Stacey and Tony use the spirit of the samba in a rehearsal that looks more fun when a bunch of samba dancers come out. Did they transfer the energy to the dance floor ? Cheryl shares her opinion on when judges compare celebrities to the pros, Edyta and George shine in their wardrobe though the second half of their dance went a little astray, and Lisa and Louis announce they are coming for the rest of the couples but were they able to deliver ? Cheryl finds someone in her home she didn’t remember was invited as she does the rewatch and more with Tia and Jerry’s dances on this weeks rewatch!
This is Sex Lies and Spray Tands with Me Cheryl Burke and iHeartRadio podcast. Hey guys, welcome back to Sex Size and Spray Tans, the rewatch series. We are more than halfway through the freaking competition season two. I cannot believe it. We are at season two, week five of the series. Oh my goodness, before you know it, we're already going to be at season thirty two or three, season thirty three, whatever, however many seasons there has been so far. But anyway, let's just do one dance at a time, as I tell my partners, one step at a time, So let's just get right to it. Thank you, guys for your continuous support and love, and I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am. Really very therapeutic, as you know. Let's go ahead and start with couple number one again. I can't find the full episode, so I've just been individually watching each dance, but I haven't watched I'm literally doing this in real time as I record. So there's only six couples left, and then we do that famous group salsa. We don't get a score, but basically it's our introduction, so clever of the producers. It's our introduction to get into two full dances in the next coming weeks. Okay, So let's start with Stacy Keibler and Tony Develani as they dance a samba and ps as we all dance sambas. Boy, do I have a funny story for you, But you're gonna have to wait till the end because we don't dance until last. So let's get to it, shall we. So we start out with Stacy and Tony's recap of their foxtrot, with Tom saying how Stacy made it look easy in her foxtrot and the judge's love affair with her continued, and then Len says, you can't teach talent and this is natural. It's the halfway point and now everybody that's left can really dance. It cuts to Stacy's interview saying, that's seeing Drew's thriller Pasa Double last week, you know I need to really get into the character. And you see Tony and Stacy basically attempt samba rolls and then batchacatas, and Tony's trying to explain to Stacy basically what the spirit of the samba is. They look like they're having so much more fun than the usual rehearsal, like the tension packages that you've seen. And then it cuts to I think that restaurant where there's like actual Brazilian dancers literally in their get up, which is not very much. It's a bikini bottom and a bikini top with a lot of head pieces of them basically showing Stacy how it's really done when it comes to authentic bachakatas, and then Stacy just saying, I don't know how they're doing that. They just like completely move their bodies. They're disconnected, their hips are disconnected from their actual body. And then they try and get Tony to get up. They bless him with like a crown. Tony loves it, and here goes Tony vibrating his whole body. He's having a blast. You can tell they both are, which is really cute. It's nice to see them, you know, have fun and embrace this. Now we're half more than half way, you guys, so normally, you know, you really start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you can tell Stacy and Tony are just having a great time that week during their somble week and they're just laughing as she's just gyrating her body. And then it cuts to Stacy basically saying I cannot wait to get out there, let loose and just shake my booty. So let's see their dance. Okay, Well, you know I have to say at first when I'm watching this dance, right, So, I don't, as you guys know, for some new listeners, though, I don't hear the judges comments or basically listen to their scores until after I do my own critique and my own score. So anyway, most of the time I say I'm way off from the judges. But look, let's just focus on Tony and Stacy right now. Their samba they dance too. I think it's a Beyonce song. I'm pretty sure. But she comes out, they have matching colored outfits on. You know, she's got the typical fringe cutouts. You can tell her body's in tip top shape from all the stress and from the intense rehearsals. Obviously, this is now heading into week five, and then you got to add the rehearsal portion on top of the live show, right, So that's already more than two months of dancing and shocking your body, and she was already in great tiptop shape. So I would say that their samba had a lot of content, right. Tony put in lots of basic movement voltas he put in botafogos. They even attempted a reverse somba role. But I wish they would have continued doing it because she's clearly really good at it. They only did one and then they got out of it. Mind you, because of the height. I think because Stacy's so tall, it's not so easy for Tony, like the man needs to really get under the girl when doing these infamous samba roles that they they meeting. The producers love making a big deal out of in our package, right. But anyway, she had great gyration. She was a little bit her legs were a little too far apart, meaning like in samba, it's really important to compress and to create bounce. And how do you create bounce in the body by slowly like in a way like you're slowly straightening and bending and straightening and flexing. So there's that creates that bounce and where does it come from? Your ankles? Right, So you have to really learn the mechanics of it, because if you were to mimic us. You would think that maybe the bounce would come from, you know, hopping up and down and skipping, and it's really not right. It's all about control. So I would say that I think she should have really worked more because of her natural turnout. She should have worked more on getting her knees together right, putting that kneecap behind the other knee, and really focusing on placement of her legs and feet. Okay, But other than that, I mean, samba is not easy. It's always super awkward, whether I mean it's a hit or miss, like I thought AJ samba was going to be horrible, but in actuality it was one of his best dances. So it also depends on the teacher. You know, Tony's an amazing teacher. So they really just let loose and had fun. I mean, honestly, if they danced this samba to this day, it would have gotten rave reviews, as I'm sure it's going to get right now. I would have loved to see a little bit more fluidity throughout each transition. It looked a little too fragmented, like okay, here we go, here's four Bodafo goes into Okay, we've got voltas that circle around into Okay, here's one samba role into throw throw turn. You know, it didn't look like one whole fluid routine. It looked more like segments. You can tell that Tony really hammered in the basic movement. Other than that, you know, she performed great. Her arms were beautifully placed as always. You know, it's basically look she went out there and my expectations. She completely fulfilled all of it. Like there, I wasn't like, oh, I wish there would have been challenging steps. Samba is a challenge in general, right, and to make it look like you're actually having fun because it is supposed to be a party dance is very challenging just on its own. I saw a couple of heel leads, but it's really difficult when, especially if you're turned out like that and you have to really think of still being able to dance on two tracks, meaning like when you walk on the street, you're not walking on like a tightrope. You're walking hopefully on two tracks, not three either, right, So, other than that, I thought it was great. I mean, this was not an easy dance, but a great way to open up the show. I give Tony and Stacy a nine. So as they walk over to the judges, you can tell Tony and Stacy are so excited, you know, they really She looks so happy and she looks relieved in a way that she was able to just get it over with. So now we're going to hear from the judges. Tony was very happy. You can see that right away. Tom says, let's say hi to the judges and then mentions how Len and Bruno just