The luminous Laura Henshaw joins Jess and Bec this Friday to chat money wins, broke tips and so much more! She shares wisdom on a Money Dilemma which is the entirely relatable problem of trying to balance your well being and budget. Plus this week's D.M is about navigating business with your bestie. How do you keep communication at the core to stay on the road to success?
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Acknowledgement of Country By Natarsha Bamblett aka Queen Acknowledgements.
The advice shared on She's On The Money is general in nature and does not consider your individual circumstances. She's On The Money exists purely for educational purposes and should not be relied upon to make an investment or financial decision. If you do choose to buy a financial product, read the PDS, TMD and obtain appropriate financial advice tailored towards your needs. Victoria Devine and She's On The Money are authorised representatives of Money Sherpa PTY LTD ABN - 321649 27708, AFSL - 451289.
My name's Santasha Nabananga Bamblet. I'm a proud yr the Order Kerni Whoalbury and a waddery woman. And before we get started on She's on the Money podcast, I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land of which this podcast is recorded on a wondery country, acknowledging the elders, the ancestors and the next generation coming through. As this podcast is about connecting, empowering, knowledge sharing and the storytelling of you to make a difference for today and lasting impact for tomorrow.
Let's get into it.
She's on the Money, She's on the Money.
Hello, and welcome to She's on the Money, the podcast Millennials who want Financial Freedom.
My name is Jessic Ricky.
And of course today I have Beksayer joining me because it's Friday, so today we are celebrating you, the incredible She's on the Money community. Today, I'll be sharing some of my favorite money ins. Beck will be sharing some of her best broke tips, and we'll be helping to answer a juicy money dilemma, which this week is all about prioritizing healthy eating and your budget. Plus we're going to unpack something that you slid into our DMS, about which this week you asked for advice about navigating going into business with your bestie.
Oh juicy, exciting and.
Beck, I feel like we have someone you might be able to give us a little insight into that today.
I do.
It does feel like we have someone in the room with us today, a nice, bright energy. We are super excited to be joined by someone who I think will have some really amazing insights to share today. Laura Henshaw is the CEO and co founder of health and.
Finis app Kick.
She's a podcaster and a columnist, among so many other things.
Welcome Laura, thank you.
So much for having me.
I'm so excited to be here, and I also I come bearing gifts for anyone that has heard of Kick. If you're thinking what the heck you're talking about, you'll find out a little bit in this episode. But if you have heard of Kick and you have wanted to give it a go, it's an app that I.
Am the founder of and the CEO of.
We have over a thousand recipes, workouts and meditations on there, and if you do want to give it a go, we've got a free month code for your wonderful community.
Which could be a bit of a money win. I was thinking, we love a good segue.
Yes, So the code is money month and if you go onto the website www dot kick app dot com, make an account, put the code in for the monthly membership, then download the app and log in, you can give it a go.
Amazing cool, This is so exciting.
You're a very impressive, impressive woman about that definitely.
We were just talking off air about how you guys celebrated your fifth birthday for Kick very recently.
Yes, for the podcast, which is crazy. It honestly has felt like a year or two. Yeah, half a day that as soon as you're an adult time, Yeah. I feel like when you're a kid, it's like I just want to be eighteen. Yeah, and then you're an adult, it's like a.
Five years to get older. How's it Ron's week been?
Might's been good? Taylor Swift, anybody else? The Torture Poets Department?
Big week dropped.
I know, Beck, you're not a huge fan, so I don't know, are you across the whole?
I am across it, and I like, I'm you know, I'm one of those not swifties. That also don't hate tails, Yeah, you appreciate I appreciate tailors swift.
So anyone who doesn't know she dropped an album, we're all very excited. And then she put up another little countdown on her Instagram and everyone's like, what's the countdown for? What is she counting down for? What's happening? Two hours later a second album. She does thirty one songs in one day.
So it wasn't always in the same album.
So the second bit is she created an anthology, which is like normally a collection or curation of poems or writings. So so if you look up Tortured Poets Department the anthology, that one has all thirty one but if you look up just Tortured Poets Department and it has the original set of songs.
I see, my queen.
I had full mental breakdown, like I was already crying.
I saw your calendar. It was quite funny.
I all about listening because it was what it was like a Tuesday or something.
It was a Friday, Friday.
I remember looking at your calendar and I.
Was like, I love that.
I feel like if that was one of my employees.
It was so cute. Jess I love watching you talk about Taylor Switch.
I get so excited and like things that make you excited like habiitasherie. You know, I just think it's really cute to see like revert back into like a really cute like young.
Like it is such that you're not young. It's you know what I mean, It's a girlhood thing. I said this about the Errors Tour. It just it made you feel comfortable with girlhood, like all of that joy and just wearing something sparkly and something you just feel cute in and all those things that I think society sometimes makes you feel silly for, like why are you so excited over this? Like chill out? Like it just is almost like permission. That's how I feel abou tailor sweet. So it's very big weak for me.
About you.
I love that I had a I had a good week. I feel like a lot of people. Now it's got a little bit colder. You get a bit sick, like your body's like hang on, it's so hot. So I have it last week, but now matter this week because I'm feeling good and you have a.
You found appreciation for me able to breathe out both your nostrils that you get after me. You know, when you're sick and you're like, I never.
Appreciated very wide nostrils, so they get really super blocks from I have like other things. But yeah, my nostrils seem to be that sounds amazing.
Thoroughfare the word thoroughfare. God lucky you pray for white nostrils.
How's your We've been back?
My week has It's been pretty good.
I like, you know, obviously, as everyone knows, I'm like in between jobs at the moment, so but I've just started like casually working again at this in this office and with Kiss with Kids Radio, so it's been really fun. I've just felt like, you know, when you're like not working, it's sounds like a dream, sounds like you're just constantly on holiday. But everyone you've ever met is working, So you're like you wake up and you're like, Okay, what do I do now?
