Head Hunters and Cop Raids | Calen Morris

Published Oct 20, 2024, 2:00 PM

Calen Morris is a 501 deportee and patched member of one of New Zealand’s most notorious motorcycle clubs - The Head Hunters. Calen shares his troubled past with crime and drug abuse, what it was like being deported to New Zealand and how even after leaving a life of crime, he still manages to draw police attention

Approche Production.

Welcome to Secrets of the Underworld. I am Neil the Muscle comments and in this episode, I speak with Kaylen Morris, a member of New Zealand's most notorious motorbike club, the Headhunters.

I said, predict the boys by particular Father Brown and the full droppers name. I had a fucking pretty smile there, bro, I've always got a weak taps the footage of me pulling down my fucking pts to fucking zog and kick hands in the aid. That's why I was exciting for you. That's why I enjoyed it, and that's why I started to it years about nine o'clock that morning, That's when I topped the floor. Just just cry it.

Let's start off, because you know, as I said, I want to get into the nittigree of you. How you got to get over to New Zealand so and you're you were actually from here anyway, So tell me about growing up, schooling and your fucking misbehavior as a teenager, because I fucking know you're.

Where little no man I am. I was born and raised here yea often yeah, Mount Albert h went to boarding school do with college. There was a bit of pedophilia ship happening over there with the father, the priest father Brown, you know, rock spoiler dog, but he's a bad gun.

And then I got expelled from there because I had.

A voice, you know. So yeah, he is telling us, oh, how about your taste your come? No no, no, no, we don't taste out come? You know?

Really was that it was that bad?

That's fucking bad? How old?

How old were you when that was happening?

Twelve twelve twelve thursy Yeah, fuck.

So, but back then, but back then, no one probably would believe if you even told them anyway, would.

They No, nobody did.

But there was two tutors to tutors that you know, I kind of exposed it all and whatnot, and everybody tried to talk. But the school's so fucking rich it just paid off all the families.

You know, yeah, to shut their mouths.

Yeah, shut your mouth, shut your mouth.

Money. What did he just did he did he carry on? Or did it? Was he kicked out from what he was doing?

He carried on? I think he just got sentence, but and he just got sentence for like three years. But straight up, I think he got old of a few of them. Yeah, yeah, my mates too. I was feeling about one that and we used to pick on him. He used to just sit down on the fucking you know, on the bench outside of classroom, and I used to walk past, and I'd be like, why are you so sad? Why are so sad all the time? And that kind of cut me up a little bit, you know, because yeah, it come me up. So when that happened, like when I found out, just put a spray can and my fucking backpack, jumped on a prilier hours for our ref and then shot into the city and I spray painted the sandstone the big fucking fence right outside the school. If you want to charge me for it, charge me. I don't give a fuck. But I said, protect the boys way, protecting father Brown, and the full dropper's name his name Suppression.

And Ship.

And he drives nitching. Fucking mate. Yeah, so that happens, and then yeah, I clearly got kicked out and then fucking mate, my just my life just went to ship over here. I think it was about maybe ninety nine two thousand and my family was involved in the crack game, pe game cooking, Crystal myth and Finnamon proper crystal myth and finnamine. So you know, popping the suit of Cilia Fridrian pills and bottles of cough mixture twenty dollars you sell it so as a brave for a hundred bucks. So that was a good little earth for us kids. But it terrorized my family, tore my family apart. And then that's when I found myself in Australia. My mum sent me away from here because my life here was little, was going downhill, and nobody really knew the side effects of crystal meth. And for the mean, you know, like over here, like smoking it and the fucking you know to see three did you do at that age?

Did you get to see what it was doing to people?

Or you just no, No, that's what I mean. You didn't know. Nobody knew, nobody knew the aftermath, nobody knew that, nobody knew the side effects, nobody knew what was coming. You know, you can slowly see it growing, like yeah, me and my cousin will fucking sell a point back just the point that was one hundred dollars back then, okay, one point one hundred bucks. Watching going to the puddle, all right, it's pretty wet here going to the puddle. But I've been by the boom. Get the bullsh fucking draw some back, have a whack, right, and then come back, try and give us back the point and give us money back. Yeah. Yeah, So that's when I went to Australia and I found myself in well Bexley, Mortdale, Percival and then scaled into carrying bar and Granolla. So blue lion, it was a blue lion.

