Holding Space

Published Dec 11, 2024, 2:25 AM

Have you held space for the lyrics of “Defying Gravity” today? Becca and Tanya continue making Wicked their personality but Tanya needs some help on how to properly “hold space”. 

We get all the info on the movie Hayley is working on, and Tanya makes another go at trying to break into the Sonic franchise. 

Plus, we try to guess the mega-celeb Tanya ran into at Jingle Ball and we get a head start on the “word” for 2025!

Scrubbing In with Becca Tilly and Tanya rap An iHeartRadio podcast.

Hello everybody, we are scrubbing.

In scrub a Dub dub and the tub.

A tub Tub. People are liking those songs?

Are they? What reviews are you hearing? I'm getting quite a few reviews, like what are they saying?

One day I did it a little bit different and they were like, oh I missed the og song.

I was like, Wow, let's become then og song.

Maybe you could write the new scrubbing an intro. Maybe maybe you're working on that. Maybe, Yeah, how you doing been better? How you doing better? A self induced ben better? Which is the worst?

The worst? And I say this, I bet we could roll the tapes back. And I probably said this over a million times on the podcast. Drinking and You're never drinking again? I can't words don't.

Hold any weight.

And no, it's today's Tuesday. Sorry were daylight folks, Today's Tuesday. You won't make it until a week from now without drinking.

Well, now that I have that challenge presented in.

The challenge, you are going to drink over the holidays, Well, what.

Do you have this week? Is there anything where you are presented with.

What when isn't there someone, isn't there a presentation of wine or.

A holiday spritzer?

I mean I have I go weeks about.

It, really, Oh my gosh.

Just yesterday we had a staff lunch where there was espresso, martinis and Margarita's. I did not partake because I was coming down, still.

Coming down from the weekend drunk.

Yeah, Bossom, I'm still drunk.

But yeah, I feel like it's like every day, every night there's something.

But like there was a time where you would say.

No, I know a long period of time.

Yeah, like you well it was when you were doing Hashimoto stuff.

You're a little more rigid, rigid.

Yeah, But anyway, I get back to her, Maybe I should try for dry January.

Yeah, yeah, A lot of people do that. Yeah, when your bachelorette is though. Oh yeah, I feel stuff.

We could do a dry bachelorette at this rate. I don't think.

I don't think we could do two nights of what we did this weekend. We said one night right, one night party, one night bonding.

Right, yeah, both nights bonding.

Yeah yeah yeah, yeah, one involves alcohol.


Yeah, maybe we should reverse and tell people why we're so hungover. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, So I had her annual extravaganza.

It's my It's just start okay. So this started as Hayley's annual party. It's called her Gingerbread House Party, and basically they have a gingerbread house that everyone's supposed to participate in. And then once she and I started dating, it was a collab party we threw and the way somebody ever touched the Gingerbread House personally never. This year was the first time I put anything on the Gingerbread House. Oh wow, sure, because I'm always running around and so we had a the what's the word I'm looking for. The thing that takes me down is that we have a bartender there.

Yeah, so I like the bar tender. He's looking for me.

Huh huh. He was amazing. I actually was gonna try and find his Instagram and shout him out because I, oh, yeah, his name's Eddie, but I was trying to find his business name, Classic twenty one Bartending Services if you're looking in LA. He was so good, but it took me down because no, he took me down. I had my drink and he saw that it was empty from across the room. Yeah, he came over with a fresh one, so I don't know. I was just and you know, it took me back to Palm Springs when the spicy mark kept being handed to me out of nowhere.

I made the big mistake, big mistake.

I ordered the Mistletoe mule. And this is a vodka drink, mind you so, and I don't drink vodka ever. I'm usually like more of a tequila drinker. But I tasted a little bit of becaus I was like, oh that's delicious. I love apple cider and it was like applely and there was like a little.

Apple slice the sugar.


I was like, this is my vibe for the night.

In order to get it less sugary, I said, why don't you double up on the alcohol?

What what's the thought process there?