You know what I mean?
Or you will go to the gym and they be like, okay, now what do I do? Like it's always like what do I do?
You know?
So just knowing that I have something to like fill my days and it's fun with people that I love, and I just like I'm feeling really happy. So this week has been really enjoyable. So yeah, I'm feeling good. I'm feeling good.
Sounds like you're having a winning week, so do you. I like a little pun.
I try.
I really do try to do.
Speaking of which, I have some excellent money wins to share with everybody this week. I will start off with Tyler, who said I got my first dividend.
It was two dollars retirement coming soon.
I'm amazing and that was just the energy that I needed this week celebrating the small wins.
Well done, Tyler.
Next, I have a money win from Stacy, who said I found lots of my berry plants had rooted on the end of some canes. So I've potted them up and I'm hoping they're all settle into the pots nicely so I can sell them in a few months.
Maybe I didn't understand any of those words, but I feel like trust the process.
You know, the berries had babies, and she did to sell the babies on the canes, yeah, which I think is just maybe what she was growing them on.
Yes, very exciting. We love that making something from nothing cool. Next, I've got a really good money win for anyone who's planning on traveling to the Goldie anytime soon? From Alisha, who said, we're traveling the Goldie. We're in a caravan. We wanted to head to Movie World. Two adults and two children. That would be four hundred and eighty dollars in tickets. Whoa daylight robbery? Now I understand why we never wanted kids. Hurry, but she said, after doing some research online, she's discovered that you can stay at the SeaWorld resort for four hundred and forty four dollars like a basic double room, and you get free entry to Movie World the day that you check in.
So she caught up.
She organized early check in, and so they're staying accommodated in an actual hotel for less money than they would have spent on just their ticket.
Stains Movie World.
That is really cool.
And then they have like a nine of luxury if they're not that you know, did they.
Save an actual room?
They were in a caravan, they've got some proper see, yeah, a bit more space curious.
I don't know what Free World accommodations like. Yeah, I don't know either, but sure it's lovely.
It's the main thing is it's cheaper than the tickets, and I'm going to call that a money win.
That's a big win, totally big win. Well done, Alisha.
Next, I've got one from Jesse her excellent name, who said I ordered a glass of wine and they had just under half a glass's worth left after her glass and asked if I'd like the full glass for free.
Oh okay, so they had like a little bit left. They're like, we'll just top.
It's like when you buy fabric and this is very niche when you're buying. As I'm saying this, I'm like maybe not buying fabric at spotlight and they've got like a little bit left on the roll. They're like, do you want to just take it all for an extra dollar? And you're like, absolutely I would.
It is similar to like when you're like in the toilet and it's like, I'm only allowing myself X amount of squares.
I'm I'm not going to leave to exactly I'll give myself Why not?
Oh you're my boyfriend, you leave for one square? One?
It's a toxic trait.
Yeah, that is so cheeky.
And then lastly, I've got a very on theme win from Zoe who said money win.
Taylor put all her bonus tracks straight onto.
Streaming so I don't have to buy all the album variants to hear them.
We love that a queen being so considerate.
Now, Laura, we've been asking everyone who comes in if they have their own money or perhaps confession to share if you happen to have one.
I do, so I don't know if anyone, Well are you.
I think it's only in Victoria, So if you live in Victoria, you'll be familiar and you go park around the city with past.
Day the app.
So I have been locked out of my app for a long time and I can use it, but I can't change cars in it. That's when it makes me do my password and I my car was actually stolen last year, which is fine, no problem at all, It's all good. I was safe, it was well, it was the car's not safe, but it was out.
The front of my house. I didn't come he went car okay.
So I have a new car, and so I needed to put my number plate into the payday app, and every time I park, I'm rushed. So then I'm like, I don't have time to work out my because it keeps.
Saying I didn't have an account. I'm like, I definitely, because I'm using it, I.
Have an account, and it's one of those things that I just it is. I have to say, from a product experience perspective, the forgot password experience is not the best I.
Have used anyway.
So every time I end up having to pay for the full time, so like the full two hours of full one hour, because I have to do it in the machine thing. Yeah, but the most amazing thing with pace day or whatever other thing is that you can pause it as soon as you stop parking. You just pay for what you parked. Yes, So anyway, on the way kend, I dedicated twenty minutes to working out how to get into my past day app happened to be connected to my email from about ten years ago.
So well that's why.
That's why anyway I'm in, And now since then, when I've been parking, I'm just paying for the actual time that I'm parking instead of the entire you know, two hours or whatever. So that's a win, and I just feel I feel organized. It was like a life Adaman and every time I'm like, oh, why is this so difficult? And it was a little bit difficult, but it wasn't as hard as I built it up to be my hit right right right, And it's like a weight off your shoulders, theos that you leave for so long that you go, oh, I need to do that, But I worry, April, I'm so guilty of this.
See for weeks weeks and weeks, and then you do it. You're like, why did I not just do that like three weeks ago?
Yes, yes, I kind of had everything that story. It's a money loss initially and will be your money win in the future, exactly.
I love that incredible, Beck. Do you have any little broke tips for us this week?
I do have some frog tips, so as per we have some from the community and one from myself. But Laura, because you are here, I'm hoping that you have one to share after so I will just give you guys one from the community for today. So the first one comes from Tanya, who says, go to w allers at four pm every day. That's where they start discounting food items expiring that day. I stuck up on meats and leave it in the freezer. Ask your local woolies what time they discount it, as times may differ, which I know is like something similar to what we've had before, but I just think it's a really good idea because I hadn't thought about meat and like having that like marked down and just like keeping in the freezer forever for the rest of eternity.
Do you follow those accounts on TikTok.
