What’s Going On With the Real Housewives of New Jersey?

Published Feb 26, 2025, 8:00 AM

In this episode, Gandhi & Diamond talk to Dolores Catania of RHONJ and The Traitors about the fate of the New Jersey Housewives, lessons learned from The Traitors, and what she says is currently devastating her life. We also decide what kind of dog Diamond should get, and where you can party with the Housewives in the near future.

What's of it?

Sauce on the side, I am Gandhi and I'm in here with my produce of diamond Hi, who is putting on a very pleasant voice. And I don't understand it.

But that's okay. What is that?

I don't know, it just happens.

I'm like, Hi, I want to be calm, so I'm trying to give you calm energy.

Wait, why wouldn't you give me calm energy? Are you stressed out? I'm just a ball of chaos today?

Sweek in general?

Oh this week?

Well, sleep, I think I'm trying to figure out this new sleep schedule with having to come in earlier because of congestion pricing in the double that is Kathy Hopel or as my grandfather calls her, Kathy Hochel Hochel.

Yeah, she gets hochel a lot. It makes me laugh.

But yeah, and today I realize I've been waking up ten minutes earlier than I'm supposed to or then I want to in my head stuff like that.

So my wake up, my morning is chaos. When I get up in the morning, it's like hit the ground running. My alarm is a crazy sound. Really yeah, hold on, okay, I'm gonna pull up what this This is the sound that I wake up to.

In the morning, and it's kind of birds her.

Maybe a little bit of a video game.

E gives me Finding Nemo.

It really does mean Dory has dementia.

Under why that was so funny? People were dming me about that. It's like, no, guys, I really like, is that not the case?

That's great, right, But it's the case, right, Dory has dementia.


No, she sort of has a problem with her short term memory, but she fixes it.

You can't fix dementia.

That's forever base. I do not remember her fixing it.

Yeah, she kind of starts to remember things forward the end, go for do yeah, or maybe I have dementia, And that's what I just think happened. I didn't like Finding Dory as much as I like Finding Nemo.

Didn't even give it a chance because I'm like, why would I watch a movie about someone who doesn't remember anything?

Oh my god.

Oh there's a movie called Memento. You'd probably hate then, but it also traces a crime and it shows you how he knows he has short term memory loss, so how he deals with it.

No, No, it's also.

In reverse so it's very weird.

Do you remember the movie Premonition, Sandra Bullock?

No, I don't think so.

Well, it drove me crazy, like she knew what was happening. She had a premonition about something, and that's where I learned the word from. But yeah, and then she like spent Basically, her husband dies in her premonition, and so she spends however many days she thinks she has trying to number one, fix their relationship so that he's not wherever he was when it happened. And it was just a lot, And I'm.

Like, why would you want to know what's happening, what's going to happen? Why would I want to know?

I always think about that.

So there was a movie I was watching on the plane, so we just came back from a trip, and it's called My Old Ass.

Have you seen previous for it?


It's Aubrey Plaza and some other girl that I don't know, But basically, this one girl trips in the woods, like she's tripping on mushrooms in the woods.

She's eighteen years old, and.

All of a sudden she looks and she sees the thirty nine year old version of herself. Sitting next to her, and they get to know each other and they're talking, and the one piece of advice that the thirty nine year old gives her is, when you meet a boy named Chad, do not interact with him, don't talk to him, don't do anything.

Run screaming. And I was like, Chad, that's my boyfriend who passed away. I like that name. I know a lot of people make fun of that name, but I like it. By the way, he had a two d's in his name. Oh wow, so it doesn't count. He's not the crazy white boy. And also he was very not white AnyWho. So you find out as the movie goes on.

And actually stopped watching it as soon as I saw this because she meets the boy named Chad and she falls in love with him and they're having a great time, and.

He's just such a doll.

He's babe.

She loves him, and she runs into her thirty nine year old self and she's like, why would you tell me to stay away from him?

I can't figure out what's wrong.

He's great, and thirty nine year old her says, he dies. That's what happens. He dies, And I stopped the movie right there. Because it gave me goosebumps and it made me very terry, and it's making me terry right now.

And then but I was like, damn, man, and I don't know how the movie ends.

So yeah, oh, now I want to go watch it because I kind of want to see what happens.

Okay, go watch it.

Let me know.

I'll start where you stop tell.

Me about it. That's actually that's got to be somewhere closer to the end. And by the way, I should have said this before spoiler alert.


Anyway, how are you, Diamond Good Good just feeling chaotic?


Are you excited about the guests that we're about to have in?

Oh my god?

Yes, speaking of chaos, right, because she lives there's a level of chaos all around her, and you see this like she keeps it very chill. She's very chill. I don't know how she does it.

So with her, I think we should bring her in because Diamond is talking about Dolores Catanya from the Real Housewives.

Of New Jersey.

Here she is.


You may know her from the Real Housewives of New Jersey or Traders season three. I don't even know where to start with you because You're a wealth among stuff to talk about. So I think the first thing on everybody's mind, we'll get to it. We'll get out of the way. Real Housewives of New Jersey. We know there's been drama. Things are on hold.

