The Olympics are right around the corner so on this special episode we talk to former Olympian Ali Krieger, a legend in the soccer world. As a former World Cup champion, U.S. Olympian, and National Women's Soccer League champion on Gotham FC, she redefined what the game could be, especially for women. But soccer was more than just a career for her—it was a critical component along her journey to self-discovery. On this episode of She Pivots, Ali talks about her love for soccer and competition from a young age; the struggles and triumphs of playing overseas in Germany after college; the feeling (and pressure!) of being an Olympian; how leading Gotham FC from last in the league to champions was deeply personal for her; and her journey to living openly and becoming a mother while still playing soccer professionally.
She Pivots was created by host Emily Tisch Sussman to highlight women, their stories, and how their pivot became their success. To learn more about Ali, follow us on Instagram @ShePivotsThePodcast or visit
Welcome back to Sheep Pivots. I'm Ali Kreeger.
Welcome back to Sheep Pivots. I'm your host, Emily Tish Sussman. When I was planning this season, I wanted to make sure she Pivots was a means for building connections. I said during our season launch party that we're the generation of women who build bridges and don't tear each other down, and she pivots as a way to empower women to look inward to find success for themselves and not by society standards.
And it's working.
We're seeing a substantial change in the way women think about and talk about their lives and their careers. I'm so excited to dig deeper into these pivotal moments through these shorter, more conversational, candid convos this season. Let's jump right in. Joining us today is none other than Ali Krieger. If you know soccer, then you know Ali known world worldwide, she is a World Cup champion, an Olympic athlete, and one of the most respected defenders in the game. As the world gathers for the twenty twenty four Olympics, it's the perfect time to reflect on the career of someone who's done it before. This past fall, Ali announced her retirement, marking the end of an incredibly successful career that spanned almost two decades at the highest level of women's soccer. Also this past fall, my family and I became co owners of Gotham FC, just days before they took home the National Women's Soccer League championship with Ali as the captain. I remember that feeling in the stadium when they played, and then when they won, you could feel that everyone was behind them, especially Alli. The crowd would randomly break out into chance of Ali Krieger. Ali's journey is one of great determination and an unwavering passion for the sport. From her early days playing in college to becoming a cornerstone of the un US women's national team, Ali has left an indelible mark on the pitch. She's not just a phenomenal athlete. Ali is a trailblazer and an advocate for equality and inclusion in sports. Her leadership on and off the field has inspired a new generation of athletes to dream big and fight for their place in the game. Today, we'll be talking about her incredible career, the highs and lows, the memorable moments and what lies ahead for her post retirement. Will also dive deep into her experiences as an Olympic athlete and some deeply personal moments she's gone through recently. This is an episode you don't want to miss enjoy.
I'm Ali Kreeger.
I am a former World Cup champion, an Olympian end of yusel champion. I played for Gotham FCUS women's national team and I now live in New York and I'm an ESPN soccer analyst.
Okay, so you're from You're from Virginia. You started playing at a really young age. Did you just like go on the pitch and it clicked?
Yeah? I did.
I mean, I honestly wanted to just hang out with my brother all the time. My dad played soccer in college and professionally. My mom was also an athlete. She played softball and basketball, and it was just in our family that that was kind of just our lifestyle.
You know.
It ended up being, you know, just such an active lifestyle growing up. And I loved my brother and I just wanted to do everything he did. And I was so competitive at a young age, and so I just wanted to compete with him at everything he did, and he started playing soccer, and so we played on the same team. It was the Cosmos back when I was you know, five and he was six, and I really enjoyed it was like an indoor team, and I basically just wanted to follow him around and do whatever he did. And I ended up really loving it because maybe more so because my best friends were playing and I had friends on the team and that was a team environment was like really fun for me when I was young. But it was basically because of my brother that really got me started. And my dad coached, so it kind of was an easy, easy transition, you know, into the sport because he was kind of guiding me in that way.
When did you get better than your brother? And was he mad?
I think I was better than him maybe starting to enter high school. Like he was always bigger, you know, faster, stronger, and I'd always make him go out into the yard and play like one bi one or you know, hit it against the wall.
We had like a brick wall at our house.
And so I was like lucky enough to just like go outside and just always have a passing partner and I would go and maybe train with his team sometimes and and vice versa. He would come and train with us as well, and my teams. My dad was both of our coaches, and it just yeah, I mean, I don't know. I think I started recognizing that I was actually good at it and it wasn't just for fun. Of course, I loved it, and I enjoyed playing in the tournaments and club games and things like that and going to train, but I also played basketball. I did AU basketball, and I played club volleyball too, so it wasn't my sole focus, but I knew that I was probably better at that than the other sports. And Kyle, yeah, he was interested in a lot of other things. He was so creative too, and loved biology, and so his interests kind of spanned in that way, and I stuck with it, and I don't know, I think in high school I recognized that maybe I was going to be really good and he was getting nervous.
Rightfully, So, yeah, did you?
I mean, obviously you went to college to play, but there wasn't a well established US league when you went into college, I mean even when you left college, so like, were you thinking about playing professionally or what did a vision of a soccer life looked like for you?