Wait? What, I didn't know you did that? Oh yeah, well this makes so much sense.

So I I yeah, it's all coming back to me now because I'm like, I do remember. And then I remember my second drink after I told him that, being very stiff, and I'm imagining he made the rest of them in similar fashion.

But at that point I was far too gone.

Yeah, you were like, this is exactly what I was wanting.

Yeah, okay, huh.

Because you went down quick.

I went down quick.

Yeah, okay, so that makes sense. I I didn't do that. However, at a certain point in the night, my brain goes it's time for shots, yeah, which is where I start going around the whole party, and whoever is in my path gets a shot.

And the problem. I don't like to raw dog a shot.

I like it just plain as is, because when they're yummy and tasty and sweet and treaty, you don't realize what's happening. So I'm taking three or four thinking I'm drinking some kool Aids.

Yeah. They were like Hawaiian punch.



So if you take away any lessons from our holiday party, let it be this one.

Do not take sugary shots. Raw dog your shots.

Always raw dog your shots, which means just the.

Plain liquor, just the liquor.

Number two, do not ask your bartender to double up on the alcohol to produce the sugar in your drink.

Mind you, these cups were small, so when she was doubling up, I would say three fourths of the cup were probably was probably vodka that point.


Okay, So Tanya, you know, she doesn't really participate in the games or anything. Like me and Paulina were playing uh my sister's girlfriend Arden and Robbie and beer pong. I'm the worst at beer pong. And this is the thing because everyone's like, no, like you're you're so athletic, you're good everything, But I never win ping pong, great at ping different.

She's pretty good at beer pong.

If I'm being honest, this night, I was excellent just for one game.


I don't like to be Robby's teammate because he's very competitive. I don't like to be your teammate because you're very competitive. So I think it's best for everyone if I just observe and in video.


Yeah, so Paulina and I. Paulina got smoked the game before, so I was like, okay, I want to join, and we were just on fire. It was like, did you feel confident of us leading the wedding? These balls in those cups? Yeah? And then I can't find Tanya. I'm like, where is she? And I look over and she is locked in on the gingerbread house by herself. No one else is around her, and she's like putting cereal on their icing, and I was like, is this the first time you've ever touched I have a video of you. Is this the first time you've ever touched the gingerbread? Excuse me? Would you would be remiss to remember twenty twenty two? And I was like, yeah, I don't remember what you contributed in twenty twenty two.

I was so drunk.

I didn't realize that the gingerbread house this year was university.

Sarah's trying to replicate Yeah.

I did not know that until the following day, because you know, what's the honeycomb.

Cereal that you bought?


Oh, just called honeycomb. Yeah, it looks like honeycomb. Yeah, delicious, mind.

You Honeycomb's big yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah that's small. No no, no, Honeycomb's got a big, big bite. Fake fake, No, it's not something people though.

No, I've never heard that in my life.

Well, so there was a giant wall on the back of this gingerbread house with an s now. It makes sense that it's for shiz. I had no idea what that s did for, but I was like, oh, there's nothing else around it. So I took it upon myself to honeycomb the entire backside of the gingerbread house. And then I took goldfish and I did the trim around like all the outsides, and then I ran out of goldfish and then I was like sad, and then I passed out.

And then oh wow. So then we move on to playing. Some people call it celebrities, some call it fish Bowl. And we're where it's like intense, everyone's yelling. Tanya lays on the back of my couch, not even on the couch, just on the back, passes out the whole game, just a sleep while we're all screaming playing games. She said, it's bedtime and I have foma, So I'm here but gone.

Literally gone.

Next thing I know, they're waking me up to go home, and it's one thirty in the morning. I'm like, what did we do here till we arrived at six thirty?

What did we do from six thirty to one thirty?

It was a lot. It was a lot. So Mark, you'll appreciate Yeah, I don't know if you'll appreciate this. So Tanya walks in at six thirty and we're catching up. I'm like, how was jingle Ball? And she was like, oh, it was so great, like it was really chill and fun, and and I go, how was it meeting Kyler?

