Marcus and Larsa address the viral clip of Michael Jordan suggesting he doesn't approve of their relationship.
And we're back with another episode of separation Anxiety. I'm your host, Marcus Jordan and Pippin, and I feel like we got a lot to discuss today.
Baby, there's so much disgust today.
There definitely is. But I think first let's talk about your birthday. Happy belated birthday.
Thank you. Of course, I am like a big birthday person.
Yeah, no, which puts the pressure on me.
I feel like no, but I feel like you literally like I did yourself, Like really, I never felt so much love and I was so appreciated, and I feel like I had a great I had a great I literally had like the best birthday ever.
Thank you, baby. I appreciate that.
And I feel like I had the best birthday ever because you really put so much time and energy into thinking about all the things that you did for me.
I've never had a situation where like you were facetiming like my kids and asking them what they wanted to get me for my birthday, and you literally bought a bunch of presents into they from my kids, which is like it's so cute, Like it's so adorable, and like just how much like how you're so thoughtful And I feel like you just really like think about every single thing.
Well, obviously we have Sophia's in town, and you know, I was going shopping. You had to film the show, and so I don't know, I just was looking for things, and obviously I wanted to get something for you from her and obviously all of the kids. And so I actually facetimed one of your friends, Xana. She didn't she was I don't know, if doing our lashes or something. I was like pressing her trying to figure out if you would like what I got you. But then Sophia came in to clutch and helped me make my decision. And so I know that you put a lot of weight and care into celebrations of birthdays and holidays and stuff like that, and so I wanted to make sure that your special day was amazing.
Well, I literally had the best day.
What was your favorite thing about yesterday?
All of it? I don't know. Like I love waking up and like how you surprised me with like ozillia and flowers. Okay, And I feel like I'm in a garden right now because I woke up in the apartment just smells so good.
It is kind it smells amazing once you walk in here and you.
Just yeah, but you know what, I feel like, it's like the thought because I've been in relationships where it's like a lot of gifts and it didn't make me, like, I don't know, feel the way I felt yesterday.
Oh it's so special.
So I definitely feel like the thought is like way more important than the actual gifts. Not that you gave me beautiful gifts. Of course, you literally like outdid yourself and like I appreciate you.
I still have one more gift. You haven't gotten it yet.
Actually, oh my gosh, I can't.
I've been sitting on it. You get a hints, No, I can't give any hints out just because I wanted to be a surprise. I think you value surprises. So there's one more. It's not over yet. Your birthdays all weekend. It's funny, I'm looking over your shoulder right now and we see all those balloons and so it's kind of like we're still celebrating.
I know, I want to, like, I don't know, it's very overwhelming, Yeah, but I definitely think that, like it's really about the thought that really matters and counts, And I feel like you really put so much energy into like my dinner, you know, the blue flowers, my.
Kids to talk about the dinner actually, and.
You listen because I feel like, you know, when I was saying to you, oh my god, I can't find slides that I like, and then like you want me like all the slides that I like that, I was like, oh, I didn't even know that came in black. I don't know it came in silver, and.
Like these nice black metallic thread door slippers or fire.
Well, I just feel like you're like a good listener, and I feel like a lot of partners should be good listeners.
Thank you, baby, I appreciate that. And I feel like you. I feel like we go to Carbone all the time, and so sometimes you don't necessarily want to eat there for dinner. But I feel like you took one for the team for me yesterday because it was fire.
Think it was so good, Thank you.
It was.
It was so much fun. We had the best time and having just like all my best friends and Sofia and yeah, you know it was. It was a great night.
It's not over yet, though, Oh my gosh, we're celebrating all weekend. Okay, all right, So I guess let's jump into it. Obviously, the topic of discussion that everybody wants to hear is the article that came out last week with my dad essentially commenting on our relationship, and.
So I kind of feel like I want you to address this, like because it's like not something I want to like address and be taken out of context, and like it's hard for me to speak on that situation. I know we're going to talk about it, but I just feel like, no, you can start, because I feel like I have so much to say, but it's it's like, Yaba, David.
