Mara's List of Lights
Here is a list of that makes it easier to find Holiday decorations in Thief RIver Falls, it also creates a straight line to getting into the Christmas spirit.
Christmas Letter to Dave
Rural Reflections kicks off the Holiday season as Grant sends off a Christmas letter to his brother, Dave
Why The Hurry?
As we hustle into the Christmas season, Grant poses the question that if our time on earth is short, why are we in such a hurry?
A Thankful Post-It Note
When life hands you a life lesson in the form of a work-around, make a post-it note. This week, Rural Reflections has good one for you!
Pizza Bread Pudding
Leftover pizza is a good thing. Pizza bread pudding is a great thing!
November Letter to Dave
Grant's November letter to Dave.
Two Americas
Are there two Americas? Is one America a distortion created by many media sources for a listener who is not in touch with the America just outside their door?
First freedoms from a tractor seat
Whether seated in an old tractor or an old Mercury Montego, those first freedoms taste pretty good.
A Soft Rumble Harvest
As another sugar beet harvest winds down, Grant recalls his experiences during 26 years of the harvest campaign.
Those little things we do. or sometimes disregard as inconsequential, become much more important as they ripple out over time.