No, you didn't say Kyler, I said Lexi.


At first I said Kyler, and You're like who, And I go Lexi and she goes, that was Lexi. She met Lexi Gray at jingle Ball.

A photo that's really something.

You had no idea she was, so if I may.

I never knew Lexi Gray's real name, so the Kyler of it threw me. I have not spoiler alert kept up with Lexi Gray since she was spoiler alert killed off Rais.

Which was what year I can find out? I'd say, I'm.

Going to guess twenty fifteen.

Twenty fifteen, soyay, I'll tell you.

Okay, Oh, wait, hold on, hold on, I think more than that, twenty fourteen.

I think twenty twelve, and we going twenty fourteen, mark was the answer.

Lexi Gray's final appearance was in an episode called Flight, which I'm sure we all recall the final episode of season eight in twenty twelve.


So long ago.

Yeah, okay, of course.

She had a guest star appearance in twenty twenty one on.

The Beach, oh, which I may have missed because I haven't seen her since twenty twelve.

Okay, fine, I don't follow.

Her on social media. I don't know.

So we're at jingle Ball, and just so that I can set the scene, jingle Ball is very chaotic. There's a lot of stuff going on backstage. We were in the middle of a meet and greet for the morning show. There was like a lot going on, taking photos with listeners and having a hell of a fun time in this little room.

Right first, Well, it's very chaotic for you most people. It's for you specifically and the team.

It's yes, it's a lot.

It's just like five minutes here, five minutes there, blah blah blah blah. So I see Jessica Capshaw walk by the black curtain and she like clocks me, and I was like and I start waving and she's like hey, And then I see Camilla right behind her. I was like, hold on, I need to get my phone. We need to take a picture. So I grab my phone, I grab my little light, and I leave the meet and greet quickly quickly as there's a line of people that were meeting.

So I just wanted to do it very quickly. Hug Jessica. Hug, Camilla, can we take a photo, Kyler get in the photo. She's a big scrubbing a big Gray's Anatomy fan. Hey, Kyler, so nice to meet you, Hug Kyler. I'm assuming she's a new character in one of the new seasons or a new like whatever. I have not yet met, since I'm not watching the show. Still. No, it goes over my head.

Hog got hug, she help you selfie selfie bye, so nice to meet you.

Blah blah blah blah blah.

I had to go to Camilla Luddington's tagged photos to find this woman's name so that I could tag her in my photo.

This woman, Yes, Lexie Gray.

Lexi mother effing Gray.

So no one responded to your day. No one responded to the photo you did it.

No nobody said Lexi, but people said, get her on the pod, get her on the pod.

I was like, Wow, she must be.

Like a popular.

And then then I go to see Becca that night and she says, how is Lexi.

I literally it was like.

Oh uh huh, Like you posted a picture with her, Kyler, And I was like, oh, I didn't even know the royalty that I was in the presence.

Yeah, I know life comes out too fast.

That too fast.

Let me tell you, well, I do want to how was hingle ball?

Well i'll tell you after the break.

Man so mean to make people wait to hear how was? But okay, all.

Right, well we're back after that crazy tease?

Yeah, what took so long?

How would you get this? Tell us about it?

I mean you're gonna know obviously, Oh my god, you know who was there? Yes?

Give me anything like a category.

And someone that we love.

We like think she's flawless, flawless like do we know her?


No, it was a very interesting term, I would say, yet no adjacent.

Have you met her?


I went up to her and gave her a big hug and said and met her. I think so.

But she's never been on scrubbing in.

Correct, I wish?

Is she an actor actor? No, she's a singer? No?

Oh like a reality star?


Is she a TikToker?


A chef?

No? Chef?


An athlete?


I don't know.

A model? Yes?

A model?

Oh? A model?

I think that's what she is.

Is it?

Watch the Instagram for Tita's impression of a model.

By the way, who is.


But good one.

