Kristyn Burtt is back to talk DWTS headlines with Cheryl . What reality star do they think is planning her exit from the show that launched her career and which DWTS pro shared a personal struggle that Cheryl can relate to ? Plus Maks is talking about his memories with Kirstie Alley and Gleb is sharing stories and thoughts on fellow dancers on his Chippendales promo tour. Those stories and more on today’s episode.
This is Sex, Lies and spray Tands with Me Cheryl Burke and iHeartRadio Podcast. Welcome back, Kristen. I always love hearing what you have to say. We've got a lot of actually new headlines that has just come up today, so let's start with the iHeart iHeart Music Awards Jojo siwaw. So she was definitely she made a statement, that's for sure. I know she has her single that had just come out, I believe, and I almost feel like, Look, I worked with a lot of the Dance Mom's girls before, but she was never involved during that. I think it was season seven. I took over for Appy there for a second. But basically, you know, she walked the red carpet and just like what I think would look really cute as one of the dance costumes on Dancing with Stars. But I wonder if Danielle actually helped her with that. But she walked the carpet in a sheer jumpsuit with bat like embellishments on the arms, with the rystones of course, and mesh panels across her midrift. She looked great. I mean, social media users raced two x. I still can get used to the fact that it's called X and on Twitter to express their disapproval, of course, okay. In addition to receiving criticism over her Bolt ensemble, the twenty year old dancer was ridiculed for her spiked black makeup around her eyes and foxhak, did you see this look?
I sure did. I love it because here's the thing.
Jojo for so long has been that little girl with like the big bow, and she's allowed to grow up. And I think that this is her opportunity to explore that. It reminds me of Miley Cyrus from her Hannah Montana era into her Wrecking Ball and it does take some people like they're a little aghast by it, but honestly, like, let her explore, let her figure this out, because it's kind of exciting to see what her.
Next era is going to bring.
Right on TikTok too.
It's been interesting because she has her single Karma, and she's doing this choreography which I believe was done by Richie Squirrel, and you know, people are making fun of her a little bit, but honestly, I'm like, she's the smart one because they're all using her single over and over again to do your reallyation and I'm like, guess who's laughing all the way to the bank, you guys. Yeah, No, it's when it comes to marketing.
That is so true. By the way, Yeah, I didn't even think about that. Like there's as they say, no, no press is bad press, which I hate, but like we're still human being so careful with your words people. So next, we've got Tristan McManus. I love him. I miss his Irish accent that I can never and I was like, what what, Tristan, what did you just say? I'd always like shoot the shit with him. But do you remember him? He was great?
I do, and we had him a couple of times on after Buzz and he not only is delightful, but he's so sweet and I feel like his energy was kind of missed on Dancing by the Stars when he left.
For sure. And I have to say this was like back also when he was on, This was like the height of the show. We went out a lot as a group, like especially the pro dancers, and I remember lots of nights with Tristan. We would always be the last man standing, for sure. But what's so what? I it's sad, But what I love so much about this specific headline is the fact that he's so open with his struggle during that time at the height of his you know, Dancing with the Stars career, at least he basically admits to struggling with alcoholism and how you know, he basically destroyed himself at the height of his success and I have a similar story in a way, but you know, he really goes there and it's so it's I always just applaud people, especially men that feel like they can open up and talk about their story without feeling you know, shame or hiding behind the fame, you know. And I'm so happy for Tristan and his success now abroad. You know, he's been so successful, especially the last couple of years. But he basically admitted all of this on I'm a Celebrity, Get Me out of Here in Australia, and he told his campmates how he would go out drinking all night after finishing work on the show and admitted he destroyed himself at that time. He would drink until he passed out and would sometimes have no memory of the night before. As he detailed his mental health struggles, Tristan said, I was never aggressive or anything like that. It was just sad drinking. Oh that breaks my heart. I just went out and I just destroyed myself. He said, I'd finish the show and you're still on that high anyway, But then when everyone came down from that high and went home, I just stay out. I do remember actually one instance where we were the last two people at I don't know if it was like an after party, so there wasn't like a closing time. It was like at a house whether that I don't think that was my house, but it was like, Okay, I was getting tired and we had results shows back then, and when I called, I was in like hours and I just remembered. I was like, do you need like a ride or like, you know, how can I help you get home? And I and there was that moment of like I just felt there was a dark class a little bit over him, and I didn't know what to do back then other than just leave him be. Yeah.
