In the arena tonight: Steve Friend, FBI Whistleblower & Best-selling author of "True Blue.
Tonight on Battleground LIVE:
Trump’s shot across the bow
Pray for Daniel Penny
Media is (FINALLY) mocking Joe Biden’s hypocrisy
Why Kash is the man to run the FBI
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Save America with your host Sean Parnell.
Good evening, America, Welcome to Battleground Live. This is the show where we kick ass and take names in lockhorns with the radical left. We never quit, we never surrender. From sea to Shining Sea and everybody in between. Welcome Patriots on this glorious Tuesday. You know who we have on deck today? We have a great American patriot named Steve Friend, former FBI agent whistleblower. He's a best selling author of a book called True Blue. He's on deck a little bit later in the show. I'm super psyched to have him. He's a first time guest. He's a first timer here on Battleground Live, and it is an honor to have him. Folks in the live chat, I want you to give him a warm welcome when he comes on. Support everything that this guy does because he's a great American patriot. Folks, I've got to tell you so much going on today, and also, yeah, it's a tough time to do a show many of you all. Just a couple of personal anecdotes before we get into things. I saw, Yeah, I Am. It's been a crazy, crazy time obviously with Thanksgiving and Christmas. That makes it crazy. Right now, it looks like a Christmas bomb went off in my house and no I know, Commander Melanie is listening. That does not meet in the house is messy. It's not. But we're unpacking all of our Christmas stuff and it's everywhere, so it's out, but the decorations are not up. We also have the elves on the shelves out, which causes a little bit of consternation in this family because I love the elves. Commander Melanie does not. She sees the elves as like a weird Christmas Big Brother type things where she does not want the elves flying back to Santa and telling Santa about the kids. Melanie takes her privacy very, very very seriously, So Thanksgiving, Christmas shopping for five kids makes things a little bit crazy. I'm sure you all understand. And then with Emma, my middle daughter, making the basketball team, all of her games we just found out are at three point thirty, so it's very important to me to be there for all the kids at their games, understanding that you know, sometimes you're gonna miss them. But I've got to figure out something. So it ran over to the school today and at this point they're just scrimmages. So we ran over today at like three point thirty and poked our head in the gym, and no other parents were there, so we didn't want to embarrass her, so we skulked our way out of the building. So at any rate, if you're sensing that I'm busy, it's it's you're right. It's just a crazy time of year. And add to all of the personal stuff, the Trump transition stuff, folks, you know a lot of the people who I've had on this show are gonna be cabinet level officials in the next Trump administration. Cash Bettel is one of those people. And you know, I know these people. I've known them, most of them for quite some time. Pete Hegseth obviously is one of my buddies. He's my buddy before he was actually a host on Fox and Friends. I'm not name dropping any of this stuff. I hate when people do that shit. But what I'm what I'm telling you is that because I've known him, you can imagine the calls that I'm getting from reporters about this NonStop slow drip character assassination of Pete. And listen, yes, when Pete was younger, he made some mistakes. When I've talked about this yesterday, when when veterans come back from combat, yeah, guess what we drink? Yeah, I guess what? Sometimes we do stupid things. I've done this as well. But Pete Hegseth in his twenties is not the Pete hegsett that is being nominated for Secretary of Defense today. And then added on top of all that, and this is what the deep state does a lot with, especially the defense industrial complex, the military industrial complex, oftentimes, what they do when they're opposed to somebody that would potentially bring about reform because remember, big bloated bureaucracies love the status quo because the money keeps flowing, people keep being promoted. They don't like any disruption in that. And anybody that represents a disruption is a threat. And that's exactly put in very simple terms, what Pete Hegseth represents to the military industrial complex. Somebody that's going to reform the department of a Department of Defense, somebody who said so openly, who's written books about this, and they don't like that. So what they do is they try to destroy this person. So they take what is a kernel of truth and they weave a web of lies around it that is so thick that it becomes almost impossible to refute all of these allegations. Talking specifically or just one example of this is the New Yorker piece that came out on Pete Hegseth yesterday. I've known Pete since the beginning of our days at Concerned Veterans for America. In fact, I talked about this stuff before Pete was even nominated for the job on the show. The exceptional work that we've done. There were so many lies within that hit piece. Put yourself in Pete's shoes. His job right now is to meet with US senators. There are fifty of them that he needs to convince. Those hit pieces, while they're intended to shape public sentiment, intended to assassinate his character, those hit pieces are meant for those fifty plus now Republican senators. The hope is to try to chill a couple of them out from voting on Pete. That's exactly what the goal is. But there were so many lies within that piece, that hit piece against them. I mean, imagine if you're Pete, you're navigating this process, there is no feasible way for you to sit down with the great many reporters who are writing these hit pieces of which there are many many allegations out there. It is impossible for him to refute each and every one of them. And I'm here to tell you as somebody who's been through that that's exactly the point. And so the way in which Republicans should approach this is with great skepticism, but not be shy about rising up in defense of our people. The deep state, the blob and Trench's bureaucrats, call them whatever you want, their allies in the media, the left wing, the Democrats in Congress. They rely on you being silent, and that silence can oftentimes lead to you know, candidate, a candidate's demise or nominees. It could lead to their demise too in front of the Senate. So that's precisely what these allegations are all about, to chill allies from getting involved in his support, to chill US senators, Republican senators for voting for his nomination. But we can't allow that to happen, and the best way to defeat it is by speaking out against it. So I've got Steve friend here on deck. I want to get to him in a second. I don't want to waste even a second's time with him. But let me tell you, protecting our families and homes is essential, but are we truly prepared? Break Ins happen every twenty five seconds. Even with a security system, can it really keep intruders out? Layer your defenses to buy yourself time. Start with Saber driveway alerts to know when someone approaching, paired with floodlights to deter them. Sabers door security bars reinforce your front and back doors, stopping up to six one hundred and fifty pounds of force to secure entry points even when you're not home, and if you are home, many invasions happen at night. 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Oh, I appreciate the invitation today. This is great.
