Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire, Plus Guest Hugh Freeze | Daily Best of January 16 | The Rick Burgess Show

Published Jan 16, 2025, 5:17 PM
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Big Bucks Entertainment prese AM's The Rick Burgers Show with Speedy, Greg Burgess, Edie Van Adler, and Rick Burgess.

Okay, yeah, yeah, we're all here ready to go on another day. We're glad that you've you know, taken time to hang with us today. A lot to unpack on the program today today, as you can imagine, as we will update you on everything that we're interested in. I'm saying, we tell you everything's going on. Some we're not interested in, but we will well, and you can let us know what you know if you're interested in something, and we'll try to help you with that too, if we haven't already, So Hugh Freeze, we'll be hanging with us today. We will talk I guess a little college football with the head football coach at Auburn University. But we're mainly going to talk to him about the fact that he is one of those who will be speaking next Friday Saturday in Birmingham, Alabama for the first Man Church conference of the year. There'll be three of those, Panama City and then also Atlanta, but Birmingham, you're You're one week from Friday, and Hugh Freeze is one of the speakers, and we'll talk to Hugh Freeze today, Lord Willing on the program. We also may have another opportunity on any show the will of bundles Bits in bucks. Could spend various ways to do it. Could be callers, could be we like that call in a call segment, could be a text question. So here's those numbers eight eight eight six Big Vox eight eight eight six two four four eight six nine. You can text on that number as well. The website rick burgershow dot com. Go there and shop the store, look at all the goodies there. Follow all of us on social media, go to our Facebook page, our YouTube channel, our podcast channel, our tune in app. All of that is there at rickburgesshow dot com. So also a bit of a rocky start, a bit of a rocky start. So there's nothing that's more comforting for you to have a little bit anxious about something. And you know probably the person that you know you've you know, when you need to be encouraged, you think you look over on the bleachers, all of them couragers in your life. Rarely do I see Greg sitting there. Now, you know, encouragement is not his strong suit. That's not and he has a lot of strong suits and the hey and dog gone it. I've been on record, I love my baby brother, okay, and you know he and I've been together for a very long time. Yeah, so shared twin beds until we were grown right there by the way, it's not our twin beds, But I think what you and I should do one time, just for old time sake. The next time we're all hunting and we're at camp house, you and I go to that room that has the two twin beds and we go in there and lay down and we go back like we had a room back. That's it. Yeah, so so after you were there, so and you know SPEEDI listen to it at some point, but I was some my agenda today right well mayby not not now after Greg's after Greg's.

Talking about it.

Yeah, so anyway, giving you nothing, Yeah, yesterday, Yesterday's yesterday. Let me tell everybody and then you can weigh in yesterday's Bible study. I was, I was. I was a little bit anxious about and not that I mean the Word of God. Everything in it matters, or it wouldn't be there. And it's amazing. The prophecy of Daniel eleven, absolutely amazing. And we didn't get through all of it. We got through the first twenty verses. But I was telling the guys, you know, looking for honestly, to be honest, a little encouragement, and I said, I'm a little bit concerned. Adler saw me kind of walking around, you know, pacing about it. I said, usually I kind of know where we're going on the Wednesday Bible study, and yesterday, honestly I didn't. And I kept studying it and studying it, and I'm like, well, this is just all prophecy, which is fascinating because those of you that don't know, Daniel eleven is the most detailed, long running information of prophecy in the entire Bible. And people have marveled that Daniel in the time that he lived in how in the world people who don't think the Bible is the word of God. How in the world did he nail all this and get this in such great detail world history? Okay, and so before it had it ever happened? And so then there's been so much debate about it because it's so detailed that the people who oppose the Bible have tried to find a way to say, Daniel didn't really see this. Somebody's tricking y'all. They wrote it while this was actually happening. There's no way. Well, you're right, there's no way. It would take supernatural intervention, which we believe it is prophecy. But every attempt they've had to date it and beat it, they can't. They lose every time. And of course, those of us that are followers of Christ Matthew twenty four Jesus tells us that Daniel was an authentic prophet, and that's all we had to hear. It's pretty good endorsement. So anyway, So, but and we came off what I think was one of the most powerful Bible studies in the book. And there have been some good ones in Daniel, but Daniel ten to me, really, I was really impacted by that, and there was incredible information there that kind of blew my mind, and a lot of things there that really helped me. Well then now I'm coming off that, and I told Greg and Speedy and Adler and my wife, I said, I'm just I'm just concerned because this, even though all this is fascinating when you're teaching it versus just reading it, I'm really just going to be teaching world history and I don't really I got to find application in that, and I did find application. Greg obviously missed it, but else set it up and that's where it was right and so so so you're correct. So I come in today and I think off the Bible study, I think Greg, I know he's going to be thrilled because Don Dae came back. Yeah, Donde's but he's been sick and then he happy New Year, and then he's been busy.

Did you check on him why he was sick?

I didn't know he's sick, And so Don Dave brought would have brought peanuts and had that look on his face like you it's Greg gonna see you. Where's is? He's still got the same office, first time he's been here, you know, since the new show started, and I said yes. So I thought, well, Greg, there's no wa grades will be negative. Now he's got his peanuts, he's got all that. It's not true. And I walked in and I said, have either one of y'all because I want to tell what the guys do, because they got so much going on. They usually wait for the archive, like most of you do, and then they'll pop it in while they're driving and listen to it. Greg listens to it the next day. I'm just killing in. So I said, hey, is either one of y'all got to hear the Bible study yet? You know how you want to get feedback you're little concerned about something and you were like, now, not yet, but I plan on it today or sometime. And then Greg said, yeah, I did, and just eating peanuts, never looks up, never even looks up. Everyone looks up because he's eating his peanuts. And I said, well, I was worried it was going to be more of a history lesson in a Bible study, and I kind of struggled with how to present it, and I didn't want to there was so much there, and you know, and and Gregor's yeah, pretty much right, pretty much pretty much history lesson, but it's not a bad thing. And I'm like, wow, thanks Greg hard I worked on that rick. You told me that's what it was going to be, okay, but but I wanted to be reassured that there was a takeaway though. No. Yeah, but you asked me did it sound was it a little bit like a history class? And then yeah, it was. I know that's not negative, right, It felt negative when you said, right now, that's just the material that's available.

Somebody was sitting here watching. I can tell you assessment of it. He gave you zero I did that and you gave He gave you yes and no answers, and you were looking for a conversation.

He just was and he just wasn't going to give it to you.

I know, I was basically yeah, I mean it was that.

And he had peanut crumbs all over his.

Like you said, a lot of facts and a lot of stuff like that. It was necessary, but make up for it's just making up for it, trying everything in him to give you. Can you help at all?

You didn't like hearing about Alexander the Greek? Yeah, Slash the Great.

Yea, So it's good.

I think I was that movie cleipatrack came out of that. I heard that surprise.

You haven't had any Bible studies really like that.

You're right, so it was it was a nice step different.

It was a nice step to the You know.

You saw me, didn't you? You saw how many times are I walking there and nervously talk about.

It a lot?

Yeah, it was a nice step in another category of Bible study.

And you set up a lot of things, and you know it was good.

Well, no one, no boring was good.

Guys, don't worry about the archive today. I'm fine.

You did you feel kind? I'm kidding.

I know these times when your mind wondering a little bit. Yeah, I'm kidding.

It was great.

I know how your heart hurts for people speeding. You got no thing because you have second embarrassment, which means you do care how people come across. I tried my best not to walk away sad, but I know you saw it.

Oh yes, I saw it. You all thinking wow.

So I thought my brother would give me more, especially knowing that you opened up yesterday prior to the Bible study, which we need to talk about because I forgot.

Yeah, we come back.

Is that you were like man, I never hear you say got a little like a little concern before you speak or or bring a message. You never say that would knowing that you said that, I thought that your baby brother would then come make no man, I know you were concerned about it. You did a good job.

I mean you didn't do a good job.

Understand you didn't have to.

Well, I made it. I made an executive decision that I wasn't going to read every smidgeon of history that was being unpacked. I read all the verses, but I kind of try to give you an overall. There's a lot going on here.

It was great.

Let me hit you Greg.

It was It was good.

It wasn't convicting, but it was great. It was educational.

But the future of the world can see.

Yours is the Rick Burdger's show.

First of all, I want to give a shout out on the text line, okay, on the text line, uh, there is someone that is watching this show right now on YouTube, okay, on YouTube and and out of Poland. I can I cannot pronounce where in Poland they are. I don't know how to say that word. R z e S. I'm gonna see our silent zessal Poland, watching from Poland. So there you go. So hello, she has what I'm easy, Greg easy Adler. I wouldn't go after this wide open or not right, So I wouldn't do that. Yeah, yeah, sure, yeah, So so there you go the right. The The other thing that we were going to talk about today is, you know, I know that Greg is super super excited Hello to Poland. Uh that Jeff Bezos says, the Blue Origin rock ho not the Blue Origin on a debut mission, his first step. This is him trying to keep up with Elon Musk and the Space X bunch. Uh. This, this Blue Origin Greg has has just I mean, oh my goodness. First of all, up to this point, all they've been is a joy. Now, look, going up to the right there at the edge of outer space is a big deal. I get it. But they basically took celebrities and would fly them up and draw back down. Right. Yeah, you were had a unique look at the rocket, and I think they're doing it on purpose. I think it's a dog whistle and there's a meaning there. I'm not sure what it is. Well i'll take it. I'll take a shot out. That's what I'm saying. There's something going on in that design because I've seen rockets for years and they didn't look like that. You've seen rockets for years when I was a kid. You know, you're Apollo and all watched a lot of movies about it. Let's so what you're really sim Hanks was not in nothing to look like that. That's all I'm gonna say. And Apollo thirteen. It's a matter of fact, if I was asked to climb aboard something like that, I just say, pass, Yeah, I'll tell you what I'll get. I'll get to the next one. And you know what I would say, And they would say why, I say, because my friends in Calhoun can They'll never let me live this down because I know the first days.