Man, I appreciate his vulnerability, but it's crazy to think the two of you were going through something very similar, but then you're traveling essentially parallel paths. Oh yeah, they're crossing and work, but not necessarily crossing in like what you guys needed.
Yeah, well, which we needed was just one of us to be like, I've gotten a problem. But when you're in it, you're not admitting it, right because you also feel guilty for having a problem when you're at the height of your career. Like everyone said, what was your rock bottom? Well, my rock bottom, I've always said was my success on Dancing with the Stars. It was the first two seasons because from then on it was always like I can't get back to that, Like it was always like me comparing myself to me my very first two seasons of the show. So I feel like that was my rock bottom was that at the height of my success was the height of my drinking as well. So then I was like there was part of me that was like, should I just go back to that drinking because like it worked out well on the surface, Obviously this is not my solution, right, like almost being six years sober, like it's it's not that, but it's easy to go back. That is the devil in my head, Like that's that on my shoulders, saying just drink again, like you were so successful, Like obviously you're too much in your head now type thing, you know, and so that's the that's what I still struggle to this day. I do wish though, and this is why I really want him on the podcast, because I want to be able to develop a friendship, even if it's from Afar, you know, like I think it's important that we all stick together through this.
I interviewed him, I want to say, early on in the pandemic, so I think he'd be really receptive to an interview. He's in such a great place with his wife and their three beautiful babies, and I think he's got a bigger story to share. And he also had a lot of problems with heart attacks, heart disease, you know, during the Vegas shown he was what twenty six.
I just saw an interview actually just now, and he was saying how he just didn't care if he had a heart attack and that he just kept pushing through inan So it was this was during that Vegas run for the Dancing with the Stars, right, Yeah.
And he also mentioned I know when I've worked with him, like he's had knee problems and he was just like not caring about what was happening with his knees as a dancer.
So I mean that's kind of normal though it is.
Yeah, it's normal in that that's the way it's been done. It's not normal, unacceptable to.
Know that way. And if you don't care about like, it's one thing. If you're just like, well, I was just immature, right, like I never stretched or anything. Hence up my arthritis. I'm suffering now, but like as dancers, we can tolerate pain. I just have. I have so much love for him, But I also understand now that you know, based on all of what it was said from Tristan, is that, like I think there must have been a sense of relief and weight that got lifted because of him being open, even though how scary that must have been for him, especially doing it on a show where he obviously he was already spent and like, I'm celebrity, get me out of here. Kim Johnson or Kim Hershevik did it back in the day, and she said it was miserable. She wanted to be voted out as soon as possible. It's like basically the equivalent of survivor. I'm assuming so, like, you know, he had to be stripped down to be able to be vulnerable. So I hope he feels empowered, and I hope he feels like he's helping so many people because he really is.
Yeah, I think he's going to get a lot of feedback once he's out of the jungle too.
And is he still there?
I don't, I think so.
I've been really like, yeah, I've been seeing you know, Instagram posts, and he's obviously not controlling his Instagram, but somebody else must be because they're.
Like, it's live.
I believe it's live so in Australia of course, but you know they'll be like tonight, should he reveal his most vulnerable secret? Like that kind of thing, the audience vote.
Oh that's a great idea.
Yeah, it's kind of crazy.
But I just think he's got a bigger platform now because of this, and I think a lot of people are going to be receptive to what he has to say.
That's awesome. We need to get him when he straight out the jungle. He needs to come on to sax License Freight Dance. Okay, let's go back. I'm so tired of saying these names though I know these are great people inside and out. Mauricio Omanski, I've been watching his have you watched it yet? About Buying Beverly Hills.
