
Blunt Rolling Secrets, Drunk Stoners, Pot Taboos + Jason’s allergies

Published Mar 21, 2023, 1:32 AM

Wait…how many blunts a day can a rapper smoke?

Hearing that the number could be as high as seventy-five blunts a day, Jason and Peter- in search of the answer- went directly to the source. 

Snoop Dogg’s former personal blunt roller, Ranagade PerRana reveals just how much pot is smoked and why some feel the need to employ a blunt roller.

Jason’s slew of allergies prevents him from partaking in the California marijuana renaissance so consequently, he had to learn pot terminology, and he and Peter also found out about:

  • Pot’s possible medicinal qualities.
  • How Ranagade went from Iranian migrant to full-time blunt roller.
  • What happens when recreational smoking gets out of control. 
  • Blunt rolling party pop-ups.
  • What a blunt roller’s tax write-offs look like.
  • Franchising opportunities and the rise of the Professional Roller Association of America.

Follow Ranagade PerRana on Instagram: @RanagadePerRana

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Hey, Jason Peter, Yes, go on, uh huh yeah. I was googling, and I learned that Martha Stewart's best to, you know, Snoop Dogg, had a blunt roller who was quoted, or should I say misquoted as as rolling seventy five to one hundred and fifty blunts per day for Snoop And that was just Mondays through Thursdays, Fridays and the weekends. He really blew it out. You know what I'm saying. We have to find out if that's even possible. How can you function on many not many blunts? Yeah? Yeah, Jason, you know what a blunt is, right, m I couldn't say exactly, but let me. I'm gonna it's like an oversized marijuana cigarette with like a cigar or other tobacco leaf wrapping. Wow. Oh okay. Yeah, And apparently she is an old it's a woman, renegade piranha. But apparently this blunt rolling thing it's a real, actual job. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. Really no, really yeah really now really now? Yes, welcome out, Yes, welcome. We should say we should always say welcome. We should say welcome to really know, welcome to really, really you want to tell them your name just because they don't know, there's no reason they would necessarily. I'm Peter Tilman's behind your head in a forty foot font and I I'm his best friend, Jason Away. And today's really no, really, yeah, this is this is one where I think I got off at the station. This is We're in a world I know so very little about, very very little about there really no really today is I'm reading about a blunt roller? Yeah, I say to Jay. And by the way, already I don't know what you're talking about. So so today's really a blunt yeah, blunt roller? Yeah, because I see this article about snoop and that's not what I care about as much. I go, how much spot are you smoking that you need a blunt roll? Like if you're smoking two Blonts today, three? How many? And is there did someone walking to an employment and seeing they go, what are your skills? And then you'll look at that. Look what that says Zipp recruiter. I just checked out Zipp recruiter. Yeah, seven hundred and sixty one joint roller jobs. Really what am I knocking myself out doing this? Exactly? So we wanted to talk to the foremost celebrated blunt roller. She's in a tough business because it's a male dominant of business. Sure, and how do you trust that you're working with they're all stoned. How do you know they're gonna pay it? How do you know they remember that? I'm assuming it's a cash upfront business. We'll find that. We'll find out. Renegade piranhas joining us. Lovely to meet you. Thank you the studio, so excited to be here, excited to have you here. So before we talk about and do remember through the entire interview, I don't know anything you're talking. I'll tell you no, no no, no point of repay. I say to Jason, I just in passing, we prep a little bit, not that it looks it. And I go, you know the four twenty things? And he goes, what's four twenty? And I go, wait a minute, and I take the headlines from the New York Times. It says, of course everybody knows about four twenty, but what they don't know is and I go, not everybody knows. So you're talking, you're gonna be talking? What does that even mean? Everybody knows? How does everybody know what am I remedial. Why wouldn't I know if everybody knows. Nobody tells me things. Everybody knows. People withhold things because you're like my sons. I said to them when they were growing up, Hey, you're gonna see technology. I don't want to be like my parents, who couldn't program a VCR. VCR, by the way, was anything that we used to have it was. I didn't want to be that, so I said to my children, take me along as you learn something. Take me the terminology your music, share your music with me, saying nothing not they showed me nothing. I got you, Jason, I'm gonna have you so hip you're about to be hip hop. I got drunk. I got about you on the No Jumper interview, and I understood about half of what you're talking about because here's my complaint about your industry. Yeah, they're eight names. I think, for part when a stoner needs simplicity, you need one name, one name for stuff to stoners because they're going splif. It so the best way to explain the depth of all this, and I think it kind of helps with tying in how you feel coming in and saying, what is going on here? How