. So we write and print by hands, so per letter press printed greeting cards, and our whole thing is cards for life's toughest situations, cards that are honest and empathetic and meet you where you're at. So obviously this is a very odd moment in time, and we feel very suited to the time I can say life's toughest situation tolo, here we go. I mean it's like you guys were built to have greeting cards for this. So you have an online store where people can go and shop Constellation co dot com, but you have a brick and mortar store and here in Seattle. The whole pandemic it very early on. I mean, we're kind of like pros at the by now. So what was it like right away for you as a business owner? Today's day twenty of being closed. So it's been a while, and we closed a little bit early. I think it us about a week before the stay at home order, and primarily because I couldn't protect my employees and I felt really responsible to make sure that they were safe, and took that week closed and kept coming into the shop to ship things. And then by the weekend I had a sinking feeling that the stay at home order was coming, so I spent three days over a weekend taking everything home with me. So I just packed my suv, drove it back and forth, brought everything home, and listed several hundred additional items that are breaking mortar exclusives on our website, and rolled out new products that I could do, like downloadables, so we were doing like coloring sheets and different from things like that. I've started teaching virtual workshops, and basically we've always have had a website. You know, I started my business on Etsy as my side hustle, but with a brick and water shop. That's been our focus for the last five years. So kind of overnight, I went from focusing on getting people physically to my location to getting them to my website and fulfilling those orders. So, if I remember correctly, you started Constellation and Co in your apartment, right was that was your whole thing. You were in your apartment. You started making greeting cards. So it's like going back to the roots. I mean, you're going back to where you started. And it's like good thing you were scrappy so early on because you can do it now and and you were built for this, you really were. But you mentioned virtual workshops. What are you doing and how can people find those? Right now? The first one I'm teaching is fountain Pens one oh one. I love the fountain pen and folks are always a little mystified by them, so I'm teaching them over zoom. There's another one coming up on April nine, but I'll be doing basically weekly workshops for the foreseeable future, and I'm gonna be teaching lots of different fun things, teaching about like the history of letterpress and you know, all kinds of fun stuff, but starting with the fountain pens because a lot of people right now are writing snail mail, keeping journals and getting back to roots. No that is that is really cool, and I'm like, I want to get a fountain pen and do this. So and we also sell them on our website, okay, perfect Constellation code dot com. So people are ordering from your website, you still have to go to the post office. You're still we got it dialed. I'm yeah, We've been fulfilling stuff for ten years, so we've got a pretty dialed. So you know, we we play the ships station game. So I got my label printer and all my packaging supplies and I just leave it from my mail man he picks it up so I don't have to leave my house and people still get fun stuff. Okay, that is amazing that mas. I was like, how are you doing this? I know you have a key. So so also through this, what is it like being a business owner and a mom and I'm doing all of this from home? In some way it's tough. I mean, we've got two adults in our household working full time with five year old at home, so you know, there's a lot of there's a lot of screen time right now, I'm not gonna lie to you. But also I had been commuting quite a bit. My home is not near my shop, so I've been having a pretty long commute and been taking him to school and picking him up, and honestly, some parts of my life have gotten a lot simpler. It's just I'm kind of okay with In some ways, it's true, you do and you do need to take those kind of things and stride through all of this. Yeah, everything else is up in the air, But there are some things that I'm sure we all wish well. I wish I didn't have to commute. I wish I didn't have this. Well, now you have that. Maybe not under the circumstances you wanted, but in this time, you know, do what you can with that extra time that you have. Is there anything that you've always wanted to do with constellation and code that you were like, I don't have the time for this right now that you pushed back that you're now doing because you do have the time. Lots of things like next week, I'll be launching my mailboxes around the world coloring book with twenty six mailboxes from A to Z. I'm really excited. What does that even mean? Tell me about this? Yeah, I illustrated a world mailbox from a country starting with ay and then a country starting with me and went all the way through the alphabet, and it's just for me. I'm always anxious. I spent my life anxious and worried something like this is going to happen. So now that I'm in the middle of it, I just want to make stuff and be busy and keep making things that make people smile and shipping them and connecting with my customers. So I've just kind of funneled the anxiety into productivity, which I know not everyone is doing or able to do and not every day do I feel like that, but when I can. I've been trying to take all those things from my some day to do list and just start doing them now, because why not? So how long has this coloring book been on your to do list? So forever? Like at least a year? This makes me so happy right now, I just decided it's time. Why not? So when will the coloring book be live on Consolation code dot com? I would say probably within the next forty eight