You've met her? Yeah, she's a model, Yeah, just had a baby. Do you a Victoria's Secret model? Just who is it? Come on you, Blonda brunette, brunette, she's brunette.

Flawless skin of a Greek goddess.

I don't know models.

I don't think you know this one.

I do.

Yes, I talk about her all the time.

Have you done training reports on her? Yes, gel Bonin.

I'm going to give you one more clue. She's married to a very famous pop star.

Oh, I know who this is, Bahadi. We're talking about Hailey Bieber.

Hailey Bieber.

Oh she's a model, right, I hope business woman.

I don't know. Yeah, she's not actress or a singer.

Yeah, but I don't she's a model.

Yeah, thank you? How was she amazing?

That's so fun that she was there. That's epic.

So I am up in the suite with Teddy Mellencamp and I'm watching the stage, but I didn't get to I actually had a good amount of time that I got to watch the show, this this jingle Ball, which was very nice. So I'm watching the stage and I see a Hailey Bieber pop up on the screen.

I was like what, this is so crazy, there's no way this is live that she's here.

Then I see like the trees behind her, which I'd just taken photos in front of it. I was like, those trees are backstage, like she's back there somehow. I was like, how cool and how cute. She was introducing Tate McCrae, who I realize is dating the kid Larroy, who I think is friends with Justin Bieber. So yeah, so they all be like friends because that's why she was there introducing her. But anyway, so I thought she like came and did the introduction and like left, Like I did not think she was hanging around. So then I had to go back because we were introducing Sizza. So I went back to the back of the stage and started walking forward, and I saw Haley Bieber talking to Megan Trainer and I just walk on over.

Do do cap tap tap? Hey, Haley, hug hug hug.

I know she's like in the middle of something, so I didn't want I was like, oh my gosh, it's so good to see you, and she's like.

It's so good to see you don't know each other. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I met her like tons multiple times.

So it wasn't like that, like you know her like her wasn't like a fan walking it with a Fando was so cute and she was like so cute with me and she was just like there and just looked so flawless and like good vibes.

I asked her to come on the podcast.

I couldn't even introduce her to Robbie.

I mean, like because he was right behind me and uh, you know those hallways, they really have to keep him clear, so like keep it moving, keep him moving people, and so I like got to do is get my huge and like it's oh my gosh, it's been so long, and then her too, and then.

It was goodbye, okay quick. It was quick, quick interaction. Wow, that's a great great sighting.

Yeah, it was a thank you. It felt like a good one.

Would you say that was your favorite moment?

It was definitely up there. I spent a lot of time with Meghan Trainer. We love Megan t I just love her, I really really do ye And she was so cute. She'd met Robbie for the first time and she was like, you know, we were praying for you, you dear future husband, and like, yeah, she was really cute with him.

How who was your favorite performer of the night.

Megan Trainer. Wow, yeah, but I only saw Meghan Trainer. But I saw Meghan Trader, Benson Boone, and Madison Beer a little tea pain.

Benson Boone looks like a like he's a really fun performer. To see people really like him.

Yeah, he was really really fun.

Well that's very exciting. Another successful year at the jingle Ball.

Yeah, so top moments me, We're seeing Hailey Bieber and meeting Lexi Gray.

But she didn't know your meeting.

I didn't know, so that was like a delayed happiness.

Like, imagine imagine how happy I went on so happy she jumped in the photo with you. Oh my gosh, she was a delight like you were like, oh, I guess this random girl wants to get my photo with Jessica.

No, I imagine that she But I thought she was just like a new cast member, Like that's what I thought.

I was like, Yes, the more Grey's Anatomy loved, the better hop on in girl.

I would die to have her on the podcast.

We should have her on.

She was on if I may plug another ieartradio podcast? What she call it? What it is with Jessica and Camello was very good and she would be a great guest. Clearly, she's had lots of fun stories to tell.

She's so cute. We'd have to discover what she hasn't already shared on their podcast.

I'm sure we could dig deep.

We'd have to dig, We'd have to dig really deep.

