FYI!!! Carla Marie is no longer the host of a morning show in Seattle but she is still supporting small businesses in every way possible. She’s even started her own small business with her radio cohost and best friend, Anthony. All of the links below will help you stay up to date!
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This is the Side Hustlers podcast. I'm your host from my Heart Radio, Carlo Marie. Each week I talked to someone new following a passion outside of their day jobs. Sometimes these people take that passion, that side hustle, and they turn it into their full time job. I've been doing this podcast for almost two years, and this past weekend I celebrated the one hundred episode with a live podcast. We've never done a lot podcast before and it was amazing. Now you're not gonna get to hear that episode for a few more weeks when it is in the spot of the one hundredth episode, But this is what happens when you do things live. You gotta do it with the calendar and when you can get people there. So it was a lot of fun. I'm really excited to share that episode with you. If you came, thank you for checking it out. If you didn't, you'll still get to hear it. This week. We actually have two guests. Annie and to Nay are friends who created their own organic dog treat company. They each have their own day jobs and by night they are making dog treats in the kitchen. Check them out Barko dot com. This is the story of Barco Bite for a lot of people. You know, why are you wait? Do you know what you want to do? And this is something you want to do and do it. I'm a hustle side side hustle do it. I'm a hustle side side hustle do it. I'm a hustle side s huslove. Come on ask about me, yo yo'. It's the Side Hustless podcast we call the Roof. Joining me today are Annie and Tonay and you guys are in Florida. Correct, Yes, we're in Fort Lauriada, Florida. Nice where it's I'm sure much warmer than it is here in Seattle. Yeah, and you're we're super far, which is really cool. But the cool part about your company, barco Bite, is that people from anywhere can order and and give their dogs all the love. So one of you explained to me what barco Bite is. So, barco Bite is an organic dog tweet company. We really pride ourselves on our ingredients, so we have the freshest ingredients. We really care about what is going into our animals as well as other people's animals, so it's really important that we make sure that what we're putting in is not just with love, but it's actually like of the earth, and so that's like really key for us. So when I see organic at the store and I'm buying bananas, I know exactly I'm getting organic bananas. But how did that friendsly into dogs and dog treats Because when I see organic dog treats, I would never even think that was a thing. It's becoming a bigger thing now than it was before. I mean, more people are very conscious of what they feed their dogs, the ingredients that they're giving their dogs, because there are more dogs that have a lot of health issues and you want to combat that with giving them the healthiest ingredients. And to add to that, it's like when you're going to a store, you're concerned about what you're putting into your body. That's why we're so passionate about what we do, because equally they should be eating what you know what, right we listen, I've got two cats that are literally my children at this point, and I get it. So then question, can my cats eat what you make for dogs? Well, actually, there is a treat that we just came out with. It's our jam and salmon jerky, So basically city strips wild caught salmon, peas, just all the good stuff. You've got, organic parsley. We've put vitamin E in there as well, just health Rosemary extract is our main source of preservative, so it's all natural, organic. Everything is super awesome for your pets, so cats can actually as well. Yeah, okay, so this is obviously a side hustle for both of you guys. Now, I don't think that you guys grew up wanting to have a do you call a dog bakery? Like, what do you call Barco Bite? I just call it a dog treat company. Yeah, so this wasn't something you grew up wanting to do. So let's get into how that heck this started. First of all, how do you guys know each other? I'm usually from California. I moved here and I had an internship at a creative studio here in Florida, and Annie had started working shortly after that there and in accounting, and so we met each other, but we didn't really know each other, and it wasn't until after I left the company that we really connected. Annie has an amazing background and like culinary arts, so like her expertise, and then my background in business and marketing communications sort of just like meshed together and one day we were in her kitchen and we're like, we both have been passionate about like entrepreneurship. It was just a matter of identifying what that would be, and so that's sort of how it happens. It's funny a lot of people say that, like I knew I wanted to do something. I knew I wanted my own thing. I mean that was even me with this podcast. For a while, I knew I wanted a podcast, but I didn't know what I wanted to be about. And ironically it has now become my side hustle. So it's cool to have and I understand and have that need and want to have your own thing and that that entrepreneurship. But did you guys know you would work well to get there in something like this. We were good friends, so we knew that, Like naturally, it was sort of organic upun intended for us to just become good friends and then working together. It just sort of naturally happened, and it wasn't an issue. It was more of like an inspiration in this like creativity and like, oh gosh, what we're