Happy New Year’s Eve Eve! We’re looking forward to 2025 with an audio vision board! Becca and Tanya reveal their favorite songs of the year, and we learn the true meaning of W.I.F.E.
Plus, what are you leaving behind in 2024?? And Becca shares her predictions as the oracle for celebrity break-ups!
Scrubbing In with Becca Tilly and Tanya Wrath, an iHeartRadio podcast.
Hello everybody, we are scrubbing in.
Scrub dub dub.
It's the last day of the year. It's the Lassie of.
The year, thirtieth of December today thirty there's one more days of the year.
Version of the scrubbing song.
I you know, I thought about that, but I don't know how to do it any.
Yeah, yellow is the.
One yo, it is the ring.
What are the words of that song?
Never brought to mind? Should all the quaintance be forgotten? In days of all lang zion?
That one's too hard to do?
No, no, no.
Scrub scrub scrub, scrub, scrub.
Scrub scrub scrub scrub.
A moment that we're gonna ge Inger copyright for that.
Yeah, it's too similar, Yeah, really too close to the real.
Okay, don't rule these days.
What is everyone doing for New Year's Eve?
What are Let's start with you?
Well, so normally are like typically what we do is we go somewhere for like a getaway, and we celebrate out of town. But last year we did we stayed here and it was really nice because we just made vision boards all day and it was a very cozy day at home and it felt like nice to not be traveling or going anywhere. So I think we might do that again this year and then do like a trip later on. But that's the playing, just vision boards and good food.
You know.
I love.
I love a goal to like be healthier starting in the new year.
So I really got balls to the walls on.
Food to the walls baby.
On the day before the New year.
So I'm actually starting a like, oh, You're gonna be healthy this year.
No, I'm healthy every year.
I know that was my joke.
But I'm starting, like, I don't know what to call it, like a community accountability.
I just name it.
Sounds good, community accountability activity. It's pretty good, honestly, off No, yeah, any sounds very Basically, every day for the month of January, I'm going to move my body every single day, okay, seven days a week. So that does not mean I'm going to be going balls to the walls doing like berries every day. Some days I want to walk, it's gonna just be me walking. But every single day for the month of January, I'm gonna move my body and i want like everybody to join in and like send me pictures and I'm gonna send prizes to people that are doing it like that I see that are doing it a lot.
Wow. Nice A community.
Yes, a community activity.
I have to write that down right now.
January it's like, uh, spry January.
Yes exactly, because it's not realistic for me to do dry January.
I just know it. It's just not.
So this is gonna be my community accountability activity.
Yes, I think it's fun.
I'm gonna give out prizes to people that I see that are posting and like tagging me and like keeping themselves accountable.
I think it's gonna be fun.
It's fun. Yeah, So it's a fun way to start good habits. Yes, you know.
And might not do it with each other. You know what I'm saying.
If we're not doing it with each other, what are we doing? Four David? Yeah, that's right.
She's in her ships creek.
Yeah, I am, So what are you doing on New Year's Eve?
Well that is tomorrow, yes, tomorrow really?
Yeah, might be right here in Los Angeles, great old city of La California, City of Angels, the City of Angels, or I might be in the city of the Big Apple.
Oh no, that's a big like n y E and E in n y C.
Yes, big deal.
Are you going? Would you? If that comes to pass? Will you be at the ball drop?
I will not?
I see, yes, you've done that before. I have.
I did one year I went to where the ball to times Square. I would no, No, I would not be doing that.
You'd just be going with friends, correct and Robbie.
But yeah, so those are two very different, very different, very very fun, really fun. Yeah. Wherever we decide to be, it's gonna be.
It's the most wonderful time.
But you know, I usually I do my vision board, but I do it the first week of January, so I'll definitely be doing that within the coming days. I have my Word of the Year, which I'm very excited about.
You know.
It's so good. Thank you Mark for the assistance.
I don't need that, but you're nice to say so, but thank you.
Thank you. Woman in full Yeah, wife is the wife ye come up with. It's pretty epic.
I got a text just the other day from my daughter.
Used to go to school with a guy, and so we knew his parents and we haven't spoken to him in a long time because they're off at separate colleges together, so we don't really see her anymore.
But I just thought Little just said w I f E Bravo.
Wow me a second, Like, what is she saying?
Yeahs to the podcast. Yeah, yeah, look at you.
W I f E.
Is it's like a spin on the word wife, And I'm like obsessed with it.
Yeah, because it's almost it's almost taking the tradition of what wife is and make me get it an independent modern woman take.
