Published Nov 24, 2024, 1:00 PM

Lance Wallnau discusses the Department of Education, Bob Casey's win, and the left wing media's meltdown over Trump's cabinet picks

Welcome back to the Lance Walmout Show. I have a special guest with me now. Who is someone you're going to get to know better. Cynthia Dunbar, whose dad was a US Senator, whose mom was a judge, who grew up as a obviously a scholar and constitutional law who has been a strong Christian, telling me about the reformation that Trump is doing years before it happened. One of our seven Mountain experts. And so Cynthia, welcome to the show.

It's great to be here. Lance.

All right, now, let's go around the horn here for a second. You were interviewed in the early Trump administration at twenty sixteen and you were talking to them about the Department of Education, and your advice was kind of radical. What did you explain to a fearless leader they need to do with the DOE.

So the DOE is an unconstitutional bureaucracy, and.

We were talking to the Department of Energy, no, Department of Education.

Well, there are a couple of doees. We're talking specifically about the Apartment of Education. There's several there that are also unconstitutional, but specifically when you look at the Department of Education when they contacted me My advice was, you should appoint someone as secretary who's willing to gore their own ox. They need to be willing to give back the appropriated dollars because the education should actually be controlled the state for tenth Amendment states and the people. But the problem is with tax dollars that are appropriated, whenever they're used, they continue to be allocated, and they don't go away. And so only by having someone willing to go in dismantle the DEE under their watch actually give back the appropriated dollars and shrink it to where there's nothing left. When you get to a next administration, it's much harder for them to simply revamp it and put in all of their executive orders controlling children and all of those things when there's nothing left.

Too fun So, now did did the Chevron case, which was the case that Gorsuch was looking for, that would basically challenge the constitutional nature of these three letter agencies. So what's happened is unelected bureaucrats have created three letter agencies with their own courts, their own laws, their own enforcement. Even people walking around with guns.

Like the like the in the in the like the.

Department of Energy, such the The reality is these unelected people will outlassed any administration, so they can almost put up with the surface change of a president coming in or going out. It's like Trump fired eight thousand government employees that were useless bureaucrats, and Biden rehired them and paid them for the time that they had off from Trump. So it's kind of crazy how this works. But it's possible to dismantle the Department of Education and begin to give that power back to the state. Actually, isn't that where it should be going?

That is where it should be going. I mean, when you talk about the Constitution, you have to understand it's a document of enumerated powers, and what that means, very simply is those powers that were not expressly given to the federal government were intended by the tenth Amendment to be reserved to the states and the people. So when you have these bureaucredit branches, which you're an amalgamation of, like you said, legislative power, executive power, judicial power, they're unelected officials. That is a very definition of tyranny, according to Monuscue. So you have all of this expansive government, and Trump's talking about draining the swamp, dreaming swamp trying.

To do this.

But like you said, how do you do that if they can just continue to skate through one administration and then they just build it back up once And so.

Y'all understand something. This is the reason why Donald Trump is putting leadership at the helm of these agencies that are carrying a blowtorch. They and this has perceived as dismantled democracy.

By the left. Well, really, when you hear.

Democracy used by the left, they mean oligarchy. It's their infrastructure of power that they've accumulated with thirty five trillion dollars worth of debt that is on your shoulders, destroying your future. And so what Trump has to do is he has to get these people in, whether it's Department of Defense with the woke curriculum and the top layer of inefficiency you've got there in every area, the intelligence community. I mean, this is a massive spiritual delivery. It's like a deliverance and we have not seen yet Act two. Act one is you know, Jesus cleansing the temple Act too. As they're all coming together to conspire to take him out and to destroy him. I mean, it's almost like a biblical parallel here. So what you are talking about is what is necessary to happen. And just let's touch on what you taught me before about curriculum. If there's such a thing as a gate of extraordinary influence and leverage the teaching curricul not just what the Department of enter Education is doing, but it's the curriculum distribution.

So talk about that for a second.

So what you have is you have these major corporations, the Pearson, the Houghton Mifflins, the McGraw hill, these big businesses that are there for profit, but they're also not.

Only to make textbook manufacturers.