come I wasn't told about this. I think there was a lot of propaganda and things that were made to demonize cannabis, and there was no research down on it for the medicinal properties of it and all the good things that it actually brings to people's lives. So I think in the past few years now, with the dispensaries, with all of the legalization that's happening recreational as well, we have now research and all this stuff added behind it. So now you are seeing this world that has been real to everybody who basically just was like, hey, we've seen this in effect for years. If you've ever you know, hung around the same way the wine world has its own. There's all these terms that you might not know about, but it's a whole world. So I think now that we're taking the taboo off of cannabis, now everyone's like, Okay, what's going on here and why have I been missing out on it? But you've been missing out on it because I think everyone was afraid of getting bubble, so we've kind of kept some of the terminology itself. So well, I get it. And by the way, here's yeah, I do know because you mentioned it. Do you know allegedly, this is what I've read. Do you know why the marijuana business was originally demonized? Do you know who was responsible for it? Supposedly Monty Hall No, okay, very good guests tried the curtain. No, it was it was William Randolph Hurst because he had invested, because he owned the newspaper industry, he had invested in forest lands and lumber to make wood pulpy. And they discovered was hemp is easier to grow, faster to grow, makes a more durable paper, and he he didn't want to lose his investment in the lumberyard, so he demonized hemp, Yes, and every derivative that you could make from it. That allegedly, No, that's that's a solid allegedly. Another allegedly was it was demonizing all the jazz singers because all of the young uptown girls would go to Harlem and would go to all these jazz clubs and kind of like have fun all night long, and their parents were like, you can't go there, So they demonize it, and that's where all the reefer madness kind of stuff came out. Lac I don't know. Sorry, I'm bad historians, but I do know I think it was like forties or fifties. I think it was like three sixties. It was earlier. It was much earlier, because it was like right when jazz and stuff kind of was still going. Yeah, no, we've got a fact on your here. I got a quick thropple for you. According to the Google reefer, Madness was originally produced in nineteen thirty six by a church group under the title Tell Your Children. The film was intended to be shown to parents as an anti marijuana morality tale. The film was later rediscovered in the nineteen seventies and gained a new life as an unintentional satire among advocates of Can't This policy reform. Secondly, while William Randolph Hurst was undoubtedly anti cannabis, his motivations are still debated. Hears newspapers depicted marijuana as the assassin of youth, causing crime and violence. These stories were often based on racist tropes, which Hurst was known to have a sasspot for. Finally, his associate Harry Angslinger, who was the first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and under that agency, jazz singers were targeted, including individuals such as Billy Holliday, whose music was supposedly satanic and the result of marijuana use. We got a lot to cover today. Yeah. The first thing is, let me briefly address the controversy. The controversy was you in an interview allegedly twenty five joints, and you were taken out of context. You would said you roll a half a pound to a pound a day, and they added it up as if it was him. And by the way, I looked it up and Snoop in twenty thirteen said he did eighty one, even though that's unverified. So you don't give out what they're smoking. I mean, I guess, yeah, sure, I guess so. Yeah, without me even realizing it was that, I guess so. But it's like personal too, Like I don't think it's anyone's business how you get down with your person, Like how you like your cheeseburger should only be your chef's business, how you like your steaks. With every passing moment, I'm rely Also, let me let me give you one more thing. You would ask the question earlier. I don't want to skip past it. You said, there's twelve hundred names right now, for sure. The best thing to compare this too would be like dog breeding. So you imagined when dogs back in the day, there was only a few types of dogs, and now you have like teacup yorkeys and like whipper doodle, snapper snaps, Like what are these dogs? But they're just these dogs that have been bred together. So now if you get a pure bred dog, you might see those um like a border Collie or whatever. You might these instinctive things that are in it. But some of these dogs are just thirteen fourteen different things kind of bread together. So it's really genetic breeding. But it's also done in the name of science and medicine because once you break this plant down, you realize within this these original plants, there's all of these variants that can create more of this effect or more of this relief. Some of them now they've geared it for strictly pain relief. Some of them are geared strictly for And this doesn't mean it's going to cure it in any capacity. I am not a doctor. These are this opinions, and everyone has an opinion. Don't forget. But what this now it does