Episode 213: “Shining Light Parents Speak; Abundant Evidence for Connection Across the Veil”

Published Nov 15, 2024, 5:00 PM

Join Sandra, Dr. Mark Pitstick, and four incredible Moms discussing a new book from the group, Helping Parents Heal.

You're listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM paranormal podcast network, where we offer you podcasts of the supernatural and the unexplained. Get ready now for Shades of the Afterlife with Sandra Champlain.

Welcome to our podcast. Please be aware the thoughts and opinions expressed by the host are their thoughts and opinions only and do not reflect those of iHeartMedia, iHeartRadio, Coast to Coast AM, employees of Premier Networks, or their sponsors and associates. We would like to encourage you to do your own research and discover the subject matter for yourself. Hi. I'm Sandra Champlain. For over twenty five years, I've been on a journey to prove the existence of life after death. On each episode, we'll discuss the reason we now know that our loved ones have survived physical debt, and so will we. Welcome to Shades of the Afterlife on our time together today, I want to introduce you to some amazing people. Doctor Mark Pitstick you'll remember from episode one sixty eight, and he is joined by four ladies. They've come together with a brand new powerful book called Shining Light. Parents Speak Wisdom, and inspiration from Helping Parents Heal leaders and as you may know, Helpingparentsheal dot Org is my favorite organization not only helping parents through grief but sharing the reality of the afterlife. And they're close to twenty thousand global members. So let's jump right in with doctor Mark Pitstick.