So when I entered school. I think that was when WUSA had just folded, maybe in two thousand and three. Unfortunately, I was so looking forward to just having an experience and possibly dreaming of playing professionally. At that time, I was just worried about going to school, attending school and being a student athlete and succeeding there. So I don't know if my thoughts were, oh, I can actually make this a thing, and this can be a job and I can continue to play after school. I think I was just focused on this four years really, and then when I during Penn State, you know, at at school, after getting recruited and accepting and going there, I then realized quickly, okay, I'm you know, I need to catch up because these these players are better than me.
They're faster. This is a different game, just the speed of.
Play, it was different, and so I had to really adjust and figure out, you know, how to kind of make my way into the team and really, I guess separate myself and in a way that it was difficult for the coaches to ignore me so that I would play and that I would you know, be seen and then get better. Ultimately, I always think though, when you do you know, play with better players, and you put yourself in situations where people are better than you, then you obviously get better yourself.
And so that was kind of the situation for me.
So I was lucky that the players around me were that good because it just made me better. And I started to recognize after I guess getting you know, big time Freshmen of the year, getting certain accolades, and us winning as a team. You know, we won four Big Ten championships, we got you know, we were number one, ranked number one in the nation. My junior year, got to you know, the Elite eight and the Final four, so I knew that, you know, I was helping the team be successful in a way. So I think at that point I was hoping that we would have a new league. I was a bit nervous going into my junior senior year, like what now, what am I going to do now? And what are the options for me? Luckily, I made the U twenty three national team my senior year, and I was a bit late. I was a late bloomer actually with the national team, which was also fine because I gained a lot of tools that I think I needed during college in order to stay there. So I was happy about that, but but I was definitely late. And I was fortunate enough to kind of have that outside of school because it kind of opened up the next door, which was playing professionally overseas.
So what did players usually do at that point when there was no US league? Because I mean the national team, like the US women's soccer team has been well known for a long time, and there was just no place within the US for players to play.
Like, what did they usually do?
Yeah, so either you would go overseas and play and find a team and another league, or you would be with the national team already, so you would be in residency with the national team. And if you weren't in residency, then you were kind of like, you know, just on your own. You just had to go figure it out. And I didn't want to just play pick up with my guy friends or myigh school on Tuesdays and Thursday evenings and hope.
To make it to the next level.
So I kind of took it upon myself to agree to come try out for a couple of teams overseas. And I had met an agent who was German American and he actually was helping one of my dad's former players, male players who was playing in the second Bundesliga over in Germany, and I had a tournament in Finland, in Busse of Finland. It was the right after I graduated, and it was the summer right before, you know. I kind of had to plan what was next, and luckily European coaches saw me at the tournament and we actually won the tournament against Germany in the final. And I get a call from this German American Asian and you said, hey, I have a couple teams that would love for you to come play. There's one in Sweden, there's also two in Germany. Would you be willing to come try out? I said, well, yeah, I have nothing else.
To do, you know, and I have going on here and nothing else.
Going on here, and I want to continue to make it to the full national team, so that the only way to do that is to put myself in a position to get better one and to be seen. And that was the decision I made. I just literally packed two bags, I said bye to my family. I trusted in Brian Eilert, who you know helped me overseas, and so there today helping a lot of young players thrive and get what they deserve. So I was lucky that he hadn't been that phone call because I ended up staying with him and his wife, Margaretta and their daughter Kimberly, who I became just really close with, and they were like my family there. So I was very lucky that I landed, you know, within their family, and they helped guide in me and I tried out for two weeks at Frankfurt.
I show up and there's like, so you skipped your college graduation, right.
Yeah, I just give my college graduation to go to a camp. Well, I walked off the stage onto the airplane. I literally said thank you very much.
Fun State.
My family ate actually dinner without me that night and I left it.
They're like cheers to Ali. They're like, yeah, this is great, you know, thanks for bringing us together, Allie. Yeah, and I missed.
I missed all the fun, but but then it led me to my dream job.
So I was really grateful for that opportunity.
And I ended up playing on one of the best teams, if not the best team at the time in the Bundeslig.
And I didn't even know. I wasn't even aware of that going over.
I just agreed to just go play and have fun and experience something new overseas.
Germany is kind of a wild choice for somebody who does not speak German.
How difficult was that transition for you? It was very difficult. My family, you know, my dad's side of the family is German. The language obviously got lost within the family, and my last.
Name is German. It means warrior in German.
So I figured it was like a safe space for me to go. I felt comfortable in trying it out, and I knew that if it didn't work out and I was that unhappy, I could always come back. I could always come home and you know, start over and just figure out what would be next.
So I just took that risk. I took the chance.
It was very difficult, you know, learning a new culture, new language, new way of life. It was a beautiful place, though the architecture is amazing. You have to have a lot of thick skin because you know, Germans are very raw, very honest, and they tell you the truth and you have to be willing to you know, receive that. And so that was difficult for me because even playing on the field, I'm used to having teammates.
Even if I kicked the ball out of bounds, You're like.
All right, Elli, next, try next, try right, But I would get yelled at is that you know, we're the case and there wasn't any purpose in the past, and and or maybe I shot it out for you know, a throw in, they would just be like, what are you doing?
Like it's not good enough?
And but ultimately, whether that hurt or not, it helped me in the long run.
It helped me become better.
And I grew to really receive criticism well as best I could and then try to apply just being better the next the next training session or the next game. And so I was grateful for that, but it was very difficult the first three months.
I was I remember cry.
I cried after one training session and I was like, what am I doing here?
This is like not for me. I'm not as happy as I thought.