It's not like, well, okay, let's first, let's talk about what the situation is. Obviously, my dad was in Paris. Jordan Brand had this basketball tournament that they do annually called K fifty four, and during that weekend, basically Jordan Bran they have this dinner at this restaurant called Mattignon in Paris, and it's always a good vibe. Like everybody, it's all the Jordan Brand athletes, all of the high level executives, and everybody's just kind of having a good time celebrating the tournament. And so I can only assume because I know my dad loves sin Koro. He drinks tequila all the time. That he was a little he was feeling himself a little.
Bit feel good. He's on's feeling good.
He was feeling good, you know, businesses good. You know, he was on a trip to Paris. My sister was actually there. We'll talk about that a little bit later. But yeah, so I'm assuming, you know, walking out of Mantillon, he gets asked the question does he approve or I think it was does he approve of our relationship or something? And at first he laughed, you know, kind of like how I laughed. I like, I think I laughed at a lot of the questions that we go through on this podcast. But he laughed. And then the reporter, I guess, asked him again and he had let out an emphatic no, and then shook his head again as he was walking into the car. And so, you know, for me, obviously we knew ahead of time because he texted and called me and wanted to make sure that I didn't take anything the wrong way. But then when the article came out, he texted me again and said that he never said, Hell, no, you know, that's not what the implications were. But I do feel like when it, you know, when the headline dropped, obviously we knew it was coming, but when the headline on TMZ came out, I felt like you were a little nervous.
Well, because I feel like you know, from Jay and we've been literally I felt like our parents were like, not in a bad situation about us, you know. I think, like it's not ideal, like for Larsa to be with Marcus or Marcus to be with Larsa. And I think in the beginning it was a lot of shock value to it. Our families would in the beginning, would have rather us not be together, right.
I think it was something that just happened organically. But I do feel like you were nervous just because of how often you take stocking your relationships, and so I think a part of you thought, maybe was I telling you all the full truth?
And well, I feel like it's you know, it's it's a situation.
Yeah no, And simultaneously I'm dying laughing.
Yeah, you thought it was funny.
It was hilarious to me, just it was funny.
There's nothing funny about it.
I know my dad, right, and I know you know, obviously my whole family. We're all competitive. The Jordan's is like part of our DNA is to talk shit, you know, and it gets us going and gets as motivated. And so when I saw it, immediately, I thought, like, he's playing, he's being joking, he's laughing, he's you know, just being playful. He's you know, a little lit maybe off the sinkoro walking out of manti on And so, you know, I didn't put too much weight into it, but I know that it made you a little nervous. And so when he texted and called and obviously wanted to make sure we didn't take things the wrong way, I think it helped you feel a little more at ease and you know, comfortable in the fact that I'm not lying to you about having their approval. And I think, you know, I don't want to talk about you know what he texted me and said verbatim. But I think the at the root of what we talked about was, you know, I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions. He doesn't need to approve who I date or my personal relationships because he's going to love me no matter what. And so you know, I think that is what the takeaway was from the conversation, but of course nobody, nobody sees that, right, they all see the him.
No, I kind of felt like it went everywhere and I was kind of like embarrassed.
Yeah, I mean I don't think that obviously he thought of the timing. His goal has always been to, you know, stay clear of our relationship. I think look at the root of it, obviously is my dad's relationship with your ex Scottie. And so you know, obviously we never talk about that, and I don't think that my dad wanted to comment on that. There's always that narrative, that rumor that I'm dating you in some sort of way to get back at whatever was said. And so I think, you know, if my dad comes out and says yes, he's fueling that narrative of okay whatever. But I think he said no, just in a joking way, knowing you know how Jordan's play around. And so I thought it was funny from the from the jump. But obviously we had to talk about it and kind of work. Yeah, and so, uh, I guess how we found out about it. We were in bed, and obviously my dad called and texted and then teams he dropped the story. Uh, and so you you knew it was going to go viral right away?
