Matty Wray For Breakfast - Triple M Riverina MIAMatty Wray For Breakfast - Triple M Riverina MIA

The 'Bidgee Bubble - Oktoberfest at the Whitton Malthouse + Griffith Foster Carer Jenny O'Donnell

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Massive weekend coming up in the 'Bidgee! Kelli from the Malthouse team joins Matty to preview the ultimate Oktoberfest celebrations on the weekend, plus Griffith based foster carer and advocate Jenny O'Donnell talks about the falling number of foster carers around the state.

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  1. Matty Wray For Breakfast - Triple M 963 Riverina MIA

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Matty Wray For Breakfast - Triple M Riverina MIA

Tune in to Breakfast with Matty Wray on Riverina MIA's Triple M 6am to 9am
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