Taga. What did you go about yourself?


Wow, and what did you know anyone here?

My dad, my birth father's over there, he's still there now. Yeah. And I've got siblings, one brother of two sisters. But what happened is I moved over there in Sydney and then the next year they went and took off to Brisbane. But I don't want to go to Brisbane because I had a cousin and I had some mates in Southern.

So you have already got your foot in it the like, and you're comfortable.

Just from growing up, just coming back and fourth since I was a little kid, maybe about I think first trip over there was maybe when I was four years of age. I think. So every Christmas I'll go over there and build relationships.

How did you find work in fucking all that kind of ship? Did you work away?

Na? Well, I kind of was in the game. I was familiar with, you know, those sides of traits, so I did. I was able to utilize that, and I did eventually utilize that. Like you're saying in the last interview with you know, Tony, he was working on the doors and you know, and the same with a few other lads, you know, Tea too, and you're in and you know, fucking Tantra and a few other fucking yeah. So I think I just yeah, so I got into the still fixing, the still fixing games, so the hard jacket there, and that didn't really work out with me too much because I did like the party scene. You know, we're still doing the day clubs and whatnot. A you know, two open up on Monday, little creature probably, you know.

And but you were the fact, you're the fact that it was easy money though, wouldn't you like it.

Was in Australia? Oh fuck you? Yeah yeah it was.

But with the crack sitting over here with my family was quite spoiled.

We always had, we always had money was money off you know, We lived pretty well here in that short amount of time, and the you know crack pen PM when it started, and it was you know when it boomed off over here.

Yeah, I ended up helping somebody or a crew over there. Someone mixed up a bad batch and then I utilized that. I utilized that, and then I got into somewhere else to get locked after to the point I was gonna ecstasy bills for four dollars each and that's what made me kind of see some different kind of lights, especially in the city, you know, ranging from sixty dollars to ninety dollars a pill.

And back then the party scene was fucking huge.

Back then, it was massive, brother, it was massive huge.

Like I said, fuck Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.

During the day, it just never stopped. You know, you didn't sleep.

And once you got your foot in the door with it, like a certain club or a dormant, and.

It's exactly you got the back door. The fucking back happened a few times and the white doves, the fucking cops just trampled on all of them and only just ticked them up a whole on a fucking powder bra The hell pick that one.

But you know, but you know, back then, because the drug seem was so big, did it? Were you one of the Were you one of these persons because I've spoken to a few people before when they've got into this kind of scene where you want to make money from it or did you find that you partied on it as well as getting rid of it? Mate?

I was fucking I was. I was homeless for like two years over there, you know, by choice, And it was probably because of all that scenery and ship like that, you know, being across and playing with knives and guns and ship like that just wasn't that, you know, it really wasn't.

Ok, what was your what was your first charges when you came over here and you started to get into the seat.

I probably still got it in the fucking boxing. I think I've still got it. It's in pages long. I I've got every every bad charge you can things?

Really, but what have you got your fucking charges in a Coles bag? Yeah?

But the thing is like, say, we're like young offenders over there. Yeah, the court system over in Australia, we got looked after pretty well because the court system knew us, you know what I mean? And then you do your pre census report and all that sort of ship and it just lines up. But there's a timeline. So if you're like a troubled youth, they usually take a lenient sentence on you. So I got quite lucky with everything that I that I went through. I did, you know, like starting off of community service and then going into doing weekend attention for Loomas and then first leg four years and another leg for two and a half years over there and.

What each were you when you first went inside twenty one twenty one?

Yeah, experience there was the two weeks in Surrey Hills.

I mean, take you to see the sun some.

Cico taking a ship in the corner because they can't hold a student and they coming down and whatnot flogging.

How did that feel? How did that feel that? Or you went? You went? They didn't phase it? No lot.

Yeah, I had nothing but nothing going for me. I had no direction of no no goals, no nothing but nothing at all. I just didn't give a fuck.

Does that scare you now when you think about that?

Yeah? It does.

What you could what you could have done, and what you could have where you could be ended up?

You know what I mean absolutely, but I wouldn't be where I am today, and I'm quite happy to an extent. I don't like getting rated fucking last week and you know, getting on my ship taken off me as that's not cool. But I'm happy. I'm happy for what I've gone through. I can't regret anything. I'm currently holding any remorse for anything that I did because I kind of I had to do it, maybe not necessarily knocking out two bounces and two two three?