It's great to have you. It's great to have you. In fact, this is a long time coming. So tell us a little bit about your background, and then I want to get into all the news of the day. Get your thoughts on everything that's happening on Capitol Hoo, get your thoughts on cash hotel, what we can do in the FBI. Could go down that path, but you're you're a former FBI agent, You're an FBI whistleblower, right, You're a best selling author of a book called True Blue. You've got lots of things going on. So tell us how exactly you came to be at this moment right now, right here, right now.
Well married, father of two, But journey starts in hometown of Savannah, Georgia. Was a police officer there for a number of years. And then how old are your kids?
How old are your kids?
Ten and seven?
Oh, so you're right, you're right in that very interesting age ten and seven. Father too, So were you a police officer when you your first kid?
I was a police officer. The day I met my wife was the day I got my badge. I didn't have a single day as a single cop.
So she didn't know what she was getting into, and she married you.
She's just always known me as a law enforcement guy. But you know, we're in the happy age right now where they can kind of take care of themselves and they don't resent me yet, so it's it's.
Pretty sposed sailing for a couple of years.
So yeah, man, Like we have five, so I've got I've got a senior right so she's driving now. I have a fifteen year old going on sixteen. I have two fourteen year olds, while fourteen year old and a thirteen year old, and then an eleven year old. So we've got all ages. And the only one that still has like a baby voice is my eleven year old. But that's going quick.
You know.
All the rest of them, I feel like they they are not afraid to push back against me. Let's just say that. So, yes, it definitely gets more. It definitely gets more challenging. Man.
Now I tell my kids, I was like, look, why do you think I work out? Because the day that you can beat me up is the day I go into a home. So I just got to keep going at there.
Okay, So police officer in Savannah, how do you find your way into the FBI.
Well, my wife's actually from Ukraine and she speaks multiple languages. And the time that we first were dating, she was looking at her.
How did you meet your wife? How did she's here? She is? She a US citizen?
She is?
She is she She came over to the United States her her biological dad died when she was really young, and her mother married to Ukrainian. She moved over in high school and we actually met in high school, so we were we were acquainted with each other, and then went our separate pass and I went to college. She went to college different and then when I came back and decided that I didn't want to be an accountant. After one tech season, I went into become a police officer. And she was a friend of one of the girls who was in my police academy, I was friends with her and said, hey, can you hook me up with one of your friends, because now I've got a uniform, i got health insurance.
I'm looking to settle down.
And that she happened to be the woman that I was introduced to, and she, because of her language skills, was looking into the FBI decided that she didn't want.
To go that route, and then she got into my ear about it.
And I'd also considered going into higher levels of law enforcement because just being a patrol officer is a lot of fun, but after a while, it's the same thing every day. You don't get to see things all the way through. You know, it's sort of nice to come in with a fresh slate to shift, but when you make that big arrest and you never get to be involved in that, it's kind of leaves you wondering like, well, what else can I take this? So the FBI looked like a natural fit for me. Had an accounting degree law enforcement, wound up applying. It took four years to actually get hired, but got on in twenty fourteen. And then, as is the mythos of the FBI, where they assign you to your first office. The rumor is that it's a monkey throwing darts at a map. They said, Steve, you are going to Sioux City, Iowa, and transferred there right out of the Chuote to go work on Indian reservations in northeast Nebraska. So we were there for seven years. Investigated violent crimes and it was really a unique Niche get a lot of reps. I opened about two hundred cases, arrested about one hundred and fifty criminals while I was out there in seven years, went to trial eight times, was on the SWAT team. Really enjoyed my time there and probably would have stayed there, but wanted to get closer to home. Both of our families are in Savannah, and had the opportunity after a certain length of time because they have a hard time staffing those offices because it's so remote, and because the work is so luminous, you get a benefit. So we exercised the ben fit and went to Daytona Beach in twenty twenty one and took the transfer to work on child pornography cases and human trafficking, but after a couple of months was officially reassigned to work on the Joint Terrorism Task Force to focus on January sixth, the domestic terrorism angle of the FBI.
That is, okay, we got we got to talk about this because I talk about January sixth on the program all the time. So you get assigned to what was it the Joint Terrorism Task.
Force JTTF yep, and.
They assign you to January sixth cases? Is that? When you were like, is that? How tell me about that? How does that? How does that even work? Like our agents like, wait a second, this is bullshit, I mean, how do you give me a sense of what that was like?
So the timeline is important because I got transferred. At the end of the fiscal year, they're going to reassign the bodies because they have a quota system for how they allocate their people and actually the number of cases that they have to have, which ultimately was one of the whistleblower disclosures I made. But at that point it's in October of twenty twenty one, so nine months after January sixth, I had no involvement with it. So they moved me on over. They told me child pornography not a priority. You're not supposed to look at it anymore.
Refer to locals, and.
I look at the cases that we have, and what they're doing is not what they're supposed to do. And I kind of chalk it up at first, too, Well, you guys are terrorism guys.
I don't know what I'm doing. Maybe it's different.
But then it becomes more and more clear that they are uniquely departed from the rules on these January sixth cases specifically, But there wasn't anything to do on them. They'd already been investigated, they'd already done the interviews and reviewed all the evidence.