What I want to share during this time is the huge benefits for all people from this book. I'm not just trying to sell it no matter what kind of loss or challenge you face. So this is not just for parents with a child who's passed. And here's why I say that. We interviewed one hundred and thirty parents and all of them had one or more children who transitioned from Earth. One of them had five, all five of our kids. Last week I was working with the mob on a Helping Parents Heal webinar. Her son, her husband, and her dog all passed the same time from carbon monoxide poisoning. And she was sad. You could tell she'd been to a lot. Her face is still a little contorted, but she is dead and focused on all right. I went through this. Where's the blessings? What are the silver linings? How can I help other people? How can I make more sense. How can I honor my loved ones who passed? And I just stand in all of this, And that's why we call them shining like parents. They're just so amazing. So if they can get to the dark Knight the soul and heal enough to get to that point, find the meaning, find the blessing, share them with others, so can you. That's speaking to everyone. In October twenty twenty three, we started interviewing five at a time, these parents, and on the third set of interviews Alison who's with us now and as David, we're talking about their amazing sun and deity and they said, he comes through so loud and clear, there's no missing. Well, David was talking about he learned it so important for him to get out of the way and not have preconceived expectations about how they're going to come through, but be open to that. Well just then, from the upper right, like from the ceiling, it was like this voice shot down to this part of my head and said, Mark, you guys need to write a book. Call it this title. It'll help help a lot of people. And I said, I think I just heard from Daty and you're right. He does come through loud and clear, and it's on video. You can watch all of these videos that're at Helpingparents Heeal dot org, Slash YouTube videos, slash affiliate leader interviews, and so I actually looked up at the ceiling where that came in. I touched my head and I was speechless for a while. I watched it recently and I said things like, wow, oh my god, Wow. I've given a lot of interviews and posts radio shows, but I was just goys back there. It took me a while. So that's how it got started, and they can share more about that. But it launched a series of events that I'm sure are going to continue and literally, and I'm not exaggerating, as the power has, the hope, the inspiration to help all people and our planet. This summer, there were eleven hundred parents who came to the Helping Parents Heal conference in Phoenix. So it was the first day of the conference and Dolores and Nancy and I were talking about four hundred parents, maybe five hundred, and we were talking about the book, and I had discussed one of the lessons that we learned was that many silver lyings, many blessings resulted from what seemed to be a senseless tragedy, And I said that could it be that a meta blessing of all these children and all this game together, because some of these parents become activists, They started foundations, they right wrongs, they help in all sorts of ways. I said, could it be that all of this is going to help reach a tipping point for helping all people in our world. Well, just as I said that, I glanced up the ceiling and thousands of smiling faces. Children, Some were babies, some were little kids, some were teenagers, some were adult children. And this is a thirty foot high chraton ground, a beautiful place, and they were around the ceiling, but then up into the sky and even into the clouds. So thousands, the word legions just came in and it looked like they were seated in stadium seating. And myance Athy, who's an evidential medium, said when she trained with Mavis Pattilla, she said, yeah, that's a common report that when there are a lot of spirits, you know people in the next round, they are seated in tears. Anyway, all this happened in a fraction a second. I looked up and then I look back down and continue my presentation. A lot of people came up with questions and share stories, and this one mom said, I'd like to share with you. So we went out in the hall and such an incredible story and so inspiring for everyone. Her only child, he was eighteen, and they were dear, dear friend. She's a single parent, passed on on suddenly and unexpectedly, and she just did not want to continue living on earth, so she decided to pass on by suicide. So she was literally sitting in the corner of her room on the floor at the bottle dock and one to have bottle pills and the other as getting ready to start slogging them down when her son's phone rang and she said, well, I should see who's calling him, and that was his best friend who had flown in to surprise his best friend. And he didn't know because this mom was so destroyed, she hadn't even handled anything after her son passed, didn't tell his friends and so on. Well, she said, I'm so sorry to tell you, but my son passed two days ago. So he started crying and she said, come on over, you know, let's talk. So they spent the afternoon talking, crying, in, eventually laughing, telling stories about this delightful young man who was her son and this guy's friend. Well, as he started leaving, she said, I just want to tell you something. You saved my life because when you called, I was getting ready to pass on by suicide. Well, the next day she knew that she had to do something. She had to take action or she would just stand the adult drums and depression. So she decided to volunteer for at rescue center. So she goes down there and one of the first people that came in was a young lady who was disheveled obviously men crying, depressed, and she said, can I see your most friendly dog? So this mom, who some passed I'll call Judy, brought the dog out. She said. The young lady hugged this dog and cried over for half an hour. So, you know, having just come through what she came through, Judy knew that this young lady was really suffering. So they talked at length, and the young lady said, yes, I'll take the dog, and I want to tell you that you just saved my lives because this morning I decided this was going to be my last day on earth, and I just wanted to get some love and give some love to the pet before I left. And when I heard that story, I thought, oh my god, that's it, in a nutshell, that single thing that exemplifies so beautifully the power of each one of us. We follow our hearts, we reach down deep, you know, we don't give up what we can achieve. Now two weeks later, I'm giving a Helping Parents he Old webinar again about the book Shining Light Parents Speak, and I shared for the first time since that vision with the ceiling, what happened as I did Elizabeth Boy's son, as you know, Sandrews, the president co founder of Helping Parents Heal, excitedly interjected and said this and this phrase blows me away. She wrote. The phrase that kept resonating within me after my son Morgan transition was our connection with the children on the other side will ultimately save the world. Ah. So, as you can imagine, after all those things, I think started a lot by this book project. So wrapping up, I just want to share several takeaways again for all people, no matter what your challenges are, because that's part of the human experience, you know, we all go through it. First of all, as I mentioned, as demonstrated by Judy, that we can inspire, empower and comfort others, and even if we just helped one person, that's a big deal. Secondly, that deep pain and suffering can birth magnificent blessings. It can wake us up, it can shake us up, it can make us ask those important questions, like, I wan, my heir is really a godes, So why is there so much sufferings on One of the buzzwords of helping parents here is when a child passes, and I would say when any other big challenge occurs. It can make you better or better, and ultimately it's a choice. The next takeaway is stay alert for glimpses of the greater reality. Our brain in five senses detect much less than one percent of reality. But sometimes when we're in a personal high energy state, or we're around a lot of highergy people like the conference, will get clear experiences. You know, I'm not a medium or a hangar psychic, but I saw those kids at the ceiling, and I detect the davy telling me to write this book or telling us. So I say, stay alert for glimpses that you maybe usually wouldn't pick up. Next, remember that you're not alone in this question. Your angels, your guys, master teachers in the light have greater plans for you than you can imagine. And it's real simple. I mean, you don't have to change everything yourself. Just do what you feel called to do as well as you can and that's enough. And that's the last point, which is each one of us play a vital role in the fulfillment of that divine plan. We can reach a tipping point much more with Cleveland, you think.

