An Unfriendly Wager
John Covington and Thomas Malone discuss the keys to recruitment and retention for first responders. Meanwhile, Dispatcher Max takes listeners down memory lane as he discusses the an unfriendly sports wager: The Chicago Black Sox Scandal of 1919.
The Key To Officer Retention???
John Covington, Vice President of the Memphis Police Association, and Ken Wolcott, Chief Steward of the Memphis Police Association, lay out the practical answers to what leads to greater officer retention. Dispatcher Max goes down an unlikely avenue of Memphis criminal history during his latest ins…
Wives & War Stories
John Covington, Vice President of the Memphis Police Association, is joined by cohost Sgt. Ken Walcott, who has brought along his wife Lia and buddy from the beat, Sgt. Brian Kay, to share some "war stories" about first responders and their spouses.
Story Time With Officer Wolcott
John Covington and Thomas Malone are regaled with tales from the beat by their good buddy Officer Ken Wolcott, Chief Steward of the Memphis Police Association. Dispatcher Max pulls out the Ouija Board once again to bring another criminal tale from Memphis past during this week's installment of "The…
Mini Golf & Law Enforcement
John Covington, Vice President of the Memphis Police Association, joins listeners live from the MPA Picnic at Putt Putt Golf & Games, hosted in honor of the brave men and women who protect and serve the citizens of Memphis.
"More Facts From A Dog's..."
John Covington and Thomas Malone are joined once more by their good friend State Senator Brent Taylor, who updates listeners on the "Mulroy Front."
"Crime's Goin Down Everyday"
John Covington and Thomas Malone take listeners through an intense officer involved shooting in California's Koreatown, offering insight as men behind the badge. Dispatcher Max unearths another chapter in the criminal history of Memphis in another installment of the "Graveyard Shift."
Onward, Spartans!!
John Covington and Thomas Malone are joined by District 2's very own City Councilwoman Jerri Green to discuss her fight for the citizens of Memphis.
Two Angry Old Men
John Covington and Thomas Malone "tastefully" voice their concerns regarding crime in Memphis, as well as share things police officers wish the public knew about their jobs. Lastly, Dispatcher Max gives the history of emergency communications.
Becoming A First Responder??
John Covington and Thomas Malone ask Dispatcher Max to play "angel's advocate" to ask questions on behalf of those that might be considering a career as a first responder.