There's people on TikTok that are experts at this, and these people are getting honestly three hundred dollars worth of stuff, Like they buy muffins, everything, so much stuff gets discounts, fruit, venge, salad mix, meat, Yeah, honestly, if it can go off, it's it's discounted, and they get it for like twenty dollars.
And I find myself watching it because it's.
Like that, oh my god, they got like that packet of lettuce for twenty one cents, and it's just quite satisfying to watch.
I would love to just figure out how they did, like why twenty one cents, like so specific.
Yeah, I know you're exactly a formula or something, but when it's going off and what the price is or something, but it is, honestly, I I'm like, oh, this is amazing.
So good.
And I remember, like obviously when it's like a bigger long weekend, let's say like Easter or Christmas my mum for example, just this Christmas, the passport, like you know those whole is cakes like those, not the mud cake, like more than the mud cake, even though the mud cake is sufficient, but the ones that have like the decorations in the.
Card put it's in the cardboard, babe, you get it.
I think the whole cake was like eighty three cents. I'm not exaggerating. I have photo Sid's crazy and so yeah, just like you know, go pisack out your local Woolies and.
They pre stock for the big weekends. Probably yeah, exactly, just they counts.
They probably have extra leftover, exactly exactly. Talk to you like a Woollies person.
That's it.
Probably cold, yeah, maybe not aldi. I've never seen Ali marked out anything. But they don't need to do they It's so cheap.
Sometimes the stuff, the fun stuff in the middle bit ye all the hile that gets you. Sometimes that stuff goes on sale if it's like a two, and I think if it's two lack left of center. True, nobody bought like the mini standing tree.
So randomile a whole different later for like three dollars. I'd buy that and then My broke tip for this week again is also kind of similar to ones that I've mentioned before, but I'm talking specifically about Adobe today.
Adobe, if you're listening for some reason to this podcast, please know that I appreciate you so basically with Adobe in my life, I've never you know, how you can do the free trial and stuff like that.
You can do that for a lot of things.
It's all, you know, great, But if I actually intend on staying, I will always free trial at first, and then pretend that I'm canceling and then be like, no, I don't want this anymore. And then they'll be like please, babe, and then they'll be like, what if we give to you cheaper? And then I'm like no, and then they give it cheaper, cheaper, cheaper, and toward the end you might even save like half price. So Adobe can be quite expensive. If you can afford it, Please pay for price because it's an amazing like I don't know, I just love all their programs.
It's it's great.
But because I haven't, like you know, i've kind of been in between jobs, I need to pay for that myself now.
And I'm like, wow, it is so expensive.
So I have unfortunately had to be kind of like being in a position where I'm not routing the system but really taking a creative being at to be creative exactly exactly. And so I would say I'd always recommend that goes through a lot of things. Had the same thing with apps, and also, like you know, I've tried to cancel my Fitness First membership and they were like, how about this. They kind of gave it to me a lot cheaper half price, and like a lot of things, if you're like I'm leaving, I'm out of here, They're you know, the companies will be like, please stay and we'll give you XYZ. So just try it, Just try it, you know. So that's my bro tip and I hope that is useful for someone out there.
And Laura will head to you.
Do you happen to have a broad tip of your own?
I do, and mine can come off the back of yours, because I find with insurance, car insurance in particular, every year in my car insurance rolls over something. They often will put it up each year and if you call them and it's life admin, it goes and it's the thing. That's like, I just it's going to be a big thing, But it actually doesn't take that long if you call them and or maybe you go on a website where you can compare different insurances and you find a cheaper price for your insurance. And I know you've you've absolutely recommended this on the podcast before, but it's always one to remind ourselves off because it goes in the part of life admin. And then you call them and say, hey, I'm leaving I found insurance for this price, they will very often match it.
Amazing, that's really cool.
Again, you probably if you did a little I'm gonna leave RACV for UI like someone, you know what I mean, they might go, oh no, please please stay, give you a little cheeky discount. Even if you don't find somewhere that you can match it.
Yes, give it a go.
They have online chats now at all the time too, So if it is in that too hard basket for life admin a little tight while you're doing something else, don't go.
Astraight mm hmmm hmm. It's so right. It's always worth giving it to go.
The worst that they can say is no, exactly, I'm trying to make that My attitude this year is just take a punt, and if.
I say no, they say no, that's okay, that's okay.
All right, Well, why don't we head to a really quick break and on the other side, we're going to be talking about prioritizing healthy eating while you're on a budget, and navigating going in business with your bestie.
So don't go anywhere.
Welcome back everyone. Here's our money dilemma.
There, have you got a money dilemma you just can't solve? The Sheese on the Money team is here to help. Every week, we tackle your dilemmas, both big and small, to answer your most burning money, career and life questions. To get involved, simply head to our website and leave us a short voice recording and you might just find yourself on the show. Now, let's take a listen to this week's money dilemma.
Hey guys, I'm single, and I'm on seventy five k per year, and I've set myself the target this year to eat better and have a more balanced diet, but also to whip up my budget into shape and get my savings and emergency fund in place, because at the moment it's looking really dire, and I just feel like I don't have a safety net, especially in this cost of living crisis. I feel like I haven't yet managed to do both yet. One week, my savings will be better, but my food habit's not great. And then the next week I feel like I'm burning through the extra cash at the checkout buying wonderful healthy foods that I know my body needs and deserves. And I just feel like I'm having to sacrifice my health for more money, or I spend more of my money and feel financially stressed, but I'm eating better. It's April now, and I feel like I'm still on this sea saw and have had made no progress. Any advice would be so welcome. Thank you.
I'm sorry feeling stressed.
