640 Toronto - Lindsay Shepherd, Laurier & Legalities of Recording Meetings

Published Nov 25, 2017, 11:00 AM

During a Nov. 8, meeting, Wilfrid Laurier graduate student Lindsay Shepherd was reprimanded for showing first-year students in her tutorial a television debate on gender-neutral pronouns, which included University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson who objects to using what he calls "made-up" pronouns.

Shepherd released a recording of the meeting with two professors and a university official, who told her there was one or more complaints from participants in the tutorial and was accused of "causing harm to trans students," and "creating a toxic climate" in her classroom.

Employment Lawyer Lior Samfiru joined host Roy Green to discuss what the law says about recording coworkers and meetings, and Lindsay Shepherd's actions after her meeting with Wilfrid Laurier University management.

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