Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone called nephew, what you got for us?
I got it, I got it, I got it. I got a prank for y'all. I got a good prank for y'all. I got a good prank for y'all. But but you know what, let me where do these do? I want to ask y'all this first play the prank? When do these kids go back to school? This? I don't wasn't stand then? We used to go back to school right after the first wasn't it like two days later?
Yeah, we were back on New Year's Day.
Say nobody go back to schools. We did. We had to go. It was all the money we had back Now, so this week and then some with the winter blizzard, it's affected some of these kids ain't going right now. I read for my son and get back to school. It's it's too much. He got people spending the night or two nights ago. Now let me tell you right now, two nights ago, he got a friend that spend the night. Really nice, nice kid. I love him to death. But he didn't went to the freezer, poor lie my bluebell of ice cream and say, mister mild. You want any ice cream? I said, that's that's my dal ice cream. You don't go to nobody freeze and put on something and go ask me if I want some of my stuff? Is what is that with you?
You want miss mind? You want some ice cream?
That's my ice cream?
His boyol? This kid, this kid, Oh my god, this kid. I had one of those gross spurts I've never seen before. Okay, in the summer he was he was, I swear five ten. The kid is, he's fifteen years old. The kid is now six foot two, so he's Tallid, he's taller than you in the summer though, That is so true and dirty and low. I'm telling he's been taller than you at birth. He was tall. I know that. Five ten, I said, who got him already?
I know?
Yeah, So he's tall and his voice is deep, and yes, my son is getting My son is about to be tall to me, I give it six to eight more months.
Jordan's gonna be taller than me for sure.
Really, yeah, because my daughter has been taller than you for a long time.
Sheridan has been taller than you.
Why am I had the measuring stick?
Why is everybody always and who's taller than timmy? Why always bring up?
You bring it up and life happens. That's just how it is.
You brought it up. It's our job to point it out. Okay, Well you know what, I'm pranking somebody. I think I'm taller. Switch all right, So y'all, y'all remember this is this is this is a celebrity prank. I got him good that I really did, y'all. Remember face on love, Big, big, big world. Yeah, I prank big word okay, yeahow.
And it was a child support situation.
That's kind of like far you think you didn't think that was too far before because you know, you know, phase I ain't nothing to play with? You know what I mean? You know, faise on whoop? Somebody asked in the real car play, remember that the phase I ain't nothing to play with? Even had I had to ask permission after I got through with this. Pray, bro, you cool, go here? He said, y'all dirty, you're dirty. So this is Nephew tied me preaking phase on. Y'all take a listen. Child support. I don't even worry about that. I asked her myself, Hello, is this is this phase on? Yeah, hey man, let me ask you something. Let's just get straight to this. Do you plan on sending child support to Florida or not?
When are you gonna send child support? Man? What say? Ain't nobody? This, ain't no game? Is you gonna send child support? Because you already know what time it is?
H Who are you?
Let me go, let me walk back and go through.
This slow with you. Yeah, yeah, let's do that.
Do that? Say say no more? All right, say no more? All right? So I'm in Florida. You already know what's up. My name Danny. I'm hitting you up trying to figure out what is up with child support?
Oh? You know what? You know what day man? Please forget me.
Send me your address real quick? Did if to uh this?
So bring you two? You put it in your hands?
Oh it is okay, So it's like that, all right? Yeah, that's what you want, right, just sins what you call me?
Customer out?
I don't even know what you are, okay, but you know what I'm talking about, you know from talking about Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I said. Just send me your address real quick and I'm just come on and put put in your hand bron Okay, bake it on, you know, because you know I know you care about my daughter. Yeah I do, I do? What but what? But so, what I'm trying to do is get.
This give me your address.
I'm just trying to get this taken care of. All you got to do is put your in the mail. We ain't you ain't gotta, I ain't gonta give you my no, no, no no, I'm in Florida right now. I'm here right now. Okay, then it's whatever. Then that's what you want.
Listen to me.
You know you don't missed the session by late. If that's what, do you want me to meet you somewhere?
I was just sinking your address?
What is?
What is you too?
You said you want this money?
Hey, you just tell me I ain't the runner car.
I ain't that Whose love this nephew?
Till me from the Steve Hobbin Morning the show Man, Dereck Keena got me the prank phone call your.
Dog Phase on Phase home.
I ain't gonna lie. I was nervous to the cementing with this dude. Man, I'm like, and you got him?
You can't well? I like you, Oh man, you got my blood brush up? I mean you got water or something.
Oh, man, hold on, I'm gonna get him on the phone. Now. You sound like you were talking about what.
Uh God boy, faith.
We love you, boy, I love you, love your man. You you you beast out dear boy. I appreciate you, man you man God. Yeah, all right, it's cool with me. It's cool for me to run this man. You're alright with it.
Yeah, man, you got me, You got.
Alright, man?
All ya ya.
Quick, frank, buddy, quick and to the point. Baby, Yes, about that life, baby, you hear me?
He is his Instagram Instagram rant.
You bet not run up on him. You better not run up on him. No time you got.
You send me your dress real quick. I'll put the money in your hands.
What you want? Yeah, what y'all think?
I think?
Now we can go on on in prank rem Washington. What you think? Passing in Washington? Not right now? Timing is everything not right now?
He just got the Presidential Medal of Honor and everything.
It's time.
This is the perfect You like this first sermon?
I ain't like your first sermon.
I'm with you because I want to hear him. Yeah.
Then know you didn't know you did call.
Ain't got nothing on me.
No, not a loto, not a lot. I say to you it okay right now, it's too soon.