This does not have the typical blue origin look that we've seen.

Okay, I guess do you need audio on this at all? Oh? No, okay, okay, this.

Is more standard rocket.

Okay, that is a totally new design. That is it goes all my jokes. No, I think he I think he may have listen a minute.

Alright, Yeah, the tip is different.

It is speedy.

Well, it's it's which I'm about.

The rocket, of course we are. But what I'm saying, is you are in order to get the job done, they had to make some changes, right.

Or they're just showing solidarity with Israel.


Oh my goodness, So I want to see straight out.

Twenty four years after the company's founding, Jeff Bezos's rocket company, Blue Origin, has successfully reached orbit orbit for the first time, first time ever.

Maybe Okay, so that's the orbit rocket.

That's the new glamor the.

Joy because it's got something's got to cut through it all I think otherwise.

Two yeah, oh yeah, if you do that hand motion again, I'm gonna ask you to step in, to step back into your office about the rock we are. I don't know how to look good.

I don't know how to shape a rocket without doing it. Please stop.

Okay, so they did roll up. Okay, So you're saying, Greg, the old Blue Origin to you, You're you're really just settling us on the carnival ride. Yeah, basically a really nice expensive one. Yeah, yeah, for real. And if you're a celebrity, you get to go on. But this feels a little more as it's as the story says, we're trying to compete with space. Yeah, they're trying to you know, get in the mix here, okay, And they said, in order to do that, we're going to change a look at this rocket, right, hey guys, we want to get up you know, in the atmosphere and get an orbit and all that and sure maybe work on the way this thing looks.

Yeah, rocket felt like a carnival ride, like you guys are saying. This rocket is three hundred and twenty feet tall, so pretty good.

Yeah, they're calling it the new new it's a new Glen rocket whatever that is so so thirty stories tall yeah, and says it will be This is clearly a little more. You know. This one of those things where you look over at your competition Elon Musk and you're like, well, he's way ahead of us, yeah, and taking.

Stuff, so maybe you know, to kind of get through, yeah, into orbit, you know, into orbit, they needed something a little bit sharp streamline. Yeah.

Yeah, well that that that'll do it. So so there you go, and so they think it did it all?


Okay, yeah, no, this had no people on it stuff like that, right right?

Correct? Correct?

A little skate that sounds better? You do? You do you? Even though this has to be done, has to be done, don't hear me say anything else, it has to be done. We all love safety, okay, we do. But to me a fan, when they're experimenting like this and nobody's on them, you know, at least throw me a chimpanzee or something on there, maybe a German shepherd. Uh you know, a German shepherd.


Yeah, I mean when they would teach the chimpanzees the flip switches and all this stuff, it's pretty good. It's amazing, uh because it's kind of like when we we all admit that, you know, the high wire uh stunt and it it really took away from it when they started putting safety harnesses on. You're like, well, I mean you're talking about over the well India. Yeah yeah, and so I mean I don't want him to fall, of course, not, of course not. But you know, in the past, the pioneers who did this stuff, they didn't have no fall.

Death defying means death defined, not.

Just not oh no, if I fall, I hang in a harness. Yeah. Really, we're talking about embarrassment. Yeah, they gotta come rescue me now. And the other thing is when these rockets and stuff, when they go up with nobody in them and not even the Champanzee. Nothing, even though I know that's necessary, I think to myself, I mean, if if it's a lot of money, I mean, I want back to back to the terrible, back to the high wire. I don't want the guy to fall, but I like thinking he could, yes, And so it gets you on the edge of you see right, oh yeah, that's the whole thing's stops. And then when he's successful, you're like, oh my goodness, what a feat. It was death defying to Adler's point, well, when I see it rocket take off and nobody's on it, I'm like, well, we might miss some equipment up. Yeah, but but but but but I know that's necessary. So I would be open to the back to the chimpanzee thing again. Yeah yeah, well yeah, because you see the champion training, and you see the champ in the little overalls and and the little the little zip up. Yeah, and then then you fall in love with him, so now you kind of care about him a little bit.

You do, ye as you should.

But if it goes south, it's not like a person went absolute, even though some people are. But it's not true, big Big, I know it's close. Huge, Remember this this conversation I had with the guy who tried to you know, who was an atheist, and he goes, well, you realize the monkeys. I mean it's just I mean, it's just a tiny difference between us and them. And course I referred to us, said it's a big one though. Yeah, yeah, there we're you know, we've been to space and back. These monkeys can't get off this island right there there yet to build a boat.


Blue Origin was trying to pull the pants and no pants thing. Blue Origin was trying to pull a SpaceX and have the reusable booster land Oh yeah, and evidently their booster upon re ententry entry upon re entry, that's hard to say. Yes, it is burned up really so there was no landing.

But okay, so it was not successful.

So as far as the reusable booster landing, they have not shown any video or anything like that. They're not sharing their failures like we've seen SpaceX. Just be like, hey, yeah it blew up, but they we're gonna try again kind of thing.

And I googled Blue Origin new rocket look, you know, just to see, and it's the new gin rocket. Okay, so it's that that's why there's a different look, okay.

Let's start with it. Tip work our way down. I got you. We'll be right back.

This is the Rick Burgess Show.

Okay, So a couple of things happening in the sports world we want to cover today. Over here, I see that the Caitlyn Clark stalker has appeared in court. It's really weird that what Caitlyn Clark has had to go through is just bizarre to me. I mean, I couldn't care less about women's basketball. But but but as far as watching her plight and the saga of Caitlyn Clark is bizarre. So not only did she have to go through all this ridiculous racial garbage, now she's got some stalker, uh that that is after her. And so the stalker has appeared in court. And and here are do we have the audio him of the stalker actually saying this. You can hear him, yes, So it's great his first yeah, the first first words to uh to the judge. Here here we go.

He's walking in guys, Oh my goodness, mister lewis.

Now guilty.

By the way, mister lewis guilty.

No, sir, this is initial hearing.

No, we are not. You have a right to remain silent, and I expect you to exercise that.

Okay, this is just telling you what the charges are.

You do not listen.

I'll give you a chance to talk.

Stop, throw me the bookie guilty.

As let's just skip everything.

Then, my goodness, did you not let this man out of jail?


In the world.

Guilty charge we're here for.

I think this case is going to go pretty smoothly. It So, what what is this guy's Well, obviously he's not right and and he was kind of stalkinger and stuff. Yeah, what see, this goes back to what I was telling everybody. Uh, you know when we first roared out with with this, with the new beginning here and the new show is some of you, I know, you know you have opinions and all that, and you're certainly welcome to them, no problem with that at all. I would just say, you know, with the freedom of expression, as we have said many times, comes with the responsibility and understand you know, if you can you can there's a lot of people out there watching what you say, and you know, reading things into what you're saying that are not mentally stable, and then they become dangerous. So you have to be careful because more more examples is Man, I'm telling you we've got a level of mental illness going on right now that is unbelievable. So then we get into the the Auburn basketball coconut broad guy, have you heard about this?

We got We got a lot of texts yesterday on our text line about Please tell me y'all have seen that brand?

Has it? Okay? All right, So here here is someone being interviewed and they have a coconut bray. Okay, here we go.

I'm just trying to explain to y'all what it means when the number.

One team comes to your arena. You're at home.

What does the lead for you guys to be number one? It means everything for order to be number one.

You know, we're out there for days, camping on the cold Heart concrete just to watch America's That's college basketball team come in here and run the fort for wherever they're playing. Let me tell you every basketball is number one for a reason, because they got the heart, They got no will, they got no one to go.

Out there, everyone that they play against.

All right, now, let me ask you this hold on people.

So when I tell the jungle to go crazy.

They should go crazy. Correct.

Oh, we don't just go crazy, we go certified insane.

You're in the dress onness.

I'll tell you, brother.

So the so, the guy interviewing him is just ignoring the fact that he's got coconut brom.

Oh wow, let me tell you something, brother, he went from normal to professional restaurant.

I want normal as you can be with a coconut bra.

Yeah, and all of us because we can't help it, especially the three of us. Adler still has really tiny kids. But all three of us look at this and go imagine his parents. I know they're proud of Look up, and there's my boy with the nineteen seventies stash, coconut bra, some sort of fishing hat, paying a lot of money basketball game. I don't feel like it's the academics and priority. He's stole in Refonder's hat from old Golden Pond and.


Anyway, but I hate to bring this up, Adler, but it parlays right into it. This is about to be a little bit of a rough moment here. Do you remember what happened at my wife's fortieth birthday party involving your dad?

Hmm, what happened? What happened.

So some great friends wanted to do something special for Sherry's fortieth birthday and they did a lou al set up in the back of their yard. Do you remember this?


I forgot. Do you remember this?

I forgot about that.

And apparently at some point your parents got the idea that we would all be dressing up Polynesian for this, when really it was just a setup of how the food would be and everyone else just wore their normal clothes.


Do you remember this?

I do now. Yeah.

Do you wish I had not brought it up?


I guess I memory hold this. I wanted it gone from my memory.

Why would I see that though and not think of it? Because uh, my.

Dad wore a coconut broad to the party. Nobody else was dressed up.