gonna do next? Let's try this, like we had nothing to lose because we were just doing what we love. Well, now you said something about a culinary background. In my mind, I never would think you would need a culinary background to make dog treats. But it makes total sense, like you're saying, yeah, well, I mean technically, I think it makes an important It does say that I did the actual baking you would not want me to do, because there's like a certain science to the shape of the treat, the thickness. So like her understanding measurements and understanding and green and understanding food, food science, food, you know, food safety, like all those things matter as they would for us, you know when we're eating our food as humans. But any you obviously you had a love for culinary and culinary arts, but that's not what you were doing. So when did that kind of switch. I've always had a love for the culinary arts. Like even as a child, I would be in my parents kitchen making cupcakes, just you know, getting into it, making their dinners to the point where my mom was like, all right, I'm going to take a step back. That's awesome. You know, we all take the safe route sometimes in terms of you with your your career, and that's what I did. But then I was just like, you know what, there's something in me that's just not happy. And the minute I enrolled and I did my first class, I was just in love and just getting to learn the techniques, just learning how different ingredients benefit your body and how do you make things beautiful? Want to play? It just click. So when you were doing culinary classes, you weren't doing that full time. You still had your day job while you're doing the corner I still had my day job, and I did that night. I saw all my culinary classes were done at night. So as soon as I left work, I put my chef costume on and I I was out. Okay, so and so, and you're the one that's doing all the cooking to Nay, you said people aren't gonna want to eat your treats. So then what explained what your role is for Barco Bite? So my role is more of the marketing communications PR set of things as well as business. So I think of me on the back end. So you know, doing things from our website are all marketing, um, you know, communicating with vendors and things like that, and just sort of having an idea in terms of like my experience with design and just understanding visually the aesthetic and what you want, and understanding like a white bag looks good versus a yellow bag, and like just the little subtle details that someone who do not have that experience would it, you know, consider it to be important and relevant. So it's it's more of that. Well, I do want to compliment you on the packaging, because when I first saw it, I was like, oh, it's pretty, and like, that's not normally where my brain goes and I'm looking at a streets. So seriously, it really it makes the difference. And you are right. You do have white packaging and it it's kind of like that refreshing look and it pops. And I do have treat bags that are yellow, and yours do look prettier. So it's funny that you said that, so great job on that. I really it does look great. But it's funny that you guys really have very separate roles because there's a lot of creative people that I'll talk to in this podcast, and there's the side that Tonay that you do that they're like, it was so hard for me to do that. You know, you have this passion, you have this creative thing that you love. Oh but it's a business and there are numbers and all of this and marketing involved. So it's cool how you guys have kind of meshed together and really done what your best stat and just go with that. Yeah, it's crazy. Have you ever had a point where and I don't want this to get awkward, but has there ever been anything where you guys have disagreed on and how have you handled that? Because I know it's hard to work with a friend, Trust me, I get it. I know it's definitely. I think with any business or any opportunity that you come together with someone, yeah, that you're going to have your challenges. You're gonna have your road bumps back into the day. If we understand that, like what is our purpose? What was our goal? Business is business? How are we helping our consumer and our customer at the end of the day, That's what matters. So we have to put our issues or whatever challenges aside and just focus on. Okay, we may not agree that this looks this way, or we may not agree that this treat is like the one, but we have to understand, like, all right, we're gonna test, we're gonna learn, we're going to grow ultimately, you know, we want to drive the business. So that's our main concern. Well, you said you always wanted to have a business, But then why did this click? Like why dog treats? You were in my kitchen as we are actually just sitting at this very tae awesome as we usually do, and I had a backtop cheets and something that I was interested in getting into it anyway, and we were just look looking at it and then we're like, you know what we could do? Yeah, So that's how that came about. So we just took off running. We came together. We were like going through names, we were shouting out bark but like it was crazy journal journal, We're just writing everything like into our mind. And we actually accomplished so much in one night. Yeah, the whole like rough draft of a business by the end of like that one day. And by the next day we were like, all right, we're doing this thing and there was no turning back at that point. It's crazy what you can do in one brainstorming session and when you actually focus, when you got someone to bounce ideas off of and not just be alone in your thoughts. It's wild what you can