Red Pilled America’s studio finally got it’s power back. We talk about the Los Angeles wildfires. Who’s to blame? Will this historic fire will cause a culture shift in La La Land? And this and more on RPA's Famboogie.
This is Red Pilled America. Hey everyone, The following is Red Pilled America's Famboogie. We need your support. Please become a backstage subscriber and get ad free access to our entire back catalog of episodes. Just go to Redpilled America dot com and click join in the top menu. We'll be back later this week with a brand new episode of Red Pilled America. Now on with fanboogie. Hey, this is Patrick Carelci.
Hey, I'm Adriana Cortez and welcome to Red Pilled America's ham Boogie.
What a way to start twenty twenty five.
Yeah, we have.
We have had a doozy of a time here in California dealing with these wildfires.
It has not been fun.
It's been no bueno.
This was such high hopes at the beginning of this year and then you know, what is it. We're six days in, seven days in, and this starts to happen here in California and our power gets shut off. So we've been without power for you know, three days or so, and we've been kind of having a little adventure, I would say, a little bit of a family adventure dealing with the with this wildfire and dealing with this power outage.
How you guys doing.
I hope you guys twenty twenty five is doing better than ours has started off. This is Red Pilled America's fam Boogie and we are just here for the fan bam today. We wanted to get up a new episode this Friday, but because of our power outage, we ran into that kind of minor hiccup.
I would say, yeah, you know what, I have to say that I'm going to look at our situation as a positive thing because we have so many friends that really have lost everything. We have a few friends that have lost everything whose homes have have been lost in the fires and really in the blink of and I have lost everything, and we've been very, very fortunate. We only lost power, so we were actually lucky. So I'm going to actually look at it as a good omen for twenty twenty five.
You know, that's a great way to look at it.
And also too, it was a nice kind of test run for us because we got a backup system up and running. We had had power pretty much within I don't know twelve too.
We didn't really have power, but you know, we had a generator that powered up our refrigerators.
We have two refrigerators because we're fatties.
I mean yeah, and you know, we were able to power up our phone, but we didn't have any access to the internet. We didn't have any lights. Really, we had to you know, we had lamps.
There and there.
Actually figured out the internet thing today today, I figured that out. So we got this generator, and you know, I really feel like it's one of these kinds of things everyone should be prepared for. And now I feel like we are in such a great spot if another catastrophe happens we got a generator. Initially, it was just kind of like, let's get our refrigerator going, let's kind of save our food, let's power up all of our devices. This isn't gonna last that long. It's going to be you know, I think before maybe it's been like eight hours or so. You know that typically happens once a year now here in California, where we have a kind of a shutdown for about eight hours or so. And I thought, okay, maybe we can just you know, let's just get there are things kind of powered up and ready to go.
And then it started to go longer and long.
Let me tell you.
By today, day three, we were getting very resourceful.
We figured out some whole new Now I'm like, okay, I'm starting to hear these rumors. If anybody has the Ring, turn that thing off in these moments because people start to put out the craziest rumors. So I'm looking at the Ring and they had this neighborhood part of the Ring and people are saying, Oh, I'm hearing it's going to beginning February. The second week of February. Was anybody else hearing this? And I'm like, are you kidding me? So at the point that I'm hearing that, I'm like, okay, I got to get some more gas, and I got to figure out this internet thing. So, you know, in a pinch, our daughter needed to get a file to somebody yesterday, and I laughed at her when she asked me.
I'm like, we're not gonna be able to do that. We don't have.
Internet, And so she starts to push on this situation. I'm like, wait a minute, I got to figure this out because she needs to get this to one of her teachers.
So we figured that out.
So you basically have a hot spot on your phone and then you connect your computer to your phone hot spot and now you have Internet, very slow, but you have Internet.
I'll tell you, a necessity really is the mother of invention.
I mean, we made some things happen.
We made something's happened. So next thing, you know, I'm like, I couldn't get my computers up and running. It first through the generator, and I realized, oh, because I have two refrigerators connected to it and a like four or five displays and what have you. And I'm like, I got to I got to pull off some of these displays and just focus on the thing that I need right now. And sure enough, I ended up getting my computer up and running, was able to get the other version, or excuse me, the finale version of Western Chauvinists up for Friday. I didn't think that was going to end up happening. That ended up happening. And now we're recording a fan boogie. We have our power on just like maybe two hours.
I just went on two hours ago. But here we're back at it.
And now we're back at it.