I'm sure we could.

What else have this week? So well? Okay, So Hailey got invited to go see the opening night or this one of the opening nights of Wicked at Pantagious Theater, which is our like musical theater in LA this weekend or next weekend.

So we're just going on going and it's I told Haley, like after that, I just feel like Wicked has become our personality for the whole month and we just need to cool it for a second.

Yeah, another whole month of this till Christmas. I mean, I love it. I just was like, Wow, we have listened to nothing about Wicked, We've posted nothing about Wicked.

I've literally been listening to that soundtrack NonStop, and I feel like I too have.

It's become a lot.

Everything on my TikTok feed is Wicked.

Every meeting and I'm like, the whole holding space for the defying gravity or whatever. I'm like, I don't get any of it.

But there's now an interview with them about.

The intact they don't understand that they didn't understand what you don't understand? I can somebody explain to me?

Well, I think that's the whole point is I think she was just saying that people are really list like feeling the lyrics of define gravity and like letting themself experience what it means to them. I don't know, I don't know.

I think that's right. Yeah, you're holding space for it. It's not just a casual listen, You're really holding space. You're shutting out the world and just giving yourself to the song and letting lyrics wash over you.

Oh I know. Is that was one of the clues from Fishbowl this weekend. Everybody's like holding space for.

What is this? But I do have to say, like in the musical when Alpha but goes up and she's like, it's pretty crazy that.

I think that was the moment that turned me into a fan of musicals, because growing up I wasn't a fan of musicals. Why are they singing it doesn't make any sense to me. I hate it. I'm a I'm a guy, and I don't like these things, you know, like that sort of thing. I'm not proud. But in Wicked when she at the end of the first act when she goes up, and that's like wow, I was blown away. I got goose bump side tears in my eyes. I'm like, okay, I'm all in.

It's amazing.

We were walking by, uh we were at the kids school yesterday and they have like a little playground.

For like the children to play on, yes.

But like much younger children, like you know what I mean, Like it's like the before they get into school.

I don't know whatever.

It's like swings and stuff, and I'm walking by just a playground, I know, but it's for much younger kids.

Is that is that key to the story?

Is important? Because why I don't know.

But I could hear music playing and I was like, oh, I was like, I think that's Wicked, like the Wicked soundtrack, and Robbie goes, yeah, it all sounds the same.

We're in the place.

We're in sandbox, swinging on the chairs, hidden books. He was like making fun of me because like every time I'm listening to it, I'm singing like the most weirdest you know what I mean, Like when you say it out loud and you haven't seen the movie, it is kind of weird.

It's like, huh, he's over me with this soundtrack.

So you gonna understand what you're saying.

I agree.

So the type of playground was totally.

It was very important that you know that it was just like little kid playground.

Yes, like there's not footballs being thrown.

There was like that sounds more like a park. You're describing a playground.

Yes, fine line between the park and a playground.

One would say, So, yeah, that's what we did that on Thursday, and it was amazing. But I will say, like, there's something about the way that Cynthia played Alphaba that I'm just connected to now. Yeah, the same with Arianna. I'm like very just partial towards them right now.

See, I only I don't see I can't see past Ariana Grande.

That's so funny. I totally, I totally do.

Yeah, like I can't see pass that it's her.

She looks so different than how we've known Arianna.

I know, but I know, I know, Well Thursday, I was at She's been Busy Girl. She's been a busy Girl. Thursday night, I went to the premiere of Carry On Yeah, which is Sophia Carson's new movie for Netflix. And I am not a big fan of thrillers, Like I wouldn't say, like you asked me what my favorite type of movie is, I would thriller would not be up there or in the middle, be quite.

A rom com comedy.

Kind of into action lately, and and like animation lately, like Red One. Yeah, your tastes are sonic The Hedgehog.

First of all, that is an excellent.

I agree, but one would say a comedy more than action.

Okay, But we would also say that Tanya rad circa twenty eighteen isn't gonna go watch Deadpool and Wolverine.