Oh did that? Where did that happen?

That was a canala? Two bounces? There?

I ended up?

Yeah, I got two and a half years for that.

What was that over? Just altercation, just getting.

What mistaken identity? One of them put me in the headlocked the other and clock me from the side. They dragged me up, dragged me out, and then I did what I had to do, took off my pants and dealt with him and I ended up. Yeah, I got done for robbery right because I told him to take his battery out of his phone so he couldn't call the cops. Because I bailed him up in the alleyway and he left the battery behind. So I got done for fucking phone battery. Yeah, yeah, yeah, fucking yeah, it was.

Ship what so when you when how deep did you go into the drug scene? How how deep were you in it when you started selling in Sydney?

Uh, smoking crack cocaine, that's the beauty smoking heroin? Yeah?

Was that just through depression or was that through because you were just in that scene.

Just in the Yeah, just in the sae. Well we'll party animals in the southern Yeah, you know, like well fucking I think one time was a holding, you know, like a picture frame of a holding. There's a holding the picture frame. Yeah, there's a line of co caine going from one corner to another.

That's a big line there.

Yeah. Yeah, cooking for your brain.

Yeah, but that's what well, that's what I mean because like when I asked you before about your you're you know, you're selling it where you where you taking it more than making money on it, you know what I mean?

I was just having fun. Yeah, yeah, I was just awful of was just for the boys, for the lads. Yeah, a whole lot of lads from the city, you know, through HR Boys, two ten boys, you know, for full fucking city urches. It was you know, that's that's that was us painting some fucking trains.

Just yeah, how did you get yourself out of that?


Yeah, I understand, yeah, and that's that's what I was going to talk to you. But but what what I'm saying is, was there a point where you just turned around and gone, I'm getting a bit out of bandy it? Or you just didn't know?

No, no, no no, with all.

You boys like that, we're all of you like in that kind of situation.

Yes, and there's only two alive all the risk.

The category of mates that I had, they were pretty extreme, pretty extreme. They either did or they're fucking they're still kicking along a bit of family men. But there's only Yeah, there's only a handful of that's I still talk to you from that era.

Did you ever step on anyone's tost so in the drugs like it, in the areas where you didn't give a ship.

I had a fucking pretty smile there, bro, I always got to I was you know, yeah, I think I just had a young face. You know, I had a good smile. I was good with people, bro, I was very good with people. Yeah, So now I never really stood on told toes. There was one scenario, you know, I think the bouncer has got a little bit funny because I made too much money. I was pulling fucking stacks out of my pockets. So there's money flying everywhere while I'm sitting on the lounge and I think they tried to gang me. So I ran into foot locker, got changed. Oh yeah, I was frazzled and whatnot. But I know I could see the plate, bro I could see the plate and kind of like took a little bit of a step back. But an altercation, yeah, did happen in the cross And we stayed away from a long for a long time.

So before you got deported, how bad was it getting in the fact of you know, were you getting were you growing as a dealer or you just were staying at that level where you're just going, you know what, we're happy we're doing.

I was still I was still young. I was still young, so I wasn't really growing as a dealer. I was growing and now and now like commune because our community was the sutherland Shire so we had all the like you know, the Aussie lads, the surfers and you know, just that type of crowd, not so much you know, like a city crowd sort of thing, and there was big money. There's some rich lad there's some rich boys in the shire. The money money was always there.

And the show is very tight. The tight community.

It is tight. It is very very tight.

Tell me about when you were going to get deported.

Yeah that was ship.

How did that come up? How did they come across?

First time? I passed the character's test. I strongly believe that it was.

It was.

It all had to do with the with all the refugees coming in on the boats. Back then, there was like mine boats coming in the day. You know, there's a lot of people, one hundred people on the boat. That was a day back then.

So I I personally think that they put that rule in just to think, just to get rid of the refugees because they had to take them in. But then when that rule wasn't place, they could send them back to the old country. That's how That's how I feel. That's how what I've seen, you know.

But what your charges you're on When you got deporter from there betting up the bouncers, that was the one. So that's that's the one that you got deporter on. Yeah, yeah, yeah, God.

I still know the fucking names. I won't drop them. No, but if you're watching.

Where they you don't know where they're working, now, will you know?

