Tonight on Battleground LIVE:
DeSantis steps up in a big way
Harris/Biden left Americans behind…again
Cheney to campaign for Harris
We the People vs the Uniparty
Doug Emhoff and the hypocrisy of the corporate media
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You're ape about to enter the arena and join the Battle to Save America with your host Sean Parnell. Good evening, America, Welcome to battle Ground Live. This is the show where we lockhorns with the radical left. We kick ass, we take names, we never quit, we never surrender. From sea to Shining Sea and everybody in between. Welcome Patriots on a Thursday, and a great Thursday. It is sunny in western Pennsylvania. I got to get out on the tracker. I got to cut the grass today. And this is a very very good thing because we've got this documentary film crew coming in from Lionsgate Films. I think tomorrow they're doing this big sweeping documentary on the Trump rally on the July thirteenth assassination attempt that ties everything together. Supposed to air on Fox Nation, and I think actually on Fox as well. We will see about that. I'm not sure how that plan is going to come together. But you know, I wavered back and forth on whether or not I would I would do this because I've really only given one real sit down, and I've done a lot of interviews with it. I think I talked to Megan Kelly, though in the aftermath of the rally, and I figured, you know, I think I've got to do this because obviously I was an eyewitness to it. I was there. We were with President Trump just thirty minutes before. My wife was there with me. And if I don't get that testimony on the record, well, I mean, my god, who knows the way the media has memory hold this, I think at this point have an obligation to go out there and talk about it as much as humanly possible. Now, you know, I've been talking about it on this show. Well you all are you know, battle crew and a growing nation. You know how it is. This is a community that we're building. We're doing this together. I feel like you all are part of my family. So it's a little bit different when we talk about it here because we do so because it's to me, it's just like it's part of the mission. The media has memory hold this incident in a great many other incidences in the wake of that Jay thirteenth, July thirteenth assassination attempt, And for good reason, we'll get into that here in a little bit. Before we do, make sure you smash that like button, that little green thumb beneath the video smash it. Also, do not forget to remember, like, do not forget about Official Seanparnel dot com, your one stop shop for all things America First news, custom tailored by yours truly for the Battle Crew. Takes a lot of work putting this stuff together, but it's all America First news. You can see Trump right there. News, politics, culture, latest episodes of Battleground Live are all there. You even got sort here and look, Danica Patrick delivers a one word verdict on JD Vance's debate performance and of course, Taylor Swift paying a price for endorsing Kamala Harris. News, politics, culture, sports, entertainment. You got it all here on this site, all from an America First perspective, So don't forget about checking out Official Sean Parnell dot com when you see these articles. Also share them on social media with your friends, bring as many people to the page as possible. It's completely freaking free. Like I'm I take the money that we get from the show, especially from the rumble rants tips, and I turn around and I invest it in the show to give you a better quality product, news that you can trust. Really, because frankly, here can't really trust anything you see nowadays on television. Also, I mentioned yesterday about locals. This is what my locals page looks like. Now. See it says subscribe. There's a monthly rate of five bucks, and I think what is the annual? The annual is fifty five. But listen, you don't have to subscribe vibe. Okay, you could go over and just follow my locals page. I think nine out of ten things that I post on there, I don't know. I mean, moving forward is probably going to be free, but we're going to offer some really cool behind the scenes looks at lots of different things, whether it's Trump rallies, backstage, whatever, you know. For the subscriber stuff, we're rolling out this stuff very very soon. That picture of me is from twenty twenty at a Trump rally in Moon Township. Obviously you can see that I'm doing my best to get the crowd fired up. But this was pre beard. Right now, I've got the beard, so a little bit different vibe. But my point is, well you get the point. That's locals, that's official Seanparnel dot com. Don't forget about either of the those two things. Folks. Listen to me, this is very important. I get the sense that the Democrats believe that Trump is winning, and I think that for a very very dangerous month because the Democrat Party is a dangerous political party. I mean they have a monopoly, yes, a monopoly on political violence, no doubt about it. And if they get the sense that they are losing, which I believe that they I believe they think they are losing, October could be a very very bumpy month. These last thirty or so days before the election. Batten down the hatches, hold on tight because it could be some really rough sailing from here. There's so many things have happened to lead me to believe this. The polling is just unprecedented. And I know that many of you don't trust polls, and for good reason, why should you. Polling is wrong a lot of the time. But if you look at the trends on hole, Trump is polling better today than he ever did at twenty sixteen, and then he ever did in twenty twenty. He won in twenty twenty, he