Somebody holds me. Bickomes walking up jihant ten outside lou al set up skirt, grass skirt and coconut brawn, and he thinks we're all going to be dressed up, and no one is. It'd be one thing if we had on a don Hoe shirt, Yeah, that would have been fine, but the coming no, And then what was bad is he was stuck. Now because there's no going back home. And the rest of the night, you look, everybody's having conversations about sports and stuff, and there's Adler's dead over where the coconut Brown is talking about him, you know, so he embraced it. I will say, he's very comfortable with himself. Yeah, and pulled off the grass skirt. I mean, I don't mind telling you that.

He keeps himself in good shape.

You know.

By the way it tells you the coconut does not fall far from the tree.

Shirt d.

In the privacy of my basement though.

Yeah, but nowhere. Yeah, but no one should work out in your underwear about just a parent shorts? Yeah?

Has he has he shown you? He's shown me video of dead lifts in his underwear.


I'm going to be encumbered by garments.

Free range of motion.

It's very important.

We come back. We'll go phone calls next eight eight eight, the number six Big Bots.

This is the rick Burgers Show.

Let's start with Big Tate out of the bluegrass state of Kentucky. Big Tate, Welcome to the rick Burgers Show.

Go ahead, what's going on?

What a big tit?

What what I'm fixing to say is going to be worthy? Of a wheels being easy.

Tate, Tate, never call your shot Tate. Never. I mean, we may agree, but now you've set expectations through through the roof.

That's what I should have said, my best. Sorry, go ahead, this is a this is a little song that somebody wrote. I think it was just for years as can't dance, can't walk? Only way about me is the way uh talk?

See let me. I'm want to say this and the guys you all agree. If he mentions nothing about thinking it's well worthy, I think I think maybe I'm laughing, but I would have gone I will. I just I'm not sure that that's that. That's will worthy. It's good, No, no, no, it's good.

It was one more time, he didn't hear Gregson.

One more time, go ahead, take one more time.

Can't dance, can't walk? The only way about me is the way out talk.

I say, we're.

Doing well, well, well we.


Are you serious? We're doing did it? I'm not gonna damn out great? Careful Sorry, by the way, that did hurt.

By the way, Oh that wasn't the spin.

That was the spin.

He's got to ask who to do it?

All right? And yesterday Tate we had a listener and we are going to adopt this. I thought it was fantastic. It might have been a texture. I can't remember.


We're living in time. People just coming at you where you look. But you have to say once you once you pick your your person who you want to spend first.

Go ohg has been kind of hot. Okay, all right, good.

Here comes right now. The other thing that was added yesterday is before he spends it, you have to say, it's will to me. Okay, all right? So okay, so what so Greg? Get over the will Tate? He's in position. So now all you have to say is it's will to me.

Can I do it in Carl Joe's voice?

Like you?

Of course?

Somebody shoulder down, it's will to me.

Let's see what happens for for big take. I like how Greg stands Tate. Let's see what we got here?

All right?

So how about Tate? Didn't call the shot, didn't he? We don't know how close you were. Greg landed on your not speedy?

That's speedy.

Oh, ain't nobody wanting from me?

So one click away from a thousand bucks, one click away from that piece of rubber could have just hung on Wow a live wait landed on the Man of a thousand Voices?

Nobody wants to hear?

Do you do you have a celebrity you'd like to hear? Speedy do Man of a thousand voices?


Oh lord, speedy, Hi buddy, I'm sorry, I tell you what.

Yeah, Hey, I'm a burds for you.

Thank you. Let's just move on.

You just picked speed, you picked the void.

Do you want Charles Barkley? I know you love that one take?

Oh yeah, I love a big bark Yeah, okay, oh take? You want one click away from one thousand dollars.

In the world?

Oh? Good night? Is it so bad? Guys? Tape? Do y'all realize how close? How close he was about one? Oh, Tate, you almost caught a thousand dollars shot? Oh camera camera? Oh kay, Cameron, go ahead, Welcome to the rick Burgers show, my cans.

Hey, fella's, how are you doing this morning?

Good man?


Uh well?

Uh like I said, like I was.

Telling Greg, I'm I'm hearing over right now and it's a it's a it's all me thirty two degrees right now outs the houside doing doing landscape work here here for the university. But yeah, yeah, joy. But one thing I want to call about I've been I've been a life while listener to the previous show for about twenty twenty five years. Yes, sir, Yeah, and so I'm I'm I'm thirty, so I was. I'm I'm about as old as as previous show was.

But but uh, the main thing I want to call about was with y'all's new contests with the buying Speedy launch in the twenty five so many years I listened to the previous show. One thing I've noticed is that at any time when Yolson speed had to do in these in any of these old contests, and he and he uses these quote like misspeaks, I think he's doing on purpose just to just just.

Just to mix them, just to make make make some CONTENTO.

So well, give me too much granity?

Yeah, I think you're giving There's there's so many things that happen here that some people say, I'll tell you what, you guys are comedic geniuses. And I think to myself, I think, to myself, yeah, you're right, indeed that I'm like, I think they're giving it if they only knew, If they only knew everything we do just kind of falls together, now speaking some one of those kind of people. Not everybody's this way. You put him in in unpredictable situations, and I'm telling you, things just happen. You just kind of send him out there, wind him up, and let him go. Uh, let's go to uh Nate out of Sweet Home, Alabama.

Nate, go ahead, Hey, guys, i'd heard heard of herd.

Some witnesses were saying they'd seen who started the LA wildfires, at least one of them. Uh, they're saying he walked right out of the county, the LA County jail. He had on a cowboy hat here to look at little bit like Jesus, and had a cartoonishly large pistol.

I never been nowhere, Carson, Welcome to the Rick Burgess Show. Go ahead, old fellas. Hey, Carson, all.

Right, let's go ahead and jump on the political wagon this morning. Jump where Flapy Joe was decided to claim the hostage relief.

When we come back, we're actually going to play those clips. You're setting that up beautifully.


Look in his world, though, Carson, in his world, he believes it. In his little world, he really did get the hostages freed.

And in his world of cupcakes and ice cream, he did get the hostage.

That is correct. We will actually come back. Nice set up, by the way, We'll come back and we'll we'll look at those and listen to those clips. But Carson, it's telling the truth. Uh So, Biden wants us to know he's very proud that he negotiated a ceasefire and and the release of the hostages from Hamas. Yeah. Yeah, and we all believe that. I know, fifteen minutes to the top of the hour, we'll be right back. This is the Rick Burgess Show, the hostage swap and the ceasefire. Biden is about to take credit for that. We do have an update, net, and Yahoo is saying not so fast.


Yahoo is saying that it's starting to look like that Hamas is not as committed to this as we're about to hear Biden tell us they are, right.



He says they're trying to back out of part of the agreement in an attempt to kind of have some you know, extort some last minute concessions and stuff. And so the cabinet there in Israel is like whoa hold.

On, easy, hold on?

Whoa And so we'll see how that plays out.

And then the way they're trying to know, Yeah, we'll give you back some hostages, but unfortunately some of them are deceased. And you know, it's just they're trying to change this, trying to change everything. Last second, So.

Here we go. You're going to see Biden say that this is a done deal and that he he's taking credit for it.

So here here we go, and the Secretary of State, let's listen.

Good afternoon.

It's a very good afternoon because a long last I can announce a ceasefire. A hostage deill has been reached between Israel and a.

Moss So I'm gonna get that guy a laws.

The word hostage. He just didn't quite have the invistor just so bottom teeth. Here comes a reporter. A reporter is about to ask Biden, you think you should take credit for this? Or do you think Trump should take credit for this? So here here we go, look credit.

For this, mister president? You or truck?

Is that a joke? Oh? Thank you? Well, let me tell you something, mister delusional. If you don't think that America voting for Trump, it goes back to and you know I told you before. I can't believe this thing that's happened to Dennis Prager where he's like paralyzed from another fault. But anyway, I told you guys off the air that Dennis Preger was asked on his show, did he think that all of this going on with Israel and all this going on with Ukraine and Russia, would any of this happen if Trump had gotten a second term in a row? And Prager didn't even he didn't go any long dialogue or whatever. He just said, I'll answer that with one word, no, and that was the end of it. If you don't think that Trump winning this election is not affecting all of those around the world that we're enjoying us being chumps, then you're just delusional. But Biden wants us to think he's part of it. But but and we got another clip. Understand there's an update net and Yahoo is saying they're starting to do the Yeah, we'll agree to all that. Everybody good, and then at the end, well, we may not do it. We want something else, which has been the ongoing frustration that the Israelis have been dealing with for a long time. Here's you some land. We want more Land. Here's you this, Nope, we want more. Here's probably the real reason why the deal happened. Here's a clip of Trump last week saying to bring the hostages home. Here we go.

If those hostages aren't back, I don't want to hurt your negotiation. If they're not back by the time I get into office, all hell will break out in the Middle East, and it will not be good for Hamas, and it will not be good, frank for anyone. All hell will break out. I don't have to say anymore. But that's what it is.

That's what it is.

That's probably more why this is happening. Yeah, as we've said a thousand times, the enemies of freedom only understand one thing strength. That's it. They don't understand anything else. So the only language they speak, it's the only thing that does any good. And anything less than that they always see is weakness. It's not something that wins them over. Always been the case. So we'll we'll find out what happens. But it is going to be interesting to see if Hamas tries to continue to ask for more and it does shut the deal down. But you know, I think we all hope the hostages are released, and we all hope they can get a ceasefire there. But as you heard Trump and you're hearing that in Yahoo many times, Hamas and the enemies of Israel and the United States the balls in their court.