And they said, Steve, we're waiting for Washington DC to tell us what to do. And that's inappropriate. It's your case.
What do you mean you're waiting to be told what to do. So all those things are starting to percolate in my mind, and eventually it occurs to me that, well, it doesn't make sense. Why do we have a different case for every single person.
This is one incident.
And they said, well, we asked about that, and we were told that this is to get buy.
In from the field.
So they opened a separate case for every single person, and if they lived in Daytona, it became a terrorism case in Daytona and that's the manipulation.
So now you have thousands of cases.
They've been spread around the country, and it looks like terrorism if you look at the map, because Merrick Garland or Christopher Ray or Joe Biden will get up there and say domestic terrorism is on the rise. Statistically, the FBI tells us that, well, it's because they're juking the stats, and they're doing.
That, so that is absolutely insane. How are you This is crazy to me. I'm like, oh, doesn't it surprise me that the FBI is juking the stacks because the stats, because the crime stats. I mean, I always attribute that to the Democrats, you know. Oh look they said time and time again during the press cindential race that oh look, crime is down, crime is down, crime is down. I'm like, well, yeah, crime is down if you don't include some of the biggest crime bred in cities in the country like Detroit and Los Angeles and New York who don't report their crime stats to the FBI. But this is different.
So there's two elements of it too, because they want to bring the nationwide crime down, because police chiefs want to look good, the sheriffs want to look good. Hey, we're bringing crime down. But the FBI is incentivized to bring crime up because they get more budget if they are viewed as being more productive, because they have a system, a protocol that is called IPM Integrated Program Management.
It's very bureaucratic speak.
It's a quota that says you have to open a certain number of cases and arrest a certain number of people and use specific tools. So they would say, do you think you can get a wire tap on that case because we have to hit the quota for wire taps, And they set the metrics to something that they can achieve ordinarily, and they want to do that because the bosses and all the field offices get fifty thousand dollars bonuses when you hit the quotas.
You've got to be kidding me. So we got to go back to this. So they take you off of child pornography cases to me, essentially essentially sending the message that J sixers are more important crimes to prosecute than child pornographers. Do I have this right?
Child pornography they call it child sexual abuse material ce SAM. It is the lowest priority that in actually Indian reservations are the lowest priority cases for the FBI, and it's the most vulnerable people. But they're actually the only two violations that you can say I can't handle it. I want to beg out of it, and they will accommodate that. But if I had a problem with the way that they were managing the January sixth cases, and then subsequently to that, they had interviewed one of the subjects that they eventually got the directive to go arrest and they said they were going to send a SWAT team to go and arrest him. It was eighteen months since he'd been interviewed, and in his interview he said, I'll cooperate. I said, I'm not comfortable with that. That seems like a Waco that's ready to happen. That seems like a ruby ridge. And he has no expectation. He says he's going to cooperate. Whytn't you come on the phone, Why don't get in touch with his lawyer? Want you to send a local deputy to his house asolutely? And they said, well, we've we've considered all those things and we have deemed that SWAT is.
The most appropriate way to bring him into custody.
So between the juking and the stats and using the SWAT teams. The first opportunity that there was going to be a rest in my office was when I went to my boss and I said, what we're doing is wrong. You guys gave me training on this. We went to the Holocaust Memorial Museum. We go to the MLK Memorial Museum, and you're told that you have to throw the flag if you believe that we're off the rails.
We're off the rails. I'm throwing the.
Flag here, and within within a month I was out on my butt.
They suspended my security clearance.
You know. It was after some several meetings, and they basically set you up to be indefinitely suspended forever because while they claim that I wasn't retaliated against for making any protected disclosures, they said that my security clearance was questioned and had to be suspended because I might have lacked loyalty to the country. And the evidence that they used for that was that I looked at the employee henbook improperly.
According to them.
Okay, you know what, Steve, I did not anticipate going down this path with you, but this is crazy. So here you're one of the good guys. I say on the show all the time, you know, whether we're talking about COVID or talking about the FBI. Where are all the agents that say, wait a second, this is bullshit. All the agents that say, now, I'm not just going to follow orders on this one, this is messed up. Well, you're one of those people, and they talked you out.
I had a sit down meeting with some of the executives in my office.
It was the FBI Jacksonville Field office.
Had about an hour and a half conversation with them, and it was pretty clear they're trying to set me up to say that I was being insubordinate and refusing to do my job. And at one point I said, I am doing my job. I'm following my training. I'm following my oath of office. And they said, you have an oath of office, you have a training, but your duty is to the FBI, so you should set an example for your children and just follow orders.
Are you?
I have it audio recorded. I have the entire interview with those guys recorded.
God bless my wife. She said you better go in there and take it.
That's a yeah, that's amazing that she's a she's such a fighter like that. I happen to be very lucky. You know, my wife is super smart like that too. But holy shit, man, excuse my language forever. Ear must of people who are listening and watching, But this is you know, I'm so glad to have you on here, because you know, the whole subject of the show is weaponized American justice, and there's no better person to talk about this than you. So these January six ers, I mean, so God, where to how do I even go from here? So they've got thousands of cases spread out all across the country and these are just j six grandmas of a sixty five year old woman who maybe walked into the Capitol after being let in by the Capitol Hill police. And the FBI is they're hunting these types of people.
They're actually on the books, most of them as criminal cases, a riot, a parading charge. But the FBI is still calling them terrorism so they can keep continuing to hit their stats on domestic terrorism. And yes, they're all around the country. They are still up until January twentieth and beyond. If reform isn't they are right away they're going to be continuing to charge people because they've been able.
To hit their quotas for four fiscal years on this.