I don't know if I can do this the rest of I signed for two years, so I was like, I don't know if I could do this. I can always go home, but I'd have to break the contract. But let me go home for Christmas, see the family, and then I'll reevaluate for the spring part of the season.
Well, I get.
I actually went home and I missed it immediately. I was like, I, actually I really really found that I loved it there, and I loved just the self discovery that I was going through and like learning a new perspective about life, but also just learning a lot about myself as a woman and a person and a footballer. So that was a little bit of self discovery. I think that's what I was scared of. Maybe I was unveiling, like and unlayering just myself and that I was like the vulnerability aspect of everything, I think is what maybe I was. I had a fear of that and kind of confronting that, and so after that was you know, I kind of went through that phase. I was more open to going back into really continuing that journey.
Do you think you ended up in this self discovery because you were so alone?
It did?
It did, And I had to really sit with myself and try not to feel lonely, right because I feel like when you're okay, that means you can really sit with yourself and not feel lonely. So I had to kind of get to that point and do a little bit of self discovery because I was leaving a four year college, you know, friends and family. I was literally by myself and I was just unsure of the people, the culture, the food, the place. And I did have help with you know, my agent at the time, Brian and his lovely wife and daughter, which I felt like they were then my family, so I kind of had that advantage. I felt really safe with them, and so I would go out and do things with them as a family and go to dinners and they would introduce me to new places in Germany, and just the idea of living in a new city was really comforting because I knew that I knew that I had their support, and so I think that was what was easy, and then I met a lot of friends. I took German three times, three times a week, three hours a day because we didn't train until four in the afternoon, because a lot of the players had to work, so they had a normal job, and then they would come.
To training in the evening.
One of the best and even national team players would have to go and work and then come to training, so it was a full day and I would take that time to learn German with other classmates who were from all around the world, and our common language was German, and so we were able to speak that in class, and then I would speak it at training, and then I would go home and I would be like, I'm so tired, Like I mentally drained because all I've been hearing and listening to and speaking is German and it's just not, you know, my native tongue. And it was difficult for me through that period, but I think I had to sit with myself and really go through that vulnerability phase. And once I went through that, I was more comfortable and who I was becoming.
And you had a long term boyfriend in college. Did that end because you left? Or it just sort of ran its course? Like was that also part of the loneliness there? Yeah, actually it ran its course.
But also I was wanting to go play overseas, but you know, we were leaving school and it was just kind of everything was just like up in the air, and he was going to med school down a University of Florida, and I didn't want to follow and just you know, settle for that. I really wanted to pursue my dream and then I needed to do some self discovery. I had a lot to figure out at the time, especially you know, figuring out my sexuality and really, you know who I wanted to be and who I really was deep down, and I was grateful that I had left, not that I was running from something, because I did sit and think about that.
I said, what am I running from? This?
Is this why I'm here? Why am I choosing to do this? You know, my parents obviously went through a divorce as well, and I didn't really have a lot at home at the time I was. I was kind of just figuring out life. And once I kind of landed in Europe and in Germany, I felt like it was my second home. I felt like this, this is right, this is where I'm supposed to be because I'm supposed to be forced to figure out who I really am.
Do you think part of that was tied to exploring your sexuality and sexual orientation? Like did you think that like oh am, I as your self discovering, Like oh am, I running to a whole new continent to be able to explore if I want to be dating women.
Yes, And I think at the end of college, which is why I think my ex and I during school had issues because I was doing a little self discovery there my sexuality and not really understanding why I felt a certain way towards, you know, women, but also just everyone.
I had this attraction towards women.
And I wasn't really sure of why, because when growing up, I never realized that two women could be together. My brother came out to me when he was a senior in high school, and so I had thought only men could be together, which is so naive of me now looking back, it's like, but that's how sad the visibility was for our community back when I was, you know, in high school. It just wasn't you know, I just wasn't aware, and it wasn't as in my face and invisible and relatable, and I felt confused. And so I think towards the end of school, understanding that oh maybe some of my teammates were dating or other athletes within the university were dating of the same sex, I was like, oh, this could be a thing, like this is this is nice because I'm actually like, oh, okay. There was like lights going off in my mind just huh, this is why I'm feeling the way I'm feeling, and this is this is really exciting, And so yeah, that was a bit attached to the part of self discovering and sexuality, and then I went to Germany. I felt like, oh, I'm kind of free to be who I want to be. And that time period, those five and a half years, was really a period of me figuring out.
You know, my sexuality and really who I was as a woman. When we come back, Ali talks about what it was like leaving behind the life she built in Germany and coming to play stateside. Now back to the show, So was it then hard to make the decision to come play back in the US club to leave Germany.
It was I was somewhat forced to do that actually from US Soccer, to come back and to really help the league survive. So unfortunately, I was told that I, you know, would lose my US Soccer contracts if I didn't come back to play in the NIBS. At the time, and I was actually preparing with a few other American players, I was basically just on a short term loan and I was in Sweden playing for Tater So we were playing actually planning to go back in the January for preseason. I went home in December and then I just ended up never going back because I was somewhat forced to stay in the NBA Sun, not that I didn't want to play, but because we were in Champions League and we were doing very well. We were in the quarterfinals, and then they, obviously without us, went to the semi finals and then the final, and they ended up losing in the final, but last minute they had to find players to replace a few of us, And it was unfortunate because I wanted to play and finish out what I had started with that team, and it was probably one of the best teams I've ever played on and just football wise, like the talent was amazing, and I was really sad that I had to kind of choose between Champions League, you know, finishing out and I would have come in May, but the season and the preseason I think had started at that time in March, and so it just wasn't a possibility. And I wasn't willing to give up my national team contract and kind of go through that and lose out on that. I was really scared to do that. So, yes, there was an ending, and it was unfortunate, but also a brilliant beginning to the league and to really be a part of that and one of the ones who helped start the league in the United States is pretty incredible too.