Yeah, you know what, I will say this, So we have a gas generator. Yeah, and I think that investing in the kind that you know, ties into the house.
I think that's not a bad idea.
Well, you know, it is a major unit. We did have our entire neighborhood all the way up to the hill was out of power, and we had it was completely black.
In the neighborhood.
I mean, you just get to see how how the pioneers lived back by the way.
It totally blew our daughter's mind.
She was like, wait, wait a minute, what do you mean we don't have power? Like does this work?
Does that work?
We were like, no, there's no electricity. It was like a completely wait a.
Minute, I can't drive my hair with my hair dryer. No you can't. We don't have power.
So so but but but we As I was driving through the town, I saw this one guy around the block. And this guy is he's the guy that throws the huge Halloween parties and has the Halloween like a haunted house.
This guy is very resourceful, extremely real. You need to make friends with this man.
And he's a huge Trump fan.
He had the Trump felon signs up when the Trump thing, when Trump the election started, he had, like I want to say, he had at least three signs that were.
Yeah, we had three signs and a flag. Yeah, I mean, this guy's a patriot.
I'm down with him.
So and he said, oh, he'll you know if anybody like from my everyone from my squad is Trump people.
Are you kidding me? Everyone's from Trump people. Anyways.
I we're driving through the town the other day to go get some d because we don't have any you know, power yet, and we dragged by his house and it's fully lit. It's like but it's this thing that like it stands up like a star because it's so much light. And sure enough, he had one of these huge generators. Now I don't think he has that on site. I think that generator and I.
Saw it by the way, I saw the electrician wiring it into his power grid.
I actually saw it happen.
I was like, what's going on there?
Why isn't Patrick doing that?
What's wrong with Patrick?
Well, he's a construction guy, and so it's something that he's used to doing, and so you need something like that.
I know Anthony Kumilla, he used to have like a fully like I think he used to have this crazy generator that was like could do his whole block, you know. I think, and I think and he had. I think it was because of his studio that he had there.
So I don't know. We might invest in something like that at some point.
I think that we should.
But right now we have enough to where if this was to happen, I would be able to get up and running within like thirty minutes.
You know what, it was a really good learning And.
Tell me how impressed you were by me?
So impressed? My gosh, I mean, day three, we had a lamp going. Guys, this guy's what.
Are you talking about? I had an internet going yesterday. Oh so you know this, fire man, It's crazy. I've lived here my entire life, in southern California, in the Los Angeles area, and I've never seen anything like this. I double checked with my mom and I asked her, you know, do you ever remember them cutting off the the the power, you know, with due to weather conditions? She said, no, one time there was a windstorm that took out the power in our area. It wasn't like a wildfire kind of a thing. It was just like a windstorm and we were without power for about five days.
That's a long time.
It's an extremely long time. But it wasn't widespread. It was just our area.
I don't remember this anything like this in my entire fifty plus years here in the Los Angeles area. We've had some wildfires recently. I think that it is a culmination of this competency crisis that so many people have been talking about, just kind of building up and building up and building up until this burst at this moment when the competency crisis meets the right environmental conditions, and you have basically, you know, effeckless government, Democrat government here in California that did not capture the water that we've had over the last couple of years. We've had record reigns over the course of the last couple of years. They didn't do anything to mitigate these kind of fire fodder that's been out there. I mean, Trump came here famously during his presidency talking to Gavin Newsom, our governor, and going to the forest and saying, hey, you know, this is things we need to kind of clean the floors of the forest. We need to pick up these fallen trees. Because he went outside I believe it was Austria and spoke to the Austrian government or Austrian leader there, and he said that you know, you guys can stop these fires, these wildfires, we don't have them here by cleaning up your forests. You need to clean up your forest.
You have the brush.
We have the environmentalists that came in and did things with this delta smelt fish that didn't allow water to kind of come down here to Los Angeles because that for fear of this endangered you know, one or two inch fish something like that. So you have you have that. You have the DEEI now creeping into the fires to the firearm.
Top fire people are lesbian.
Lady, Yeah, the the LA Los Angeles Fire Department chief is a lesbian and it seems like all of her she's been lesbian. Seems like her top priority is creating diversity. Yeah, I'm going to play a quick clip for that.
This is her name is Kristin Crowley, and here she is talking about kind of the top priority of her job as a LA. As a LA chief of the Fire department, I am super inspired.
She took time out of her already busy schedule to tell us about her vision for the department's future, one that includes a three year strategic plan to increase diversity.
People ask me, what number are you looking for us.