You mean, tell me a terrorist organization won't hold up to their end of the bargain.

I don't know how to break I can't trust them. Really. Look, I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but sometimes terrorists, Yeah, sometimes terrorists lawe. Y'all may not believe that, but it keep their word. They don't keep their word. Sometimes they'll claim they're going to do something, not do it, no, and you know what, you know what they'll also say. They'll also say that they'll move into your community, and they're really there's no concern. They want everybody to live their own life. And they'll never, ever, under any circumstance try to put everybody under Sharia law. They just won't do it.


And the other thing is when you start pointing out how wicked and evil they can be, they'll quickly use all the things that they know have worked with Americans especially, they start claiming that you're a xenophobe. Oh, they'll start claiming that you you don't like them because of their their ethnicity and their religious beliefs, not because they're trying to kill everybody. Yeah, and we'll wait a minute.

Wait a minute, Oh whoa, hey, hang on, wash your hip.

Watch watch now you mean to.

Tell me the terrast?

They don't holder that word?

Uh so, how that feel?

Move right there? It was fine, that was fine? What it was dangerous? Ite all goes together well, tired, quiet, but it was not a quite havn't work a little?

It's like burning sensation.

Yeah, somebody sent me another one on the Confused American and we did this story, but we didn't do the quote on the on the Walgreens thing where they're shutting everything down, and their quote was we found that products don't move as well if they're locked up and people have a hard time. You can't even go get it off the shelf goes behind the cage. And they were like worst Confused American, like, wait a minute, Oh no, you mean to tell me if you.

Lunch, people don't buy.

Uh so a little lower than he really did. Got a little more right now, got a little flexibility, got a little more so I'm hurting right now. I'm perfectly fine, perfectly fine.

Biden did give his final Oval office address last night. Uh, and that's got quite a few clips.

If you guys after the break want to come back and take it out, or if we want to move on, it's whatever. But like I said, it was his final farewell address to the nation.

Really yes, uh from the did you.

Call an address.

He brought us all together, didn't.

Well, he was unified. He's always very unifying, Yes he is.

He warned us against all kinds of things, talked about how great of a job he did, and uh, he talked about how.

He's can continue being the keeper of the flame.

What very just inspirational tell him. That's okay, We're good. Thank you years of public sir, thank you, Pap Paul. Top of the hour.

This is the Rick Burgess Show.

All right, So, Greg, you hosted Christmas Eve for the whole family, the Burgess family, and and and and all those that now are part of that family. And so we all converged on you and Lisa's beautiful home. She had the home decorated absolutely stunning. We loved it. But you have just given us a report that something something has changed. Let me give you little background. Okay, all right. I remember one Christmas, Lisa tried to get me to take Christmas down on Christmas Day, on Christmas late that afternoon, when we go ahead and get started many times the next day, many times I've done that. I think that's when I fell through the ceiling. Yeah. Sure, But for some reason this year it's January sixteenth? Am I correct?


That is correct? Do you remember how the house was decorated when y'all came? Absolutely thought I had gone to the north pok Okay, it's still that way, and everything is turned on just like it's Christmas. She's gone from what Christmas up person early to now and I keep bringing it up. Hey, go because I'm dreading it. You know, God here, you want to get it over with? Huh No, I just I think I want to keep it up a little longer. I said, why. I just I'm just enjoying it. And I guess it's because we pretty much decorated all the way up to Christmas Day. I guess I don't know.

Yeah, it's got to enjoyed a little bit.

But at what point do I go, Look, I mean this, what is too much? Now you have? When do you go you look back and go, hey, buddy, seriously, there's something wrong.

You've seen these up here? I think I think they're there.

Yeah, you're telling me that the way I saw your house yes on Christmas Eve. Your house still looks like that. Yes, and every night everything's lit up. We'll go ahead and turn it all on the big tree. You can't do this big trees. I mean, it's hanging in there, just as now I'm dreading that thing. It seems like this is almost like a violation of some sort of Christmas rule. But again, it'd be different if she had always been but I don't know something about this year, she's not. Every time I bring it up. No, I kind of want to look at it a little longer, and I'm kind of glad because I don't want to put it up. Yeah, but now it's bother you that it's not done. Well, it's weird. It's hanging over you like a cloud. And here are you going to start wishing? So all the happy New Year? How long is that going? I know, I know, isn't that crazy? I wish him. By the way, the guy missed the joke earlier that said he caught me wishing dun dae Happy New Year. I was doing it because of the first peanuts of the year. That's right, right. I saw that on the thing. He was like, oh good, No, that did that didn't happen. It was an attempt at a joke. So let me ask the guys here, all of us married. Okay, let's let's ask the hard question and again, you just do you just let it ride? Or at some point do you say, I'm so sorry, wonderful wife, thank you for making our homes so beautiful, even though Greg you helped obviously. Uh is it almost like, uh, I think we got it, we got it. We gotta shut this down. Maybe I have to start with the garland that's going up the stairs and all that. Maybe I don't think I just take it off and not really say nothing. Do we let it ride?

I gotta tell you we got to read got out here. I'm kind of different here. You're empty nesters, even though you have grandkids and kids come and go. I say, you do whatever you want, and you don't die.

On this hill.

You just leave it up till she says Okay, I'm ready.

You know. That's kind of the way I'm going.

I mean, because you're the two. You're you're the only two in there. What does it matter?

If it makes her happy?

Then whatever?

Do I really want to take it down?



I mean then you can look at it. You have to get it over with. I get that, right.

That's about now we get to tell you Merry Christmas until you take it down.

Okay, you can't get mad.

That's a great point. By the way, Can I say something here?


But I can't get mad now because evidently I'm still celebrating Christmas.

Yeah. Yeah, And I think you just embrace it and you say, honey, that's fine, and then whatever.

And it doesn't matter. I'm wish seedy. Who cares what anybody else thinks but the two of you. Yeah, but I want to think. I want to know what you would think. Yeah, if i'd make fun of it? Yeah, oh yeah. Now the Amazon delivery man, if that was one freak out by it, Yeah, yeah, of course he's still coming. I thought that my back off.

But I have met people though that they keep it up year round. I mean, they take just a few things down, but some of the little things they keep up. And then you got the folks that keep trees up and then they change their things.

That's different. If you change it. No that tree of mine, that ain't gonna happen. No, you can't do that.

Then you don't have to put it up next.

But to me, when when it's up, you're right, you would live it up a month could be a Valentine's tree and Eastern tree. If I got a degraated again, what say you?

It's still looking a lot like there's sis.

As it does. It's got our little road tourets well.

A lot of pets.

Yes, yeah, but I find myself also enjoying the lights when they're on. That's my next question. Are you still getting anything out of this?


You can? You sit down and look at it the way you do during Christmas? Not that deep? How does it feel? That looks good? Are you act? Then I look at the calendar and go, greg what But is it a Christmas feeling or just a genuine I kind of dig these lights exactly. It's not a c It doesn't feel like Christmas. See to me when they stay up too long, like you, Let's say you have something in there that represents Santa, it's like every time I see him. Now it's kind of awkward. Yeah, it's it's time for him to go. It's like a Frosty the Snowman. They kind of look at you like it really Yeah, I mean, what are we doing still up now? Two of them, the trees, the ones that's got that stupid snow on it that gets in my sinuses when I have to put them up. Flocks here, Let's get them the flock out of there. But those only have a bow on top. They're not really decorated. They're the dining room, so you could almost almost ignore them if you wanted to and go, well, look it's just a tree.

Yeah, it's just an accent tree. It's a mood setter. You got the lights on and you don't need any other lights in the room.


Look, I'm not like mad about it. I'm just I wanted to get off my plate. That's what I'd like to address. Texture is all over this. The longer you leave them up, the more impending doom begins to get energy. That's why I think I'm gonna I'm gonna take them down in sections. I'm gonna go, let's go darling off the off the banister. I can barely seriously, I can barely enjoy even though I'm as close to turnkey as you can get to try to enjoy Christmas. But but there's still there's no way around taking everything down and putting it back up, and that almost ruins Christmas for me. Yeah, yeah, but because I just I just cannot stand that process. I mean, you're going to have a day two days that's just you know, and there's you know, when you're putting it up, there's a little bit of fun and happy and you don't even care how inconvenient it is, how many things you put up because you think we'll be taking them down so far away. I'm just gonna enjoy it, and you should. But Greg, you let this go on, it's gonna become something to get where. Well, we had a similar situation. The guts of the house had to be put up because we do real trees. So once the trees are coming down, that means everything's coming but the outside lights. Because of my turnkey deal and the ice thing we had and all that, it delayed. And at one point, sure he says, well, people they're white, you know lights on the outside house. I don't do colored on the outside. Well, you know, people keep these white lights up all the time. I said, surely you're not suggesting. Are you suggesting that our house is going to stay like? This is why we are now? And she said, well, some people do it. I said, they don't do this. They maybe in their backyard, a few streams running over the patio or something. Now in rural America, some you'll find something that leave with the Christmas up year round. But yeah, I mean I think somebody would call and complain if you did.

Look, if it's outside, that's off limit. I mean, you cannot do leave outside.

We see, Greg, Now you can see through the window from the far Yeah, but if it's inside, Yeah, you're telling me you're driving to work. You come here, see us. It's January the sixteenth, and last night you saw a neighbor had their Christmas tree up, still lit in their house. What do you say when you get here? I would bring up why are this my goodness? Is January sixteenth? Yes you would, I'm just being honest. Yes you would.