won in twenty sixteen. He's stronger today than he's ever been. His favorability rating is actually higher today than it once was when he was president, which is unprecedented because it usually takes a couple of decades for a president's favorability rating to rise after he leaves office. President Trump's only been out of office for three years, yet he's more favorable than Kamala Harris is right now, and more popular than ever. Every single day that goes by, the America First Movement grows, and that's a blessing and a curse, I think. I mean, I don't mean to say blessing and a curse. Maybe I'll say it like this. They're silver lining there. Well, no, it is a blessing and a curse. Our movement grows, and that's better for the country. But I think part of the reason why the movement is growing so rapidly and so many people at this critical juncture in the election are rallying to President Trump's cause is because they're in the midst of great suffering, economic suffering. They're suffering in the wake of this horrible natural disaster that's affected the American Southeast, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida all affected by this hurricane. We're going to talk about that here in a second, but it's that great suffering that is waking people up. And so on one hand, it's good to have these people join the movement. We want them in this movement with us fighting to save this country. But on the other hand, it's taken a significant amount of suffering to bring people to our cause. Do you see the International Association of Firefighters today in early Biden endorsement endorser in April of twenty nineteen did not endorse Kamala. They did not endorse Kamala. So today the IAFF again that's the International Association of Firefighters Executive board, by a margin of one point two percent voted to not endorse a candidate in the twenty twenty four election. So back in August, the Harris campaign, we talked about it on this show. The Harris campaign mocked relentlessly JD. Vance showing up at a firefighter event. He showed up, walked out on stage. I mean, of course the room erupted in applause, but maybe there were some people dooing as well. JD. Vance gets up on the stage and he says, hey, great to be here. Everybody, even to some of the haters. I'm paraphrasing, but even we got some haters out there. If that's okay, I'm here to earn your endorsement. Well, who's laughing now? Cackling Kamala? I mean probably you, because you cackle all the time. But the point is is that this is not good for the Harris campaign, especially on the heels of what I just reported to you all two days ago, and that was that Kamala Harris has the lowest amount of Union support of any Democrat going well back before Hillary Clinton. Kamala Harris is performing weaker with eighteen to twenty four year olds, even outside of you. Between eighteen twenty four year olds. Biden won that demographic by like sixty percent in twenty twenty. Today it's forty five Trump forty four Kamala. So you see, you all of the warning signs if I'm just trying to put myself in my political foes shoes. If you are running Kamala's campaign, you are her data person, you are her campaign manager, you are a strategist trying to read the tea leaves to get a sense of where this election is going. You simply cannot see these numbers and think this is going to be great for us now unless they have something up their sleeve, cheating something else which none of us are naive enough to believe that they don't. They absolutely do. And I'll say it again, for folks who are joining us for the first time, we are not afraid to talk about the fact that the Democrats cheat and elections they cheated in twenty twenty. I witnessed it with my own two eyes. I will never be gas lit to the contrary by the media or the Democrats or anybody else. I mean, the original gangsters of the Battle Crew will know this, because I've been talking about this for a long time. But for everyone who's joining us for the first time, the left brands us as election deniers, and the left in the wake immediate aftermath of twenty twenty said that it was the big lie to when you just talking about the Democrat cheating. They branded it that way. The reason why they did that is to shame Republicans into not saying anything. By shaming us into not saying anything, it makes it more likely to happen again. And of course we have these spineless politicians who are told by spineless consultants inside the Beltway, oh my gosh, you can't talk about it ever again. Because the voters just don't like it. Well, guess what. It's your job as a candidate. It's your job, as an incumbent to make the case to the American voter about why it's important. It is your job to sway public sentiment, not to hem in hall and test the political wins. Oh this might be popular, this might not be. If it's not popular, I'm staying away from it. Your job is to go into the public square, stand up on that soapbox, and take real positions. That is what leadership is. If people don't agree with you, so be it. Try to sway them. If not, so be it. At least people know where you stand. But the Left tried to smear us and shame us and the silence. We can't be silent about this. The Democrats have been cheating an election since eighteen sixty four, so of course the Democrats might have something up up their sleeve for this cycle. Of course they're gonna cheat. Yes, said a couple days ago, you better be banking your vote, you better be voting early. And guess what, if you don't trust it, that's fine, I don't either. You could show up on election day and vote provisional. There are many Republican run organizations that are doing vote banking. There are Republican run organizations