Dancing with the Stars Show #3 Recap

Published Oct 8, 2024, 10:53 PM

We're back in the ballroom for Soul Train Night on Dancing with the Stars! Cheryl dives into all the action from DWTS Show #3, sharing her unfiltered thoughts. Do you agree with her take? Be sure to rate the podcast and leave a review below. Enjoy the episode, and don't forget to tune in tomorrow for Cheryl's next DWTS recap!

This is sex Lies and Spray Tans with Me Cheryl Burke and iHeartRadio podcast. Hey guys, welcome back to sex Lize and Spray Tans. This is going to be a recap of Dancing with the Stars season thirty three. It is show three Soul Train Night with guest judge Rosie Perez. Let's get into it, shall we. Okay, what a fun filled, gem packed opening number. It's so great to see fresh faces. I just loved everyone's costumes. I mean shout out to the wardrobe department again. They nailed it. Everyone looks gorgeous and nice and sparkly. I see that they're using a lot of sequins this season instead of Ryan Stones for now, since it's still early on in the season. But the whigs. I love how the celebrities like Dwight Howard his little Bob I swear, I swear that was my Bob a couple of years ago. Who knows. But Val, oh my goodness, he looks kind of hot, I have to say. And Phedra, they look gorgeous. I love Jenna's hair like that. I wonder if she should do that like for real that Bob. I think her and Val got a two for one. But anyway, it was really nice to also see the judges up off their seat going down the soul train. I love already. I just love Rosie Perez's spunk. Congrats shout out to Luam for choreographing such an entertaining piece, really bringing us back, gave us the sole train vibes that we're looking for. I would love. I would have loved to see a little bit more action from the pro dancers, although yes, it was needed that they needed some extra dancers, because I don't think just with the amount of pros that are there wouldn't have given the same vibe. But that guy who was popping and locking, I don't know if that is the term, ecuse me if it's not, was brilliant. Oh my goodness. So also, congrats to Dancing with the Stars. They receive the most votes in the history of the show, which just means, you know, I've been seeing a lot of people reference Dancing with the Stars on TikTok, which is such a great sign that you've got the younger generation really into it. And I'm sure it's a mix of younger pros and maybe some controversial characters, maybe a lot of these younger people are now maybe they're watching Traders, they recognize Faedra. You know, it's a mix of things. Also the Olympians. You know, who doesn't watch the Olympics of all generations, right, So I just love that the show is getting so much engagement as far as votes go. So keep it up, you guys. And from what I hear from the live audience, I'm very aware of like how much noise the audience makes for certain couples. I have to say, the two couples that you really heard the audience roar like for would be Riley for sure, and Steven Netioschik as well as Joey and Jenna. That says a lot. So let's get this competition started, you guys. I'm so happy to be doing this. I feel like last week's break felt like a year. But let's start with couple number one dancing A quick step to Think by Aretha Franklin. We've got Val Schmerkovsky and Fedra Parks. Okay, so Val and Phedra's package. I haven't seen their dance yet, but I just wanted to talk about this really quick because so there was clearly tension in their package, right, and you know, you basically see the first half of this package is a recap of last week her explaining her connection to obviously Soul Train Night, and likely they really wanted Phaedra specific to talk about Rosy Perez as a judge, because obviously you know from our time and our age group, we definitely know them, let's say more than Stephen Netaroshik as far as Rosie Perez goes in that era, right, So I'm sure they wanted that, but they could have used that for other like snippet of packages. They could have used it in the beginning. I want to see when I am now a viewer watching the show, I need to see the tension full out, meaning like from beginning middle and then hopefully their dance that they're about to do will be a victory so that there's a story, right, there's an arc to everything, and this was just like it felt like there was no They were either rushing through this, but there was more to see. And it's such a shame because they just used half of the package, like that time allotted just for nonsense. Like as a viewer, I don't care so much about a recap, like you can quickly say it, but let's just get to the struggle because then there's a story, because I'm sure she's going to do great. Basically, Val was saying that, you know, I've never seen Faedra move fast. You can tell you know Faedra when she's insecure, she and this happens a lot to us pro dancers. Your celebrity tends to blame you in the moment, right. Obviously that's not really what it is, but U and she keeps like pushing Val or pulling Val to her when they're in frame, and it's it's gonna be interesting to see what Val, you know, creates and executes with Faedra tonight. I'm not sure if they're going to stick to the quick step rules, which was never break hold except the beginning and the end, But who knows, because Val is a true ballroom dancer, so he might. It just depends. Also, you kind of have to adjust right for your celebrity, So if she gets kind of winded with staying in hold, you kind of have to break it up because it is what it is, and you only have a few days to learn this. But I would have loved to see more of this package. It was just cut so short. Their story, especially these two, I feel like I've seen less of them on social media in comparison to everyone else, so I really wanted to see their dynamic. I'm sure val though, is happy that they didn't play out that tension, because I'm pretty sure must have gotten a lot more. I would say, I'm pretty sure it would have gotten more awkward than what we saw. But I'm not saying that just because I want to see, like, oh, the juicy fights that happen. No, No, I want to root for this couple, So in order for that to happen, we have to see what their story is. So either extend the package time right cut out maybe some time. When it comes to explaining the origin of soul Train, I don't think anyone cares to be quite honest, sorry, if they wanted to know that. You know, Google is definitely around for everybody to look up what soul Train is in the first place. We don't need a history lesson here, So you could have taken that time out of the top of the show just saying let's check out Valen Phaedra's quick step. Okay, so I had to watch this a couple of times. You know, there was just something about their quick step. First of all, they started out