Yeah, I don't think people realize that the league has kind of gone for fluctuation, like it hasn't always existed. The national team did maintain and you were a part of it, so that really had been kind of the goal for you. I mean, can you talk about like when you first got to national team camp that got called up to the national team.
Yeah, I was actually playing in Germany and Pias Sundaga at the time was just signing on as the new US women's national team coach after Greg Ryan left and.
She comes in.
My agent actually had written her and said, hey, there's also an American player playing for f FC Frankfurt and they're playing Potsdam this weekend if you want to come and check it out, because you know, Lara Biermai is, you know, playing on Potsdam and it's you know, one of the best German national team forwards to ever play on the on the team and within the Bundesliga, I mean even in the world. And I was defending at the time still at right back, and I was going up against her basically one v one, and so I think Pio wanted to come see how good I was because that was going to be a great test. So she comes to the game and I actually ended up playing really well fortunately, and she saw the game and was very impressed and knew that playing against Lera Bairom I wasn't an easy feet and so I was lucky that, you know, it just kind of played out the way that it was it was supposed to. And she invited me into that January camp because this was towards the end of the fall season, and she invited me into that camp and it was actually the I think it was two thousand and eight or yeah, it was like end of two thousand and eight because we were prepping. They were prepping for the Olympics, so I knew it was be a tough job joining halfway through the last you know, few months prepping for the Olympics. So I don't know if I was really going to be able to make that squad, but I ended up going to China with the team and making it because Heather MIT's at the time, I think, was injured and so that was kind of like my way in and I think I, you know, did well enough to impress the coaches and so I was able to kind of keep myself in the back of her mind for future camps. I unfortunately got injured in two thousand and nine, so I didn't make it back to the team and they didn't take me to the Olympics. I was an alternate, but that was okay because that was just an achievement all in itself that I was. I was possibly in the squad. So then I got injured in two thousand and nine, and then I got, you know, called back up in twenty ten, and then obviously that was in preparation for a World Cup twenty eleven.
I can only imagine the feeling of walking onto a field to represent your entire country, being the best in the entire nation, being the best in the entire world, having competed in the World Cup and the Olympics. At least is going to tell us all about it right after the break.
Now back to the show.
Give us a little insight into what that feels like to be a player going in to represent your country.
It's an incredible feeling because it's something you work for your entire life and there's only a certain amount of players who get to do that, and out of you know, for World Cup, it's twenty three players, but for Olympics it's eighteen, and you think. You sit there after you're chosen and you're like, wow, I am one of the best eighteen players in the entire country. You know, if there's so many people interviewing for one position, Yeah, we have eleven on the field, but you know, you have eighteen positions because I think game changes are also some of the most important players a team can have. You have eighteen, you know, spots that you can possibly make and make one of those. And there's thousands of players trying to make this team, hundreds of thousands, I should say, in the country playing soccer, and you're one of them, and you've worked your entire life, and you just kind of your whole path kind of starts to go in your mind. Right, I start to think of like, my whole entire path that has has gotten me to that point, and it's pretty incredible to sit there and think, this is what I dreamt of when I was eleven years old watching the US national team play in the Women's World Cup in ninety nine and wanting to be that and looking at you know, those those players and my idols and heroes, you know, performing and playing the sport that I absolutely love and I'm so passionate about to now, you know, I guess I should say eleven twelve years later being called in to perform for my country and to fight for gold medal. That's just you can't really put it into words, like the type of feeling that is just so rewarding because you put on that jersey and you're not only representing yourself or your family or friends, You're representing our entire country and people who are loving the sport just as much as we are, and that just gives you that much more motivation. So you feel a little pressure obviously, but you trust yourself enough that you know that you're good enough to be there.
So all of that, you know, journey along the way.
Has really prepared you for this to be on this team in this moment, And so I can't really put it into words and articulate it the way that I'm feeling about it, But it is just an exciting, rewarding feeling when you just put on that jersey and you.
Walk out with your head hot high, you're ready to fight and win. I get chills hearing you talk about it.
What surprised you about going to I guess both the Olympics and the World Cup.
I think the team camaraderie all of a sudden with a national team, it's a bloodbath camp in and camp out. Every camp you are fighting, clawing and scratching each other to get onto this team and make the squad. And at the time I was on the team, we were fighting for contracts. So every January would come around and there's only twenty six maybe contracts that are given out, and there's different tiers, and so you had to really prove yourself and you there wasn't a moment you could take a breath. You have to perform your best every single day, even at a meal. You have to be on time. You have to look your best. You have to, you know, the way you present yourself day in and day out really matters. And it's you know, it's exhausting at the end of it, but it's once you make the team and you fight every day, it's so worth it. And what surprised me was the team camaraderie. All of a sudden, Once you make the team, you come together and you are supporting each other until the very ends, like you are fighting for each other on the field, it's no longer against each other. It's now we are it. This is we need each other to survive, and we need each other to win, and we need each other to make you know, make each other look good.