As we get into this episode, you're going to meet four mothers, Dolores, Nancy, Alison, and Anne Marie. Each will tell their stories of their children in the afterlife, the signs they've received from them, and also the roles they played putting this book together, and key takeaways that they think are important for each and every human being, whether you're a parent or not. So let's head into the first break and we'll be back with the first mom. Lauris. You're listening to Shades of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Hairinormal podcast Network.

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Com, the best afterlife information you can get. Well, you're on love Shades of the Afterlife with Sander Champlain.

Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife. I'm Sandra Champlain and I'm here with doctor Mark Pittstick and four mothers that helped compile the book Shining Light Parents Speak. Next, let's meet Dolores.

Thank you so much, Sandra, so amazing to be here. I live in San Gabriel, California, right outside of Los Angeles. I'm a retired elementary school teacher and my son Eric, after he passed his spirit back in twenty seventeen, I became an author of two books that chronicle my whole journey, this whole journey with Eric, with this grief journey, and also after having found Helping Parents Heal such an amazing organization and I'm just so glad to be part of them and part of this book project. We have been able to hear and have validated our feelings through these amazing stories through these very courageous one hundred and thirty parents who are also affiliate leaders and caring listeners for Helping Parents Heal, and they have been able to very openly share how everything happened, to of course tell about their wonderful children, share the manner of their transition, and also such obviously painful stories to read and go on with the connections that they have still that they have continued to have, and the lessons that they've learned, what's come from this Even when they thought there was no hope and even when they thought how could there be anything? I went ahead and when Anne, Marie and Alison and Nancy and I were organizing putting this all together, going through all the transcripts of the interviews and finally coming to those chapters that we agreed on, we kind of all said, which one do you want to do? I went ahead and took sensing your child's presence. All that the parents answered in response to communications that they've had divided into little segments like whether it was through electronics or through songs on the radio, or through feeling their presence or possibly even seeing them or hearing them, or messages through medium or through even other.

People to hear.

Over and over all the various ways that our children have reached out, and that these parents, which include Amri and Nancy and Allison and I, we are in it too, that we chose to listen. It's so easy to discount, to assume maybe it's just some kind of coincidence, you know that word that we don't really use anymore, because we know that there is something there. So it's just been so beautiful and such an honor to be involved. So that's the chapter that I did. And these other ladies here, Yeah, they've done quite a bit. If I can ask you, Dolores, if you could share a story maybe from your own life, that you know in your heart that we go on, yes, I'd be happy to boy. There really are so many which I've kept in a journal, so they're all there even when I go back and read them I sometimes I will have forgotten, so they go, oh my gosh, and then I get all excited all over again. But right after Eric passed away, I had of course been in deep grief, crying calling out to him. I knew he was around. I didn't doubt that that was something I already believed. I was pretty sure he could hear me, and I would just tell him how much I love him, what happened, and I really need a hug from you. So that went on for you know, many days. But the eight ninth tenth day, I went to the store and when I walked in, you know, the tables out in front with some people who want you to make a donation. And I did recognize it was a very good caused having been a school teacher a drug abuse resistant education program called the DARE program, and I thought, yes, I will make a donation. I was happy to do. So I went in, got my couple of groceres, came out. There were two young people. I went up to the young man who was the same height as my son Eric, on the same age, about to the same build. He was very friendly, you know, it was nice and we chatted for just a bit. I wrote my check, handed it to him and he wrote a receipt, and as he hands it to me, he says, how about a hug? And no one ever says that when you're at one of those tables. No one had ever said it previous, no one has said it since. This came right after my days of pleading with Eric for a hug. Here's a young man could practically be him, offering for whatever reason, a hug. I said, of course, I'll always take a hug. And when I hugged him, I felt like I was hugging Eric. And as I walked away, I just said, thank you, that was you. I don't know how that works, but it was him. From that moment. There was more things that occurred, but that's something that you could easily say, Oh, wasn't that nice of that young.

Man to offer me a hug.

It was Eric, and I trust that.

Thank you for sharing that. And you said, journaling that's so important because this ego mind will want to just blow off things and it's coincidence, and keep telling you it's coincidences. But you can't overlook these repetitive things happening, the ones that give you goosebumps and there's no explanation for Allison over to you. So I just want to first say thank you so much, Sandra.