get done. So from that day when you guys said, hey, we want to do this to the day you officially launched. How long was that time period? Yeah? Four weeks? Four or five weeks? Yeah, and like we didn't have everything in order, like we weren't. It wasn't like you know where we are today, but like understanding and that's that business side, like understanding that just get it out there and then from there you're going to just build it and make it better. Right, Like things are going to change. We don't have our original packaging, like we had a different look like, so things are going to evolve and they're going to continue to evolve, and so we had the understanding and knowing that let's just get it off there. Let's see yeah, and and just go from there. People can go to Barco Bite dot com obviously to shop and see the pretty packaging and obviously get the amazing dog treats. Like how do you guys decide of what treads to put out there? Like who is testing them? So? I have four dogs? Okay, all right there? Where are they right now? How are they so quiet? My husband is keeping them quiet right now? Is lucky because they would be going crazy if they're out. Yes, So I test them on my dogs, and not only did I test them online, but we test them on friends, co workers. So we put it out there before we actually launched, just to make sure that you know what dogs actually like it. It's you know, it's beneficial for them. They're doing really well with the treats, and we hear so many cool stories just from our friends and now customers about how their dogs are like so excited to have the treats, how health situations have been turned around based on the diet that we started to implement. So we you know, getting that feedback is sort of what makes us, you know, happy, and that like fuels our passion for what we do because we know that we are actually making a difference, um and seeing you know, the lives of these pets turned around, so like for that for us, that's cool, that is really cool. Have you guys ever tasted one of the treats. Yeah, we taste of them. We have before we even put them out there, and they're pretty good. Like people ask us whenever we're doing events like on the weekend and they're coming up to our table sometimes people think they're like ice cream for them. We think that it's a product for like humans and not that it isn't because like our motto, if it's good enough for us, So we do taste them. And there are times where we're like, no, I needed a bit more of this or to hold back. Yeah, but we taste all of them. It's just been such an amazing so far. But listen, I just want to say that my dogs, every single morning, every single morning, I have my own little set of chaste that I keep just for them. They will sit there and wait. I have a Roddy who will like moan and groan until she actually gets one, and I think the other little ones like they get her hyped up just so I can, you know, go over there and give them all the cheese. It's crazy every single morning. Well, Tonay, you mentioned ice cream, and I know you guys have been in business for two years, so you didn't launch with ice cream and jerky and treat so did all of this other stuff unfold? So we started with our biscuit, like the dry biscuit treat Um, and then we actually had that for a while, like I would say, almost a whole year. We even got to yeah, like we had a larger selection of those, and then from there, based on sales, we said all right, let's pull back on this, let's add more of this, and so we sort of made those optimizations and then from there and he was like, let me just test out, you know, some other things. And she would see products that are in stores and okay, well, if this company is doing this, I wonder how we can try it and you know, make it in an organic way. Why aren't we testing this? And then just you know, getting inspiration that way and just doing our research and and he's been super good about that, and so she'll like call me and say, oh my gosh, I have this idea, like I'm gonna do this pumpkin spice like ice like what. So so she's like, yeah, just let me, let me test it and then you can come and see. And like that's sort of just how it happens. It's funny, like making ice cream for humans is hard enough, you guys like made it even harder, okay, for an animal and you can't ask them how it is. It's kind of crazy, but obviously you know that they love it. But it is cool to see all the things you've done and you haven't stopped. So I'm excited for you to explain how you're doing this next venture. The skin Caroline. Well, so there are so many dogs out there with different types of skin conditions. Mine as well. I have a little chihuahua who was always super itchy, and he was just like, there was really nothing wrong with him. He eats the best food because we'll make them fresh food as well. But yeah, they're just it was a problem like people. Yeah, and my cat have dandruff. Yeah, so one of the things that I've noticed just in the products that we've purchased for our dogs in the past. I know, I yes, And so everyone's listening knows what's happening. My cat is driving me nuts right now, so I just had to move her because she's scratching the screen. And yeah, there, this is the perfect podcast for this to happen. But yeah, so they my cats have dangerous and like you're saying, there's a lot of animals that have different things that we don't we don't think about as humans. Yeah, we don't think about it. And um, a lot of the products out there, even the organic products, you know, believe it or not, they have small traces formaldehyde. Uh yeah, to preserve them and that really I don't know. I don't know doing that to my dogs, so I don't even feel