Is your Christmas?



I was gonna say, if you won't get disgusted by our merry Christmases and the callers, then just live with it.

But I don't think you down I guess you're right.

I think you just let it roll until she's ready.

And yeah, I'm gonna chance to do a reverse gas lighting, a little item. One by one you put up and then four. She goes, what happened to HERK, that's not that big tree you know, would have ease it up. I got, I got one. I'm start on shed.

Just sit on the couch with a Santa hat on and see how that goes. As long as they're up.

And I was drinking egg nog. Has she give me a reason why she still want to? She just said at first when we got back from you know, we went to the beach for the last week of the I think that's where you're in the situation. And she goes, well, that was four or five days.

We didn't get too the snow that extended it a little bit that.

We all got to pass. It look good with the snow out the window, with the trees.

Did yes?

Tied to you, Greg?

But anyway, I just thought it was weird. But it would be different if she was always been this way. But for some reason this year she's just like, I leave it up. It's still looking at lot like Christmasbably.

This is the Rick Burgess Ship.

All right, so we're back.

Thanks for being with us today. My brand new Rick Burgess show is rolling right along and we're glad you're here. Stay with us. Uh, we'll get more phone calls in before the hour's done. We got lights of cover today. Hugh Freeze coming up later in the program. All right, So, uh, Greg you said that Leelee. Uh, your wife Lisa, Yeah, has a statement to the world that I was questioning him because it's this is not normal for her to still have Christmas. This is her quote. My Christmas decorations and trees bring me joy and make my heart happy. That's why I do not want to take them down. Who doesn't want joy? That's I guess it's all based on joy.

Do you think that that the lights kind of and the and the tree counteracts the you know sometimes how frustrated you make her?

Yeah you calm yeah, Yeah, that may be she just dicovered that this year it's a leveler. Yeah yeah, and this year she just discovered it, and that maybe that's it. You know what you know what you just said, Calvin Will What's that? We hear what she's saying, but we're also hearing what she's not saying.

Yeah, between the line.

Yeah, we are reading between the lines. And I need something to counter and.

This one here and pointing to your baby brother.

He doesn't really care that they're still up, even though it is kind of he wants it to be over.

He just wants done. But that's all he wants. And though when you really don't want to do something, it's easy to be talked out of it. You know, let's get on this tree. She goes, I want to keep them up.

If it brings your wife joy, then you keep them up.

And what she said and said, who's against joy?

Who is it?


If you're against leaving the trees up? I guess you're against joy, joy thief. There's nothing better. Loving trees is wrong. I don't want to be right. There's nothing better for someone to tell you that you're going to do something that you really kind of wanted to do. Anyway, Yeah, it up. One thing, we're not taking these down. I really don't go. I was hoping we would today. Okay, so impending doom has dodged me another day. Well all right, lately, I'm with you. You enjoy your joy, and look being married to this man God knows you need it. That's a lot of joy there. Field of greens brings joy, love it every day. You watched Abler do his field of greens today, so do you find his interesting looking?

Yes, we were in his little world. Yeah, sorry to say, little buddy, but we're in his world. Yeah, he's something else. So what what did How did you do your field of greens today? I know it's kind of a shake you doing there?

I just do it a bottle of water.

Yeah, just put what was that other thing you put it in?


I put a few other things in there.

I'm what I'm asking a pretty hardcore.


It looked like a bed.

In there, and he's it's just a pile of powder on a piece of paper. I'm making it into a funnel. Put in a water bottle, shake it up and good to go. And uh but yeah, I do field of greens creating collegen peptides and fiber.

Also for my heart. The fiber is for my heart, it's not for my part.

And I walked there and I thought, my bunness, chelesterol, we're doing the show with scarface. Yeah yeah, but anyway, so anyway, field of greens it's outstanding, and how does it work. It's really pretty simple. It gives you the nutrition that you're supposed to supposed to have, but a lot of us just can't make it happen and our own choices with fruits and vegetables. But with Field of Greens it happens. Now, my vital organs are getting the nutrition they need, the clean energy that comes with it, Outstanding the immune system, and how healthy that has been. Outstanding the doctor the last time I went to have some blood work done, They're like, whatever you're doing, keep doing it. As a matter of fact, Field of Greens and brick House Nutrition they guarantee that if you don't see a difference in your health and your doctor doesn't see it, that they'll actually refund your money. I love this product. We all love this product. You need to get it now Fieldogreens dot com use the code big Vox twenty percent off and also find that link at rickburgesshow dot com under sponsors.

And I don't like the way that honestly, collagen peptide's tastes.

I don't like the way fiber tastes. Creatine doesn't really have a taste, but it's pretty gritty.

I add the field of greens to that bottle, and the field of greens. I actually like the taste of it, and I'm just doing the original. It's not even like the sweetened one, because they have different sweet versions and if you're worried about the taste, I don't.

Find the taste bad at all. But they do have sweeter versions if you're looking for that.

If you just joined us and Greens commercial has just been completed. Okay, so in a very weird way, right.

In a weird kind of way, we were promoting them.

Right, moving on, moving on, But I got to give the text or credit. They said, we're missing the point at least, I don't want to pay for another ceiling.

Look, let's be honest here, they're on to something. You're dreading it because you have to put it up. She's dreading it because she's got to put Are you putting it up all right?

Which you just chore all in itself.

And credit to the credit to the commenters or the chatter the textures. They also said that it appears that Cindy lu who has married the Grinch.

By the way, pretty good one here, someone so quick, do youurine test? On Adler, he's on Royds. Yes, that's basically what he's saying.

Pretty hard.

Course, look giving the rick Burgers show an unfair Yeah, that's true, by the way.

On the.

On the on that note, interesting study today, interesting study. Now, you know, there's some things that we can ignore. And we've talked about this. I don't know why kids are sick all the time they are they are. I don't know why kids and everybody has food allergies now the whole wide world. I don't know why autism and the spectrum that the cases have are going through the roof. And it does appear that dementia and Alzheimer's also on the rise. Well, there there is a Harvard research one hundred and thirty three thousand people for four decades and they evaluated how much process and unprocessed red meat they ate on average per day. Controversial Findings says that they found that those that cut their risk of dementia by twenty eight percent, they replaced a portion of process red meat with fish, are unprocessed red meat with fish, and they saw a major change in their being susceptible to dementia. They said thirteen percent increase of risk if you're eating processed and that would be bacon, that would be sausage, and then of course they even said.

That eating sausage.

Right now, I'm staring at yes, sixteen percent if you're unprocessed meat, but it's red meat, sirloin, ground beef, lamb examples. But there are people that are saying, hold on now. Uh. They they're thinking this seems to be more of an indictment on red meat, processed and unprocessed. And the people who are being critical of this study are saying, I notice you're not talking about anything else in these people's lifestyle. I mean, are they healthy people? Do they exercise? Are they these studies? You know what they say that there's this study is drawing an unfair line. No from the I don't like fish that much. That's crazy. That's about it. Everybody in your rethinking breakfast right now? Yeah, so did.

Cows do the studies?

Is the Rick Burdger's show.

Also want to ask you. I want to ask you a question about e we. I got an email today that said that they were watching one of Elvis Presley's movies, The Western, and they asked me to ask you, Greg what you thought of Elvis's acting. Oh come on, that was an email today. Yeah. To be honest, I haven't seen a lot of his movies, right, but I know this until he made the comeback? Was it sixty five? I mean that is his what's his name? Colonel? Yeah, colonel. Pretty much put him in every movie that you know. They said that not a great actor, let's just call it that. Ain't. But he always had a song to sing during the show, got all the girls screaming. That's why people went how many of those did? It wasn't for his act. He was gonna do a song in every movie. Hey, mom, I remember Mom telling them that they didn't miss the movies. She said, remember when he was on the train it came through Birmingham, when he was in the army, when he was going yep, and everybody cheered as he went by. Right, wow, So there you go. I had to miss this, and list it'll be so mad at me. She loves Elvis. I ain't that big of us. Oh, here we go. And we were putting up the decorations earlier, you know, actually when it made sense and she was a music and it was Elvis, and it started getting on my nerves. You cannot I want. I wanted some Michael but Blayer or something.

Release the cracking.

And look and I appreciate that he was this huge super I mean, look at it. I mean you got like one of the Tuplo Kings. I mean the city of Tulo. They have Elvis to Day and all this stuff, and it was a huge deal. But I just want to listen. I like better the early stuff. But when he started like that, you know, I liked it. He was jail house upsetting so many people, right, hound dogs setting hound dog jail. He sounded then before he went into the Yeah, I like that, but when he suddenly became.

This, you can't go.

You don't like that? And what I like that? And did you even say enough his movies like you said, I didn't say a lot of them. Okay, but I know he always sing a song in it, and you don't like his Christmas music. You've established that I like it in small, very small doses. Lisa is mad at me right now. She's listening. She would you do this? She's already upset about bringing up our Christmas decorations.

So Elvis of the Beatles not crazy about either one. But I go Beatles you would you would listen to them first over Elvis?

Yes, wow, okay.

I think I have to sadly agree Beatles and stones on stones? What if Elvis sang Beatles songs? Well, Beatle songs? Which voice is in? He's in a combination of hounddog and would you let it be?

Let it be, Let it be, Let it be?

And I'll be honest, his karate moves got on my nerves. Stage all of a sudden, he started doing karate mood. What was that about? Let it out?

Keep going it out?

And how about this? I was watching some live footage. He wouldn't just kiss the girls in the audience. I mean he would make out with him. I'm talking. It looked like a love scene. Have you ever seen it? And it was lying, it's uncomfortable, it's uncomfortable. And he really didn't have much of a call factor.

