Join Sandra and Psychic Attorney Mark Anthony for an interesting look at the birth of religions, their beliefs in the afterlife and more!
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Thanks for choosing the iHeartRadio and Coast to Ghost Day and Paranormal Podcast Network. Your quest for podcasts of the paranormal, supernatural, and the unexplained ends here. We invite you to enjoy all our shows we have on this network, and right now, let's start with Shades of the Afterlife with the Sandra Champlain.
Welcome to our podcast. Please be aware the thoughts and opinions expressed by the host are their thoughts and opinions only and do not reflect those of iHeartMedia, iHeartRadio, Coast to Coast am employees of Premiere Networks, or their sponsors and associates. We would like to encourage you to do your own research and discover the subject matter for yourself. Hi, I'm Sandra Champlain. For over twenty five years, I've been on a journey to prove the existence of life after death. On each episode, we'll discuss the reasons we now know that our loved ones have survived physical death and so will we. Welcome to Shades of the Afterlife. This past week, I received an email from a listener who's being told she's doing something against the Bible by researching the afterlife. I recommended people like Pastor John Burke, who you've met on this show, who has studied more than a thousand near death experiences and how they are in the Bible. Also biblical scholar, attorney, afterlife explorer, and podcast host and author ROBERTA. Grimes. She's written many books, but there's one that really impacted me, and that's her book Liberating Jesus. Over five years ago I hosted a live event and psychic medium Mark Anthony, also known as the Psychic Lawyer, was one of the speakers. He gave a most compelling present about the history of Christianity, the Bible, talking about reincarnation in the Bible and so much more, and I thought I really would love people to hear the presentation. Unfortunately, the sound quality of the recording was awful. However, thanks to a little new technology, I've been able to clean up that audio file. This episode is not just about religion, however, Mark talks near death experiences, quantum physics, a little bit of Star Wars, and more. It's a fascinating presentation. Mark Anthony is an Oxford educated attorney. His books are never letting go evidence of eternity and the afterlife. Frequency the scientific proof of spiritual contact and how that awareness will change your life. His website Evidence of Eternity dot com. Here's Mark.
I was raised Catholic.
In our belief system in Christianity, there's either heaven or hell when you die. Let's look at the roots of our own culture in ancient Hasidic Judaism, in the Kabbala, the mystical aspects of Judaism, in the Book of Job Naked I left my mother's womb, and naked I shall return there. And there is a deep belief in Hasidic Judaism and in the Kabbala that we actually go through several lifetimes, so that there is not just life than death, then the afterlife or nothingness. But ancient Judaism does embrace reincarnation. Now, let's go back to ancient Jerusalem. Outside of the Great City, there is the Henam Valley, and in the Hannam Valley is an area called Gethenna. This is where our concept of reincarnation begins to take a deviation, because Gehenna was where people who were dishonored, who were criminals, and who could not afford a proper burial, their body was taken and burned and they were burned in sulfur pits which.
Were known as brimstone.
And so if you were evil, if you were a sinner, if you were bad, you were subjected to fire and brimstone. So throughout the Gedaeic culture that became a thing to scare children with. If you're not good, you end up in fire and brimstone. So then right around sixty three BC, General Pompey the Great. Poppy's an interesting character. He was quite an effective general, and he basically conquered most of the eastern Mediterranean in the name of Rome, and Jedea became a client kingdom.
I won't get into the intricacies.
A client kingdom means that basically you were under Rome's thumb without being fully occupied. But the thing is the Roman Empire was really good at a number of things, one of which was conquest, the other of which was This is the Roman Empire its greatest extent, which would be around about one point seventeen a d.
They came into.
