🔊 The KIIS $200K Noise - We Took The Noise To The Streets

Published May 30, 2024, 5:57 AM

Everyone is talking about The KIIS $200,000 Noise AND everyone thinks they know what it is.

To prove it, we took The Noise out to the streets and see if anyone could get close to the correct answer.

Does this podcast contain the correct answer to the question. What Is The Noise? Dunno, you're going to have to listen and find out!

Like everyone in the country.

Is trying to lean the noise.

Hi, what's going on? It's gorney, How you're doing? Or welcome to the kiss two hundred thousand dollar noise. The entire city is talking about this, The entire country is talking about this noise, the kiss two hundred thousand dollar noise. I thought we would do a little bit of a noise catch up, right, So I thought, let's take the noise to the streets. These are the answers we got back.

Are you walking on gravel? Are you walking on ash no not Ashville? Are you walking on granite? Footsteps on the leaves someone? Yeah, it's like someone walking on the leaves.

It seems like that, Like I hear.

Horses like faith licking in envelope.

It's not cell phone, it's not it's not chippies because there's like a hard bit at the end.

Is it like walking in snow.

On a rainy day, somebody's trying to find something on the ground.

Running an old credit card, slipped through a miss.

Scrunching something, squnching newspaper.

Scrunching up a piece of paper and throwing it away.

Yeah, like walking on sand, That's my guess.

We're scrunching paper, sandpaper.

Like a branch falling down, soundside, something getting to top and falling.

It sounds like it's like my cat. It's not something of the bedside table. It's like falling on the floor.

Could any of those be the noise? Keep a Kiss all day on iHeartRadio for your chance to name the kiss. Two hundred thousand dollars noise and We're a life Changing two hundred k.

The very first dream Home reveals are here. Join doctor Chris Brown for dream Home Sunday at seven o'clock on seven and seven Plus

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