The Royal Report | 10 November

Published Nov 10, 2024, 10:50 AM

After weeks of separate appearances, Harry and Meghan have finally released a joint video statement. Plus, royal observers rejoice as Princess Catherine makes another public appearance.

Bitchy of Report. Good evening, Welcome to the Royal Report. I'm Caroline Derusso coming up on the show tonight. After weeks of separate appearances, Harry and Meaghan have finally released a joint video statement. We'll discuss that with our panel shortly. Meghan Markl has reportably been left inconsolable following a harsh critique from Princess Diana's biographer, and we're all observer's rejoice as Princess Catherine makes yet another public appearance. Esther Cracker will join us from London with those details.

But first let's talk about the.

Prince of Wales and how he has handled a very challenging twenty twenty four with a sick father, a sick wife and three young children. And yes, I know he has had help, but it's still extraordinary straining for anyone to manage that physical and emotional workload and all in the public eye.

This week, while he was in South Africa, he had.

This to say.

Only now has he admitted just how tough it's been. Honestly, it's been dreadful, he said. It's probably been the hardest year in my life, so trying to get through everything else and keep everything on track. Has been really difficult, but I'm so proud of my wife. I'm proud of my father for handling the things that they have done. But from a personal family point of view, it's been brutal.

Open, honest and entirely understandable, no pretense and no posturing. And while William has known for years that he would eventually be king, I think this year has been the making of him. In amongst all the other qualities, resilience and compassion round out the character for a prospective monarch very well. He's learned those things in the most difficult and personal way possible, and not only.

This year, but as a child himself.

The honesty with which he has spoken about these matters I think has made him all the more relatable.

The public has.

Gotten a glimpse that not all is always rosy in the life of the Rule family, challenges which affect all all of us, regardless of our.

Station in life.

And I do think William has grown significantly this year, and I don't just mean the beard. I think he's refined and matured and has shown us all just a sort of king he would be, and why that is something that would benefit us all in the reciprocal social contract that is the constitutional monarchy.

Joining me now is Sky.

News contributor Louise Roberts and Royle, reporter for The Daily Express, Pandora Forthsight.

Louise, it has been a rough year for.

The Prince and Princess of Wales in particular, they've ultimately come through it.

What are your thoughts as to how this sets William up for king?

I think William inavertently it has turned out to be twenty twenty four a dry run as what his life will be like as a monarch, because every challenge that has beset him will come his way. He's handled with resilience and grace and love and dedication and really focused on the most important things of course, which is his family. The support is given to Kate, given to his father, both of whom have been diagnosed with cancer as you say, and been treated for that cancer as well. So he's really grown into this role. As you say, he has known, of course his entire life that one day he will be king, but there's no sort of pitying or lack of respect for anyone. He just gets on with the job at hand, and the fact that he said it's been the toughest year of his life. I would wage probably the toughest year of his life since losing his mother in ninety seven. Makes him all the more relatable and makes you know, people love him even more, which is critical given what's said for him as King.

And Pandora. I think that's the point, right.

They have been I think appropriately public with what has been going on, and do you think those struggles have made them increasingly relatable? Yeah?

Absolutely. I mean a thousand people in the UK are diagnosed with cancer every day, and then if you think of the world wide statistics, well it doubles and more. Of course, not only does this make this relatable for people in the UK, but it does across the Commonwealth and around the world. And isn't it so refreshing that actually, our future monarch is so open and I think going further down the line, if we look in years to come, this sets up a really good example for his children to be open about their feelings and despite the fact that they are on a worldwide stage, and of course they are entitled to privacy and quite rightly so at such a sensitive time that they're so open about this because of course it does make it more relatable for people and more human, but it also goes to show and highlight the fact that cancer can affect anybody. And yes, of course you're quite right, Caroline and saying that they are very privileged and they will have the very best care available to them. But despite this, they have gone through an extremely challenging year, not only set an example as a rale family, supporting his monarch father and his grandfather of his children, but also his wife. And they've got through it and they're getting through to the other side now. And of course we'll be seeing them both later on today at the remembrance at the Senatop.

And before we get to that, Luise, But still on Prince William. He's been in South Africa this week for the earth Shot Awards. We did touch on it last week in anticipation of but can you run us through it?

Yes, So he's been in Cape Town to award nearly two million dollars per person, two five well deserving winners, innovators in eco welfare and sustainability and tech.

And sides and everything else.

And it's a cause very close to his heart because it's not as though he's come to the whole eco sustainability thing. As he's jumped on the bandwagon. He's very passionate about it. And he had a meeting with one hundred and twenty of these leaders and he said to them, this is the future King.

He said to them, you are the future.