Contact with several other cultures, and as the empire spread from Italy, we know that the Greek and Roman religions were essentially the same thing. Like in Greek, the king of the gods was Zeus, but his name in Latin was Jupiter, and so on and so forth. So they basically incorporated their religion from the Greeks as they conquered into the Iranian border, which they called Persia, and their religion of the Zoristorianism and Mythris, the worship of the light and the sun god started becoming incorporated into the Empire. Certainly, the influence of the Egyptians and Judea became very very important in the Roman world, particularly with the rise of Christianity, because after Jesus's teachings, Christianity was widely accepted among the Greeks. Their culture spread throughout the eastern Mediterranean, and then as the Empire moved into the border with Germany, they came into other influences such as the god Loki, who's the lord of the underworld in Norse mythology. He was crafty, malicious, the god of fire and magic. He could assume different shapes, and he was responsible for the death of Balder. Balder was the son of Odin and his sacred mother Frea, and Balder, the god of Light, was struck down by the evil Loki, yet rose on the third day. One can only wonder what type of influence this out on other religions swirling around in the Empire in the first century AD. And isn't it interesting the way the names Loki and Lucifer have such a close linguistic significance. So over time, as the Empire started turning Christian, it began to be influenced by other relige religions, both within and on the borders of the empire. In fact, in early Christianity, one of the greatest thinkers origin of Alexandria. He was a bishop and a theologian. He rejected the notion of eternal damnation and said that even Satan eventually will ascend to the light, and that we all live a succession of lifetimes. There was no hell, there was reincarnation, So in the first couple centuries of Christianity, reincarnation was one of its basic tenants.
By the fourth.
Century, things are going badly for the Roman Empire. There was constant civil wars. Rival generals were battling, and this was the emergence of the general Constantine, who later became known as Constantine the Great. Constantine had his hony and he was facing off against another general Maxentius, and the night before a great battle October twenty seventh, in three twelve AD, before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, Constantine had of vision, not quite asleep, not quite awake, and he saw the image of a cross in the sky glowing white, and he heard a voice that said, in this sign you shall conquer. Now, Constantine was not a Christian. He was still kind of clinging to the old beliefs of the gods on Mount Olympus, which pretty much by this time most of the people in the empire didn't really follow. But Constantine, being a very astute man, realized, okay, this is definitely a sign. So he had all the soldiers paint across on their shields. They went into battle obliterated Mixentius, and Constantine became absolute ruler of the Roman world. And he decided that we need one emperor, one religion, one system of law. So he ordered all the bishops to Nicea, which is in modern day Turkey. He stopped the persecution of Christians, and he said that I want an authoritative text for this new relife, and this is where the Bible came from. So the bishops throughout the Christian world they decided to take the Torah from Judaism to be the Old Testament. They started taking gospels. There's even an alternate version of Genesis and the Creation, which somehow ended up in the Qur'an. So there's all these different versions and letters of Paul. And so now the first version of the Bible was released at the Council of Nicea in three twenty five AD. Now it gets even better because the imperial decree was that Jesus is God and will return. But until he does, I Constantine, Emperor of the Romans and God's vice regent on earth.
So what did he do?
The ultimate act of ego is creating God in your own image, so that he now gets to hate and persecute the same people you do. Well, that's exactly what he did. And this is where all this oppression starts with Christianity. Before that, it was the teachings of Christ. So Constantine changed everything. And by saying that he was God's vice region on earth, if you disobeyed the Emperor, you were cast into an eternal health, fire and damnation in pits of brimstone. Well, his mother Helena, he sent her to the Holy Land to Gidea. Helena is credited with finding the one true Cross, the cross that Jesus was crucified on. Well, let's picture what probably happened. This is the Emperor's mother, okay, the most powerful man on earth, his word was law. He's just created himself in the image of Jesus. Yet think his mother sailed alone to the Holy Land. Of course not, She'd probably have about three Roman cohorts protecting her. So figure about fifteen hundred Roman soldiers her personal entourage in a ten t and this will be at least another one hundred people. So then they land in the port of Caesarea and what is now Israel, and of course the two Roman legions that were stationed there would be greeting the Emperor's mother, along with all the bishops, the Roman government, and all the citizens. So they bring her to Goal Gotha. So figure there's about twenty thousand people surrounding Golgatha and they go, oh, your majesty, our Siedri was crucified there. And so she goes to gal Gotha. Oh, look, Joe, majesty is the one true Cross. In fact that he even says it right here, all right, So now Helena finds the one true Cross. So when she returns to her son, she is now Saint Helena and he is Saint Constantine. So what has Constantine done. He has created himself in the image of Jesus and his mother in the image of the Virgin Mary, thus cementing and solidifying his divine right of.
Being the ruler.
Now let's talk about Saint Constantine for a minute. The first Christian emp Well, the problem with Saint constantin he was a genocidal maniac. He pretty much had everybody and his family executed for treason. Was paranoid beyond belief. He had no problem having thousands of people put to death.
Oh, by the way, the.