super strong, meaning as soon as they were in hold. I'm not sure what Faedria was supposed to be doing when Val did the splits. I think she was maybe supposed to go down. But even before the music started, you can hear or you can see that Faedra mouthed the words I love you to Val. You could tell that. First of all, they've got such a great bond. But on top of that, I believe they had a rough week. You could I almost think that Fedra was on the verge of tears. I'm not kidding. This was a lot for her. Fedra, like Val said, is not used to moving this fast. Nobody is, first of all in hold like that. That's crazy. But I have to say, you know, in her packet she goes ballroom dancer. I'm not Phaedra ballroom dancer, you are. I mean, like, really, the first bit of actual quick step when they got in frame was very impressive. She needed to maintain it right, and I think I don't know if it was the wig or what it was, or something threw her off, but those transitions, it was the first transition that was off was when they did their throwaway oversway, then she was supposed to do an underarm turn. But the problem with the throwaway oversway is that she was looking the wrong direction. She was looking the opposite direction when she landed it instead of looking over her left shoulder right, So that threw her off. And you can tell whenever she makes a mistake, it gets in her head, like I can see it without even if I were just to see her head from the neck up, I would know exactly when she would mess up. So my advice to them if they're listening is to please don't give it away in your face. Okay, I know it's tough, but in the beginning, you know, you have to lip sing when you know someone When someone is lip syncing to their song, they're breathing. That's a good thing, especially in the quick step. You don't want to just give all your energy out during the first half. You've got to really measure it out, like maybe don't exude all of your energy the first fifty percent of your routine because then you're dead and when you miss transitions, it takes more energy to get back on track. So that was the first mistake. Then they did a really cute, more intimate hold. Yes, they broke hold a few times, but I understand. Look, I understand why people break hold because it's just too much to stay in hold. Also with music that powerful by Aretha Franklin, it's kind of hard to interpret it when you're stuck in hold. But like what Val did, he was clever. He went from breaking hold for a hot second back into hold and it was more of like an intimate setting so her arms wouldn't be burning and stinging so much because it is hard. And then there was the next mistake. Right there, they did some sort of spin and Val was a little bit aggressive with her, like I don't know if this was part of the stick, but I don't think it is like in tango you can get away with like pulling someone in. But it was a little it made me like jerk a little bit, Like I was a little shocked to see Val. I think he was just physically trying to get her on track because she started spinning too soon. And then at the end, I don't know if she was supposed to hit his face with her bum, but Val just did it himself. I think that every mistake, every little tiny mistake, just might throw Phaedra off. But honestly, look, when people make mistakes. I've said this before plenty of times, do not show it on your face because highly likely the camera doesn't even see what your mistake was. Meaning like maybe there's not even a head to toe shot right, so no one would have known. I mean probably still, I mean I could tell some of the judges didn't see that. All in all, it was good. There were I don't think I saw one heel lead though in the first half of their routine. Doesn't require one because they're doing those runs. But I would have just loved to see her maintain her stamina throughout. And how do you do that? Well, you have to savor the energy, Like I know what's painful. Believe me, it is so hard, especially that the last like ten to fifteen seconds of your quick step it burns like a bitch. Yes, but that's why you just got to just keep it, keep working, keep pushing breathe throughout because not only will the breath help your stamina, but it will also help your movement become more fluid. Okay, yeah, that's it. I mean, this was tough. I could tell this was a tough week for them. I wish we would have seen it in their package. I give Phaedra and val A six. The judges seem to be very impressed, though Derek did say there were a few mess ups. The judges scored high. I believe the judges gave them eight eight seven seven. Okay, So let's move on to couple number two. Okay, So second couple is Ilona and Alan their rehearsal package. First of all, thank you for wearing a skirt in your ballroom heels, Alona, you look gorgeous. Alan puts some freaking ballroom shoes on. Okay, just kidding, No, I'm not kidding. Actually that would help. Yeah. Anyway, they have the Fox Trot and their package was fifty percent of it was, of course a recap. And with these two, I'm not sure if they're ever gonna have tension, right, So obviously I don't think the packages should be equally as long as the other couples. It just depends on the content you get. Like, if one couple shows tension, you're gonna have to give them a longer package than the other couples. But you know, Alan is really trying to teach Elona to be graceful. I hope though, Like her last bite of the package was about how you know people see me as a rugby player. I am strong and powerful, but in this fox, I want to show the grace and beauty that I have, or something like that along those lines. But you still have power, Alona through your legs. Like she's got strong legs. I hope that you know she uses them to her advantage. Let's check out their foxtrot. Okay, I am loving this. Alona is clearly improving every single week by a lot. Alan did some great choreography. There was a great mixture. So in the foxtrot, it is technically American smooth, right that dance is specifically it's not standard, meaning you don't have to stay in hold from top to bottom. You can break hold. But Alan did a great mixture of like eighty percent foxtrot and twenty percent entertainment and like you know, side by side stuff. But what I loved about Alona, Yes, her frame was broken at times, okay, but she really did use the power of her legs and I really believe. First of all, you can tell Alan has a lot of respect for her right and it's mutual. And also I love how I'm sure Alan's like, come on, give it to me, because you can tell Alona starting to feel more comfortable within this partnership the way she pushed Alan, like she really pushed them. You know, she wasn't holding back. And I have to say she was not dancing on eggshells like the last two weeks. I feel she really used the