Just the News No Noise with John Solomon and Amanda Head, December 10th, 2024

Published Dec 11, 2024, 12:32 AM

Just the News No Noise on Real America's Voice


Good evening, America, and welcome to the Tuesday edition of justin News, No Noise. I'm your host, John Solomon, reporting to you, as always, from the nation's capital and the wiredfish Coffee dot Com studios. Wirefish Coffee is the official coffee of justin News. It's also official coffee of Solomon Family.

We just love it.

You can go right now to wirefish Coffee dot Com and get a fantastic twenty percent discount on their coffees, their tumblers, the mugs, ornaments. They all make great Christmas gifts for the coffee lovers and you like go check them out. If you can't remember the promo code just News, just put your camera at that QR code and we'll get you started. All right, We start tonight with major news that just broke over at justin News. A few moments ago, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee acknowledges that Atblue has told the committee that it just recently began blocking donations that came in on foreign bought gift cards. Why is that important, Well, it means for most of the last two decades, and it was operation when it raised two billion dollars for Democrats. It wasn't automatically rejecting donations made with foreign bought gift cards. Just think about that. Chairmen title Style told us that change was just made in September ninth. It's a major piece of evidence, clear sign that this investigation into weather ActBlue was being used to wander foreign money into the Democratic campaign. Coffers will continue into twenty twenty five. On that note, we also confirmed today that Congress is likely to see next week hundreds of suspicious activity reports that were filed at the Treasury Department by banks flagging suspicious transactions that ran through or around or in conjunction with ActBlue. We're going to get our hands on all of that and make sure that we're up to speed on that. For you, stay tuned to Justinus dot com. We've also asked for Act Blue for comment on what happened to Table. We'll be sure to ask our first guests in a few minutes. House Tuditiary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan will also ask Chairman Jordan about the other big revelation today by the Justice Department's watchdog, who confirmed our reporting a year ago that DOJ impropertly spied on the phone records of congressional staffers. One of those staffers, Cash Pttel, the man now named by President leg Donald Trump to be the next FBI director. That means he was a victim of Justice Department abases before he was nominated. There another one sen a Judiciary committe staffer, Jason Foster.

He's also spied on. He's going to join.

Us later in the show, but first I quick check on other headlines with my amazing co host Amanda Head, who has some new developments in the murder case that has gripped America the last week.

Amanda, what you got cooking?

Yes, John, great to be with you as always, and we do have some more news about the suspect linked to United Healthcare CEO murder, Luigi Mangioni. He is reportedly fighting extradition to New York and it is a safe bet to assume he won't be.

Successful in that effort.

He was also denied bail after being charged with murder, and his other counts includes second degree pas session of a forged document, two counts of second degree criminal possession of a weapon, and one count of third degree criminal.

Possession of a gun.

In Mangioni's case, is providing a wide range of thoughts and opinions throughout the nation, including of course, on the state of American healthcare. The Biden administration was even asked earlier today if they disagree with Mangioni's reported manifesto stating that insurance companies put profit over people.

Here's Karen Jean Pierre, what.

Would you say to American woint sympathize with Luigi Mangioni's purported manifesto indicating that insurance companies.

Ultimately care more about their profits than the health of their customers.

So let me just see that, I'm like, do you is that premise accurate and anyway?

So let me just say at the top offer up certainly our condolences to the victims and his loved ones. We are certainly tracking the latest regarding this deadly shooting.

Hmm so so pretty much completely or the questionable sideswipe there from the press secretary and speaking of that, former Washington Post columnists as well as a former New York Times tech reporter Taylor Lorenz, went on Here's Morgan's show yesterday and had this to say about man Junie.

I do believe in the sanctity of life, and I think that's why I felt, along with so many other Americans joy Unfortunately, you know, because it seriously I mean execution, Maybe not joy, but certainly not no, certainly not empathy, because again footage.

How does this make you joyful?

This guy's a husband, is a father, and he's being dumbed down in the middle of Manhattan.

Why did that make it?


Americans that being murdered. So are tens So are the tens of thousands of Americans, innocent Americans who died because greedy health insurance executives like this one bush policies of denying character the most vulnerable people.

Goodness, gracious.

Look, I'm sure that there are plenty of complaints. We all have them about the healthcare system and insurance companies.

