The Search for the Gingerbread Man

Published Dec 25, 2024, 5:00 AM

Merry Christmas from the O.R.! Becca and Tanya are sharing their holiday traditions, their favorite memories and their plans for Christmas 2024!
Plus, a yuletide round of This or That!

Scrubbing in with Becca Tilly and Tanya rap An iHeartRadio podcast. She's the tired tired one today.

Hello everybody, we are scrubbing it.

Christmas version scrub a dub dub.

Was that the same as last scrub Happy Holidays? Merry Christmas, Happy holidays?

Which is that the instinct one?

Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas and scrub dub dumb Hey Christmas today today, But you are drinking a coffee, which leads me to think that you are tired.

Uh yeah, actually no, it's a coffee. But coffee doesn't wake me up, So it's just a I don't know how to explain. Okay, so I don't feel like I don't if I'm tired and then I have a coffee, I'm not like, oh my gosh, I'm awake.

Now what caffeine doesn't affect me? What I know?

So it doesn't even get you to zero?

I think I just add zero, but it doesn't lift me or you know. Now, if it's a doctor pepper, like a soda or something that gives me a boost of just like life, that's life giving serum.

That's interesting. So maybe sugar makes you zoom and not caffeine.

Yeah, I mean I think sugar.

Sometimes I drink like coke zero and die coke without without sugar.

Well those are synthetic sugars, Tanya.

Anyways, I do have a coffee, and I am tired because so Phoebe's really a touched to me right now. No, No, she's really attached to me right now. And she so normally she's always slept on Haley's side, so I have the whole side to myself, which I'm fine with.

I'm like, oh, yeah, that's so cute.

Lately she's been like right next me, wants to be like back to back. So anytime I go to turnover, which I always inevitably turnover sleep on my stomach, have to avoid her, so it wakes me up every time. So I like, I haven't been sleeping throughout the night because I'm dodging her.

This is the reason why Robbie keeps sending out of our bed.

Yeah, and for that I get yeah, Like he's like.

Why would we sacrifice our beloved sleep to be speed bumping around this dog?

The positions in my body contorts do to avoid her is crazy.

And she also like gets into the small little crevices, so like you know, like if you're sleeping in your knees are bent, you know, like a little crevice right there, Like that's where she makes builds her house.

Phoebe doesn't do that. Yeah, but when she sleeps with on Hailey's side, Hailey.

Does not wake up for anything. Like Phoebe could be hacking all night plus night. I'm just like red eyed and tired. And so when she was sleeping on her side, it didn't bother her having to move. She just kind of would either kick Phoebe and be like figure it out, Whereas I'm like that my child, don't you know, can't hurt her?

No, So, yeah, I am tired. I haven't been getting like my room sleep's probably less than five.

Do you know my sleep score was last night?


I would love to hear your sleep score?


What did you get?

A ninety seven seven?



Twenty five percent in rem Come do you take anything? I take lemmies?

Yeah, let me they do me lemmy gummies, letty ummies.

Yeah, they're melotonins, so it's like, yeah, heavy stuff.

The first time.

I took two of them, which is the dose that they say to do, I woke up the next day.

It was like, where am I Like? It was almost too much?

So I think that that was I did the same thing the first I took them. But I think if you take them regularly, the effect is not so like strong.

So jarring.

Yeah, but I might want to, like wean off because I don't really like taking something every night to sleep, because I don't need to, you know what I mean. But they're just so tasty that I kind of like it's like my treat at night, you know, maybe there's something else. Yeah, there should be a happy medium. But yeah, so I woke up chipper as hell today.

Well it's Christmas.

For those listening, it's Hanica and christ maka thank you so much, and I'm happy that they co exist on the same day together me too.

We're gonna be making uh short ribs tonight. Not when I say we, I mean Robbie, yes, but you.

Will be documenting his hands doing the work.

Absolutely. I'm in charge of the potatoes and the salad and the holla.

What kind of potatoes are you making?

So I think we're gonna either do a mashed or perhaps like a chopped up and in the oven, yes, roasted potatoes.

I love, but you any potato for you can't go wrong.