No, I didn't. I kind of felt like, oh, okay, no one's going to pick this up because it was like whatever, yeah, but it literally went everywhere, and I was kind of like, I think people started to think that online they were saying that I was lying, that I lied and said, you know, our parents are fine, because I was doing interviews and I was literally saying, like, both of our families are fine. When I would say that, I felt like I didn't embellish that. I was like, they're fine. They want us to be happy. And I would always say that our parents both want us to be happy, and if we make each other happy, then it's great. But I do understand that it's not awkward for us to be together because it's us. But it's probably is awkward for my ex and your dad for sure, because they have they have their own like relationship or whatever it was. I wasn't a part of that. You weren't a part of that exactly, So I feel like for them it probably is word. It probably is word for your dad, you know. And I can't be mad or like I understand yeah, and.
I think, you know, obviously we talked, your sister called you at some point. I feel like everybody called both of us because it was like it was so far. It was like out of left field, you know.
But and I feel like your dad never talks to the press.
That's why I'm blaming the st chloro because you know, I just and that was one of the things that I you know, I talked to him about. I was like, you know, it just the timing was terrible. I feel like obviously with our podcast us doing interviews, I just obviously, you know, I've been on vacation with my dad's side of the family, and you know, we've talked about your and ives. You're my relationship, and so you know, if there was ever any true red flags or calls for pause, you know, I would have heard about it by now, and I haven't. They haven't. You know, obviously, everybody supports in different ways, but I think the main thing is as long as I'm happy, you're happy, they're happy, and you know, that's kind of the root of it all. I texted my brother and my sister because I knew my sister was with my dad, and so I was like man, what the hell, How did how did y'all let this happen? And so my sister was like, oh, I was working. My brother text my dad like, you know, why'd you say that? And so my dad kind of did say, maybe I should have kept quiet, but you know, their adults let them do their own thing, and so it was just good to have my dad reach out to me obviously show his support probably or whatever. But yeah, maybe one day, you know, he'll come in again. We'll see. I think for me it was always funny, and for you it was a little nerve wrecking effort.
Oh my gosh. I was like traumatized. I'm like, oh my god, what are we going to do? And people think I lied?
Yeah, I mean, and that's my thing, is like, you know, because one of the things he also said was like, you don't need my approval, you know, in your personal life, insinuating that that's something that we could say for us. And I just feel like if we came out saying that, then we look defiant and combative and like forget everybody else, you know, we're just going to do our thing. And in reality that wasn't the case. Like we obviously had talked to both of our parents. We had their approval, and so I just think he was making a joke and it got blown out of proportion and taken some not out of context because obviously he said what he said, but I think if you don't know who my dad is at his core, then you know it could be taken the wrong way. But I thought it was hilarious.
I mean, like I said, I don't I feel like that it might be weird for them, it's not weird for us. And I get it, you know, I understand like, yeah, they had they have or had their relationship and has nothing to do with us. He has a right to feel how he feels.
How do you feel right now?
I feel good right now. I feel like we talked it through. I just want to make sure you're in a good place with your family. I don't ever want to be the problem. And like you know, like with you with your parents, like that's not a vibe for sure. I've been in relationships before my parents didn't like the person I was with, and my mom used to before my axe, my mom used to sabotage every relationship.
That's so fun. I can't see her doing that.
Oh no, she's like a sabotage. Really well, anytime I brought a guy home, my mom would be like, oh my god, he walks funny, or he has big ears, and when she would say it, I couldn't get that thought out of my Or like there was a guy that used to eat really horrible and he used to eat with his fingers. Yeah, and she used to say he eats like a baboon, and then that was it. I was like, oh, I could never be with him, like my mom was right.
So I just feel like, you know, my parents want to see me happy, and I feel like I've never been this happy with anyone.
Yeah, that's awesome.
I appreciate that, and so it's good.
I'm happy too. I feel like my dad is always kind of go with the flow, you know, if you're happy, I'm happy. Obviously he supports, you know, all of our personal relationships. But I think my mom she she's obviously supportive, but I feel like she might somewhat be like your mom in terms of finding nit things to nitpick and maybe have you know, issues or concerns with but she'll never like she's not confrontational. She'll have sidebar conversations or pull you to the side one on one, you know what I'm saying. And so I don't think that they've never really been involved in any of my personal relationships, but there's always you know, comments or questions if you know, if there need be.
I kind of like your mama's I love.
She's such a legend. I love her. We're speaking of it. We gotta get her Instagram thing figured out.