We all know they are no sayings.

But to say that you are feeling joy after Brian Thompson was gunned down in the middle of New York City in broad daylight, that I think is taking it too far. John, And it seems that her current actually not current former employer agrees as well.


I work with Taylor Renz for a little bit, and I have nothing to say. I'll just let her own words speak for sofire audience is way too smart. All right, speaking of smart people, we earlier today, Min and I had a chance to really sit down and talk with Jim Jordan. He's had some extraordinary revelations with the investigations into the weaponization of the Justice Department Act Blue. He's a big part of that story and so much more.

Take a watch. We had some really big news happened on the show.

All right, folks, joining us now a man who has more investigations than anyone I know in Congress, from protecting your liberties and your bank records to the weaponization of the Justice Department against of all things.

A future potential FBI director.

I guess right now, the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Jim Jeorde. Mister Chairman, Great to have you back on the show.

Good to be with you.

So I want to talk about the confirmation today from the Inspector General Michael Horwitz at the Justice Department that the Justice Department did, in fact spy on Congressional investigators who were investigating the Justice Department Cash Betel, one of them, Jason Foster Judiciary, Senate Judiciary Committee another. The fact that DOJ did this and didn't tell the court's issuing the wards. Oh, we're looking at our separate branch of government, Congress.

Really troubling.

Yeah, I mean, spying on people who have a constitutional duty to do oversight of the executive branch for goodness sake.

And you guys broke this story.

Of course Cash had Cash Battel had talked about that he thought this had taken place, and you guys were right, they did it.

It was It was as wrong as could be. And you couple that with some of the other things we've uncovered.

This is not supposed to happen in America, but this goes on all the way back. Of course, you remember this is this is relative to the Carter Page spies, and this is relative to the Devin Nounanz memo that Cash was involved in. And I mean, think about the timing. He's just been named to be the new special to be the FBI director by President Trump and we find out they were they were gathering up his information, his metadata. And you know who did he email to anyone in the press what he was doing. They were doing that, and it was the guy who was running the FBI at the time this happened.

Is the very guy he's seeking to replace Christopher Ray. Go figure, can't make it up, mister Tarrum.

Was this a better to beg forgiveness than ask permission type scenario? Were they concerned that they would be disallowed by the courts?

Well, I think it's just just evidence of the attitude of these folks at the time. I mean, remember we were talking Peter Struck, Lisa Page Comia just was involved in this whole thing. And you know, remember this was the group that said it was okay for the Clinton campaign to pay the law firm Perkins Cooey to hire Fusion GPS, which then hired a foreigner, Christopher Steele, who then put together the false document, the dossier that they then use to go to the court to get the warrant to go spy on President Trump's campaign.

This was all part of that.

And then there's some stuff leaked at the very time they're briefing congressional staffers, and so they said, oh.

Now we got to go, we got to go check out these congressional staffers. And they did it without going to get a warrant from a court. They just did it.

So it was all part I think this mindset that has to change and that Frankly, that's the reason I think President Trump has selected cash because he wants him to go change that approach so that these agencies actually serve we the people, not target and weaponized against me the people.

Yeah, such an important change if we can get it through, Sir, you have systematically identified the weaponization of a justice system that just runs rough shot over protections. We all assume, we had Congress assumed it would be protect anecessary from unnecessary spying by the executive branch. We all assume that our bank records couldn't be gotten without a war, But we find out banks are just turning them over to the FBI. Bring us up to speed on all the civil liberties violations and intrusions that you've been able to find in the last few months.

Well, we've heard about banks de banking people. Now we also know they're spying on Americans. We know in twenty twenty three, fourteen thousand different individuals in the government three million times. In one year, fourteen thousand individuals did over three million searches of this database of information on Americans banking habits. And that information comes from these suspicious activity reports.

But the way the law is.

Supposed to work, guys, is that the law says if banks see something suspicious, they're supposed to report it to the Treasury Department of the Treasure Agency Finsen is the actual part of Treasure where they reported they're supposed to report it there. But what's happening in practice is the FBI and other agencies are going to the banks, hey, you might want to do a report on this this or on this person, or on this or on this business, and then it comes into the government, goes in this database, and then everybody's searching it, spying on what you're doing in your bank account. That is, again not how our system's supposed to work. And never forget how we first got gone on to this issue. We had an FBI whistleblower come forward and tell us after January sixth, twenty twenty one, that the FBI sent Bank of America email where it said give us all debit card, all credit card purchases in the Washington, DC area on January fifth, sixth and seven, twenty twenty one, and then overlay that with any firearm purchases ever by that particular individual. And they did that without a warrant. All this is happening without a warrant, And again that is wrong.