Yeah, it's like so epic. I'm so excited about it. I haven't been this excited about a word in like a minute.
Try pretty good.
It's like a pretty good trajectory.
So I don't know how next yours pressure is on?
And what does it stand for?
What could it stand for?
Okay, moment, magic, my oven.
We have a year to work, shop, mommy, get youth, mommy, Mama, mama, mommy.
Modern offspring machine.
That's not bad, honestly, that we're getting ahead of ourselves.
Let us not speed through twenty twenty five.
No, we got to get to the wife wife era.
Yes, So that's what that's a little bit about my plans for the.
Sounds great, sounds exciting.
So we're also breaking with tradition this year. We are always at my brother in law's.
On New Year's Eve.
We play games, we watch Ryan count it Down, the whole deal. But this year the kids said to us mom, dad, we have lives now, we have friends. I am off at college. I would like to see my friends on New Year's Eve. We would like to be home for New Year's Eve to be with our friends. So we changed our flights, which cost a fortune. Yeah, and we are coming back. We're flying back tomorrow New Year's Eve day.
Smart, thank you.
And then you would think, but no, it didn't really save us much money. Hopefully there's less people in the area anyway.
So that's tomorrow night.
So tomorrow night we're going to be a bunch of the dance parents are getting together for a party. Wow, but we'll find out. We hear it's fun. Like every you're like, oh my gosh, you should have been there. It was the best time.
So okay, we'll give it a shot this year.
Oh, this is the thing they do every day every year.
Start we're never there. Yeah, it goes.
This feels like a new tradition. I think it may be whether you liked it or not.
Yeah, well we'll find out.
We're going to a party our friends having a black Swan white Swan thing, and yeah, we have to dress up as swans. Alison got a bag that's really cute and dressed and I don't know what I'm gonna do yet. I forget it, but yeah, we're gonna do that and then probably watch Ryan on tape delay.
Later, we were gonna when we were gonna be in La we were gonna have people over and do like a pajama party, but do like gamesame night still could fill. Yeah, yeah, well no tomorrow, that's right, it's all in play.
What would you say was your biggest accomplishment of the year.
I mean, that's for us.
It was it was getting my oldest daughter off to college. I mean, graduating high school, big deal, off to college, big deal. And honestly, I found out Amy was pregnant in August of two thousand and five, and so I immediately did the math and knew immediately that you would be the class of twenty twenty four. So the fact that here we are, I've been waiting for this year for a long, long time. So that was that was the biggest that overshattered everything else in twenty twenty four.
Yeah, y'all did it. You did it?
Did it by you?
I would say.
My biggest accomplishment, I would say maybe the time of while Haley was gone working in Canada and us navigating that and getting through that, and I feel like our relationships like better than ever right now. So I felt like that made us very oh and moving in together and it being such a such a fun Like I was not that I was nervous because we basically lived together, just had two different places, but it was just so fun. And it's just I felt feel like our relationship is even better than ever living together, which I know could could have gone in a different direction.
I think it was a different direction if you move in too fast.
I feel like at that, you know what I mean, Like you guys, yeah, and you know how each other lives right.
Like warning me and they're like, it's different, you know when you move in.
But I'm like, we literally lived together. We just have double of everything.
I think about that too.
I'm like the thing about mar and I us didn't have to be a marriage, about being in a long term committed relationship is like feeling like it's a sleepover every night, you know what I mean, Like I love sleepovers.
I that was like the like I.
The only thing I did not like about my single season was sleeping alone every night. I love that.
It's like a sleepover every night, you know. And I like look at him and I'm like, I want to.
Go to sleep because I'm so obsessed with you.
Haley does not do It's so fun.
He's like, I'm tired.
Turn around and You're like, I didn't want to close my eyes.
I don't want to fall asleep because I'm missing you. And I don't want to miss.
A thing because temn war a dream again, the the soonest.
Dream will never do.
I still miss you, man, and.
I don't want to miss a thing. It's true.
I've never felt the lyrics before I film.
Now, what's your biggest accomplishment?
I feel like mine was Miami swim Week.
That was a good one.
It was just like so out.
Of my comfort zone and it was like an immediate no when it came to me, I was like, no, I don't want to do that.
And then the fact that.
I thought about it and really took the time to just like put myself, push myself out of my comfort zone to even do the audition, which was like so weird to film yourself strutting down a runway in your bikini and like dropbock.
That to people was very vulnerable, like doing it in my driveway, you know what I mean.