And this is it. This is who we.
Have in this room and in this group is how we're going to win the goal medal. And so you start to confide in each other, not that you didn't before, but in a different way. It's just a bond that you know, you can't really describe unless you're physically there and you've been there to understand it. But you come together as a group, whereas just you're in this bubble. Your main focus and your main goal is to win and succeed, and how can you help each other do that? And how can you help each other look your best and perform your best and be successful together so that at the end of the day we can come home and bring this trophy.
Yeah, a couple of years into being on the national team, you guys kind of broke up, like they just stopped calling m How can I mean, can you give a little more contact with that? But also how confusing must that have felt for you? Yeah, it was It was kind of like.
A relationship where you don't have clothes and you break up and then you just don't know the reason why. And I know that's uncomfortable for anyone, because I'm the type of person that's like, okay, give me, give me a reason, and I'm ready to work at it, and I'm ready to be better.
If it works, great, if.
It doesn't, great, at least I'm going to continue to work on myself and in order to hopefully have the next relationship be more successful. But I never received that information. It was just in twenty seventeen, was my last camp, and I just got a call that said, hey, we're wanting to, you know, call in a lot of you know, younger players and give them an opportunity and that's just kind of what we're going to do. And that was it, and I said okay. And this was after basically winning a World Cup, holding you know, teams from scoring a goal. I started every game and played almost every minute or if not every minute, and we held a team for like five hundred and some minutes, you know, from s or in a goal. And then you go to Olympics and then they change the entire like back line and a just personnel only a year later, which I'm still pretty confused about because we lost and I was really upset about that, and then you know, getting fired in twenty seventeen. It just really wasn't sure why. I was never given the reasons, so then I had to go back to the drawing board without really any information. So I would ask a lot of other coaches around, hey, what do you see in my game that I can improve on? Because I want to get back to the national team. I want to make it very difficult for them to ignore me, Like I see that I'm still useful there. I see that I can help the team. I see that I'm still one of the best defenders in the country and in the world. And I wasn't afraid to say that because I knew that at the time that I was just really confused, and so I kind of took.
Whatever other coaches said I should work on.
And I worked even harder individually, and I told myself, I'm going to be the alley kreaker, no matter what, whether that's on the national team, we're playing for club, I'm going to be the same player. So you're going to know what is expected of me and what you're going to get and the consistency and that confidence is always going to be there the leadership, no matter if I'm on the national team or not. That wasn't, you know, really going to affect me that much and affect my game. I was only going to get better because it was going to inspire me to want to fight and compete and be driven even more and more motivated to want to get back. And so I use that as a tool to really invest in myself and fight to really make it difficult for them not to call me in. By twenty nineteen World Cup, I said, this is what I'm going to do. This is how I'm going to do it. I had the resources, and so I just needed to have the motivation to want it for myself.
That's such a big mindset shift.
And you did it on like literally a national and international stage and in the public people could see whether you were on the team or not. But I think applies to a lot of people when they're thinking about changes in their careers.
And I think a lot about how we change the metric of success.
Yes, especially if the thing that we're going for is external to us, like if it's unavailable, then we can't have that as our metric of success anymore as someone else is controlling it. That was very much the case for you. So how did you change your thinking at that time? Like what kind of narratives were you telling yourself about what your metric for success was.
Then I wanted to win the nd Besel.
I wanted to continue to get better and perform well for my team to be successful. So I knew individually I had to lead by example and you know, help the younger players, because I knew if I helped the younger players, and it's going to help me win. So I knew that I had that responsibility as well, and I enjoyed that I took that on because I know how good I can be, and I was willing to kind of tidy up all the little details that I needed to that I assumed, you know, might not have been good enough to be on the national team anymore. That I went back to the drawing board and I worked my butt off every day and shout out to some coaches at home with Orlando, one being sub Hines who really helped me individually perfect my game as a defender, and he used to play on the men's team there. Now he obviously coaches Orlando and they're very successful at the moment, but he would come out with me multiple times a week just to train, mean more specifically in the off season, to really get me to where I wanted to be. And so I know, I credit some of my coaches there, and obviously the coaches who were coaching Orlando at the time, Tom Cermani and then Mark Skinner, who really helped me get back to where I wanted to be in order to be seen and perform well. So then I eventually did get the call, and Joe called me during preseason I think in twenty nineteen, and it was only a few months before the World Cup, where I knew it was probably very difficult for them to call me back because originally she was the one who had let me go. And I was just somewhat waiting for that call, to be honest, because I knew that I could help the team, and I knew that I was in a position to play well and to be there, and I knew how good I was at the time, and there was no question in my mind that I might, you know, have another.
Opportunity at some point.
I wasn't sure when, and then two months before the World Cup, I get called, and then me thinking why would they ever call me back if they're not really going to put me back on the team and take me with them.
That would look stupid on their part. And I was.
Very excited when I got the call. I had originally said, listen, I'm just focused on continuing to get better every day and to perform well, and whatever you need me to do, I'm willing to do. I don't want to rehash the past. I'm in a new space mentally, physically, emotionally, and I'm ready to just do what's asked to me and what you need me to apply individually and then for the team. So let me know what that is. And I am all in.
That's so healthy, Like I feel like I would really hold a much longer grudge, Like how did you get to that place?
Secretly I did?