Publishers and manufacturers, and so they're getting more and more control in the sense that right now we're moving into the era of everything being online and virtual schools, and a lot of people are afraid of this because they're like, I will you know, the control is going to go outside of the government. But what the beauty is that that gives competition. So if you actually have good people stepping into this niche that are creating good content to compete, then now all of a sudden you're able to expose what's been done in indoctrination through these countries these companies for decades now. And I saw this when I was on the Texas State Board of ed I mean, you saw a lot of company and he's coming in and controlling the content in the back end, going beyond the state's standards. So there's always going to be this type of control. And now you're going to have these virtual schools, virtual programs. But what we need to be doing is stepping into that niche providing alternatives that actually truly teach things like democracy was not what the founders wanted to give us. They wanted to give us a republic. So when people are afraid, oh, they're going to destroy our democracy, I mean the response should be well in light of the fact that we're a constitution republic and democracy is mob rule. And you know, Benjamin Franklin is credited with saying this beautiful metaphor that democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.

So I don't think we want that.

Kind of control of mob rule of what government is. We want the rule of law and our principles tied to our constitution.

So free market. What I teach is that when a reformation happens a sphere that will not change ends up opening up competition with a competing sphere. So you go like to the Martin Luther with the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church would in reform, and so a competing sphere came up, called the Protestant movement. What I see happening here is that we need to have free capitalism provides a solution absolutely if we have competing textbook curriculum influencers, and probably even McGraw hill and Mifflin, these places are.

They're just in the dollar anyways, so they've.

Got their ideologues that are loading in curriculum. But really there has to be a change of content as basically, I'm not even sure that companies need the companies need competition if they don't change.

Right, well, we know.

That when you don't have competition, that's a monopoly, that's antitrust violations, and we know that doesn't work in any industry lands. But we do it with our most valuable asset, the minds of our children. I mean, makes no sense at all. We have to have competition and we have to open it up to the free market. And I think right now people are really more aware and awake to everything that's been happening through education with CRT and DEI and SOG and every other thing. And so we want real content that's going to actually educate the next generation. And I think that there's definitely its supply and demand. So now is the time to actually move the market.

And now I don't hear enough people talking about it. That's why I want to get you on the show, and I want to say.

Who's doing that.

I need to I need to get in touch with the people that are willing to show up in that in that arena, because these are the gates of influence that we frequently miss. But it's all it's it's the layers of overlapping self interest that guard these territories because it's where the money flows, it's where power flows. Right, let's take a look at the Business Mountain. What do you see happening in there? Donald Trump is saying I want to have more freedom of speech. How when he talks about repealing the Johnson Amendment, I don't even think Christians or churches are that happy about it, because now they have to talk, they'd.

Rather hide behind it and not be political. That's what I've found.

No it's absolutely true, and they have made pursuing their tax exempt status as the golden carrot instead of actually being like we talked about, you know, rendered disease of that which is Caesar's but unto God, that which is God's. We have to be stepping into that area where we are speaking to the culture the truths that transform and you know, make America godly again. So I do think that what needs to transpire is what we already see happening. But there needs to be this mindset of not being either in just solely the profit realm or in the nonprofit but missional realm. These hybrid corporate structures that are actually combining being profitable and sustainable with also being purpose driven instead of just greedy corporations, I think is a kingdom alignment. And that's why I'm doing what I'm doing right now to help ministries and for profit businesses actually step into that niche.

All right, So what I'm going to do is we only got a minute forty seconds in this segment here, and we can't get it all in now, so we've got to hold you over if you don't mind, for the next next segment. But let's start off right now by saying there is a way that a corporation can be able to participate in mission driven organizational, philanthropic nonprofit activity, there could be a linking up of the two and the way that it's set up now. And I think it's like that we talked earlier about the Johnson Amendment, how there was a gag order put on nonprofits. So I mean I do TV here, no surprise, I do Christian television, and I have a chastity bell put on me. Basically I cannot talk about political stuff. Well, how are you going to talk about the warfare that is going on in culture when the culture is talking about whether it's trans or whether it's corruption in government, or whether it's injustice. In other words, it's kind of hard to constantly try to make this word relevant, which it is, to what's happening around you when you can't talk about what's happening around you, And it almost creates an artificial disconnect where you go to a Christian TV show and it's Bible teaching. Well, Christians are fine with that, but we're not actually crossing over to saying we've got something to say. This book has something to say about what's happening in nations right now and the word of God actually applies. So there is a structure we're going to talk about in the next segment, which is how corporation, a business and a nonprofit can find another way of coming together so that you don't have to have either, or you don't have to work for mammon only and you don't have to work with a muzzle on you so that you're irrelevant.

