Skip The Dishes Courier Takes Company to Court over Employee Misclassification

Published Aug 1, 2018, 8:56 PM

Skip The Dishes, a delivery service that brings food from restaurants to customers' doors, has been served a class-action lawsuit in Manitoba.

Charleen Pokornik, who has been driving for the company since November 2016, filed a lawsuit on July 25 on behalf of drivers, arguing that the couriers should be classified as employees, and receive benefits like vacation, overtime and minimum wage.

Skip The Dishes refers to its drivers as independent contractors.

Employment Lawyer Lior Samfiru joined host Kelly Cutrara on Global News Radio 640 Toronto to explain why the lawsuit has merit, and how it mirrors his own class-action lawsuit against Uber Technologies Inc. regarding employee misclassification of drivers.

Read more about the Manitoba lawsuit here.

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