floor, the space of the ballroom beautifully. She did extend her arms. The only thing is that sometimes when you have a slow extension my only I mean not only, but my advice is when you have that like when you have a lunch in the beginning, when she lunged towards the judges, she could have used that music more by stretching out her ribcage as maximum as possible, like really stretched until it hurts, and then her arms should have followed slower. But if it were me, I would have had her blow a kiss or something, because then that would have been more because that was quite a long stretch, right, So sometimes you have to give your celebrity a little bit more action from not being able to move your feet and just stretching out as far as possible. But overall, this was a solid Fox trot though it makes you want to do a chatcha because that, in a way is what it calls for. But I thought they did a beautiful interpretation. You saw feather steps, you saw throw away over sways. The only thing with that throwaway oversway. When they landed that, it was great. And then it was coming out of it. I'm not so sure what that was supposed to be if she was supposed to lunge the other way, but she looked stuck. Also, when they do those spinner like when they do those walk arounds or spins around each other, she broke the frame. That's when the frame started coming down. But what they have to think about is still maintaining body contact like they are. But the more you spin right, gravity wants to bring your head back into the frame. When an actual like in order for this to look good, you have to actually think about someone pulling your hair, like let's say you have a ponytail. You got to think even if gravity wants your head to go back into the circle, you got to stay out of that circle and just fight gravity as much as possible. But wow, I'm starting to think that this couple might be the dark horse. I give Elona and Alan a seven. Let's see what the judges have to say, but we're gonna most likely move on to couple number three. Okay, so the judges gave Alona and Allen the same score as Phedra and val eight eight seven seven. Let's move on to couple number three. It's going to be Eric Roberts and Britt dancing a foxtrot. I'm not sure how I feel about putting two of the same dances back to back. If it were just like half of the couples were doing foxtrot half we're doing Let's say I don't know a Latin dance like a samba, then you know you have to mix and match, but like, it's kind of unfair because you've already seen a foxtrot, and then you know, most likely I don't know, maybe not, maybe I'm going to be surprised, but I would assume Elona's foxtrot is overall going to be just better than Eric's. But let's see again, if you really don't compare the couples honestly, I mean I don't when I'm doing this, so it's kind of impossible unless you see everyone on the floor together doing the same dance to the same music. Anyway, Let's check out Eric Roberts and Britt. Okay, so I have to say, you know, Eric Roberts, this is his best dance so far. First of all, always want to say how gorgeous Britt looks that dress? Wardrobe, you nailed it. Oh my goodness, she needs to wear that fabric that Oh my god, everything about it is just so stunning on brit Yes. Wow, no stones needed though I saw a few, but not needed anyway, How cool will it be if she wore something like that as a Latin dress? Just saying so into that. I have to say that it was so sweet their package. You can tell how support, how much support Eric gets from his wife, and it is so beautiful. There's a sense of trust that I finally see, not finally like they should have had it, but you know it's it is week technically week three or even maybe week four since there was no week last week, but plus the training period, so that gives them seven weeks and they really have developed such a trust between the partnership and as well. You know, it's normally not easy to work with a third person in rehearsal. I'll give you that much, but in Eric Roberts's case, it is definitely necessary and you got to do whatever makes your celebrity most comfortable. And what's great about his wife is that, you know, you could tell she's taking notes during their rehearsal and wow, what a great support system, Like he's lucky to have her, right and you could tell he was really into the music. The music was starting and you know, obviously it's painful. It's painful to watch because I know he's in pain, But there's moments like you know, the cameramen were smart when it comes or the director was shout out to Phil. He did a lot of close ups, you know, and even a close up where Eric you were able to see his personality. He was lip syncing to the camera. He blew a kiss to the camera. It was perfect, like he nailed it, and you can tell they're also good job brit by not seeing or us seeing you count though I know that was definitely happening, but I didn't see it and it wasn't a distraction. So she definitely picked the places where you didn't see her face to where she could do whatever she needs to do as far as you know, guiding Eric by mouthing counts or whatever it was. But overall it was a lot more content than usual for sure, and he just he's looking more and more relaxed. I give brit and Eric a five. The judges gave them a seven six five six carry and score and high. Again. Let's move on to the next couple, Riley and Steven netarashik Okay. So Riley and Steven's package. So it's really cute. I mean, these two when they giggle, it is the cutest thing ever. It melts my black heart. Now let's talk about what I've seen during their package. So, look, you can hear the audience definitely has their back, that's for sure. But what I worry about is, you know, this is the first ballroom dance, meaning like they can't break hold. Supposedly that was a rule back in the day. But with these two, you expect them to follow the rules, right, they're more than capable. Especially you know both of them can definitely stay in hole. And so it is about his frame. Now, what I saw in rehearsal, I think Riley said in ballroom you have to lead with your chest, you actually lead with your leg, your feet and legs because if your chest is leading, then your head is actually in the circle, which means that his extension, his chest and his head need to stretch up and slightly back, not in front of his toes, because that is what's going to cause a disaster. So I'm hoping that that is not happening. I understand what she means by like opening his chest maybe, but you definitely don't lead with your chest. You definitely lead with your legs, right. That's the only way to get in actual correct ballroom hold technically, right, we have to lead with our legs. The legs need to go first before our upper body. Our upper body, including our chest, actually needs to be