comfortable doing that on my own. Would. Yeah, I just came up with this bomb of ours and it's been super cool. We're working on an anti itch spray as well. But you can kind of take a look and it's like this little tin but it looks like mush, like lush. But first, okay, the ingredients that I chose, you know, are beneficial, anti fungal, They help with moisturized, they help heel. So it's just a lot of different wonderful things. Yeah, I mean I don't see why not, because you know, it's powesum body bombs, so you know what cats do have a little positive It could be used on their nose, on their bellies, on their skin. I usually take some put it in my fingers and I'll kind of rub it in between like their skin with their face inside their ears, on their paws and their pads and just yeah, they love it and it's just it's soothing and calming as well. So well, pets need to be pampered too, so is we like to say, if you can't bring your dog to the SPA will bring the spots like that. So what kind of research did you guys put into all of this? I mean from the treats to a skin caroline, Like where do you even start? Reading a lot of the health books and going to the vets. When I started this journey with today, I took them all to get their blood tests just in case, because you never know. You know, you're giving a dog a treat on a daily basis, you know, you never know how that affects them. That's one of the main things that I wanted to achieve is just to make sure that they are healthy and they this is actually helping them and it's beneficial. So a lot of reading, a lot of asking questions, how did you get people to start buying your products? How did you market it? What? Like? What was that like? Obviously this is good parte Instagram is always great, But I know you guys had a ton of orders at first. How did that happen? So honestly, it was word of mouth. So think about like today and you know, any product, if you're like, oh my gosh, this is amazing, let me tell my friend and then from there, it's sort of like naturally happened from our family to like I believe, like all of our family members, like the first warner. Yeah, and then from there they would tell their coworkers and then their coworkers, so it was honestly and was word of mouth, and then more of the digital marketing sort of came to secondary from there, it's just been growing and then us being able to be involved in local community events um and like tabling events like that, really putting a face to our brand and and being there and allowing people to have their pets come and try them in person. That actually helped us a lot. Their people have actually come to try them. We would have our little trade samples out in the front, and you wouldn't believe, just like people would just come up, take a trade sample, pop it in their mouths like okay. And at one point we actually had our samples out and open and we would let the dog choose which one. So that was really cool for us to see firsthand which which treat that they preferred, and that was cool and that was cool for the owners because a lot of owners were like, oh, my doc doesn't like edgies. My dogs in like peanut butter, but they would pick that treat and so they're like, oh, you know, it's sort of like it was just this marketing from the animals themselves. It's really cool. I like, I want you guys to go on shark dank, but I also don't because I want you to just own all of your stuff and yeah, but it's such a great idea and it's really cool what you've done. But tonight, earlier, you mentioned something about coworkers are the people who you'll have test out the doctorate, and obviously family members too. What is it like you each still have day jobs? What is it like in the office telling people that you have this other thing that you care about. So at first I was a little hesitating because I didn't want to be that person that's like, hey, I have this, Yeah you know, I also do love my job, so I was isn't at first, But I did tell my closer coworkers about it, and from there they're the ones who started talking about it, and before you know it, like the CEO was like, oh gosh, I had no idea. Can I have samples from my dog? It's like yeah, my CMLs, Like when are we gonna have um treats for our company. So it's it's funny how things like just sort of naturally without like you know, pushing it and being like, hey, check out my do it here? Take it? Yeah, of course. Any what about you at work? Are people supportive or was it weird at first? Oh? No, definitely very supportive. I mean I work in a creative space, so they are all about, you know, having your own creative venture, venture, your own creative journeys. So yeah, everybody was totally supportive, given out treats too, never had dogs, and they even come to our events. Yeah that's great. How many how much time a week do you guys think you spend on Barco Bite? From nine to five? I would say, Denay and I wear our corporate hats. Then from there we are Barco Bite. We're always She's always going into the website trying to make different uh debits, and I'm over here trying to come up with new treat ideas and you know, new skincare lines, reading on new books and just you know, going through yeah my dogs and just figuring out what do you guys like, tell me give me information. Do you guys still handle all the shipping. Yeah, we do everything, every single part of our business. It's done fancy. I like that very uh of you to say that. I love that. Are you guys sold in stores? Yes, so we are sold in a couple of local stores here in South Florida. The first one is Wolfgang, so that's one of the chains, and then another one is pet In my mind, um, but we've got other stores scouting us out. So