And look, I was told when I first raised the concerns, you can't object because we're going to start charging people who didn't actually go in the building.
We want to get people who are just on the law.
We're going to say that that was a restricted area and we will get them because we really have to send a message here. This is a complete boondoggle. You've got people who are personally enriching themselves. You've got people who are saying, you'll hear a lot the refrain this is our nine to eleven. And when they say this is our nine to eleven, we kind of our tongue in cheek, rolling our eyes, like, really, you think January sixth was as bad as nine to eleven. Nine hundred and seventy seven people died. But really, what they mean is this is an opportunity for anyone who wants to promote to say that they were involved in the January sixth investigation, and that's going to be their meal ticket for the rest of their career. They can just say I had some sort of managerial responsibility on the largest and most complex investigation in the history of the FBI, and they've made it so the amount of resources that they've expended on this, the manpower, they devoted so much manpower to this that they almost came short. They've panicked in the final month of the fiscal year last year that they almost came short of devoting enough time to other violations because they just pulled people away.
From im you were doing.
I'm not shocked by this, but I can't help. I can't help, but but not be shocked. You know, I knew at some level the FBI was diverting a ton of resources to January sixth cases, to me, which is just ridiculous while simultaneously ignoring actual criminals. And that's why things seem like they're so upside down in this country. I mean, to me, I say this all the time. Things really do seem like they're upside down. I want to get your opinion on this Daniel Penny thing up in New York here in a second, But I gotta ask before that, who is making the decision to say no, it's got to be a swat team, you know, because there are so many times I'll read, you know, a report like say, I think it was an eighty year old man out in Idaho. He was like, had a limp, he was overweight. He was posting some kind of crazy stuff on Facebook. The FBI had already visited him once. Clearly they recognized that he wasn't a threat and his neighbors, he was well liked in his community. People thought that he was a nice guy. The FBI could have interdicted him one of a hundred ways. Approach him on the on the on his porch, drinking coffee, knocking his door during daylight, interdict him at the grocery store while he's shopping. I mean, the list goes on and on and on. But to swat team rate him in the middle of the night, like and the guy answers the door with a gun and gets shot to death. I can't help you.
You're talking about Utah and it's.
Yeah, Utah, Utah.
Yeah, it's even worse than that. So what happened with that guy was obviously emotion disturbed. He made threats against Alvin Bragg. The FBI visited him and then he said, I'm not talking to you. They left, and then he went online and made threats against the FBI. Then the FBI took no action for like three or four months, which would seem to lend credence to the theory that he's not.
An actual true threat.
Correct, correct, But.
Then he made threats against Joe Biden. They the FBI jumped in front of the Secret Service and said, no, no, we have an ongoing investigation in which they'd stretched out and decides to send the SWAT team when yes, he was handicapped. He actually had a mentally handicapped son who he was in the care of. They could have just interdicted him on his way to the mailbox, they'd already interacted with him, but they deem that to be the appropriate use. And often when you choose the tool, you choose the outcome. When you send the SWAT team, that's the most likely time that there actually is going to be an agent involved shooting. And SWAT's a legitimate tool. I did it for five years, But the FBI is making the process the punishment so many and particularly on January sixth, so many of these instances, it's wholly inappropriate, and they are looking at the outcome instead of the process. And this is not just for SWAT, it's for the entire agency. Your prime directive in law enforcement for government in general is to follow the process. Victory is in following due process. I gather facts, I present dent them at court, and the jury renders its verdict. If the jury says not guilty, it's because the facts didn't support a conviction, not because I didn't do my job.
I did my job. That's the victory.
But when you're interested in the outcome, that's when you cut corns. That's when you manipulate the process, as they've done for January sixth.
And this is outside the FBI.
But the most egregious example, and the best one I point to for this is Bill Cosby. Bill Cosby drugged and sexual assaulted numerous women, and then he was called in and had a conversation behind closed doors with the prosecutor, and the prosecutor said, tell me what happened and I won't use it against you, and Bill Cosby did, and then the prosecutor violated that and charged him, and then Bill Cosby walked free because the government didn't follow the process. And now those young ladies will never see justice, and it's the fault of the government for that. That's what happens when you get let the outcome be in the way of what your actual charge is, and that's to follow the rules for allow the constitution, follow the process. You're not a system disruptor when you work law enforcement, you're a system idealist.
The system disruptors are in Silicon Valley. That's in the private sector.
But in the public sector, the system disruptors, they're the bad guys. They're the criminals who are disrupting our way of life. They're disrupting our justice system, our polite society, and it's your job to bring.
Balance to that. But now the bad guys are the FBI.
Well, well exactly, yeah, the bad guys are the FBI. And not only that. We talked about Alvin Bragg, what's happening in the Manhattan Prosecutor's office, and I think that what the DA's office up there in Manhattan and what they're doing to Daniel Penny. You know, witness statements from people who are actually in the trial are talking about These are lawyers that are actually they're watching the trial but not involved in trying it, are saying this is an absolute miscarriage of justice. Here. You have a man who is a good samaritan that stepped in to protect people, and he's being tried for manslaughter or I think murder either. To me, like both are pretty damn bad. And you've got criminals in New York every single day, some of them are violent, being let off scott free without bail, right back out onto the streets. So the system itself, so it's not just what scares me. What scares me, Steve, is that you have obviously agents FBI agents who are interested in the outcome and cutting corners like crazy, like you said, but you also have a system of justice, especially in these radical left wing areas, that is also corrupt. And to me, this is like a very very dangerous thing that does not just end with Trump after four years unless he's very aggressive on this. What do you think about all of that, Daniel Penny and everything else.