got back from London so they could be grumpy. This is when they were doing Strictly Come Dancing and Dancing with the Stars. Lenn says, you want to be transported back to Brazil to the Rio Carnival. You want to see fun, you want to see rhythm, you want to see fantastic hips, and you don't have to say anything. They are such an impressive couple as they come out under the floor and they never disappoint I think it he meant on the floor it was saucy, it was sexy. So Lenn was very happy, which is a great thing. Then Carrie says, last week I didn't like your performance very much, but this week she stands up, she does her infamous standing ovation. She goes, Wow, I loved it. It was graceful, and I think that you're getting better than some of our professional dancers. Okay, when the judges say that, it's so rude, like I have to say, you should, I mean, just out of etiquette, Like you don't compare the celebrities who have maybe trained not even a fraction of what we've dedicated our lives to. I know it's a TV show, but it really isn't necessarily like I remember them saying that to Jille, or in a way it was a backhanded compliment when they said to Jille after our Argentine tango, Carrie Inn said this, She goes, I don't know which one the pro was. I didn't know. I couldn't even tell which one was the pro. Like, that's not necessarily a compliment. It's kind of like a backhanded compliment. But also or you can see it depending on your perspective, like I could change my perspective and also say, well, in a way, though, that's just a compliment to me and my teaching, because I'm clearly not dancing to my ability one hundred percent so that I can make my celebrity shine so I guess it just depends on how you think about it, but that you're getting better than some of our professional dancers. Like who was she talking about? M And then Tom goes, care to name names because I'd like to know what do you think? And she goes, oh, no, no, no. Bruno goes, you were a weapon of mass seduction. Oh that was that famous line. You did something that really shows what a great dancer you are. You didn't just do all the steps. You made it look easy when in actuality the samba is so difficult. It flowed and honestly, you have every reason to come back here. Tony and Stacy seemed ecstatic. They go back into the red room and Tom says, basically, you've got six couples left. Six you can vote six times, and he goes through the whole voting process. Wow, Tom just looks so young, not saying that he looks old. Dance dad, if you're listening, don't you worry. You're a lot wiser and wider, meaning you're hair wider. And then Samantha goes, oh, weapon of mass seduction. And then Stacey goes, I was taken aback when he said that. Samantha points out that she's had basically slower dances, and how did it feel tonight? She goes, it felt so good just to be able to let loose, and it's been so fun to be able to get this far in the competition. She reminds everyone to vote, and here are their scores. A ten ten from Len and a ten from Bruno. Holy hell, WHOA. I'm sure Drew was shitting himself at this point. We were like on opposite ends of the Red room, and I could tell that Drew was trying to like get my attention, but I wasn't having it. Look at Drew literally, you guys have to watch this. Drew looks so nervous, his shoulders are up to his ears, while Tony and Stacy are just celebrating the very first perfect score of the season. So here we have a couple number two, George and Edited. They do a recap of their Zoro pasadopl which I guess didn't go so well for George. You know, as Len said, and as you guys know, he hates gimmicks, and I believe, like I said last week, that his mask actually didn't do him any favors, especially since they decided to leave it on from the top to the you know, finish of that routine, which I think was super distracting. Now we've got the samba, and clearly the producers are forcing a package that makes no sense to what the samba really is. So you know, they decided, you know what, let's just go to the la zoos since someone already did, you know, the whole Brazilian budget katta dancers. I don't remember if we went out of studio, but we won't know until the end of this episode. You know, you see edit to like with a background full of flamencos behind her, which visually looks beautiful, but you can also tell that these producers fed a line to Edit about relating somehow a flamingo or a monkey to samba. I just hopefully they didn't lose a day of rehearsal, That's all I'm saying, because that would suck anyway. I think again, though, it looks nice to be able. It looks like a fun time, you know, when these people go out of studio and they actually just have a good time, and it's nice to see, like how their chemistry is off the dance floor. You see George and Edita rehearse, they're practicing their promenade runs. And actually, I have to say, George doesn't look so bad. This might be one of his best dances. So let's see. First of all, you know, I love his wardrobe and his fashion, I guess. And if you remember my interview with Edita, she talks about how George kind of set the standard and kind of changed the way or the mind frame when it came to these ballroom costumes instead of you know, what would you normally wear? Well, if it is the samba you would normally wear in a ballroom competition world, right, you would wear like a low v neck see through a shirt for the men, and some high waisted Latin pants and some Cuban heels for the girl. You know, because we dance all five dances in a row in the competition world, we wear the same dress. We don't have time to change. It's we do back to back dances. And even on Dancing with the Stars, like we always you'll always know when someone has a ruffled skirt or some fringe, they're either dancing a samba, a salsa, a jive, or a chatcha. For me, if I could wear fringe in a Waltz I would have. But look, George really just looks like James Bond every single week, like if anything, he gets a ten for his wardrobe because I know he was very involved when it came to the design of what he was wearing. And I'm pretty sure from what I heard from Edata or the impression I got, was that he also had an influence on what she was wearing. And I'm sure he had pictures and inspiration, like photos and stuff of Carmen Miranda, because when you think of Carmen Miranda, you definitely think of a Latin gorgeous woman dancing sosamba. You just do. And so of course Edita comes out with her freaking heart rock abs, her twelve pack, beautiful tan skin, a long ruffled skirt, two piece short really short, almost dangerous, dangerously short that is in the front and long ruffles in the back of the you know, neon colors. I think it was like green and orange. And then you've got her head piece which falls off a little wardrobe malfunction, not like Kelly Monaco, but she just continues like the pro she is. And I have to say George started off great. Like they went. They basically started the dance and they were on the walkway where the orchestra was and it was as if he was the conductor right and he was the one telling them what to play, and he owned it. Then they danced down the center of the floor. They look like they attempt or George looks like he attempts to do samba walks. I have to say he definitely felt this song, you know it was They were dancing to Conga by Gloria Stefan, such a great samba. He had a smile on his face. He looked like he was having a blast until about half way through. Mind you, this music just keeps getting longer and longer. And if you're not easy to watch, let's say, or if dance doesn't come naturally to you, this is hard to swallow. But I have to say George is an entertainer, and I would say about halfway through, you know, you saw the actual basic bounce that you need and I was actually really impressed. I thought this was for sure his best dance. But the second half was it went all to shit. Really you guys, like I think he forgot one move edits to I have to say, as a professional at throwing herself into the next move, even if that means a split in between his legs, like she literally threw herself into a split like and as he was squatting, so she held onto his thighs, got up and they still had more somba to do. But you could tell he just had fun. He didn't show it on his face. Actually, and if you're not a dancer, you probably wouldn't see them, to be quite honest. So