Coliseum gladiators that was still in full swing. So basically, if you defy the emperor before he got casted into fire and brimstone, you're thrown to the lions for entertainment. So this guy was anything but saintly. By the end of his life, they said he wore this weird wig of all these different colors, and he insisted on people grubbling in front of them.
Constantine went insane with power.
But he was also a brilliant politician because he solidified his position as the divine ruler of the Roman world, and he also moved the capital of the empire from Rome to Constantinople, the City of Constantine.
We need to take our first break, but when we come back, you'll hear more about Constantine, the formation of the Bible, Reincarnate, some reincarnation stories, and a whole lot more. You're listening to Shades of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network. Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife. I'm Sandra Champlain. Let's continue with Mark Anthony's description of Roman Emperor Constantine, his impact on the Bible, a look at reincarnation, near death experiences, and more.
Constantine went insane with power, but he was also a brilliant politician because he solidified his position as the divine ruler of the Roman world, and he also moved the capital of the empire from Rome to Constantinople, the city of Constantine. When he moved the capital of the empire, Christianity was initially focused on Constantinople. The Patriarch of Constantinople was the leader of the Christian religion and the pope was the Bishop of Rome. But this is where the squabbling in Christianity started, because now you have Roman Christianity versus Greek Christianity, and the tension started there. However, because of the divine right of kings that Constantine created in the Christian sense of the empire collapsed with Germanic invasions. Every king, every duke and ruler in the western section of the Empire took on the role of the divine right of kings, and this is where all of this started. Even to this day, the monarch of England is known as the defender of the Faith. And of course in the Eastern Mediterranean, and when Islam started to rise up the caliphate. A caliph is an ordained ruler by Allah God to rule. I remember when I saw Isis rising a few years ago, I go, Dear God, because the last caliphate was the Ottoman Turkish Empire, which is destroyed in World War One. And when I started to see a new caliphate rising, this is really serious stuff because the caliphate is a very dangerous thing because these people are ordained by God to conquer. So anyway, all this was going on, and so the Western Empire collapses but the eastern half now takes on a new name as the Byzantine Empire, because Constantinople used to be the city of Byzantium. Long story short, Two hundred years after Constantine, the Emperor Justinian rises. Justinian's another fascinating guy. Our system of justice corpus juris sivilis, was ordered into existence by Justinian, So our system, our legal system, comes from him.
But he did another thing.
He ordered the Fifth Ecumenical Council, and at the fifth Ecumenical Council, reincarnation was banned as heresy because the Emperor, God's emperor on earth. Justinian did not want anyone having an escape clause. If you don't listen to the Emperor, if you do not follow the laws of the Empire, you will be eternally condemned.
They didn't want anything.
Oh well, I'll just come back as you know something else. It's like, oh, no, okay, And so now what to a fifth version of the Bible in Constantinople, and of course in Rome. The Bishop of Rome, who's now assumed the title of Hope wasn't all very happy about that. So now we start having different versions of the Bible popping up now, people think that reincarnation was eliminated from the Bible. However, there's a couple passages where it appears to have survived, and the Transfiguration being one of them. Where Jesus brings a couple of his disciples up to the top of a mountain and he begins to glow white and white images appear on earth side of him, Elijah and Moses. And if you read and observe authentic physical mediumship, this is an account of it. So apparently Jesus, among many other things, was capable of projecting ecoplasm and formed Moses and Elijah on either side of him. And then when they come off the mountain, Jesus asks his disciples, who do you say that I am? They say, well, some say that you are the prophet Elijah returned. Others say that you are John the Baptist. And according to the Gospel, he replied, Elijah did come to restore all things, but he came in the form of John the Baptist. Elijah lived eight hundred years before Jesus and his cousin John the Baptist. This by accounts of not just Christian but also Buddhists and Hindu scholars. They believe this is actually a reference to reincarnation, because what Jesus is saying is, yeah, Elijah came back as my cousin John over eight hundred years now. Even though mainstream Islam rejects reincarnation, the more progressive schools of thought in Islam welcome it. One of their greatest philosophers was Roomy, and he wrote that I died as a mineral and became a plant. I died as a plant and rose to animal. I died as an animal, and I was man. Why should I sear when was eyeless by dying? So what Rumy was saying is that we go through a succession of lifetimes from the transmigration of souls. You go from being an insect to an animal, to a human, and on and on. Benjamin Franklin actually believed in reincarnation. He wrote his own epitaph on his tombstone, The printer like the cover of an old book, its contents torn out and stripped of its lettering and gilding, lies here food for worms. But the work shall not be wholly lost, for it will, as he believed, appear once more in a new and more perfect edition. Corrected and amended by the author Thomas Edison, George Patton, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, There's a lot I could talk about him. He was working on technology to communicate with the other side. And Henry Ford came to the conclusion that reincarnation existed when he was twenty six. He said, genius's experience. It's not a gift, it's the experience of many long lives. The West opened up to reincarnation when George Harrison of the Beatles met Rabbi Shankar. All of a sudden started writing songs about it, talking about it openly, and it was starting to go from kind of fringe to pop culture. And then Shirley McClain, a major Academy Award winning movie star, respected author, goes on the world stage and announces that she believes hen reincarnation. Oprah Winfrey, Loretta Lynn Prince, all types of people these days are beginning to believe in reincarnation. Albert Einstein said that science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind. So this brings us to the work of doctor Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia. Unfortunately, he passed in two thousand and seven because he did fascinating studies in reincarnation children who had not only past life memories, but of a recent past life where they could identify the family that they said they were from.