When I was learning about the afterlife, you were one of the key people who helped me, and I am just so grateful and excited to be here. My son Davey transitioned in twenty sixteen in a single car accident. I'm a former attorney. I represented kids in the child of you court and it kind of led me to a high school teacher so I could work with the kids in.

A different way.

And I'm so excited to be part of this. You know, the difficult grief process has brought some beauty and this is definitely part of that. I made a mantra to myself and it was I want to feel you so spiritually that I don't miss you so badly physically, and that was my goal every day and that's what I worked on. I think this book the main message, and we've all talked about this, is that people get that their children are not gone. I felt that right away. People would say to me I'm sorry for your loss, and I'd be like, Oh, don't even say that to me. I know he's not gone, you know. And I would do everything I can to read books from parents who had gone through this and still felt the connection. I would listen to you and your show and your connection with your father, and I would go, that's how I feel, That's how I feel. So it helped so much. So this book is one hundred and thirty people saying that and showing that and giving you their experiences and what it meant to them, and their great advice.

I think the big.

Thing I'm hearing from what you're saying is how do these parents connect?


They want this too. They're hearing all this. You're getting signs and the dreams, and this is what I would say. I wanted to connect so bad, right, so I just had to get quiet. I would meditate. I would get in a place, get quiet, maybe put on a little music, and picture myself in a place that was really calming, and just picture Davy coming in. You know, he usually paddleboarded up because he was a surfer, So I pictured him coming up and sitting next to me, and then I would be like, hey, how are you doing? And I just did this in my head quiet, and then he would talk, and I would talk in my body didn't know the difference that he wasn't physically there and that I was imagining this in my meditation. It calmed down. It got used to seeing him, and I would do this all the time, and when I went on walks, my daily walk, I talked to him and I was in the car, Like Dolorie said, I talked to him, and.

My body got used to that. I wanted to.

Feel him like that right. That was my goal, and so I was able to do that. And one of my most amazing stories came from that. Right after his transition, we had to go to a wedding a couple months after because my daughter was in it and I have to show up for my daughter's right. They were always like.

We're not gone, We're still here.

And so I go to this wedding and I'm doing really good making it through, and then the unexpected happened where you get that wave, so I know how people feel. The mother son dance came. I hadn't thought about it, and I just got up. I quietly just walked to the bathroom and of course had.

The wave of grief, and it was really difficult.

And every wedding after that, my family got used to like putting a baby in my arms, doing something right. So my nephew, who was Davy's counterpart, like they were best buddies, got married a couple of years later, and I've got a meditation. I said to Davy, Davy, I don't want to be sad at his wedding. I want to be joyful. I want to be happy. I miss that I didn't get to do that with you. And I heard in him say close your eyes, imagine you and are dancing. And then he showed me something pretty amazing. He took me to the wedding and he's showing Billy and my sister dancing, and then he shows my sister coming getting me and bringing me on the dance floor, and then it turns into me and Davy dancing and we're dancing, and it felt magical, like I loved it. So I'm like, all right, I got my dance day of the wedding, and I'm just remembering this. And it comes down to the dance and my mom comes and gets me, ins hold of me, and they're dancing, and halfway through, my sister comes and gets me and takes me on the dance floor and puts it with my nephe you and I'm dancing with my son. My mind literally when this was happening, when I saw this before it happened. He showed me it before it happened, and I'm in this Dan It's like, I can't.

Believe this is happening to me.

And then the next day I go to my sister and I'm like, I have to tell you something. I saw this before it happened, and she goes, I have to tell you something. I didn't want to do this. I was afraid the girls would get mad at me or people would think we were showbudding. But Billy came to me and said, we have to do this, and we told nobody.

I was like, your care to blame this.

I've got tears in my eyes.

You know.

People often say it's just my imagination. That's how they communicate. I wish there was another word from imagination, because imagination is like you're making it up, but you're not. When you take a medium course, that's what you use. If you can visualize, and you can hear, and you can feel, they use all of those senses with us. So please everyone listening, if no more say it's just my imagination, that is their number one mode of communication. And I have never heard it like you have explained, Alison, and I love him paddling up, you know, to get into that practice because he's like, okay, mom's doing it, all right, let's do it. And some people do it through journaling and writing. But to just talk to him and visualize that, it's beautiful.

And what a.