is now you can say if you suffer from epilepsy or MS or Parkinson's. These would be the types of strains that would be really good for you. One of the reasons that I am so ignorant of everything in this world is when I was a teenager and I first encountered pot and I tried it. Now, I never get migraine. Yeah, my reactions to it were sort of migraine, intense headaches, absolutely hive. And a physician said to me, you know you're allergic to him, absolutely, and is that a thing that is that is absolutely? That is absolutely? Well no, there's there's no So there's no like lactate free cannabis yet, but you could smoke like but you could, but you could take like CBD extract medicine or gummies and things like that, you know, because I thought, okay, CBD extracted probably doesn't carry the things I would say, we need to I call for this right now. We need to get testing put in place for cannabis to where we can test somebody to see if they're allergic to the THHC to the CBD, to the THHA, to the CBO. I mean, there's so many different little things that they pull out of them. Yeah, because because some people who are lactose intolerant can have lactate free milk sure, or like lactose free milk right, or they can take some sort of thing beforehand that helps offset it and then they can digest the milk. So I'm sure we're smart enough people. Let's get this together. That's why she's the top one this world. So let me before we get into blunts from some points whatever. I was blown away. I watched, like I said to no Jumper thing fifteen years old to come over from Iran. Yes, you have to figure out what's going to you go to Cincinnati. Yeah, was that with you? I moved to Cincinnati when I was ten. You made this immigration with your family? Yes, with my parents, my brother and my sister at the time. No, no, no, no um. I left Iran when I was like eight. I lived in Vienna, Austria for about a year and a half, so I learned German. So then I spoke Farsi and German, and then I moved to America and I had to learn English. I remember on the plane over here, the woman offered me ice water and water was the weirdest word I'd ever heard of the way, because right, so imagine like German is very you know, it's very in the mouth, right, and so it's FARSI. So it was it was interesting having to learn English. Yes, go ahead and day I'm sorry. You sit in your room, like I said, in my room practicing guitar. He practiced magic. Were you rolling? What were you doing? Well, it wasn't in my room. I think it was just the culture of us smoking. I was never a kid that was into anything else. As a kid, a lot of my friends were into, oh, let's find alcohol or let's I was just always into smoking. I guess even as a teenager, that was like the thing I was looking for. And then I would say hip hop culture was the biggest catalyst in me even discovering cannabis, because I wasn't like, I wasn't listening to the Willie Nelsons. There's there's some like that Johnny cash Is. I've found out later on that these guys were rooting for cannabis the whole time too. There's a lot of people that were right. So for me, hip hop was the thing that you know, like spark a blonde, roll a perfect blunt, let me spark it for you. That was one of two pox lines that kind of really struck home with me. But that where the blunt comes from. So you didn't know what the blunt was. So I don't know if this is factual actual, but from my personal understanding my educated guests, hip hop culture was very highly influenced by mafia Italian you know, mobsters, right. The whole culture of it is very law familia, you know, hold the family down, absolutely, you get it exactly exactly. So I think because of that they wanted to, you know, you want the look of the stogie in your mouth. It looks a lot more macho and it looks a lot cooler than a little tiny joint. The rappers were just taking cigars back in the day. It was like the Philly Titans exactly, the Optimos, the Swisher sweet natural leaves, and you just bust those down and they're they're there are the more accessible cigars. They're not the fancy schmancy aficionado you go to the smoke shop and the little human door. They're the ones that are at the back of the bodega and you bust those down and then you roll those that up you put the cannabis inside of that. So now it's like it's almost like an open face spliff or something. When you go to Europe, they put tobacco in with the with the flower inside of paper. So this is you're putting the tobacco outside of the flower. So like you ever had like So there's like the rice rolls, and then there's like and then there's like the noriy rolls. Right, so imagine the blunt is the Nori roll and then they joint is right? What is it? What's the hit if you're smoking a tobacco or blunt that the tobacco gives you. What is the added benefit smoke wise? I don't know. I mean, I don't know if there's I don't know if there's medicinal benefit. I'm sure there isn't. Also, although if you talk to Native Americans, they would say there's a lot of medicinal benefit also in tobacco. But I think it creates like a smoother hit and then you just look more gangster, Like what can I say? You know, like I want to look like Tony Montana. Sure, I want to feel like you know, why can't I be al Capone? I got no education? Yeah, I don't know. You I remember Pacino going, I remember that speech. I got no