The Word was God (John 1:1-5)
The opening words of the Gospel of John are no mere introduction. The beautiful words contained in the opening words form the very foundation for the Gospel of Christ. Christ has always existed because He is the Creator. In Him, life is found. Study John 1:1-5 with Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio on…
A Man Sent From God (John 1:6-14)
John the Baptist came as a witness to the long awaited Messiah of Israel. John was commissioned to this great work before he was even born. He was the forerunner of Jesus, but the Messiah would ultimately be rejected. In the message of the suffering Savior the offer of eternal life is found. The wo…
Who are You? (John 1:15-28)
John the Baptist came as a voice crying in the wilderness preparing the way for Yahweh. The religious leaders were left with questions. Who was this man? Why was he baptizing? John’s entire life and ministry pointed to Jesus. Study John 1:15-28 with Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio on Return to the W…
The Lamb of God (John 1:29-39)
There was one man chosen by God to be the forerunner of the Messiah of Israel. Now that the Savior had come, John the Baptist stood faithful to his task. The Son of God had come into the world and this now means every person must decide how they will respond to the Lamb of God. Study John 1:29-39 …
Heaven Shall Open (John 1:40-51)
It was the opening days of the ministry of the long awaited Messiah of Israel. The first disciples of Jesus had found the Messiah. But could He honestly be from Nazareth? An amazing journey was about to begin. Study John 1:40-51 with Bible Teacher Mark Fontecchio on Return to the Word Radio. Teach…
Religion Won’t Save You (John 3:1-15)
Long ago, a man lived who represented the best of all mankind. He was religious, educated, and wealthy. Surely this man had a place in the Kingdom of God. Christ told Nicodemus otherwise. Religion and good works are not what it takes to inherit eternal life. Study John 3:1-15 with Bible Teacher M…
Why Did Jesus Make Wine? (John 2:1-12)
Some of the best planned weddings have turned into total disasters. This was almost the case in Cana until Jesus turned the water into wine. It may look like Jesus was just helping a young couple, but something much more significant was taking place. The events that transpired have direct ramificat…
Consumed by Zeal (John 2:13-25)
The Temple of God had become a barnyard. Those entrusted with its care stood guilty of fleecing the people. The religious authorities were not prepared for the Son of God to show up. The cleansing of the Temple by Jesus led to the opportunity to give a prophetic statement that the Temple of His B…
Do You Know His Love? (John 3:16-21)
The greatest summary of God’s love that could ever be written is contained in the words of John 3:16. These are also some of the most well-known words from the entire Bible, but this doesn’t mean that most people know of His love. The Christian faith stands apart from the religions of the world be…
I Must Decrease (John 3:22-36)
He had created a stir in Israel like few in recent history. His message was uncompromising and bold. For those that followed him, there was little doubt that John had been sent by God. Why were others turning to follow another? This seemed unimaginable. What could it mean for the ministry of this g…