the last thing that goes. So I'm hoping that from what I see in rehearsal that is the problem that his head and chest are going forward, which is causing his bum to stick out, causing him to have no neck. Because with the speed of quick step, with tango, with any of these standard dances, you have to have a heavy head, meaning the head is the last thing. Then the chest is second to last, but the first thing to go is your legs. His frame looked a little awkward, but you know these two are probably gonna be a powerhouse, right, They're going to come out strong. I just hope he can maintain a calm frame, so let's see. Okay, So yeah, I wasn't impressed whatsoever. Kind of disappointed actually from the wardrobe. The musicality actually, I didn't think was bad at all. I thought their kip up was perfectly it was great. I mean, that was impressive. But this is a quick step, and the challenge on this show is to do a ballroom dance when you don't wear a skirt or like a full skirt, right, when the women don't do that, you really bear all. You might as well just dance in your birthday suit out there, because you see everything. I think if Riley were to wear a full skirt as you're supposed to do in the quick step like Faedra did, it hides a lot. Now Faedra didn't wear that skirt, we would have seen way more mistakes than what I pointed out. For sure, they had no frame whatsoever. I could tell from the moment they got into frame that it was going to be a hot mess and zero body contact. And the reason for the zero body contact and the horrible frame. Sorry, I'm just gonna be harder on this couple because what's the shame is that they've got the fans behind them, right, But like they need to step it up as far as quality wise, because you know, it's it could almost be Riley and Stevens to take home as far as the mirror Ball trophy goes. But as far as like the technique of ballroom, they really need to work on that because it's really not it's going to cause for them to maybe barely make the final. So I'm going to be extra strict. Riley also wasn't wearing heels. She was wearing like little ballet shoes or something like that. It's impossible to do any heel leads. You're gonna be light like that if you don't have the proper attire. As far as Stephen goes, I would when someone has bad posture, Like if any of my partners had bad posture, I would never put them in a jacket. And if I did put them in a jacket, it would be I would I would kind of make the illusion of a jacket, meaning like the jacket would have no sleeves, which caught because it's the sleeves of the blazer that causes the shoulders. It definitely makes the shoulders look way more up towards the ears than what it actually is. So I would just match the shirt, the button down dress shirt, the long sleeve dress shirt to the vest like it be like a vest. So it's the illusion of an actual blazer. Mister Garrol. Shout out to him. He makes all the suits for the men and women. Sometimes he knows what I'm talking about. Say you want the Sheryl Special and he'll hook you up. I also put stirrups, which is an elastic that goes from the nipple that goes inside the blazer or vest, and I attach it so there's a button there, so pull it down with the elastic inside, and then I have them. Basically, my partner has to like suit up, so he has to put that elastic from button to button from where the nipple is inside the jacket that button and it straps down. You pull it down to your pant. It's very important and it actually works. But look that wouldn't have helped either. I think it was just the way it was taught. Unfortunately. The reason for body contact and the reason to actually be able to execute it is to lead with your knees, okay, lead with your legs, not with your chest. That is so important. This was definitely not a quick step to me at all. Nothing about it was quick step. There was certain like hip hops and skips, yes, but it was really shaky. It looked too light, and you know, it would have been nice to have seen that energy that they have. It needs to go down into the floor, not up to the ceiling. But the first thing is first we have to be able to teach what frame is right, and we have to consistently have body contact because this is going to be a problem for them for the tango as well and any other ballroom dance that they do, because even if it's not let's say they do a foxtrot or I'm not sure if they already did want No, they haven't yet. If they do a fox trot, yes you can break hold. But the judges are still gonna expect or I hope, so, I hope the judges expect to see still some content in actual ballroom frame. These two are so talented, and again I highly suggest and I'm not attacking Riley by any means, but I'm just I'm again giving constructive criticism. Take it or leave it. You have to get the right help. And when I say right, I mean like the right help in all caps. Okay. So that's all I have to say about this couple. You know they're going to get through, obviously, but in order to take home that mirror ball, you can't just have the fan vote. You have to also execute the correct technique and get the right help, learn and teach it the correct way. I give Riley and Steven a six. Okay. So the judges gave Stephen and Riley eight eight, seven seven. I'm just there are no words for that, okay, especially those eights. It doesn't match the critique that Carrie Anne said just saying, and same with Rosie. But it's all good. It's the women against the men tonight, as far as judges go. Let's move on to the sexy, sultry TMZ headliner Gleb and Brooks dancing Rumba too sexual healing. Last time Rumbo was danced to this song, I believe Len thought it was too raunchy, and it was with me and Jill. And let's see if they can get away with not dancing a rumba raunchy. Second Actual Healing by Marvin Gay. Okay, so we've got Brooks and Gleb. Their package was you know, once again, I think Brooks said this last week. She really wants people to think she's taking this seriously, and I definitely think she's taking it seriously. That has nothing to do with you know, their love affair that's happening on the show. However, I do believe it may conflict, right, it just naturally will about halfway through this competition. I hope it doesn't. I hope and wish them the best. But yeah, it was cute. It was sexy their package. You know, you saw really you saw their like the weird the camera men definitely gotten or the field producer got notes most likely like get close up shots of Gleb grabbing her inner thigh and making her lunge. Like literally, there was a shot of just her pelvis and Gleb's left hand on her inner thigh, Like, okay, guys, the dance hasn't started yet, Like, whoa, that was a weird, weird shot during rehearsal. Maybe not so much the live show, but that was odd anyway. Okay, I hate when I hate