I feel like a lot of people are feeling stressed right now, and it's it's so unfair that people need to feel like they have to choose between their help or some level of financial stability. And that's not a reflector on you. That is very much a reflection of the financial climate and the way things are structured, which is just awful. So I just want to say, firstly, it's not you, like You're not the problem. Here, but I feel like, obviously, Laura, you are the co founder of Kick. You guys are all about health and balance and all those sorts of things. So I feel like you maybe have some good insight to share.
Sure, yes, so, as you said, just just to echo what Jess said, it is just horrible to feel like we have to choose between looking after our bodies and our health and then wanting to.
Have financial stability.
However, I do think and this is actually going back to when we first started Kick in twenty fifteen with our ebook was recipes, and the point of the kind of recipe food part of Kick was wanting to kind of reframe healthy eating as it being able to be accessible and also affordable. I think there's quite a bit of misconception that do eat healthy, you have to go to the organic food store and like buy really expensive food and everything has to be organic, and that's not feasible for most people in society unless you value that very highly and that's your core spending area and then the rest you save. And so for us at Kick, what's really important is making healthy eating accessible and so in thinking through how to eat healthy while saving money, there's a few things that I think can really help. So the first one being when things are trending, especially within the health space. We see things trending, it goes kind of from one thing to the other, they usually go up in price significantly. And so it is so for example, if anything becomes in quotation mark superfood, like there was a time when oats was it, and oats is amazing.
Really really healthy food, part of a.
For part of our diet that we can eat delicious, you know, great for breakfast, however you're going to eat you're ever going to eat it. But there was a time when it was labeled a superfood and it went up crassing. Anytime that that happens, because then the food starts to become popular, so then more brands or new brands to kind of like, okay, I'm going to make this into a product. Then you end up paying for a lot of the branding and kind of all of the superfoodness around it. When it's trending, and it's that can push our what we're spending on our food, it can increase the food bilt quite significantly. So not feeling like we have to you know, follow all the health trends is really important and just.
Always trip it back to basics.
The second thing is around canned foods like lagrooms and beans.
They're really great high sources of protein.
There's something that you can buy when they're on sales, so you can stock up if they're half price, the balls or coals or wherever you buy them, and.
They they last for ages.
Yeah, true.
And then also that you can add them into casseroles or whatever, like slow especially we now go into winter slow cooked meals to help bulk up the protein without having to add extra meat. So if you do eat meat, and meat is expensive, it's the usually the most expensive thing in our kind of grocery bill of what we're buying, So you can bulk up the protein with the more affordable item in the lagrooms, and they're really really good for us.
I just realized I've been pronouncing that wrong way, have I?
How do you say?
I say, leg you.
Which I think it's it's definitely tomato or tomato. I think you can say either.
I think you can absolutely say either.
It's embarrassed.
No, no, no, no no.
There's probably people listening being like every time I said it's screaming, like that is not how you say it.
However you say legoo or how did you say it?
Leg You like, so I think that's fine.
I think it's fine, can be however you say it, beans, whatever, lentils, et cetera.
Really good for saving money and.
Also very very healthy. And but they're just not again they're not. They're probably right now not trending in quotation marks. So we don't have anxiety exactly. We don't think like, oh, they're really really healthy, but they are full of and packed with nutrients.
So that's a good tip.
It's also really important to shop seasonally, so within your and also change the recipes that you're making seasonally as well. So you might have a favorite recipe that you love, but it actually might be double the cost to prepare that recipe in winter versus summer because the ingredients might be out of season. There's times when capsicins are eighteen dollars a kilo. Who So there's one of my favorite recipes in kick is we have this One the most popular recipes is always the one pot ones because no dishes, you just put all in the pot. But there's one that uses a lot of capskicins. I think the one pot for heater bowl it's so delicious Mexican for heater Bowl.
But during the time when.
Capsicans are out of season, that's not a good recipe to make because it's so expensive because it needs about six capsicins, so it's shopping seasonally.
And then the other thing is prepping.
Meal prepping is very very important for saving money when you go to the shop and wheel to it.
You know, when you go and.
You shop for one meal at a time, and it's hard because you know you had a busy weekend and you didn't do it, and then you know it's better than getting often more affordable than getting takeaway, but you then buy all this random stuff that you don't need and it ends up being way more expensive per meal than if you prep. So prepping what you're going to make for the full week that way, then you could buy so for example, if you're going to use chicken, you could make three meals with chicken, and you can bulk buy the chicken, so it's cheaper. You can also as well in terms of meal prepping, which is really because if you think about if you get home you're so tired, you don't have any like you just you can't blow cooking and you orto Uber eats, they can cost like ten dollars in delivery, and Uber eats as well. Often things are about thirty percent more than if you actually go into that particular shop and order it, just because obviously the shop has to.
Make the charge on it, exactly right.
But the surcharge of the actual cost of things on Uber eats is more like there's a chicken shop near me, where the chicken might be about I don't know, fifteen dollars if you are probably more, I can't remember, but just say, for shane dollars if you buy in the shop, or twenty five dollars on Uber each. Yes, so I think that's important to acknowledge. But then within that kind of Uber eats order, just say you end up spending thirty dollars on a meal when because you just can't be bothered. And for some people meal prepping and thinking, or for me, like meal prepping every meal for the week, like eating out of having a container with chicken and rice whatever is easy to meal prep.
Is so unappealing.
I completely we all know that.
Like if you bring lunch to work and it's the same lunch you had every day for the week, and of course that as soon as one person's like, you want to go get immediately? Do you like guizmind and goment do you call it guzzies.
Guzzies or.
But I love it?
I think you call it guzzies.
I mean, okay, whatever saying let's go get you know, let's go get sushi or whatever it might be.
You're so much you're gonna be like, yeah, I have eaten this same lunch. It has like ten days.
So it's with meal prepping. It's important to remember that. I think some people like I just can't do that, So I can't meal prep. But there's many ways that you can do it. It might be making a you might have bolonnaise for dinner one night, making more of that sauce, freezing that in the freezer, so then when you in the whatever week you know you're gonna have a really big day, defrost that in the morning you get home.