What does the future look like for you guys?

Well, we don't know. We know as much as you do. And I know the last time Andy was asked, he got like a little bit fed up with being asked and he said, don't ask me answers the same. Well, won't you know twenty twenty five is not going to happen? God willing, they call us all back to work. We show up and you have the Housewives of New Jersey back. How it can come back from no resolution the last time we were together, I don't know. But hopefully it can.

Happen in a dream world. What would you like to happen.

In a dream world? I'd like to start over. Okay, for everyone on the cast, I think we have an amazing cast. They may not get along, but they all share the same heart. I've seen them very very good, charitable to people, and maybe not to each other, but I think they're good people underneath it all. So I don't mind working with it. I always said on that couch, I wouldn't want to share it with anybody else.

I hope that works out for you guys, because you all have been together for how long at this point.

Well, we're friends as a whole, like I'm friends with Teresa for many, many years. It's lifetime, a lifetime and the show's around fourteen years now. You laugh together, you cry together. I mean, if you all remember our trip in Ireland, that was a beautiful trip, and that was a great trip.

I loved it.

There was a lot of crying. There was fighting, but there was it wasn't so dirty.

Yeah, do you get exhausted from the drama, the back and forth all the time. I mean, I know you're notoriously neutral about things, but it seems like it would still just be like, oh my god, enough people.

How do you do it?

Yeah? Well, listen, life is drama. Life unfolds, but there's always drama in workplaces. Life is drama. You just have to know how to handle it, and you have to have like you have to be able to cope with things. I always stay grounded because I've always worked with shelters, animals, homeless women and children, like, and I grew up not getting my way, so I'm okay when things don't go my way.

I hear great things about you and I read think things about you, which I think for the housewives is kind of fascinating to see one person in here that just gets a lot of love from everybody.

Good for you, Thank you.

I've also read and heard that you are the most relatable in the cast.

Do you agree with that.

I wouldn't say the most because I wouldn't talk like that about the other people that I'm friends with. But that's that's why people like, I'm not gonna do that yet. I can't. I want to be known as the housewife that cared about people, because I do. No one's going anywhere.

See Thelorus approach her. You can take a picture You're camis.

Of course amazing. I'm because I wouldn't have what I have if it wasn't for the people that watch the show. So I've done a lot with my life because I have a good job, you know, and I appreciate it. But what is my job without the people that let me into their home?


We say that here all the time with the show. Whether you love us or hate us. You let us into your house, and that's great. We'll take it.

We're never going to be rude, not on purpose anyway.

No, But you know what, not everybody has to be a martyr, right Like, I don't chastise the women that don't do that. You don't want to do that, that's on you. But I don't want anybody to have a bad experience meeting me. And you know who I heard say that one time, Billie Eilish. I heard her say I never want anyone to have a bad experience meeting me.

So on that note, how are you feeling about all the Jersey Mike's drama that popped off with Jennifer?

I will not speak on that. Ah yeah, I mean I wasn't there. A lot of the households don't want to talk about that. Yeah.

So for you, what are the things that you do love talking about when you.

I'd like to talk about happy stuff, good stuff. There's a lot of good stuff, and I think that's a lot of times the demise of sometimes the housewives. Too much darkness, too much drama.

So when it comes to this.

Kind of stuff, because your life really is an open book or somewhat of an open book. What you choose to share with people is your life. You're letting people in, You're letting them see you as a person. How do you navigate around these things when people feel like they have a right to you and to that information because you've given them a taste of it. Because we again on a much smaller scale, we deal with that here.

We talk about our lives. And then if there's a part of our scale, No it's not.

No, you don't think.

We're not on national TV. No, we don't bring our parents on and stuff like that. Our relationships on.

We do.

Sometimes you got to.

Like but you talk about it, right, and if something happens, it's going to be out there.

But we have we have.

You don't sign a paper saying like I'm being transparent and giving you my life. Right, It's very hard you say, we know what we sign up for. It's an unwritten law. If you have something going on in your life, you have to talk about it, and if it gets out, if it's in the press, you have to talk about it on the show. If you repeat something on the show on camera, you have to know that you're going to have to run back and tell the person it was said about on camera, Like in real life, do you tell your friends what the other person said about them all the time? You don't run all the time.

It depends on she does do it. I will run back and.

Talk, oh my god, did you? Will be a perfect housewife, because that's not an easy thing to do.

Maybe this is why I do it, because I watch so much Housewives that I feel like somebody. I always feel like cameras are watching you. Regardless, somebody's watching. Someone heard something, so you might as well just hey, I was talking to so and so, and this is what they said. Listen, just dropping it here so that you know, oh, my identify with it a little bit.

I don't diet.

I don't ever want.

Any of my friends said think that I'm not being loyal to them. I swear. It's like, if somebody talks about Gandhi, I'm gonna say, hey, yeah.

Well, if it's okay, if somebody talks about that, you're equally as friends with Gandhi. I'm just talking about somebody in the lunch room. Okay, you don't already like maybe, okay.

So if Andrew talks about it, are you gonna come tell me?