I did it. I binge watched it, faking her David.
I love it, doesn't she love it?
I love the houses honestly.
I just love how like raw yet so manicured. It is still like it's still like a pleasure to watch. Yet what they're saying and their stories seem more real than housewives.
We actually got more information about what was happening between Kyle and Mauricio in Buying Beverly Hills.
So, speaking of let's talk about it. So there's a few headlines, I think. But nearly nine months after announcing their separation, Kyle is giving fans an update on her current relationship, and good for Amazon, they just got their whole like reveal here. But during a joint Amazon Live session with her daughter Alexia on Monday, basically Kyle revealed that she and the agency founder Mauricio were no longer seeking counseling for their marriage. We're just taking a break from that. The couple got candid and basically said, I thought it was important to go to couples therapy because the more difficult things get between us, the more difficult it's been to communicate, and that it's been fun. Their sessions have been fun, which is an interesting word to use. I've been through a few couples therapy sessions myself. I wouldn't call it fun, but hey to each their own and allowed. Basically, the therapy sessions allowed them to be more in tune with themselves and with herself, meaning Kyle, all I'm saying is that this is helping us. I think we're in a way better place. We've been married for twenty seven years. We've never had so much going on in our lives. I think it's become hard. It's become really hard. And basically, this is the quote I want to get to. With any marriage, there's issues that you have and they come up, Kyle said. Some of the issues never went away and they were never really worked on. I care about my family first, and I mean I tried. I really did try. And so when I couldn't, the kind of things I had been I don't want to say put up with, but she said it, but you know, just became more apparent to me. I guess, I guess I couldn't do that anymore. I finally decided on a breaking point, but I really thought our marriage would come back. I thought, Okay, this is just a temporary thing.
And it didn't so hard to hear, obviously, because they've been on our television screens for so long, and at the end of the day, they're human and you know, they have real emotions to deal with, and you know, there's been rumors out there about their marriage, and I think that this has been the last the last year of them having to really confront it head on, and it's really hard to do in the public eye.
Yeah, you know, you know, it's it's hard. It's it's gut wrenching.
I mean, it must have been for you even just having to navigate social media reading.
So let's just it was just like, you know, really just the pink elephant in the room, Like is it easy for me to see my ex with other people?
But also I do know it's over in my heart because there's not that sense of like I'm truly happy for him, like I actually and I know the difference of like feeling envious or like jealous or like I want him back, like that's my none of that. It's really been pretty just I'm not gonna say I'm so excited and jumping up for joy but I'm not. I don't have any emotion, I guess, and I don't know if that's I don't think that's me, Numby. I think that's me just being in peace with the fact that this man wasn't for me. You know.
I think they always say too, like indifference is kind of the best place to be because you're not angry, no, don't hold no longer anger and you know even and on the other side, you know, you're not sitting there thinking I love him so much, I want to back.
So it's one of those that you're just at a place, take them all yours, like.
It's somewhere in the middle, and you look forward to your future and whatever that means.
And I think, and I'm okay with being like I keep saying, selling a broken record, but I am more than okay with being single. I owe it to myself and actually, like, this is where I need to be and I know that I feel it. And I think that going back to Kyle and Mauricio, like I feel like she's at that similar maybe stage as well. The fact that she described their therapy sessions as fun, like you, I feel like they're I think they've already drifted apart many years ago. Must it sounds like it, But it also alluded to with that last quote of hers that in a way she was the victim in all of this.
Yeah, and that's you know, I mean.
And I think that they're trying to like reveal things without revealing everything.
And I mean, we've.
Heard which is totally respect. Like I totally respect that I have every.
Right to do that.
They still have, you know, a daughter in high school for sure. You know they have to protect her, of course, And I think that they've given us maybe as much as they can to the public, or as much as they want to reveal. And for them, I think like learning to communicate. Maybe that's the fun part, because they're learning to connect as friends again and at least being in a place where you're having fun, even if it's just on a.
Place to know each other.