You still cook the pasta fresh.
You can add a little bit more vegetables or something, so it feels like a new, exciting meal. You haven't had bolonaise every single day for the past six days, and.
You're over it. But it's still a really easy, affordable meal.
To meal prep, so really thinking about what type of meal prep works for you and then letting that you know, working in with that instead of just thinking I just kind of the same meal every day.
The other one is shopping at the market.
Often, if you are near a market for fruit and vege, it can be a really affordable way.
To buy fruit and veg.
So I find when I do do my shop at the market, it is I get the fruit and veg is super fresh, and they always have specials that mean that you might you know, they might be a special of I don't know, potatoes or whatever, bananda, something is really reduce So then it's like, Okay, how could you make that vegetable or whatever it might be work for you?
True in that way, Yes, to reduce the food cost.
Yeah, can you freeze the bananas and use them in a cyball.
Exactly right percent?
Or smoothies or whatever it might be.
But it's thinking about how can you and not I think it's just kind of not feeling like you have to buy into the trends when it comes to health, and it's really stripping it back to basics. And I mean that that's a big part of why we started kick because healthy doesn't have to be trendy or show.
It's not.
It's it's stripping it back to basics and it's a healthy meal is like meat and three bedge if that's what.
You want to eat or whatever it is.
It can be affordable, it's but it's reframing I think what we think health looks like, yeah, versus what it actually is. It's way less glamorous than you know what. I think sometimes social media makes it seem seem like.
Does need to be super COMPLEXU exactly totally.
I completely agree with that, and I feel like you've really kind of like captured everything there. But I guess, like just to add to that exactly as we were saying before, like going to your woolies, your Harris farms sometimes like and don't I know that it's not really a Harris farm in Victoria, I don't think, but like in New South Wales they will have like bags of veggies for like two dollars or something, and just like exactly as you say, like finding a way to make that work for you for the week, going back next week and seeing what other like weird little specials bags of like miscellaneous fruits and bands they have and things like that. I recently just bought a box of good and fugly, which is like you and fuggly. Yeah, it's like fruits and begs that they're gonna throw out because they're fugly. Yeah, but they're really still good for you. And like it's prob it's like thirty nine dollars a box, but like you.
Have, there's so much in there.
So I feel like, you know, doing that like going to places where it's like, you know, cheaper by miles for example, which I know again is something that's probably only in Melbourne. I think it's like things that are you know, either being discontinued but still good or.
Ugly vegetables and things like that and still got the same amount of nutrients exactly. C has a hole in it or if it has a worm, but if it's bent, if it's bent, it's still not exactly.
The same amount of means exactly exactly.
Yeah, totally, And I feel like, yeah, pre planning your meals and things like that, you can kind of like see that you don't actually need that much to get a like kind of like a lot of nutrients out of like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and things like that. Like I when I was trying to eat really healthy, I was like, I need to eat the rainbow in every meal. Like you don't need to do that, you know, you could just have like some frozen broccoli, also go frozen. I feel like it's really it's a really good way to get your fruits and veggies in cheap and also easy to prepare, easy to cook, all.
That kind of stuff. And also it's like frozen at time of harvest. I think I don't know, I made that up.
So maybe it's like they're fresh what's they're called fresh sat frozen sat press and exactly right, so they keep a lot of the nutrients. But I think a lot of people, again, frozen vegetables are not glamorous.
They're not you know, you don't go to a.
Cafe that's super in quotation makes healthy and they still be frozen vegetables. So but it is such a good option, and they're already prepped, so it's so much easier.
Just exactly exactly. But yeah, you're doing your best and that's all you can do.
I agree.
Also, see if you can, like one little thing for me is see if you can make your leftovers into like grow your leftovers. So like avocados, for example, are really easy. If you take the pit of your avocado and you put a little skewy in it, and you put it over water, you can grow an avocado plant and grow an avocado. True, a lot of herbs are the same, Like if you buy fresh herbs, you can then propagate those and plant them and then you never have to buy the herb again. So like just little things, which I know that that might seem a little extreme, like it seems like a lot of effort, but if you're really having a tough time, I think financially it's about how can you extend everything? Also, using this is embarrassing for me, but how can you use the whole thing? I used to only use the leaves of pactoy and I would chuck.
The bottom pit. It turns out you can cook that. I didn't know that bokchoy of packed paktoy, bokchoy, they're different variations of like the bottom is, so there you go, But now now I know.
But I think there are.
A lot of like things that maybe like a recipe cause for a certain part of a vegetable, but for the most part, you can cook and use the whole thing, so like figuring out learning, not being dumb like me and not really I don't know.
I feel stupid now, but learn for.
My mistakes, like use all of those things, use leftovers to grow things if you can, because all those little bits add up. But also I think, don't beat yourself up if you have a week where you're like, I can only do this and it's not as healthy as I wanted to be. I think like health is often and all or nothing thing in our minds.
And it's not.
It's not at all. And just don't beat yourself up.
I think, because that's something that I've been guilty of in the past, is I set this goal or this expectation for myself and then I don't get there, and I feel really awful about myself and that it's harder to get back on the horse, and it's it's a whole thing. So I think you're doing your best, and it's awesome that you've identified that you need to have this emergency fund, and I'm so happy that you're prioritizing that because that will bring you, I think a lot of peace of mind, and if that sometimes comes at the cost of you not eating in the way that you wanted to. As long as you are feeding yourself the nutrients that you need, that's all that matters. Like, as long as you are getting what you need and you're surviving and you are doing your best, and we're so proud of you just for doing that, I think. So please, don't feel bad. You are doing autumn great advice.
Wow them and me feel empowered.