I'm not looking for a number is never enough.
Out of thirty three hundred city firefighters, only one hundred and fifteen are women. Right now, she's already looking at ways to change that. She's quick to point out that doing so has a greater purpose attracting the best and brightest for the job.
They feel included, they feel valued, and they feel part of a cohesive team.
But Chief also checks another box when it comes to inclusivity and diversity, and this departments a proud member of the LGBTQ community.
That just kind of opens the door of people that thought, oh, I didn't even know that that was an opportunity. So this is her kind of that's her her her goal in life and story about.
The diverse really really upsetting.
But rather than checking the you know, the fire hydrants to make sure checking the pressure, to make sure that they under kind of these kind of critical conditions or these critical moments, does the water flow? You know, is are we cleaning out our forests? Are we like cleaning out these brush areas so that this kind of this can't happen. When you see eighty mile per hour projected, I mean this is something it didn't just pop on us. They knew that there was none be eighty mile per hour winds coming, Like, were you guys ready in that regard? What why haven't you guys been working to to capture the rain that we had over the last couple of years. That was just incredible amounts of rain, like record rain that we've I remember last year, I was like, I cannot believe it's raining again. It was like Noah's Arc kind of rain. They didn't capture it, they just let it flow into the ocean.
Yeah, it's so upsetting because you know, we have really really good friends that are just you know, dealing with the worst and right now their house is still in danger. There's no water in the fire hydrants and there's not even any firemen up where they are, and it's just it's mismanagement by the state of California, and there's no excuse for it. We pay the highest taxes here and we don't even have water in our fire hydrants.
Yeah, it is.
And I think a lot of people have been saying, oh, you know, it's just rich people out there, and it's just rich libs. Every person that I know, about half a dozen families in the Pacific Palisades area.
They're all conservative.
Every single one that I know is a conservative.
We're all conservatives.
They're incredible people, incredible people.
I mean we're talking about you know, a close, close friend of ours took time out of his busy schedule to go to Arizona to go door to door to try to basically get votes for Donald Trump as part of the Turning Point USA program. His house is in jeopardy right now. You have the Bright Part guys, the Bright Part headquarters has been there for years and years and years. You know, several of the Bright Part team houses have been in jeopardy.
Have heard it.
One potentially has lost has lost his home. You know, you have true, true patriots out here in California area. Red Pilled America is in California. Bright Parts in California. Like I said earlier that Daily Wire got their start here. You have the Babylon b guys that are out here. There's been you know, California, as much as it is kind of a shit lib state, we have you know, some major major patriots here. And I've been seeing a lot of people trying to dunk on on you know, kind of just the like almost kind of like, ah, you.
Know, you guys deserve it.
You guys get with yeah, and there I And there is an argument for that iment, No.
There is.
I mean, if you have people that have voted for these people voted for the DEI people. But here's the problem with that argument, and we'll get to that right after the break. Twenty twenty five is here and it's time to treat yourself to the Licorice Guy. You guys should know by now that I love licorice and it doesn't get any better than the delicious gourmet licorice made by the Licorice Guy. They have a great selection of flavors to choose from, like red, blue, raspberry, black, and green apple, just to name a few. The freshness of the Licorice Guy is unlike anything you've ever tasted in licorice before. Seriously, if you haven't tried licorice from the Licorice Guy, then you ain't living your life right. It's time to dump the store bought licorice. It's so hard that it can break a tooth and get yourself the soft, fresh stuff from the licorice Guy. What I also love about the Liquorice Guy is that it's an American family owned business. It's made right here in the beautiful US of A. We are big proponents of buying American and supporting American workers. Right now, Red Pilled America listeners get fifteen percent off when you enter RPA fifteen at checkout. Visit licoriceguy dot com and enter RPA fifteen checkout. That's licoriceguide dot com. Treat yourself and those you love and taste the difference at licoriceguide dot com. Welcome back to Red Pilled America's famboogie. Let's continue with our conversation about the Los Angeles wildfires. California is in the predicament that it is in because of Ronald Reagan's amnesty. That's the conservative stalwart that everybody kind of talks about is Ronald Reagan is the is the kind of conservative epitome of the conservatism. He gave amnesty in nineteen eighty six under the false pretense that the Democrats were going to work with him to curb illegal immigration. After he did that and all it did was increase it. But ultimately when he gave that amnesty, we lost California for the foreseeable future. The nineteen ninety two election. Basically, the Republicans lost California and they haven't won it since then. And it's did this one party system here over all of those years, and then it became a this kind of progressive, experimental lab For all this crazy DEI work and all this crazy kind of depolicing, it's all happened here in California. But you can't just blame the blame the Democrats for that. You have to if you're really going to look at the origin of what happened here in California, you have to realize and acknowledge that Ronald Reagan played a part in that. And you also have patriots here in this state that are being affected by this Pacific Palace. AIDS did not vote for Karen bass As for mayor of Los Angeles. They voted for Rick Caruso, famous guy out here, entrepreneur out here in Los Angeles. He developer, developed the grove, He's developed several other spots.