At the same time, it's kind of like fun you guys provoked.

Yeah, well there's no there was no footage, no camera footage from that front.

Yeah, the tips of footage of me pulling down my fucking pants, the fucking kick cunts in the head.

These stars, how did so how did they feel when you knowing that you were you were getting deported and going back?

He was just down the whole atmosphere and there was just fucking ship. There's a there was one out there. He has been he's been there for seven years, but seven years. He's from Papua New Guinea, his own country. Doesn't want to wow. Yeah, but you know he I think he killed him, raped and stuff like that.

At the same time, it's like, fuck seven years.


A lot of people just tried to hold on because they thought that they could beat the process, but they just nobody. Nobody could beat it.

How long were you on the how long were you waiting to get the port.

For Well, my cousin was murdered, so I was trying to hold on as long as I could. My cousin was murdered, and then I just ended up heading the first person that I could see to get myself on the fucking plane out of there.

Yeah, I was gonna bring I was gonna I was going to bring up about your cousin, Connor. And And how how was that like waiting and knowing that you know what happened to your cousin, Like I'm trying to think when you know, I people have passed away and in England and I can't go and see them, and knowing that you're in a place where you you know, you've got no one around but visitors down again, what was going through your mind too at that point when you got the news about your cousin.

I believe I've gone through a lot of shit.

I think I was quite stable, to be honest, to be quite fair, I was quite levelheaded, and I think I was just trying to be strong for my family when they actually did happen. There was a lot twenty four hours and then I think minor Yeah, it was about nine o'clock that morning. That's when I dropped to the floor and just just crying. Yeah, and then I got a hold of a mate that used to bring us in packages in prison. And then yeah, I hadn't spoken to her for a while and I just got ahold of her and I asked her to bring me in some annex a fucking cope. Yeah. After that, I didn't know what to do, but came here. The first night I stayed here, I got drunk with my family here at the at a fight club, yeah, at a fight club, at a gym well like here, and my headhunter's clubhouse. Yeah. And I slept next to his body and carried his body the next The next morning, my first morning in New Zealand, was carrying my cousin's body into the hearth. So it was a bit of a shock to myself, but a shock to my family. I was down and out, my family were down and out, and I really didn't know what to do. So then, how is this after all that crystal meth shit and all that sort of stuff. I never smoked it, even in Australia. I didn't really smoke it. A few times, you know, rich boys and port aking in some boat shed a couple of times there, because that was about it. But I didn't like it just because of what it did to your family. And then Yeah, I just started dabbling into that because the scene over here was into that stuff. You know what I mean. There's hardly any coke with the coke it's a bit expensive. But yeah, well ten years ago is that way?

Is that? When you is that when you joined the Headhunters when you came back.

Eight years I think, yeah, eight years ago?

Yeah, basic, Did you ever think you go down that path to join it an outlaw gang like that? Because you've always been independence to me, but you've been independent with Yeah.

I had the rebels hit me up and they're still active now. I had commer has hit me up. It's still active now. Been to the Black Uman's clubhouse and and sitting here, you know, just I've done all that ship right, but I knew where my family is from. And after the scene my scenery here I liked. I like that scenery sort of thing. Yeah I didn't. Yeah. I was training at the fucking fitness first with the president and if he's watching, you remember the story. And I was doing the fifty keys like dumb bells, and he goes, oh, I won't do those, I'll do the twiny And I looked down and then I go, well, look you're the president. Well, yeah, they tried to get me on just because I was annoyed up. Yeah, yeah, and I robbed a few of his mates, had a few meetings with him. Just give us roll, lift back, yeah, give roll, send him on his way, and he got he got the boot after that. But yeah, I'm a respectful dude.


If I'm righteous, I'm righteous.

And that guy fucked up with me and my missus, so he tried to do the old lean so I'll lean them back real good.

But yeah, but no, but you're you're you're happy at the heads on you mate.

It's fucking different over here. The crew over here is like family orientated hard, you know what I mean. We've got a family day coming up soon, so we've got bounty castles and food and a game of crash where you like get to take out your differences on your brothers, you know, give them a good clash. I break my shoulder last fucking crash game. But yeah, you go, hundies, you know, you have fucking fun. It's like a jail hard, bloody good game with scrag, you know, like, yeah, crash game broth fucking it's enjoyable. But I mean, yeah, there's a bad motherfuckers and our crew. There's been motherfuckers everywhere around here. But at the same time, this club really taught me how to be a gentleman. This club actually taught me how to be a maid man.