gimmicks. I just do, especially with two people who are more than capable to really showcase a proper international Latin rumba. The fact that they used half of their song to be a school teacher or whatever she was doing a doctor Gleb didn't need to do all that. That was just not necessary and it made no sense, like what was happening? Can we just get to it? Like you do that with someone like you know, I'm just gonna say it. You do it with someone like Eric or with Reginald, but you don't do it with books. You could have used that to really, first of all, demonstrate and execute a proper let's say, kukaracha, because there was no hip action as far as I'm concerned, And I know why her rumba to me when they finally got to it halfway through the routine, her rumba to me looked stiff because when you do rumbo walks right and I understand like she had some great leg extension, yes, but getting there the transition into getting into a straight leg when you do a rumbo walk or extend, you have to bend the knee right. You got to bend the leg in order to straighten the leg. It's like when you walk on the street. You bend to straighten, bend to straighten, right, You got to bend the leg to step on to the foot, You got to bend to step on. If you ever want to notice how you walk on the street or most people that is, you actually do bend your leg to step onto it. Right. It's the same thing when you do rumbo walks. And she just was so worried more about the picture. I think or Gleb was more worried about the getting onto a straight leg than how to get into the straight leg. That is actually the most important That's what caused. This is what happens for fluidity, Like you need to do you need to work on the in betweens, because like, this woman is beautiful. She's got beautiful lines. You can tell she's very aware of that. And I actually would have wanted to see more chemistry between these two. She was very much. She reminded me a little bit of Charity at times last season when she danced with Artem Charity Lawson, when she would perform out to the camera instead of to her partner. This whole like put like, you know, shaking her head with the hair clip. It's just not necessary, please, it's not necessary, especially because the music is still short because you have so many couples still, So maybe it's a little over a minute, like maybe a few seconds. Use it if if your celebrity can dance, Please no gimmicks. It's just not needed really. But overall to me, her rumba looked stiff. Now, if they were able to do a solid rumba from the beginning of the song to the end, I would have given them a point higher. But because they only technically did it for like forty to forty five seconds, and when they did execute the rumba it was stiff. She couldn't stay grounded because of it. She was too high up on her toes because she was so worried about a straight leg and making sure her legs were straight. But what needed to be taught was how to get onto a straight leg. And in order for that to happen, the more you bend, the more you put your full weight onto your standing leg. Bend the free leg to then step onto that free leg onto a straight leg, switch the weight fully onto that leg, and ben That's how you create hip action, because the hip action comes from putting your full weight onto the standing leg and relaxing your hip onto a straight leg. This sounds so crazy. I know, I'm so sorry. It's harder to say this and really translate into words than it is to show you. But yeah, that's what was missing. So yeah, I just wish I saw more. And I wish that instead of like presenting towards the camera, there should always be an awareness of your partner, like whether it is like half of your face to the camera that's better than your full face because it got me out of that Like whatever it was, I don't know that whole story in the beginning made zero sense. I just wish that sometimes if our creative like we work with the creative team to come up with our creatives every week. I just I would love for the creative team sometimes to say, sorry, this makes no sense, Like I don't think you need all of this gibberish. I think you can just dance and we'll work on the lighting and making it look beautiful. Like I just I don't, I don't know what I don't. I still don't understand what that was. Anyway, I give Gleb and Brooks a six. Let's see what the judges give this couple. Okay, the Judges gave Gleb and Brooks seven seven seven seven seven seven, So yeah, four sevens. Gleb was rolling his eyes, he was upset, and you can tell Brooks was a little taken aback by that. I mean, I don't know if it was because Julianne cut him off, but yeah, you can tell that the show is running a little bit behind, so she needed to speed it up, and that's Julianne's job. I would just say to Gleb next time, just put a smile on that face until the camera's no longer on you, because that just doesn't look good in general when someone rolls their eyes after whatever it is, after their performance. Right, if Brooks seems to be fine, then so shit. The pro for now on camera, that is, you can let it all out afterwards. Let's move on to the next couple. Okay, So Jenna and Joey their package. I just love these two. They are cute but yet professional, and I love that Joey is so willing to take risks. He's like if I were the fact that he even admitted that he first of all did a backflip back in his day, I maybe I wonder if he's regretting to have had a little bit of cheerleading training. Who knew he was a cheerleader? Oops, that was not part of his bio. Wow, I saw what he did. They showed footage of him actually doing these backflips, and that's pretty impressive. And you can tell this guy's agile and they're gonna nail it, I mean for sure, but the fact that he needs to use Jenna and Jenna is so tiny, but she's strong as hell, so I'm pretty sure they'll get through this. I'm really excited for this dance. Let's check it out. Okay, so their jive full of energy. This is a really amazing song. But you can't beat the song, meaning like as far as energy goes like it started off. This song in general just starts off like full of energy and then it just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger. And I think I would say Jenna was very clever with her choreography because she had definitely had some brakes, right. I just kind of wish that there was a little bit more of the kicks and flicks, because this guy can do it. However, it's kind of hard to do it in sneakers though. I know, I'll give him a pass because he needed the sneaker for that backflip. But sometimes you got to weigh out what is more important here, right, like because because of the black sneaker that he was wearing. Though they were clever with it because it wasn't like screaming in your face a sneaker. But if you look closely, that rubber sometimes