It's probably great, honestly, because there's probably been a lot of tension as a couple, and even just being in a place where you're like we can go on vacation or go out to dinner as a family and not feel like you're walking on eggshells and co parent.
I think that's very important, but also let me just say, like, there's no victim, there's no I mean, like unless if, of course it's a physical, physically abusive relationship. But like there's always two sides to every story. Let's move on to Mauricia. Just kidding, we're gonna move on from him altogether, but we're gonna have talk about mister Glebs of Jinko.
All I thought was like the Sun, because that was the son I believe. The Sun reporter was just like, I cannot wait to ask this question because they made a whole separate article about it. They've been chopping at the bit for something like that. He'd had a pretty juicy interview with them overall, though.
A shocking to me.
I didn't I.
Wasn't pleased at some of the things he had to say about some of his older contestants.
Say more, say more.
You know, he was talking about I think the question I'm gonna paraphrase of what I think.
The question was that, you know what, what's your ideal type of contestant? And he was saying, I want people young, I want people with dance training.
I don't want.
People who are you know, injured older they need to rest their knee you know, they're fun to go out to coffee with, and it came across as extremely insensitive, and given that he just had Mirror Sorvino, it slightly shaded Mirror Sorvino. And if I had just been his most recent partner, I would be very upset.
You know.
It makes me think because I see Peta and what she did with Barry Williams, and remember Barry gat further than Mirror Sorvino this past season, and to me, he had the time of his life. Pete gave him a great opportunity. He performed his hard. We loved him exactly, and that's what you should be giving that experience. Because there's only one Mirror Ball each season, only one pro is going to win it with their contestant. And I get that he I also understand that club wants a mirror Ball, but at the same time.
He ain't gonna get it like that.
No, And to embrace Barry the way Peter did, I felt like if Mirror had been embraced, maybe she would have felt more confident on the dance floor, because that was always my thing. I'm like, I don't think she feels confident out here, and maybe you're.
Right here, you're right, You're right, you don't so, yeah, no, you're right. It was almost like she was walking on eggshells. But you so, do you think that came slowly from glob not supporting her.
It's never solely, you know.
I would know, let's pretend that I'm walking in to do Dancing with the Stars. I would be super nervous, but I would want to pro that's going to start building up my confidence each week and go, hey, you know what your performance level is great?
Right now?
Now we need to like hold in some of the technique like reinforcing.
Tristan mcmannus, he would have been perfect.
Yes, it's so worthy Hammel, and he had Valerie Harper.
Yes, and that's why he would always would always like be like, I'm never going to get like the you know, no, there was no Tarlie Demelia back then, but like the Nicole Scherzinger, you know. But it's because and Pasha also has a very kind, compassionate way and teaching nurturing. I wouldn't say I am so. I mean, I'm not trying to say that Gleb isn't. But there are ways that we were trained when we were competitors, whether that be you know, our belief system or whatever. And I was trained it was harsh, like it's strict. Hence why I'm called you know, I was called the task master for a reason. But like, yeah, I agree with you. Though there was times with certain partners of mine where I was like my way or no way, and it didn't turn out great, like they didn't. They weren't out there and they weren't confident, and I could have been a lot more compassionate, you know. And it is a fine line because these people are out there like naked and afraid.
Oh absolutely, that's the other thing too.
Yeah, you're you're wearing an outfit that's very revealing, and me, you don't wear that in your personal life.
No. So glebs of Chenko single again most likely listen after how having Vinnie Guardanino on this podcast, he said to kill me, but he said, I didn't force it out of his mouth. We didnt rapid fire, I said, rapid fire anyway. I asked him have you slept with any of the audience members when doing Chip and Dale's And the answer was a yes, And so like, listen, this ain't no, this is not like swan Lake, Okay, like we're we're really this is Chippendale's And yes, I understand that this is not a strip show whatever. No it's not whatever. These people are great talent, but it is You're there with in Vegas with a bunch of bachelorettes like ready to party, hardy, you know. And I don't know if i'd be able to handle it if my boyfriend decided to sign up for Chip and Dales.