again the camera angles, they'd actually help more than they hurt us, that's for sure. But I have to say it is halfway or more than halfway through the competition, and there's really no room for mistakes, especially after seeing Stacy Keibler and Tony's samba. And I actually love and I want to get your guys' take on this. I love it when we all do the same dance. I think it's easier to compare. I also think that it without the themes. There was no themes back then. I don't think we need theme nights, you guys, because you know why. Ballroom dancing is a theme in itself. Each dance has an origin from somewhere, right, and it tells a story. There's no need to make Latin night and then do Latin dances like that is so obvious, and mind you not every Latin dance is from Latin America. Okay, jive hello. So at the end of the day, I'd see, I think you're adding too much to what's not broken. So like ballroom dancing in itself, every dance has its own unique story and like, for example, rumba is a dance of love. That that is the theme. If you have the rumba Samba is a party dance Brazil carnival, that is the theme. You know what I'm saying, Like you've got chatcha from Cuba that is the theme. Like there's no need to add a theme on top of the theme. It just becomes too crowded. It's just like it gets confusing. What I do love about what Conrad has done, though, is that he has stripped it back from when there was another show runner involved, right, like so meaning we're not supersizing every single number like we I could tell last season especially, he really made sure that there were no extra dancers in these performances until the finale or freestyle, right, because that's what because if you start out big, where is there to go from there, I'll never forget. We did like a supercise premiere once and it was like and then every number was like a big group number, And I have to say, us pros have to actually if we decide we want backup dancers or we want extra dancers, we have to space everybody. We have to give each dancer their own piece of choreography, especially if it isn't partner dancing, like and especially if they're dancing with me and my celebrity, they have to dumb it down or they have to dance for a lot, depending on who it is, Like with Juan Pablo, it was easier. But if I have someone like a Sam Champion, even though we didn't do it that season, as far as extra dancers and our routines go, you know, it's hard to ask these troop dancers who just only know how to perform at one hundred percent right, like there's nothing they can't really, They're adrenaline takes the best of them, and it does for me too. It's still to this day or till my last day on the show. But like you can't it's hard, Like Sam Champion won't look good if you've got pro dancers dancing behind him right. So Ariana was able to get obviously, to get away with it. But there's certain things that you know it doesn't really do you as it does you more of a disservice if you're coming on the show with no dance experience, to include extra dancers until the end, I would say, or if it's not a ballroom dance, I don't know. I love this format, the old way, the however you want to say it. I know we evolve, show shows evolve, but I just don't understand why this show just can't be a ballroom dance show. It sets us apart from so you think you can dance, from any other show that you see on television. From the way the glamorous stage used to be, with the beautiful staircase, the orchestra, it just made it so rich and glamorous. I don't know. I thought it was great the way it was. I would love to see it go back. Let me know your guys' thoughts. I also love the dances. I love how it's either like a ballroom dance or a Latin dance, and it's the same one or two dances, like the last four weeks of this season it was either like the Walter or the jive. It wasn't like random contemporary jive rumba like you were able to wrap it all around in your head right, like you were able to understand, Okay, well, this is what len is looking for in the rumba. And then there's only two dances you have to think about if and then for this week, for season two, week five, you only have one dance to think about, which is the samba. I think it just helps the audience get more invested when they don't have to think so much about like, okay, every couple has a new dance and new genre. It's just becomes a lot and overwhelming. That's all anyway. At the end of the day, even though you know, I know George messed up the last half of his samba, and I hope the judges call him out on it regardless. I mean, I love him to death, but you've got to call it as you see it. So I give George an edit to unfortunately a six, so you could tell that, you know, George is really disappointed, and Tom goes, just my luck editor has a wardrobe malfunction and it's just an earring. That's so funny, it was really just her head piece. Okay, So Bruno goes, you know, you throw everything into it, and somehow you still have failed to charm. And then Bruno goes, yet again, you're managing to be able to show your strengths. Then it cuts to Len Goodman, so mind you, Bruno still doesn't mention he never mentioned the fact that he'd royally screwed up most of his routine. So then Len Goodman comments and he goes, I knew as soon as you came out that we were all going to be in for a treat. He goes, Dancing for Joy is exactly what this show is about. You bring joy to the dance floor. And then you can because I know Edita editor is like clapping and smiling and like they're waiting for their negative reviews, and they both literally are looking at each other like are they blind? These judges, like they are only saying positive things and from Wikipedia, I'm a little nervous to see their scores and clearly see this is where it gets a little blurry. Hashtag just saying okay, and then carry on goes, you know, we fall in love with you every single time you step out on the dance floor, You included more footwork, you had more content, You were just a fun couple to watch. And again they did not point out the fact that he literally went blank, which is to be expected. Poor George Hamilton must be freaking exhausted, right, Like this is, like I said, this is more than just week five. You're going now week into week nine really for these couples, so his brain and I mean, you could tell he's lost a lot of weight and he's probably exhausted. That little songs are getting longer, which means a little more choreography. Like it's a whole thing, as you know. So let's see what the judges scored them, because if they get higher in a six, that's shocking. Okay, Then it cuts basically then it cuts to commercial and they tease Lisa Renna Tia Carrere, who lost even more weight, Like I think this woman is she was losing like ten to fifteen pounds a week. It looks like. Then you've got Jerry Rice, who's definitely wearing more color, which means he's getting into it, that's for sure. And then they don't show my partner, he's probably like in the bathroom throwing up from the perfect score he saw or witness Tony and Stacey gut or we're practicing, or we're most likely over rehearsing, and I'm like, they're trying to calm him down as we also have our own type of wardrobe malfunction ourselves for this dance. So stay tuned. From that, Let's get George Hamilton and editors scores. Okay, so Tom goes. Just before the break, the judges described the dance that George and Edita did as a dance of joy and wow. The judges give editor and George Hamilton three eights twenty four out of thirty, their highest score yet. Wow, it's so George's so. I love his humor, Like literally, Samantha's trying to get like the tea and trying to like stir up some drama and She's like, so, with everyone dancing the same dance this week, the samba, does that give you more pressure? He goes, No, Honestly, what I'm most upset about is how everyone is now so tan, and he goes, that was my thing. I started that trend. Funny but yet true at the same time. See this is why George lasted as long as he did because he really though he he obviously cared, but he didn't harp on himself. Edita didn't like scold him if he did a horrible job. It is what it is. They didn't take themselves too seriously. And I think that just left, you know, the audience just wanting him in and not leaving the competition because he was able to bring, like the judges said, that