hours. So okay, I need to know how do you go, like, how do you make a coloring book? I mean, I sat down with the fountain pen and started drawing and then you know, scanning and and I'm keeping it simple. Are you printing or do you go to a you know, we're going to print them at home. It's not the way I would have done it otherwise, but I have a printer and you know, reams of paper and we're just going to print it out and you know, it's kind of a zine style. It's super fancy. But I have a mentor who I've been working within like a mastermind group, and one of the things she said this week was this is the perfect time to do anything imperfectly. It's like the rules have changed. There's no guidelines anymore for how to survive this, and so we're all just kind of figuring it out and it doesn't have to be perfect. I keep saying there are no rules anymore, like you can just do I mean, obviously there are legal rules, let's not break the law, but like societal rules that we give ourselves of how to do things and went to eat dinner, to eat lunch or what to eat. It's like, you know, what if you're going to break the rules now at the time. And I love that someone who actually has some sort of degree or anything or a mentorship to you said that in a normal way, not the way that I've been saying. Is so that's true, It is really true. So I want people to go to Constellation co dot com to support you, support snail mail. I know we had a Fred the Mailman on the podcast last year. He did not appreciate you saying snail mail, but slow for me, like slow is good stuff. That's what I want. And and you know, Fred and all male carriers out there, like thank you, thank you for doing a really hard job and continuing to do it and every time I see my mail carrier, he has the kindest things to say and the happiest look on his face, and he makes my day better. So for mail carriers out there, hell yeah, yeah, you're keeping thanks to mail carriers. They're keeping your business alive. So seriously appreciate them. Appreciate you, Sarah, Thank you for being here. Yeah of course. Okay, And now coming to us from Hoboken, New Jersey, is Steve from Lark Media. Hi Steve, how are you. I'm great. So people may remember you from the podcast. It hasn't been a year since you were on for your full episode, but your episode was the only episode of Side Hustlers that's ever been filmed, so people can still see it, which is really cool. That's awesome that was filmed, because that's what you do. So tell everyone what Lark Media is. And by the way, they can go to Lark Media NYC dot com to see what the heck we're talking about. So, Lark Media is a digital content creation company based in Hoboken, New Jersey. We create the content, we edit the content, we do everything that needs to be done with it, and then we can also help you turn it into marketing so that you can get a return on your investment with that, mainly via social media and digital platforms. Okay, So I feel like now is more of a time than ever for companies to be showing what they have via social media because that's how you're getting to people. They're sitting at home on their couches. This is a perfect time for you. So what has it been like for you working with these businesses through all of this? So at first it was a little hard because we do a lot of stuff in sports, and sports got shut down and then uh, we were sitting around. I'm not sitting around. We were just like listening. There's there's only one way to do this, and that's see who needs help. It hasn't even been like a you know, like hey, do you want to give me business? It's like do you need help? What do you need help with? And how can we help you do that? And a lot of different ways. Right now, we are actually starting to help clients with TikTok and how to utilize TikTok for their business specifically, because right now, obviously you still need marketing. Even if you're in a bad place right now with your business, you still need to market, and marketing for very little cost is what TikTok is all about, because you could get a ton of reach without having to pay for a dime of it. Oh yeah, and you're hitting that younger audience too that sometimes it's harder to hit with regular advertising. But it's funny you brought up TikTok because I had been tweeting what information do you want to hear from small businesses? And you had been in there responding to some people, and someone who was a small business owner said some asked the question, and you responded and said, you need a TikTok account. And he came back and said, I set up a TikTok account, because yes he did. And I actually he started messaging me on Twitter and we were going back and forth and he's like, I don't really know how to use it. I just want on my TikTok. He owns a bagel store in Long Island, and I love food, so my TikTok is littered with just food videos. And I started sending him stuff and I said, listen, like, this is the type of stuff you have to make right now, I said, this is It shows what people want, how your products are made, like what it looks like? Does it look good? And we actually haven't spoken in like I think like a week and a half, but he said he started it up. He's like, thank you for the for the advice, and I think he's he's still going. So I'm pushing TikTok and LinkedIn to my clients right now because those are the two best organic reach platforms. LinkedIn. I'm just starting to dive into this world. I've been hearing about like writing blogs on LinkedIn or whatever. So what do you even mean by using LinkedIn? Because I not understanding it completely. When I'm talking about when using LinkedIn, I'm legitimately talking about trying to engage with people because link LinkedIn is a conversational networking platform. It's all about engagement. It's a piece of content on LinkedIn could be something as simple as how's your business dealing with the COVID nineteen crisis right now? And then because it's a networking platform, people are going to