And what he did is he approached reincarnation strictly from a scientific viewpoint, and he saw his job as to gather all the nominalist data. He kept religion out of it. He wanted it strictly to be science. And what he found what children is as soon as the child could communicate, they start to describe a previous lifetime. The child remembers details of his or her death based on information provided by the child to the bio life family. The child's family from the prior incarnation is eventually identified. Personality traits, personal preferences, habits persist from one incarnation to the next. The gender usually stays the same. Relationships are renewed through reincarnation. Also, phobias traumatic deaths in particular leave an emotional imprint, for example, fear of drowning the wall, concerned about being careful in the water. But some people have these phobias that they can't explain, which brings us to the fascinating case of James Leininger. As a toddler, he begin to have nightmares about being trapped in a plane shot down by the Japanese.
All right, three year old.
Kids start saying, my plane was a Corsair. My ship was then the Tooma and Chi Chi GiMA Chi chi gem and his parents are like, what okay? And his parents were not particularly religious people. They certainly didn't believe in reincarnation, and they're like, what's all this chi chigemon?
The tona thing? So his father started doing some research.
But then as a son got older, he started drawing pictures of his playing getting shot down, referred to himself as James three, James three, and where's my friend Jack Larson?
Jack Larson.
Then he had three Gi Joe dolls that he named Leon, Walter and Billy. Got his father so curious because this appeared not to be a delusion. This child had facts, had figures, and his father found out that there was indeed a USS Natoma Bay and it was what's known as an escort carrier. Toward the end of the war, it flew corsairs. Further investigation yielded that there was a Lieutenant James Houston Jr. Twenty one year old pilot a boy in Natoma Bay. It was shot down at Chichi Jima during the Battle of Iwo Jima, and Leon Walter and Billy were three of the pilots that flew with James Houston. But why James. His father's name was Bruce, Bruce Leninger. And then they found out that James Houston's father and grandfather were both named James, so that if he were James Houston, he would be referring to himself as James the Third. But what about Jack Larson, the friend he talked about the most. Jack was alive. His parents took James to a reunion of the USS Natoma Bay, so Jack Larson was not only alive. When Lininger attended the Natoma Bay reunion, he started talking about intricate details about his crewmates, even talk about girls they used to date, and Larson said, this kid's got to be Jim Houston. Then he meets Anne Houston Baron, who would have been the sister of James Houston, and she said, this child couldn't know the things he does.
He just couldn't.
So I believe he is somehow part of my brother. Now my job is to present evidence for you to decide. But this brings us next to the curious case of Louise Eddie. Louise Eddie was born in nineteen oh four to a proper Edwardian family in England, and when she was about four years old, she fell. She had a terrible injury and when she woke up she started having these memories of a past life in ancient Egypt. By the time she was eighteen, she managed to garner the funds and went to Egypt. She went to work and volunteered with archaeologists and they were astounded because within a year she could not only read Egyptian hieroglyphics, she could actually speak the language, and the archaeologists saying it takes PhDs decades to get to the point where she learned it right away. The archaeologist humored her, and so she started to tell them, well, if you excavate over here, there used to be an irrigation system, and over there there used to be an orchard, like yeah, yeah, And then they started finding remains of an orchard exactly where she said it was, remains of an irrigation system exactly where she said it was, among reincarnation experts. People conclude that she's an authentic case. And what's fascinating, she's not talking about a lifetime a few decades back. She's talking about one thirty three centuries ago.