sense of joy and not be so serious, right because like between Ian Drew and Stacy it was like freaking everyone needs to calm down there. But anyway, George, I remember during this time when we had to do this group salsa which you're about to see, that rehearsal was tough for him. I remember, like he knows how to turn it on, you guys, Like when the camera's on, this guy's going to be cracking jokes. He's right and left, But once that camera was off, he was not having it. Like this was not easy for him. He was in pain, as you can imagine, right, And I'm sure he almost like wanted to go home at this point. But when you want, when you want something really bad, most likely it doesn't happen, especially on this show. Whenever you want to go home, you're gonna you're stuck there, and vice versa. When you want to win too bad, you don't end up winning. So you just got to surrender to what it is. And George is definitely getting all those people from that that nursing home he went to. They're definitely voting for sure. Okay, So next we've got couple number three, Lisa and Louis. They're coming off. I would say the last two weeks for them were very It was like definitely a couple to watch, right because you saw their jib that was Lisa's breakout dance, and then they did that intense Pasito blay, which I loved. Actually they danced to that Eye of the Tiger song, and I think I think once Lisa was able just to cry it out and just like hit her low on the show. As Vinnie said in our interview, once you mess up once you just like literally have a mental breakdown. There's only one way to go from there, and that's up. But like if you try and hold back or you try and be perfect, and you know you mess up, but not until like week eight of the show, you know it's I say, the earlier you can have a mental breakdown. The earlier you can mess up, cry whatever, show that side of you that you may not want to show and be vulnerable, the better your chances are of making it to the end. So let's see their package. Last week, Lisa and Louis brought the hammer down in a passionate pasa doblay. You know, she nailed it and broke through to the top of the leaderboard. And I still don't believe. Lisa says that we got second this week. You know, Louie and I were like we did and it's serious business. Now we have to really get our endurance up. No days at the spa anymore. Sorry, it's getting tough because you know, now we're doing two dances a week. I mean, Louis says. You see me at the end of one dance and I'm huffing and puffing and barely can breathe. Lisa says, my muscles and my hips hurt, you know, no complaining though it's not really you know, a physical body. Louie says, it's tired, but it's the brain and you know you're constantly just wanting to rest, but you can't. Louis says, we're right in the middle of the marathon. You want to watch us, You got to make me work. Okay, So Lisa says, I would be insane if I had to learn a dance like that and all those complicated steps, and then going in front of all these people live on TV. It's insanity. They do another out of studio package and basically they're out on the beach. They're just having fun, acting like little kids basically, which is great. It's a beautiful actually scene right now that I'm looking at. And then they just run on the sand together and then you hear, stay hear. Sorry, Lisa and Louisa, Drew and Stacy, we're coming for you. And then Lisa says, you know, I'm forty two years old, I have two kids. Stacy and Drew are in their twenties. What they were in their twenties back then, No way, I guess they were. And then she says, I have to work harder, I have to do everything more. This week. We can shine. It's the samba. We're ready, and so here we are. Let's look at Lisa and Louie's samba. Okay, So Louis and Lisa's samba, I have to say, was a little underwhelming, only because first of all, I think her hair. I mean, she looks gorgeous as always, but I think she wore the wrong dress for you know, her body type and like the fullness I guess you need in the samba. She wore another fringe beaded fringe costume, which I love, you know, I love fringe. She had her hair slipped back, like almost as if she was going to do a tango. Now, why this is not going to do you any good, especially if you're a celebrity woman on the show, is because for the samba you need movement, hair ruffles, like if you actually look at these samba dancers, even though there's really nothing that's similar other than we of bosha kata different and it's called botshakata, But like you want distraction like for girls like this is why I always say the celebrity women have it easier because you could just put a fringe skirt on a girl and have her do swivels while the man leads her and have her look so good and active. There's ways of manipulating the wardrobe and your look to making it work in your favor. But then there's also the opposite, right, of wardrobe and your look not working in your favor. And this is where this happened. So in the samba, it's really easy to get squatty, meaning even though your back leg for the most part, meaning if you do a forward walk and you linger the leg out we call that samba walks. You need to straighten that back leg because if you don't even in the voltas or any type of basic figure in the samba, if you should not really ever be so bent to where your thighs there's a gap in your thigh. Right, you need to close the knees. The knees have to kiss each other. I kind of mentioned this. I don't know if any of you guys remember when I did these dance tutorials, but I talk a lot about the compression. Right like you, there's never there's no like. The bounce that you have is a soft bounce that is created from your ankles so that you're not popping up like a quirkscrew in the ocean. Right, there's a smoothness to it. And this is what it was really lacking like. It looked stiff, it looked awkward. This is the definition of what I mean when I say how hard the samba is to make it look natural, because it's not natural. No one bounces up and down naturally, right like, even when you're dancing to a song. Very rarely do I see someone freestyle and they're bouncing up and down right like. It's mainly swaying from side to side. I would say, But because her skirt was so short, you saw her legs look very squatty. So the picture that she would try and hit or execute just didn't look right. Also, another example of louis giving her too much power to where she was off balance a lot. She was off her feet, she didn't her equilibrium wasn't there because I think there was just too much power given to her. She's not you know, she's a small girl, small woman, and you can't, I guess, give that much power to someone who can't handle it because she's not a dancer, and it's not her fault by any means. Right, So, look, they have Obviously they looked like they were having a blast, but you can tell that this was not easy for Lisa, and I'm sure she felt awkward. And whenever I say this to my partners, you know, if you feel awkward, most likely you're doing it right, not in this instance right, because if you have any type of natural coordination, like I know Lisa does, if you feel awkward, most likely you look awkward. But for someone like a Rob Kardashian, he felt awkward just in movement in general. So when he would exaggerate and like I would say, make fun of Sasha, make fun of you know, Derek or whatever, he actually looked great. Because for Rob and the way he started to where he like eventually landed, huge difference right, So he couldn't have gone wrong. But now that Lisa has peaked in a way, you know, if she had two strong dances back to back, this is definitely not her best. So with that, I give Lisa and Louie a seven. Let's see what the judges have to say. Okay, so carry Anne basically says, okay, so you've come miles from where you started. Your performance has come up a notch. But what was missing to me was the samba. I just didn't feel like, you know, it was great. Len gave her a dirty look, that's for sure, and then kary And goes, so that's my thought, but you are still performing well. And then Bruno says, all the steps were there, and you should be so proud of yourself. Don't worry about carry Anne, And then Len says, I'm so sorry, carry Anne, but I can't agree with you because you know, I thought that that was an actual proper samba. You know, Louie, it was a proper song. This