I do it in a joking way. It wouldn't be it wouldn't be so harsh. But but this is the issue.

I feel like Whoa's.

Answer, no, you know why because she lives Bravo. I don't think she has ever changed the channel from Bravo in her life. I've tried to get her to watch other things. She's like, no, I'll call her what are you doing rewatching the Real Healthwives on New Jersey.

She's a real one one.

Yeah, but go ahead, Diamond, I love it.


My issue is is that if she ever heard, oh, we're going to to use Andrew Andrew in this scenario. If she ever heard, oh, Andrew talked about you and Diamond was.

There, well that that would make me feel uncomfortable the Diamond.

What if nobody else is in the room and it's just the two of you?

Oh okay, Well then I don't know.

And it depends on what it is exactly. If he's just venting, then that's his business. I mean, it's it's all in presentation, right, Yeah, I'm telling ah diving.

I say all the time what other people think of me is none of my business.

I don't that's true. Somebody said that to me one time, and it took the power away from the other person that they held held over me.

Yeah, it's I know what.

It's not my business.

I know what I try to do and the way that I try to operate in life, and maybe sometimes it doesn't translate the right way.

But I know me.

I know me way better than anybody else knows me. So whatever they want to say, they can say it, they can think it. It's not gonna get into my head. It's taken me a long time to get there. But I'm not going to let that stuff really affect me or else. What are we We would just be in shreds all day. Do you read things about yourself?


Do you operate your own social media?

I do. I have help, but I do mostly. Yes, Okay, and it's it's new help. It's not like I've had it forever and I can't do content. I'm fifty four years old. I don't know this shit, and I don't want to know it, and I don't want to learn one more thing. I can't even retain what we're talking about. So I'm just going to tell you that I need help.

Yeah, in the time that I've known you thus far, I really appreciate how real you are about things. I love that you just showed up by yourself. You didn't even roll in here with a posse, And I see why people.

Are saying you're the most relatable.

I'm a loner.

You're a loner.

I like my alone time, my space. I like being in the car on the way here with no one talking to me. I just don't mind it. Yeah, my assistance lovely Frankie. She's a lovely girl, and I like her company. But do I need her to come with me today here?


But how does it work being a loner and then having cameras in your face and up your ass twenty four to seven when you're.

Still twenty four seven When you're filming, that's only a certain amount of months out of the year, and they tell you when they're coming, and sometimes you just don't feel like it. Sometimes you don't feel like in a glam Sometimes you don't feel like walking into a room and owing everybody your attention. That's why when I have my time, when I'm in my house, there's no TV on, there's no radio. When I'm driving, it is silent. And it's always been like that since high school.

Really in the house TV off?

Oh yeah, so what are you doing?

Reading books?

No, I'm trying to put my clothes away, just like cleaning. I like to puts around. I like to I do talk to my mom a lot, and the kids.

Just the sounds of the dices.

And sometimes I get two and two scrolling through into all dogs on my Instagram, one dog after another. It's healthy, and it is, I think, So it's it's misspent time on social media. Then I start spending money I shouldn't buying things I don't need. I even have a limit on my social media and I ignore it.

So Andrew, who you met when you got here? He has a theory that if you change the color scheme of your phone to gray scale, so pretty much everything's just black and white, you will not look at your phone nearly as much. He swears that I'm going to have him to do that for me before I leave. Oh, he's going to be so happy. He's really trying to spread this theory. He said, it's just so boring. It's so much more boring when it's all in black and white. I don't want to look at things anymore.

That's amazing. I'm gonna do it.

Okay, he's gonna be so happy.

It makes sense. You see Diamond's face, she's dying.

It's like, no, it doesn't work. It doesn't work.

You're already killing it from me, Diamond, if you would have said it worked, you know, it's that one thing that hits. It clicks. Like I really thought I was onto something and I was believing, like I'm not going to look at the phone, and then she's like, it doesn't work. I'm like, oh fuck it, it doesn't work.

Now, Oh listen, trust me. Andrew says it works. He said, I'm so bored.

I just put my phone down and I do other things I'm taking.

So like the whole like Instagram is black and white. Yes, that's happening today every single I bet you I'm not going to buy something.

You might not because you might not like the color right in your head. You don't like the color because you can't tell what color it is. So maybe I don't know.

Yeah, maybe try destinations don't look so great anymore. So now we're like, oh my god, what doesn't a tropical destination on your phone?

If it's black and white, it doesn't look so beautiful and sunny and amazing.

I'm going to do it.

I'm telling you he swears by this one. So before you get out of here, we'll have him fixtrap on your phone.

So I started watching Traders. It's great.

I just started.

I know, so I watched last season already. I just started season three, so I'm in episode two or episode three at this point.

Was amazing.

Who was amazing? Phaedra was amazing. I actually really loved her on there, and I loved CT.

I felt really bad for MJ. Spoiler alerts. That was kind of late.

Wait what do you mean you felt bad for MJ? You should have. That was a shit shit. That was actually disgusting.

It really was.

I don't know how they sleep at night, but I guess the Wait, Diamond, what was your question.