It was so weird, but it was like very cool. And then the actual experience itself.
Was very People.
Will bring it up, but thank you.
That's that is that is true.
Let me just do who were just telling that story to the other day.
We were we were spinning a yarn at No Boo the other day. Oh, talking about gas.
And how I hurt media still forbids the use of drop box because of the time, you're rat She plugged in her phone to her laptop and it started uploading all of her photos from her phone onto every computer in all of my heart lost the angelus, which caused the Wi Fi to drop to low speeds for the entire building and tell somebody had to run around figure out what is happening. I mean, well, every single computer building something pictures getting pictures of Tanya, some of which are completely inappropriate, would have never come our engineer figured it out and got rid of it.
But then we got to Medbo saying no more drop Box ever, ever.
Ever, people could just like have taken screenshots or yeah.
Whenever they were good photos.
So I imagine it very very tasteful, very perky. But I feel like that whole experience and like it made me feel. It gave me a sense of like there's so much out there to do. Yes, why would I pigeonhole myself into just feeling like I can't do it all? You know, like next more, I want to do Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.
Your word was try and you tried. I tried and you did.
Yeah, and now I have more modeling roles modeling asper Yes.
I do?
Yeah, yeah, why not?
Why not?
You did not get engaged in twenty twenty four. I was going to say you're engagement, but that was not three.
See, I did the same thing.
Yeah, but that's a good one. Miami swimming is a very good choice.
I just feel weird when it's like a work thing. But I think the thing I'm most proud of anyway is we started a podcast this year with California Governor Gavin Newsom, and that there's a lot of things that I get asked to do that I don't know how to do and I want to say no, I can't do that, but I didn't have that. I didn't want to do that. And uh, there's a lot of challenges that came with that show, and I'm we did them all. And uh, I was really proud of everything we did with the show Politick, in which you can hear on iHeart Radio.
But also you've gotten to go to the Governor's mansion, the Capitol and Sacramento.
Yeah, lot of stuff technically that was difficult, Like we went to Sant Quentin Prison in northern California, lost stuff at the Governor's mansion. Wasn't with Gavin, but I went to the White House for another podcast, and it just that those challenges would normally make me very afraid, but I did not meet them with fear. I met them with ambition and drive, and it was just I was proud of how I solved all those problems.
We're proud of you. Thank you so much that you're a part of this podcast.
This podcast is my favorite one. This is one I'm most proud of. Though describing here.
First, if there's anything that you want to leave behind in twenty twenty four.
What is that?
I'll tell you when we come back.
Oh my god, wow, all right, we're back.
One thing that I would leave in the past from this year, hmm. You know this isn't just this past year, but in general. Something I'd like to leave in the past is kind of what you were talking about, like not trying things. Because what we're talking about like not trying things because of fear. And I don't know where that comes from in our head, that it is better not to try rather than better to try and fail. I don't know why our brains do it like that, instead of being like, let me try something and if it doesn't work out, I'll pivot, as opposed to being like I'm not going to do it because I'm.
Too scared if I fail.
So I would like to leave just that mindset in the background and be like more ambitious and trying things that are scary and not being like embarrassed if I fail, but just being like all right, like being proud that I tried, rather than embarrassed that I failed. You know.
Yeah, that's what I would leave.
Yeah, try to be that one.
We can move on to the next, No, I think I think that I put so much pressure on myself and what other people think or like other people's feeling.
So I know that that's like a good quality to have, but also it's like a lot of my own detriment and I hate that for me. Mm hmmm, So I'd like to leave that behind. So like people pleasing, it's not quite people pleasing, but yes, because it's not it's not quiet, like I'm not talking the umbrella.
Yeah, sure, it's the umbrella.
Okay, Yeah, So.
Not doing things like not doing things specifically caring about other people's feelings.
Or and when you say, like that is so bad what you're.
Saying, because we're this is what we were talking about. There is a culture where it's like we live in a very selfish culture that's like really tells us focus on yourself set boundaries kind of almost like only think about yourself. But I think the mindset should be care for others and be there forevers but make sure your cup is filled so that you can give to others, as opposed to draining yourself trying to be everything for everyone and not taking the time to like fill up your cup, you know.
So there is that balance, but I don't or.
It's hard to balance it in a society that's telling you like me, me me, and don't people please.
But there is something there's beauty in being I.
Feel our generation was the opposite. We weren't me, me me, But.
Now this, this what we're in right now, I think focuses a lot on that. So it was like fine navigating that balance because there's so much beauty in giving to people, but not if you're draining your you know, if you don't have the capacity to do it.
