My Roommate Benny

Published Sep 19, 2024, 5:32 PM

Fool #1 is tired of neighbors filing complaints about his roommate making noises.  His roommate happens to be a bird.


Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today and the subject is his friend Ace is not a man.

We'll get into that, find out what that's all about. You not a man? Not a man? All right, we'll get to it.

Can't nobody say nothing. See, That's what I'm saying. I don't even know how we're gonna get through the letter. How you gonna say something? Not what you think you're gonna say something. You know you can't say nothing. What you say No, you can't say nothing. You can't say nothing by nothing. Y'all already know that. Y'all already know you can't say nothing by that. Let let watch his here, watch his head, baby off, look at everybody. Tensel, who lord.

That you know you can't say that needs to be a T shirt.


You can't say nothing about nothing.

You know you can't say nothing. You know you can't say.

What is the prank? Nephew?

What is it?

This right here? This is this is my roommate. Fairly, this is my room. It right The name of this prank is my roommate, Bennie, my roommate, Benny. Okay, everybody I'm sure it's had a roommate at one time or another. All right, this is my roommate. My roommate, Benny. Now my roommate different from what you had back in the day. My roommate different. This is my roommate, Bennye.

Okay, let's hear from Benny, cat dog. If you who let's hear from Bennie.

Must be to Devin. Yeah, okay, hey man, this Chris. I live above you. I ain't never met you before, but you you you have You been calling the lease in office about complaining on me about I'm making too much noise away.

Yeah, man, I'm not bad, bro. I was trying to catch you, man. I could never uh, I could never catch you at home. Man. It's just like you know, bro, I work at night.

I work at night. Yeah.

Yeah, you're saying. I said I work in a day, but I can't sleep at night, Broke. I don't know what's going on in your apartment. I'm saying, I ain't trying to be in your business. I'm not trying to be in your business. Player. I just can't get no sleeping night, man, because I've got a lot of a lot of noise, a lot of talking and what you do with your business.


I'm just saying, man.

Please, man, but you ain't have to go to the leasing office. Man, all you had to do. You know what's all thatt me? You ain't you know they got me written up like you know, one more complain on me, they gonna put me out of something. Well.

Yeah, like I said, though I was trying to get I was trying to find you. You know what I'm saying. But we I guess we miss each other because you you work at night. I work in the day. So you know when you going, I'm coming, and when I'm coming, you gone. You're saying, Brian's trying to start us. I'm just trying to, you know, go to work and pay my pay my bills.

Man, I'll be at work at night, man. You know what I'm saying. I'm trying to get my hustle on, like you trying to get your doing.

Hola hold. Okay, okay, let's make it like sense, bru. If you at work at night, somebody in your somebody in your apartment talking loud than I'm keeping me up square a beut' it? Okay, you got a roommate or all nothing?

I ain't got no roommate. Man, I heard Benny.

Somebody in there talking loud, holding a conversation. It's like two people in there talking loud every night.

No, that's brother. That's Benny. Man, Benny be talking.

Okay, you say you ain't got no room, Mace, Who's who is Benny? Who is Benny?

Benny is my bird my parents? That's Benny Be.

Talking like mant me die listen mine, why why wait a minute, you're trying to tell me a bird that was Billy.


I done have Bny ten years. That's my bird.

Byrn don't even live at long. So so now I'm up at night, I'm set to work because because a bird, that's what you want. That that's what you called me to tell me.

I called you to tell you. You ain't got to be putting these complaints on me. Man. It's like, I'm I'm going that. Now that's Benny talking, man, Benny in Jenny, Wait.

A minute, hey, look, I'm telling you, now, do something with the bird then, or that's gonna be some consequences of repercussions. I'm talking about some fried chicken around it.

And man, Penny is like a family member.

To me bird who can't Sam the chicken on the call flake box, Kentucky Chicken churches all that, No.