What happened with the because I looked up to get some info and I've seen that you you're you're on gun charges for hidden loading guns underneath your floorboards. Yeah, how the fuck did they know that you had fucking under your floorboards, whether.

As a drug dog, the money dog, the gun.

Dog dog at my fucking house, the hell Yeah, running down the side of my house, lived in the back of a bush. I should have hit me. Guns in the bush, Go on the bush. You might find a couple because we lost them taking cowboat. They go looking in the bush.

What's your outgo on on on this? This is what I want to ask someone. So when you get raided by the gang squad, they come in and they just fucking trash your place, don't give a fuck about what you've got, even if they're you know, they're just they're doing it because infiliation, or they're doing it because you know, fucking whatever they are, and they did they fuck your whole place up. Leave it trashed. They're not going to pay for it. What's your fucking what's what's your thing on that?

Stand your ground, Brian, Just stand your ground.

You know it is a good one for you. I got I got a compute. I just you know, I could do some lives and that. So they took my computer.

So as soon as I took it, when I got bail, you go and buy another computer, you know what I mean. You don't live in when don't let them stop with you what you're doing.

But do you think, but do you think they should be like that should be stopped like they haven't got the right really to fucking trust your place, you know what I mean? And make even if you've got a partner there and they kind of like, you know, make fun of your partner going through a private things and all like that, you know what I mean, humiliating, humiliating you, you know what I mean.

Yeah, yeah, it's pretty disturbing. I mean I don't enjoy it at all.

Especially if you've got kids there too, and they don't give a fuck about like letting the kids see what's going on.

And that's probably probably where I'm a little bit selfish with things with my kids. Yeah, my son is quite intelligent, but he also does have like a helping aid at school just because he has like little outbursts and whatnot. Knows a good one too my life.

But I've seen though that the police harassment on you is pretty pretty massive at the moment.

It's massive, probably, Yeah, I would have to be fucking.

The gender bit man. The number one target, the number one target.

Yeah, why do you think that is?

I give them the ammo you do, and sometimes you get a little bit dirty and a little bit dark, and you actually can't do anything, you know.

What I mean.

But you can't do like little teaky little things like make that sign over there. All right, I had no money. I didn't even have a dollar, bro, I said, I didn't have a dollar. I went to borrow two thousand dollars, right, I borrowed two thousand dollars after I just got bailed, and I made those signs. So when I made those signs, you know, it's very hard. This place is very very small, yeah, And I just stay pled them up in a few places. So you know, when you come outside and you drink a coffee, you're like, oh interesting, Yeah, about two weeks later, I got raided again. Nice science, mister Morris.

So's it's more about the way your your you kind of pushing their buttons.

I pushed it, but yeah, yeah, and the reason why is because I know what I've done and I know what I'm doing.

It's got to a point and got to a stage.

Okay, we've got I've got cool friends.

Yeah I can't.

I can't help it. We've got cool friends, you know what I mean. But what my friend's doing is what he's doing. Just because he's doing something doesn't mean that I'm doing it. You know, I can't remember the last time I even sold the fucking tinny, Like, straight up, I've been serious with you. I've been out of that ship for a long time. I had to just fucking just sacrifice, you know, my family for a better living. And that's when I just got stuck into a business and there's just just a valuable elivated from there. I don't know how I did it. I just fucking just stuck to it. Bro eleven, twelve o'clock at night. I've got a good hard work ethic and I have no offense to the kiwi's over here, but their work ethic over here is pretty shocking and that's pretty appalling.

Do you think it's I think you think you've seen that your family and your and your kids suffer from the police harassments and things that you're you've been involved in in the past.

Absolutely. Yeah, yeah, And that's where I'm selfish. That's what I'm selfish.


I do have a bit of I just sometimes I just can't let it go because I just want to win the fight, bro, you know what I mean, that is all it is. If you know, like fuck, I've got like three trials coming up. I just beat one last week. I got raided on the day of my trial, just so they can disturb me and take all my phones and shit, you know what I meant.

Just take The reason why I've got so many phones is because every time they take one, I replace it was another one.

That one.