You are the leaders, You are the people who are going to make it difference in this world. So you can just imagine being one of those young people and seeing the future King and having him say those words to you and have that faith in you that you can progress your eco sustainability and all your projects and.

Your fantastic programs that you're doing.

So I think William it was well in his comfort zone there and it was great that he was able to get that message globally and give us a hint as we've discussed of what he will be like as king, these are issues that he will still continue to bring to the four I think. I think Africa, of course, is a place is very comfortable with. In Kenya, of course, he proposed to Kate all those years ago. His mother obviously did a lot of work over there. Harry's been there too, and of course you would have seen he was wearing a beautiful little Friendship brace which his children had made for him, so he had that tie back to the UK while he was in Cape Town. So a fantastically successful trip for him yet again.

And speaking of that, we've got a great video of Prince William talking about his kids and showing off that bracelet.

This is a this is a I think, a relic as you like, from a Taylor Swift concerts that my daughter decided that she wanted to create a bracelet for and she gave it to me when I came away, so I promised i'd were it and try not to lose us when I was out here.

And Pendora, this continues on from from our previous point. This sort of openness, I think does the prince in the royal family a wonder of credibility with the public.


I think any parent in the UK, if they've got a young daughter has got the Swift madness going on. I think that's also the same for you guys right across the pond. And I think also we saw that picture, didn't we of Taylor Swift with the with the children when she did have the concert in London. And I think it's so sweet that even despite William speaking about some very serious subjects, which of course Louise already noted he's evidently very passionate about and very much follows in his father's footsteps in this about the environment. But the fact is he's away from his children and an incredibly difficult time where their mother is going through something which is utterly tremendous on so many different levels, and he's been so open about it, and despite this, he still has the link back to them just to sort of note that if they do see Daddy on TV or wherever they might be seeing him, that there will be that bracelet there. And he has to be so open with the public at such a difficult time, and I think this just goes to show again just how human he is, how relatable he is as a parent as well. And actually I just think it just goes to show how much love that he has for his children, and he's not afraid despite his position, to be so open about that in trying times, which is really lovely to see.

Yeah, I think it's commendable that sort of openness, and I think it's something that we probably haven't historically saying in the royal family. But also this way The first joint appearance is for the Sussexes. For some time, we've got some video to.

Crossroads where the urgency to reassess and redefine our approach to protecting children has become increasingly evident. While the necessity has always been apparent, it is now time to translate that awareness into meaningful action. So we thank you all for your attention to this critical issue.

My husband and I recognize today's reality is marked by greater connectivity and advanced technology, which of course has many positives, which also compels us to better understand how digital violence against children is manifesting itself in this age.

Louise, what was this statement in Native?

This video is tied into an inaugural conference being held in Columbia tackling digital violence against children, which may can kind of reference. Then, of course, they were in Columbia in August this year, which is a bit.

Of a controversial trip.

There was lots of criticism about it being a faux royal trip and why were they there. But despite all the criticism around it, I do feel they've really had honed in on a very good cause here, which is protecting children in the digital space, and in fact Harry went further to say that he doesn't believe the laws and the legislation and globally actually keeps up with what kids have been subjected to him, there's plenty of loopholes where predators and perhaps he's even addressing social media companies per se, where there's a lot of commercialization of abusive children online and now is the time to actually do something about it. There's been lots of chat. He's the big conference we're having Columbia. So they've joined forces after a very separate strategy between them to actually push that cause, which is a good one, I have to say.

And look out our political landscape here in Australia at both state and federal levels is looking at legislation for that very point right at the moment. But Pandora, it did look a little strained and stayed, don't you think.

Yeah, Look, it's an honorable cause and the fact that they're speaking out about it on a global platform. I don't think we should we should really be, you know, saying anything negative about that, But I also do you think it does highlight the fact that perhaps people are still a bit confused about Harry and Meghan. This is the first joint appearance they've had in a while. Harry's very much been doing his own things, solo events, so has Meghan. Now they're coming back together to talk about this. What causes do they really want to focus on? Of course they have spoken about this cause before in the past. Is this the cause that they're now going to champion? But of course they're also wearing remembrance poppies, which I think is great and I think they should be doing. But it was only a few years ago that they were at the Cenotaph as well for the Remembrance Day and that is today for us.

So I think it's great.

I think it's honorable, But I also think people are still really confused about their brand, and I think it also goes to show and highlight what's next for Harry and Meghan. It's great they're talking about this, but are they going to carry on talking about this?

And folks in.

On this now?

What are they doing next? I think if I was their pr which they have changed notably quite a few times, I would be thinking, what's the strategy now? Can they do this forever? Is it system?