Story from the wedding you give me goosebumps? What else would you like to share?

Well, I just want everybody to know anybody can do it. You just have to learn.

Like we were talking about a new communication with your child, that's all it is. It's a new language. It's not the physical eye anymore. It is through your heart. That's what I would tell you. Oh my gosh, you guys know this. When you see these signs, it's not just a butterfly that's coming and hovering by you. All of a sudden, you get the chills and your heart lights up and you're like, they're with me guidance system, right, that helps you, you know when it's like oh, and that's how you.

Know it's time for our next break and we'll be back with a few more words from Allison. You'll hear from Nancy and Anne Marie. You're listening to Shades of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coast Coast AM Pirinormal podcast Network.

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Hey everyone, it's the Wizard of Weird Joshua pe Warren and now here's more Shades of the Afterlife.

Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife. I'm Sandra Champlain. Let's continue with a shining light parent Alison, you.

Know, I don't know another love like this. I'll be honest. I love my family, my kids, but this love I think it's maybe a soul connection. I think that's what it is. My son is bringing me to connect with my soul and him. And this is what I would say two to these parents. My mission was to find Davy, but eight years later, he's right here. He's right here with me. Is my mission is to connect to my soul and then be a late for him to shine through and meet a Shane through as well, and then I can be joyful. I can live a life where I can laugh, enjoy and be kind and loving to others. I didn't want to be the face of grief. I didn't want people to look at me and cry. I wanted them to look at me and see hope.

Thank you, Alison, Anne Marie over.

To you right. I'm Anne Marie and I'm in Australia. My son Harry transitioned to spirit in October twenty twenty. I'm a professional writer and editor and one thing that was a huge benefit out of being involved in this book is through reading transcript or watching the actual YouTube interviews with these one hundred and thirty parents, there is a real sense of how normal it is to connect with our loved ones on the other side. So that normalizing of afterlife connection is a real passion for me, and said, it's so helpful to anybody who's interested in that question of what next. You know, what happens after and there is so much evidence that it is really difficult to discount. And I guess none of us have a goal to prove anything, like We're all involved in this project because we have a sense of wanting to help other parents and other people who are grieving, just to know that their loved one is okay and to understand the many ways that they might be trying to communicate. So the ways that children communicate in the case of those on the other side who are connected with the one hundred and thirty parents, it's quite diverse.

But we soon.

Realize when we were looking through what we called the gold out of the transcripts, we looked at the most impactful I guess quotes or stories, and when we're looking at this que massive material, it was really clear that there were several themes. It wasn't one hundred and thirty different ways that kids connect. It was maybe age or nine, with a few sort of random ones. I know, for me, speaking personally, Harry's strongest mode of connection is through dreams, and that also includes visitations and what I like to call encounters, and that sense of lucidity and emotional connection is incredibly powerful, and honestly, it really is what sustains me that regular contact with him, knowing that it never goes for more than four or six weeks without me hearing from him, and I might miss signs like it probably took me a long time before I even saw my first sign, but since then they do happen occasionally, but I can always rely on the dreams, which can be quite instructional. Harry was a very sort of well grounded person, very much interested in how things work and the mechanics of objects, and often he will come through that way as well, particularly in the early days, where he would come through sort of saying this is what happens. Afterwards, this happens, and then this happens, and it's so straightforward and almost quite dry and instructional. I feel like there is such abundant evidence for connection across the bail. And there's one little story I'd love to share, and I was reminded of it the other day. There's a beautiful medium who's very supportive of for being parents here and she does Sign of the Week. I had never taken part in that because I always had this fear that I would not get a sign, and what did that mean if Harry wasn't responding. Because I don't like the idea that you can just click your fingers and they're going to like a circus at because I do believe they're busy and they've got purpose and things to do. But in this case, I thought, I've never done it, maybe I'll give it a go. And the sign of the week was the rhino rhinoceros, quite an unusual thing. So I went about my week, didn't even think about it. And about five days past and I was walking a route around my town and we got to this cafe that I was very familiar with, and we were just deep in conversation and I looked up and there above me was a rhino on the back of their sign.

And I said to him, oh.

My god, Harry, it's a rhino.

And Joe, my partner, had no idea that what I was talking about. I hadn't even mentioned Sign of the Week. And then he turns around and says, look what I'm wearing on the bank of his T shirt well a rhino.