Mister Chairman.

Who were the Americans who would be the type who would be targeted because we already know that the FBI, you know how they feel about Catholics who attend Latin Mass, pro life parents, parents who go to you know, board meetings, the ones that you mentioned with respect to the Bank of America records and people purchasing firearms. Is that pretty much the bulk of these I think you said three million instances by fourteen thousand government employees.

You don't know who, but it's at the women of the government.

Like so, the FBI says, hey, what about so and so, any suspicious look at this activity? What's going on? Send us a report? And then they send their because the banks are like, oh, the government, the FBI is asking for information, they send it. Then they may be reluctant to even bank that individual. They may say, you know, this business the FBI was looking into, should we really be banking this folks?

So maybe they tell them, you know what, you're too much of a risk for us.

They want to d risk, they want to debank this individual, and then that person's without they got to go to a credit union or they got to go somewhere else.

That's the practical implication.

And there may have been, you know, just innocent activity that they were involved in.

It may not be anything wrong at all.

I just find it amazing that we see this happening, and then at the same time when we wanted a suspicious activity report full on Haunter Biden, where we know there were all kinds of shady stuff going on, that was difficult to get for this sake.

Yeah, funny how that works water Waite Street.

I think, sir, speaking of suspicions the activity port, you had a very important oversight letter with Chairman Brian Style today looking at Act Blue asking Act Blues security provider to the person that's supposed to stop bad transactions, are you stopping foreign money for coming Tell us why this is a significant escalation of that investigation.

Well, I mean, if you just step back and look at what happened in this past election, there were there were like first time candidates raising two three million dollars a quarter, and so much of us coming in through Act Blue and there's no real account of bit like where that money's coming from. So we just felt like something doesn't seem right, something doesn't smell right here, and that's why Chairman Style, who's kind of heading up this investigation, and then we're trying to be assisting and helpful as we can, but we sent this letter asking some of this thing.

You know what's going on here?

We want we're going to dig into this and look, it was it is there foreign money involved in our elections which isn't supposed to happen. We don't know, but there's something sure looks strange and everyone says it. You look across all these risks where again just unbelievable amounts of money coming in for through Act FLU to the Democrat candidate. Maybe it's all fine, but it sure doesn't look that way. And so we felt like this is something we need to do to make sure our election system and our integrity of our process.

Is there too.

Sir, Before we let you go, I'm curious as to whether you have received Democrats support, vocal or otherwise into this investigation with you and Chairman Style, because I know that Doctor Blue is a Democrat fundraising apparatus, but I would think I mean, we know from twenty sixteen Democrats concerned about Russian meddling in the election. I would think that they would be concerned of any foreign inflance.

I'm not holding my breath, I'm not holding my brath. But we will do you know, we will do the work. And again I think I think Chairman Style has been on top of this from sort of the get go, and he was to look at a number of things and how how some of these credit card things are working, how it's all being accounted for.

He's been looking into it. We just want to try to be helpful.

Yeah, well, so you've been so helpful to the American people. I think of the last four or five years, how much history change because of the investigative work you did at the Judiciary Committee. Whether it was Hunter Biden weaponization of the Justice Department, abuse of our banking records, our privacy. We would not know a mere fraction of what we know if it wasn't for your courageous works. We want to thank you for that and thanks for joining. U's great to have you.

On you bet you bet, guys, dank, thanks for all you do.

Thank you sir. Wow, what a great interview.

So much to think about, to take about three million Americans records were rifled through without a warrant. Such important stuff we got to keep on top of it. We'll have more of that tomorrow on Justin News. All right, we're going to take a quick commercial break, won't we come back and think a brand new film out by the great documentary and he's going to look at UK Prime Minister Liz Trust a short tenure, a lot of lessons in a few.

Months of history. We wanted to do that in just a few seconds with Michael Pack and the Prime Minister herself for here, just a second, h

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