I know. Have you seen the ones where they smash them like with like and then they put a little parmesan on top.

Those look really good. Yeah, you should do that.

So I've never made them. It feels a little dangerous to experiment on day.

Test it, test it, test it out.

Yeah, I mean, sound good.

Do you know what the one potato that I don't really like that I won't eat, but I know it?


What are the creamy ones?

They're like?


No, I like those are cheesy. Those are delicious like those.

What I don't like is a mashed potato that has the skin in it. Yeah, I just want them smooth, buttery and salted.

No skin.

I like the texture.

We did a feast of seven potatoes for Christmas Eve last year and where I cooked seven different potatoes that was only eat and it was a bad idea. It was I'm reminded of sweet potatoes. We did tac about Fiesta potatoes. I didn't make those mashed potatoes, scaloped potatoes, sweet potatoes.

That was the whole meal.

That was a whole mealtas there you go.

I think sweet potatoes twice. I think he said sweet potatoes twice.

Well maybe you made a sweet maybe he's made a sweet baked potato and a mashed baked potato, mashed sweet potato.

But anyway, that was it. There was no main course.

It was just potatoes, no protein, no fiber, just the complex carbohydrates that the potato can give you. It was Yeah, it was filling. But potatoes are so delicious, you know.

Yeah, honestly, And I didn't realize this, I was. I posted this the other day, but I'm like, I never in my you don't like you make those lists of what you want to partner and then you would like write them and sleep on the pillow.

You know, no one ever does that.

People do that.

You've done that.

Never, You've never written down a list of what you want to partner. Yes, yeah, you never put it under your pillow. I say things like a step too far anyways, never so crunchy like under your pillow, I know, but like moving around, you'll hear the pillow the paper crunch, not even a little bit. Okay, many a nights I slept with it under there, but I never put on there that I wanted my partner to know how to cook like that was never a thing. Like cooking was never a thing. And I realized over the years, it is so nice having a partner that knows how to deal with meat because I hate raw meat. I hate touching it, I hate seasoning it, I hate washing it, I hate all of it. And he just knows how to do all the meat stuff.

It's so nice a man who handles meat.

Yeah put that on lists?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, No, that was never something I did. I did have my list, but again, it was the perfect man, my dream man.

Would it have mattered, Well, it'd be interesting to look at it because I would obviously maybe you put like man, hot man, whatever put there was probably a lot.

Of personality traits that Haley.

I did not put hot man.

You didn't even specify in your mind. You might have, but you didn't write down the gender on the list.

I wrote, Oh yeah, no I did, right, I'm just saying I got man.

Hot wasn't on my like. I think I wanted to be attracted to him, but I didn't put.

So what was on our list?


Like Christian was like my number one. I think like loyal kind Hailey, Hailey loves his family, Hailey, I think athletic, which.

Fine a long.

I didn't specify that we needed to play basketball together or through the football.

Other terifics matter.

Yeah, yeah, let that'd be a lesson.

I'm just saying like a lot.

I mean I think that a general like the general qualities of that I looked for in a person would be the same, whether as a man or woman. But there were some things where I was like, huh, didn't happen, but like almost in.

The best way, because I did date. I did date people.

Who you know, fit that list, and they it wasn't right right. So the list sometimes isn't everything, as we've discovered. As we have discovered, I think there's probably a lot of things that weren't on your list.

About Robbie for sure.

Definitely did Alison match your list that you made growing.

Up growing up?

This was like I made this like ten years ago in.

My older years.


I feel like my list growing up was like I hope Captainmrica is my best friend. No, I mean, I didn't like physically make a list, but like Alison, in my mind, Ali, somebody.

You didn't make a physical list. There's got to be somebody out there think a lot.

I think a lot of women make lists, but I think the sleeping with it under the pillow was the thing that we were all thought off guard by.

Is the tooth pirre supposed to grant bring this man to you?

Is that the idea? It's about manifestation and holding it close to you.

What was the other thing you did with the honey?

Yeah, that thing works.

She also would only sleep on one side of the bed. She left space, and she left the drawer.

I let the whole drawer like a whole drawer, like a whole, like a whole.


And I had.