that you can trust that you should be banking your vote with. Skip the Line PA is one of them. Swamp the Vote is one that President Trump is running. But my point is is that voting early, banking your vote, get your vote on the tally, on the mark out there publicly count did on the record for all to see. And if something God forbid does happen, an internet outage or a natural disaster would happened in the American Southeast, you've already got your vote banked. And if you don't think an internet outage could happen, did you see what the Pennsylvania Secretary of State did yesterday? Scott Presler, the great patriot Scott Presler caught this that on the Department of State's website their registration data was going to be down on the same exact day that Trump was coming back to Butler for a rally. Now, by the way, that rally is going to be massive. Oh, the PA Department of States registration site is going to be down for maintenance at the exact same time the biggest rally probably in the history of Pennsylvania is going to be going on. Oh, I'm sure that's just a coincidence. You see, this is what the Democrats do. They will use every instrument at their disposal to disenfranchise you think. Think this through with me, folks. The Democrats are constantly accusing Republicans of disenfranchising voters. But anything the Democrats accuse us of the Golden rule, right, anything the Democrats accuse us of, they themselves are guilty of. So if they're accusing us of disenfranchising voters, you can bet you're ass that the opposite is true. That's what they are doing, and they do it all the time. We can't fight in a way that they expect, so of course the Democrats are going to try to rig things, but we have to show up anyway. The stakes of this election are just too high. But in military parlance, I cannot impress the importance of this enough on you all, keep your head on a swivel. Prepare for the worst. These Democrats are the They again ain't your grandfather's Democrat party. Buckle up for what could be a very bumpy ride. So, speaking of standing up in times of crisis, got to give credit where credit is due to the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, stepping up in the wake of these long shoreman strikes. I mean, I mean people. In the live chat today an hour before the show, we're talking about how the panic bat buying had started. People and also wondering, and I got to ask, I'm looking at the chat right now, I've got to ask, why is it the toilet paper that goes first. I'm kinda I'm kind of blown away by that, but the panic buying has already started. And Dave, do be Dave. I see your comment of Tina Peters, who just sent a sentenced to nine years. I saw that before the show. I didn't intend to cover it tonight because I hadn't read the judge's decision yet. But this is a hardcore Democrat judge in Colorado. Not to go off on a little tangent, but this is a hardcore Democrat judge in Colorado. And let me tell you I've said it before and I'll say it again. This country has a very serious Democrat judge problem. A nine year prison sentence for doing her duty as an elected official is sickening. It shouldn't happen in America, and that's why it's so important that we elect Donald Trump this election cycle, so that we can save these patriots who are being politically persecuted by a corrupt as hell Harris Biden regime. So let me tell you, DeSantis is stepping up, and I think that this could really prevent what could be a massive supply chain disaster in this country from really really really getting bad. It still could be very rough a deal isn't reached, but this is why DeSantis became one of the most popular governors of America for doing stuff like this.
At my direction, the Florida National Guard in Florida State Guard will be deployed to critical ports affected to maintain order and if possible, resume operations which would otherwise be shut down during this interruption. Florida depart mat Transportation is coordinating calls with seaport, rail and trucking partners to ensure that all are prepared and positioned appropriately to limit disruptions to the supply chain and other areas should this continue. I'm also directing Florida Department Transportation to temporarily waive the collection of tolls and other fees for commercial vehicles using public highways in Florida and waving the size and weight restrictions normally governing vehicle transportation for the duration of this emergency. This will help expedite the movement of goods that have been impacted from ports to intermodal logistics centers, distribution centers, and delivery points, and very well may help offset additional costs in code by operation during this period. Finally, I'm directing the Florida Highway Patrol to manage the flow of traffic from all Florida seaports and adjacent roads and highways as needed to further expedite the flow of goods that are currently being held up. This will include the provision of law enforcement escorts for commercial motor vehicles by FHP officers upon request. And I would say that this is something that would have significant impacts on the nation's economy anyways, But to have this happen in a way that could negatively impact people that are reeling from a category for a hurricane, that is just simply unacceptable. So it really is incumbent upon the Biden Harris administration to do everything in their power to ensure that.
These goods are where we need to be that people are not left hanging out in the cold waiting for these goods if they're sitting in the ocean somewhere and they're not being able to be used here in the state of Florida, or in Georgia and North Carolina, or where people are going to desperately need this.