It's obviously a miscarriage of justice that's going on in New York City, But what we have to actually face facts is that it's the battlefield conditions as they are. I don't want to live this. It's a suboptimal time to be in. But you do not have the same rights in New York City or Washington, d C. Or any of these big blue cities. That you do in the rest of America at this time. And I was even thinking, best outside of the Daniel pennything, that when the trial was going on for Donald Trump, there were people that were going to go and protest on his behalf down in New York City.
Don't go.
You don't have a First Amendment there. That's like outside of America at this point. And the fact that we have one side that has recognized that and the other side that doesn't is really lending itself to all the problems we have. Their basic reality is, and the sad reality is that country is involved in a cold civil war right now.
It's cold.
But one side is libertarian and conservative and says, look, I can get along with my neighbor. They might have a yard sign for a candidate who I don't like, but as long as they mow their lawn, we're fine.
We all want the same things.
And the other side is the Borg from Star Trek, and resistance is futile.
You will be assimilated.
That was not as banned as required, and it is an asymmetrical battle. And until we get to a point where we have mutually assured destruction, I don't see any way out of it. And unfortunately, we're on a path for the coal war to go hot and go kinetic, and we're going to have Antietam part two unless you have some energetic executives or legislators that are willing to take this up in the red areas to get to some sort of semblance of normalcy. And again it's not optimal. I don't want to live in this place. But the reason that Ronald Reagan defeated the Soviet Union was because he had mutually assured destruction. That's why they're no longer the Soviet Union. It needs to be the same thing. There needs to be a Fannie Willis for the right going after a prominent Democrat or prominent communist, as I'm more likely to say, there needs to be when it comes to Hunter Biden being pardoned. There needs to be preemptive blanket pardons from Donald Trump. The only thing that communists in this country can understand and respect onto is pain and fear of more pain being called a hypocrite.
That is the most republican thing.
Ever. They don't care on those strongly worded letters. I mean, you're exactly right, I mean this is exactly right. The only thing that that that the communists left understands is power. And the only way this stops is if Republicans wield that power and make them feel the political pain that everyone else has felt. And and and it's not about revenge, it's not about retribution, but it is about accountability. These are these are leftists and political operators that have that you know, left this who been elected, but also leftist appointees who have infested our justice system and and are twisting it own way that is diametrically opposed to America's founding Steve, And I mean, honestly, who's making the call that no, it's got to be a swat team? Like, are these political type people? How does the FBI Because you've got clearly you've got good agents on the ground like you that are saying, nope, I'm not doing this. Maybe they're few and far between, But who is making the call to say it's got to be a swat team, because clearly that whoever that person is is a political type person.
Right, it's executive management within the field office. So there's fifty five field offices around the country, and there's a special agent who's the top dog, the top boss, it's normally for most it's a special agent in charge. Unless it's one of the major cities, it's a little bit higher up, and it is up to that individual or maybe one of their lieutenants, their assistant special agents in charge to evaluate, and they have a like a decision tree. They call it a matrix about when it's appropriate to use SWAT, but.
A matrix they have like a little decision tree. You can't just like common sense. It like, well, and you shouldn't use flat against the ninety year old guy with the cane.
The matrix allows for broad discretion when it comes to SWAT. So if there is a belief that there's a firearm president, then SWAT can be authorized.
Well, I live in Florida, so that's everyone.
If they think that there's a large dog, then they can send SWAT. It's overly broad, and I'm not necessarily hating that so much, and you want to give discretion to people to do that, but you're also supposed to be vetting people of integrity at this point and to have common sense and to look at that in the facts and say, hey, look, that guy's an eighty year old handicapped person.
That's probably an inappropriate use of that, but he doesn't brief really well.
It breaths much better if you're a climber, if you want to aspire to higher levels within the bureau, that you would say, hey, threat to the president. Do you want to be the guy that said the idem's sad squat, I just sent a couple of agents over to handle it. No, it breathes much better to say you set tactical elements that.
Okay, that's fascinating. So okay, can I take a quick break and bring you back on the other side. I want to talk about God, I did not anticipate, folks, to the folks who are listening and watching, going down this path with you, Steve, But your story is fascinating. In your insight to the inner workings of the FBI is equally fascinating. Can we talk about when I come back, just your thoughts on the Marlago raid and rating President Trump? And then I want to get your thoughts on Cash Matella as FBI director. Is that cool?
All right? Stay right there more with Steve. Friend man, this dude smart. We got to support him in any way that you can. I'm gonna give Steve a chance at the end of all this to tell us how we can best do that. But stay with us, folks. The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews wishes you a blessed beginning of a holiday season as you gather with your families, grateful for the blessings that God has given us all. But let's also remember those who are facing unbelievable hardship in need of food, fellowship, and hope. That includes the people of Israel, who are threatened daily by attacks from enemy on all sides. And during these unbelievably hard times, Israelis are thankful to the Fellowship for food and basic assistance, truly life saving aid, when the rest of the world seems to have turned their back on that. Your gift of twenty five dollars will help provide a food box to an elderly Jew or Jewish family who are suffering an in desperate need. A gift of one hundred dollars will help provide four of these life saving food boxes this holiday season. Please consider standing with Israel and the Jewish people. Go to SUPPORTIFCJ dot org to make a gift now that is SUPPORTIFCJ dot org or call to give at eight eight eight four eight eight IFCJ that's eight eight eight four eight eight four three two five call them right now. Back with Steve fran and FBI agent, whistleblower, best selling author. Welcome back, my friend. Okay, there's so much stuff going on that I wanted to talk to you about it. I mean, clearly, we talked about the Daniel Penny thing, absolutely crazy. I want to ask you about the Marlago raid and some other stuff with the cash Betel, But what did you think? What do you think about Joe Biden's pardon of Hunter Biden? Personally, I was not surprised, because I told the audience I think many people disagree with me, but like if I'm President of the United States, okay, and my son's in a lot of trouble and and and probably a lot of that trouble I know, in my heart of hearts is because I put him in that position. Right I'm gonna tell people exactly this, Steve. I'm gonna say, let's see how the process plays out. I'm not making any judgments right now. Let's just let's let justice take its course. But at the end, I'm gonna pardon my son. I'm not gonna lie about it, though. Joe Biden and every single member of the White House staff lied about this for a year. What do you think about that craziness?