I know it's crazy. So Marcus's mom commented on one of our Instagram.
Yeah, she exactly, go ahead, but tell the story.
Your mom.
I like when you tell it because I know you like, like, we both really enjoyed her comment on it, right, Yeah, I'll tell it, okay. And so there was a picture that we posted on Instagram. I think Larca posted on Instagram, and my mom, who is new to Instagram, she's she loves it though, and she left the comment she puts some hearts on one of our posts, and I think Larsa really really loved that, and obviously I did. I'm happy to see my mom supporting us. So when she gets her Instagram back, she'll be all in our in our mentions.
Yeah, I love it, okay, So she would talk about some Hollywood splits. Let's do it, okay, So what do you think about the Kyle Richards and Mauricio breakup after twenty seven years?
Honestly, you know this is it's all new to me, So I think this is more in your wheelhouse. You might have to catch me up to date on some of this.
Well, there's some rumors that she is I don't know if it's true or not, but it's a rumor, okay, that she's allegedly with another woman. Really, I feel like we're seeing that more and more. I feel like it's hard to be with someone for twenty seven years.
So it says they've been separated for a while now, but are still living under the same roof. You think you could live under this?
Well I did?
You did? Huh? It was horrible, right, But talk to me about that.
Well, I feel like your legal team tells you not to leave their home. Yeah, they're like, don't leave the home because then you abandon them home.
You kind of said a precedent, Yeah, exactly, So.
They tell you to stay. But it's kind of dangerous to be in the same home. Really, you're not together, so you're trying to move forward and you're trying to like date other people and go out and do whatever you want to do. But at the same time, there's like boundaries because you are still married to that person, and then in their mind they still view you as your spouse. It's definitely dangerous. So I feel like the legal system needs to change that up a bit.
Yeah, I've never I've never lived with someone, but uh, living with someone want to separate while being separated doesn't sound too fun?
No, I feel like it's horrible. Can you imagine like you're trying to go out and meet new people and at the same time you come home and see the person that you don't want to be with anymore? Right, And I feel like for minutes different, Like you know, we talked about the before. I feel like men can be in a relationship that they're not really happy in and like cheat and do other stuff and like playhouse.
Yeah, I feel like that can go both ways.
No, I feel like women, when they're not happy, they want to move on, they want to move forward. They're not they don't want to stay in a relationship that they're not happy. Guys are more. Guys will stay, they'll stay to the end of time.
But I feel like men make impulsive decisions.
Right, but they don't want to make up their home.
Are strategic and you know, if a woman's gonna leave, she's already got her next plan figured out and all that stuff. Where guys I feel like, just move off of impulse a little bit totally. But it says that they remain amicable as they figure out what's next for them. So obviously wishing them the best.
There's nothing worse than like going through a divorce publicly, because I feel like nobody wins. They both people are going to take like an l right now.
Okay, it says a psychic medium told Kyle years ago that she would never be fulfilled in her marriage. And how do you feel about like mediums?
Obviously, I feel like they say that about anyone. Look at this to two. I can say that about everybody that I meet, Like one out of two people or they're going to get divorced.
You saw a medium though, remember we were on one of your friend's boat. Yes, And I can't remember the advice she gave you. She gave you something.
She said I was going to buy and sell real estate. Oh yeah, I asked, I asked. I tried to ask her about our personal relationship, and she really didn't say anything. She was like, no, you guys are good, but the only thing I see is you were going to buy and sell real estate. And I'm like, I'll take it.
I thought she said something about there being strong men in your life and then you equated it to your children, like your boys.
Oh you're talking about years and years.
Ago, right or something like that.
Oh yeah, so I was when I was on Housewives twelve years ago.
It was it was.
Marisol's mom. Oh really yeah, And they basically said that I'm worried about a man, and I said, why have three boys? I could be worried about my boys? And then so we got into this argument. But I mean, statistically, like one out of two people break up. You know, I feel like it's hard. Anybody can say that I'm not psychic and I can tell you that.
Well. It looks like Kyle and Mauricio also respond On Instagram. They made a post that says, in regards to the news that came out today about us, any claims regarding us divorcing are untrue. So it sounds like maybe they're not getting a divorce.