We need to listen. You all know that I have called out the Santas, especially in the primary, for what I thought was bad form. But we've got to give credit where credit's due. That's leadership being able to say I don't give a damn what's going on with these long shortm and like, have the strike figure this stuff out. But in the meantime, I'm going to have the National Guard on standby to make sure to step in to do these jobs to make sure there's no supply chain interruption. And not only that, I'm going to have the Highway Patrol on stand by escorting these semi trucks from these ports to the most the areas that are affected by this natural disaster where people desperately need this aid. This is exactly what I'm talking about. What I mean that this country needs more leaders and fewer politicians. And let me tell you something pivoting to Hurricane Helene and the devastation that it's left in its wake. There's something going on here. I'm going to explain all of this to you what I think is going on with the absolutely shitty response by FEMA. I think there's a reason for it. But let me tell you. I was in a rapid deployment unit in the Army tenth Mountain Division, second Battalion, eighty seventh Infantry Regiment, in the tenth tenth Mountain Division up at Fort Trum, New York. A rapid deployment unit meant that we could be anywhere in the world between twenty four and seventy two hours notice. We are always on call, and if we got that call, in full battle rattle, with all of our equipment, we were on a plane immediately on call, in an airport, ready to go. And here we are seventy two hours after the storm hit, made landfall or stopped. I think it actually hit longer ago than that. Here we are seventy two hours later, longer than that, and have no National Guard really on the ground, I mean now in National Guard units apparently today by Governor Cooper, I think in North Carolina mobilized some National Guard, but people aren't feeling People aren't feeling the help. They're not feeling the assistance. They're not seeing FEMA on the ground, they're not seeing the Red Cross, they're not seeing the National Guard. And apparently the mission plan, this from Sean Davis at the Federalist has finally been authorized. But despite Biden's pledge yesterday morning to have hard assets on the ground within twenty four hours, local sources tell me they're being told that it's still another twenty four to forty eight hours out. It's been a week since the hurricane made landfall. This is completely inexcusable. Meanwhile, the hospital, the VA Hospital in Asheville, still has no power, can't do emergency surgery, can't sterilize their surgical tools. There's no steril water or no generator, which means no help for injured veterans. And the same is true in Georgia. FEMA's response to Georgia just has me scratching my head. I'll tell you right now, if a Republican were in office, if Trump were in office, this would be headline news. This absolutely disastrous response would be headline news on every network for the next thirty days. But listen to Governor Kemp, who is hardly I mean, Trump and Kemp have since made nice. They're on the same side now, but this is Governor can listen. Listen. This is just so suspect to me. Listen to this.
When the first emergency declarations came down, there was only eleven counties in that a lot of people were outraised, including me, because there was such devastation in you know, up to ninety counties. So we called the White House. We spoke to the President's SIFA staff, the FEMA administrator, and said, look, you're sending the signal that you're not paying attention to some of these rural communities.
Some of these rural communities, the implication being that the attention is being given to urban communities, cities Democrat strongholds. Folks, listen, I'm gonna show you something here. See if I can get this up on the screen for you all. Marjorie Taylor Green shared this and I need you to see it. I'm gonna show you this one second here. This is important. You see this. This is the hurricane affected areas with an overlay of an electoral map political part you know, map by political Party a whole lot of red in there, right. You get see some blue in and around the city centers, but the vast majority of the areas that are affected, i'd say seventy five eighty percent, probably even over eighty percent, are largely conservative. You see all those red areas. Now, I'm going to tell you something what I believe is a hard truth. And I haven't heard a lot of people saying this, and maybe I'm just maybe I'm just not seeing it, but I believe that the Harris Biden administration majorcas FEMA. I believe they're slow walking aid to these people for a reason, and I believe it's because many of the people who are affected come from deeply deep Republican areas. These people are in survival mode right now. The last thing that they're thinking about is voting. These people. Georgia North Carolina, two huge swing states that Trump absolutely has to have. The vast majority people really truly affected in this area, I mean mostly Republicans. And you heard Governor Kemp say that really they're not paying any attention to the rural areas, just the urban, urban or Democrat strongholds. And you can bet imagine a tract like this happened in the state of Pennsylvania, my home state, the critical swing state of Pennsylvania. And imagine that Philadelphia was affected. Philadelphia is a city that buy and large goes seventy five eighty eighty five percent Democrat every single cycle. That in and of itself helps the Democrats carry the state of Pennsylvania easily by allowing them the only campaign really in three counties Philadelphia County, Delaware County, Allegheny County, Pittsburgh. Right, But if Godfish, something like this happened in Philadelphia, a Democrat governor in Pennsylvania, along with the Biden Harris administration, would move heaven and earth to get resources to those people. They would be sending people to their doors, helping them vote. They'd probably have remote voting locations set up for them. But you're not going to see any of that. This stuff happen in rural areas because most of the people that are affected are probably Republican. I'm telling you this is what I believe to be true. And as if that's not bad enough, because that's pretty bad. Kamala's offer to these people seven and fifty bucks is just offensive.