A closet like the whole closet ring, like a whole closet ring empty to have space, because how are you expected to bring someone into your life if you don't have space for them?

I mean I did that. I did well.

It happened so perfectly for everybody else.

The fairy tale.

I actually would love to hear because I so many because that was part of the calling in the one right.

Yes, So I would love to hear because the people.

I was talking to somebody recently, because I was talking to somebody recently about this book, and she was like, you read calling in the one right because she's like still single and I was like yes, and she's like all of my friends have been telling me that it works, and I'm like, yes, do it.

That's what I'm saying.

But you have like part of the homework was doing all that stuff like creating space and like physical space.

I should rewrite that book, like my own version of it.

You have a publisher, I know, but the one that the original did so well, why do you.

Need a couple of weeks?

There's a good like.

But you did it, and you call it the ones? And why would you tweak anything?

It wouldn't be calling in the one. It would be like, I don't know, there's working, I'm working. I'm working title yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, AnyWho where are we going?

Well, I was just gonna say I would love to know if if other people did all that stuff, you know, because.

Well, yeah, if you're gonna do the work book, you gotta do the work.

I know.

The part something that I struggle with is when I do things I make I just do my I'm like, oh, I'll just make it my own, you know, like you're wanting me to clear out a whole space in my closet for someone who's not here yet, you know. So I'm just wondering if people I would like to know, the people who have had success after.

Doing the workbook, you'd I know, I'm saying outside from you.

If they did all those things like set the table place.

I don't know if that was from the book, to be honest, Like the book definitely did, like the vision boards and the like of the packs that you made, like if we're not married by the time or this age whatever, Like there's a lot of that stuff, but I don't know about the table setting and the clearing out space.

The producer on the morning show, you gave her the book, and I don't think she's done it.

I'm about to buy it for her again. Round two.

You don't think she has anymore? Well, I'm just going to give it a new copy, new.

Copy maybe, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I want to talk about Christmas traditions and the things that we're doing on this wonderful day of celebration.

But before we get into it, I want to take a break. All right.

We are back, and during the break, Mark says she has a Christmas right that he wanted to come.

We're getting the big gift this year. We're getting them new phones. We're getting to my phone sixteen's you know. Okay, So I called Verizon a couple of weeks ago. I'd like to do this please, great, upgrade the phones. Great, no problem. Great. By the way, it's a surprise for my daughters. It's a Christmas gift. Great, no problem. Both of them got texts within twenty four hours saying your new phones.

All the way, come on, what are you doing?

It's Christmas time? I can't upgrade my kids phones. Well, it's obnoxious.

That's annoying. Yeah, I think that's annoying. I'm the gripe. I understand that that's annoying.

I'm on the worker's side. Because here's the thing. You told that one person the phone.

Her name was Erica, over the phone, she was great.

Okay, Eric.

Erica probably puts it in the note to Samantha, who's the next person in mine that's doing the whatever the hell that they need to do. So then Samantha's it's all automated. Yeah, yeah, I don't know about that.

Yeah, I get texts for everything that.


For a long time, I was on my older sister's phone plane, which has all my nephews on it. So anything they did that was like a separate even from the phone stuff like iPads stuff or whatever. I would get notifications about data and usage, and I'm like, I.

Feel like it was she didn't want to spoil your Christmas. I whole heart.

Then Erica said to me, just so you know, once we start this process, they're going to start getting texts.

Well, maybe Erica didn't know that Erica's.

Worked at Verizon for all your girls. You should be like, hey, I got a spam text from Verizon.

Don't That was when only one of them got when we were like, okay, what do we say, We'll say, And now they're both getting them and they're just like, you know, what the hell with it? Yeah, you're getting phones? Merror Christmas.

I got a saxophone stand for Christmas. That's what I asked for. Wow, you no, it was stoked when I walked out and it was set up.

That's a great topic. What's the best gift you got that? Just like you're so happy, blew your mind.

My that was a big one, my, the one I really remember. Because every year we'd get like our individual stuff and then there'd be like normally something that was for all of us collectively as five kids, really like a big gift, that's a fat idea. And one year we got a go kartow fun and that was really fun. Around the neighborhood we had a ton of Like where we lived there was like a lot of land, and then our neighbors had a lot of land, so we could just like roam around.