And Pandora still with you.

We understand from reports this way that apparently Megan didn't take too well, so to some fiery comments made by magazine editor Taina Brown a couple of weeks back, what was the report and is there any basis to these claims?


So, the former Vanity Fair editor said on the podcast that Meghan had the worst judgment of anyone in the entire world. I think that's a little harsh given everything which is happening in the.

World at the moment.

I for one, could probably come up with a few personal opinions myself, but I don't think this is the right place to say that, ladies. But listen, Meghan gets a lot pete when she does do anything, and that is coming from somebody who reports on the Royals. No matter what she does, there will always, unfortunately be people who don't agree with what she does or what she says, and I think that is important to note. But there will also be people who agree with absolutely everything and gives her no cristicism whatsoever. So look, do I think that these reports are going to hold up as this is just one of many raw commentators When I have spoken to people, I'm not quite sure about that. But Meghan has said herself that there is a lot of external noise and she doesn't listen to it, so I'm not quite sure on this. However, what I would say is that Meghan does need to listen or her advisors need to listen to the public opinion if they want any way back to the royal family or to the UK in the future. And perhaps some of these comments and opinions do need to be heard to a certain extent, perhaps not this one, but I also think they need to be fair and balanced. You got to take the positive with the negative, and unfortunately, when you're on a public platform, some criticism does need to be made.

Sometimes, and I think that's a very fair observation and a great way to end the ways. Roberts Pandora Foresight, thank you so much for joining us. Now coming up, Princess Catherine has made another public appearance.

Esther Crak who joins us next with the details welcome back, joining me now is writer and broadcast at Esther. Esther remember and stay in the UK.

What's the latest on the royal attendances and what else do we know about upcoming engagements?

So we know that Princess Catherine will be attending the Remembrance events this weekend, particularly the remand Sunday service and the other event at the Royal Albert Hall. And this is kind of, you know, her first major public appearance following the end of her cancer treatments. Now we know that Princess Catherine has had to keep a little profile while she's undergone this treatment, so this is quite great news and it kind of actually shows what her priorities are. Remembering Sunday is probably one of the biggest events that the Royal family attends because it's so important. You know, everywhere in the UK now you see people wearing poppies, not only sort of in TV studios but on the streets. You know, it's a very important, big day in our calendar. So to see that Princess Catherine is coming out for this is quite encouraging, and you know, just any kind of public glimpse of her just to know that she's okay, particularly after Prince William earlier this week came out and said this has been the hardest year of his life, understandably with his wife and father having to undergo cancer treatment, him you know, shouldering a lot of the heavy work with regards to not only his children but also you know, some of his father's events and attendances, and alongside his own work and that of his wife who's been confined to her home and had to have to do minimal work from home. So this is quite encouraging. We know that Queen Kevin unfortunately will not be attending due to doctor's orders because she does have a chest infection and you know, for most of us that would seem like something that can be taken quite lightly, but she is seventy seven and chest infections for people her age must be treated with caution. So unfortunately, Queen Camilla has had to cancel, you know, attending rememberance events, but alongside as well as other events that she was planned to go to earlier this week. But we do wish her all the best and it's at least encouraging that we know that Princess Catherine can be out and about and seems to be resuming her royal duties once again.

Absolutely and big news this week in the US with the reelection of Donald Trump as president.

Look, we know he's a fan of the royal family. He's a snippet.

This is with Gween Elizabeth right, here's who was fantastic by the way these images I mean, is ever just like this and these were relationships to cook.

He is now the king.

Here's Charles with the guard and hopefully he's going to be well because he's a really good person. Camilla is fantastic. Did you get to know him?

Well, he's always been very fond of the royal family, particularly the quin and appears that relationship we will continue.

Yes, he does seem to have a great relationship with King Charles and from what we now learn Queen Camilla. I mean, really, no one does diplomacy like the Royals. I think people just think that they smile and wave and shake hands, but they actually do try and get to know the people that they interact with, particularly world leaders. I mean, we've heard reports this week that King Charles would be responsible for smoothing over the relationship between Kirstamina's government and Donald Trump, because we know that not only Kistama but also members of his government, particularly the Foreign Secretary David Lamie. I've had some quite pointed negative words to say about Donald Trump, particularly David Lami on Twitter, calling him a new Nazi, fascist, sympathizer, racist, all these all the other words in the book that you can throw at him, and it's a bit awkward now that they have to deal with him as President of the United States. And we know that Kiss Starmer's government snubbed Nigel Faraca's attempt to smooth over those relationships. Even though we know that Niger far does have a very close relationship with Donald Trump. They seem to be relying more on the royal family bought for that, and it's understandable because King Charles and Queen Kimilla must have had quite in depth conversations with President Trump. He seemed, you know, to be beaming once he had met the royal family. He's had nothing but positive things to say about most of them. We know that Haren Meghan do not feature in that, but so we know that Donald Trump has always been a fan of the royal family. His mother, of course, was Scottish and she was a huge monarchist, and he seems I think it's one of the things that he appreciates most about the UK, and I'm sure Kis Starmer's government will probably be at the bottom of that list in terms of appreciation. So it's no one of the King Charles has offered to step in to try and smooth over the relationship, because we do know that we have four more years of this government, so any goodwill will be much needed.