And the federal relief and assistance that we have been providing has included FEMA providing seven hundred and fifty dollars for folks who need immediate needs being met such as food, baby formula, and the like. And you can apply now for anyone who's watching this who has been affected. There are FEMA personnel who are going door to door to interact personally with folks, especially those who do not have electricity. But also that aid if you have electricity, can be applied for online, and I encourage people to do that. FEMA will just basically verify your address and then process to take hold apply online.
Most of these people don't have power. Seven hundred and fifty bucks. Meanwhile, we've given billions to Ukraine. FEMA has spent millions, I think in the fiscal year of twenty twenty four. FEMA funds do house illegal immigrants all over the country. It's called the Shelter and Services Program. The budget in twenty twenty three and twenty twenty four nine hundred and forty one million. If you don't believe me, look it up. Look up the Shelter and Service Program. Look up Shelter and Service Program budget from FEMA nine hundred and forty one million dollars in twenty twenty three and twenty twenty four. Do you think that's to resettle illegal aliens into this country? Do you think the people of North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida could use that money right right now? And this isn't just a Republican narrative. People feel like they're left behind.
We have insane Fama, we have insane red Cross. We haven't see hearts with hands, We've seen no agencies count they fear. Most people drive through with their cameras out feeling us like for animals in a zoo, and don't stump.
And this person.
When we heard that Biden was just going to be, you know, flying around, it kind of just made us feel like, you know, as our president, you know, where is that like guidance, where like, you know, you're supposed to be kind of here helping us with this, and just almost like it's like almost a sense of abandonment, you know. And like I said, you know, it's mainly just the community coming together and helping each other out with all of this.
Some of the things that I'm seeing are horrific. You know, I told you yesterday that the American people would step up because they always do. But a disturbing hallmark of the Harris Biden administration has been leaving Americans behind the Afghan surrender and these embassy collapses all over the world, telling people who are surrounded by hostile forces that hey, yeah, you're just going to have to pay for your own plane ticket out. We can't help you to now this disaster ravaged area. No help is coming. They've been completely left behind. So I have all the faith in the world that the American people are going to step up and help one another and do the right thing, because that is what we do. You know, I say at almost every single Trump rally that I go to that despite our people, Conservatives, America First Republicans, people who love this country, our people are constantly demonized by the media, attacked, called names, some of the most horrific names imaginable. But despite that, I mean, not only the media get it wrong, they got it dead wrong, because you all are the reason why this country is exceptional. I tell I say this at every single Trump rally. You all are why Ronald Reagan referred to America as a shining city upon a hill, because of people like you, who help one another, who step up when times are tough, when they see people who are suffering and struggling, it's you step up and help. It's not the government. In fact, look at everything that the government has done to us since twenty twenty, and all the hoax is that they foisted on the American people. The government hates us. In fact, I would think the government is starting to do some of this. I know the government is doing some of this stuff on purpose, and some of the stuff that I've seen, it's just horrifying. And to think that we might have been able to plan for this a little better, To think that FEMA could have been a little bit more prepared, To think that Majorcis and Harris and Biden could have done something to prepare for this a little bit better, people would be alive today. It just makes me so angry. This will infuriate you so just this is really this is tough what I'm about to show you. But the cost in human life is real. And when I say in times of great crisis, leaders are necessary and not politicians, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Because the cost could be in human life and often is with human, human beings, American citizens losing their lives.
You know, I'm so proud of my son because in his last moments, he wasn't screaming for me. He was screaming Jesus. Jesus saved me. Jesus. I hear you, Jesus, I'm calling upon you. And his wildest dreams and everything that he wanted to be was a hero and that was his goal in life. And instead he's my hero because he reached for something past, fleshed, last, past human, pasted anything that even grown adults I think would reach for. My son called out to the One God Almighty, and I think at that moment he was rescued and he became my hero, and I think all of them carried me through that moment. I think that his biggest dreams, he was the smartest, smartest, bravest, hopeful, great friend, great son. I couldn't have asked for a better son. And he was so happy up until the very end when he was screaming for Jesus, and in that moment, I think he found joy.
You know, the innocence of children is actually quite spectacular.
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Yeah, it is.
Marissa be and a mother too.
Megan and Heather, I do amidst the tragedy your parents as well.
Jessica included, this.
