That Christmas
A blizzard hits a seaside town, setting off entwined tales of family, friends, love and loneliness - and Santa making a big mistake (Netflix).
Better Man
The true story of the meteoric rise, dramatic fall, and remarkable resurgence of British pop superstar Robbie Williams.
You're listening to the Saturday Morning with Jack team podcast from News Talk zb.
News Talks. But you were Jack tayme this Saturday and when me thank you very much for your messages. Arnaquette has flipped me an email this morning to say, good morning Jack. Your story about the wallstickers has hit a bit of a raw nerve in our We had a similar experience trying to put stickers up in our bedroom ended up with a day of silent treatment for all involved. Idea say no more, Jack, Oh heck, hanging dCourse an absolute nightmare, as you described. To be honest, I think wallpaper is much much easier. You and your wife both need to diary to write down your experience, and says I'm not sure we're going to write down that one. Thanks Claire, but yeah ninety two ninety two if you want to send us a text like clear did or Jacketnewstork saidb dot co dot Nz like Nika's email, They're time to catch up with our film review of Francesca Rudkin, who is with us this morning.
Killed her Good morning.
Okay, two cracking films for us this morning, and let's start off with a little bit of a listen to the latest from the King of Christmas Movies, Richard Curtis.
This this is the tale one of the most challenging dates of my long career. Chance you won't get all those sacks down the chimney and Wongong Christmas was knocking on Wellington's front door. And here are our unfortunate heroes.
But you're in charge. Yes, Hate Caffrey, Alisa, Okay, that's that Christmas and it's on Netflix. Tell us about a Francisca it is.
I thought I really I should cover off a Christmas film, and I would like to thank actually a Saturday Morning listener Linda last week who suggested that I take a look at this film, and I really love. When my kids were growing up, one of our favorite animations was a film called Arthur Christmas, and this is sort of it sort of fits into the same kind of category. It's got lots of heart, it's got all these gorgeous characters and sort of individual storylines which are really fabulous. But it's got some humor as well. But it's also got it doesn't kind of ignore the reality of Christmas for so many different families and things. As you mentioned, it is based on the Charming trilogy of children's books by Richard Curtis. So a lot of people at this time of the year might be watching Love actually for the twentieth time. But if you've got if you've got some younger kids and you want to find a new Richard Curtis favorite, you might want to try this one out. Santa does feature in this film very much. At the start, he is having one of the worst Christmas, is one of the worst nights he's ever had, terrible storms, and there's a lot of dramas and issues in a little place in the UK, a fictitious place called Wellington on the Sea. So he returns there to leave some presents. But then it really becomes about that little community and the locals and as I mentioned, the children that sort of have different storylines and things. Lots of fun. Great cast. Brian Cox, Fiona Shaw, Jodie Whittaker, Bryst Derby also turns up. You'll hear that voice and go, I know exactly who that is, Bill Nahi. So it's got a really great cast and the animation I thought was probably could have been a a little bit better, a little bit slicker.
Man, it's a little bit.
More thought gone into the actual animation of it. But look at is lovely and charming and pleasant. And if you'd like a Christmas story that isn't just about romance or the romantic comedy, but it's got a little bit of everything you got Santa, but individual stories everybody that Now, Linda was right, it's a very good choice.
Okay, very good. Nice that is that Christmas. So that is streaming on Netflix. Now, next up, let's have a listen to Better Man.
I'm Robbie Williams. I'm one of the biggest pop stars in the world. This is my story, but I'm not going to tell it in an ordinary way because I don't see myself help with as Semith in the next two hours your us.
It's right to be honest.
I've always been a little less evolved rack.
So let's take it from the top, shall we.
Now, the thing to know about this film, which I've only learned this morning, is that that isn't quite Robbie Williams as we've seen him before, right, No.
So this is the gimmick of the film. Okay, So this is based on the true story of the crazy rise to favor Robie Williams, who was a teenager when he was selected to be part of the Manufactured band to take that, and it also chronicles his very dramatic fall from grace at only aged twenty one, when he was a ra alcoholic and coke addict his words, and then of course it sort of follows his resurgence, his determination to prove that he had what it takes to be one of the biggest pop stars in the world. And as you mentioned, there is a little bit of a gimmick behind this film, which is the work of Michael Gracie who brought us the Greatest Showman and they sat down. He recorded heaps of he recorded basically Robbi Williams telling him his story and he's turned it into this film. Robin narrates it, but a very talented actor will plays him. Johnna Davis plays him. But he is represented as a monkey throughout the film because he felt like from a young age he was a performing monkey. He was told to do this or that where they say this, you know, and at the same time he felt like his whole life has been in front of the public and everyone's got their own opinion and ideas of him, and hence he doesn't see himself as other people, so he is a very very clever digital c GI monkey throughout it. So this guy John o'davies plays him, plays him beautifully. You can just see so much of Robbie Williams and his actions and his eyes and everything, but he's actually a monkey. Now. I wasn't sure that this was going to work. I was a bit like, mm hmm, see how this goes. This is interesting, but it's fantastic. It is a blast. I laughed, I cried. I know the Robbie Williams story, but him being so open and honest and sharing it with us and with his whip and his charm that only Robbie has this charisma. It really does work. It is a blast. There was a point in my life where I did not want to hear the song Angels. Ever again, everybody played every wedding every where you went, and I sat there in the theater singing every word like you just get caught up. They use his music as well, so it's a bit musical, it's a biopic, it's a bit musical. It's just a blast. And I'm very excited to say that rob Williams is actually joining me on the Sunday session tomorrow after ten am.
Robbie Williams.
No, hey, Robbie Williams is going to be with me?
To Robbie Williams, Yeah, are you going to play Angels?
You know what? I just might and I'll probably sit this to you and every word No, I was really surprised. I was really taking back and how much I love this. This isn't out until December the twenty sixth, but if you are looking, if it's a bit too hot, or if it's raining wherever you are and you need to retreat to a cinema, definitely put this on your list of films to see in the holidays. And you must listen to Robbie tomorrow at ten. He is just so great. I had to be honest with you. I've become a bit of a fan. It's taken many years, but I'm a bit of a fan.
Francisca. It sounds it sounds wonderful, Okay, I'm I'm really excited about that, so that the film is better man like you say. It comes out in cinemas on Boxing Day, December twenty sixth, and Francisca's first film was that Christmas that's streaming on Netflix now. Thank you so much, Francisca. Cannot wait for ten o'clock tomorrow morning your feature with Robbie Williams, and we will catch again very soon.
Thanks Jack.
All right, all the details for those films will be up on the news talks Hedb website as well. You can go to news talks hedb dot co dot nz at Ford slash Jack and we put everything from the show right up there just as soon as it's been on the radio. If you aren't looking like you're going to be getting off the couch anytime soon and you've already watched that Christmas After ten this morning, we're going to have our screen time Picks for this week. This is where we give you recommendations for all our favorite TV shows for watching or streaming at home. We've got a cracking new show involving Elton John. It's kind of a documentary series in which he is looking back and reflecting on his life. He's quite introspective, so I'm going to give you a few more details about that very shortly. Right now, though it is seventeen minutes to ten. Our Cook's top Turkey tips for you next.
For more from Saturday Morning with Jack Tame. Listen live to News Talks dB from nine am Saturday, or follow the podcast on iHeartRadio