She's making me nervous because at this point in the season of season three Traders, we don't know, you know, how far you make it, what the end is like. I know that there was a change in the way that they did this.

You don't even know if I'm on this week. You don't know if I'm murdered the church. We left it at the church, so you don't know if I'm murdered in the church.

Oh my god.

But is it true that at the very end of this season the faithfuls go home not knowing.

Who the traders were?

Do you know that if a trader goes to the end, they steal all the money?


Okay, I didn't know. If I knew that part of it, I had to learn the game while I was there because I didn't really even watch it was I wasn't a trader's person.

Okay, So you walked into this very complicated game blind blind. You know what, I should have known that in the first episode. I don't want to ruin it for people. But the choice that you and Derinda made, I was like.

No, no, no, why no, don't do it? And that choice had consequences, which, again, I'm not going to ruin.

It for people, and I would do it again.

Okay, what would make you do it again just because you're giving a people person like.

Well, because my friends Robin and i am got off the raft and I would how can I make them do without me following suit?

So do you want to win the game?


I want to? Because that's why I want to do it right. It's not all about always way it's doing the right thing, and the housewives did the right thing.

So would you have been stressed out?

And this is going to be a spoiler alert by the way, would you have been stressed out if you had been immediately tapped in to be a trader?

Oh my god?

Yeah, because so many people were praying for it. Please let me be a trader.

I think I would.

I was a little offended when I didn't I didn't want it, and then when he didn't pick me, I was mad.

Sorry of my life?

Right, I was offended.

Well, just I mean, when you're a trader, there's this level of safety and comfort because you kind of have, you know, the oversight of everything. When you're not, I feel like I would just be a scared mouse the entire time, waiting to get prayed upon.

I would rather that than be a liar and have to be even though it's a game. I would rather that then be deceitful to people I've gotten close to.

So you're a person that even playing a game, whether it's a game or not, you're not going to compromise your morals. You're not gonna say, well, all rules are off because this.

Is a game. Yeah, that's gonna these games really tough for you.

Well, maybe I'm just not a gamer.

Would you do it again?

I cried yes when I had to leave that place. I loved it so much. I loved Scotland. I loved the game, I loved the people. I loved the seclusion. They take your phone when you get there and you cannot call home. You get a supervised phone call once a week for thirty minutes, and it's a FaceTime so that you cannot talk about the game. And I had thirty minutes to speak to my whole family, so I gave them like five minutes each, My Paul, my kids, you know, my mother, my father, my brother, and that was it. You get four stations on the TV and you don't have a remote because Kate Trustine found a way to communicate with her friends through YouTube, so they took the remote off.

Everyone people do that. Someone did that on Love Island.

They wouldn't have had to worry about me doing that because I could not. Yeah, I don't even know how to work the remote on a good day. So like there was no days off. There was one day off of filming and you weren't allowed to leave your room if you wanted something, you put a yellow piece of paper in a twenty four hour bodyguard would come and say, what do you want? Really, and I'd be like, I need to get out of this room. I need to go for a walk.

So can you bring books? Can you bring entertainment of any sort?

Just a book if you wanted. I started to journal, prayed, and did things that I haven't done in so long. I did not miss my phone for one second.

Did it change your phone habits when you came home?

Or did you get right for three seconds? I was like, the reason I cried, I'm not a crier, and Diamond can tell you when have you ever seen me cry? In eight years on Housewives? When my dog died? That's it?

Probably, Yeah, there's only even when you dealt with breakups, you didn't.

You were crying, which was very weird. Dolores, I don't know.

I don't know. My kids have never seen me cry, and ask them. I don't think they've ever seen me cry, and that's a weird. I don't realize how weird that is until I talk to other people. So I got emotional when I left there because I loved the seclusion of it. When I was alone.

So when you're secluded and you just have a book and yourself, and if you want to go for a walk, you have to tell another person. Are you at any time? You can't mingle with the other cast members.

No, if you're not filming, you can non mingle. You cannot talk to the other cast members. If cameras are not up about the game at all, they're constantly on top of you. There is no leaks. That is a tight ship they run over there in the UK.

That is wild. How long was filming? Oh, you were.

To go let's let's rephrase this. I didn't even think about that. If you were to go from start to finish of the show, how long is that filming?


I don't know. Okay, Actually, okay, I never thought about that.

Okay, because I know sometimes you know, they have shows that look like they're there for three and four months and you find out they were there for three and a half.

Weeks, and I think that's still a long time.

That's a very long time.

I couldn't do it with no access to other people and just being completely isolated.

And it doesn't get dark until three o'clock in the morning there, really, so you don't have a watch or o'clock. You never know what time it is.

So that explains why Sanda bal was like looking around just looking like a weird the entire and that's.

Why I'm I don't really know why.

I were there people on the show coming into it that you thought this person is going to be something else, and they were And in the opposite way, you had a preconceived notion and they were amazing.

You don't know who's going on.

Were there people you didn't know.

Sold the gamers. I didn't know Carolyn and Tony and Bust and Rob, and I didn't know them.

I didn't know some of them either. I knew the people from the challenges if you.