Is a local news story. I had to dig define these local news stories because our national media just effing sucks. They tried to memory hold July thirteenth, the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. They're trying to memory hold this hurricane. Why because they believe that memory holding the assassination attemp will helped Donald Trump. And they believe that if they actually covered this, the human suffering caused by Hurricane Helene, that it would hurt Harris Harris's chance if people really knew the truth and the human cost behind this disaster. And the absolute abomination of a response by the Harris Biden administration, just through the sheer contempt that they have for the American people, the American people wouldn't tolerate folks. I am convinced that the Democrat Party today would not exist were it not for the me. They are wholly out of step with the American people. The Democrat Party is. They are wholly out of step with the values that we have that we believe in as Americans. They are wholly out of step with the soul of this country and what we're all about. If it weren't for the media constantly covering for them, constantly indoctrinating the American people, I am convinced that the Democrat Party would not exist. I mean, listen, folks, there is a reason why I believe that what we are experiencing is deliberate. The pain is on purpose. That's the title of this episode. I want to show you this video of a helicopter pilot and his son responding to citizens desperate rescue in North Carolina, just stepping up and doing the right thing in a time of crisis. They're leaders. That's what leaders do. They step up and they help. That's what heroes are. It's not about wearing a cape and flying around, although that would be cool, but it's about helping people who need it. Yeah, folks, leaders step up in times of crisis. That's what they do. And this helicopter pilot and his son did just that. And look at what the government told them. I mean, this is a little bit longer, it's about four minutes, but I think it's worth every second.
Low cloud coverage is like lure.
The cries for help from people stranded without food, water or electricity. Hit social media soon after the flooding last Friday, so that parents are there.
Their addresses bay or out.
They are in the first condo.
If he received this, please give me a call back.
Thank you.
Siddam's phone started lighting up on Saturday with people begging for help.
Man, I can hear the desk in her voice and this is multiple phone calls. I received what this voicemails, text messages and you could hear people desperate for help.
Cinnaim and his son rescued four people on Saturday and spent the night in a nearby pilot's lounge, then decided to fly again Sunday morning.
I spoke with my son, which is my co pilot. I said, HEYI you want to go back out and try to help today And his response was there's so many messages.
I don't think we can't not go help.
Cinnam and his son. We're headed up to Black Mountain. Flight tracking shows no flight restrictions in place Saturday or Sunday morning when Sidam flew through the Lake Loure Gap, but that was all about to change. The Sitdam spotted in older couple waiting for help then landed in what's left of their driveway.
Hey, I want you to let me get in.
You step out and go out, help her in, put her bag into BAP, get her strapped in.
I'm gonna take her down.
Go back.
I'll take him.
I'll go back and then i'll get you, Okay.
I originally left my son co pilot on the side of the mountain.
It was it.
Was kind of unstable, so I didn't want to put more weight in.
The helicopter to lift back off.
So I left my son with the other victim and I was just going to take one person down at the time. And you could hear me in the video talking through with the victims and with my son what we're going to do.
Three minutes away sit them. Spotted a group of rescuers just down the river. He landed and found someone in charge.
Told him my background experienced law enforcement, firefighting.
Pilot. He immediately started helping with coordination.
He gave me radio frequencies to coordinate with them on set up a landing area for me to come back with the other victim, and in the middle of the whole conversation and then blocking the road off, I was greeted by the at that time I didn't know, but Lake Lure fire chief or assistant chief maybe, and he shut down the whole operation. So at that point there was I felt like the conversation wasn't going any further, and again he asked me to and I said, hey, I have no problem getting out of your area.
If that's what you want us to do, we'll leave no issue.
At that point, I asked him, you know what was the reason I had to leave them there? And he said, again, you're interfering with my operation. I just need you to get out of the area. I said, sir, I don't know where you were trained at, but I know how my training is and I'm not going to leave personnel behind.
I'm going back to get my copilot.
He said, if you turn around and go back up the mountain, you're going to be arrested.
I said, well, sir, I'm going back to get my copilot. I don't know what to tell you, and he said, I'm letting you know.
And at that point he weighed for two law enforcement officers to come over and told me that again, if I go back up the mountain, I will be arrested.
He flew the three minute trip back, picked up his son and left the woman's husband behind.
Sure, he was flooded with emotions and trying to rescue other people, and I just felt that it was best at the time to leave. So I did follow his instructions, and I had a conversation with the female victim before I left, apologized and explained, and she standing there, she heared the whole conversation, and they were both very very surprised, very upset.
