Rush Limbaugh - Timeless WisdomRush Limbaugh - Timeless Wisdom

Rush Limbaugh Timeless Wisdom

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Dr. King, one of his most famous passages was that he hoped that his kids someday would grow up in a country where — I’m paraphrasing — the content of their character was the single greatest determining factor about the kind of people they were, rather than the color of their skin. Now, Dr. King — and I have no problem saying this at all — Dr. King would not recognize the modern iteration of the Democrat Party.

He did believe in nonviolence. And he might have had a political motivation now and then of playing, throwing down the race card, but that was not who he was. It was not the defining thing about Dr. King. And so much is being done in his name that he never supported. I think he would be shocked, probably is. But it’s kind of like saying the same of JFK. JFK would not be welcomed into the Democrat Party today.

JFK believed in tax cuts, for example, and a whole lot of other conservative economic principles. And yet all of these things that the Democrat Party supposedly believes in are being done in the name of people like JFK, but more importantly, Dr. King. And I’m telling you Dr. King would not recognize the Democrat Party today. And I have no compunction saying that he wouldn’t want any part of it, or a large part of it.

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