You're listening to the Robin and Kid podcast.
Our next guest is a stand up comedian and internet sensation as everyone's favorite Mom Flynn to.
Never been on the Irish horses because they're tired. They need to come on the plane. You'd be try if you've got the plane from Ireland.
Put your hands together for Robin and Kid with Melbuddle.
Thank you.
Yes, hello, you've been all like my social media mate. Sorry, Robin, I know I quite enjoy it because you have combined yourself with a butcher.
Yes, meat is a huge passion of mine, as you know, No I do because I'm a bit of a foodie. I made some content for the socials with butchers and so I got to hang out with butchers for three days. They are very charming blokes, are they They're my favorites as a trade as I think I would go far to say, Robin, they're probably my favorite. And the hottest trade is.
Okay that they have one really good arm.
Yes, yes, you know, but it's the talking for me. Robert, little lady, what are you going to do with that brisket? I'm like, well, now you slow cook it.
And I found them incredibly sexy because they're a trader. They've got the sort of the gruffness. But also they want to know what you're having for dinner.
Yeah, and they'll tell you how to cook it.
These are not metaphors, Robin, these are actual. I just enjoy cooking chicken breast. But I spent you know, a few days at a butcher shop, and I love going to the butcher because they that they talk to you.
They give your kid a cheerio, yes, the good ones ones.
If you're being offered a cheerio for your child, you're in one of Brisbane's best butcher shops.
Are You don't get that at the major.
Supermarket The fish monkeys don't do that, do they now?
And then very rarely at Woolies or whatever.
If there's an older person behind the counter, they remember the cheerio rule and they'll give you one.
But they're not supposed to do anymore.
Well, I'm sure there's a series of health and cook it.
It's good for.
A little bit of a COOLi.
I shut the cheerio in my pocket and save it for the car right home. Sit on it. Oh no, it's still good.
You can have it, Harry, So you reckon butchers might have the best looking workplace you reckon.
Butchers they're the job.
They're hot once you get past the blood on the.
White ice, and often the fact that they taste everything they cook, so there's often quite the belly that goes.
With I don't mind a big man rob. If I was going to go that way, I'd want a proper one. I'd want a big, scary one.
I respect that.
If you're going to go, if you're going to go to the other side of the fence, go a real one.
Get a big one who can break a pig down with a knife.
They know how to get rid of the body.
They've got access to a minsa. Yep, they're charming Robin going there. Oh no, I do.
I've got a couple of butchers as one at ken More Plaza that often buy meat from and the young apprentices you know, they come through she.
Can and Hill butcher Shop has a lot of female, young, young girl apprentices coming through as well.
That's good, yeah, I.
Thinkon that's what i'd do.
You'd be if I was canceled, if my DM's got leak today, I'd be en rolling in a sert floor and butchery.
There right I love it like good morning, swear to what are you after today?
Get it down?
You to put those chicken breasts and separate bags? Oh yes, please, Billy?
Can you split them up for mamma?
Do you agree with mel Is butchery the hottest the hottest occupation or have you got one als to throw on the ringing?
Thirteen one oh six five is our number.
I think bricklayers get to go.
I think my fire fire peeps are pretty good. I mean they get to handle those really big hostes.
It's going to be Robins last year.
Yes, thirteen one o six fives out number with Robin kid kisses ninety seven three. Caitlyn, you got to say yes, yeah, So which which workers are the hottest?
Definitely stock these people who stop the shelves, because you know they have those people to stock the shelves.
Are you?
Are you one of those people by any chance?
Kit No?
Okay, okay, okay, So Kitlyn, how old are you?
I'm seventeen? Right?
Have you finished school this year? Have you finished school this year?
You're going into year twelve?
Because this is often a job that school leavers do, so lots of young people. Is the particular supermarket that you really like to go to.
I'm probably wily so like I like their uniform pretty flashy and often really nice.
So your is going, yeah, you put that sauce up there, buddy.
Caitlyn, I'm going to reward you.
We've got a fifty dollars Krispy Kreme vouchat and the Big Dough inflatable. So they've combined with Wahoo and they've released the Ultimate pool Side must have the Big Dough. You sound like someone who could really take advantage of that.
Well done, Caitlyn, Now, I mean that's not an option I was thinking we were going to get today. We were talking about hot, hot professions. But if you've got one thirteen six five, yeah.
We Joe has one from our Jester. Joe's talking about someone we often see doing what they do.
All right, is it radio presenter? Unfortunately, no, Joe of our Jester. What's the best trade?
My man works on a civil construction site on the road up grade at in Durupuy. And I think he's the sexy because the sexiest one because of that trade. You know, they've got like the muscles, the lift heavy sea, they've got to drive big big truck.
We talked about we talk about high viz. What are they what are they in?
Oh yeah, high vis? And if no high.
Vis shirt off? Does he take your shirt off?
You've got to do. You've got to do the side looks when they come home to get undressed, and you've got to kind of keep it under option. You've got kids in the house.
You know you really thought about this.
You're going to keep calm home. I love it.
The problem is he actually thinks he's more sexive than I think you.
Okay, well, I was going to give you a complimentary men's super cut and dry at Bee hair Blimber for your man.
Or are you going to tell me he's bald?
Oh no, he actually is proud of how much hair you still hap there?
Okay, perfect, there you go be hair they look after, they look after him, and then just control you control your haircut things there yourself.
When he gets home.
A hurry up. That's been going on my whole life. Those roadworks. Could we get a bit of a fly.
He only leaves home at five point thirty in the morning and then gets home at six.
Yeah, okay, we'll work hard and mate.
You're hard and it's still still not hard enough.
Apparently it's Robin and hit On Brisbane's Kissing ninety seven three