I mean, it's horrifying. What does it say about the soul of this country if government bureaucrats And I don't know what the motivation of this fire chief was, but clearly you have an asset there and a helicopter, someone with law enforcement training of firefighting training as well. He's actually also an expert pilot. You have an asset, a rotary wing asset. There's nothing in the air right now. You can certainly leverage it to get more people out, but no, just shut it down. Just no, we don't want your help. Actually leave the guy up on the side of the mountain. That is fundamentally anti American folks, And that's why I think it's we the people versus the uniparty, the establishment, the deep state. Yeah, it's Democrat versus Republican. Yes, but you know, you've got people like RFK, You've got people like Taulci Gabbard who are defecting and coming to our side because they see the threat that we see. So to me, this is less about Democrat versus Republican and more about we the people versus the uniparty in the deep state, because that's what's happening. Did you see that the news that Liz Cheney was gonna campaign in Wisconsin for Kamala Harris, despite saying over and over and over again how dangerous Kamala Harris was, how she's the most liberal United States senator, about how a Kamala Harris economic agenda would destroy this country. Now Liz Cheney, now because she hates Trump, is going to go up to Wisconsin and campaign for her, where the Republican Party was born. Apparently there's these news segments of, oh, well, it's an invite event only, and you know what they're doing, folks. They are busting people in by invite only to fill up this rally. And the whole thing is complete bullshit, zero excitement, astro turf nonsense. Listen, I'm sorry, there's it's not real enthusiasm. It's simply not real enthusiasm. You know, for all of my life, the Democrat Party, I mean for the last over decade, the Democrat Party called the Chenese War criminals. The Democrat Party despised the Chenese, the Democrat Party buying largs, didn't like the CIA. Year Yet now the Democrat Party is bragging about Liz Cheney's endorsement and bragging about the endorsement of all these intelligence officials, especially getting the endorsement of the CIA. And never thought I'd live to see the day where the Democrat Party became the party of the CIA and Liz Chank and folks. The media hasn't tempered their rhetoric at all. They haven't. In fact, if anything, they've they've ratcheted it up in an insane way. After two assassination attempts, there's no excuse to say stuff like this.
You know, people are being reminded about the danger that Donald Trump poses to our country and our freedoms every single day.
I mean, Donald Trump was president, once our economy was thriving, the world was at peace, no one lost a single civil liberty. In fact, life was better. The only thing that Democrats have are lies, hoaxes, fear enforcing pain on the American people in the hopes that it would disenfranchise their vote. The Democrat Party is really truly an existential threat to all that we have here in this country, wholly propped up by the media. You know, I guess Milania Trump said something about individual liberty, and of course, you know, conservatives, weak minded conservatives are just or just freaking out about it, even though they're freaking out about something that Milania Trump didn't even really say. Milania Trump essentially says, I had the video somewhere, but we're running short on time, so I'm not going to play it. But she basically says individuals, individual liberty is really important and needs to be safeguarded at all costs. What does it mean to say my body, my choice, like says try seller book. And of course the conservatives are saying, oh my god, Malania's pro choice, Why would you do this? Right? I mean, they're freaking out for all the wrong reasons. But the left has come out these morons on the view again. Like anytime you watch any clips from the View, your IQ will go down by ten points. After every thirty seconds of listening. So you've got to be very, very careful. These women are just so dumb and listen. It's amazing to me that the people even watch this show. It's amazing. And this is an ABC product. By the way, remember the ABC debate like completely rigged. The moderators were completely in the tank for Kamala Harris. But what Sonny Hosten said today attacking Milania, I think, especially after all the Trumps have been through, these assassination attempts and everything else. I mean, it's just it's just so horrific these people. There's no love for these people. You can't hate them enough.
I think she hates him.
Yeah well yeah, okay, so we can all think of that.
That's a given.
I also think that she wants to take him out.
She does not want to be the first lady anymore. They agree with you, She.
Doesn't you want to be the first lady.
She destroyed the Rose Garden.
Who hates Christmas?
Melania or Trump hates Christmas.
She doesn't want to decorate for Christmas, she doesn't care.
She doesn't want to sleep in the same room with him.
She can't tolerate him.
Legend and she doesn't.
You don't know.