doesn't do you good. It does you good for like tricks like the backflip and whatever else, But when it comes to pointing his toes, I wish that there was more rebound. But when they went down the floor the beginning, when they did those triple steps down the floor, those were great. His knees were high, but there was a lot of heel leads because it's impossible to do toe when you are in a sneaker. And also his feet were kind of sticking out like a sore thumb because he didn't point his feet. But other than that, like, I hope that they do this dance again with different choreography if they do that this year, Like when couples make it to like the semifinals or finals, they have them redo a dance they've done, but different choreography. This guy is so agile, he's so limber, he's flexible, and there's like sometimes he's a little too loose, you know, And though it is it could be like a character thing. You can get away with your butt sticking out a little bit. But I think it was hard for him to execute the right technique because of just the attire he was wearing. Honestly, you really have to like be intentional if you don't want to look like you're you're on a flex foot when you're doing those kicks and flicks. And when they did that side by side kicks and flicks, I would have loved to see more rebound from a standing leg. But again, it's hard in those sneakers because there's no flexibility in the middle in the arch area. Anyway, overall, it was really entertaining. Jenna looks gorgeous. She needs to cut her hair like this. It just looks so good on her. These two are amazing and they're just going to get better and better. I give Jenna and Joey an eight. Let's see what the judges have to say and their scores. Okay, so the judges gave Jenna and Joey nine to nine eight eight, first nine of the season. Let's move on to the next couple. Daniella and Dwight dancing at Shacha to earth Wind and Fire. Let's grow Okay, So Daniella and Dawhite's package, Now this is a package, guys. Yes, they quickly went through the previous week, right so, but they quickly went through the previous week with the same tone, meaning like Danielle admitted that there was a lot of missteps and that basically they were overscored and that the scores didn't reflect their steps. Cut to their rehearsal package. They're traveling. You see that. You also heard it from Alfonso. Let's check out Dwight and Daniella with not a lot of rehearsal time, right, something along those lines. So this is what I mean, Like, there's a story and hopefully you know they come out here and he doesn't miss a step. But unfortunately, if you don't give it this process in formula the time it needs. When you have a cha cha, it may look easy though. I always used to love getting chacha's for my first dance, but that was because I had three weeks to train my celebrity. When you have three days, ugh, you know, you don't ever want to come on to this show, like meaning like come on to the live performance still thinking about what foot you need to be on because you need to perform. So but knowing an athlete's mentality, hopefully Dwight is studying his rehearsal videos that Daniella I'm sure is filming for Dwight on her phone and whatever. But hopefully it doesn't bite them in the ass, because I was actually looking forward to seeing their chacha considering, you know, the charisma Dwight has in general and the rhythm in musicality that he has. I can tell Danielle's putting so much pressure on herself, like and I think it's due to the fact that she danced with them on And yes, you know it's hard, like once you start doing the show for a long time, you're going to get a lot of the same celebrities in the same type of field, whether that be what they look like from the outside or whatever. So there's I mean, obviously it's natural, right we're all human that you're going to start comparing your time to your previous season that you won, by the way, So like, of course, there's a lot of pressure For Danielle, I just hope she takes it easy on herself as far as her mental health goes. I just don't want her to lose her spunk. And you know again, I'm happy that she has Pasha on her team because this show can get a lot and especially when now all you can do is just compare right, She's a few seasons in and it is very similar to him on so anyway, setting ve to Daniella, but I hope that Dwight delivers a solid chacha and doesn't miss a step. Let's check it out, Okay, So if you want to see somebody who didn't put in the rehearsal time, watch Dewhite and Danielle's chacha like ugh, like you never I can feel the insecurity through my laptop, honestly, and the chacha as soon as he did his first rondez it was so bouncy. Chacha is not supposed to be bouncy. It was almost like he was on SNL and doing a skit of what we look like. He is such a performer. I think the wig was honestly distracting. I don't love it now. I loved it during the opening number, but I just don't think it was necessary. And yes, Dan, I can see why Danielle is stressed because like she's putting in the time and she's obviously traveling to New York because she has to travel with her celebrity. And I just can't even imagine if he would have actually done this show when I was supposed to dance with him, when he honestly had no time. This is I mean, hopefully it is still really early on in the competition. I mean I would say, yeah, but no more moving forward. I hope he has learned from his mistakes, and I hope he puts this show as his number one priority just for another seven weeks, like that's it, and then you can do whatever you need to do. But when you sign up for this show, And I think this is why it's important for the executives to honestly say to these people, you kind of have to put your other life on pause, like if it's you know, it's one thing, Like look, if he was still active as a basketball player. This is probably why he last minute said he couldn't do it, because you can't do both. You just can't. And I don't know what he was doing in New York. They didn't say it in the package, but I don't know if that was necessary to be quite honest, and if it was something important, I'm pretty sure the show would film it if possible, if they were cleared to do so. But yeah, it's frustrating, especially when you just you know, I can tell that Daniella is more frustrated, not with his ability. It's like, if I'm giving you my time, you need to respect that and give me yours as well. I understand, but sometimes you just don't get perfect partners like that, you know, and sometimes you just have to go with the flow and maybe not put too much content in the routine though you know, I'm a stickler for content. But when someone only gives you three days, which is technically only what one day of rehearsal honestly, because you have to do camera