Time for the break and we'll be right back. You're listening to Shades of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast, a paranormal podcast network. Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife. I'm Sandra Champlain and we're listening to Mark Anthony, author of Evidence of Eternity. Now we're going to turn to the realm of quantum physics and the afterlife.
Albert Einstein matters energy. Energy is light. We are all light beings. Think about it. Life depends on light. If it weren't for the light of the sun, this planet would be nothing more than a chunk of ice floating through space. The food that we eat, the plants, the animals they eat, the plants, are all dependent upon photosynthesis. Every great spiritual teacher has described God in terms of the light. Buddhist said, this is the way to the light. Jesus said, I am the way to the light. Christian had described the light Mohammed the light the Native Americans the light, the philosopher Rumy said, the lamps may be different, but the light is the same. So seeing reoccurring descriptions of God being described in light, and for those of us who do encounter the other sided, for all of you who've had these experiences, we believe that perceiving the light is a form of perception of the spiritual energy of the infinite, which what you and I.
Could call God.
Now, through the study of quantum physics, what we have found is that matter and energy, which includes light, are composed of tiny units of electromagnetic energy known as quanta. Long story short, we've all learned in school that everything's made up of molecules. Molecules are made of atoms. Atoms are made of electrons, protons, and neutrons, and they are made of yet a smaller particle on a subatomic level, known as quanta, which is electromagnetic energy. Everything is this carpet you, the air we're breathing, the light, we're seeing, the space between the Earth and the Sun. The nuclear reactions within the Sun and beyond are all at the most basic unit electromagnetic energy, known as quanta. Now, for decades, scientists have wondered if you drop something on your foot, why and how do you immediately feel it. Clearly it's not chemical that would take too long to slash on through your body, so it has to be electrical, and it appears to move at the speed of light. And in recent decades the Russians, particularly Serja Maybrow at the Lebedev Institute of Physics in Moscow, have discovered biophotons that our cells actually emit flashes of light to communicate with each other. This is not bioluminescence. This is not what a firefly does or a lantern fish does. This is invisible to the naked eye, and our cells appear to emit flashes of ultra weak light and that's whyther known as biophotons. So what this indicates is that our body is actually a matrix of light. Fritz Albert Poff from the International Institute of Biophysics in Germany, so that biophoton emission is a general phenomenon of all living systems. Biophotons originate from a coherent photon field within the living organism, its function being intra and intercellular regulation and communication. In other words, our body communicates through light and We know that light can transmit information and data because the space center does that. Space programs do this. One of the concepts I developed in my book Evidence or Attorney is enlightenment. Enlightenment can be either empirical knowledge that all of a sudden you figure out, or it is your perception of the divine in the spiritual sense. But what we must also realize is enlightenment is embracing and accepting the light which is in with all of us. So think about it like this, everything's quanta, including light. Our body creates the same light that we perceive when perceiving God. Ergo, the Kingdom of God is within, and we know from the laws of physics. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. The quantum field in the brain is energy, and faith teaches us the soul, also known as consciousness, is an immortal living spirit, and that the soul pre exists the body comes into the body, lives on after the body dies. Energy neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. The death of consciousness only exists as a thought because people identify themselves with a body, and so that if a body receives consciousness the same way a cable box receives satellite signals. Then, of course consciousness doesn't end at death. But what does happen is that the energy of your consciousness gets recycled back into a different body at some point, and in the meantime exists outside of the physical body, on some other level of reality and possibly in another universe. This is the scientific explanation for reincarnation. So when people say that, oh, well, you know your consciousness is generated by the brain, well, unfortunately, almost forty thousand Americans a year developed Alzheimer's, and the death often involves a long physical and mental decline where the person is non responsive. I've seen this with people very close to me. While my father didn't technically have Alzheimer's, he had cancer which got into his brain, and it was a Navy seal, a NASA engineer, and watching him not even be able to recognize where he was was one of the most heart wrenching things that I've ever been through, probably ever will. But we know that a brain affected by cancer or in this case, with Alzheimer's, is physically different. A brain affected by Alzheimer's is shrunken, it's malnourished, it's deformed. And what happens is that brain scientists agree, even the skeptics, they'll agree that a severely damaged brain makes normal cognition impossible. But then we've been documenting worldwide, five to ten percent of the cases involving terminally ill people suffering from Alzheimer's and severe dementia where death is very near, a phenomenon which defies medical science has been identified. The patient suddenly regains lucidity right before death. They wake up, they recognize family members, they start communicating with them.