Yeah, because I think like there was a lot of challenge, Like obviously I went from being super single and only taking care of myself to like a serious relationship with two kids and a dog, you know. So it's like a lot of my time, Like there's only so much time I have and I'm still trying to do everything that I did five years ago for people, and it's like I'm literally like stretching myself like Gumby over here.
Yeah. Yeah, I only even behind negativity, and mostly in the form of social media and comments. I'm trying to cut back on social media because as the negativity can be overwhelming, I feel like.
You don't partake in social media.
I don't really, but I read it. I look at it. I don't do post and stuff like that.
I don't really post anything ever, but I look at it a lot. Oh really yeah, and a lot of the like I'll follow fan accounts of things I love, like my sports teams, and then all the posts are how much our team sucks. And then I'll like, I'll follow like I love Saturn Night Live my whole life, I love Centerate Life. I'll watch those accounts and every every week that Joe sucked, and I don't want that anymore. I don't want that in my life. I'll get me more selective about who I follow because I don't want any more negativity.
I want to move on from that and enjoy the things I enjoy.
That you make such a good point, because every time I go to like a sports teams or like even the MLB account, like, I'll see a post that randomly pops up and the comments are so negative. It'll be like someone wearing like Pride jerseys and those are the work.
I'm like, I can't believe people still exist, Like it's crazy.
I live in such a bubble that like these comments exist and they're like, we'll.
Getting comments on my Instagram the one that went viral about how ugly and insecure and oh yeah.
Standing on the end. How many is that up to, by the way.
Honestly, it's like, so it's still daily that I'm getting like really mean, like really mean stuff.
I'm like, that's amazing.
Internet people say you shouldn't live in a bubble. I'm good in my bubble. I'd like to live in my bubble.
Wait, I don't know, maybe you can find this, but there was an art Haley was saying. There was an article or she saw a video or something where these people took their kids' phones away for like four weeks or something, and just the difference. Had they talked to their parents more, they were like so present they were, they.
Were able to communicate better.
And I was like, wow, I mean, we're all adults, so we know when it's time to put our phone down and step away or self fit social media. I mean it's hard, but like we know when it's time to do it, whereas these kids are like taking in everything, but they don't have the tools and the frontal lobe development to go. Oh, I need to stop looking at this or step away. So it's just like ingrained.
Yeah you know yeah, Tinya's radio has fifteen point four million.
Wow, the same big guys accomplishment of twenty four. The comments are just like you're so ugly.
I hope they took a picture without you. You ruined the You're so childish, You're so annoying. Get out you ho you this you that.
I'm like, who are these people?
If I were any bit of like someone that had any sort of instant like I really do not take these comments to heart, I'd find humor in reading them. However, if I were not myself, this could take me down.
Oh yeah, gosh, yeah.
There's the goal right right.
It's so crazy.
Robbie will like randomly like send me them, and he's like these are It's like they're still coming, Like it's amazing, it's embarrassing.
I don't know how you guys weird hand that kind of like I was talking to Mark the other.
Day, I'm quite gorgeous, like yes, like.
I I interviewed Mario Lopez on a different podcast and like someone wrote a comments in like.
Wait, but wait, we should mention Eastern hosts a podcast now and you should all listen to it. It's called I Smell Pop Culture in the eye, am all in feed.
It's for Gilmore Girls, if you guys are fans of Gilmore.
Girls, but its etern interviewing celebrities, and I find it very enjoyable.
Thank you, Margaret Ray kind. Uh yeah, it's been a lot of fun. We've interviewed a ginger from Gilligan's Island and Mario Lopez and uh Julie Benz who was on a Buffy the Rani Press. She was delightful, very delightful, and everyone's been really nice. But the Mario Opez interviewed, people are like, yeah, this one wasn't for me. And I was like, I got so dark over that. I was like, I was like whipping myself on the back when you got to be better at this, So what's wrong with you? Just because he didn't have a lot of time with us, it was really short, so I patted it by adding what I thought was extra content, and people did not want that extra content. It was me just talking about this Gilmore Girl's theory with sopranos. It's a little in the weeds. I don't need to get into it any at the risk of doing it again, but yeah, it wasn't even mean, Like they didn't say anything mean. They just said I didn't really enjoy this, and I was like, I went so dark over it, and I was like, this is the most this is like kind compared to anything else any woman gets on the internet, especially you.