blocking takes up another day, and then the live show is the third day. So I hope that moving forward, you know, now he knows that the judges aren't gonna just see his performance side, which is always a joy, you know, but it's just not fun to see somebody just trip over himself bounce when there's no bounce needed. This is not a samba, it's a cha cha. And all I could see was his feet and his bent legs and heel leads. That's all I saw. I give Daniella and d White a six. Unfortunately. Let's see what the judges have to say and score them. Okay, so the judges actually gave some accurate scores for once, all of them. They gave Daniella and Dwhite six six, five six. Let's move on to Whitney Carson and Danny m Mondola dancing a Foxtrot two dancing machine by Jackson five. Okay, so Danny and Whitney's package again. Love these two. Their chemistry is based on the respect they have for each other. Yet they have really cute chemistry as well, which obviously is innocent. I hated to see him in tennis shoes, but he made it up when he finally wore black trousers or sweats with white sox and ballroom shoes. Fine, you get a half a point off. No, I'm kidding, but you can tell. Actually, when towards the end of their package, when he was in frame, it was actually quite solid. I hope that they don't try and do the Michael Jackson gimmick stuff if he you know, he tried to do a moonwalk and he just walked backwards. By the way, that's the way I do it too. So if you can't just do it off the bat, I say leave it out and just give us some content. Let's get this competition started. Let's check out Danny and Whitney's foxtrot. Okay, so I had to watch this twice. I don't know what was happening with the cameras, because the flip that he did I wish would have been it would have if it were shot differently. Like the problem with the way it was shot was I thought it was a mistake. I maybe it was with the cameras, I don't know, but this should have just been a straight up like wide shot went once Whitney squatted down on the stairs, we didn't see her, and all we saw was a weird angle of Danny like looking like something happened. It looked like a mistake, honestly, But if they would have just kept it on Whitney slowly panned out, we would have seen the flip better. Not from the side. I don't know. Weird, but it's not them. I truly believe it wasn't them. When they got into foxtrot, his frame was actually quite impressive to the like they even I was looking to see if his fingers on her back were spread apart, but they actually weren't. He had his fingers closed, the only part that looked awkward. So they did their first bit, which was actually impressive like he was. Basically, it's interesting because if his head would have moved even just an inch more forward into the circle of the frame, his butt would have been sticking out. But he was able to do they're called hairpins. He was able to do that and still his head was actually at an angle where it was almost It was perfect in a way, but it wasn't perfect because he needed to stretch his head back, but it was. It didn't cause for his hips to come out, which is good. But the second part when they were in frame, he looked a little stiff. He needed to keep that sense of ease, because that's what the foxtrot is. You're supposed to glide, and it's hard because you have all these rhythmical moments in the music and knowing Whitney as well, like she wants to hit those music cues and it was really cute. Like, I just wish there was a little bit more content, but with the that I did see, it was quite good. Foxtrot is always a dance where like you can either choose right to really be music listen to the music and be musical with what you're hearing, or you can just like dance through it and with elegance and with ease. But I thought they did a good mix overall. I just thought that maybe there could have been a few more eights of content as far as hold goes, that would have been my preference. But for what they did, I thought it was really impressive. He's just as agile as Joey. So it's gonna be the battle of the boys, I think, I mean, for the most part. Anyway, I give Whitney and Danny a seven. Let's see what the judges say. Oh my god, Carrie Anne and her paddles. The judges, well, Carrie Anne gave a seven in a one, which equals an eight. How do you lose your paddle? It's hysterical. So the judges gave them an eight, a seven to seven, giving them a total of thirty out of forty. Let's move on to Emma and Reginald dancing a foxtrot too. I can see clearly now by Johnny Nash, how sweet is Reggie and Emma's package. I mean, it is so full of heart, And you know, I would say, on top of like when Annadelvi was still on the show, all I keep hearing is Reginald, like people are truly rooting for him and Emma, and I just love their bond. They've grown into really becoming great partners and friends and it's so beautiful. And I'm just so happy that Reginald got Emma honestly and vice versa. Really, it's so nice to see. It's refreshing. Actually, now let's just hope this foxtrot is full of content, but content for Reggie and hopefully Emma's not counting out loud just saying let's check out their foxtrot. Oh, it's so cute. I mean, look, okay, I mean it was adorable. He actually did have technically more steps than in any other dance he did. Their connection is beautiful. And I still saw Emma from like the start of the music mouth whatever she mouthed to Reginald. But look, it is what it is. You have to do what you gotta do to get through it, and I will be giving a score that you know obviously just from what I saw. But he seems to be more comfortable. And that is the key to this show is if anyone that you need to connect with is your partner, Because when you have a bond and you feel safe, that's an important word. When you feel safe with your partner and vice versa, and your pro feel safe with your celebrity, there's really no bond like it. And at the end of the day, our goal is to get our celebrity out of his head or out of her head so that they have the ability to perform. I give Reginald and Emma a five, but I give Emma a ten. Honestly, she's really you know, she's just been such a great partner to Reginald, and this is what he needs to be, quite honest, just to be able to get through. So I have a feeling this man is going nowhere, just saying let's see what the judges have to say. Okay, So the judges gave Reginald and Emma a six five, five five and left Carrie Inn in tears. Oh he's he's really adorable, And again, like I said he can get all ones. This man's going nowhere. And I think they hinted that if you hear and watch the show again, you'll hear Alfonso say something like and the votes were insane or something like that. Who knows, but Julianne mentioned it again. Clearly America loves you. So this couple is going