Rush Limbaugh - Timeless WisdomRush Limbaugh - Timeless Wisdom

The Supposed Isolationist Just Dropped the Biggest Non-Nuclear Bomb We’ve Got on Afghanistan

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RUSH: I have been struck by something.

You know, after the 59 Tomahawks were launched into Syria, there were a bunch of Trumpists, famous Trumpists who were not happy. They began tweeting immediately: “Trump said he would never do this. This is not America first. This is not putting America first. This is not making America great again. Trump said he wouldn’t be doing these kinds of military interventions anymore.” So I began to think, is that true? Did Trump campaign frequently, reliably promising there would not be any U.S. military intervention abroad? That’s another question I must put to you Trumpists.

I realize a lot of people interpreted that that is what Trump meant when he said, “Put America first,” and he was talking about NATO. With NATO he never said NATO had to go away. He just said the people running it are not paying their fair share, and we’re not gonna continue to pay way beyond our share here. We’re not gonna bear the burden. If NATO’s gonna mean anything, these people gotta play ball.

By the same token, I was trying to remember last night — I Googled it, looked around — I couldn’t find it, as in white paper policy positions, Trump claiming consistently and often, that there would never be any military intervention around the world. But, boy, did people think that’s what he meant. There was a lot of interpretation. Putting America first, making America first, making America great, America only, no more wars in the Middle East.

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