Know, if I see anything negative, Like if I see the only thing I'll see that's negative typically is something in the Facebook group that's more like criticism, like I would say constructive criticism, like I don't think we're scrubbers, are ever like mean spirited, But I don't go I used to seek it out, read stuff about myself when I was on the Bachelor, and it was so mean, and I was like, why am I doing?
Like I literally actively chose to click on this and read it. Why am I doing this?
And never since then, if I see one mean thing, I'm like, oh, I'm out not looking anymore. Like if I go to my DMS and there's anything mean, I just go, okay, I'm not looking at this today, which is rare.
I don't get a lot of like me, so I don't.
Get a lot of means up either, but I get a lot of opinions and I hit them right back.
How you do?
I mean, people really go up in arms over the term stepparent. My god, I've noticed that.
Oh my, it's like you're a bonus mom.
Yes, yes, my bonus sounds so whack. I'm calling myself a bonus mom and like to each their own, you know what I mean. Oh, but honestly, I blame the movies for that term being negative.
Yeah yeah, well they yeah, they.
Really step parents to be these like horrendous witches.
Yeah, so thank you for that.
So the theory is, because I think it's hysterical, is that there's an episode of The Sopranos.
This is not my theory. I did not come up with this.
There's an episode of The Sopranos with the Gilmore Girls are on TV. There's an episode of Gilmore Girls where they refer to the Sopranos.
So so that means that at some point Tony Soprano was watching Gilmore Girls and watch the characters reference him like saying like nice coat, you look just like Tony Soprano and going like, well that's me, you know, Like that's that's the paradox here.
It's a paradox, or they can't exist in the same universe. Why because they can't both be TV shows in the same universe.
Or the other.
The other side of it is that the Gilmore girls will watch Sopranos and then see themselves on TV at some point like, oh my god, they're watching us.
It's going on paradox.
I don't know I have that stuff.
I'm talking.
I rambled about this for six minutes and negative comments and everyone's like, I'm out, I can't handle this.
I don't think it was anything about you.
I think it is probably to understand like Tanya and I right, Tony and me.
Yeah, you can be speaking a whole different language.
Really, if they're Maria Lopez fans out there, just skip ahead six minutes. I promise. I talked to Mario Lopez. We talk about Christmas.
Eastern own podcast about pop culture paradoxes.
It's gonna be really great.
It's gonna be great a pair of docs with chun Berry and the Michael J. Fox movie that back in the future, the chuck Berry paradox has lost the discussion.
Yeah, we will definitely be guessed. I'm in with that.
I don't think I have anything to.
To that, so I will not partake but love you.
What was your favorite song of twenty twenty four?
Oh, you can't top.
Three, I'm going I like good Luck, Babe.
I think that was my favorite song of the year.
I think Espresso Sabrina More Sabrina Martine, Sabrina Carpenter's definitely up there. Okay, Taste Sabrina Carpenter was really good.
And I'm gonna go Greedy Tate McCray.
Wow, number one song on American Tap forty alert.
But you know, if you listen last weekend, h it's out. Actually yeah, two weekends in a rows.
What about everybody else?
I said good Luck Babe, I.
Would go, I think you know what's a feather?
I was gonna say birds of a feather?
Or uh, I really love that so true by Gracy Abrams.
But yeah too, I haven't gotten tired of it yet.
Normally TikTok trends, I'm immediately like, Okay, I'm done with.
This tired of it either. Yeah, I'm with you on that one, thank you. But that one feels so fresh.
It is, but it was in the year of twenty ten four. You're correct, my birds of a feather? Yeah, I love I love I.
Gotta good bar song Boozy. I love that song. I never get tired of.
It to Tahoe me you and Robbie runs me that I gotta throw a Taylor slipped one in there, right because she really is.
But you know what, I might go with the black Dog Wow, Wow, that bridge.
Powerful powerful. Yeah, so this might be a shocker.
Well wait a minute, why don't we take another break because we've gone long enoughter we need another break now. No, well, you come back with whatever you're teasing because that.
So I talked a lot of smack on this song originally.
Don't want a smack. I don't want to smack.
Talk about how it didn't cook.
It was whack, it was whash.
And now it's my I want to say it might be my favorite song off the Torch of Poet's Department.
See that's the thing about that album. You sit with it and songs pop yeah, pop up?
Can I guess you can?
Is it gonna be?
Is it in the first half of the second half, first half and you sat with it?
Your first it was like not even in my top five. Now it's the one that I put on first.
Okay, is it? Is it?
Him be?
But daddy. I love him because no, she loves that one.
Okay, I'm gonna go just because it feels random.