Secretly I did, but you know, I knew that it had a lot to do with me and very little to do with anyone else in the way that I felt like, I feel like forgiveness is more so for you than for the other person, and so I kind of carried that with me. You know, being upset and holding a grudge at that specific time wasn't really going to help me be.
Successful and help the team.
So I knew I had to kind of table that and then I can maybe come back to that at a later time. I think through therapy, I touch on it here and there, which has helped me be successful since then. And you know, I've gained tools to really help apply in those work workplaces, which is more specifically on field, you know, with sports psychology, to really help me stay focused in the moment and the task at hand.
And I think I'm really good at compartmental life.
And so I you know, might rehash this out, you know, at a later date, but for right now and then it worked and it helped me and I just focused on you know, World Cup.
So at this time, you've now been in a relationship for some time, but you didn't disclose it publicly for a while, right, What was that decision? Why why not talk about it and then why switch to be more public about it?
Yeah, we both actually were, you know, we met on the national team and we became quickly became best friends. And I was still playing in Germany, and so it's basically like a year of just staying in touch, maybe even like seven eight months to a year staying in touch until I really you know, felt like an emotional connection turned physical. And I was grateful for that friendship because it was also nice forming that in the space where I was really daunting emotionally, physically and mentally, that you you know, can have really great people to lean on because you need each other in those environments. And so, you know, I formed that bond and that turned into a really beautiful friendship and a foundation to you know, have a successful relationship. So moving on into you know, just national team stuff, I was I was afraid of losing our job. I was afraid that if we had come out and you know, said that we had a relationship within the workplace, that we would be cut because I was cut before from just absolutely no idea that I'm sure that if there was actually a reason that you know, maybe this could be a part two, you know, and so I wasn't willing to sacrifice that. So, you know, and it's such a difficult environment in the sense that you have to really focus on being your best and no other distractions really can kind of you've been or else you're not going to perform well and then ultimately not make the team. And so a lot of people don't understand the amount of stress and anxiety that you know, this environment creates for us as athletes, and it's almost to an unhealthy level. And you kind of start thinking about it once you're outside of it, more so than when.
You're in it.
You don't really realize it, but when you step outside of it. So in the moment, I thought, we can't say anything because I'm afraid we're gonna lose our job. And this is our livelihood, this is the way we make money, this is what's keeping a roof over our head, this is you know, what we love to do. This is our passion, this is this is fun for us. So I don't want to ruin that. And this has been a dream of ours to win World Cups and Championships and Olympics, So why chance that? And so ultimately that was that was the reason, I think, because after getting cut or fired from the team, I was like, screw this, like I don't have anything else, Like if they don't, it's basically their loss, right, Like you know, they need me more than I need them, to point, and I got to that point in my mind where I kind of take that on with me now everywhere I go, and I think that that was kind of a mind shift for me. So after experiencing what I experienced in twenty seventeen eighteen those two years, and I did lose a lot of money actually too, which I you know, have had a hard time kind of you know, getting past. But I then started to think that way in my mindset kind of shifted a little bit. And at that point, I was more so wanting to live my authentic truth and live organically and live out you know, my relationship and my engagement, and because I was proud of it. I was really proud to be, you know, with my partner at the time and be in that relationship, and so I didn't It's not that we were hiding, because our friends and family always knew, and our teammates knew, and the staff knew.
But it was just maybe saying it out loud.
Even the fans and supporters knew, and even saying it out loud, and the amount of support after that was incredible. It was super positive, which is not something that I expected.
Did you always know that you wanted to have kids or did it lead to that moment You're like, okay, all right, we can do this.
Yeah. Kids. I always wanted to have kids, so we always wanted to have kids. I think that was just the next step. But I wanted to continue to play, and I was already past you know, thirty thirty two, thirty three, I mean thirty four was World Cup twenty nineteen for me, and I knew that if I were to get pregnant, which was also the plan that was in the plan, I wouldn't be able to come back. I don't think you never know, Yeah, but I wasn't willing to chance it because I was actually performing really well and having a really a good time playing club and I love club soccer, so I you know, I'm very loyal to club. I always have been since Germany days and since you know, graduating from pun State. It was just like so rewarding for me in different ways. But besides that, I knew I wasn't really going to be able to come back and maybe perform at the same level.
So I was a little hesitant getting pregnant at the time.
So then the decision was, hey, then let's put our name in for adoption because we had heard it might take two three years to adopt a child, so let's.
Just put our name in now.
And that was kind of around when COVID hit and then Olympics got pushed a whole another year because I think we both would have went to the Olympics that year because we had just finished actually the Olympic qualifying tournament. And then it was that March that I think things kind of folded with the league and you know, was everything was kind of put on hold, and so we decided, then, hey, maybe let's it's time, like maybe the universe is telling us to put our name in for to you know, to adopt a child. And so we did, and it actually came a lot quicker than we expected.
Yeah, it did. It came like that.
Next you know, obviously Sloan was born that next year in February.
But you know, this was in like, you know, the summer.
May June, and they I had assumed maybe it would be a year or two at least. I No, there was there was Sloan ready to be adopted, ready to go, ready to go, and a birth mom, you know, willing to choose out of however many families, and so we had put our name in and then luckily, yeah we got chosen.
But how did you maintain you know, this is going to end up being one of the big topics. I think that's like the next topic of discussion, you know, now that we're in our women's sports era, like as a country.
But also how do we keep players in the game.
How do we support athletes while they're deciding whether they carry kids adopt kids.