education. He's talking to Michelle Feife. I got no education. That's okay, that's okay. I know the streets, all the right people. I'm making all the right connection. That's right with the right woman. I could go right to the top. That's it. I remember, that's you, and then my little friend and then what I'm through with it. They didn't asked you in that role. And by the way I could do that, you would have killed that role, Jason, and nobody would believe jig j It sounds like against the big jig j j al that what is By the way, let me ask about names, you know, because not my real name. By the way, that's a stage. My real name, your name to camera. My real name is j j Y, middle name Scott. My last name is green span And I joined I joined my first acting union when I was a young teenager, and I had playground trauma because my last name was easy to green crap Green, you know you fill in the blank, and so I didn't. Oh, I gotta get rid of that. And I went in and I and my father's first name is Alexander, so I went Jason Alexander and they went sure. So it was a spur of the moment. But it's not bad. I'm assuming you were not born. So do you do you ever reveal your your I'm Randi, well, Rana summer Gandhi for the Americans, full name ran Jandi. You know, just thank you, thank you. Is it just because you are in the rap world that you decided to so honestly the names were given to me. Um. I'll just I'll give you brief story. When I first moved to America, my like seventh grade, I think she was my social studies teacher. I forget her name was miss Parks. If you're watching this, you know exactly who you are. She used to call me Rana Parana because she was like, it's an easy way for people to pronounce your name. And you're little, you got a big mouth, you're always You're not You're just always you're always talking, You're always saying stuff, You're feisy whatever. So then it was Randa Parana and then but I didn't yet, I mean at eleven, I wasn't really like adopting it as a nickname per se, but they would call me that, and then all the kids started calling me that. And then when I was in high school, jay Z and Eminem dropped a song called Renegade, Right jay Z, you know jay Z is and then you know and M and M is that. So they came out with a song that they did on collaboration. Other was on Jayz's album as the Blueprint whatever. But the song, the chorus of the song was I'm a renegade, not afraid to say what's on my mind at any given time of day. So then unanimously, every single person that lived in America and knew me and listened to rap music was like, Randa because my name is in it, and I had to Google. I'm not Google. I had to like Dictionary, look up. Weren't even men back then. Yeah, I'm like, what does RANDI? What is a renegade? And then I was like, oh, I like it. And then I married the two because Piranha's run in packs, sure right, I don't run, and I'm a I'm a brigade of one, an army of one, a renegade brigade of one. So being that that, I was like, oh, I'm a renegade Piranha because you're on your own. But now also I mean, I've I've known you all of eight minutes now, Yes, but has a sort of a vicious you know, and you don't see I don't get that vibe from here. Is it is? It? Is it an image thing as well? I think vicious is in the confidence you have to have as a small woman, like you said earlier, in these completely male dominated world. So I think the feisty isn't. I'm not a fighter, but I think when when somebody meets me, they initially you expect people to behave a certain way, and then when you see somebody speaking fearlessly or standing firm also in what they're saying, I think then that kind of some people go, oh my god, I love it, and then some people go a little aggressive. So you do blum bars blunt bars at events and stuff. Yeah, and you use me what it's like it's like? Is that like a sushi bar? Is that like that? I guess pool swim up a bar? Is it like? No? So it's like ju so I um big big jut so I um. So when I got the gig and I started doing the professional rolling, so now I'm rolling every single day copious amounts. You wouldn't believe it, from like eight hundreds hundreds of blunts a day and a day, every single day, back to back to back. So then I did this for years. So then like a year or maybe a year and a half into it, I was like, oh yo, what if I I was like, I'm pretty like my hand had gotten so machine like that. I was like, oh, this is easy, I could I could do. This is a show talk to people. Will I do? This? Is because I was always good, but then you know, once you become really machinery, now it's just crazy good. So then I started asking people who were throwing events in La to let me set up a blunt bar next to there, literally a blunt part. So literally I'll go sit there. And so I'm like, okay, well you would stand in line and let somebody make you a drink. It's California, it's La. Everyone I know at a party loves a joint more than a drink, if not as much as a drink, right, So I'm like, oh this, but I mean I'm and then you know, here we are. So then I started doing that, and then like people would stand in line and now I'm just rolling up. So next time you throw a party, I'll be there. Blunt bar. That's and By the way, those are exactly the kinds of parties, Peter. You've been parties. You fighting from one, Yeah, your own smores, which makes sense because then you're eating smarts. I