My boy only breaks his favorite told me, no, I hate that one easy.
Sorry, sorry, I hate the strong word.
Love of my life No, maybe second lost of my life, maybe the second.
Half alchemy, alchemy, no the Boulter, No.
My daughter's wand no.
Florida so high school?
Oh guiltiest Sin?
Yes, Oh wow, I only took a hundred guesses, trick.
I was like the last one and I hadn't guessed.
Yes, yeah, guilty Sin, I think it might be my favorite.
And you were just mad about that one.
Not only man. I was like hard on it.
Oh wow.
I was like, I remember Hannah Brown. We have like Hannah Brown as a guest, and she was like, it's my favorite, and I was.
Like, this is the negativity I want to avoid in twenty twenty five when somebody says I love that song.
You could go.
I had this conversation with Haley last night about how it's how it is so important when someone says they like something to go, oh really like like be curious about it, even if you don't love it, but like curious why like why do you love it as opposed to just immediately poop pooing it.
Not even poo pooing it. It's like you want you I'm like, no, my song's better.
Yeah, not doing that, I'm saying, right, right, I do that.
I know well, you know it's only room for growth.
And wife. Wife, a woman in full effort plus ever floor.
Fluorescence, efflorescence florescence.
Doesn't try to be better. She just goes like, wow, I love that for you.
I love yeah.
Yeah, So that's that.
That's that.
We hope you have a safe New Year's Eve.
Be safe, be happy, be.
Oh and I can't wait for prediction.
Do you have any breakup predictions? I wanted to get to that make up predictions.
It's pretty happened twenty five.
Tate McRae and Kiddle Roy.
Damn you heard it here first.
Who's together?
Like everybody, I don't want it to happen, but I think Gracie Abrams and Paul.
Mescal School, Mescal mess School, Samari right, No more, Okay.
You got another one.
By the way, I'm looking at your list from March of twenty three, another one has fallen, that being Ben and j Loo. You gave them five years though you're a little high on that one. I know.
No, I just was like, it's the second round. They have to make it at least five years, right, No, they don't.
Uh what did I say about Meghan Fox and MGK? Were they on there?
They're still back and forth?
They were not on here?
Dang I would have I probably would have.
Given by the way you did say Taylor and Travels would be over by October second four.
What about Ariana Grande and Ethan Slater?
I will say after I'm gonna say till twenty twenty six.
Jen Tran and Sasha Farber.
Are they still together as we speak?
That's a good, solid, solid question.
But none of your forevers have fallen.
Justin Bieber and Haley Bieber's here.
I think they'll I think they're in. What did I say?
No, I'm sorry they're not. Oh here it is. Your thoughts are too erratic. That's what it was. At the time.
My thoughts were too.
It was like the magic eight ball, not clear.
It wasn't clear.
I feel pretty clear that they're going to be together for I would give them at least ten years.
Not forever. You're not saying forever.
Ten years in Hollywood fils is forever?
What about Gigi had Ead and Bradley Cooper.
I'll give them, I'll give them two years.
Selena Gum is in just inny Avlanka, So say's.
It two years for Gig and Bradley? Two years from right now?
So like the end of twenty six?
Yeah, okay, who did you ask me?
Snagum is in Bennymonica.
You know I want I want her to have forever, So I'm putting it out there for her.
It is Kylie Jenner and Timothates Charalame.
I'll give them.
I'll give them the this year, Kya Gerber and Austin Butler, I'll give them another six months.
Oh mama, well there's a breakup in twenty five, you're predicting.
I'm putting summer of twenty five.
So Tate McGray and kid Lroy, Kya Gerber and Austin Butler.
Who else was that?
It? Jana Kramer and Superior striker.
Alan Russell is his birth name. They have a child together, they are married.
I really want forever for Jana Kramer, so I am going to put that out there for her.
For them.
Okay, I'm still scrolling.
I think we're good.
What I think har good?
One good one?
He's dead. Oh, let me say seven years.
Okay, let's check back, ye thirty two and it is forming.
Apparently Zindia and Tom Hollands forever forever, I hope.
So I love them together.
That was a very quick pri Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.
She already addressed that one.
What did I say about them to Megan and Prince Harry?
You said ten years?
Yeah, I get ten years a lot on my magicate ball run.
Like that's what comes up.
A lot, all right, And like I feel bad about my knee jerk reaction to some of these, So I need people to know I'm rooting for them.
It's just my instinct.
The inside's coming out, I guess.
So all right, next
Year to be continued