I believe he has. There's a Pacific Palace aides mall that he's developed.
Which, by the way, so yes, it actually lived.
The irony of that or that kind of the the symbolism of that is pretty interesting. So you know, it's just don't throw you know, California under the under the bus on this.
Yeah, listen, at the end of the day.
For me, what I don't really care the political affiliation that people have. If people are in need and I'm in a position to help them, I'm going to help them. And I got a lot of you know, ugly comments on my social media saying like, well, I'm not going to help California. Yeah, they're on the wrong side of the political bank game. And I just think that that's just a really it's Unamerican to look at it that way.
People are in need right now. It is what it is.
There's young children that are innocent, and these people need help.
And so I went in.
My closet today and I pulled up a bunch of clothes and I'm donating it to people that have lost everything because they need help.
You're so great like that.
I think that this has been a it's going to We're going to see a culture shift potentially happen from this. And I saw Corolla kind of talking about this and this Pacific Palace Age. You have very powerful people.
In this area.
It is a beautiful city. It is as close to heaven as you can get. There's a reason why the Getty Museum and the Getty Villa is in that area. It is gorgeous. It's kind of like Malibu comes to Los Angeles. It overlooks UCLA on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other side. And you have these powerful people there now that saw this mismanagement, that saw that while their homes were burning down. The mayor is in Ghana, Okay, they see that the water not coming out of the hydrants. They see this homeless problem that has started fires. And there's this huge homeless industrial complex that has been funded with billions and billions of dollars to stop homelessness, and all it's done is increased it. And these homeless people start fires in these areas. They get cold around this time, they'll start fire to get warm. Next thing, you know, brush fire taking out you know, thousands of homes. This has happened here on multiple occasions. They're seeing that happen. They're seeing the DEI in here kind of just creeping into this. You're seeing this competency crisis kind of just flow out of all this. It has to be a red pill moment, right, now they see this guy, Rick Caruso, mark my words, he's going to run for mayor again the next time that it comes up. I have a hard time believing that Karen Bass will end up winning against him with this horrible, horrible mismanagement of the situation.
And by the way, you've already seen some celebrities come out and you know, say, Gavin Newsom, Karen Bass, step down, You've mismanaged this.
You know, you've ruined our state. You know, people that are Democrats, they're.
Pissed, Yeah, they are.
And I've been I've also been seeing this other topic that I thought has been kind of interesting, is everybody kind of dunking on State Farm and they're like, okay, State Farm, you know, I'll never buy your insurance again because this kind of this news has kind of been spreading out there that they dumped people's wildfire insurance right before this all happened. And what actually happened was is they weren't allowed to increase their prices here in California. Basically, if you follow the policies of the Kamala Harrises of the world, who want to price fix, who don't want to they want to put price controls out there and don't allow companies to charge what they need to charge in order to stay in business. Well, State Farm and other insurance companies that have been out there, they've been having a lot of payouts on wildfires. So they look at California and they see the governor not clearing out all this wildfire brush, not doing anything to capture the water, not allowing this DEI to enter into.
This system, cutting the budgets.
Cutting the budgets. There was a seventeen million dollar budget cut in to the fire department. They're seeing this all happen and they're like, Okay, we need to raise prices.
So whats There is a disaster coming. It is coming.
It's coming. Everyone saw it coming. You had Joe Rogan talking about this last year on his show, basically saying that he had he spoke to a fire chief and he said there is going to be an enormous fire. This was in I think mid twenty twenty four. He divulges this conversation he had with this fire guy, this fire expert, saying there's going to be this huge fire in Los Angeles. We aren't going to be able to stop it. It's going to sweep through and take out tens of thousands of hair.
It's going to burn all the way to the ocean. And that's exactly what happened.