It was fun.

Is that still where your parents are?


All right, do you ever get back there to see those that land?

Well, actually a few years ago I went, uh to go look at it. And so it's funny because the street now where I lived, it was a bunch of people from the church and school I grew up going to, so everyone kind of lived on that street. And then everyone kind of moved and now it's still people from the same school and stuff that I grew up with, but it's like the new generation of people.

It's kind of cool.

But yeah, so sad, I don't know. I felt like that, like, do you know that my twenty year high school reunion is next year?

Well, whoa, that's right. It feels like it should only be ten for us.

Yeah, I just graduated from high school, like you gonna go. Yeah, if it's like in a date that I don't think they said a date. They just said like next year, twenty twenty five is the twenty years so let's like get to planning.

Wow, whoa would you be part of the planning committee?

I think I have a lot of planning to do in twenty twenty five, So I'm gonna I'm gonna. I'm gonna leave.

That that will all be done by by May. I'm assuming it's in May.

The reunion, I have no idea they might do it. I have no idea. Yeah, when does one do them.

I've never been to a summer month, thinking graduate in May, right, so like.

The officials never been to a twenty year before.

I don't know what to expect.

I feel like our high school reunion that we had, we literally had like forty people in our graduating class, and I think the last one like nine people went to the ten Wow.

Oh yeah, yeah, forty people in your graduating class.

Yeah, I like, wow, three hundred that's crazy, like two something.

So that's what I'm saying, though, you would have a good turnout, because like even if it was.

Ten percent, still thirty people.

Yeah, exactly, yeah, that's what I'm saying, Like you you would still get to see people and be like, oh my gosh.

Yeah, you know, I'm still because it just popped up in my Facebook and I'm seeing people like on Facebook that I haven't seen. I'm like, oh my gosh, this is your new last name and her kids and her yeah five children.

And the new husband. Yes.

Crazy, yeah, you know, so crazy.

It is crazy. Okay, holiday traditions, what have you done? What are your holiday traditions? Like?

Do you have holiday traditions that you took from your childhood that you've brought into your life now I'm asking everybody about the way.

So there's this My mom every year used to put this like gingerbread Man and our Stalking, And it was the most delicious gingerbread Man cookie I have ever had in my life. Like it was so delicious. I wonder if I had it now, if I would still find it so delicious. Probably not, but I know where she got it, and I want to go back and see if I can find them, because I would look forward to it every single year because it was I only got one a year, and he was in my stocking every year. And then like I remember at some point my sister stopped liking it, so like she would give me her gingerbread man, so then I would have two.

For the year.


Yeah yeah yeah, but that is like the one thing, like I just remember this gingerbread man and it being I was so excited to get it every single year.

That's a funny topic too, is what was in your stocking because it was Andy's candies the mints because we go when we go on vacation, they put it on your pillow and we love my sister. I would fight over those Andy's candies and so we get a whole box of my Christmas But that wasn't cool, Like it was cool in the hotel room, but a whole box on my Christmas. We'd never even need them. And giant really giant fruit. What enormous oranges apples like giant fruit that filled out the stocking.

Yeah, I've noticed that a lot of like in the East Coast and Midwest, there's a lot of like oranges in the stocks and stuff like that.

We always have like nail polish, like like airplane was I still get that from my mother.

Wait, this is interesting.

This is an interesting topic because a lot of people's like big expensive gifts are their stocking stuff lot, but our stocking stuffers growing up were all it was like candy, like I happening, like maybe like little makeup like lip gloss and stuff, but never anything super expensive or no.

Ours was like candles.

Makeup, just like fun little knick knacks.

Yeah, but I feel like so because my step kids are Jewish, they've never had stockings and and like you know what I mean, Like this is never a thing, so I always feel like I need to make everything extra good, you know what I mean. So I got like I went to this international candy store and got these like really cool candies that for each of their taste, one of them like sour stuff and one of them like more like chocolatey stuff. So I like got them these really cool like international candies for their stocking. I don't know, it's good.