No, come on, come on.

Come on. I was like, well, you kiss him, My's mama everything, take it back. But she's wearing those old porn extra Yeah, I mean he so Have I ever told you this is so typical? It sounds like, you know how the wife's sharing to this day, claims that when people faint over Beatles or all of a sudden, she said, they're faking. She goes, ain't nobody's presence make you faint? I agree, other than the one and only living God? I agree. I wonder about that. And she's like, I feel like she fainted, so I got a faint to Yeah, She's like, these are the girls? Ain't fainting swooning, falling like that? And and I'm like, I don't. I don't know. I've never made you feel like you need to swim? She was not, Really, you're about fainting? Hey, well yesterday, Oh my, she's over.

So I made Terry faint last night. I cleaned the kitchen.

I bet that worked.

Yeah, you don't blame it the dishes, clean the kitchen.

Listen, when you make a statement like that and you notice you now have the floor, I mean, no one is going to say one thing. Do you finish that thought? Tell me what you got right? Rick Alvias did sing Beatles songs? I forgot somebody put it up there. Did he really hate Jude yesterday? That's good? Oh did he do those?


How about that? I did not know that. I was. Do you know when he's real large? Right before he died. Guy just let him finish, was holding the microphone way.

Yeah, had to get tired.

It was very sad, wasn't that? Like the last feature? It was?

I will say this after watching the movie, the latest one Elvis, whatever I did come, I came.

Out of that sad for him.

Yeah, and just I know he's a grown man.

But but the people around and you know, some some didn't have his best interest in mind, and and it just he went down a path.

It was just sad. But you know that last song if the first thing with in my mind is pretty big production. Do we not have a mic? Stand?



Why is one of the Jordanaire's got to hold it? I didn't understand that either. Bothered. He's the case, the king of rock and roll. We don't have an extended mic? Boom?

My goodness. I found footage of him tearing that sugar up in the audio.

That's going on right here though he hadn't got larger.

He's leaning in, he's going in.

Gosht him come up, oh gosh lips afterwards.

You can tell this just pre pandemic.

How do you not?

How did he not stay sick?

I know, have you ever seen him they didn't. We can't see all the time now sick the video of him when he was at that stage, when he was co he was doing Pope Sata Danny. Oh, yes, all right, people are asking for Gary to sing us. All right, we can't. We can't do this every day. I mean, I guess I appreciating that, Mike the bigness. I appreciate. This is where Greg has has destroyed the room, and he kind of weirdly starts picking up pieces as well, back up where they I don't want I don't want to seem incense. Look, look, look, look, no I said, you said I was insensitively. Yeah. I get his magnitude and his influence, of course, I mean that's one of the most people are still today, of course. But if you say, Greg, when you listen to his songs, there's a few a lot, do you really enjoy them? And I go, not really. I appreciate everything else. And Anthony's a great I'll watch video because it's just a great entertain But if you say, if you want to hear music and I'm riding around, what do I go to? I never go to that. Okay, I'm in trouble. Lisa loves Elvis just for Lisa. Gary, Hey, are you Launchome tonight? Hey, Gwen, are you Launchome tonight? Tell that what about Elvis?

You mentioned that all we're going to talk about tomorrow. If you're listening.

Live today, is it true tomorrow?

See Gary?

Oh yeah, Gary's coming. Oh I got some questions I got. I got a call from yesterday and he goes, Hey, what are y'all doing a prayer? And where I go asking me what to say? Hey, tell him to bring that key back. You see, I bring that keyboard.


You have to bring that keyboard. Gary. I want you to prove to me as you playing carry bring it. Come on, Gary, okay mm hmm you need it, Gary, wise Man said only flos Rushian Gwynn went down here in Chilton County. I've always done it my way. Hmm. Maybe I didn't love you, little twin. I could have, but you're always on my mind. Of the wind, You're all, You're always on my mind. I got a huck a hucker burn in Love's at the top of the hour. Gary will be here in studio tomorrow, Lord Willie, So don't miss that.

This is the Rick Burgess Show.

So we're continuing to build this this show. We kind of have you know, the foundation pretty well there, but we're trying new things and not everything's gonna work. Some things will work, some things will won't. It won't work. Uh so far, it looks like we've got you know, everything working well on some of the stuff we tried. Speedy by Me Lunch, big hit. We love that. Uh, the wheel and the adjustments we made there by putting money on it, bits and also bundles. Big hit there, especially after the dementia study we did earlier. Uh so that I think that's going the big Vox verdict. I think it's still out there. We're wondering, we're wondering. We'll see.

I hope we stick with it. Because my judge costume came in really okay yea, yeah, shut try it on.

Yeah. The guy in Pennsylvania, he said, your gavel's almost done too. Have you got an it yet? Oh man, that's cool yeah.



He's actually saying he's he's making a big time, real deal gavel, a lathe and every.

He is it going to fit the size like a smaller one or is it going to be the normal yeah that he has he at your measurements.

Keep it up, and you're gonna I'm gonna throw the book at you in the courts, in the court of law.

Okay, he's getting that out of the right.

Here's the gavel, and it's more like it's the one that came with the cost of.

My order, or or that's perfectly it is tiny, may a little bag.

You got white gloves? Do judges wear gloves?

I've never seen a judge in a white Trust me on that one speak. Let's be to use him when he does his miming, y'all.

Oh my goodness.

So the I'm opening this up right now, and here's the glove and it had like a cardboard insert and it literally is made the cardboard insert is literally made from Chinese cigarettes.

I'm not even joking.

It says it literally says cigarettes on this little thing that was in the glove.

You can't read it says why.

Does it have gloves?

I don't know Chinese.

Michael Jackson up in here.

I don't think you should wear the gloves. I found that to be.

Here's the big two.

No I need that on.

This came in the mail yesterday and my wife was just like, who are you and what is your job? What are you even a man? I'm like, I think so baby, I love you.

Okay, you're gonna put this on too. Yeah, this is good.

Okay, Oh yeah, yeah, good, this is good.

This is awesome.

Where's where's your where's the where's the road? Where's the rope? Here?


Get that thing?

It's got a dickey on it?

To okay or whatever?

You have our business? Okay, there we go.


Okay, that's that's really order order.

What other legal terms should I say? I don't know any of the.

Sustained, sustained, the prosecution rests, the rest.


Yeah, maybe it's corpus.

Corpus could see you now without that wig.

You got a little bit of Ruth Bader Ginsburg to you.

Oh call me Ruth Bader. I don't hear of women's rights. I think I don't know.

I know that's a claim and not a lot of true for that. Now, so that well, that one's ready to go. And and you know, we thought about maybe taking some people in the in the seats and taking their cases. You know, we did one on the phone of the day. I thought it went okay, and yeah, and so we're working on another one another way. Did you did you just break the hand put it back on? That didn't, Well, you got a better one coming. So we're looking at other ways for you to participate as an audience and win some stuff too. And so we're thinking of one that's called and involves Greg called right again, Right Again? Now, what would happen on right again? Because Greg, you know, has all sorts of meaningless knowledge.

Is that.

What would happen is we would have three questions. You would call in, and then we would ask Greg these questions. He will give his answer, and if you say I agree with Greg, then you would agree with him. And if you both get it right, you'd move on. And you could say I disagree with Greg and say Greg gets it right, then you would be out immediately. So you have to kind of decide whether you think Greg has the right answer or not. And of course every single time that he's right, he then says right again, right and and so if you get three of those, you win something, right, So there you go. So how you like right again? I'd love that, But yeah, we don't have any questions ready, so I don't think we're gonna do it today, but it may suck can no, because it is amazing the things that you know a lot about. Yeah, I know a lot about classic rock bands there nobody cares about right, No, but who played on what album? And stuff like that. Yeah. So I figure if you're on this show and say you're playing right again, then we would say if you heard the questions coming out of the Andy Griffith Show our classic rock, you better go with Greg Andy griff I need to brush up on a little. Greg. I've heard you say things about Andy Griffith, talk about Jebel Fallster. Here we go, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Ray Hollister. Who are these people?


I think Gubil was the old man that OPI accidentally burned his barn down. Ohible, They locked him up for something and he was he was old moonshiner. Okay, but the come find they could sing real good, remember that, I do not. Greg. Do you remember when the Elvis type character came to town that used to go to Mayberry or something and he was talking about uh, flat something flat and he played the music and it was a big something bands was so flat. No, he was like a solo guy.

You're really Elwood Francis was the basis for what a great American rock band?

Oh zz top Is Greg right or wrong or not?

I will, I will he's replaced Dusty Hill. Wow, I will, I will disagree with Greg.

Greg's right.

Oh my god, you know Dusty died. A week later they were back playing to say it again, Greg, right again. I think this got potential. Yeah, yeah, he said, Jimmy Fleet and his band or Bobby Fleet. Bobby Fleet. It was Bobby Fleet and something. Okay, Bobby Fleet was right. Yeah, it was the actor that played I think it was the guy that his his deputy, his deputy. Yeah, that actor. You think that it was whatever his name was. All right, So we'll be back. So right again. It is something I think we got to play with. I think, well, let's work out some questions. Maybe try that tomorrow. I like it. Let me right back.

This is the Rick Burgess Show.

We were talking about this. Look, the Republicans have just got to put the accelerator down. You just don't listen, don't listen to the screaming in the holler. And you got us to be able to stomach all this, move these things through. We cannot continue on the road that we're on which Marco Rubio is going to stay that here in a minute. So Pam Bondi is now in the confirmation hearing to become the us AG. So shall we play to a first out her to set that up?