nowhere. Let's move on to the next couple, Jen and Sasha. Okay, So Jen and Sasha's package. I mean, I love that she was a pianist and that's why she's so musical. It makes so much sense now and I'm hoping to see a classic Viennese waltz. No tricks, no acrobatics, just beautiful, technically sound Viennese walt less is more. Let's see. This has to be my favorite dress though of the night? Is Jen trans dress? Wow? Wardrobe killed it. Jen looks gorgeous. Let's check out their waltz to Alicia Keys O MG. I am so proud of these two. They I actually got chills. Oh my god, I have chills down my legs. Okay, first of all, she is one hot sexy woman, and I don't care what Jen says because she is sexy. So own it girl, and she definitely owned it. What a huge improvement. Though I understand they didn't hear their music, so they did amazing last week as well. Other than that, we won't talk about that. Let's just move forward, but the beautiful first of all, camera work. Shout out again to Phil, this was gorgeous. The lighting the creative team, shout out to them. What a moody Viennese Walls. It's like the best Viennese waltz. When you have like an emotional Viennese waltz like Alicia Keys, it is just so perfect. And the dress was just like lighting up. It was definitely their night. Sasha did a beautiful routine full of content. My only note honestly, she even had heel leads like the reverse turns, the natural turns. Just don't look at your arm when you extend it. I mean you can look at it just for that one second, like look up, but then don't follow it all the way back. Right, So when you can be aware of your arm but don't look at it, move back. You want to stay focused towards Sasha. That would help as well. When you spot the turns could be a little bit more crisp but holy hell, this by far was their best dance, and I believe, since there's only one more couple left, one of the best dances of the night. I give Jen and Sasha an eight. Great work, you guys, keep going. Let's hear what the judges have to say. Okay, so the judges gave Jen and Sasha eight eight seven eight, and it's their first eights of the season, so again, for me, it was one of the highlights of the night. I'm pretty sure we're gonna end with a bang with Brandon and Chandler. Let's check out their dance closing the night off. I'm pretty sure strong. Let's see. Oh my goodness. Shout out to Reggie. Reggie has worked as part of the show, the production for as long as I've I think I've been there, like seriously, from the day one. I'm so happy he's able to contribute and get some camera time because this man just, honestly, he was always there. I remember, Reggie, we would be doing camera blocking, we would be doing you know, even dress rehearsal, and he would be there with a huge smile on his face, our number one cheerleader. I'm so happy for Reggie and I'm happy that Chandler and Brannon actually seemed to have taken some of his advice. So let's see what their chatcha looks like. Love you, Reggie, Okay, Okay. So, first of all, it was so full of music. Her leg action is actually quite brilliant. I mean, like, okay, for example Brooks and the rumba. The rumba is just a slower version of the chacha as you saw in Derek's a Little how To moment. By the way, shout out to the troop dancers, they're amazing. I just wanted to point out that she been to straighten, like that's important to know, Like she's not just on straight legs, like in order for her to get onto a straight leg, she bends the knee her leg right, she bends to straighten, though she could have done that more. She was a little high when doing the chatcha, like I wish I would have seen more hip action, and it looked like a little like her rumba. Like her rumba was great, don't get me wrong, beautiful pictures, but I almost What was so clever though about what Brandon had her wear and what wardrobe put her in was the fact that she could have easily, you know, to stick with the theme that she could have stayed in sneakers or whatever. She was never in sneakers, but she could have worn sneakers with like pants and a jumpsuit or warm up jacket, right like Brandon. They could have looked exactly the same and most likely could have gotten away with it. Not with me, but they could have. But instead they did a rip away where she wore a fringe skirt which looked like she had hip action. However, there was a weird timing. I think they they broke on one when you're supposed to break on two. But that was towards like three quarters of the routine. But all in all, her leg action was great, The musicality was amazing. You can tell she got a little tired at the end. So just breathe. Also, breathing helps with hip action and for you to stay grounded. So I think it's more about putting your weight into the heel of your foot, into that heel of the Latin shoe, and not being so worried about the straight leg. I would just think more about the in betweens now like bending, then the straight leg will happen bending in order to straighten your leg like that's that seems to be for me the theme of the night when anyone performs a Latin dance tonight on the show. But overall, it was by far, I mean obviously one of the best performances of the night, and I now know why they went last. I'm pretty sure they must have a lot of votes as well, because, as if my listeners know, they don't put you last unless you're popular, right, So overall, great performance, there is room for improvement, but I have to say I give Brandon and Chandler a nine. Let's see what the judges have to say. Okay, so the judges finally all agreed along with the fifth wheel over here you got nine nine nine nine nine nine, Yeah, four nines. Again, that leaves Brandon and Chandler at the top of the leader board, and they have confirmed that tomorrow night will be a double elimination, so hopefully you guys voted. Anyway, we'll be doing another recap for heavy Metal Night or whatever Metal Night, not sure what it's called, but make sure since there was no interview, right, so, we didn't have an interview this week because there's going to be two recap episodes along with headlines, so don't forget to tune in the next day for my recap for Heavy Metal Night. Anyway, thank you guys so much, and thank you. Please continue to support the podcast. Don't forget to rate and review. This is so important and I know I've been reading every single comment that you guys have put in. I am so grateful. I love all your notes. I take all of your notes very seriously, so as long as they're constructive, so keep them coming. And I'm so happy you guys are enjoying these recaps as much as I am. Until tomorrow, setting you loved. Bye

Sex, Lies, and Spray Tans

Professional dancer Cheryl Burke has been a part of Dancing with the Stars since the very beginning. 
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