Bride, hey man, you don't tell me nothing bad about my birth. Okay, brother, you know what, Maybe me and you need to square off in front of each other because you don't. You don't disrespect Benny Man.

All right, all right, you thank you something? All right?

All right?

I bet that be on my table when I get home. If it's a bird, then I bet that be all my gonne table.

Man. Ain't from the city and disrespect me and try to tell me what you're gonna do to my bird. But you ain't gonna do nothing stupid to Benny.

Tell you what I tell you? What see? You can date you? How right now? What you gonna work tonight? I bet you bet it. I'll beat that tomorrow. I bet you we be fingering liking good tomorrow.

Man, hey man, hold on a minute, man, wait a minute. Dog is what you can't do and start talking about what you're gonna do to my bird now? And told you you found for going to the leasting office calling me out, and now you're on the phone. I'm trying to work this out with you.

And now you ask how to work right now? First time you you call me and tell me that it's a bird. Hold in a conversation with herself. I'm I'm a stupid right now. I'm on a stupid to even continue on this conversation. I'm a word. It's kicking me up five night. Are you serious?

Man? On some in rooms or something.

It's like, man, listen, bruh, listen whatever it is. If it's a bird or recording whatever, if you gotta do.

Something with it.

It is a bird, man, I'm gonna be sowing sut to. If this is a bird, I'm really a bird.

It's spinning, man, it's spinning.

You know.

All you have to do is come to me and we could have had lit like me. Hold hold, hold on, okay.

Okay, okay, we gonna have it like man. Then, first off, least in office wouldn't give me your name? What's your name?

My man? Chris?

Okay, Chris, I'm different.

There we go, there we go.

Listen, dog, I ain't for the past three months, you know what I'm saying, I ain't really been getting no sleep because of this bird. You say it's a bird. I don't believe that but a bird a bird?

Come on, dog, that's going birdie?

You take the work with you is? I don't care, figure something out, but whatever going on up there with you and your bier need to come to an immediate house or it's gonna be some doubt.

Hey man, hey man. What you can't do is threaten me about what's going on in my household.

Man, look here, you and Benny, Bennie, Lennie, whatever the name is. You need to do something with that. That's gonna be some real it. Sure, man, why not going back and forth with you about this? You keep telling me something about a.

By that's a bird. What's the problem with it? What's the problem understanding that people have pet birds? Say?

Man, I don't give if you have a pet bird, But really, this talk all night long? How do you? How do you? How do you never think? Come? Don't never shut up.

I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what Benny told me to tell you? Though, Can I tell you what Benny told way?


Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait White Chris White, White, brother, I don't want to hear what no bird told you to tell me?

Can I tell you what Benny told me to tell you what what what the then they told me to tell you this that this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy, Sean. Did I get your man?

Got me? You got it? Man?

That guy.

I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to wait for this dude. Get armed out and talk to him. I ain't talk so much about this. Some falls and burned. I don't know what's her staff man.

I made him.

God, I'll be up all night and I'm saying I'm missing I'm missing my sleep, I'm missing you know what I'm saying. I'm missing y'all in the morning because I'm probably hitting the snooze.

But I got one more thing to ask you. What is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lab.

Man, Steve Hardy Morning Shop. We neft miss.

Ain't nothing, none of y'all head a bird for a roommate, ain't none of y'all hand.

Yeah, but I had an ex named Benny and he's a.

Right right capital l dodge a bullet dodge the bullet on that.

One roommate, Benny, just keeping it stupid, just keeping it stupid.

Doing your job, am I doing my job.

I'm gonna do you do.

I deserve a raise over and above.

Yeah, thank you, thank you, You deserve.

All I want thanking of you. Coming up next my letter. The Strawberry letter is subject his friend Ace is not a man. We'll get into it right after this, Well, what you're listening Hard Morning Show

Run That Prank

Nephew Tommy’s Prank Phone Calls from The Steve Harvey Morning Show
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