That's why I say it. I think that's sickening. When was the last time any American president had to endure this stuff? Now, every Republican president is treated like garbage by the media, of course, every republic I mean, yes, but nothing like what Donald Trump is going through. You know, what this man is going through is truly unprecedented. And I'll tell you, folks, he he does not need me to defend him. In fact, I've never seen a human being be able to handle things like Donald Trump handles them ever, not ever in my life. But what the media is doing to his family and Baron, who's like a young kid, and not only that, their grandkids. I mean, you see now that it's not just Trump that's under assassination threat. It's Don Junior, it's Eric, it's Avanka, it's Tiffany, it's their kids. The Left is causing all of this by memory holding the assassination attempts to two pri It's not just a memory hold of July thirteenth, it's a memory hole of the second attempt too. What do we know about any of it? We know nothing about either one. We know nothing. And by memory holding it. These assassination attempts have almost become normalized as part of our body politics here in America. And that's why I say that you better be careful these last couple of these last thirty days, keep your head on a swivel, because these Democrats are just so dangerous. Let me take it. I gotta tell you about this Doug M Hoff's stuff. I didn't get a chance to address it with with savage rich. Of course, Doug m Hoff knocks his nanny up, gets her pregnant, forces her to get an abortion, cheats on his wife to do it all. Then he's he's accused of slapping a woman in public. Multiple all this corroborating evidence, multiple witnesses, absolutely terrible behavior. I gotta I gotta give you my tape on all of this. Okay, now listen, folks, I've got to talk to you about this Doug m hoff stuff. Listen to this speech that he gave the other day, and I'm just going to give you my take on all this.
A guy, well, two guys who actually not only don't trust women, but are literally running on a platform of authoritarianism and misogyny. That literally should be their slogan because that's what it is. So you want, you know people who literally are outwardly misogynistic in their policies and the way they talk about women and the policies in which they've already enacted and have talked about in acting.
Or Kamala Harrison, Tim Wallas, It's completely binary. This guy is such a creepy beta weirdo. It's always the betas that are so dangerous, These weak men who like to trot out terms like toxic masculinity, these are all He's the most monstrous men among us, All these men that proclaim themselves as feminists, these weak men that talk about toxic masculinity all the time, they're the ones that are often the predatory males, people like me. Men that are like me, that are meat eating knuckle dragon dudes are typically the protectors in our society. This is personal to me because no one is covering this story. No one. This is like the Hunter Biden laptop story all over again. The New York Post and Fox News are covering this. The Daily Mail UK broke the story of Don em Hof slapping a woman in public, Yet no one, and I mean no one, New York Times, Washington Poast CNN. No one is touching this story. It's not getting any corporate media coverage outside of Fox New York, Posts and the Daily Mail, despite there being multiple witnesses and corroborating evidences and evidence and emails to substantiate all this stuff going all the way back in the day, no one's covering it. If this were a Republican and I know because this insanity happened to me where there was zero corroborating evidence, in fact, a whole host of evidence to the contrary, people coming out and testifying on my behalse saying no, none of this stuff ever happened, including my children, saying that media ignored all that and ran with false allegations to attack me, just to attack me. But if it's a Democrat, if it's a leftist, if it's you know, somebody like Doug Emhoff, they get a free pass. This is just unbelievable hypocrisy of the highest order. And I've said it before and I'll say it again that the Democrats don't give a shit, neither do their allies in the media. They don't care about the truth, They care about narrative, and they care about keeping and retaining power. And that is it. And that's why buckle up. That's why you should buckle your seat belts, because they do sense that Trump is winning and that could that spells danger for those of us freedom loving Americans who believe in this country. So got an amazing show for you tomorrow, folks. Make sure you were here. I know it's Friday, it's the day before the Trump rally. We've got a production crew coming to the house to film this July thirteenth Assassination Intent rally for Lionsgate, which I think is gonna air on Fox Nation and Fox News as well. I think. So we got a crazy day tomorrow too, but we're already playing in the show. It's gonna be amazing. Make sure that you're there. Also. Don't forget about Official Sean Parnell dot Com. Okay, at your one stop shop for all things America first Battle Crew News Okay mcgroy Nation. Obviously you're welcome there as well. Don't forget about my locals page, that little yellow button. There's the locals page there. There's a subscribe part of that, but just subscribe. You don't have to subscribe and pay any money. It's free too. So I'd love to see you over there on locals. We're gonna be launching a ton of new exclusive content there, so make sure you follow me over there as well. And before you leave, make sure you smash that light button, that little green thumb beneath the video. Smash it. It helps us make the leaderboard. I think we were like number thirty four yesterday, all thanks to you, Battle Cruse. So as always, folks, God bless you all, God bless this amazing country that we call home. Take care, good night, keep the faith. The best is yet to come. I will see you all tomorrow, battlecru Take care