The guys are back live January 28th, but in the meantime here's a goodie!
Ever seen something you wish you could unsee? One of our all-time best bits from the year is back, where we share hilariously scarring tales, including a very revealing moment Tim witnessed at the local pool. From wild family discoveries to fitting room nightmares, nothing is off-limits.
Ricky ling.
Is a great word. Isn't it a word?
Isn't it just smallgasbord.
Augas and smear, smear.
And it's smear. It's a blueberry bagel with a cream It's a blueberry breath.
Okay again, it's a deep breath, deep breath.
Every Saturday morning, I order a blueberry bagel with a Okay, every Saturday morning, I order a blueberry bagel with a cream cheese. I'm going to get this one.
Watch this.
Every Saturday morning, I order a blueberry bagel with a cream cheese. Smear beautifully and actually, don't every Saturday. Tongue made that.
Up once a month. What can't you unsee?
Now? Yesterday around this time, we had a little photo in the studio of an accident that may or may.
Not be have been caused by a member of this show.
I thought we would have moved on by now. It was not me. There's so many reasons it wouldn't have been me. Why would I admit to her? Why wouldn't I cleaned it on the attack so that no one thinks it's them? Now I know now, I know you're flapping and you're like, oh my god, someone did if is flapping. Now you call those things outside like a like a. Well, now I know your tactic. Next time you go to the bathroom and it stinks, I want CCTV footage pulled of me then going into the office, then talking to the chef and then talking to the girls.
Anyway, it's for you, for me, and surely this is in his job description. Somewhere he went and took a photo and then send it to the group chat invisible link.
Now that's by the bar.
I showed it to reach the first thing this morning coffee.
Morning movie.
It looks like coffee. It looks like curdled coffee.
He said, why didn't they flash anyway?
Thirteen twenty fourteen. We want to know what you can't unsee? Remember all I call I was goet one hundred buck of spen it backers. What can't you unsee? This is one thing that you've seen in your life.
And you're like, anyway, today a little morning today, didn't you? Today?
I was doing some laps, I was back at the pool. I was feeling good, and I had Joel. I have always had swimmers and my goggles and a tower in the car at all time, so as I dropped the kid.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, drop the kid. Just my local pool and my.
Time after it was after drop the kids, drop the kids off at school, and I was going to drive back home, and I thought to myself, I'm actually.
Gonna just have a quick little swim.
I love that.
Normally I wear my swimmers under my shorts before I go to the pool, so I don't have to use the chain rooms. But because it was because it was an un unscheduled swim, I had.
To use the chain rooms.
Okay, I'm following this, like.
Kind of walks in it would have been mid thirties.
I'd say, like you say, good eight good ooda on the show?
Does he look like a regular swimmer, like he's got the pecks and the and the lats.
Well, I can't tell you, Joel, because I was distracted about one particular thing, and I was so distracted I was texting Ricky about something else and I seen her.
I messaged what I saw? What did I say?
Ricky read the text that I got this morning from Tim, and I.
Can hear your voice when you say this.
I just saw a real life micro Peterson say of pibs. Oh my gosh, it was like Joel.
It was like a champagne young mushroom was dropped in a pile of leaves.
Does that bloke we know that bloke on the telly, we know is he doing laps there?
It wasn't him. Oh my god, I didn't realize that could be that small. And I'm not trying to drop myself up here. No oh no oh no. He did say that it was a sea of pubes.
Maybe it was a really thick, luscious like seaweed.
I walked around like shaquillo O'Neil all day. I was like up at each to day, what's happening?
Yeah to your BD.
So I have never been If you want to feel confident, lads, go to the pool tomorrow or go go now.
I don't care. Go now and get.
Changed love because the poor girl you can't do anything about it. No, no, but honestly, because I haven't seen many other businesses in my life.
I've only seen mine in my children's that creepy. That was creepy, change the NAIs.
I just needed to feel some space.
I just like I. You didn't realize anyway.
Did you take a photo?
Of course it's on your inbox? What can't you unsee hello?
Norelrel So.
I was twelve and was my mom and sorry at a friend's house. Walk home, opened the front door, walked into the living room and there was mom and dadd.
Going for.
That you have to sit on to watch watch the idiot box.
Yeah, thankfully it was twenty years ago. But I was twelve and walked.
In saying that scarring.
Taking that out of my head.
Oh my goodness, scarring, thank you, that is nuts.
That's utgetable.
I've done the same thing with my parents and grandparents. I remember you saying that that's nuts. Parents and grandparents, and there was like the Horny family. You got your ancestry dot com and was all four at.
The same time.
I don't know.
Family for so it's a crazy thing when you see your parents doing it, you see your grandparents.
Okay, Lisa, what can't you see? Hello, Lisa.
I work for clothing store and yesterday I was cleaning out the sitting rooms and if someone had taken off their dirty underwear in the pocket of the jeans that I felt.
And then you had to put them back on the stand.
Oh god no, I put them in a bag and I put them as salty.
Salty, salty or cat tastes a kind of dirty were They No, we'll leave it. I've got to finish my neck. I don't want to do. What can I do?
You want to see and I'm here.
This is the pool.
Pretty late