Yeah, and just I'll play just twenty seconds of two A and then two B. Kind of really breaks down her role as Attorney General, what she would do, and the difference between how she would operate and some Democrats in the past have. Here is Adam Schiff trying to try to trying to press Pam Bondy, and Pam has a great response.

To this, just called for it publicly.

You are aware of that, aren't you.

No one has asked me to investigate, But were you to be worried about?


Right now? Are the roots your robberies are higher.

Than the national questions?

That's what I want to.

Wow a little shut up juice for Adam Shift. Yes, yes, Barbie was mad.

Barby was mad about in left field. Yeah, he is way out there. We all knew that. But his questioning was bizarre.

Well, you said, Greg joke, you said, there's no doubt there's aliens inside of our government. Adam Shiff, if he's not an alien the way those eyes bug and all that. I mean, he really never seen him blink. The words was McConnell. Because he's his skin suits now actually falling off of him. Turtle is one exposing all right, So do we go c now to B would be great, I think, oh, okay, So to be is not.

No, she's elaborating a little bit more so she goes deeper with Adam Schaeffer.

Yeah, Adam Schiff versus Pam Bondy.

Despite the questions from Senator Shiff, I look forward to working with you and the state of California to do everything we can to fight violent crime in California. And you know as well as I that crime is only going to go.

Through the roof.

Now after these forest fires. You're going to have looting, You're gonna have price gouging, You're going to have so many things that I have dealt with in the state of Florida. And I am committed to working with California just as much as I am committed to working with you, Senator Kennedy. And the tragedy that just took place in Louisiana, given all the human beings that were murdered in your state, and we have the super Bowl coming up in less than three weeks now. I believe I've been a little busy, but we've got to ensure if I'm confirmed, that everyone in this country is safe, and.

I will work with you.

I will work with you, Senator, I will work with all of you in this country for everything that Senator Blackburn said. We have got to reduce violent crime, and we have got to restore integrity to our law enforcement officers. Donald Trump, we keep saying he won this election by seventy seven point three million votes in three hundred and twelve electoral votes. Look at the map of California, Senator Shift, it's bright red the popular vote for a reason. People want law and order. They want to be safe so they can go to take their children to school, so they can go to church. Senator Holly, people want safe streets. Of course, we care about our economy and what's happening in this world, but if we're not safe, none of that works.

So there you go, which I appreciate.

Much like when there's a tragedy in our country, it does. It shouldn't matter what state it's in. And when there's corruption in our country. It shouldn't matter what party these people are for. Yeah, I hope that's what she does, and I hope she's confirmed.

There you go, Thank you, alt Adler. I'm all right. So we we got Rubio next, and we're talking about all of our dependents on China, and it's concerned all of us. I mean, when you're giving one of your enemies the ability to choke you anytime they want to on things that you need in everyday life, it's it's really not very wise at all. And Rubio is going to who's Secretary of State nominee. Rubio is now going to say, the road we're on what kind of goes back to the you gotta be able to stomach, you gotta be able to push through. We can't stay on this road. And he says, we cannot stay on the road that we're currently on, especially involving China.

If we stay on the road we're on right now, ten years, virtually everything that matters to us in life will depend on whether China will allow us to have it or not. Everything from the blood pressure medicine we take, to what movies we get to watch, and everything in between, we will depend on China for it. They have come to dominate the critical mineral industry supplies throughout the world. Everywhere in the world. They've now established critical mineral rights. Even those who want to see more electric cars, no matter where you make them, those batteries are almost entirely dependent on the ability of the Chinese and the willingness of the Chinese Communist Party to produce it and export it to you. So if we don't change course, we are going to live in a world where much of what matters to us on a daily basis, from our security to our health, will be dependent on whether the Chinese allow us to have it or not. That's an unacceptable outcome.

Yeah, and to me, that's pretty much common sense. And again, while you've got the opportunity and you've got the upper hand on the votes, the country, the executive office, you just remember, look, we've been through this guys ourselves. Just because there's people that seem loud and they seem scary, and they scream and they yell and they have a conniption, the one thing that usually overwhelms them eventually is you to stay the course and be completely immovable by their screaming. And they're yelling and just keep doubling down on what you know is right. And if you'll do that, we can change the path. Worng yep. If you're gonna be testing the air and which way the wind's blowing, we're not going anywhere. So I like the things that we're hearing, and go ahead and put them through. If you got the votes, do it yep. All right, We'll be back more to discuss on the show today and check our website Rickburgessshow dot com.

This is the Rick Burgess Show.

All right, cheer, we're back. Thanks for being with us. Speedy, Greg Adler, the game all here today and excited about one week from tomorrow the first Man church conference of the year. We got three of those, Birmingham, Panama City and Atlanta. Speaking in Birmingham, it will be a number of folks. Granger Smith, George Wright, Andy Blanks. I'll be speaking and I'll sort our next guest coach Hugh Freese, head football coach, Auburn University coach. Welcome to the Rick Burgers Show.

Well, good morning, Rick, it's good to be on my friend.

Well, let me tell you something we could not be more jacked about. Next Friday and excited. Thank you so much. I know that it's crazy right now. I can't even imagine how hectic and nuts it is right now. Yeah, well listen, if you want to throw in there on the nil, I think I can get you on the Rick Burgess Show. Feel free go ahead.

That that would mean a lot someone. I'm quite sure Rick.

Uh So, so let's talk a minute. I mean, I know you've been covered up with football and then we may get a little bit of them. Let's let's get to what's most important. And that's an opportunity to to share your story and uh uh, the story of the gospel, uh with with men. I mean, as you know, as I even had somebody mention this, uh yesterday, and I thought it was a good point, even what you do for a living, you know, as things are changing and we got a fatherless problem, and then we have the dad who's around, but he's not engaged. You see this all the time, the fruit of young men that are desperately seeking godly men to influence them. And uh, and to have an opportunity to maybe help some guys. We're just sharing the things that helped us. So tell me a little bit about the things that the guys can expect next Friday.

Yeah, it's uh, you know, you're You're exactly right. We were living in a day where you know, what does a real man of faith look like? And the examples, unfortunately many have they dwindle or we fail, and and then.

What do you do with that?

And I'm fortunate to be one this kind of experience to a wide range of spectrum with my faith that I've followed for many, many years and for most of my years been very very consistent in it, but also have the stories to share of Hey, guys, let me tell you when coach didn't get it exactly right, and what that looks like, and what the love of a true father who loves you unconditionally really looks like. And to me, that love is what most people are searching for, and it comes with with an amount of mercy and grace that is new each and every day. And we're going through twenty one days of prayer right now at our church and been fortunate to be blessed at Auburn can get me to places and I can still get to go to that in one of the things that Jill and I this morning we were praying about this event. Honestly that we could just somehow, may it be God speaking through me exactly what He would want to say to.

Whatever men are showing up there.

But I do know that I think it will be encouraging and hopefully also inspiring.

That the calling that is on.

Our lives as men of faith, it's a high calling, and it comes with some sacrifice and probably some criticism. And you've got to be okay with that, because the audience of one that we want to please is as much, much much more important than anything here on earth.

Yeah, you touch on that. I tell men all the time, if God can forgive me a man is wicked and evil as me, forgiving you will be no big deal to him. And and and I think you do finally have to say goodbye to the people for whatever reason that want to hold your past. Jesus doesn't hold us against those who repent, but I noticed human beings will and and they and I know that there's still people that things I've done, they're never going to let me forget it. But I'm but I'm thankful that that, according to scripture, if I truly repented and left faith in myself and put my faith in Him, and begged for his mercy that he grants it, and then he does forget it. So I think that there's a great opportunity because a lot of men, the reason why that they haven't made that decision, Coach, is because they think they're not forgivable.

And that's the that's the lie of the enemy. And that's where he would like to keep you. If he can't, if he can't totally destroy you, he sure would like to deceive you into believing something that's not accurate of.

The heavenly Father and.


The older that I've grown and the things that I've gone through, the clear the picture comes to me of what his character really is. And yes he's a just God, and yes he's a holy God, and he calls us to be the same, all the while knowing that I will never.

Measure up this side of heaven.

And thus the amazing sacrifice of his son that makes me worthy and makes you worthy of the grace, and and anyone else who calls upon that. And certainly there's a calling on us to to live different and to change and to repent when we do mess up, and we do have things that are that are strongholds in our lives that are not honoring and and but this side of heaven, I don't know that we'll ever experience the total sanctification of all of that, but I sure would like to try.

And that's the journey that we're all on together.

And it's okay not to be totally fixed.

He doesn't expect that, and you never will be. And so what we look.

Forward to sharing about that. I know you will and I will, and everyone's speaking.

Yeah, it's interesting. I just talked to somebody the other day and I said, look, I'm justified. I know that I'm being sanctified, but I'm not yet glorified, so I don't do everything perfect. So if I handled this imperfectly, I asked that you forget me, because yes, I'm justified, Yes I'm being sanctified, but to your point, I'm not glorified yet. Jesus makes me fully righteous standing before the one and only living God, because the one and only living God demands perfection, and our perfection is in Jesus. But until we're glorified and still have this body on us, sanctification is wrestling matches, and as.

A daily wrestling match, and one that requires some to have even that fighting chance to make it through this day in a way that was totally pleased in. Take some great disciplines and accountability with people in your life and surrounding yourself for those those type of men is vital. And I've got two right now that are you know, we're going through that twenty one days of prayer, like I said, and my pastor and one other guy. It's really easy for me to lay in the bed and maybe just do it online this morning, but we're we're holding each other accountable to show up and set by each other at it.