The thing is what they've done over here is they've changed the It's quite similar to Australia with the club things. So they've just put that patch band in and that'll be that'll be active on the twenty first of November. Okay. They put a lot of effort into this and Colebalt as their task force that like wrapped her over there, and these guys their motto is to be disruptive, and that's what they're good at. They've really got to being disruptive. They don't give a fuck. They get away with everything. No one's held accountable for their actions or got six hundred dollars broken chairs over here because they climb me up in my roof, like there's nothing in my roof, but there's been the whole hour up there. You've got the female officers making small remarks, you know, with my partner in the back, you know how many dead bodies we're going to find back here? You know, like come on, bro, like she's going through enough time, you know how hard enough time as it is, and you want to fucking try and be finding and bring some light to the situation. But you know she doesn't know that she could hear her. I've got mother, I got these motherfucker's tattooed on me. There's me running the can over and for my fucking Harley.

Yes there.

Oh fuck, it's just you know they just this happens to start happening about three years ago to me, and it was, yeah, clearly because the firearms, but and my cal mates. But you know what I mean, Like I had already established a business and I just stuck to that and I just gave it a you know, one hundred. I just had to.

But do you think it Do you think it's more you or do you think it's it's the club? Or do you think it's it's the club?

You got people saying to you that you respect, saying stay out of jail. That means a lot to me, coming from somebody that I respect. I couldn't even fuck about what anyone has to say or what kind of fucking advice you have for me. I'm not gonna make it. But if I respect you, and I yeah, I just just listen.

How do you reckon? How do you reckon?


Your family would react if touch would nothing happens, But what just say? What you know, something happens and you go back inside. How do you think they would I.

Don't think they would. No, they wouldn't cope. That's why I'm doing everything I can just to stay up. And that's probably why you know, now I do get raided. There are no guns on the floorboards.

They are the neighbors, the fucking Davids now next door go through the fucking.

Floorboards already in the back of the pennywagon and these dumping over the neighbors fence. I don't know. I don't think they can.

If you got any regrets, yeah, I wish.

I've never cheated on my Missus's probably only regret I have.

That's your biggest regret out of everything you've done in your life.

Yeah, I've got feelings, but if you want to fuck me, I don't have feelings. I suppose I've managed a lot of my emotions and and tuned a lot, you know, like being in like you know, customer service and holding a legitimate business. You learn these others, you know. That's why I was exciting for me. That's why I enjoyed it, and that's why I stuck to it because it was exciting or something new, you know what I mean, being thirty five and you only just figured it out and straight up.

Yeah, what's what's what's the next thing for you? Then? Like I know that, I know you're saying you've got your court case and like that, but what's now now? You seem like you've you're you seem more mature now from the last time I spoke to you, all.

Right, yeah real I was when I spoke to you. Yeah, like to me.

But when we spoke, you are pushing it. You were like, you're really on a bus to push people's fucking you know, to the edge. But now now I've seen a different side of you. And this is definitely a different side of you. Now I reckon that you've got a goal. You must have a goal.

Now I've got heaps of goals. Yeah, other heaps of goals. I've got two registered businesses that I want to pursue in as important vehicles from the States. You know. It's been a bit of a process. Got a mate over there and we've done a business here. He came over to the business and he's over there, so he'll be the finder and the gatherer and the hunter and we'll bring it over here and hopefully we can do something with it. So doing that and then hopefully that can, yeah, bring up some funds so I can get into the property.

Do you think you think when when the when the cops over there get wind of you doing a new busines, they just go, fuck, let's just sucking. Let's just shut him down.

Yeah, absolutely hard help had hell fuck you, bro, They just they just love it. That's like dark I said, it's being disruptive. They're going to being disruptive. So they're like they'll just pick on anything. And what they picked on me for a long time wasn't be fucking driving. I'm getting done right. I'm going to trial for driving our license on a fucking electric scooter. Bar.

You know what.

It's so funny because when you told me before that you got done for robbery, and I'm think and I'm waiting for the cliff hanger, and it's like a mobile fucking battery.

All my worst crimes have gone away with. I don't get away with I'll take it now.

You're doing it for a non licensecooter.