Once you have like murky water, it's contaminated. Oh really, it is contaminated. You're not going to be able to stay in that relationship, trust me.
Yeah. It says they've had a rough year, they both love and respect each other tremendously. There's no wrongdoing on anyone's part.
Yeah, Okay, there's always wrongdoing them both. So it takes two to tango, but there's always like, you know, if the water's murky, it's it's probably contaminated.
Yeah, And it says although they're in the public eye, that be working through their issues properly. So obviously we wish something the best, but totally it sounds like murky water, and your advice is to stay out of market water. Right.
I don't want to be a murky water. No, but I do feel like, you know, they're saying they're not going to get divorced, but they're going to get divorced.
So do you think that their issues come from, you know, being on reality TV? No?
I know, you know what I do think. I think when you're on reality TV, it just brings light to all your issues. You can't really like sweep things under the rug. And I think a lot of relationships, you know, a lot of people that are together don't really deal with their issues, sure, and they sweep things under the rug and they think like they're never gonna have to deal with it, but the same issues keep arising and then at some point, like you have to address them, but it takes longer. And I think when you're on reality TV, so many people see your issues. I feel so when I was single a couple of years ago, when I was shooting Housewives, they kept saying, like, you know, what's going on with your personal life? What's going on with your personal life? And I felt like I wasn't with anyone that I wanted to put on the show with me, And like show because it is a situation where like if you don't feel solid for sure, well, if you don't feel solid, I think it's like a situation where you know people will see it, you'll see it, and then you'll just feel stupid, you know. So don't put anyone on a show that you're not one hundred percent solid with. I feel that that's at Murky Water conversation.
Are we worried that reality TV might damage our relationship?
No, I feel like we're on this journey and let it be what it's going to be. I feel like we're riding this wave.
Yeah. I mean, look, I feel like one the show you're on is Housewives. It's not necessarily there's not much required of me, I feel like in terms of being on the show. So I feel like it's great for you.
I love it. I think it's fun. I think it's fun to be around other women. I think it's fun to be able to show the women that you can make a comeback after a breakup or a business loss or whatever it is. I think it's like powerful to have other women look up to you and see that you've made it when so many people are in situations where they feel like they don't have an out or like, you know, I'm not going to be able to meet a man, or I'm not going to be able to start a business after thirty, or like things like that that. I think a lot of people, you know, it stops their motivation, right, And I think it gives people motivation to have fun and live your boss life and you know, do you want to do Yeah?
No, I feel that While we're talking about your show and the Housewives, our next topic is apparently about Lisa in her situation. You were gracious enough to let me handle talking to my dad's scenario, and obviously, with Lisa being your best friend, I'm gonna let you steer the boat on this one.
I think they're getting close to what just settling their divorce. I feel like, you know, I try to give her the best advice I could based on my personal experience, and I feel like it's really hard to fight a prenup.
Yeah, and you're great advice too, by the way.
Thank you. I feel like it's like hard to fight a prenup. There there's a reason why a prenup exists. It's to protect both parties. Yeah, you know, it's better to like figure things out amicably and like move forward and keep it cool on both sides.
Is your outlook on it? Basically, if you sign the prenum, you agree to what you agreed to. Don't ask me to amend anything.
Oh no, no, we can amend some things. No, I'm not saying.
That I wanted to get you on record with that, like.
Oh, oh, you're trying to figure out us.
I'm not necessarily saying that I just wanted to ask you the question.
Yeah. No, I think that there's like happy medium. There's like a happy like place for both people where they.
Feel contracts, contracts, you know, well.
This is not the NBA, by the wayness is not the NBA contracts.
If you sign, you sign right.
Yeah, But like, I feel like circumstances change. I think when you've been with life happens when you put a lot of energy and love into your family and you've helped your spouse be the best version of themselves and you know, put a lot of love into them and made them be better.
How I do you Yeah, okay, I feel that my dad has always said, at least when he was dealing with his NBA contracts, that like, once the contract is negotiated and signed, even with like Jordan Brand, like, it's signed, once you sign on the data line, it's signed. So don't ask for more money, don't come back for you know, an extension.