Well, look, they are they're allergic to the truth. I think we all know that. And he's a communist. He's outcome driven, he's not processed driven. And this was never not going to happen. It was a freak's complete But it's a cautionary tale. If you're going to try to take out the king, you better not miss. They left that guy up there with the power he's he is still Joe Biden, the human rumba is the most powerful human who has ever walked the earth, just by nature of the technology and the capability we have as a military. Joe Biden, who they orchestrate a coup to remove from the ticket, and then she loses, and they still got to have him.
Finish out the stretch.
Nope, he's just going to bring it all down with him because he doesn't owe the Democrat Party anything at this point. I don't even think they gave him a soft landing to get the Presidential Library and give his son a no show job.
He's the most powerful room on the face of the planet. In fact, some of the room of vacuum cleaners are probably smarter than Joe. They're probably faster decision makers than Joe Biden.
None of them suck as hard as Joe though.
Yeah, that's true. I mean, you're right. I said for a long time, Steve, that Trump wins from now and to the time he's sworn in is probably one of the most dangerous times that we've ever experienced as a country, because they've done everything that they could possibly do to try to take this guy out, including the FBI raiding his home. I gotta believe you had strong feelings about that. Probably wasn't surprising though.
Well, what we have to say first is that the raid is wholly inappropriate. But the one thing that I think a lot of people on our side got confused about and took umbradge with was the wrong thing, and that was the whole the use of deadly worse aspect to the operations plan. So what people that need to understand about that is it is in any time you do an operation, swat an interview, I mean anything, you have to have an operations plan, and part of it includes this one page in there that just restates the use of force policy. It's a cya, so that if you have to engage in that that way, they can say when was the last time you were briefed on it? Well, it's in the operations plan, so you can't claim you didn't know the rules. So that when people said, oh, it was a kill order, that was a confusion. But what people need to know is that there were other elements that that did not get the publicity because they got focused on the wrong thing. So you had a counterintelligence squad from Washington, DC that came down, traveled by plane to go and do this search. Why is a counterintelligence squad in Washington, d C. Doing it's c in mar A Lago. That's FBI Miami. Why so well, they elected to go and do this when they were told by their superior Stephen d'antoino also who oversaw the January sixth investigation, that he didn't.
Think that was appropriate.
He said that just a simple coordinating and consent search would be appropriate. And his underling said, no, we're going forward with this and they're going to use HRT hostage Rescue team to do it.
To send the message.
And then you wonder also why the special as in charge of Miami Division at the time, George Pirou, Why he would That's an opportunity for him to send his people, and Miami is a catbird seat to promote. Well, George had already been up and he'd been demoted because he had some problems, mostly along the lines of being within the company of a young lady one of his subordinates in a bureau vehicle receiving.
Some sexual favors.
Maybe it's because he was compromised that that was allowed to happen.
So there was a lot of salacious information that went on with that.
But by and large, and the overall is that wholly inappropriate, appropriate for them to do that. And the fact that now the case has been dismissed just shows how when you weaponize the agency, the FBI is the teeth on that attack dog to politicize agency.
Well, Steve, did you say they sent the hostage rescue team down to mar Lago?
Why, Well, I mean to send a message.
Really, the difference between.
The best hostage rescue team in the world, the best swat team.
In the world forty million dollars for one hundred dudes that are just sitting around looking for work most of the time. Most of the time they actually are asking for work so they can justify their existence.
But this was definitely a send the message.
And the difference between a routine search and a raid is whether or not you call CNN ahead of time.
So that was what went on there. They wanted to send.
Them the The federal government under Joe Biden has completely mobilized itself for the last four years against Donald Trump, using whatever they could, and they threw everything they could at him, and he still was able to tiptoe through the rain drops and make it through.
And the people had their say. The people were were the jury.
And it was your renullification on November fifth, and because by electing him, they shut down all of those cases.
Yeah, tiptoe through the rain drops is one way to say it. It's like more like a minefield, right. It's it's unbelievable to me. You know, you put yourself in Milania's shoes, right, and you're Trump is very protective of his family, and people always give him a bunch of shit, Steve because all of mean sweets or they don't like the things that he says. And I think to myself, if you were in his shoes as a patriarch of his family, and you saw, you know, the government, elected officials, the media go after your wife, your children, your grandchildren, and the way that the media has If you are not doing the things that Donald Trump is what was doing to protect them, I would think less of whoever that person was for not defending their family that way, right, And it would be almost impossible for me to sit back and watch the FBI do that to, you know, like go through my wife's things and for a reason that you know this is the other thing, for a reason that you know is complete and total unjustified bullshit. Just takes a special kind of person to do that, right.
And I think there's an action, an added element to this. And I've actually thought about this. If if you had a chance, I've never met Donald Trump, if you had a chance to ask him one question, really the wonder Woman last year of truth question, What would you ask him?
And I really would ask him? Is it lonely being you?
Because you're this billionaire. Everyone who's coming actually has an angle, right, you have to take it all with you got to be skeptical of every single thing.