Wow, that's a good stock gingerbread man.

No, no gingerbread man.

This year, I can't find it.

I can't find it. Yeah, but I'm gonna have to find my thing. I'll find it.

Yeah. Yeah.

Every year for Christmas, I get them something that has to do with sunny, so like either a blanket with Sonny's face on it, or like a pillow with Sonny's face on it or something like that. That's not been like my tradition with them.

Yeah, that's cute.

Yeah, I like that. Yeah, what do y'all do?

Tradition have you? Did you take anything from your.

Not really no. I mentioned a few weeks ago that, like the tradition from when I was a kid at it's so regimented that I remember nothing, So I really I've really backed off on the traditions. But it's pretty similar because we're with our in laws in Wisconsin. As you hear this and uh, and there's a church on and then we go to get like a steakhouse for dinner, and then during the next day we opened presents for a long time. You take lots of breaks, you know. They my brother and puts on a basketball Today it'll be a football game. But anyway, it's just it's just kind of it's kind of chilling. It's just kind of that. That's how a picture to sitting in the living room. We're all in the same spot every year. We're all sitting in the same place in the living room every year and watching everybody open the presence for a long time and then Grandma Sandy's making us sandwiches tonight.

Do you have to ship all the gifts there?

Yes, we try to ship gifts to Wisconsin. Yes, I just shift them. Yeah. The ornaments, I always get my kids ornaments every years.

So that's a tradition just from me.

Yeah, that's true, that's your tradition. Yeah, I love that.

I'm really into like getting Yes, and.

I have ornaments I've given my wife going back, you know, twenty seven years.

That's really that's I love that.

Wait, so when y'all do gifts, do you do like everyone gets everyone a gift or is it more like Elvester you draw names and pick or does everyone just.

Buy everyone for everyone?


Long dang, Oh my other question.

When someone do y'all do like one person opens all their yes?

Oh and you of age starting with the youngest. Wow, that that goes back to when I was a kid. That's that's kind of I feel like.

I'm bringing up to.

It was start with the youngest, which was you. Yes, but we wouldn't do all at once. It would be one one, one one one, and then you go back around well right.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was always just a free for all when we would open that, Yeah, I can't have anything.

In my life free for all.

No ours was very organized. One person at a time, one gift at a time. Once that person's done opening theirs, then the next person.

Oh, no, ours is a free for all.

Really into Yeah, there's five kids, like you're trying to get all of us to be like.

I mean, wait, three yeah is not nothing.

We'd always spend Christmas Eve in my grandfather's house and that's when we'd open gifts with like my mom's side of the family, and it was just a free for all because there was like, you know, twenty of us or something, all the cousins and everything. You know, you just do that and then the next morning is just me and my sister opening gifts.

You know what I.

Saw the day that was like the cutest thing ever. It was a Southwest Stewardess and spoilerler if you're listening in the car with children, fast forward.

So that was nice. I appreciate.

The Southwest Stewardess was in on the elf on a shelf, and so the mom is videoing her two kids sitting on the plane and she's like, oh, I don't know how there's a something got on the plane and there it's there asking for its owners and the name of the kids or whatever, and there's a note here it's it's Buddy and whatever, and the kid's eyes just go.

Know, we were here, and then.

The stewardess like brings it over and they're like, oh my god, he's on this plane and he had like a Southwest whole thing hanging from his neck. And I was like, Robby said it to me because I'm like, I cannot wait to do Elf on a shelf. Like literally, I'm already like saving all the like cute ones that I see people doing, like saving them like in my oh yeah, saved thing.

When when Buddy the Elf comes and.

The morning notes will be no more because Buddy, good morning.

Else Robbie will be goodbye during December, it's gonna be appreciate them now, Yes, let that be a lesson.

Do you and Elson have traditions?

Yeah, we we usually just uh we visited my parents for Thanksgiving and then for Christmas we say home and we open gifts in the morning and then we usually watch Crampis. It's this movie with Adam Scott from twenty sixteen.

We watch character.

Something isn't Crampis in like Red One.

Yes, he is in Red One.