we're getting emails left and right. That's amazing. So next up hopefully Whole Foods at one time, but sometimes later on in the future. It happened, put it out there. Hey, it was one thing I've learned in listening. Hopefully you never know. Wax Cabin Candle co was on my podcast last year and she got her big break because she was listening to Elvis Durand in the morning show Forever Ago and something happened where she called in and mentioned what she did as her side outs away before I ever started this podcast, and a buyer for Anthropology I believe was listening and somehow got in touch with her and put in an order for like five hundred something candles and she was making them in her basement. She was like, oh, my god. So you never know. I'm not saying that something from Whole Foods listens, but you never know. You never. But speaking of Elvis, that is how we got connected. So I love talking about new working on this podcast and just reaching out to people whenever you can. I was on Elvis's show visiting so for the people who listen to this podcast, and I don't know what I'm talking about. I host the morning show here in Seattle for I Heeart Radio. But before that, I was a part of another morning show, Elvis Duran and the morning show nationally syndicated. You guys get him in Florida. I was back visiting my family there and we went on the air and we talked about this very podcast, and Annie, you were listening and you heard me talking about always needing people who have side hustles, and then you called in, right because I didn't get to talk to you, No, I did, can call in. I actually I sent an Instagram. Okay, Yes, that's so you heard me mentioned on the air and I heard the podcast before. What about it that day made you reach out to me? Do you know what? I just something and he was just like, you know what, let me give this a try. Why not? I mean, we love what you're doing, and I love the Elmstrand show, and you know, I love that you Actually you also got your own break and doing what you're doing with Anthony, and it's inspirational. So you know, I'm glad you reached out today. When she was like, hey, I'm reaching out to this girl about her podcast, We're like, what are you talking about? I was like, what's her Instagram? Because that's when we're saying about everything. I know. I will admit I went to Barco by Instagram before the website, which is scary to think about, but I mean, but that's what happened. Yeah. Do you get a lot of you notice a lot of business coming from Instagram? Yeah, we get so many d m s more than we do like um through a web site contract page. So it's kind of cool. How just being in a digital space, like how things have sort of evolved and transformed and things that we originally thought would happen in a certain way don't necessarily happen that way. So understanding just that space that helps our business as well, because then we can promote a different way. We can understand how how it works and how our customers like to see information and like to get you know, photos and things. So it's true. I listen, we all shopped their Instagram and when you see the pretty packaging, you sucker us into it. You're doing a great job, all right, guys? So what is next? The skin caroline? And then what crazy thing do you want to do? You know what, the sky's a limit. I mean, we'd love to have a storefronts you kind of go down that road, have our our treats and whole foods, and you know, you're all of your lovely organic supermarkets. There's just so many things. I mean, we want to help with rescue. We want to It's just like it's possibilities. Possibilities arets. Do you ever think you'd leave your day job to just make Barco bite your full time job? Yes? Okay, Well to your coworkers who maybe listening to this, um, they still love you, guys. I think they all know that, you know, if the opportunity came out that we would make this our full time. That's cool. That's cool. I love that you're like in it right now. I mean, it's it's only been two years. When you think about how much you guys have accomplished in two years. That's crazy. So what would you say to any and denate two years ago? As you guys were just coming up with this idea, like what piece of advice would you give yourselves? And this is like cliche, like just live out your dream, live out your passion, um, don't let other people dictate now what your potential is and follow through with that. Like at the end of the day, as long as you're doing what you love and saying to to yourself, that's what matters. Any You're not getting off with that one. Looking on this fat I'm blackly things went. You know, everything has been such a learning curve and you know we have you know, gotten to know a lot about each other as a part friends and the two year ago for me, I would say would follow down this same path because we need to learn from our achievements in our mistakes and it's so I would keep it as is, just as we are. Well, guys, thank you for taking the time out of your day to do this. I know it's evening right now in Florida, so thank you for being on the podcast. I appreciate you, guys, and I'm excited for everyone to go shop Barco bite dot com. I know you're having us. You're welcome so much. You can help out a small business go to bark O bite dot com. And and Dene have big dreams, big things they want to do. They can only do it if you support them, so it's Barko bite dot com. I know you know a dog or even a cat who would love their treats. And remember you can always send me questions, comments, concerns, guests, ideas. It's Side Hustlers Podcasts at gmail dot calm either myself or producer Houston. We'll get back to you until next week. Keep ustling, yeah, h