Is this person kissing up to me.
But you know who's not coming at me with an angle your family, because your dad or your grandpa or your husband, and that violation had to as much as it would be a front and offensive to you and to me, it's got to be magnified by in order of magnitude for Donald Trump.
I agree. And so that brings us the Cash Battel. I mean the media is going, I mean they are apoplectic about but Cash, I want you to listen to this sound bite, and I want to get your reaction to it. Okay, check this out. Donald Trump is now apparently considering appointing loyalist Cash Battel to the position of FBI Director. How dangerous might this be?
Cash Patel, who's a total bomb thrower, MAGA person.
I suppose if we still had the ability to be shocked. It's shocking.
Who is this man and why did so many top officials fear him?
It's a terrible development for the men and women of the FBI and also for the nation.
There have been some concerns voiced by John Bolton.
He believes in nothing except serving Donald Trump.
Hottel is a MAGA loyalist known for his extreme rutteroric.
Betel has promised to go after journalists, among others, and more or less dismantle the agency.
Putting someone like Cash Pattel in the position of director of the FBI is I believe, extremely extremely dangerous.
The most dangerous, not in any that we've seen yet to our democracy.
I think he's not a distraction. I think this is actually one of the dangerous ones that we need to be paying attention to.
It's dangerous to put someone like this in charge. People called Patel dangerous.
How dangerous? Is that? Deeply dangerous?
Extraordinarily dangerous, And this is a very dangerous moment.
Bettel is facing criticism for a lack of experience he.
Has, Indeed, as you note, no qualifications.
Cash Pattel is profoundly unqualified for this job. Cash Betel, who has absolutely no business being the director of the FBI.
There is no ideology, there's no agenda here other than retribution, singularly focused on exacting revenge. We has talked about targeting people, to.
Go after journalists, to go after political critics. You have the makings of, you know, a not so slow motion authoritarian takeover of the United States government, and people ought to be really concerned about this.
Come on, Cash, Bael. I've known Cash long time. He cares deeply about the reputation of the FBI. He's been on the front end of going after terrorists for a long time, got multiple awards under the Obama administration for doing just that. They're scared of Cash Betel because I think he's gonna hold people accountable. Steve, what do you tell me? Just start, start to finish. What do you think about Cash Hotel? What do you think about the media's reaction? Like, tell me what you're thinking about this?
Inject that reaction straight into my veins. Pot calling kettle very much. It's a completely weaponized agency at this point.
He's a danger. He's a danger to doing what the exact thing that you're.
Just like, I'm dangered to democracy out. I mean, that's all these ask clowns say about anything. It's ridiculous. It's old. Nobody buys this shit.
No, and look, Cashptel is eminently qualified for all. You can be dismissive of his background if you read I don't know one Centon's from MSNBC. The guy was a prosecutor for JAYSOK, so he was prosecuting the war on terror, he was the chief of staff over at DoD. He was part of OD and I and was really vital and crucial in exposing what the FBI did during the Crossfire Hurricane Russia Gate scandal. And then the other element that nobody is really paying attention to very much is he was a public defender, federal and local. So he brings both perspectives. He wants to go after.
The bad guys, they're real bad guys.
But then also knows the power that is actually at the fingertips of the government and when it makes the process the punishment, how wrong that can truly be. So this is to me, the guy also has an opportunity to be the most beloved, the most beloved director in the history of the FBI. He could actually do with Jaeger Hoover. They thought he was going to do, but then he became weaponized. He can turn the agency from the pits of hell to something that we all hoped and aspired that it would be, and that would be a preeminent, premier law enforcement agency that upheld the rule of law and protected the American people against fraud and force.
And you want to.
Talk about his politics, let's just go back to the last three directors. He had James Commey, who ran an off the books Honey pot Op inside the Trump campaign in twenty sixteen and then sent agents to go and and trap Mike Flinn. You had Andy McCabe also part of that media collection there, who was the acting director who oversaw Crossfire Hurricane and was fired because he lied and linked to the media. And then when the Joe Biden administration gave him everything back because he was a good and faithful servant. Part of his settlement was that he could get his senior executive service cuff links or anal beats.
And then you have Christopher Ray.
Christopher Ray who has overseen the FBI while it censored the Hunter Byden laptop story and then watched ninety year old concentration camp survivors be put into prison because they were praying outside of an abortion clinic. So it's a political agency. At least with Cashptel, he's transparent, that's honestly very refreshing, and his track record is exposing the FBI for its malfeasans. So I would think that that's a move in the positive direction. I'm actually really excited. I've wanted the FBI to be shattered into a thousand pieces and scattered to the win for the last two years. But if there's one person that I'll give the old College try to maybe pull it back from the brink, it's Cashptel.
That is an amazing endorsement. By the way, it obviously means a lot coming from you as well, having been through the ringer and put through the ringer by that organization. Why do you think they're fear mongering about him so much?
Because he's an agent of change.
It's no different than going after Pete hegg Seth or Matt Gates at the time. These are the people who are disrupted because there was a mandate that the American people gave to our government on November fifth, But there was.
Also a mandate that the government.
Received, and that is they have to keep the status quot throw up as many speed bumps and roadblocks as possible to avoid the change of the American people are demanding of them.
And Cash Mattel is an agent of that change. And I've been able.
To communicate with him in his circle a little bit, and his willingness to listen. The fact that he doesn't have hubris, he has humility and says, I don't know what I don't know. And the information that some of the stuff that I've told you today he took in and absorbed immediately and said, well, that's got to be fixed immediately, and we're going to do that. I think is makes me optimistic for the first time. You know, I was really excited that Donald Trump won the election. I breathed the sigh of relief, But upon hearing that Cash was nominated to take over the FBI, I think I was equally as excited. Those are the two best days that I've had in the last twenty six and a half months since I was summarily removed from the FBI.