is the banter that I miss from these judges. I know I keep saying this every single week, but this is important because they all have different views. Then it cuts to our before they go into the red room and get their scores. It cuts to our salsa group rehearsal where there was oh my god, this is where I gave Drew a bloody nose. Oh no, yes, I elbled him in his nas area and he bled bad. I'll never forget it. And mind you again, this is a little more than halfway. We all want to kill each other at this point. Anyway, Let's get Louie and Lisa Renna scores here. I actually agree with Krin more than the two judges, which is definitely not something that happens all the time. Carrie Anne gave Louis and Lisa seven wow nine and Bruno gave and nine wow. Talk about huge gap there, Okay, well, good for them, obviously. You know, look, I think that obviously this samba is better than George Hamilton's samba. But again, they they're not comparing this. This should prove it to you guys that the judges are not comparing the couples against one another, because if that was the case, then there would be a real problem here. So Samantha asked Lisa and Louis, you know you said last week that you were the dark horse. You know you got a twenty five out of thirty. Do you feel like a contender now? And then Lisa goes, I do I do? Twenty five is good? She says, I'll take it. I'm very happy with the score twenty five, and then they beg for votes. So let's move on to couple number four, Tia Carreer and Maxim Schmerkowsky dancing the samba. Let's not forget she just had a baby. She's most likely exhausted and may not mind if she gets voted off. They do a recap of their foxshot that they did the previous week, with Bruno basically saying how radiant she looks, and then unfortunately they were in the bottom two last week. With master p finally going home, and then Tia basically saying, there's only six of us left and I'm definitely feeling the heat now and it's time for you know, the seriousness to begin. And you can tell Max is definitely his temper. May he may not be as patient this week as he was let's say last week or the week before that, or maybe not actually because he just walked into the rehearsal studio with a broom in between his legs to have Tia basically use as like a posture bar as she does batchacatas to show, actually, this is a great exercise to show how to isolate her hips from her upper body. Got Max's long hair. He literally looked like Louis there for a second with when Louis had long hair. And then Tia goes time to be sexy, It's time to be a woman again, you know Brazilian Carnival Max's. Max says is one of the dances and that she's gonna just have to come out kicking and screaming. Have fun. He says, whatever happens, so let's see their dance, Okay, So I have to say ta in Max's samba was actually, I was quite impressed with what I saw. I actually prefer her samba way more than I saw. It was Lisa's samba, Lisa Renez samba. That is, they had great movement power throughout their legs. They traveled around the floor like twice more than Louie and Lisa did. She had that yumminess she had that she used the floor to her benefit. She had the soft, you know, bounce action that you need in the samba. She didn't look awkward except for the end, which, funny enough, they didn't do samba. I would say about the last two to three eighths. They did like a disco type flavor side by side piece that just stayed in the same position, which I think could have been jazzed up a little bit. But I'm not sure what happened. I think do I remember Max saying to me like, look, we didn't even finish the choreography. Literally, we're going to be doing bullshit at the end for the last couple of eights. So I'm not sure if that was just made up in my head just now. It very well could be. But the stuff that she basically messed up in that section, which was like you know, a freestyle section which looked like simple choreography, but the sampa part like the part the challenge of the week is to dance a samba, and she nailed it, like she actually nailed every single step. There wasn't one stumble. She produced, not just the steps, but she was able to execute. The quality of movement from foot to foot was odd. He took up a lot of time in the beginning, I would say a solid four to six eighths of her in this gorgeous ruffled skirt that eventually comes off. She was wearing like a leopard Latin costume, no fringe. It was really simple. The material was beautiful, and then Max was just observing her literally didn't even start dancing until a solid fifteen seconds. Look, when you have someone who can't give you a lot of time, because clearly she has a newborn, and I remember Tia just being exhausted at this point in the competition. You got to work with whatever you got, whatever hour or minutes that they can give you, You're going to have to figure it out, right. So I'm pretty sure that was a difficult week for them, and they didn't have a lot of time to rehearse so you're gonna have to bullshit your way through it and have the meat of the routine be where all the content is. So I would say seventy percent of it was a solid samba, which is what they should be judged on. And then the top the beginning of this routine was BS as well as the ending, which she messed up, and hopefully they don't call her out on that part because that has nothing to do with samba anyway. However, it's their last impression, right like your very first move, and your last move is really what counts. Don't mess that up. I believe. I'm not even gonna say it, guys, but basically I know who goes home, okay, and it's bullshit they if these two go home, because so far, as far as all the women go, even Stacy, I prefer Tia samba by far. Anyway, I give Max and Tia a nine. Let's see what the jogs have to say. So Len goes. You know, we've seen you do Latin dancing before Latin American dancing, and you did a rumba. But I have to say tonight it was really boring for me. I wanted to be taken to Brazil, but it was more like Baltimore. I didn't like it. And you just see Bruno's face as his reaction. Carrie in basically says the same thing. She goes, look, you know you're the queen of all of the dances, but I didn't understand what was going on the middle part of the actual routine, Like I said to you guys, the samba part, it was great, you had a little booboo there, but the beginning, the ending, she didn't like it. Wassoever, Bruno was trying to defend her, and Bruno was like, you're a queen. I loved all your dances, but like this is odd you guys for me. You know why, because compared to freaking George Hamilton, she should be getting tense. Okay, the fact that they didn't call George Hamilton out, but they called Tia out for like a minor little mistake and it wasn't even the samba content of the routine. It really is so obvious. I don't know what is going on. I'm not sure if Tia was like, guys, I am done. But even when you say you're done, you can't you don't just get voted out because you're done with a competition. But Tia just you know, she's a professional, and she just with grace accepted what they had to say, even though I'm sure she felt humiliated. She was like masking it with a smile on her face. But I think she must have gotten what she wished for, because I do remember her in some of her interviews saying and even to me that like, honestly, I'm done. Like I think she was done weeks ago. She must have checked out. And that's really frustrating to be quite honest, when your celebrity doesn't want to be there and you've put in all this work into that person. So and mind you, this is Maca's first season, so the last thing he wants to do is get voted off so early. So I'm sure, I'm sure there's a reason why I put it this way, that Tia doesn't want to call on the podcast. Right, Let's get their scores. Wow, I gave them a nine, right, so Carrie in Len and Bruno so seven seven, eight, Okay, they didn't deserve that. So they definitely are the lowest of the leader the lowest score on the leader board. George Hamilton, you guys got three eights. Okay, So I don't know if that is a manipulation or what or what is happening, but this is not You can't compare the two, and I know I say they're not comparing, but they really cannot give somebody who just completely butchered his routine a higher score than someone who just missed a little tiny stupid step in the disco part