Guess what.
Hippocrates in ancient Greece actually documented cases of this, So did Plutarch in ancient Rome, the Hindus, the Muslims. Throughout thousands of years, cases of this have been documented, and this is now known as terminal lucidity. Doctor Michael Nahm in Germany said, terminal lucidy is an unexpected return of mental clarity which occurs right before a patient's death. And the thing is, it's not just in Alzheimer's, it's in several different types of illnesses brain toor strokes, meningitis, schizophrenia. In other words, there is no one cause. There is no explanation for it. There's no observable change in the brain. And why does somebody suddenly recover complete sanity from someone has been non responsive for days, weeks, months, even years, And what accounts for terminal lucidity. All the doctors agree that right before you die or brain doesn't suddenly grow a billion new neurons. Well, that's because consciousness has nothing to do with your brain. Consciousness derives from quantum vibrations within the brain's neurons, and in the spiritual sense, consciousness has been here all along. These are findings by Sir Roger Penrose of Oxford, Stuart Hammerhoff, University of Arizona, the MIT and Institute Material Sciences of Japan, and the University of Pennsylvania, and one of my favorite professors, Professor Hans Peter dah It's a Max Planck Institute for Physics in Germany. Zubrain is like a come true to hard drives. When Venza had drive dies, we do not lose this information, this consciousness. Zubadhi dies, but the spiritual quantum field continues. In this way, we're immortal. But that's what they're saying, that the brain is actually a formatting and hosting device. It does not create who and what you are, and that ties into what faith has been teaching us and what the biocentrists have been teaching us throughout the center. Even Leonardo da Vinci concluded that consciousness pre existed the brain and then left the brain upon physical death. So the Buddha and science agree, you are not your body, So quantum conscience business. When the body dies, the energy of a quantum spiritual field is not destroyed, it is transferred.
Where does it go?
Well, that's where all the mediums here and Sonia come in, right and Sandra the schwartz Child. Quantum lattice theory is fascinating because scientists have found that an electron will disappear and then reappear the same electron in a different location without traversing going through the matter in between.
How does it do this? Why does it do this? Where does it go? Well?
The theory is it's a quantum leap, which is not just a show with Scott Bacula in it. No, it is a transfer of our energy from one dimension to another through what they believe to be a very small version of a wormhole, and that dimension we refer to as the other side. You can call it heaven, happy Valley, Nirvana, whatever you want to call it. It is a parallel dimension which runs and exists with our dimension in near death experiences. This is where we're beginning to see that there is a scientific basis for the two different dimensions, because when a person physically dies in that person's spirit separates from their body, their consciousness remains intact and they go into the light. Doctor Raymond Moody, I know everybody here is familiar with him. Great guy was such an honor when he endorsed my book Evidence of Maturity. Back in the nineteen seventies. He started using the scientific method of objective analysis to compile data on accounts that have been going on since the dawn of history about people who have died in come back to life and told of their experiences, and he coined the phrase near death experience. My good friend, doctor Jeffrey Long, is the founder of end Earth, the Near Death Experience Research Foundation, and he's noncologist, okay, And he said, I had no spiritual background or in this, and I'm seeing one patient after another start talking about this. So he created ENDERF, which is the world's largest database of near death experiences. So many respected people in both ancient and modern times have reported NDEs near death experiences. Plato wrote in the last passage in his book or series of books, the Republic talks about the soldier Err and Err was killed in a battle, and I suppose he was dead for nine days. They put him on a funeral pyre, and all of a sudden he wakes up and he starts to tell about this walld he went to that was filled with light and had nothing to do with the Greek mythological belief system of the time. And so Plato wrote that Er left the cave of shadows to see the light of truth.