You know, that's that's a that's a very business way. But I think when you're sleeping with someone and you've made children with them, another whole other human I think there's like a bit different, you know what I mean, It's not the same rules as like a person that you were dealing with business wise, do you know what I mean.
Yeah, I feel that. I feel that, but I.
Definitely feel like it's better to work things out without, you know, going to try and stuff. And it's kind of scary for both people when you go to trial because you have one judge that determines your future. You can go in and this judge can have a bad day or whatever it is, and not like you period. So I'm kind of happy that, like Lisa and Lennie are kind of, you know, put this behind them, and I think they're going to get along better once they're divorced.
Yeah. It says that page six reached out to Lenny for comment, and he says, quote, if I did have a comment, you would be the last to know, despite the fact that he actually told us first that he was divorcing Lisa. How do you feel about that? He's a character that's kind of funny though.
Yeah, he's funny.
How is Lisa doing.
She's good. I feel like she's happy. I'm glad she's moving forward.
You know.
I tried to give her the best advice possible, like make peace with him, you have kids with him, you're gonna have to. I gave her all the advice that my dad and mom gave me when I was going through my situation. They were like, LARSA, just don't don't listen to your lawyers because I feel like a lot of times lawyers just want to fight and battle this whole situation. Yeah, And when I got divorced, I had to sign like a malpractice thing basically saying that I wasn't going to come back and sue my lawyers because I didn't take what was like what was supposed to be mine.
Yeah, but you're saying you kind of conceded on some things just because you want to feel like.
I kind of felt like I wanted to be in a good place with him m hm, with my kids. I didn't want to have it go on as long as it went on. Yeah, And so for us, I felt like, you know, I didn't want him to feel like I was taking advantage of the situation.
So it worked out for everyone. Everyone was happy. When at the end of the day, I feel that, you know, lawyers like to fight.
I mean, that's what they get paid to do, I know, And I just.
I feel like it's just not it's not good for your energy and like your soul, because I feel like at some point, you know, I was talking to Lisa about this. I know so many women that have gone through a divorce and why you're going through a divorce you're like in fight mode.
Yeah, for sure.
It puts you in like a negative state of mind. So you want to fight with everyone around you because you're just in that mode, and it's just good to like free yourself with that, you know, get rid of all that toxic energy.
Yeah. I'm all about positive energy and good vibes. So right now, I feel that how much of the divorce drama would play on on the new season on the show. Obviously I know the answer to.
That, but a lot of it? Probably a lot of it, Yeah, I don't know. I think so because it's it's part of our life, and I feel like when the cameras are rolling, you really get to see day to day of like what we're going through, what we're dealing with every day.
Yeah, yeah, okay, should we have a block party?
Yeah, you're invited to our block party.
I feel like we should call it like the Highland Park block party.
Yeah, I think just block party. Yeah, I feel like it's a block party. But then you know, yeah, that's how we segue into it is you're invited to our block party.
Totally. I love inviting people to our block party. Okay, So I like that he just looks so regular, but we all know he's not. Is that a compliment or I kind of feel like it's because you're like understated. Yeah, like that's your vibe.
I'm very I think you know, the trending term is quiet luxury. I'm very quiet luxury. I'm like if you know, you.
Know vibes, you know exactly. So I kind of love that about you, though, it's kind of a turn on.
Thank you, baby, I appreciate it. Yeah, we can think one needed for that.
My mom, you know, she don't.
She raised me right exactly, and all of my siblings.
I feel like you guys are all like that definitely like low key.
Yeah. So whoever left that comment, I guess we're blocking you, but I appreciate it. Thank you. Uh. The next one says Marcus is about to get taken out of the will.
If you got to answer that one, yeah, I care for you.
Obviously, if I was going to be taken out of the will, there would have been conversations and discussions about that. We haven't had those that's not, you know, legit. So we're blocking this person.
Yeah, what's the point you're talking about.
Yeah, I'm not getting taken out of will.
No, why would you.
We got a we got a long thing to steward ahead of us, my siblings and I totally all right. And so that is a wrap. Thank you for listening. Make sure you follow us on Instagram at Separation Underscore Anxiety Underscore Podcast. Until next time, Peace, love.
You guys, to you soon. Bye,