Kip's Back! He Recounts The Birth of His Daughter Sienna!

Published Jul 8, 2024, 12:21 AM
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You're listening to the Robin and Kid.

Podcast, Beyonce Sean Paul. Baby boy, That's what I thought I was having. We thought we thought we had a baby boy on the way. I was pretty much convinced that because we never found out the sex, Naomi and I, but we were convinced that it was going to be a little boy.

Were we going to call him wolf?

Wolf was probably going to be the name.

Yeah, because we debated that, well, yeah, it was going to be Wolf Whiteman.

And then so when a month before d date, Naomi's waters broke at about midnight on Monday night, this would be a month ago now.

Yeah, we were still two weeks away from the school holidays, and the whole plan was that you'd have those two weeks and then you'd have these two weeks yep, to get sorted.

Yeah. I was going to be working from home and doing doing stuff like that. But no, Young Sienna decided to come early, and we didn't have a name for as you know, because I was crossing back to the studio.

For what felt like forever.

It was it was probably only two or three days.

But tell me, honestly, because we had lots of conversations about this with you on the phone. I think Naomi really wanted Eloise until I told you it was one of the Bridgeton's.

Maybe she was pretty keen on Elouise and I wasn't. I wasn't keen on Eloise.

And then all you had to say this it's a bridge to name.

Yeah, we were just we were tooing and throying for names for ages amongst sort of that sleep deprivation stage when we're at the Marta, and then Siena just came. It wasn't until I actually I sent a text message to both of our parents just to say back off, because both of them were pressuring names a lot.

Really, what did Paul and Sylvia your parents were, Well, they.

Were just like going, what's its name? You got to give her a name. You got to give her a name. And we're just like we get it, we get that it's important.

Now f off, please leave us alone. We need to sort this.

Out because you don't want to rush it either. We thought, and we thought we had a whole month to think about it. So and when I sent that to Aiden and Pearl, which is a name of his parents and my parents, I reckon about six minutes later we'd agreed on her.

Name because Siena had been a name in the beginning.

Yeah, yeah, early on, and then we sort of we went sure and yeah, and then when we sort of said it again and had a little look at her and was like, oh, yeah, this is it.

And remember when we were talking and I looked it up and it's like God's gift.

Yes, yeah, yeah, it's true, so sweet, and she has been like she's just been such a gift. And Pearl Anoami's mum got the middle name, and Pearl mentions that every time she mentioned.

Did she say a full name, Yes, yeah, always to the nurses. That's okay with that.

Yes, Sylvie is fine.

I mean she's got other grandchildren. This is like Pearls first.

That's right.

Yeah, I'm exciting.

Yeah, that's it. So and and they are like Naomi's parents are the most excited grandparents like that just over the mos Yeah, Pearl bought so much stuff downstairs at the marta there's a little gift shop downstairs. I reckon she dropped three hundred bucks. No way. She came in with balloons and pink things and then we like we wore one. We put it one beanie on her and she goes, okay, they like those beanies, and she went and bought five more.

Oh my goodness, it's got one head. Well, so she went berserk with it.

And when we left the hospital, the real fear was because she was a month early. She was only two kilos. In fact, she dropped weight as they do, down to two kilos and fifty grams. That's where she was at, and so we were stressing out. Nome was in tears actually because you know, she wasn't feeding properly.

She couldn't latch and her milk came in.

Boobs were huge and in pain, but yet it's not getting any milk from them. And it was just like this is it's supposed to be natural.

It's the natural, most unnatural thing in the natural thing.

It was so hard and so hard just watching it, seeing it happen, and you know, you're seeing this mother guilt of going. Baby's crying. I want to give you food, Why won't you? Why isn't it working? But it is working now at home as great. She's now yeah two point about two point six kilos now, so she's put on heaps of weight at home.

Okay, have you been asked to message them forward to stop mustitis the boobs.

Yes, no, she just kept me away from them. Surprisingly. Okay, cabbage is a good second option.

Cold cabbage, yes, right, yeah, someone we've also been putting you put water on a nappy and put it in the freezer apparently.

And massage is another good thing. Why did I just tell.

You that massage the bosoms? Yeah, can't you know, probably not me, but but they're doing better. No, they're sort of not so they're not so Pamela Anderson. Now they look like real boobs.

Now good, Naomi will be stoked, sorry, don.

Yes, yes. And and Raffi, a little boy has just been so good, like he's just absolutely taken into his stride. In fact, the first night we were home we had him because his mum has been has been away for she took a month overseas. Timing was not ideal, and so Raffi was at home with us, and and the baby sort of arked up at you know, one of its three hour feeds, and I think it was about two in the morning, and we heard from his room. He goes, he calls down and goes, do you guys need a hand down there?

Oh, sweet fella.

Yes, please, buddie. And so he came in like all half asleep and said, you need to have tummy time. So he laid down and laid on his tummy and he held her there just before the feed. So she sort of wakes up a bit and yeah, he's just been amazing.

It does not surprise me. He has such a sweet disposition. Yeah, he's very kind.

He is.

Yeah, but tell me about the water's breaking, because that would have been a bit cray cray.

It was crazy. It was just I mean, you hear about it about the water's breaking, and and but like Naomi was just like, there's heaps, there's heaps of fluid around me in bed. She's like, I'm surrounded by fluid. I didn't wet myself. I don't know what's happening. And because it was a month early, I said, okay, well, maybe go at the toilet and see and see what's happening. And then she said it's still coming out. As she's walking, She's like, it's still coming out.

I was like, okay, so you knew what she knew too.

Yeah, And so she called hot doctor Rob her obgyn, and he had to the phone at midnight.

Amazing man, that is his gig. It is his gig.

And he said, he said, yep, you go to go to hospital. We'll try and hold it off if we can.

I didn't realize they could.

I thought once there was waters it broken, you had like maximum forty eight hours. Yeah.

No, apparently they can give you a couple of weeks months, even if it's early enough. But that wasn't the case though. So about eight hours later, everyone was in the room and and it was all action and Caesar, Yes, I'm still planned, Caesar, And.

So did she labor at all?

Yes? Yes, so she had.

All the pain.

She did get the pain right, and so yeah. It was one of the nurses, actually, one of the midwives, when we were in there after the waters broke, said just to check the dilation, said, oh yeah, you're three centimeters dilated and I can see hair as in like the top of the top of Sienna's head.

Oh my goodness.

And that's when we was like, Okay, it's showtime.

And do they and do they they? Because I've never only ever had a natural birth, do they? Then?

Will you straight in? And that's it?

No? That was We still waited for hours while they get everyone in, they still have to get the anice. And and there was a there's like eleven people in the room when they do it.

And did she did she cut the cord? Did she come out? Okay?

Yeah, and didn't have to go on a nikou, which is amazing because she was so little, but she was breathing and doing everything right. So she's at home and now making so much noise that no one can sleep. Have listen to this. This is just me just doing a little tape last night. This is about two o'clock in the morning. This is when she's this is the good time. This is when we're supposed to be silently sleeping.

Ah is that?

And that was? That? Was Nami going? And what is that going? I think she's okay, just looking at it?

Is that like a lawn mow? Like she's just about to belt into No, that's all she does.

She just grunts for hours.

Oh, she's so much more like her thought.

Thank you.

It's Robin and Kit on Brisbane's Kiss ninety seven three