6. High Reliability Organisations
How the Queensland mining and quarrying industries can chart out a journey to a safer future.
5. Why bad things DON'T happen
Why DON'T bad things happen in other complex and hazardous industries, like hospitals and aircraft carriers?
4. Why everything you know about reporting is wrong
Why more reports of things going wrong can actually be a good thing. And why organisations drift into failure.
3. The paperwork problem
The problems with paperwork, procedures and administrative controls in preventing serious accidents. Resources and links: Hierarchy of Controls, by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Hierarchies of Control, on page 6 of Prevention and Intervention, by the Australian Inst…
2. The role of human error in fatalities
What is causing fatalities in the mining industry? And what is the role of human error? Resources and links: The causal diagram we discuss in this episode
1. Why now is the time for change
A whirlwind tour of what we'll cover in this podcast series. And why now is the time for change.
Rethinking Safety launching on 26th Aug 2020
A show where the Queensland mining industry charts out the journey to a safer future.