want to go back. By the way, she has a very cool stage name. I have a stage name. You have a stage name. It was it was George Clooney. Unfortunely, what are you laughing? It was bad timing because I know the clowning. You're getting back to the blunt bark. Yeah, you're being tough. I can see you. Yeah, you gotta be top. You have a You're dealing with stune people all the time for parties. Partygoers they also want to be showing off in from their friends. Yeah, because it's that yea, and they're talking smack and all kinds of stuff happening. Yeah. So I can't imagine situations you've had to be in work. This could go so freaking bad. Oh god, my mom was right. I shouldn't have done this. Moments too, This is wonderful. Is that pretty accurate that it can be? Yeah, And I think that's where then you really realize, like, how mighty this little mighty mouse can be right in those moments? Is where I'm I'm eight foot five, and then all the guys that I know are like, yo, I have never seen someone put a big grown man like in his place without cussing him out or without having no absolutely you have to do how okay? So like you're literally just wilding, and I like, it's like a puppy that's acting up. You don't like acknowledge the bad behavior. You just literally look at it and go no, stop, get back in line, which is embarrassing, and then you just ignore right or then or then sometimes they come up and they're like, hey, I was in line, I asked you for one. But then if you leave line, it's like if you're getting a drink, it's like, if you leave the line, I can't like hold your drink for you and put your name on it. So the next person in line is just gonna get like you have to stand there and wait for me to do it. It only takes a minute for me to do it. If you don't have a minute for me, I'm giving it to the next person. Wow, you've change my relationship with Peter now. I know. Try and try and trace something, try and say something can stop stop, And then sometimes it's as simple as like, and it's not. It's not, but it's women too. It's women too, because the girls get really snappy. They're like, I need one for me and one for two of my friends that are sitting over there. Well, sweetheart, you gotta go bring your two friends because I can't roll one for you, and then the people behind you are watching me give you two more. I'm imagining the girls are tougher than the guys that you know what, here's the thing. A lot of people, honestly, with any type of bad it's like jiu jitsu, you know, like if you know anything about like martial arts or whatever. I don't know too much about them, but I know a little bit. Yeah, So from what I understand, most of the fighting styles is you throw the force, and with jiu jitsu you to use it against them. Right, So it's really that. It's really like I choose how to engage with you, and then for the most part, you just wanted attention. So I'll give you something, but i'll give you the one you didn't want, and now you've embarrassed yourself or and usually I don't want to do that, So usually I mean ninety nine percent of the people are good. But then you get one of those people that's like super duper drunk, and then they're like, hey, I asked for one and you didn't give it. In then I'm like, yo, relax, just stand right here. As soon as I'm done with this one asked the person behind you figure it out. And then sometimes they'll come and cut in front of people, and then and then then I go, you guys have to fight. I'm just gonna roll it and I'm going to hand it up, and you guys decide who's gonna take it, because if you guys want to cut each other off, y'll find it out. Marijuana, I'm supposed to be mellow. No, no, because you have no because if it was, if it was a strictly cannabis event, it would be that it would be exactly what you always heard of it. As soon as you're an alcohol in the mix, everyone's like, oh yeah, no, everyone puts on their phone. Your family loves this. There this, you have the support. Yes, why are you sweating? You're sweating my headaches? Do you have a strain of marijuana that helps headaches? Um? They're all helping. Some some will and some won't. Cannabis is very personal as well to your body. Yeah, so you can take recommendations from people, So I can give you a few recommendations on this or that. Later. This is I wasn't going to get into this, but during the COVID thing for last years, I never I don't. I didn't do drugs. I did drugs in college, or did Craig. Yeah, yeah, but after that note and I don't drink, not because it's just like I don't. But during the pandemic, I started dan smoking to go to bed, and I think it became eleven o'clock a night to go to bed. Then it became nine o'clock to watch team. And now you go to bed at seven am? What your coffee? So it became six o'clock and then his boy, but lunch would be better with us. And I realized that I was numbing myself out through the COVID thing. Did deal with a lot of stuff, okay, But then I started realizing I was doing so much that it was making me anxious. It was making me angry. I mean, my personality change. Does that happen? You do so much to your receptors, you can absolutely any too much of anything is bad for you, and it's medicinal. Like imagine your doctor prescribes you something and then you just overdose on it all day. Like if you've got some sort of medicine for some sort of mental