Oh good, I'm so glad not to fully switch June.
But do we want to chat about this week's juicy Juicy DM?
All right?
So the DM says this, Hey, girls, So, my best friend of ten years and I have been talking for quite some time about starting a business together. It's going to be a jewelry brand, and we've put heaps of time and effort into this and we're finally ready to kickstart things. Whilst I'm so excited, I'm thinking, is it a bad idea to mix business and friendship? What do we do if we have a disagreement? How do we navigate different opinions, especially because as we have very different ways of resolving conflict on first glance, starting a business with my bestie sounds like so much fun, but I'm afraid it will have a negative impact on our friendship. My dad once worked with his best friend and the job went bad and they ended up losing the friendship. So my question is what's your best advice for navigating owning business with a friend and what do you do when you need to have tough conversations. Also on the flip side, do you think there are any great advantages we should know about?
That's a good question, and who better and someone who has worked with their best friend for since twenty fifteen, so almost ten years now, almost a full decade that.
We've been working on Kick or some you know before Kick was Kick, I can offer some advice on that. So I think when we first started, people definitely said to us, never go in I mean it's something that I think we just have.
It's been embedded into our belief system. Never go into business with a friend.
Yeah, because you know I will ruin your friendship and all of those things. I think it's really important to try and take that noise out of your decision because what other people's experiences are. While they might be helpful if they're exactly the same as you, they often can cloud our judgment.
Because every experience is different for everyone.
So in making the decision, obviously it's especially if it is from your dad who shared that with you, it can make it a little bit harder because that is very close to home. But I think definitely take it on board, but don't let that cloud your decision. I think the most important thing to start out with, and a big part of how Steph and I have been able to work the way that we have for such a.
Long time is being very aligned.
And this is I do not think you can go into business with anyone if it's your friend or not, if you are not aligned on the vision and where you want.
To take the business.
That includes at what point will you pay yourselves? What are you both doing in the business, like, what are you both bringing to the tape? And it's really important that that's different if it is the same. That's something that I have seen in many kind of business or business partner relationships where you bring the same skill set, that can become quite difficult once when you start you're kind of doing everything, and when you bring.
A team on, that can become a little bit difficult.
So it's really important that you're and also so then it doesn't make sense to start if you're starting a business and you're going to give half of it, or if it's your idea or maybe a lot of the ideas together. But if you're going to give half of the equity of your business to someone else and they're going to give it to you, you need to do that for a reason, right, And we are going to start this business together and we're going to be the best people to do this because we bring X, Y and Z to the table. So it's really important to be clear on that.
Set clear.
It's all about communication and setting expectations because if you haven't set an expectation that for example, if you're working going to work full time in the business, but your business partner still has.
A job and it's going to do it.
After hours, being really clear on what are your expectations if you're working full time, are you going to be paid for that time? Because they're being paid in their job, what are the expectations on them in the hours that they're going to do. Because when that goes unspoken and there's kind of assumptions, no assumptions. Don't go into any business arrangement with assumptions it's important to have an agreement. It's interesting everyone said, this is Sep and I and we had one and we actually ended up never looking at it. But it is important to have, you know, just in case. So you've got that down and then as you kind of navigated and you know, for Stephanis as I said, it's almost been a decade. What's really important to enable is to never stop communicating because as humans, our wants and our needs change.
And that's okay.
And if you are with this jury business, which sounds amazing, going to go into business, it might be a ten year journey, it might be five, it might be one, it might be twenty years.
You don't know.
But over that time you will both evolve as people and what you want will change, and so it is very important that you create safe space to enable those conversations to speak about what you want and if it changes, to have that conversation. So you might have when you start, you might think, okay, we want to grow this business and have brick and mortar stores. We want to have, you know, all around Australia, and that's the goal. There might be something that happens in either one of the business partner's lives where that.
No longer is what they want.
You don't want to be in business with someone who doesn't want to be there anymore, or who's like feeling like they're not living, you know, or being in that business because being a foundry is all encompassing and it consumes a lot of your life. You don't want to be in business with someone who even though they started by wanting one thing, it then changed and then they feel unhappy. You don't want to be in business someone who's unhappy. You want to enable that conversation and be comfortable that things may change and you will find a solution, but you have to open the space to talk through it. Yeah, and that's something that Steph and I have learned along the journey. It's very easy to get caught up in just day to day kind of this has to be done, and this has to be done without taking space and time to sit down and say like.
Hey, how are you how are you going?
Because there's there is going to be things that you're both going to do that are going to maybe annoy each other. It's inevitable, exactly right, but it's so important that you work through them because otherwise you can build things like resentment, and you start to have this kind of you can build an elephant within your partnership. Often this is also advice for like a lot of relationships in our lives, but especially you know as business partners that you could have avoided by just having a conversation, and you are going to have to have uncomfortable conversations. I think that's something that we and I don't know if it's through COVID or in the way that we live in Like for example, on Facebook, your algorithm is very close to what you believe because Facebook.
It knows what you believe, so you'll serve what you believe.
And sometimes we become very or we have I think, become very uncomfortable with uncomfort stable conversations saying something that you so for example, just say you want to do the bricks one wants to do. You had an idea you're going to do the brick and mortar stores, but then one said, hey, I actually don't want this anymore. I want to take the business global, or I want to step out of the business, or whatever it might be. That is going to be an uncomfortable conversation because you're changing your mind, but it is okay to change your mind, it is okay to voice those things, and if you avoid it, it just gets really, really, really hard. So that's the most important advice that I would have is know that you have to create a safe space to have those conversations that you have the respect And this is what Sep and I like we have. I'm so grateful to be able to work with someone who trusts me wholeheartedly and respects me wholeheartedly. And I know going into any uncomfortable conversation that we have that we both want the best. It's obviously important to say what we want, but we also want the best for each other. And we're not going in thinking like, oh, I'm going to say this and I just really want to piss the other person off or whatever.