I would never have watched it if it was not for the children in my life. Correct, but excellent comedic movie.


So like The Hedgehog has quite a lot of life lessons intertwined in such a beautiful way. I need to become a part of the Hedgehog universe.

So, oh yeah we can? We do you want to do a fresh audition? Yeah?

Because so if anybody out there is casting for I know Sonic three is coming out, so I missed the I missed that that one. But Sonic four, if there is a hedgehog that uh is like has a lot of modern woman energy that you need the voice of, by all means, I could be a hedgehog, or I could be a hedgehog and I can do whatever needed.

Is that Mickey Mouse?

Yeah, I don't. I think we need more character to it. That's just your voice pitched up higher.

Yeah, yeah, we need some voice acting.

Something different with your mouth something.

Okay, Come on, Sonic, let's get down the hill really fast so that we don't get hit by the bad guys.

I was better. That was quite a bit better.

Thank you, And imagine how much better it could be with a little more time.

But if you had like a little chipmunk element too, because you're like buck teeth and do that sort of thing like a like a hedgehog.

Come on, Sonic, let's get down the mountain. It's time we got to get away from the bad guys.

That's pretty good. But if you what if you flare your nostrils and stick your teeth out and now'll do it hire a little higher pitch.

Come on, Sonic, we got to get down the mountain and get away from the bad guys.

You're just having to do that the whole time. But I do it.

I would do it happily for the.

People out there who are anyway Sonic.

For every Scrubber knows one hundred people, that's a huge network. Somebody in that network's got to be involved in the creation of Sonic. The Hedgehog four yes, yes.

And even if it's not a woman, I'd play a modern man.

Let's hear that.

I can probably sound say.

Carrying On? Oh yeah, yeah.

The whole point of the thriller.

I was like, okay, I had my I obviously love Sofia and we'll supp her movie. But I was like, I don't know if I'm gonna like it.

It was fantastic, such a good movie. Weirdly funny.

Oh interesting, didn't see that.

The trailer does not look funny, I know, but because Jason Bateman is very funny.

I love Jason. Remember I told you that he and I would be friends.

Oh, yes, yes, I too think we would be friends.


And him yes, oh wow, okay, yes, I do.

After seeing carry On.

No, sadly, so there, I know.

Yeah, there was an after party and they had like these really cute little almost like like airport terminal chairs, like in like instead of couches for everybody, like in every star of the movie had like their own little section, and Sofio's was right next to Jason Bateman's. But she had a flight to catch and I had work the next day, and so we kind of were there for like five minutes and then we left. But I did see Taron Edgerton and I said, you did an amazing job.

Oh that's nice, it's really cool.

Yeah, I am really excited to see the movie.

It's so got I'm excited to see it again.

Oh wow. Okay, so we want to watch our emitment of like scary where was it ten? Being like really scary, not really scary.

What's the blood factor? Is there blood in this movie?

So it's not so gory good, like i'd say gory light okay good not Yeah. I don't want to give me spoilers, but like Gore, the death is not like gruesome and gross.

The only spoiler we're giving in this episode is that Lexi died in twenty twelve.

Yes, the only spoilers you're gonna get from here?

Is that twelve years old?


Lexi died.

Okay, good Friday. It's on Netflix. I'm looking forward to Yeah.

I we're excited to see. We're gonna watch it with the kids. We're watching it with a ten and a twelve year old. Like, it's not like it's oh yeah gory.

Yeah yeah. If they can handle it, I think I can handle it. Yeah. Speaking of making a movie, Hayley's movie got announced. Bye, we'll talk about it when we come out.

Oh, nice one, all right, we are back.

So Haley's movie, Girls Like Girls, which is going to be a feature film, was finally announced last Tuesday. Tuesday. Yeah, and I'm just elated. I'm elated that we can talk about it. I'm not. Yeah, I mean, let's give it up first. She's been trying to make this movie basically since the music video came out, Like she has been it has been writing the script, trying to get it made for like, Yeah, writing.