Watched the Challenge, if you watch Big Brother, these are all legends, so a lot of people knew them. I didn't know them.

I think what's fascinating about it, though, is the gamers obviously have this you know, they know each other, they know of each other. They are there to play a game and obviously a lot more cutthroat, But it seemed as though people were much more in the very beginning terrified of the housewives. They were like, oh Jesus, the housewives are here, we got to.

That was so stupid because they don't even know how to play the game, including myself. They wasted murders on Chanelle Ian true, Robin was wrong every time. Why are murdering Robin?

I laughed out loud, so hard.

And this is in the first episode, so yes, it's gonna ruin something, but not too much. When she's like, I am great reading people. He is absolutely not a trader, I said, the fuck is this woman talking about?

This is gonna come back to bite her right.

Now, And she was so upset because she was like, damn, how did I not see that?

Did you leave with any really good friendships outside of the housewives?

Oh my god, Bob Harper is the love of my life. He's amazing.

I want to think everybody is actually really friendly with each other and they don't hate each other.

They are that's good.

Well, no, the Traders are still a little salty.

Okay, oh okay.

I can't wait to get to the end of the season and then you're gonna come back and we're gonna talk about it again. Let's talk about something really cool you have going on. You are about to hit the high seas with some friends. You said, you've never been on a cruise before, but now you're basically hosting a cruise with Norwegian Cruise on.

By the way, who is one of our partners with the Big Show.

Yes, it's on the Norwegian Escape and it's September nineteenth to the twenty fourth. It's wives on the waves. So it's pretty amazing. And I'm scared shitless of going on a cruise, But how could I miss it? With Teresa Judas and Shannon Badour, It's gonna be such a blast. You see Diamond on that ship.

I if she can get on it.

I think she's gonna try to get on Diamond.

Con it's literally a week after my birthday, so birthday gift. But you Teresa and Shannon, that's a party.

That is gonna be a part. And yeah, and how funny is Shannon Badoor gonna be? She can't drive, She has trouble driving on there, so she she's funny. She can't getandy, like she gets drunk dry, like she literally drove into a house. Wasn't her dog in the car.

Her dog was in the car.

Archie in the car.

No, Archie was poor Archie didn't know what the fuck was going on. Oh, I'm sorry, can I swear?


So Archie she just like kept driving like she didn't stop. She just went into the man's house.

Who was the man, Well, she was a neighbor, but she was leaving her boyfriend at the time. She was leaving his house like upset, pissed off, drunk.

Oh, no man would ever get me. I'm sorry, I don't get at that age, Shannon. Are you still getting work that worked up about a man and an issue?

But that's all? She gets, very emotion all season.

They showed like a montage of her getting upset and running out of places.

So it's just that's who she is.


I'm like, Shannon, we got not.

Get off and grow up. Yeah, yeah, girl, you've been through enough in your life. You're gonna be still crying over a man like that, going into taking your car and driving into a house. Get over that enough enough?

Will Shannon be able to bring Archie her dog?

I hope. I don't know if you can bring dogs, And I don't know, but if Archie comes, I'm babysitting.

She might try to like smuggle Archie in.

It's a big lob, right, Archie's a lab.

Oh, he's actually very cute. I hate dogs. You might, you might get upset with me.

I can't do it. Okay, but Archie is a really cute dog.

You cannot like dogs, but respect them and never hurt them. That's still okay.

Yes, this one is insane. Diamond wants to get a dog. However, she wants to never walk the dog.

I don't walk my dogs because they're not walkable. You have a dog that is a little dog.

You have a Chihuahua. Right, she wants to get a dog. You need to walk and not walking. She said she's gonna put it on a treadmill, a little walking pad.

Can you don't have a no, okay, you have a yard. Do you have a yard?

Well, yeah, I have a yard, but there's not a lot of space in it, so like, why not just you know, we could be cuddle buddies me And.

Then you get an older dog that sleeps all day. Old dogs sleep all day. Get a rescue, Get a big dog in the shelter that nobody wants ten eleven years old.

I'm scared of big dogs. I'm scared of big dog.

Then get a little dog that sleeps all day, and you won't have to walk it.

Thank you, Dolores. Tell her that you could.

Put it out in the back and your little little whatever you have, I don't know. And it's fine, and it's out of the shelter and it's just gonna sit on your lap and sleep with you and wait to be fed. Put a wee wee pad and call it a day.

Thank you. This is okay.

I agree with what Dolores is saying. What Diamond was trying to do was acquire a puppy that was certainly of walking size.

You don't belong to have a puppy.

Fine, she's I want to get a dog, but I'm not walking it.

No, I'm not gonna do that. Get an old dog out of the shelter, give it a nice life.

Yes, birthday is gonna be lit this year. You're gonna get an old dog and a cruise on Norwegian.

Escape with my favorite Housewives.


Wait, okay, wait, So Dolores, what scares you about cruising because you've never done it before?

You write, I don't mess with the ocean. It's just big, bigger than that little ship. Yeah, and I you know, mother nature gets mad sometimes, so I don't want to get I don't want to be there on a bad day. That's all I'm saying. I watched The Titanic when I was little, and I watched there was something called The Poseidon Adventure.

