Teaser: One year since October 7th ft. Nasser Mashni

Published Oct 3, 2024, 7:00 PM

In this bonus episode for Patreon subscribers, Emerald and Tom are joined by Nasser Mashni, co-founder and President of the Australian Palestine Advocacy Network, to discuss the year since the events of October 7th 2023. They discuss their personal reactions on the day and the initial discourse in the weeks after, and then how that has played out in Australia this last year. Has the government done enough, where are we now, and what does the future hold?


The show can only exist because of our wonderful Patreon subscriber’s support. Subscribe for $3/month to get access to our fortnightly subscriber-only full episode, and unlock our complete library of over FIFTY past bonus episodes.



Links -

Australian Palestine Advocacy Network -


Palestine Toolkit -


Nasser Mashni on social media -



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NEWCASTLE https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/serious-danger-live-from-the-peoples-blockade-tickets-1007274644577 

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Produced by Michael Griffin

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