You've made a five done something. If I'm doing something fucking wrong, I'm pretty sure I won't be carrying on the way that I carry on. Just leave me alone, don't give me the fucking ammo, you know what I mean. And then I've got the massive I've got a I've got a big following over here. Shout out to all my fans. You know, they they fucking backed me one hundred and ten percent. It's really cool, man. They they It's kind of like I'm taking a fight for them too some sense, you know, because what they're doing now is with the police and this whole fucking public band patch band. Bro, I just went up north. I've just seen a whole crew of black Powers and like four different scenarios and every single one of the boys had the patches on.

You know what I mean.

So I just count on probably about twenty of them. So how is like two.

Town cops going to patrol twenty big motherfuckers, you know what I mean? Like, come on, bro, Like good luck, But what's gonna happen? As they'll take the photo, Yeah, raid the house, torment and distrapped the whole fucking family. And then that's just this is just the leeway just to get to other places, like for example, you're Joe blows and down there. That's just mate. You can see it coming. And yeah, my cousin said, that really got you guys got something over there with assets and whatnot coming through AOT or some AOT. Maybe I'm not too sure I really looked. Yeah, everything that's happening over there is coming over here on the twenty first of November, and it's gonna be a fucking refreshed. I reckon, but I just.

Cops give you guys like such a hard time. Yet there's fucking people out there, like pedophiles and fucking who are doing all this ship and their houses don't get raided. They're how fucking you know what I mean. They want their past, fucking kids and ship like that, and.

Yeah, exactly, it's real disturbing. And that's the thing that they're putting all this time and effort into a gang squad. The government gave them five hundred and sixty five million dollars for one year as a trial run, and all that could come up with was like traffic fines, you know what I mean, And that's what they do. They just try and get the money back, but it doesn't. I've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of these kinds of money, Like all the taxpayers, all your taxpayers, I've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of their money. Helicopter, the whole Calvin gun got scars from them and everything. Scars on my forehead. Fuck made these guys will just Yeah, they're pretty fucking ugly. One of them kicked my fresh bull dog my fresh bulldog goes flying. I said, you kick my fucking dog.

So I'm already handcuffed, yeah, really handcuffed, and.

The bag pull sort of pull my arms up. One pushed my head down, the other one coming from the side of the I was like, you fucking love leading everywhere. Go into the holding cells, piss all over the floor, make a fucking mess, put my fucking hand and the fucking toilet with some toilet paper because it's only toilet paper in there.

Shovel on the cameras.

When the screws come to the fucking door, take my shirt off and put the fucking fisty cuffs up. And I yelled at them, let's get some proper charges.


Yeah, that's how shocking it is.

They can't even getting on a proper charge, like getting bailed the next day, you know what I mean. It's disturbing, fucking help and they couldn't get me for anything this time.

And I try to have a go at my fucking medical marijuana.

Where's your script? Where's your script? Her hous in the cupboard? See how mate? You know you're just gotta be on point, You just gotta have you just gotta be smart. If you're gonna do something, you just gotta do it right. If you're gonna do it door, well.

You are totally a different person to the person I spoke to a couple of years. It would be two years, That wouldn't it two years? Yeah?

And I would have to I would have to put that on my daughter.

As soon as I had my daughter. I had every single one of more mates, my brothers, everybody is telling me, as soon as you have your daughter, it's going to change it. It ain't going to change meaning me, you know what I mean. And then all of a sudden, I'm like, what the fucking fuckery, mate, what the hell is this? So beautiful?

Just just beautiful, just change my fucking world.

Just tipped me upside down to the to the point I stopped using coke, you know what I mean. Like, of course I still like to have a fucking bump here and there and whatnot, but I can't be dabbling into that shit and then coming home after a bender or whatnot, are looking at.

My daughter's going to be.

Like nah, time to change it up. And honestly, she really changed me up.

Well, you know what, you know what, I'm glad we redid this interview because considering like that, the other one, I'll give it. The other interview that we did was fucking insane.

It was it was, it was insane.

But the thing is this one is totally different and it's shown. I think it will. It will show not just me, but it's shown everybody. Now, the real you, thanks B. And that's that's what people need to see, the real you.

Yeah, it's taken, has taken a messive process. Yeah, I'll still yell out in that sense, you know what I mean, Like you're at a fully game and whatnot. But I mean, like that's just let's just let's just come with the territory. You know, you can't stop. We can't stop there. No, that's a game.

Secrets of the Underworld

Behind every king stands a loyal soldier tasked with keeping order and making sure that the king sta 
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