Yeah, big big pop from us when he show up on screen. We he's like the bad Santa. He's scary. But so we watched Crampis. We always watched like up at Christmas. We just watched movies all day this year. As you're hearing this, we're in New York City, the Big Apple.

You're flying out fly yeah, or we actually might be at the airport.

Listen to this, so keep flying the friendly skies with United Airlines and yeah, that's when we're trying to do something different. I've always wanted to go to the city for thanks for Christmas, so that's what we're doing.

I love I can't wait to hear about it.

I have a question really quick about about a gift that Alson may already have at this point, and we'll talk about it after the break, right, yeah, yeah.

All right, we're back. Okay, you have a gift for Alison.

Yeah, this is just a quick question.

It's crossed my mind.

Alison told me specifically that what she wanted. One of the things she wanted for Christmas was she has a pendant but has no chain. And she wanted a silver chain from Tiffany's for the necklace, and it's they're not that expensive, so.

I got it.

And I'm just realizing now I'm afraid that she's going to see the Tiffany box and I think it's something like do I need to get something else?

That the chain is from Tiffany.

But she sees the box like, oh my god, what did you do? And she has for this like a while ago, so I'm like, oh God, did she forget? Like is she going to you know, No, I don't think that's about it all.

I think it's so nice. I don't think she'll be disappointed at all.

Like knowing that the chain is so special.

Okay, that dawn on me just now.

I was like, oh God, what are your traditions with Haley? Have you made any We don't really have it.

Well, we've only spent actual Christmas together one time, and it was because there was all the snowstorms in the South and Midwest two years ago and then I got strap throat, but I got to spend it with her family. And I think this year we're going to be together because I'm like just at that point where I want to be with, you know, on Christmas, and I love to see my family, and she went to be with her family. But you know, it's just that you're very lucky that you're both of your I know.

But no, we're still kind of in that thing because my family is in San Diego. So we're doing well. We already did Christmas Eve last night at my sisters because every Christmas Eve they do cookie decorating, so the decorate the cookies for Santa, so that my brother in law makes like a hundred sugar cookies and then we all like decorate them with like stuff. So we me, Robbie, the kids went down for that. So then we did that with my family. But then I was like, I want to start making like traditions with my family, like my new nuclear family whatever, like my family at Like, I want to spend Christmas morning in our house with our tree and our you know. So we're going back up. We came back up and we're doing Christmas Night with just us, me, Robbie, the kids, his parents, and my parents because my sister wants to spend Christmas at her house with her kids. My brother just had a baby and he wants doesn't want to upset her, you know, routine yet, so I'm like we're all kind of doing our own.

Things are coming up. My parents are.

Coming and they're going to do the morning with my brother, my sister. Yeah, but it's like you get just her a page where Yeah, I know, like I feel bad. My parents are like schlepping four hour drive although do you feel like it? The roads will be clear hopefully. Yeah, got to meet all the travelers out there.

Okay, before we do this or that? What is your favorite Christmas is yours? Crampis favorite Christmas movie, favorite Christmas movie, favorite Christmas song?

For Christmas song you have to go, you have to go like modern and traditional again, Like my favorite modern Christmas song is Happy Christmas War Is Over from John Lennon. My favorite traditional Christmas song is so Holy Night that it's a guaranteed goosebump and doucer. You really hit that note at the end.

Good one.

And favorite movie. I think Elf has really taking the lead.


I love It's a wonderful life, but I think I get the most joy out of Elf.

So since you picked Elf, because it's a toss up for me, I'm going to go home alone too.

Okay more than one.

Yes, I don't know why. For some reason, tutis cooks better cooks. It eats, it eats. My favorite classic Christmas song is what Christmas Means to Me My love by John Legend. That's what Christmas means. That's more of a modern well whatever, that's my old favorite, old one, and then my new one. My new favorite is like It's Christmas the Jonas Brothers.

I think this probably came out at a very similar time. Okay, traditional, I mean, like, you know what child is this? A little town of Bethlehem, Hark the Herald Angels sing silent night like that, like Christmas carols.

Fine jingle bell rock that's also not but that's okay.

That's I would say that my favorite movie is a holiday, Oh good one. I would say that my favorite modern song this is hard because there's some really good I would go, I think I'm going to Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, because.