of their routine. Like it's so it's so upsetting and disappointing. I see now why you guys get so upset as well. So basically their total score is a twenty out of thirty. And you see me back there with my short hair, looked like I got electrocuted, and I am so tan holy hell. Okay, So before we get to Drew and I, we have one more cup before us. Jerry Rice and Anya Trebunskaya dancing. You guessed it a samba, Len said, this football legend went from zero to hero last week as he got back on track with the foxtrot. It's NFL great Jerry Rice and his professional partner Anya Dreibunskaya. Basically, Jerry and Anya came back from you know, a strong but disappointing jive supposedly from their jive though they got back on track, you know. Basically you hear one of the judges say, you've gone from zero to hero. Jerry says, man, I had a great time doing the foxtrot. I'm a little bit more comfortable out there. He says. The main focus this week for me is just to be able to loosen up, especially in the samba. And then you see Anya teach him how to move his hips and it's so cute. Actually, Jerry says, you know it sounds it looks like I am better in the ballroom dance. Oh. There they are in my house practicing. That is so interesting to Oh and there's Jerry's daughter in my home. I didn't even know this was happening, literally doing an OTF in my living room. This is so surreal. You guys have to see this clip. They are full on rehearsing in my house. That is so funny. It's clearly nighttime, So okay, Jerry putting in the extra hours, I see. This is so funny. Literally dancing in my ball This is my home, the home I was raised in. This is crazy, so cute. Anyway, Jerry's daughter basically is teaching him how to like dance and move. She goes, I really think I'm a better dancer than my dad. Jerry says how much his daughter helped him, and Uh says no, father wants to look bad in front of his daughter. Thank you for the help, Jada so proud, she says, And let's see their samba. Jerry and Anya just danced their samba. And I have to say this was definitely his best dance, not because of it technically being great. There was a few mess ups, more than Tia actually, but because he just went out there and in moments, not the whole routine, but in moments he just honestly let go of his need for perfection and just loosened up and literally had fun like he was gyrating. He had some awkward moments, but more than the awkward moments, what I remember and my takeaway from this dance is the fact that he's getting more comfortable, but he's also exaggerating the movement, which isn't easy to do because you feel stupid. Like if I were to tell you, guys to gyrate your chest and make it so that if you were in a stadium, the person sitting all the way in the back at the very top of the worst seat in the house. Basically can see you gyrate. You would feel stupid too, honestly, But it's those moments right that look like you're you just have to embrace the process and trust the process. And I think he's finally doing that. Whether that's his daughter or whether that you know, it's just his mentality as an athlete, like it's game time now, like anyone could go home. You're more than halfway through the competition, so you got to get your shit together type thing. Anya did a great job of masking some of his weaknesses, which I would say is the Latin dances in general. I don't think his isolation was so much better. I actually thought it was going to be way worse than what it was, to be quite honest. I have to still say though, that Tia got underscored, and it's so upsetting because her actual samba, which is the challenge. There are no rules even back then, there were no rules of how much samba you need to do versus freestyle, but the challenge is to be executing samba, so that's what they should have been judged on. Anyway, back to Jerry, super charming, great you know, hip action, great isolation. There were moments of samba bounce that he could have really I guess been able to execute, but instead it looked like at moments that he was chasing after Anya, or there were moments of him just like looking like he went blank, or he misstepped, like the side by side piece they were facing the walkway. I think he forgot to do an extra volta or something. So there was a clear mistake. But at the end of the day, such a huge improvement for Jerry Rice. This is as as a performance as a whole, I would have to say that this was his best performance, but as far as technique goes, I wouldn't say that this was his best at all. Anyway, great job, definitely growing as a performer and as a couple. You can tell they're just like they've formed this bond and trust now within within each other. So I give Anya and Jerry Rice an eight. Says mister smooth, You've got nothing to worry about because you crack the Latin world tonight, your lessons and getting loose. You've done all your basic numbers. Left with that, Len goes, well, it was so much better. I don't know why I didn't expect it to be that good, he said, But I must say your posture was great. You know, I love the fact that you are such a joy to watch. Krrien says, you definitely have come so far, but you're still very self conscious. She says, when you dance, you know, I saw you counting and when you came in you know, when you're performing, I you know, I have to be fair. I have to tell you what I see. Basically, Jerry's like gyrating in front of Carrianne, and it is so funny being self conscious getting in the zone. You know, just let it go, she says, so funny, Jerry just like totally straight up gyrated right next to Tom who felt uncomfortable. But I've never seen Jerry just like exaggerate something like that before, so it was so funny. Anyway, let's see what Jerry and Anya got as far as their scores go. Stacy and TONI earl smiles in the red room. Anyway, what crazy Carrie Anne gave Jerry and Anya a seven eight eight, same score as George Hamilton. AnyWho, So the lowest person, I would have to say, the person the couple with the lowest score of the night, because I already know what we got is going to be TI max for sure. Anyway, let's move on to yours. Truly, you would think because we were last that we would get maybe a perfect score. I don't know. Let's check it out, shall we. Okay, so right away, you know you hear Tom, and we can hear what Tom's saying as well when they do like a quick just like a quick shot of us live in the redroom before they er our package, and right away Tom's like, can they beat the top perfect score of the night? And then Drew is laughing nervously, like just he has this nervous laugh that I just can see because I know him pretty well. And then you could see me just kind of like shooting the shit with him, just like great, you know, there's only one way to go, and that's down. Anyway, Drew's like sweating, you can see it. Make up. We need some powder on this boy. Okay. So I'm gonna give you a little backstory here hashtag BTS. So I just came up with this great idea of why don't we do a little instead of the girls always taking off like the skirts or like a quick wardrobe change. Mind you after this moment. I never did anything like this again. But I have to tell you, we thought of, Okay, why don't we rip his sleeves off. He's got great arms, you know, let's just see what we got here, see what we're working with. So the sleeves turned into part of our dance as a prop. So we basically ripped off his sleeves, which wasn't like something that you would expect. So I'm pretty sure it shocked the shit out of people that this was happening, or like, I think someone came up to me. They were like, did you was there a wardrobe malfunction? I was like, uh no, it doesn't just there's no malfunction. When like the sleeves turned into like ruffles, right like obviously this was on purpose. Anyway, the sleeves, because Drew was sweating from the nerves from seeing Stacy get a perfect score, literally would not come off. So like, I yanked on that shit. I swear to god, I thought I was going to take him down with his sleeve, but you're gonna have to rewatch it to see for yourself. We danced to Christina aguilera dirty dude. Okay, I should stop seeing let's check out our nervous package to see if it's a tention package or not a friendly reminder. We're coming off thriller, right, So this was the Emmy nominated Yep, that's right. You're listening to an Emmy nominated choreographer. Never