I feel like that.

Is like a micro miracle. So I love that. And often, as others have said, when we need that boost, or when we might be feeling really down, it is so wonderful to look back over these experiences and be reminded. This book is another opportunity to do that, to really feel that sense of connection and the love that is so evident, because despite it being about grief, it's a really positive and perpetual book. It is about the fact that love never dies, so how can it not be a beautiful book to read. There is also that sense that readers get is that we're not alone like we might feel. We can't share these things in our normal life, but even reading these stories, we can feel connected to all these other parents because it's not just happening to one person or one parent. It's universal and it's common emory.

I'd like to ask you about dreams. There's people listening right now, jealous as I feel it myself. This woman's getting all these dreams. How do you know it's a dream visitation versus just a regular dream.

It is very.

Common, I know, to feel to a large degree quite envious and upset because your child was an individual when they were here in life, and they're an individual still. Dreams may not be their strengths, is what I believe. They all at their strengths. Some kids might be fantastic at bringing signs or fiddling with electronics. I feel that Harry's Villetai's dreams and my first dream occurred at six weeks afterwards, and it was one of maybe six visitations, and the visitation characteristic my mind. And obviously I've read a lot and listened to a lot of people this topic, but for me, it's that sense of strong emotional connection. It is that hyper realism, almost like an outer body experience, that sharp focus. Everything feels very real and unlike in a dream where your mind is potentially processing the events of the day or the week or whatever subconscious thoughts or fears. Even in a visitation, it has a very strong and clear narrative thread that been sometimes very short five seconds through to what seems like the entire night. But when I wake up, I can remember their highlights. But they're powerful in a way that, like a near death experience, you might remember it for years. In my case, her has been on the other side for four years, so he's now twenty two, and he has shown himself to me in visitations at what I call current age as well, which is slightly older, like slightly more filled out. So for me visitations there is no doubting that they are vastly different from a nonsensical dream.

Thank you so.

Much, friends, we have one more person to hear from on Nancy Hanah. I currently live in Gary, Indiana, and lives for most of my adult life near Chicago. I have four beautiful children and two girls and two boys, and both of my sons are in spirit. My oldest son Will passed in twenty sixteen of an accidental overdoes after about ten years of a struggle that we were all part of. And then two years later my youngest son, Joey passed in a head on collision. He passed instantly. It happened to be on the day of in sister's wedding, so that was quite a day and that was really what propelled by us to go on a search to find them, because we could not believe that they could truly be gone at that point. So, having been a spiritual person but not really had any kind of concrete sense of what happened. It just launched myself and my daughters into that journey of reading and searching and researching, and we found them. We did find them.

What did you find to first that you said, hey, there's something here.

The very first sign that we had, even before we knew what signs were happened on the day of Joey's passing, my youngest son, his sister's wedding, and we didn't know about his passing until after things had gotten going with. The wedding was an outdoor wedding, people were seated, We knew that he was laid. People were pretty annoyed. We didn't know what had happened, but we knew something had to have gone wrong. And we got the call while things were very much underway and decided to go ahead and have the ceremony. Then we would tell the rest of the.

Family and just to go from there. So this is after the ceremony, after the vows, and my middle daughter was.

Watching my now step grandson, who was four at the time, inside a building waiting while pictures were being taken, and they were just kind of passing the time, and my grandson said to my daughter, Maggie, we need to go from my friend, and Meggie asked him, well, what trend is this, thinking it was one of the children in the wedding party end he said, well, I don't know his name, and he didn't really have a face, but he had rainbow hair. And Maggie said, oh, well, that's interesting, and she didn't really think any more about it, and she didn't know at that time that Joean had passed.

And so later on that evening, after the whole event was really turned into a wake for Joey and it was an incredibly powerful, powerful day, which also included a rainbow in the afternoon that you could practically touch. Maybe told us that, and that was our first clue that something else was going on. And I immediately felt that there's no way that my boys could be gone.

We were going to find them, and that launched us, and many many rainbows later, we found them.

Yes, I'm sure you can agree. These ladies, their children and their stories are all very special. There's more words from Nancy when we come back. You're listening to Shades of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast am Paranormal podcast network.