health issue you had, and then you took it more often than you would, You're not gonna be right. You're probably gonna start being off a little bit. So it is medicinal. You do have to find your sweet spot. You do. I would suggest for anybody you start at eleven pm before you go to bed, so then you can kind of gauge it and let your body absorb it for the first time or kind of your receptor. You just stay high or you just stay plateau like, So how many join You don't think you've names or whatever, but I'm thinking I can talk about myself. I smoke all day, So the average day, how many ounces are grahams of weed? Do you think you? Personally? Me? Um? I probably smoke anywhere between like a quarter to a ounce on a good day. On a good day, was where your hands coming from? A lot? Is it? Okay? So seven grams to like fourteen grams is a good Yeah, maybe a little less than that. Yeah, standing because I smoke big. First of all, I smoked fat blunts. So each one of my blunds is probably like two and a half to three grams from community. Because your brain, your receptors are like this. Your stomach can expand and shrink based on how much you eat. So you can train your stomach to get bigger, and then some people can eat. Take ten thousand hot dogs, the food. The food. There's some man out there taking ten thousand right now, right to the food. And now. Yeah, yeah, well you check it out, check it out, and then and then you can and then you can shook your stomach, Peter, Peter, the same way for you and many others out there. If you find yourself overly smoking, a really good way to get yourself back in check is, next time you light up your joint, don't smoke the whole thing. Hit it once or twice, put it down, and then wait as long as you possibly can, and then what you do. Yeah, but when you smoke the pipe, now, instead of smoking it again before you're ready, hit it one time, put it down, let it take effect. Go do what you do. Don't sit around like a crazy little teenager who's like, oh, my god, don't do that. Don't you have things to do? Go do them? And then when you go, oh, it's time for me to take a simple water again. It might be time for me to take my medicine. Okay, now go take your medicine. You don't like you don't shoot your aspird all day, you just take Have you seen addiction in people? Because I really I watch a lot of intervention. I'm actually totes into watching intervention. I'm very curious about how people get into that. Never never seen it, not one time you're looking at it, because I was really by the way I've I've tried her suggestion. In the food world, that's what they tell you too, have a and then go away away and I walk away walk west of a cookie. Yeah. Yeah. He used to set an alarm from the middle and like to beat his father downstairs to get the good ice cream. Because you're smart, that's I learned. I said an alarm to go to my grower as soon as he us make sure I get the nice back and no one else. Does These rappers have their own farms grow a lot of them? Do yeah? Absolutely? Absolutely scientific? Or is it like they have these are cool? My god, these are such high end facilities like these are I mean, oh my goodness, I can actually take you guys. Let me know when you guys are ready, we could do a walk through. I worked closely with a brand out field trip. I mean, yeah, I worked, I worked closely. I swear I can show you guys the growers. I can show you guys the big water bats. I mean, this is real scientific trip. The I think, I don't, don't, don't quote me. I think he was like the governor or the mayor or somebody of the UK like came here and did a tour of it to use it as their model facility if they were going to do it in in Europe. So if if, if they legalize it, if blunt versus joint. I used to work at a tobaccoist, and good cigars smoke different, they smoke even whatever is at the difference between. There is as many strains as there is of cannabis. There's that many strains of tobacco as well. There's light tobacco, dark tobacco, sweet tobacco, spicy tobacco. Strains of tobaccos is that many as well? Cash cash business A cash business, no, no, I mean sometimes no, but no, you put on your taxes when they say occupation, what do you want? I renegade LLC service provider, service provider. I mean what is your what is your what is your like? What is on the thing like chef? Yeah, blood roller, put blunt roller. I'm gonna start having to and now they're definitely coming after my now seeing you on Jason alexand you have everyone who works at that facility probably knows you have an issue like with with taxes and things like that. Because no, because blunt roller account, Yeah, because it was It wasn't enough like just you. Just recently it became enough for me to be like, oh all right, how everything I'm writing off? Everything I'm writing off. I'm writing off my trip here anything she paid for making you on it. And you know your stuff, huh. And I know you want real money, real cash, not not little money. You want big money. Okay, see I'm doing kind of like hip. Yeah, it's a big money. You want big money, big money than you do masterclass or have people in every setting. So so that is my thing now. So right now I do I do multiple things for the record. I'm an artist, I'm an entertainer. I make music, I do creative directing, I do all sorts of things. I do production, a podcast coming out. You