I think just within the workplace, you know, and specifically for me, within the organization and the federation, just having resources and accommodations that really cater to moms and moms who also adopt children, not just moms who give birth. And I think that we've done a decent job in our CBA. There's obviously, you know, more things now as you kind of go through it that you see, oh, we need to add that next time, or we should add this next time. But I do think the clubs now do have the resources and they're willing to invest in players who want to be moms and cater to moms with kids, and I think that it's getting much better and a little bit easier.
The support, I think the money for help, you.
Know, having nanny's or a pairs or just you know, a place where you can take your child to I guess a daycare type of situation during training if you are homeschooling or whatever that may be, so that you do have time to go, or you have a you know, a babysitter at training or on away trip, so that it's just easier for the moms to really do their job and do it well and just focus on soccer and why they're there in the task at hand.
If you're a soccer fan, more specifically a Gotham FC fan, you'll know that last year Ali led the team from the worst ranked team in the league to the champions of the National Women's Soccer League. And if you're a die hard soccer fan, you'll know that the win was deeply personal for Ali, after just going through a highly publicized separation and on the cusp of retirement, the championship meant more than ever all that and more after the break.
Now back to the show, Yeah.
It makes me emotional because you know what I went through. Unfortunately at the very end of my career, I just wasn't expecting that. I think I'm still grieving from, you know, just the fantasy that I had envisioned of what my life was going to be with my ex and you know, our family and everything that we had worked towards and everything we built and everything we had talked about in the future after retirement. That was I think what I'm most sad about. And then I'm still grieving from and I had to somehow, you know, pick up the pieces after you know, she had left September fourth, and I had to figure out a way to still fight for what I always wanted in my career was to win in the end of ASL because it is my home country. Obviously it was my home league, and starting out the league and ending on a championship would have been a dream for me at the time, you know, and knowing that this was possible with the team and the players that we had, I knew in preseason right away, I said, this can be it, This can be it. And so going through those last two three months were very devastating for me in my personal life and having to compartmentalize and push that aside and focus on you know, that one goal and task at hand of winning a championship was really hard for me. But also I turned all of that sadness and grief and hurt and pain and everything I was experienced and confusion really all at once, and I just put that. I balled it up into a controlled energy that was so motivating, and I tried to not show how much I actually was hurting every day in training, and I just for those two and a half three hours a day, I would show up, I would just roll my sleeves up, I would perform, I would play free, have focus, and play with so much fun and joy because I didn't have to think about anything else. And then I would just deal with all the hurt and the grief and the pain once again after training, and so I would really try to put it aside because I didn't want them to know how difficult of a time I was going through, because I didn't want to lose, and I wanted to be there for them, and I wanted to lead by example and continue to be that rock for the entire team that I knew I could be, and I wasn't gonna let anyone or anything get in the way of that, because I knew that I've worked so hard for this year in this moment, and I wasn't going to allow it slip through my fingertips because I was right there, and no matter what I was going through personally, I just used that as a tool to really put all that energy into performing well and try to take whatever energy I had left from you know, that hurt and that pain. I obviously didn't have to take care of my kids, and then I show up to training and had to put on a face because obviously, you know, through social media it's difficult. And I never wanted my relationship and my marriage to really be that. I was never It's not a community marriage, it's not a community divorce. It's not a you know, a community separation. It's not a relationship for the world to really understand and really dissect, which is the unfortunate thing that happened. And I couldn't control that. I tried to just continue to focus on what I needed to focus on much was my job and winning and really rallying the team. But I am so grateful that when my teammates did start to recognize it, did start to notice that I wasn't okay. I had lost a lot of way too, to be honest, and I was really going through a twelve pounds to be exact, so my coaches started to notice, you know, the staff in and around the team started to notice, and everybody rallied around me made sure that I had everything I needed, all the resources to just focus on winning and having fun and smiling at training. And that's what I wanted to for myself. But without the team, I wouldn't have I wouldn't have won obviously, with them, I wouldn't have been my best. I was playing some of the best football in my career during those few months, and I was grieving, you know, my marriage Endi, and that was so difficult for me because I never wanted that. And I just put all my focus into the team, and they put all their focus into me, and they knew what it meant to me to end on top. And I am so grateful for them, and they will never realize what their support during that difficult moment in my life really meant to me. And ultimately we just rallied around each other and we figured it out, and literally from one day to the next, I think it was the day that the finally got released. I think after that day, our sole focus was just each other and putting everything into the team, into each other and making sure we were all okay and healthy and fit and strong enough to win, and that was just the turning point.
I think for everyone.
The rest of the team feels that way too, Like they all feel that it was the turning point that they said, Okay, now we're going to do it for Alex, Like now now we're all at I mean, they were there with you immediately that day, right, they kind of came over.
They can't really stayed till like two thirty in the morning, and I'll never forget it. And my kids were there and we were just they're bringing wine in, they're bringing flowers, you know. They some of them had a you know, an appearance at paper Planes Coffee right around the corner, and they came over after at night and.
We turned on YouTube music videos and we were dancing in the playroom.
I actually had, you know, my stylist at the time was there prepping for my whole media day that next day. It was the Thursday, was in the city and I had a whole media day. And they didn't realize that it was one of the best days of my life. After like reading about one of the worst, you know, one of the worst things that could happen to me personally and in my relationships. So it was really great and I appreciate them and they'll never realize how much it was.
Just like our bond was unbreakable.