one, but this was one of the routines. Anyway, we came off, we were coming off a huge high. You're dancing to freaking thriller. We nailed it. I don't know if we got a perfect score. I don't think we did. I think we got nine, ten, ten, anyway, who's counting? So you know, basically, our package shows that I'm starting to get really comfortable in front of the camera because I'm like telling Drew to shut it because he's like trying to micromanage me, and you don't micromanage yours truly over here, especially when it comes to ballroom dancing. So he was trying to figure out the direction, and I was like, don't worry about the direction, just worry about your steps, because, like I said, I like to teach everybody on from whom I've worked with, always learn steps first. That's day one. Don't worry about floor craft, don't worry about the details, because I can't do any of it if you don't know your steps right. Right, So first we got it's like a puzzle. You got to build the outer part of the puzzle. I'm really into puzzles clearly right now. Then you can fill it in later. Right, once you get the actual frame, then you can build the picture. Once you establish the foundation, then you can build the home. This is all wrong my sayings, but whatever. Anyway, you get the point. Then basically it cuts to Drew saying, how you know schedules? The schedule's grueling. You have not just one dance. Now we've got to learn salsa. And then I asked him, I said, so are you excited to learn the samba? He goes ecstatic and his sarcastic, witty humor of his which I actually love, and then we basically say you know, says, look, I haven't seen my friends, let alone. You know, my wife is expecting I've barely had any time with her. So then he said, I thought it was just a good idea for us to get out of the studio have chery'll come meet my friends and family and just spend some quality time. And it was actually really fun that night, now that I remember, I didn't have to wear my flip flops because we already shot that, which I'm sure we'll see in the finale, because they do this whole like going down memory lane. So though they didn't use the footage of me changing out of my wedges into my flip flops, peak one, don't you worry kids, It's coming up here soon anyway, So then we'd show we show off a little bit of our Samba moves, his friends, his wife, everyone's rooting for him, and then he definitely acted this last line out where it looked like he was letting, like saying goodbye to his friends, and then before he shows the door, he goes, don't forget to vote, and then he does this toast. I'm saying everything out of order, but before he says before he says goodbye, right the fake goodbye, he does a toast and just thanks to his friends and family for the support and for the votes, and then it cuts to our dance. So let's see how the sleeve rip off does. From what I remember, I don't know if it was dress rehearsal or if it was the live show, but it didn't go as smooth as we planned it to go. Okay, so let's see, we should have made these sleeves bigger. I told him that, but he didn't want to wear bigger sleeves. He was self conscious about how big his sleeves were. Anyway, listen to the teacher. It'll always do you good, Okay. I mean that was a solid samba, if I may say so myself. And actually I'm proud of Drew because this was not an easy dance for him like for some of my celebrities, Like I said earlier, with Aj, it was actually I kept like scaring him, like if we ever get the samba, AJ, you're going to be screwed. And he actually proved me wrong times one hundred now with Drew, like it's just not natural. Like again, it's an interesting either you're going to be great and you find a way to love the stance or you just love to hate it. And that was definitely what that was with Drew. The sleeves actually didn't go as bad, but I did yank this shit out of them, meaning like I literally almost took them down with me. I didn't go down. But what I loved about this prop like that whenever there's a wardrobe ripoff. This is something I learned from my coach, Wendy Johnson, who I talk about a lot one of my coaches. She said, never just throw a prop away. Like, if you have a prop, figure out a creative smart way to use it throughout your routine from beginning to end. So I just wanted to take those sleeves and throw it at the judges. However, Wendy said, absolutely not, You have to use it, so we did a little salsae section. We found a creative way of still using and like organizing the tangling of the sleeves to where we could still use it and dance the samba. Drew also wanted just to throw the sleeves out, and this was his point, and you see it here. The sleeve fell and it fell in between his legs. So when he was doing voltas, when we were doing voltas away from one another, he looked like he had something swinging in between his legs, yep, and it was his sleeve. Then from there you know the power of the mind right Like you could tell he was so pissed off about it. But again no one was looking at it because the sleeves were black. He was wearing all black. It was fine, but I think he made it a bigger deal in his head. So then I would say from that moment, which was towards the end of the routine, it just kind of think got it was towards the end because it just like this routine slowly died a little bit. The floor was slippery. He was slipping all over the place. But I don't like to say it's because of the floor being slip rates, because you're not grounded regardless. Yes, our floor is slippery sometimes, absolutely, but if you can just relax your body weight into your legs, into the ground, you'll be fine. However, you know, I could tell I think he injured himself, actually his groin. He pulled his groin when he went down on one knee there when he was supposed to, like not necessarily take such huge steps, but he had to in order to, you know, still maintain balance. He's also wearing Cuban heels. Okay, so that's not easy. It's never a good feeling when you feel unstable or you feel like you're ice skating right on dancing with the stars. When it's not skating with the stars, it's dancing with the Stars. So look, I'm sure his shoes were worn out. This was before like you know. Fun fact, what I did up until my last day on that show is there's this amazing shoe. The guy, a guy that basically restructures our sh shoes, And for me, I love grip, and I liked to put an extra layer of rubber because normally it's swayed that's under our damn shoes. So when I feel like there's like a thin layer of rubber on the bottom of my shoe, I feel extra grounded. And just for me, extra grip is good. For some people, they don't like it. But I wish we knew that back then because I would have helped Drew looking like Bambi over there. But anyway, I thought it was a solid performance. I mean, this guy was We did not just a somber roll. The way we executed it. Getting into the somber roll was difficult. It wasn't something that I've seen ever before. Still to this day, like I'm shocked that we actually did that, because we did like four voltas in a motion of a somber roll into a somba role. I thought it was great. I'm not scoring us, as you guys know. But let's see what the judges have to say. I thought he did a great job. Honestly, he looks like he's fighting for the top in the competition and it's great to see that. You know, he's letting the pressure get to him, but in a good way. You can tell that the producers are wanting us to like literally go head to head with Stacy and Tony this kind of set up because you can tell that in Tom's ear they must have said to Tom, ask Drew and Cheryl what they thought when they saw Stacy and Tony's perfect score at the very beginning of the show. And my reaction was like, oh my god, like the pressure and he goes, you know, yeah, of course there was a lot of pressure, Drew said, but honestly, it's what you do with it that matters. And for us, we left it all out there on the dass floor. The audience went crazy. It was like he was miss Universe or something. He said all the right answers at the right time. Okay, So Carrie Anne basically says you have to wash your shoulders a little bit. They get a little high, which I have to agree with her, and you know, both of you guys are like an explosion of power and passion. It was a great performance. Okay, So Bruno says here, you guys are on target again. You're as