guys are my guests on my podcast. Yes, we'll see done. Okay. So then with those things all added up, my next endeavor is to create the Professional Roller Association of America. We're in. We're investing the Roller Association of America. That okay, you gave me a bad one. Um, the American Association of Professional Rollers. You need like a good role app. You figure out the word first and then your reverse engineer role ap term the American Association of Off the top of your head of American wait Rollers associated big blunt incorporated to anagrams to Rabbi, which I think that's come on. Do you guys know how big the Rabbis are in this game too? Do you know how many like sitting Jewish people are in this world? No, Israel is huge in cultivation. They are so advanced in medicinal research. On look it up, I swear I know they're doing. Yeah, ree, Jewish joke has to change. The two rabbis walk into a blunt um. So so we do the do we do the Professional Rollers Association of America. And then what that'll provide is a course where you can actually now sign up whether you know anything about it or not, and you learn exactly how to do this. I teach you exactly how to do it. And the more important thing, though is forget that yeah, that you have to get people in business to recognize your certification or it doesn't mean anything to sertification. Is you got to learn these skills or you don't pay Boom, I'm in, We'll get the money. Talk to Silicon. We're recording in Howie Mandel's facility. He gets into these industries. Listen, listen. I have my own adhesive. You guys were talking about COVID before, So I use my own adhesive. I don't. I don't use salive on anything. And then when when COVID came around, it was perfect because I've been developing this adhesive for the past six and a half seven years. Every I mean, like the half million blunts I've rolled roughly, I have all been using this. And he said, what you said, Yeah, I don't use yeah roll, she doesn't use saliv and its how much I don't know about yeah. So you're gonna show us Yeah for you a treat for everybody who's watching this podcast. Who will watch this podcast? Yeah, this is going to be a demonstration like a cooking show, you see, of how to roll the perfect blunt. This is like me growing up on your guitar. You can stop and slow mow it, back it up until you learn how to do the perfect blunt. So you're down for that. I'm down for that. It was a slank term for that. Are you other than down for that? I'm down with the get down to show Jay m P how to roll up the perfect be Okay, Jay, before we do that one last thing you really know, really something that makes you go really yeah, yes, I do? I do? I do? My no really no? Really is right in line with the cannabis stuff too. So when you go to a nice, lovely lounge or a club or a bar and you have a lovely cocktail in your hand and it looks so delicious, no one comes up to you and says, wow, your drink looks so good. Can I have a sip? Because it would be intrusive for me to sip off your straw? Right, Why do you think that when I'm smoking a joint or a blunt, it's okay for you to ask me to hit it. Why do you think this paper straw or this tobacco straw is not intrusive for us to share together? Get your own. I got a couple of mottos, leave me alone, leave me alone, roll your own, no need to reach. I got enough for each. But that's my life. Really no, really, like you're really gonna ask joint? That was the whole thing? Was it got propaganda? Even the whole like pops up past piece pipe thing? What was the piece with the native area? Where was the piece? There was no piece, There was no piece pipe there. Smoke your own joint. Furthermore, it's medicinal, so you should smoke on your own time. Like for Peter, who's trying to even be on his schedule with it, it would be awful for me to say hit this hit No really, really, you don't go up to somebody you don't cheese and you're gonna get a bite. That's disgusting. She's saying that about Pond. That's my really not really really no, really like you really want to smoke my joint? Come on? Really? No, really, come on, this is a natural. In conclusion, what have we learned today. This is a big business. But we gotta figure out why. I think we got a really Really podcast? What do we do? We got business? God, you'll see the Rabbi Organization. Yes, yes, yes, yes, you have been a delight so much graduations, good luck, everybody listen. If we recover from this, we'll see on our next episode. Thanks everybody the way, next episode micro dosa. Yes, let's go love you guys. How Yeah, Really No Really? We're out now. Now. We want to thank professional blunt roller, entertainer, rapper, and all around renaissance woman Renegade Perranha for clearing the smoke on celebrity blunt rolling. You can follow her on Instagram at Renegade Piranha. You can find us online at really No Really dot com or on Instagram and TikTok at Really No Really. Podcast. For questions and suggestions, you can message us on Instagram. Most of all, thank you for listening, subscribing, and sharing the show. We release new episodes of Really No Really every Tuesday, so make sure to follow us on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. Really No Really is a production of iHeartRadio and Entertainment No really fast, and one

Really? no, Really?

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