That just gets me more than the Jonas Brothers.

I don't even know the Jonas Brothers one, so yes, you make.

Me every day.

It's Christmas.

That's fun and I probably heard it. But Mary christ is Happy Holidays.

That's a good one. It's a good one.

But I also love Santa Tell Me Too, Underneath the Tree Kelly Clarkson.

Yeah, I know. And then my favorite classic might be Holy Night.

That's a good there you go, that's a good one. Uh yeah.

My favorite Christmas is Cobby Crampis twenty sixteen s Crampus starring out of Scott and uh my favorite traditional is probably jingle Bells. Sure, that was a classic, and my favorite modern one is by bb REXA. Oh Wow, count on Christmas, Count On Christmas, count on Christmas.

Oh, it's so good.

Have any of you watched Carry On?

No, I don my list.

Though, no, we we literally were.

Haley is very excited to watch it. So it is going to be happening.

Because it's a Christmas movie great like Diehard Christmas. Yes, yeah, so that might be the new favorite modern Christmas movie. That's my favorite. Honorable mention?

Okay, this or that Holiday Edition, Christmas Christmas Edition.

Hi Coco, Hot Coco Coco Coca Real Tree or ighttificial Tree.

Real Tree, artificial tree.

Official snowy Christmas or Tropical Christmas.

Tropical snow.

I've never had snowy.

Even it sounds like cold and I look like if I got to be in Hawaii on Christmas.

I would do that in two seconds.

But when we've when we've been opening presents on Christmas Day and it's snowing outside, it is so perfect. It brings a tear to your eye.

I've never had that, but never had that later perfect. So maybe TBD.

Decorating presents or wrapping presents, wrapping presence, decorating present.

I'm going gift bag. That's my interesting.

I love wrapping, rapping presence.

You do love it's terrible.

Sweater party or fancy holiday soire, fancy gingerbread houses or sugar cookies.

Gingerbread house, sugar cookies.

White lights are colorful lights, white lights, colorful lights, home alone or elfone sledding or ice skating, classic carols or modern holiday songs, Modern holiday modern holiday song, Secret Santa or white Elephant Santa.

I like the idea by elephant, but it sometimes gets like really like.

So long, people get like really sad.

It's just like can be such a disappointed.

Like if nobody likes you gift, it's like sad too.

Like you.

Mila was very excited to get her lemmies and her mouth tape. Thank you very much, nobody wanted to nobody wanted to steal it from her. Let me just say that, however, I wanted.

Those movie tickets. Ended up with a blanket. We're gonna be gifted build a snowman or have a snowball fight. Snowman, oh Bill Simmons. Our first two. I think Holiday shopping in stores are online online line holiday movies or holiday songs. Holiday matching, family pajamas were unique holiday outfits.

Matching family pajamas.

Family cinnamon candles or pine scented can stockings, first or presence first stockings, first holiday brunch or holiday.

Dinner, holiday dinner.

Homemade gifts to store bought gifts. And finally, hot apple cider.

Cider. I trying to get a hot chocolate last night at the mall. It's like trying to find a groundhog on Groundhog's Day.

It feels so it was easy.

It was not the right analogy.

There's only one.

It was like trying to find a lot of gold in a stormy snow, so it's hard to find.

The hot shog was so hard.

I'm like, I'm at the mall. The lights are glowing, there's fake snow coming down, there's Caroller singing, and I cannot find a hot cup of cocoa. But there's like a bread like a banana bread bin, and like a raw cookie dough out a cookie dough tin.

There's like forty thousand coffee shops at that mall. You couldn't find a hot I went.

To one of them and the hot cocoa was out, Oh yeah, and it was made, it was real milk.

It was crowded, so.

I did not get my hot chocolate last night, but.

You can have one today on this cozy Christmas afternoon. Christmas Afternoon, Merry Christmas, Merry Christry.

Christmas, Happy Holidays.

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Scrubbing In with Becca Tilley & Tanya Rad

We need a crash cart! Scrub in each week with Becca Tilley and her BFF Tanya Rad as they fangirl ove 
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