Oh yeah, they remade that movie.

Did they? Well, Okay, these are things that I think of a cruise.

Okay, that's understandable. I don't think you're going to be on the seas that are going to do that to you. The Atlantic is notoriously calm.

I didn't know that until you just told me.

There you go.

So yeah, So yeah, it's wives on the waves. You have to have to have to calm. It's gonna be amazing. So what can people expect to see?

Like to see and do when you're on this cruise.

We're gonna do shows, We're gonna interact with everybody, meet and gret just a good old time.

Like I said, we're partnered with Norwegian and they're awesome. You're gonna love the ship. You're gonna like the restaurants. I think it's gonna be really fun.

Oh I'm all ready for this. It's good to go.

You won't know, like you won't unless you look over at the water and stare at it. You honestly won't know.

There's so many people go on cruises. I'm just gonna tell if you've And also if you're like single, a lot of people like are afraid to go away because they're like, oh, I don't want to go by myself. There's a lot of single people going, So go and you'll meet people that like Bravo, and you'll meet people at the shows and there'll always be something to do. And a lot of times when I see somebody solo come to my events, I'll pair them up with somebody else I know that showed up alone and they become friends.

Yeah, what does it take?

Like if I'm online and somebody comes in there by themselves and I'm like, well, who are you with? And she's like I can't buy myself, And then I'll be like, well so did she? Why don't you guys sit by each other? And they're usually happy to have someone and meet someone and you know, it's great. So that's what I want for this cruise, Like, that's what I want to see, like people who typically wouldn't have gone because they wouldn't have had someone to go to. You don't have to get on a plane, which is great, you just go right or some people are flying in, but you don't have to get on a plane. Mostly if you're from this area, drive to New York, get on, get on the cruise, and have a good time.

This is all of Diamond's Alley, an old dog and a cruise.

I'm excited you can do it.


I know you had questions that you wanted to ask, because our Bravo fan full of questions.

I'm so excited for this.

But there's just one big question that I have for you, because as you're sitting as I'm watching Traders and I see you sitting at the big round table, I'm wondering what was more chaotic or what was harder for you to deal with? The round table of traders or like the Rails Dinner for the finale.

Of Rails Dinner, really was it?

Like you're neutral, so you are looking at for people who don't know. The Rails Dinner was the season finale of the past season of New Jersey. But Dolores got everyone together who had been fighting all season long. They were at odds. Dolores by herself in the middle, like literally three people on this side, three people on the other side, and she's just in the middle trying to go to everyone's events. I felt really bad for you. I was like, I don't know how she's doing this, but she tried to get everyone together for a final sit down, and I think you know you meant well.

Well, the fate of the show was in everyone's hands, everybody's job. Okay, So was it that important to throw away a franchise over the fights that you guys are having. You can't make up. All the other housewives do it, Yeah, with a lot just as bad stuff going on. So at Lake City they made up at their reunion. There was going to be no resolution, and we had one last chance to do that, And I knew that's why I sat there so defeated, because I saw what was going on.

You would want everyone to come in and be nice to each other.

I wanted everyone to be heard. And it was not horrible glass broken, glass lunging over the table.

So what is it that you think is different?

Because you're right, the other shows have found ways to get over things and kind of make it happen.

What do you think is different about New Jersey.

I think that the resentment runs very deep, and I think that a lot of egos get in the way, and I think that nobody wants to take the high road at some point. You know, if you really want to make up with somebody, if you want to, you will eat a mile of shit and say, Okay, I'm gonna start over. I'm going to forget everything that happened, and I'm really never going to bring it up again, really never going to bring it up again. And then when you get in a fight, I think that they Jersey fights so hard. Jersey we love hard, we fight hard. So I think that there was a lot of things that you couldn't come back from.

So that's it.

Okay case scenario, if they don't bring the show back at all, what do you want your next year to look like?

You know, I don't know. I never thought i'd be a housewife. I never thought i'd get divorced. I never thought i'd be a single mom for twenty five years. Like these are just why think about where I'm going to be. It's not up to me. Oh, but I'll always work. I do have one insecurity, and that is where am I going to be when I'm like seventy years old? Like, financially, I think we have to really plan for our futures. Of course, financially, a lot of us, both of you included by things you don't need. Yes, I don't know that you're saving the right way, like, don't push your money away, like I've thrown so much money away over the years. I should have invested it. I should have had somebody who's smart like I don't come from a father and mother who sat me down and said, this is what you have to do with your your finances, and do this. My mom's friend is seventy years old and homeless, got divorced many many years ago, outlived her money. How do you know where you're going to be. You don't know. So make sure you have that nest egg and forget about it.

I always say my parents had the best intentions, and they would always tell me safe, safe, safe, safe, save. That is the most important thing to do. Money doesn't grow on trees. As I grew up, I realized it kind of does if you plant it, if you invest the right way. Right. Saving isn't the only thing to do. When you save, you have that amount of money, but if you.

Invest a little bit, you can make it grow.

And it took me way too long to learn that, so I'm doing it now, but I do wish I would have started sooner.