respond to you, and you start conversations and you get to know other business owners via virtually and you get to speak to them and see like, all right, this person is doing this here, This is how I could help this person. This is how this person can help me. It's a networking platform. People don't understand that, and it's simple conversation, having simple conversations, asking simple questions. And I also tell people to put up some type of useful, valuable content. I put up a five step p It was a pdf. I put up with five five ways, five platforms, and five ways you can utilize social media platforms. Right now, I just put it on my LinkedIn people. People could take it whatever they want. I think that a lot of us think LinkedIn. I think back to my college professors being like, you gotta upload your resume and you've got to have a perfect photo, Like you don't think of it as like it's just a professional form of social media. At this point, everybody on there is is looking at the same thing. It's not right. Yeah, it's kind of like it's like business tender almost like, but it's it's uh, everyone on there is just they want to have conversations with people. They want to connect with people, and I'm not and look I'm not. I don't want people to get the wrong idea because there's a lot of people on LinkedIn that will connect with you and then they'll just start shooting you messages like posting stuff, asking questions that's valuable to your audience and engaging with people and that stuff. You might not think it does much, but trust me, like that stuff comes back to you, and that stuff will help you through It will help you through this, and once you survive what's going on right now, it's going to help you long term too. So just like, stick with this stuff. I'm I'm preaching this to people because I've seen it work for me just over over the course of even before COVID, I was really getting into LinkedIn and posting multiple times a day, and stuff is coming back just from that. There's people that I put something up about I wanted to I want to shoot a documentary on minor league baseball players, And somebody commented on the post, texted me and said, Hey, I have a friend who's in the miners. He wants to do it. Um, here's this information. If you guys end up doing it's he's open, just contact them Like that's simple. This is yeah, No, it is really cool. So I've been hearing it like kind of rumbling in different worlds that I'm a part of lately, so you're obviously onto something and you're giving it to your clients as advice. So clearly people should be using this time to use LinkedIn. While you know, I've not even ventured into mine. It's definitely probably a disaster. So I guess that's getting added onto my to do list. But earlier you mentioned how you we're asking people how can we help you? Now? What are some of those clients that you are working with other than the you know, the bagel guy on Twitter? What other clients, actual clients are you working with them? What things are you doing right now? With Lark Media one of my main clients, they actually got me started. Um, they are called go to team. They set up camera crews to the country. They have their crewing company. So like if you if I need to shoot in Seattle, I call them and I say, hey, can you guys handle this now? The thing with them is they can't Actually they could do news right now, but they can't really do a whole lot else. Like if they have if they could do live news, they can, but like they were really into sports, they had the award shows, can't they can't do that right now. So right now for them, it's really a, Okay, we have to keep our audience engaged because they're going to get through this. Once we get through this, we need to be top of their mind. So we need to make sure that we are still posting. Even if we don't have content from recent stuff, we could recycle it. So we need to recycle. You know, MLB is not going on right now, so we have stuff from mo we postseason. Let's recycle it, talk a little bit about it on our platforms, and stay top of mind because once this all ends, they're going to be calling you as long as like, you need to stay top of My advice to them was we need to stay top of people's minds. And we're doing that on with posting on Instagram, and we're doing that on LinkedIn as well. TikTok. We we didn't get into that with them to this point. Right now, it's we're sticking with Instagram and LinkedIn, and for them, it's stay top of mind until we get through this and see how we could, you know, see if there's a way to get in with a company that it needs to film at home workouts. But it's hard to just get into go film stuff because you can't you're not allowed to really do anything. It's so hard, and every day I'm assuming is different, especially for you working doing what you do, shooting content. It's just you like you're saying you just can't. So what are you doing? Know, you have drones, you can just go out on the street and just shoot some stuff. But like, what is your day to day? Yeah, so right now, my day to day is I'm doing a ton of editing because you can edit from anywhere. And I tell people I used to preach this a lot when I was working at my at my full time job. I was telling people, like, you need to learn a skill that's gonna always be needed. So like editing is always going to be needed. And one of my clients, they have a bunch of content. They already have content, but they don't have anybody to edit it. So we're editing it. We're putting that stuff together for them. They could use it however they want. If they want us to help strategize, great, But right now people want their content put together so that they could utilize it. I have somebody actually, another person via Twitter reached out. His wife is a lawyer and she's looking to get her Zoom presentations cut up to just she's gonna record it on Zoom and send them to me so that I could just edit it and send it back to her. Like it's just simple things