This moothing over, I think is very important, particularly between such historical allies. But you did mention Harry and Meghan. What doesn't Trump presidency mean, if anything at all for the Sussexes.

Well, it's actually kind of It's interesting because it's kind of putting their purchase of property and Portugal into perspective. You know, we know that many celebrities have been winging online about leaving the US if Donald Trump wins. Now he's won, I suspect many of them will not leave anywhere because they probably won't have the same quality of life that they would elsewhere. But we initial reports about Hard and Meghan buying the property in Portugal was for them to have a foothold in Europe so they can, you know, go about their charity duties whatever they may be. Now what hearing ports that actually it was a contingency in case Donald Trump won, which he did in spectacular fashion. We now know that Harry's immigration records could possibly be unsealed. I spoke to someone who's actually directly involved in that court case and he said, you know, we're doing really well. We're winning, and there's no reason for Prince Harry to have this sort of special treatments. And it seems like the courts are agreeing so much so that the lawyers that Biden's administration is center came up with flimsy excuses like it would be against his privacy, even though he didn't seem to mind his privacy very much when he was talking about his frozen todder in the book Spare. But now we know that Donald Trump has come out and said he's not going to protect Harry at all, and that he believes that how he and his wife Megan treated the queen was disgraceful. So what we may likely see is the unseiling of Prince Harry's records and more probably immigration troubles. He might have his residency revoked because it looks like he didn't disclose the fact that he used drugs publicly, even though he did write it in his book Spare, And there are the things that could sort of have negative implications on his right to remain in the US. So it's quite an interesting development. We don't know if Donald Trump will be that petty or we don't know that if a word from King Charles might ask him to just kind of forget about it. We do know now that they have a good working relationship. Have to see that, but again it's touch and go at the moment, but it will be very interesting. I'm sure Haran and Meghan were very unhappy about the re election of Donald Trump, especially, and they must have been shocked living in California, not knowing how most normal people live. And I'm also sure that they knew that any endorsement for them would have likely turned every state in the United States red, which is probably why they remained silent. I actually think most celebrity endorsements worked against Kamala Harris, but we still have the result that we have so hard Meghan will have to see what they do dealing with the next four years of a Trump presidency.

Now I've only got about a minute left and onto the next controversial role.

And Prince Andrew has been increasingly on the outer Not only are.

His lodgings expected to change, but the King has also cut off his allowance.

But what's the latest.

It looks like the King is trying to tighten the news so to speak, and pressure Prince Andrew to accept his new role in the Royal family, which is nothing. He removed his state funded security, so now Prince Andrew has to shoulder the bill for his own private security. He's also removed his one million pound allowance, so Prince Amby basically has to fund his own life himself. And he's been pressuring him to leave his accommodation at Royal Lodge, which is a thirty million pound mansion with at least I believe a dozen rooms. Now there's no reason why someone like him, an elderly man, and his wife needs such a massive property. They've been trying to get them to move into Frogmore Cottage, which was the residence of Harry and Meghan before them. The residency was terminated there, but apparently he's not budging. He finds frog More Cottage old and damp and cold and just unpleasant. But unfortunately that's what happens when you keep contacts with the first individuals like Jeffrey Epstein and get yourself kicked out of public life. I mean, many people are saying, why does he even need any royal residence. He can live in a one bedroom flat in Stevenage or Goer but he doesn't seem to be budging, and as a member of the royal family, he seems to have enough wealth of his own to sustain his lifestyle.

And so he showed Ester crarectly, thank you so much for joining us.

Now before we go, a great gem, an absolute gem of royal happenstance and a piece of wedding cake from the marriage of Queen Elizabeth I and Prince Philip, was found under a bed in a suitcase in Scotland seventy seven years after the event. Apparently it was gifted by the then princess to Marian Paulson, the housekeeper at the Palace of Holy Roothouse, and it has just sold at auction for twenty two hundred pounds. And that's the show for tonight. Thank you so much for joining us up next his news note

The Royal Report

Your weekly wrap of royal news, with Caroline Di Russo.
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