Yeah, and I wish I didn't spend so much money on senseless shopping for clothes that I sell for a dollar or where are you to give away? No, this is back before with like I just had tons and tons of stuff for what.

Well, I'm looking forward to seeing more of you because you're doing great on the Traders thus far from what I've seen, and Diamond's very excited about it obviously. The Housewives, You've been wonderful there and I want.

To see more of the things that you have.

In the future. All Right, Well, you know, I'm on this menopause journey. Guys, you're gonna You're.

All going to be there at some point.

You're all going to be there at some point. But I'm learning about it now and I'm going to be talking about it when I know more about it. But there's not enough education, Like my mom didn't talk about it. The gen xers still know nothing, but they're kind of like the pioneer to saying like it's okay for what women are going through because nobody gave a crap about this and it affects your life. I'm just hoping that like that's my that's kind of my thing right now.

I think that's so important. And we've talked about this before women's health in general because so many studies, even weirdly enough period studies were done on men, like what women have really been neglected in the medical field.

Mental one hundred percent.

It's ingrained in us to keep it to yourself because people try to.

Make it shameful, like you feel shameful, you feel less there, and the doctors are like, oh, you'll just get over it. Even female doctor to patients like I'm getting anxiety, I'm getting hot flashes, i can't sleep. Sex life is zero, and I come from we don't talk about that. Okay, we don't talk about this, but it's embarrassing. It's not sexy to talk about. But it's like a problem, and a lot of marriages don't make it through. Women get depressed. I've had young girls come up to me and say, I heard you talking about menophos. Help my mom, like please, my mom is suffering, and there is nothing for people. Not everybody's eligible for hormones, not everybody wants to take hormones, so what can I what can I find for women that can't use that. I went without them for over a year and a half and I suffered, so I know the symptoms, and I finally gave into taking them. So I know. But if you had breast cancer or if you had cancer, you can't say hormones, you're not eligible to take them. Yeah, it's embarrassing. Everything drives up like it's embarrassing. It's embarrassing, and it's hurtful, and it's mentally draining, and it's just it's just sucks. It sucks.

What's been the hardest part for me?

I mean the hot flashes, the lack of sleep, if it wasn't for ozembic, the weight gain that I had gained before I went on ozembic. You know, Okay, it was just a lot. So I really want to help find something for women, for somebody needs relief. There needs to be a relief for this. It is not okay because you're all it's gonna affect everybody. Of course, it doesn't discriminate.

Unless you die, which hopefully, hopefully, yeah, reached this point.

But then you say, like, thank God, like age is a gift because tomorrow is in promise to anyone. But there's a quality of life too. They don't even learn about medical menopause and medical school. There is now just in the past few months, been a credited documentary as a nurse that if you watch it you get like credits towards your thing. That's it.

Have you found anything specifically, I don't need name brands or anything like that, but.

Have you found replacements?


So I take the patch and at night I take progesterone. It's made a huge difference. But I also feel like bad for the women, Like I feel a little bit guilty that I can and not everybody can and they're not getting relief.

And I am Yeah, you know now that you're even saying this, I'm thinking about my own mom, who has never said a word about menopause. She's not gonna feeling badly nothing. And as much as you want to be, like, man, she's a g she just powers through it. I wish she would talk about I'm gonna call her when I get out of here and just see how she's doing.

You should, because you're gonna need to know for your own self. Yeah, like I said, it doesn't discriminate, and it's really, it's like kind of sad, you know, like why should we have to be ashamed to talk about it because we're older, because it's not so sexy.


Older women are my favorite group of human beings because those are the people who have lived and have advice and it's all this things that I'm gonna find out at one point in my life whether I want to or not. People who are older than me, they know it, I know more than women younger than me, and I wish that we would just have a better open line of communication and not fight against each other as far as age goes, which I say to Diamond all the time. I'm like, this whole battle of the generations is crazy because all of us should be together, fighting together for more awareness, health, benefits everything for us. We shouldn't be fighting each other. We should be fighting together.

No, and I think about that all the time. But one of the most humbling and most heart felt things that I get from being on the show is your age girls who come to me for anything like that means the world to me because I didn't want to have to go through all this shit I went through in my life for to be in vain and not be able to try to help another girl as she's going through it, or be able to tell her. So when someone trusts me enough to come to me and say, oh my husband just left me, Oh my boyfriend cheated on me, I mean, like, I know what you're going through. I've been there, been there, so you know whatever it is, raising kids, not having kids, getting through life, not feeling great about yourself. I just want to be able to at least talk to younger girls, because what else can I give them. I'm not going to help you with your mouth homework, but I could talk to you about life.

First of all, you're reaching a bunch of them right now, which is amazing. You do it with your show anyway, so it seems like you're kind of fulfilling your dream of what you want to be able to do, and that's incredible and I appreciate even hearing anything.

That you have to say about this. So thanks, thank you for being here now.

I'm happy to be here. And I find like, don't you think that sometimes you can't have all young housewives on a show.

No, we're learning that with Rony with the.

Re need you need, you need.