Exactly. You had Trump talking about this being an issue. Well, this these insurance companies see this coming. They've been making these payouts and they just kind of see it building and building a building. So they say we need to raise prices. Well, in California, in order for insurance companies to raise prices, there is a proposition I believe it was Proposition one zero three that in nineteen eighty eight that forces insurance companies to go to an insurance zar in California to get an approval for a price increase. Well, they go to them, and they're kept stopping their increases on these insurance policies. Well, there comes a point when you are paying out so much and you see the problem building and building and building, where you are going to say, Okay, I need to pull either pull out of this market or stay in this market. I need to either increase my prices or pull out of this market. They made the decision we have to pull out because we can't increase. They won't allow us to increase there's too many regulations in place now stopping us from increasing. So they basically made the decision, a calculated decision, to pull out of California. And when they did that, some of these people lost their wildfire insurance.
Yes, but which, by the way, is a specific type of insurance. You know, a lot of people have fire insurance, Like if you start a fire in your kit and your house burns down, you know, that's a specific type of fire insurance. But wildfire insurance is a different type of insurance that you must have. But when you live in those kinds of areas, and I know, because we have, you have to get wildfire insurance. And by the way, insurance companies have been leaving California and drobes. You know, we've lost a few policies as well and had to, you know, scramble to find a new one.
Yes, and it's because of this, yeah, Prop one O three. So you know it's I think there's a lot of bad information out there on this thing. And I would say this when I look at this and I say, why does this matter to the rest of the country, I would say, one, do not let this kind of liberal, progressive DEI policy start to seep into your state because you might think you're being good. All these kinds of words sound nice and it sounds like you're doing good. Of course I went diversity and equity, and it sounds good, but it always goes in this direction where there becomes a competency crisis. And I when we were strongly considering moving to Tennessee, I started doing that research and the school that we were going to put our daughter into had massive wokeness within it. We started looking at the certain cities to kind of move to, and you look at the trend and you see the growth in the Hispanic population in those areas because they were allowing illegal immigrants to come in and do work for cheap. You start to let this kind of stuff seep into your state before you know it. You might think that you're far off and oh, we're deep red, and what have you. It happens California was deep red. They put Great Reagan was our governor. You know, we would it was a reliable, reliable, Republican state, and then they allowed they basically amnestied all of these people. And it's lost for the foreseeable future. You know, maybe there will maybe this will start to tip things a certain direction. Maybe people will start to see this and say, wait a minute, we we we can't be worrying about a fish. We have to put humans above of some one inch two inch fish, which by the way, doesn't even live now, uh naturally out there. I mean that this all this effort to save this fish, and this fish is going extinct.
It's just happening.
So do not let these policies creep into your state, because if you do, uh, it's gonna you're going to start going in this direction.
It d e I uh.
Firmative action on steroids.
It's a de i is spelt, you know, another way to die for a reason. And really the people kind of used to laugh at people that say, oh, okay, people are gonna die under this. You know, people can actually die because of this, because it's one thing for Hollywood, it's a whole another thing for the fire department, or the or the airrow you know, the airplane, you know, industry or what have you to kind of take on these issues, the military, to take on these issues. People will die if you allow this, these kinds of policies to come in. So with that, you know, I just we just kind of wanted to put up a real quick fam boogie for you guys and kind of let you guys know that, you know, kind of talk from from the you know, from the fire, you know, and and and give you guys kind of an update on us.
And and really and I'm sorry that we weren't able to put up a new episode this week, because we have a good one ready to go.
We just you know, weren't able to finish production on it.
We are working on what I think is going to be one of our best stories in the history of red pilled America.
I'm very excited about this.
It's going to be a very interesting series that we're going to be putting together for you guys. That's going to be We're going to be launching that in a few weeks. We have some big plans for this year. We're really excited. We're also excited for the inauguration. We were seriously planning on going and then this happened to kind of threw us out of whack and we got behind schedule. So we're not going to be making it out there. But you know, we're focused on this show, and we're focused on you. Thank you so much for your support. I cannot tell you how much it means to us that you guys are here with us. Without you, without our subscribers, without our fan bam, this show doesn't exist, does not period period. Thank you so much for being here with us. Please let us know how your twenty twenty five is starting off. Hopefully it's starting off a little bit better than ours is. But I want you guys to enjoy the rest of your week and we will be back next week. We're going to try to do these fan boogies as much as possible. We just don't want to pull away from the show, but we're going to try to do this as.
Much a background schedule for the new year. Happy New Year, everybody.
Happy New Year everyone, and we will be seeing you soon. Thank you for helping us save America one story at a time. Until next time, goodbye, guys.
By everyone said my