Yeah, that would be a little nerve wracking. I feel like Gleb's going to be great at this though. I feel like God.
Or to be a Chip and Dale, then he should go do freaking Thunder from down Under afterwards, just move over to the next show, and then Magic Mike once he graduates from that.
It's right, they have all three, don't they.
So what did you think about Glibs saying that there might be changes on Dancing fo Stars. He's saying like that they might change all the dancers, But I don't think see to me, I don't think that they're ever going to do like a clean sweep and get rid of everyone. I feel like they're just going to keep on like adding people on each season.
You can't get rid of the favorites.
I mean, you can, but like not with Conrad back. If it weren't Conrad, then I'd be nervous. I think that he's stating the obvious. Honestly, Gleb, we don't ever know who if we're coming back. We're waiting by the phone about I would say a couple of weeks prior to rehearsals, but they still have yet to announce that it's officially back.
So can I ask you something about that?
Because I always think about you guys, when you're waiting in August or like late Juli or whenever it is waiting till August, call to see if you're back.
Okay, August right, because we premiere September, end of September, right, it would be end of August.
So I admit I have always thought that is incredibly unfair because a lot of the fall jobs have already been taken, a lot of castings have already happened, and you're just kind of hanging by a thread. And we've seen plenty of people where either maybe their celebt drops out, drops out, or they say, we don't have a celebt for you this season, and now you're just kind of left hanging with no job.
And then with no troop back. You don't even have a troop job, no.
Troop, right, so what do you do? I just have always thought like it's unfair from my perspective.
It's unsure, it is. I mean, look edit to and I talked about it here on the podcast and she said that I understand why they do that, but I could no longer be a part of that insecurity, like really, like it gives you no time to plan. And you're right, especially in this industry, like you're everyone's already made decisions as far as other you know, cast members for other shows and other networks. It's a whole thing. Look, I've I've always been a prisoner of that as well, though I'm grateful that I've never been asked from that group. But like, still, the amount of anxiety is not healthy. And also hearing is some of these answers that would call me back in the day and just be devastated, you know. And I don't know if these dnswers thought I had the inside scoop on everything, just I've been on longer than all of them, but like or I started way earlier than they did. But I really did not know anything, and it was just so like heart wrenching, because you are consumed by this show. The show is your life, especially as a pro dancer, let alone. Every celebrity I've interviewed so far tells me how consuming the shows imagine us. They've got us by the balls literally.
You know what else I've always thought too, why the dance agencies or your agents whoever they are, have allowed this to happen? And why SAG allows this to happen?
That is what hey sag? Yes, yeah, no, I hear you with the SAG part. Maxim Schwarkowski recalls arguing with Kristy Ali about his flirty actions during Dancing with the Stars. Now he mentioned this in our interview on this podcast, Like I would say it was end of August of twenty three, but yes, he basically says that here he is stressing, you know, himself out by like what the hell am I gonna give Curtius for us? Choreography goes cut to Kirsty's like you're so flirty, you know, and like just I don't know if he she was busting his balls as well, but like, yes, this is another prime example of a dancer you know, especially the original pros. We just played grab ass and it means absolutely nothing. And we're like football players in a football in the locker room, like literally, like and that's okay, you know for us. Now, what we forget is that when you put your hand and you're trying to teach someone like how to move their hips, you know, figure eights, they may get some sort of sensation or he.
May need to let them know, like my hand is going to wind up home smell of your mack.
I could not.
Consent ryl consent.
Well, I think maybe nowadays i'd have to. I'm like slapping if anything. I'm like other left but like, this is the thing. This is why I always ask, like who falls in love first? The celebrity or the dancer, you know, And it's definitely the celebrity for this reason, like dancing partner dancing is so intimate. Arihana Maddix, God again, good for her. Though she's got a new gig. I'm sure she's got plenty that we don't know of yet, but I love this for her. She's basically replacing Sarah hyland On as a host for Love Island. Yeah, more power to her. How about what do you think? Have you seen thevioland I haven't seen it yet.