The script is impressive, amazing, mind blowing to me.

Yeah, She's incredible, and she's worked so hard, and it's been eye opening to watch the process and see like the high and the lows of it and I would. I mean, eventually, when she is able to, I'd love for her to come on and talk about it. I don't want to like talk too much about it. I'm just so excited because basically in twenty fifteen, she released her music video and song girls Like Girls, and the video went it has like over one hundred million streams on.

Usually come out in twenty twenty five.

I don't know if they have a release day.

Yeah, I was gonna say, if it's twenty fifteen to twenty twenty five, that's a solid ten years and that's like.

Crazy crazy, and you know it was. It was a time specifically in twenty fifteen where coming out was like a huge deal and she was kind of one of the first in the pop industry, pop music industry to like say that, you know, something so simple that now, like girls like Girls feel so simple, But at that time it was such a statement and like what it meant. And I'm just so proud of her. I can't I'm so excited, and I feel like the reaction she was like, I just felt like people like I felt like people felt proud for me because people know how how long it's been to get here, and they know me, so she you know, we're very excited.

So one hundred and fifty seven million views, one.

Hundred and fifty seven million views on YouTube, crazy and.

Mary very proud of you, Hayley, we love you.

And but it's being produced by Mark Platt, which who did Wicked, Wow and Focused Features.

So it's it's a massive deal that it's going to be like a movie in theaters, you know. So it's very exciting. But again, we'll have her come on. I don't want to like talk too much about it because I want her to share it, you know, and I don't sharing.

That, but you can share too.

Yeah, I don't know like what I abow the details that I'm able to share.

So I'm like, right, becks like it's coming out in twenty twenty five.

This is a slugline. This is the hashtag.

Yeah, so TBD will have the uh the director herself, come on, director herself. Yeah, she's a singer, she's an actor, she's a directors.

An entrepreneur, w an author, entrepreneur.

Yeah, she has a perfume. I don't know what that.

But mentor she's ready to explore.

Wait, did you see your Spotify rapped? Did you look at your Spotify rapped.

So spoiler alert, I don't use Spotify.

Oh my gosh, I forgot your Apple music. Yeah, do they do anything fun?

No? I think they do.

Probably you're like hot like that.

You're not just obsessed with the Spotify rapped because it's such a fun. It's so fun.

I don't need somebody to tell me what I've listened to all you.

I was shocked to hear tell me yours my top song? What do you think my top song was?

I could do it with a broken heart?

No, girls like girls?

No, are we guessing the right artist?


I know can no.

Olivia Rodrigo, I said no, I said this was the best pop song of the year by far.

Oh crazy Abrams, No, Tate McCrae.

No, they are missing one massive artist from twenty twenty five four.

Yeah, Beyonce.

No started the same letter.

Nson boone.

Oh my god, it was Birds of a Feather.

I know that example. She came out saying how that girls and the whole world was like cool, good job, you know, as opposed to ten years ago when it was such a big deal.

Yes, that was her number one song.

That was my number one song. Sure, my number one artists obviously Taylor Swift and my My number two song was close to You, Gracie.

Yeah, honestly, that's like my song for you in twenty twenty four, I feel like every time I got in your car that song was on.

Do you assign songs all of your friends at the end of.

The year, Yes, I do.

And then we Can't Be Friends was number four for me.

Oh yeah, good one.

I think one of one of also one of the best pop songs. Yeah, Noah, con wasn't my top You don't know.

No, I know, no Con. But that's a little bit random for you.

And that's what I'm saying. Goodness this is my favorite thing. So Goodness of God, which is like this gospel song is my number five to played songs. I must have been really going through some things, but I love that song.