More of Sandra's coming up just around the corner. In the meantime, make sure and check out all the shows on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Ghost AM Paranormal podcast network.

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Now here's more Sandra on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Ghost Am Paranormal podcast Network.

Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife. I'm Sandra Champlain and we're here with the authors of the new book Shining Light Parents Speak. Let's continue with Nancy's story.

We have several languages that we've figured out my boys and it was a little bit lectuades for a long time guessing game, but kind of giving that reinforcement encouraged more. One big one is there great with electronics and this particular light that I have in my kitchen, which early after Joey's passing went absolutely bananas and I thought, oh, well it's going out, and it's one of those sort of solid state you don't change the ball, but that well, it's dying. So it did this whole big thing and then it stopped, and that didn't happen for a while, and then it happened again, and it happened a few more times, and I had the good fortune of having some very validating readings from mediums and they let us know that it was and since then, they've gotten very very good at just kind of giving me a little hello. And that happens almost, if not every day, maybe every other day. Every few days. I'll turn it on and I'll get a little fun we're here kind of thing, and I'll say, the boys are here, and I'll.

Know that they're there.

I also can kind of sense them. I kind of feel their presence.

I figured out that it's Joey on my forehead and Will on the top of my head. And again it was a lot of going back and forth and through some readings that validated that as well. So those are the two really consistent ones. And then I've had all manner of the really big hits. You one story that I just love, and it's.

My youngest son, Joey. I actually heard him in my thoughts. It wasn't my words. If I was taking a walk, I walked in the dunes. I lived near Raake, Michigan, and not long after his passing, in my mind, I was racing and I kind of stopped myself midwalk and said, you know, I am just going to calm myself down and I'm not going to think of anything. I'm just going to walk and Right after I could make that commitment, I heard this voice in my head that said, let's go look for a little magic, okay, And so I just kind of calmly walked out to the lake and the beach was perfectly flat, and I walked up to this little piece of driftwood and I looked down and it was the perfect shape and head of a dolphin. I mean the face, both sides, the whole thing. It was clear's day, little dolphin. Joey love dolphins. Is that thank you, thank you, thank you?

Home put it on the little altar, you know, my little boy table, And I've been thinking about it, and then it hit me that Joey's friends, after he passed in his honor, adopted an animal.

At the zoo, which you can do kind of support this animal, and they chose a dolphin. You can guess what the name of that dolphin was.


I had found a little magic.

It was spot on, and it was very jan in terms of his sense of humor and everything.

So that was a big woman. And that little dolphin still sits by the light that goes often on, very clever.

Do you keep a journal or any of those?

Oooh, I do I have it right here, my help insurance steal. This is the third one. I write down pretty much every day, all the signs, and always with gratitude to them and acknowledging them, even if I'm not completely sure. I think that's important because that vibrational energy that you're just you're building. And I think the biggest tool for anybody is to.

Have an open heart and open mind on this journey, because that is really to healing.

I'd like to share two things, and then maybe everyone just wants to go around and quick wrap a final thought, but Allison said anyone can do it. And one of the many strengths of this book is these parents are sharing with you what work for them, because different ways work for different people. But one of the themes that emerged is that it's so important to find your tribe, you know, find your kindred spirits, and they may not be where you think they are. And this can be true for anyone that they may find that their closest people, their soulmates, aren't their family. Another really important point that came for these parents was when I asked question number six, the toughest one, what are your beliefs about their being a meaning? And aming behind something that seemingly senseless and tragic as a child's passing. So there was this five year old girl and she was precocious. She was telling her mom about the afterlife and how life is set up, and she had drawn three things and the mom said, well, what's this first one? And she said, this is where we go before we come to earth to choose our parents. And the mom got, we've never talked about that with you. How would you get that idea? What's the second thing? This is where you go to decide where you're going to live when you come to earth. What's the third? This is the book of life. You only get to read this after you leave earth. And the mom's just dumbfounded. So for a couple of years she was learning from her daughter, her daughters like a spiritual prodigy. Well, as often happens, as the school year's advanced, the kids forget, they shut down, they forget the big picture of life. And it's understandable now. The little girl's twelve years old and she said, mom, what do you think death is about? Do you think there's life after death? And the mom said, honey, why are you asking this. You're the one that taught me seven years ago, and besides, you're a little kid, you know you don't have to worry about this. A week later, the little girl fell over. She had a fatal cerebral aneurysm. And it's like, why a week before that happened that she's starting to ask about a similar story again. A five year old girl had a number of angels. She had names for him. They were just as real to her as other humans in her life. Same thing. As she got older, she didn't talk about him as much, and the mom didn't know if she just forgot about him or what. So now the daughter is thirty four years old and she came to stay the night with her mom and she said, Mom, you know those angels I see when I was a little girl. She said, they've come back. And night she passed on in her sleep undiagnosed condition. You know, you hear one okay, here too, and then you hear it does and you're like, oh my god, there really is a time and meeting it behind that tough as it may be for humans to understand. And hopefully, I guess people hope that this is not a random, cruel, chaotic journey. God has not a sleep the wheel.