I don't want all anything of anything I don't want all young people doing anything anywhere, old people doing anything anywhere.

I enjoy collaboration, and I think.

That's where you learn the most and you gain the most, because you're gonna have, like I said, the older generation who can look at your plan and say, I can tell you right now why that's not gonna work because we tried that and it didn't work out. And then you can have a younger generation saying, okay, so it didn't work out that way.

Maybe this is something new that you don't know about. Collaboration.

People stop fighting each other. Yeah, if you have you seen the substance.

No, I heard about it.

Watch it.

Why it's about what.

We're talking about right now is about all of this, and it's incredible done.

My plastic surgeon told me about it. Did you see my billboard on by the Holland Tunnel?


Yeah, on the way into Yeah it was. It was at the Lincoln Now it's at the My plastic surgeon who did my facelift posted me. Because it's a natural looking face lift. I don't let me tell you.

I've been looking at him, like, God, she's gorgeous, and it doesn't look like she's.

Because doctor mar caralac in Wall Township. Tell your moms. You know you guys, don't if you want uh, the most wonderful doctor in the world. Yeah, so that's my billboard. He did it like because as a housewife, I was honest enough to tell people about getting my facelifted. Now he has so many people going to him as he should. He's amazing. I don't even have scars on my face. They're in my ear.

You look great.

Oh holy crap, Well you look good.

Yeah, thank you. So I could lie. You could if I wanted to lie, I could lie reasally.

That's the good thing. That's why I love Dolores. She's authentic. You talk about everything. There's nothing. Well, there may be things that are off limits, but we wouldn't know because you tell so much.

And genuinely, which is great. He said.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people act like they just started working out and eating healthy and they lost the way. I love that you're admitting that you took ozumpic to help you out. I love that you admit that you actually it was Mon Jarrow, Yeah Jorrow, Okay, to help you out.

Yeah, help me thirty pounds that's incredible.

You know how many people will never admit to it.

I've got in trouble for that. What happens?

Oh God, watched it live girl, my jaw drop. But I loved it for you because.

Why were they mad?

Were you one of the first adopters? And now everybody's doing it, so it's more acceptable.

Everybody was doing it, they just were in so if somebody got skinny, they were doing it.

I yes, I have seen it. I've seen it with my own two eyes. Are you still doing it now?

One hundred?

Okay, we're learning how to age, and we're learning that all these things are okay to talk about and to.

Do well on your doctor's care, of course, I have an amazing doctor that I go to, All Health Medical and.

Hackensack Hackensack University Hospital. Yes, don't get me started. I love them so much. But watch the Substance.

I think you would really like it. Okay, it's long, it's disgusting, it's a fascinating movie. It's really really good. I loved it.

I thought it held so much symbolism for so many different things. The choices that you make as a young person, how it affects you when you're older.

Oh my god, that sounds great.

It's incredible. Go watch it.

Okay, okay, Diamond, what did you think?

Loved it?

I realized why I love her so much. It may not be because she's so chill. I think she's super authentic. And especially in New Jersey, the women aren't like or on the show Real Housewives in New Jersey. I'm not coming for the entire state.

The entire state of New Jersey is inauthentic.

But she's so authentic, like she goes through so much on the show, and just the way that she deals with things like we don't we didn't talk about this, but she was living with her ex husband for a really long time, like they'd gotten a divorce. He left her and then he decided to come back, but not like like twenty years later, not like trying to get back with her. They just became really good friends and he needed to move into her house. Yes, she let him move in. And it's like this big thing that happens where so many people online were like how could you, Like he left you, why would you let him come back in? He like, you know, you were a single mom with your kids, Like why would you let him come back in, and she was.

Very like transparent and authentic about it.

Like she made it very clear that like she didn't think anything would happen between them, but she wasn't really cutting herself off to it. She had a boyfriend at the time, and she was like, he doesn't care about the fact that I lived with my ex because like we're just living life.

Like I really like her.

She doesn't play up things. I love it.

Do you know what?

My favorite part of the interview was what you jumping in?


I love when you're passionate about something and you have real questions. Because I don't know a lot about the Housewives. We talked about this before. I'm fascinated by them and at some point I will watch the show. Please Traders, I'm all in, I'm down. I love the Traders, but I'm not all about the Housewives. So it really helps when you are there, and I would like more of that. Oh wow, this is my proposal, Diamond. Yes, will you jump in on more interviews?


Oh my god, We're gonna skip off into the sunset together.

I'm going to regret saying yes quickly, but.

Yes, just wait, all right?

If people want to find you on Instagram and X I mean we're still calling it Twitter, Instagram and Twitter where they gonna find.

You at diamond Sincere, both in an underscore on that we've been through this, you know.

I know, but I just see it might be one new listener, this one episode.

Right on Twitter, it's at Diamonds Sincere with an underscore. It pisses me off, but yes.

At the end, the underscores at the end. And on Instagram it's at Diamonds Sincere. I'm on baby hot Sauce anywhere. And uh, that's about it, So we'll see you next time.


As always, like, review, subscribe, follow, we appreciate it, and say bye Diamond Bye.

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