I have a sneaky suspicion you can agree this is some fascinating stuff. When we come back from the break, we'll hear some near death experience stories and how Star Wars is connected. We'll be right back with more, Mark Anthony. You're listening to Shades of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coastcoast AM Paranormal Podcast Network. Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife. I'm Sandra Champlain and you're listening to the psychic lawyer Mark Anthony. You can find out more about him at Evidenceofeternity dot Com and his books Evidence of Eternity, The Afterlife Frequency and Never Letting Go Healing Grief with Help from the Other Side. Let's continue with the speech he made at my we Don't Die event in Orlando over five years ago. And I am extremely grateful for modern technology to make it possible for you to hear today the Bible.
Not to be outdone the apostle Paul. He was a Roman citizen, which meant that he had special protections and guarantees. Is an original name was Saul, and his job was to persecute Christians. And supposedly when he was going from Judea to Damascus, he was struck by a bright white light and lay dead for three days and then came back. And many theologians believe that Paul may have been writing about his own near death experience. Mozart, Queen Victoria, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Sartha Conan Doyle. Elizabeth Taylor did a wonderful interview where she talked about her nde. She died on an operating table and went into the light and she saw Michael Todd and in more recent years, Sharon Stone, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tracy Morgan, Johnny Depp, Charlie Steering, George Clooney. I have all reported near death experiences as I had one, my father had two near death experiences, and my mother also had a near death experience. The funny thing is when my parents had them, the term NDE didn't exist. But growing up in a family of people who can see spirits, they knew that they had journey to the other side. Near death experience similarities. You see people who are dead, you're convinced of their reality. Race, gender, religion are not a factor. Drugs and anesthesia are not a factor. It's not a hallucination. Their psychic ability is enhanced and you lose your fear of death. Doctor Kenneth Ring, friend and colleague near death experience researcher, wrote about a woman who died on an operating table. All since she felt her consciousness separated from her body, and she was hovering above the table, and she saw everybody in the operating room, and she said she went by a light fixture and noticed the top of it was really dirty, and the next thing she knew, she was hovering above the hospital and noticed in one of the storm drains the rain gutters. There was this blue tennis shee stuck there, so they revived her. When she came out of it, she starts talking about The surgeon goes, get two people up on the roof right now, and they went up in exactly where she said it was was a blue tennis shoe. And I love it when the skeptics say, well, this is a function of the dying brain, is it now, doctor John Hagen of the University of Missouri, So we can bring patients back from death who have traveled further on the path than at any other time in history. The recollections often refute physicians scientific explanations of how an oxygen starved brain can produce such vivid and often corroborated for ridical recollections. So what are the after effects of a near death experience? How does it affect the people that have them? Well, it's a life changing event, and the ears lose their fear of death or commer less judgmental, less materialistic, become more spiritual, compassionate, and loving. They have enhanced psychic ability, a sense of timelessness. At age sixteen, George Lucas died in a car accident. He flatlined for twenty minutes and he was revived and told of going into the light and this amazing experience. By the time he was twenty two, had a draft of Star Wars and he talks about the Force, the energy which binds and connects all of us. Now, the Force is what gives a Jedi Knight his power. It is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together. Sounds a lot like Kwanta, doesn't it. Now, think about what a Jedi Knight symbolizes versus like Darth Vader and the dark side of the Force. The Jedi Knight is the one positively influenced and is spiritual as a reuss ultimate a near death experience, less judgmental, less materialistic, compassionate feeling of interconnectedness, that we're all one, we're all energetically interconnected. And Darth Vader is the symbol of the ego. It's pure narcissism, power, control, aggression. But think about the effects of a near death experience. I mean, Star Wars is one of the biggest movie franchises in history and it's still ongoing, and how it's affected us. People talk about the force and all that, and this is where it came from, was from George Lucas's near death experience. Edgar Mitchell astronaut, Navy pilot, astronomical engineer and ufoologists in my life have been honored to meet Neil Armstrong, Buzz Algren, John Glenn and Mike Foreman, who is one of the pilots of the Space Shuttle, and it's really interesting when they're not on camera and what they talk about. But edgar Mitchell said that when subatomic matter is in a process together, subsequently the subatomic particles go apart from each each other and across the universe. When they do this, they will remain entangled. This means if he do something to one, the other responds instantaneously. This is what's known as quantum entanglement. For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. Whatever a man sows, he shall read.
Okay. All of the great.