It's like.
No, we're going in because we value and respect our friendship so much first before our kind of business partnership that we want to protect it so then we can be the best business partners for our team and then for the mission and et cetera.
How you found that, as you know, you guys have been in business for such a long time. You know you've been friends for way longer. From what I understand, right, did any point your relationship suffer because of work? Not because necessarily you're having conflict, but just I can imagine if you see someone every day at the office or whatever, then making time outside of work might not seem like such a priority. Or did it impact the relationship at all between you guys in those kinds of ways.
It definitely goes through seasons, like all kind of relationships that we have in our lives. I think it is that something that's really important is making time outside of work to spend together where you don't talk about work and you nourish that you know, that beautiful friendship.
That's why you started.
Working together in the first place, and that is very, very important. And so absolutely there's been times we and it's come from avoiding conversations and we avoided and this has been a journey for us. We didn't avoid them because we were like, oh, I just want to build this up my head and make this big story out. We avoided them because we were trying to protect the And this is what we're working through is we tell each other like ninety seven percent, but the three percent that we don't share is and I think this is very prominent in many relationships.
Is not because we want.
To keep anything from each other, but it's because we're trying to protect the other one. Yeah, from that three percent, it might be something that we want, but we're like, that's going to be uncomfortable to talk through. That's going to I don't know if that's going to be the best thing for them. But again, this is all assumptions. This is all assumptions of what you think, like for me, like maybe what I thought Seph would think, or what Seth Goood.
I would think.
And that protecting each other, which is always a good intention, has been sometimes the reason that we've avoided conversations and let them build up, and then we've had an it's been like, oh my god, why don't we talk about this six months ago? But because we're trying to protect each other based on assumptions that are not true.
It became this big thing and it didn't need to.
Be exactly and even some of it's a smaller thing or bigger thing. And in an assumption, it's kind of thinking, Okay, I can't say this because I think even in whatever relationship, this person is going to say this back, this is how it's going to impact them. You don't know how it's going to impact them, But to not have conversations because of these assumptions that are most likely not true, it can be very dangerous for relationships.
Yeah, yeah, completely, Yeah, I completely agree with everything you're saying.
It's all about communication.
And when you were reading this out, I was kind of thinking it could work until it got to the point where she said that they have different conflict resolution styles, and like that obviously not our whole friendship relationship. You know, whatever it looks like is going to be conflict after conflict. But if you deal with differently, I can only assume that the kind of like communication.
Styles are also quite different.
Also, if it does get to a point where like, sure, you've had an uncomfortable situation where you have you have had an uncomfortable conversation and it's turned into a conflict, it's already kind of gone through all the steps of like gentle conversation, uncomfortable conversation. Now it's a conflict, and then I just can't see that going very well. Like, if you do have different conflict resolution styles, like it can work if everyone's like this is how you like to do it, and so I like to do it. So let's compromise, And it's kind of.
Like and create a process before you go into business of how are we going to create And if they have different conflicts styles and maybe communication styles, it's possible and it's very likely one would feel more comfortable with being possibly dominant and maybe not dominant, but with conflict and a certainness, and then one may not and that can be quite dangerous in a relationship. Don't acknowledge it and speak about it. So maybe it's speaking through that totally. As you said, how what is your conflict resolution and style? Look, maybe not even starting with conflict because you don't want to get to conflict. You want to rename it as and reframe it as communications style as you said, and working through differences exactly.
But you're always wanting.
The best of the business, right yeah, And so talking about it before and how we work through this and being really honest about how that when that whatever the other person does for conflict resolution, how that makes you feel and vice versa, So then you can maybe work through can we actually navigate this? Because that's so true, it would be quite difficult if that's not addressed totally.
My best friend and I just really quickly, well, she owns a coffee van, but we used to run one together in Sorrento, beautiful Sorrento, and we like we're still like best friends to this day, and we do argue a lot. We're kind of like, you know, like an old married couple, so we're very comfortable arguing with each other. But when we were doing this, because she she's kind of the type that would there would be like a bit of an issue. She wants to go away and think about it and then come back when all of his thoughts are in order and then discuss it. But I like just want to talk about it right here, right now, and let's just like let's just sit down, let's just like calm down and talk. I cannot like let it simmer, but she must have let it simmer. So we realized very quickly we weren't very good as business partners or whatever that was. And so I think, yeah, it just you know exactly, just like it's all about communication. Just talk about it, just talk about it.
No, I'm the only person who hasn't gone into business or someone, so I don't know that I'm the best person to talk about it, but I will say I have observed many a business partnership fall apart, and not to be the downer, but I will say that not every set of friends is made or equipped to go into business together, even if the intentions are the.
Best of the best. So I would really.
Make sure that you sit with it and think about it because I think, you know, I do have a small business, and a lot of us who have small businesses, you get stuck in the thought of small like you're just thinking about your current day to day operations and the little things that you do. But I think if you're going into business ideally like you do want to get to a point where you're scaling, whether that's scaling a team, whether that's scaling income with that scaling product. And so at some point, if everything goes the way that you hope it will, you will one day be a bigger business. And with a bigger business comes I think significantly more challenges and it becomes harder to navigate if you don't have that really solid foundation.
Again, this is just what I've observed.
Yes, that's very true. One hundred percent agree.