I have watched a couple episodes of Love Isoland. I'm not like deep into it or anything, but I will say I think I'm just going to predict this. I think this is her exit from vander Pumper rules. No, I feel like it is. Don't you think she's under contract?
I don't know.
I don't know. But they're not stupid. They can't be stat stupid to let her go.
Because what does she have lined up after Love Island? Like if because she's going if she finishes up Broadway April seventh, If she goes, she's moving into her new home, goes and does love Itea.
What never happened? I thought she had to stay in the old home.
She is suing Tom and I think that they're hopefully going to work. They're waiting for a judge. But she bought a new home in the meantime.
I hope she can just I'm sure I hope her boyfriend was like, Eh, you're not leaving there anymore.
We're done with this.
Hopefully they can at least like just sell it, just sell it, start over.
I don't know, who knows anyway, more power to her. If I were anyone whoever runs it over there, whether it's Andy Cohen or I would honestly move the schedule around just to fit her schedule and pay her as much as she wants to be paid, because really, I think it's going to go downhill without her face on it?
Or do you give her a spinoff? No, nothin off.
But it's just not yet. It's still very soon and fresh, all right.
I was like her and Katie open her sandwich shop and they get there on spin off?
But how boring wholesome TV about a subway sandwich shop. Kidding, I'm not watching that concept. No, I'm not even watching this concept. I'm just saying for all the fans and the Reddit fans.
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One more headline. Juliane Huff joins Maggie Jillen Hall's Frankenstein pick the bride for Warner Brothers. That's amazing, this is you think, this is why? Yeah, this is incredible, right, this is go it.
Yeah, you know I thought about it because I think I was on the week when she had canceled her tour dates for the Dancing with the Stars tour, and I'm like, oh, even if she's not filming yet, she has wardrobe prep because this is definitely a period piece where it's the bride of Frankenstein.
And was she the bride? I think Maggie.
Jillenhall is Oh, but yeah, she was just holl Is.
But this is an incredible opportunity for her. And I think also we saw that she moved over to CIA. I think she's making some big moves in her career. I think coming back to host Dancing with the Stars was kind of like the right move because it grounds her and then she has the rest of the year to do other opportunities.
Listen, she's getting the exposure. She's on primetime television, and it's not just not saying it's just a pro dancer, but yes, she's being seen in different in different jobs and titles, and she's definitely an entrepreneur. Also, she does it all now. I saw an article about how there might be a slight chance, I mean if the show's not confirmed. She's not confirmed to host, but it that way, so people are a little nervous that she's not going to be able to come back as a host because of her other job opportunities. What do you think.
I feel like she'll she'll be there as long as she can. You know, the season's happened.
I don't know, I don't know.
We don't have a big role. I actually don't know her an Oscar winning type of role her.
Well, well, I mean like even I mean, look, maybe this is part of their CAA's plan. Like I don't think anyone wants her to be branded again and put it that way, because that's really hard to undo that and to have people see you in a different light. I'm going through it at the moment, you know, and it's like, it's not easy.
What's your biggest struggle do you think with that?
It's literally people taking me seriously in different light because, like I think, using my voice isn't something that they're used to seeing or hearing from, right, And if you really look at the people who have made a successful career after being a pro dancer, they took like a few year hiatus of like really not hearing from them to kind of clear it out of people's brains. And mind you, this was Juliane after only what a few seasons. I've done twenty three seasons. Yeah, it's a long time if you don't And honestly, it's even when I walk around when I'm out in public, it's interesting. I'll get a couple of people like we got I have your that TikToker and I'm like, oh my god, I'm not going TikTok.
I love you.
Thanks Kristin, thanks for having me. Thank you so much to Kristin Bird for coming and co hosting our Headlines and Hot Topics weekly series. Everyone make sure to follow at the Kristin Birt and the podcast on social media at sex Slies and spray Tands across all platforms. More interviews to come every single Monday to talk about their experiences and share their stories Walk down Memory Lane on Dancing with the Stars. Until next time, people, Hie