like this that we're helping with. Like I'm trying to you know, we could run ads, ads, like nobody has the money to run EDGs, so it needs to be we're making content to reach people organically and just stay top of mine. That's the biggest thing. So my day to day is that. And I'm also editing a podcast for Sean. I'm editing. Yeah, his new podcast season is actually coming out Monday with Robin Roberts. Alex is producing my fiance for those who don't know, she's producing, I'm editing, and I'm running his YouTube channel as well. So okay, so you you clearly got a lot of stuff going on. So is Shaunty's podcast also going to be video? Are you editing audio? It's so it's gonna be on you know, obviously the audio files and then it's video as well. Cool. So you've obviously been working from home for a while because I know you left your day job to do your side hustle full time. Other than going out on shoots. And stuff. You have been working from home. So what are your work from home tips for people who are just working from home for the first time. Okay, so my tips for people that are just working from home for the first time is one like, get up early. You're you're gonna do one of two things. If you get up early, you're either gonna start working right away, which makes your day, which by the time, Like for me, it's different because by the time like two three o'clock come was around, if I've been working all day a lot of the times, I don't really I don't need to work anymore. I could take a little break and don't feel guilty about taking a break because you'll go crazy if all you're doing is working from home. Or get up early and do something that you want to do, like read a book, worked out, make breakfast, have coffee, do nothing so that you could have some time to just decompress a little bit and then start working and stick to some type of schedule. Like some some type of schedule helps, Like it's hard, but write stuff down and get that done. Yeah, I clearly have never had the opportunity to work from home in my entire life until ten days ago. And I went on felt that all the wrong way. I'd wake up, come downstairs, set up, sit here. And then the first day I was like, oh my god, it's six pm. I sat in my same seat other than going to the bathroom and eating and coming back to that same seat for more than twelve hours, and like it's easy to do that not good easy, It's not good. It's easy, though, you got like just if you stick to something like where we have these books that we got. We haven't used them, but they have a schedule in them, so we're trying to get better at scheduling things out for certain blocks of time throughout the day, like but writing stuff down we have I actually used this every I use this every day before I go to bed, I go to my white board and I write out my four It's usually three to four main things I need to get done the next day. Every time I write them down, I get them all done. Every time I forget to write them down, I don't get them all done. It's just like you got to set up your mind subconsciously that you know what you need to do the next day and stick to it. So now you and your fiance are both obviously working from home. Yes, yes, I can think, so no one listening can see the face you just made. And she can't even hear the question I asked, because you have a headphones right right, So what is that? Like? It's it's fine, it's good. We're used to it to a point, I say to a point, because there are times where like she leaves to go trouble and then I leave to go shoot or vice versa. Now we don't have that actually working together on Fun's podcast. So that's cool, like that, that's cool that we're working together in that, but like we can't so like we're trying to figure out, like, hey, what else can we do besides like work, eat and work out. So it's like we're like we're kind of used to it. I like, I know there are couples that haven't been used to it at all and they're killing each other. But like we already do everything together anyway, So it's not it's it's not like it changed. The only change is like we legitimately just can't like go anywhere, they can't go see friendly, can't family. It's that's the hardest part. It's not you know, like we're good, like we're great, but the extracurricular stuff is like the hardest thing and trying to you know, like I get down and I'll get like the other Like the other day two days ago, I was like, I don't know, I'm just I'm feeling down, and she's like, yeah, like be because like we've been in the house. She's like like, and we'd like I just gotta talk each other through it, and like that's it, Like that's what we gotta do right now. We gotta just be here. I'm loving this. We got work tips, we got life tips, we got love tips. From everything going on, I'm a jack of all trades today. Okay, So people can go to Lark Media NYC dot com to see everything Lark Media does. Also obviously follow on social Lark Media NYC because you do incredible, incredible work. And you can also go there to see the video of side Hustlers that Steve shot when he was in studio back when we can be around each other. I know, Steve, thank you so much for being here and taking time out of your day. I appreciate it. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so much for listening to side Hustlers. I hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy right now and saying through all of this. If you have any tips, ideas anyone you want to hear from, reach out to me on Instagram. It's at the Carla Murray and that's also where you can send the screenshot of your order. If you support any Side Hustlers, doesn't have to be anyone who's on this podcast or the podcast two weeks ago, anyone who has been on the Side Hustlers podcast ever. If you support them, screenshot at send me a damn. I'll get you a Side Hustler sticker in the mail when it's safe to go to the post office. So thank you so much for being here. I appreciate it. Wash your hands until next week. Keep ustling.