Man, that's powerful stuff. Seriously, Steve, we got to have you back in the show. I mean, seriously, you're an incredible guest. I loved having you tell this audience you know where they can find you and how they can support you.
Yeah, well you can find me on on x at real Steve friend is my handle there, and if you wanted to support me.
I have a podcast with another FBI whistleblower, Garrett Boyle. He and I testified together. It's called The American Radicals Podcast. We're trying to get on a watch list. American Radicals podcast is on Rumble and that's Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays at ten thirty. But you can always catch up if you miss it live or listen to it on iTunes. And then the book True Blue, My Journey from beat Cop to Suspended FBI Whistleblower. True Blue is available on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Just type in true Blue and Steven Friend. I had to put Steven because I'm not cool enough to have an autograph and I just signed my name and that's the way I legally do it.
Well, listen, everybody needs to go support Steve. Buy the book True Blue. The name of the podcast again, it's right on Rumble.
Tell us all again the American Radicals.
Pod American Radical. I subscribe to it. I'm following it on Rumble. You all need to go do it too. Listen to his podcast. Support this guy. Honestly, Steve, before I let you go, you really are a true American patriot for standing up to you know, the FBI and saying no, this is this is a line that you're way like, this is the normal line. You're way across it. I'm not going. It's a bridge too far from me. I'm not I'm not walking that path, and you paid a cost for it. But it was the right thing to do, my friend, and I think it's going to pay off dividends for you down the line for sure.
Well, thank you very much for saying that. Thanks for having me. I'm a big fan of yours. I told you in our offline chat. I'll Opplatoon Mount Rushmore for me as far as books go. So it was just an honor to be here and look forward to come back anytime you want.
You are welcome anytime, my friend, Steve Friend, thanks for coming on. We'll see you next time, sir. All right, see your brother. That is Steve Friend, an awesome guy. Gotta go support his support as podcast, buy his books, you know what to do battle cru Go support this guy. He's an American patriot, all right, folks. Americans are tired and frustrated by a stalling economy, inflation, endless wars, and the relentless assault on our values. Thankfully, there's companies like Patriot Mobile that still believe in America and our constitution. I'm proud to partner with Patriot Mobile because they're on the front lines fighting for the First and Second Amendments, sanctity of life, and our military and first responder heroes. Take a stand for conservative causes and put America first. 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Many people thought that he was alive. What turned out that he was murdered on October seventh, and the Hamas savages kept his body for four hundred and twenty three days. Didn't want to tell his family about his status. Well. Trump issued the statement saying that if we didn't get the American hostages back, there was going to be hell to pay for the hostage takers and their leaders. And by the way, that's how any American president should talk about any American period, hostage or not. You come at us, take you take one of our people, we wipe out your entire bloodline. Just needs to be that simple. President Trump issued that statement today, and we found out about Omar today, about him being passed away, So I want you to spare a prayer for him. Also want to tell you about a couple quick headlines. Ninth Circuit Court ruled that the United States has the full authority to deport foreign nationals in the country illegally, even if local authorities object. Of course, we already knew that, but it's ninth Nice to have the Ninth Circuit coming on board in a big way. Prior to Trump taking office and all, did you see this from the New York Post. I mean, all of this kind of flies under the radar. You think it'd be headline news everywhere. But a House panel concludes that COVID likely leaked from a lab and Trump is now vowing to make China pay reparations as they should. I for one, am very excited about Trump getting back in the White House and saying China dirus, China dirus. And the last thing I'll say before you pop smoke for the day is the Trump transition says it's entered into a memorandum of understanding with the US Department of Justice for background checks on senior administrative officials. You can bet that the Trump administration is not going to let the FBI or the Department of Justice be a roadblock to the incoming administration. But all of this it's supposed to ensure that when and Trump has sworn in in January, that his cabinet is ready to rock on day one. So I just wanted to make it get make sure you had all those headlines before we pop smoke. I haven't reminded you all show, but make sure you smash that like button, that little green thumb beneath the video smash that like button. I like to try to get to at least four hundred before the end of the show. And I've got a bunch of flags here from an Cindy. No Bones, Oh awesome, he says he loves Steve. Thank you, No Bones for all these tips. Seriously, Gosh, you're amazing. He's Snowbones is right, he said, the FBI and needs are swat abilities to be removed like newly created intellibilities. That's an interesting point, man, No Bones, you're the best. Myron, thank you for the rumble Randt tip. No Bones, Myron, thank you both for the rumble rant tip. I'm glad only come in the live chat here, folks, what did you think of Steve Friend? Did you guys like him? Yes? Tell me in the live chat you like Steve. I think he's a freaking awesome guest. I definitely want to have him back. Man. His story is powerful. He's one of the good agents that stood up and said hell no, going way too far. Look at this, this is look at this this great feedback that you're getting that Steve. I hope Steve you're still watching and listening. But look at all of this, Geef Fontes, thank you for the rumble rant tip, but look at all this love you guys are throwing to Steve. Anyways, folks, thank you all for being with me tomorrow. Guess what tomorrow is. Tomorrow is Wednesday. Tomorrow is Savage Wednesday on deck here on Battleground Live. For tomorrow is the great, the powerful, this savage rich bearesst So I'll see you all to tomorrow. Folks. God bless you all, and God bless this amazing country that we call home. Take care, good night, then I will see you all tomorrow on Savage Wednesday