So I think it is worth reflecting now, imagine you and your best friend had a team of ten people, or imagine you had a business that was turning over half a million dollars a year, or whatever your ideal big picture endgame looks like. Do you think that you could still run that business effectively as a team, Because ultimately that's what you are. You're a team that is trying to build this thing. And so I think if you have doubts now, I think it's really important that you look into them deeply because it may the outcome may be like, there is a possibility that it just might not work like as much as you want it too, as much as you're the best of friends and you want to do this cool thing together. If you have doubts, there may be a reason. And so I just I would suggest sitting with them and really like reflecting deeply on them, because it may be a thing that that your communication styles are just too different. And you know, when you have that conflict, it could tear that relationship apart, and you don't want that either. I don't know that anything would be worth that. So I think also just considering that outcome as an option, I hope that that's not the case. Like, I want you guys to be able to go into business and to build this incredible thing. But it's okay if it is it's okay if it is absolutely and I've seen many a person go down that path and it is very hard on everybody.
So yeah, we did ask a few questions.
If you guys on our Instagram and she's in the money aus, if you want to join in every week, these are so much funds. The first thing we said was would you ever consider starting a business or a side hustle with your friend or somebody close to you. Thirty five percent of people said yes, it would be slight and I would love that, and sixty five percent of people said no, I wouldn't want to risk my friendship. Next, we asked, if you have done this before, how has it impacted your relationship. Thirty percent of people said it's made us closer than ever, and seventy percent of people said we've had some issues. Third thing that we asked was do you think that being besties would make running a business easier or harder?
And this was interesting.
Twenty three percent of people said easier and seventy seven percent of people said they thought that it would be harder.
So I really feel like you and Steph are.
Kind of unicorns in the way that you guys have done so well. But we did ask for a bit more details. We said, what advantages do you think would come with running a business with your bestie?
And it was really vary.
So some people said, you know, you know how they think, you know how they work. You can work to your strength and your weaknesses, which I think really goes back to what you were saying before, Laura. Someone said the good days would be so much fun, Like just think about how much fun you would have together. Someone said you can understand each other's support and conflict, need, their habits, their triggers, which I think is also I guess the flip side of that's true of the negative is you know or may be able to preempt. But then are we getting into that dangerous territory where you're assuming, So it could be like a little bit of a double edged sword. Lots of people saying your values are likely aligned because you were good friends. You know, if you are best friends, you've built that relationship on respect and honesty and all of those great qualities that we look for in friendships, So that should translate really nicely into a business partner getting to work together all the time sounds really fun. So overwhelmingly I would say people seemed pretty positive about it. And so then we said, tell us your two cents. Any other thoughts on mixing business and friendship, And I just want to say, not a word of a lie. The first thing that came up is Stephan Laura from Kick did it and are thriving so many people because it's possible, which I just think is so sweet. Lots of people are saying get contracts and written agreements in place, which I agree with very strongly. I think coming back to that imagining you're a big business when you're small, you go, oh, it doesn't matter, Like it's just the two of us from our garage, Like it's not that big of a deal, it's not that deep. But I think if you treat yourself as that big, big business from the very start, that means having agreements in place. If one person wants to step away, what does that look like? If one person is doing more work than the other person, what does that look like. I think outlining the financial and some of the interpersonal things can.
Help avoid conflict later on.
I know you guys said you never used your agreement, but you had one from the beginning, right.
Had one, And so it's important to put in there you're depending if you're paying yourself or if you're not.
That's really important.
Expectations in terms of work hours or however you measure work output, if it's in task, whatever it my old projects, whatever it might be. I think sometimes we can overcomplicate it in thinking we need to solve for so for example, around if someone to leave at one point, that's very hard to solve for and in it because hopefully that doesn't happen. I think it's putting the basics down because you don't want to make it overwhelming, and that like you have to solve for everything in this original contract. I think it is such amazing advice to think about yourself as a big business in that, but try not to also, I think put too much pressure to solve everything. But the really important things is whatever's happening with money, like how you be financially supported and.
What is the output of each of you.
Going to be And you could even put in there too that you're going to catch up every month and talk through you know where you're both at and that the contract is open to changing as you both evolve, which may mean that you can have to solve for actually one of us isn't in this anymore, or whatever.
You can always amend or update it later.
Absolutely people saying set aside time each week socially where you don't talk about the business at all and can connect as friends is really important. Lots and lots of people saying contracts and boundaries as well, coming clear you know, outside of work, we don't talk about these things, or you know, this day is my day off and I don't want to think about work or things of that nature. Also quite a few people saying it's a bad idea, don't do it. So it's a really mixed bag. But I think ultimately it's really well summed up by what you were saying before, Laura, which is it can be so great and there can be so many wonderful things to it, but you need to set it up for success early, which you know is what you were saying as well back. So I think hopefully that helps answer the question. Has anybody else have any your last thoughts before we s get out all out of here.
Personally, I'm okay.
You're feeling good, Laura, thank you for coming in. And if peop want to see more of you or of Kick, where can they find you, guys?
So you can find us on Instagram atkick dot app. And if you do want to try the app, we've got everything. We've got over a thousand workouts. I love the app, meditation to there, thank.
You, Sammy's workout in my favorite amazing Strength is so good, and the pilates is also great.
She's amazing. We've got in that that's so important to them.
I really wanted to make sure we shared a code with your community because I know especially and I mean it links in so well to what we spoke about earlier with help making healthy inning acessable, but exercise as well, like a pilates membership, like all of these different like a running program, all of these separate things can add up to a lot, and so at Kick we've wanted to put it all within the one membership.
And so if you do want to give it a go and try.
If you go onto our website www dot kickapp dot com and then sign up to the monthly membership and enter the code money month capital m O N E Y M o n t.
H isaurdays well Money month amazing.
You can try kick and then once you create an account on the website and use the code, then download the app, log in with.
The same details and yeah, you can experience it all.
It's great you want to do that, of course.
Let me know.
Love feedback and thank you so much.
So much.
It's been so nice having you on. Genuinely like such a treat, So thank.
You so much.
Thanks you for having me.
Have a wonderful weekend, guys.
If you try, will see you bright and early on Monday for money Darry see you later, bye, guys.
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