And it takes that.

It's it's a journey, and but yeah, we're the greatest thing is that we are totally justified for those of us that are in the faith. And man, that's something to get up and rejoice every morning about.

Hey man, one more thing. I'll let you go so and let's tie this to football for just a minute. Do do you? And this was the conversation conversation I had yesterday about even like you men of faith and those like you know that that are in these positions. There was a time that if you went into a sport, your coach became either the second most influential man in your life if you had a father that was in gauged But if you don't the number one most influential man in your life, but there was a time you stayed in a program and that guy could help turn you into a man. You know. I remember saying, even with my own sons, this is the closest thing I have to the military. If I'm not do military, I want them to get involved in sport. And of course it was football because of the impact it can have on their lives. How do you still have that influence when these players now are allowed to come and go and never stay. Do you just say I got to make my moment with them count.


First, I really struggled with that rick with this new world, And I'll just say, you first hire a staff that believes in the same core values that you do, and then we'll have the same message that you do. And then secondly, you have to and I think this is vital in life, and in my situation that you're mentioning right now is those circumstances I have zero control over.

True, and I.

Had to finally give that up and say, God, You're bigger than circumstances. You're bigger than the transfer portal. You're bigger, and you know the one hundred and whatever men that you want to put under me for this given year, this given time, and maybe maybe just this given semester in the world we live in. But you know who they are and you know what they need, and just maybe I be found faithful in being a transformative, faithful coach in that season and not worry about the circumstances of what the new world brings, of who I'm going to lose after the semester. And I really really had to give that fight up because it was stealing my joy.

Yeah, I saw it on your face. You could tell at first you were like, look, this environment is just and I'm glad you let that go. Control what you can control and adapt to what you can't control, and make the moments that you have count well. Coach, I know you busy. Thanks for taking time to be with us and on behalf of all of us involved with the Man Church in that ministry. We know you're pulled in a thousand directions and we're honored that you would agree to be with us next weekend.

Well, I'll be there next next Friday night.

Looking forward to it.

Yeah, we are too. Coach, thanks a lot, uh coaching, Hugh Freeze taking time to be with us today next Friday night. As you heard. Uh you know he he doesn't he doesn't pull any punches. Uh. He he's very transparent and all of us man, the good, the bad, the ugly, and if you want to hear his story and how there is hope in Jesus and there's always hope for reconciliation, be with us next weekend in Birmingham, Alabama. Get your tickets at Themanchurch dot com.

This is the Rick Burgess Show.

I thought so that we're good. Yeah, you know, it's one of those things where you know, you got to coach us out there getting after it. It's it's a busy to time of year, gonna be on cell phone, you know, you know, everybody pulling that in trying not to be annoying. Uh, you know, just uh and so hopefully he can talk and then the good signal. You know, you could hear, you could tell he was being moved around a little bit and that the call. Yeah, getting out of the car handled it fine, he did. He is a pro. Yeah, And I thought I showed a lot of self control, not getting too immersed in and playing a little ball.

Talking busy time, I mean talking XS and those booking him. He's on the road a lot right now, because this is they all are. This is a busy time right now.

And I want to thank all of you that already texting Roll Tiede. Thank you for taking what was a conversation about the gospel and turning it into a rivalry. But anyway, so uh yeah, right, pretty much that the whole conversations was about Jesus. Uh So, so anyway, uh yeah, and looking forward to that next weekend too. So a couple of things we haven't hit. And I think, now, let's see we have I think as far as Birmingham, we've interviewed the people that we had lined up because we had Granger Smith and Hugh Frees and then I know for Panama City, Dean and Sarah's coming on right, and then we've got Jeff Struker for Atlanta, right, yeah, so I'm looking forward to that. Yeah. So, so all right, a couple of things we haven't hit. Speaking of football, little ball, Speaking of football, hadn't hurt my foot, I gonna bro uh speaking of ball under armor now, we've got the national championship. I wish, I wish all four of us would care about this more. These are two historic programs. We finally got a twelve team playoff, and why aren't we more excited? And I know Notre Dame fans are, I know, I know Ohio State fans are.

I blame Pollock just a little bit because he said we don't want this matchup the way Notre Dame plays defense in Auburn, I mean, and Ohio States specialty that it doesn't match up.

Well, well, that's Notre Dame's playing great defense.

They did say they play more man to man, and the receivers for Ohio State, by the way, I.

Don't know, but surely surely they watched film. Because if I'm Notre Dame and I watch Oregon get get destroyed trying to play man to man against Ohio State's receivers, I'm not gonna do that. I don't care. If that is my thing, I'm gonna have to do something else.

Notre Dame keeps surprising me, though, so maybe they're going to keep on.

Yeah, but Jeremiah Love has anything to say about it, My goodness, Notre Dame running back He's the one that had this incredible effort against Penn State to score this touchdown here with a.

Knee breaks on one, two, three, four five. I think.

I hate that. He's nine hundred percent. Yeah, he keeps that injury keeps bothering him. But boy, when he gets loose, he gets loose.

He had that insane hurdle during that play as well during that game as well.

Yeah, Adler good, I buddy, Yeah, that was that was what I do.

You just do not like Ohio State? So are you not for Notre Dame?


Okay, Monday six thirty.

There it is. I can't believe I said it. I cannot believe I said. I may even dress a leprecun but.

I'll already be dressing.

What was my deal with Ohio State? I can't stand them. When I was a kid, I kind of liked them, That's right, because I was from Michigan and you were for a house state. Yeah, but I'm not. This was against but I'm not for. This was the David Pearson Richard Petty thing exactly. We always did that. Larry Bird Magic Johnson, Right, how did you like Larry Bird? I love the Celtics. You was a big magic Johnson Lakers face. Let's pay showtime, Richard Petty, David Pearson. We argued over that. Yeah, Petty clearly cool a car. Yeah, and I'll give you that all right. So here's under armour. They've got a golden cleat for Notre Dame.

Yeah, in the championship.

Look at that. Oh it's a good.

Look at you.

How do you like that speed? I don't like your reaction like change oh before? Yeah, I mean, well don't they change now? These teams change all the time. They do. That's just more more of a fan saying that, Yeah, hey, I will say this, uh to. And I never have checked in with Penn State fans were y'all okay with them putting the numbers on the white helmets striple the fans, I mean, get mad about that. They didn't work. They alternated, it wouldn't their go to. They didn't stop. But it didn't. It looked good, But I know I'm not talking about it looked I thought it too, but you're not. People get upset about that kind of stuff. I was wondering if they did.

And then I think I think so Texter brings this up both fan bases. I mean, they're all about their team. But are there a lot of people outside their programs that just root for them or is it just because you have some teams where you go, Hey, they can bring in outside fans and they're rooting for them. But for these two, I don't know too many that root for them. If they're if they're not part of the team, they're.

Iconic though they are. Think there's probably noted Dame people then they're not from South being.

Yeah, a lot of its jealousy and wishes they were them.

But you guys get to make good point. I don't know that I've ever seen an Ohio State fan that had no connection to a house. Yeah, I mean as far as that part of the country. Yeah, there's some guy you know this in Panama sitting He's like, I'm big oldho State fan. You just don't see that, dude. How do you wish Rudy had some eligibility left? I know you've got small kids and everything's a week night, Probably not possible. Any shot. I get you to dress up as a leprechaun and come over and watch a game, watch the game with you as as a leprechaun. I need you in that Leprechaun outfit. When you do that leprechaunt thing, you do those fizz feel it's absolutely hilarious. So, uh, I take a poke at you. All right. So, by the way, speaking of football, have y'all seen Adrian Peterson's son, No, have y'all seen junior class Trouble for women? Yes?


Class of twenty thirty?


Greg, if you've got something in your over in your resume, you're you're kind of tired of addressing. Greg will bring it up, you will. That's the reason why I turned off his mic first thing he thought of. All right, So which one is? Is Adrian's son in the backfield? Back there? You're the one. You're going to see him? Okay, his dance behind him with the belt and Greg, we got you can't make fun.

Of people who did that.

No, I'm not saying it was legit. All right, let's let's have a look at him. Is this him in the wildcat?

He's in seventh grade? Yes, and uh, I guess those.

Whooping No, he's not in the walk I guess those whoopings. Oh my goodness, goodness, Oh my goodness, s oh my goodness. Adrian Peterson junior if you look at him. Is he still he's still? Yeah, It's just it's just look at the stock he's cutting.

Cut him.

She's running the class of twenty thirty. My goodness, you always a child. Let's give him a minute. No, Greg, we have to do it now.

I would struggle against these seventh graders. I'm calling it right now.

They love the jet sweep that was.

That was one of those things that it was no need to speak of it.

Well being real okay, yeah, he frees them.

Me okay, and what is this this I can or something like that. Okay, I'll got pretty good hands. Great, okay, all right, So his dad was a freak of nature.

But is he broke? Did I hear him say he was broke? Yeah?

I remember he straight up. Yeah. At one time. I don't know how that it may have worked it out, but at one time he was auctioning off a lot of stuff, right, Okay. Remember he came back from that ridiculous injury and was still as good as he had ever been. That is true.

Yeah, severe financial words, even though he made over one hundred million dollars in his career.

By the way, Bob Eucher has died. According to the texture. They're not exactly a reliable news source, but they are saying it all right. Thanks a lot, wrap it up another hour. Thanks for catching the Rick Burgess Show. Go to rick burgesshow dot com.

This is the Rick Burgess Show.

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