So I have a funny story about Spotify rapped. So my daughter now daughter, because one's gone had there's an Amazon Echo Dot in the bathroom that they use and they play music on it while they're in the shower. Okay, it needs to be connected to a Spotify account, and when you connected to a Spotify account, it just goes to the main account, and we have a family account, but it's my passwords, so I just connected it to our account, but it goes to my history. So my Spotify wrap is a lot of stuff like Wow, in March, you were really into Travis Scott. I'm like, yeah, that's not I don't think that's accurate. Spotify rapt so what they listen to really skews my algorithm. So my wrapt is not as accurate as it could be.

What do you think it would have been?

You know, I'm old, So it's not really fun to say, because not terribly relatable. Because I had a very big counting crowsier this year, and so I mean, take your pick of rain King. I love round Here. Oh that's round Here. That's the one that changed everything for them on SNL they did round Here and everything after that was different.

Oh that's I know.

Yeah, I love those guys. And I had a big face because I'd kind of forgotten about those guys and then I got really into them this year.

So I love when I do that.

Yeah, it's been fun. Yeah, it's like lots of Tailor, lots of Olivia, lots of Billy because the kids are in the car and that sort of thing, you know.

Yeah, lots of tailor, lots of Sabrina for me.

Yeah, I uh, put on the Midnight's album this morning just transports me back to that very specific time when that album came out. Yeah, so good, no good?

Umm, oh you know what I could use some help on. But maybe we can pin this for later. But because you know, the year is coming to.

A rap that's right, like Spotify wrap.

Yeah, and so I'm looking to twenty twenty five for my word of the year.

You're exactly three weeks left in twenty twenty four.

Yeah, I usually eat.

Wow, that was really interesting.

I'm sorry what I usually already know my word by this time of the year.

I'm already a slo mo on that from Crystal on Instagram.

I usually already know my word of the year by now, okay, And I don't know it for twenty twenty five and I'm stressing out.

So twenty twenty four was try your new initials, so cute, Trying new things worked out great.

I want for twenty twenty five for it to be wife, but not wife w I.

F e like woman in full something. I don't know what the eat.

They always have like the what's it called when each word?

No, no, they've never had this would be new, this would be new for twenty twenty five. Well it was an acronym last year too, Well, no, try it was just try with the word.

I guess it was in your initials.

Just try with the word. It didn't stand for like Tanya rad Yes, you know.

Right, got it?

Okay, So like I like the word wife because I'm getting married next year, because it's like kind of fun.

But I want to do like a spin on it, you.

Know, woman in full effervescence.

It's good, Mark, it's good Mark. It's good Mark.

Well, noodle on it, say it.

Say it's it's there's not a lot of E words. No, woman in Floria not as good Becca.

But Mark is also using means vivacity and enthusiasm, I mean enthusiasm.

Great word by itself.

Yeah, full effcence is like powerful, that's strong.

It is that might be it. It's very strong.

I'm a noodle on it.

Yeah, noodle on that. And in the meantime we'll be back. Well the podcast is over, I'll give you one more.

Efflorescence means bloom, So that's an option as well.

It's getting better.

Florescence full bloom it means bloom. Yeah, that bloom.

If you get my note, don't show it. If you can spell it on the first try and get it right, then you get to.

That sounds like fluorescence.

E f l p h F F correct f f f l O R E s C E.

N C perfect. Look at you.

Woman in full florescence.

That mouthful doesn't really doesn't really roll all the time.


Coming at the action or process of developing and unfolding as if becoming a flower.

What if you're becoming something for you next year. It's like it's totally good.

I mean, that's true. You could just be af fluorescence.

I like using the word wife, but making it like something like different mm hmm. You know.

It's like people like you'll say wife and they're like, you're going to be so much more than like, don't make that thing. And then you're like, no, I'm a woman in theresa.

It's so good. Oh my god. Okay, we got to end the podcast now, yeah, yeah, yeah.

We will be back though on Thursday with a dear Bonia, So stay tuned because we're not gone for the week.

No, respond for the minute.

Yeah, the minute. We love you, someone love you

Scrubbing In with Becca Tilley & Tanya Rad

We need a crash cart! Scrub in each week with Becca Tilley and her BFF Tanya Rad as they fangirl ove 
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