Religions talk about this, and now quantum physicists have proven that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Albert Einstein there is no matter. There is just energy which vibrates at different frequencies. So we are living in the material world, and let's go with what Einstein said. There's no matter. We're just energy and we're vibrating at a lower and slower frequency. That's why I call it the material world dimension. When we die, we go to the other side and once we are at a higher vibration that our energy, our frequency amplitude is increased. And so interdimensional communication, which is when you have a dream or contact experience or mediums were able to communicate with the other side, or near death experiences, this is what's happening. It is where the two energetic systems, the two parallel dimensions universes, overlap and intersect, and that's how spirit communication and mediumship is possible. That's the basis for near death experiences. This isn't philosophy, This is physics. But does it sound like science fiction? Think about what happens. We're going to make a cell phone call. So let's say you want to talk to your aunt Martha and England. Your brain sends an electromagnetic impulse your lungs, So the electrical energy in your brain becomes muscular energy, which causes your lungs to contract, forcing air out. BEI another vibration goes to your vocal cords, and so that mechanical energy becomes muscular energy, which becomes soundwave energy, which it's the plate in your phone and begins to vibrate. So the soundwave energy then becomes mechanical energy. It's because the electrical energy, and then it becomes radio wave energy when your phone transmits the radio signal to a towel, taking the radiowave energy, converting to electrical energy, running through miles of wires up to a collection point with then converse electrical energy into radio off energy, which then hits a satellite in orbit, taking the radio ways turning into a system of microwave energy and transmit through a number of satellites, so finds the right one to givert the microwaves back to radio waves, goes the collection point in England, turning the radio waves into electrical energy, which goes through several miles of wires to another point during the electrical energy back into radio wave energy which hits the antenna and Aunt Martha's cell phone taking the electrical energy turning into mechanical energy as the plate in her cell phone begins a vibrary take the mechanical enginer and sound wave energy to set your ear brunt, and then her ear jump begins a vibrate, causing the eighth cranial nerve to be struck by these staatee spones in the minimal ear and takes that mechanical energy turm electrical energy, which becomes.
Hello, Aunt Martha.
And all of that happens at one hundred and eighty six thousand, two hundred and eighty two miles per second. So energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. Do you ever really think what that means? Well, that's what it is. And so people tell me spirit communication isn't real. And Nikola Tesla said, when wireless is perfectly applied, the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain. We will be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance.
Not only this, but.
Through television and telephony, we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face, despite intervening distances of thousands of miles.
A man will be able or.
A woman to carry them in their vest pocket. This was an interview in nineteen twenty six with Nikola Tesla by John Kennedy of Colliers Magazine. So the science fiction, the fantasy of yesterday is the reality of today. So what's the moral of the story. The next time someone doubts your contact with spirits, past life memories, or your near death experiences.
Remember the Force is with you. I'll tell you what he did.
He sold Star Wars to Disney for four billion dollars. Then he donated most of it to charity. And that's the after effect of an end. That's the compassion, the giving, the love. That's where the Jedi Night comes from. And if you want to find out more about what I believe and my experiences, there's two books written by my favorite author of all time, me, but they're in several languages around the world.
And it's been very humbling.
To see how what I have to say has affected so many people in so many different ways. Thank you Sandra for having me.
And thank you Mark for a lifetime of work. Wow, talk about somebody following their passion. You'll enjoy his books, I know you will. Evidence of Eternity dot Com so much in one episode. I hope it's made a difference back to where we started with the Bible religion. Please make me one promise that you'll try to see life from other people's perspectives and that you can ask for them to see life from your perspective. When my dad died, I got heavy into after life investigation, studying grief, wrote my book. My sister turned to religion and the Bible. Unfortunately we don't have a relationship as she doesn't agree with what it is that I do. And that's okay. A wise soul once told me relationships can be like circles coming apart at the bottom and they come back together at the top. Will it be this world or the next world? I don't know, but I think my sister and my siblings, and my dad and my mom, if they didn't play the roles they did, I would have never gone on to study the afterlife and be with you here today. Don't forget. Come visit me at we Dootdie dot com. Join me at one of our free Sunday gatherings with medium demonstrations, take a class, and so much more. Never forget you are a miraculous being of light and that you are surrounded by so much love in that parallel universe called the afterlife. You are supremely loved. I'm Sandra Champlain. Thank you so much for listening to Shades of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.
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