And I hope that's still the case, you know, because I think that's why we won. We weren't necessarily I don't think the you know, obviously we weren't the best team all year, right, we kind of squeaked into the playoffs. We deserve to be there in the top six. Don't get me wrong. I personally thought we were the best team, but you know, obviously within the league that's so difficult. You know that there's so many good teams, and we were the best team, as you know, just our relationship with each other and our camaraderie and the way that we fought together and the way that we supported each other. So our culture that we created and the environment that we created within the locker room is really ultimately along with the leadership of the coaching staff and one and yah Elle, but it really helped us win, and that is what we can all lean on at the end of the day. And I hope that is still the case, because when your locker room is healthy and really in a good place then on field be you know, even better.
Okay, so let's talk about your post retirement life. How are you changing your metrics of success now?
There's always it's so difficult as I'm always, you know, I strive to be the best in everything, right. I'm very you know, perfectionists, and I want to be good at everything I do. It's difficult now because I've been playing soccer for obviously so long in the professional atmosphere for like seventeen eighteen years. But now I have to kind of translate that motivation and other passions and try to be successful in those just a different capacity. The structure is different. I have no schedule really now. It's just kind of all over the place, and so that's that's different for me, and that's really hard because in football there's always someone telling you where to go, what to do, what to eat, how to sleep, you know, what to put in your body in order to be your best, how to work out, you know, all the little details that you need to perform your best.
And I don't have that anymore.
I have my own schedule, I you know, have to figure out what I'm going to work out and set that up and everything's kind of on my own. Yeah, I have a great team of people that you know, help and support me with my agency, but just me as an individual, just as a mom and a woman's it's really hard. I have a lot more time for my friends and family, which I'm so appreciative of because that's what I've wanted for so long. Obviously, I don't call football a sacrifice.
It was a choice.
And so it's a choice to miss all the events and all the things because you're actually doing what you love to do.
So I didn't mind that.
But now it's nice to kind of be able to go to weddings and you know, celebrations of life so to speak, or you know, just birthdays and anniversaries and things like that.
And on the personal side, how do you think about the next phase for you? I know you've said you've been open to dating one hundred percent of the population, have you been?
Yeah, I'm actually dating a wonderful person right now who I really really like and so grateful that we met. And I can see, you know, a happiness light at the end of the tunnel. And I think the timing was really great because you know, I gave myself time, which was maybe forced time, because this wasn't my choice to end. You know, now still separated. You know, we're not divorced yet, which not a lot of people know. We're still going through that process. But it gave me time from when she left to really focus on obviously soccer and finishing my career, but then healing my wounds and kind of licking my wounds, so to speak, and really digging deeper into myself and maybe the reasons of what I needed to work on and hold myself accountable because I wasn't perfect either, but I was willing to work at it, and I was willing to stay and I was willing to really fight because I really loved what we had and I really loved her and I obviously are kids, and so that that process, I think now eight nine months down the road, has now given me time to grieve and to sort through all those feelings, and I think this is a really healthy place to be and I'm really excited that hopefully one day my kids can meet them. And yeah, I'm actually really really happy at the moment.
Okay, so my final question, Okay, what is one thing that at the time in your life you thought my god, this is terrible, the worst.
I'm never going to get out of this.
And now in retrospect, do you see it as having really launched you into the position you are now?
I would say two things.
I would say, like my injury back in college where I almost lost my life at twenty one, where I was just a whole new perspective on life, a whole lease on life, because I honestly, if I would have I wish my ex basically saved my life. I feel like I owe I owe my a lot, I owe them a lot because I wouldn't have gone to the hospital that night if he didn't encourage it, and they said if I would have slept through the night, I probably would have died because of my blood clots and the poment embolism.
So that was one.
And then just kind of fighting back to get on the field after that experience was really difficult. I never knew if I would be able to play again, kind of going through the pulmonary embolism. So that's separate, and that was twenty one, and then now finishing my career but also going through this separation is really that really took a toll on me. It really put me in a dark place because I was never expecting it and I never wanted it, And now I know that it honestly was a gift because I don't think I would have ever left, and I think the universe sent me a gift because I have never felt more free and happy now in my life and in my new dating life too. I feel very lucky because I probably would never be in this position, and so many other opportunities are kind of coming at me, and I don't know if I would have really taken them on if I was still in that partnership, because my life would have probably looked a little different. And so I think everything happens for a reason. And now I can't, you know, contry anyone else's behavior. I just have to focus on how I react to to it.
Ali, you are so incredible. Thank you so much for coming on.
Ali is continuing to have an impact on soccer as an ESPN analyst. Despite her retirement, she remains dedicated to pushing forward women's soccer in every aspect. After my family and I became co owners of GOTAM this past fall, I was in awe of her leadership to both the team and the industry as a whole. I just know the retirement is just the beginning for Ali. Keep up to date with all things Ali on Instagram at Ali Krieger. She has a few exciting announcements coming up, so be sure to follow PS. The Olympics start this week and the US women's soccer team plays their first match tomorrow night, with six of the US players coming from Gotham, so be sure to tune in and support.
Talk to you next week.
Special thanks to the she Pivots Team, Executive producer Emily Eda Belosk, Associate producer and social media connoisseur Hannah Cousins, Research director Christine Dickinson, Events and Logistics coordinator Madeline Sonovic, and audio editor and mixer Nina pollock I endorse te Pisits