Thank you so much. Mark. All right, let's hear some closing words.


Let's start with you.

I saw a therapist for about a year and a half, a Greek therapist who was amazing after Eric changed worlds. She and I didn't have spiritual discussions, you know, she was my therapist, but she did say at one point, you're now going to have another relationship, a different relationship with Eric. And at the time I was like, what, I didn't get it at all, and he It's been seven and a half years, and boy, do I get it. The relationship continues. They are there with us, as you've said a million times on your show, and we all know the body is not the whole person. There's so much more. The body will die, but not the spirit, the soul of the person, and they're here and just remembering the relationship continues. Thank you so much.

Let's go over to Anne Marie.

My final message would be that the book is like a handbook for hearing. These parents have reached a point where we know in our hearts and with a certainty that our children are still alive, and they're showing us in multiple ways. So I just echo what everyone else has said in terms of how universally helpful this book is. Regardless of the type of brief you might have.

Just to know that there are people who have these experiences in itself is nourishing and helpful.

Nancy, I would like to maybe just read one little quote from the book, and this is Spike. Laurie her son is Garrett. Here's what she says, and she has a little bit of mediumistic ability, as do many Garrets. As it turns out, after their children have passed, they discovered this. So this is Laurie my son Garrett said, Mom, don't keep going over and over how I passed like a hamster in a wheel turning three hundred tons. I didn't pass on three hundred times. It's not important to me. I want to be remembered for how we laughed and how I made you laugh, not how I died. It's easy to get stuck in the sadness. They want us to think of happy moments. Allison, I would say that you're not alone.

Not only does this book show you there are all these parents out there that care so deeply. They're affiliate leaders, they're carrying listeners. But the organization helping parents heal is such a beautiful organ I think what resonated so much with me was when they said shining light parent. That's what I want to be. I don't want to be a grieving parent. I want my child to shine through me, make me a better person, and I can be joyful and not feel guilty about being joyful. It's actually I'm making him proud. And I love doing acts of kindness with them. I love doing fun stuff with them. So you can do those things still with your child and you're not alone. It's a great organization, So I hope everybody will look into the book and the organization.

Doctor Mark, what say you as we close out our episode today.

I say, my heart is full. This was a wonderful time here. I would just share the conference. Eleven hundred people, that's a lot. And I heard stories of several people who are not associated with the conference were walking down the hall and they said to someone in the conference, Wow, it looks like you guys having a great time. I like to be part of this group. What's this about? And President know you would you know all brief parents, but it just illustrates that you can go through life no matter what your challenge is. You can go through life and deal with that but still have It's not an either or, it's an ant. In this case, Yes, their children past and we choose to be happy and peaceful and bright in the world. So that's the biggest saying I can lead.

Thank you so much to doctor Mark Pittstick, to Nancy, to Alison, Anne, Marie and Dolores. These five compiled the book Shining Light Parents Speak wisdom and inspiration from Helping Parents Heal Leaders. I wholeheartedly recommend you check out the website helpingparentshal dot org. There's all kinds of places to visit within that site, including their YouTube channel, lots of great resources. Also remember to come visit me at weedo'tde dot com. We always have great courses, keep your mind busy, keep you spiritually charged, knowing that there's a bigger picture. I offer our free Sunday gathering with medium demonstration included, and there's much more. Just come over we Don't Die dot com. I'm Sandra Champlain. Thank you so much for listening to Shades of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast am Paranormal podcast Network.

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