reliable as Tom Cruise in the box office. Bruno goes, you guys are so strong, you're so rhythmical. What is it that you guys can't do? Oh so full of compliments, thanks, Bruno, Len goes, you know, Carriyan is actually correct. Your shoulders do get a little peculiar at times, but other than that, you've got flair, you've got exuberance. You come out and you always give us one hundred percent. Drew looks pissed, and I don't understand why. If it were me today and I saw him react like that, I think I'd punch him across the face, honestly, Like he needs to stop being so hard on himself. And this is like the worst because you're always your worst enemy and you're always your worst and harshest critic. Okay, so it really matters the mentality. This is not so much who's in the best physical shape. It's about who's in the best mental state and how they handle, you know, the negative, and really how do you get out of your head? This is why athletes. I'm telling you, Jerry's just laughing at Jerry's like, I'll see you in the final regardless because his attitude. He has had one expression so far and it's nothing space to him. Put it this way, and that's the thing. Like Drew cares and I appreciate that. But also he was way too hard on himself. Maybe that's why I'm so hard on myself. It's all Drew's fault. Just kidding. Okay, let's move on to see what we got for our scores before we get to this disastrous salsa group number. Okay, so we got three nines from the judges. Drew looks pissed. I am excited because I'm just like whatever, this is not the finale, like we still are in second place obviously. But Drew, honestly, this lit a fire up his asks. I don't think. I think after this dance he was not taken any scores lower than a thirty. Samantha goes with a grueling schedule. Was it nice to be back with your friends and family? You know, how is it with you know, obviously your wife is expecting And then Drew basically says, the only reason why I'm doing this show is because of my wife wanting me to do it, and just you know, shows his wife some love that she obviously deserves. So then she basically tells us to quickly get changed for the group salsa and stay tuned for the bloody nose that I give Drew, which he probably deserved after seeing his face his RBF aka resting bitch face that just happened all over national TV because of his three nine crimea river. Just kidding, okay, So basically, here we are. They show a longer package of us all together for the first time in a room. Tom goes a radical behavior warning. Here's what happened as our couples trained for the group salsa. There was a salsa choreographer there and he taught all of us. Basically his name is Gustave Vargas and GUSTAVO I think, and he introduces himself. He goes, I'm going to you're s also choreographer. Are you guys ready to dance? And basically, you know, he says that I basically just got a call to do dancing with the stars, and you know, it's it's challenging he said. The choreographer said, when you teach a group of people to dance salsa, So then it cuts to all of us trying to learn this dance and this is the last thing we all want to do. You guys, you could see that. You can see how everyone is exhausted because we're still we're worried, mainly about the dance that we're being judged on. And at this point George Hamilton is literally as we're all practicing, he busts out his like razor and pretends to like shave his face. So funny, but let me tell you, he like I said, he turned it on for the cameras, but afterwards when they needed us to hang back and do our interviews individually as couples, not having it. And then he's talking to the choreographer as he's snacking on like flavored nuts. Basically, people are so delirious. Here I go, I'm about to hit for you and Drew, I'm about to literally turn him boom. Oh my god, I whack his freaking face so hard. Holy crap. Everyone, like everyone was taking a break. We were working with a choreographer and Drew I didn't think I hit him that hard, but he shows evidence he is bleeding. You guys have to see that. Honestly, the amount of times these people, meaning the producers, would replay that one moment was a little overboard, but it was a good one. That was the highlight of this rehearsal for sure. But everyone looks exhausted and these are always the worst. But what's great about this and something that they I think should probably bring back to the show, is the camaraderie between the people, the contestants, the pro dancers. You do get some great moments, you know, and at the end of the day, it just starts to train your brain learning how to do two full routines because after this, you know, this is all fun and games. Right now, this is not being judged, but after this week it's down to business. So as if you were not tired yet, you've got double the hours. You know. I'm pretty sure George Hamilton would have been more than happy to say goodbye to the competition at this point. But the pressure is definitely on, you know, And basically Drew says it could go very well or it could be a huge fiery crash. We shall see. So there was a lot of drama lots of blood, sweat and tears. Put it that way. But here we go. Here's the groups. Also, let's see how big of a hot mess this was. Okay, so I have to say this is way better than what they do now with the four minute like Jitterbug Lindy Hop, people waiting to get kicked in the mouth group number that they do around this part of the competition to this day right like it's survival of the fittest, and then people are like messing about doing lives. Some couples may have never done lifts before, and everyone's out there and they get tapped on the shoulder. I'm so shocked that no one's been kicked in the mouth yet. But this, by the way, is organized chaos and it's more of like what a ballroom competition is, which is choreography being given. Let's say to you from our choreographer right, shout out to him, congratulations for dealing with us. But I would say the first half of this long salsa group number, it was actually pretty good. And then there were moments where people were just standing there because I think they were doing like solo bits which could have been shot better. But also we could have been more out of the way because we were in like we were definitely there was lots of moments where the stillness wasn't still, so therefore we look distracting to the person or viewer watching from home, whoever was doing their solo. It just like we could have easily just scooted back like towards the walkway instead of just like randomly awkwardly standing in someone else's shot. But other than that, this is something that I think should be brought back. But obviously with the level and production level where the show is today, it would be way better and less chaotic, right, and less of a freaking like honestly injury waiting to happen. Anyway, So this was fun, right, So this was fun. Let's see what happens after this, which I don't think is much since we don't review the results shows. I'm going to just let you know who goes home who was in the bottom two. But first let's hear from the judges about this group dramatic salsa. So the judges do what they do and they just choose who stood out to them, right, So this is like our warm up into like learning two full dances. I think starting next week, make sure you guys tune back in to see if I'm right or not. But basically, Lenn said, you know, salsa is all about hot, spicy, blah blah blah, and he thought overall it was a great performance. He chose us as the couple that stood out to him. Carrie On chose Lisa, Rena, Andrew and Bruno of course, chose Stacy and Tony. So you got the bottom two couples, George and Editen Tn Max. George got twenty four out of thirty, Tia got twenty two out of thirty, and unfortunately the eliminated couple, which I'm sure George was dreading, was Tia and Max, though Tia I'm sure was celebrating anyway. Thank you guys so much for listening. Don't forget rate review five stars, Love you guys so much, and don't forget We've got a great interview coming up here on Monday. Three episodes a week just for you guys. So thank you so much again for your love and support, and until next time, see us soon. Make sure you guys follow us at sex Lies and spray Tands on our Instagram handle, and make sure your comment let me know who you want me to interview. What do y'all think? Let me know