You can actually link the two.

We're going to talk about this B corp concept when we come back.

With Cynthia Dunbar.

In the simplest way possible explain to our audience what the structure is of a B corp. There's eight thousand of them. The left is typically so much ahead of conservatives. They've been doing this. How does it? What does it? What does it do? How can we talk to people about you can have a business, hey, you can have a ministry, and there's a way in which you can make that two connected without having to have separate organizations with separate lords.

Right. So, and it's a Kingdom model truly because it's it's actually called a public benefit corporation and it's a for profit corporation that is not structured to solely maximize profits like we talked about Mammon. But it's going to be profitable, so it's going to be sustainable, it's going to be able to build up well, it's able to be transferred. All of these things with your Kingdom. You're going to have your freedom to speak out because citizens United. A Supreme Court case said that these corporations actually have First Amendment free speech rights. But you're basically a blend of profit and purpose, so everything you do can be missionally related to benefit a purpose. Meanwhile, you have the ability to be profitable, to be sustainable. You don't have to be worried about unrelated business income jeopardizing your five oh one c. Three. So it really is the Kingdom model. It's the model of the parable of the talents of you know, when God gave the one five two, they all understood that in the Kingdom, the Master enables us to reap where we haven't even stone. What was the problem with the one steward was he took the wealth that God the Master gave him, where did he put it? And ground that could not be profitable. So your nonprofits should just be functioning for your projects, but they should not have their appreciable wealth in there. You want them in an entity that you know.

And this answers a question which a lot of the funders that I work with, they they get they caught in a catch twenty two and they try to avoid it where the orphan it starts. And then every year they are they are required to figure out how to fund the orphanage. What they really want is for the orphanage to figure out how to put the how to put how to train the orphans so that they could be employable, and how to maybe put them into some kind of industrial capacity where they're able to generate some cash flow to fund the nonprofit. So this basically, this is what you're talking about, yes.

Because this is you should not. The government has literally put a lid on nonprofits not only in their ability to speak out and to be cultural influences in many areas that they need to be speaking out where they feel silenced, but also limited to them to where they cannot be sustainable. And so if you can't be sustainable, that makes them just like you know Oliver Twist with their handouts saying please, they are going to have some more. I mean they're begging year to year to year. They're not sustainable. There needs to be a focus, and it is kingdom to expect to be profitable that God will enable us to reap where we have not even stown. The human capital that God places in each individual is where all wealth development comes from. So when you're telling an entity that their whole focus has to not not only be unprofitable, but not profitable, that's problematic and it makes them very dependent on this select group of donors and it doesn't actually build out sustainability using the human capital there to advance kingdom principles. So by having a public benefit corp, you are marrying the best of both worlds in that yes, you're a profitable entity, but you're not driven by profits in mammon, you're driven by your purpose and your mission. We at mdo global. What we say is are you living mission driven?

So you're telling me that you start off with the calling from God and your mission is this, and then you figure out, well, I need the business over here to be able to help fund me so I could do the mission. But there's a way you could structure this with baby boomers living in what we've always heard if you're in a prophetic community. With Kim Clement and me, the transfer of wealth we talked about the baby boomers are going to be the largest generation of transferable wealth. And in a lot of cases, the owners of businesses that are retiring don't have kids to give the business too. That's a problem. So they end up selling them to the black Rocks and the Vanguards and these ghastly entities that will buy the assets or buy up the company if it's marketable, and then they impose their diversity equity whatever their Marxist political ideology is on the business. It started off as a value from a Christian wanting to start a business, now becomes absorbed by the beast. So how would this be set up?

So, I mean there's a lot of structure that goes into play that not only structuring the Public Benefit Corp with that's certified as a mission driven organization. And with that that includes the bylaws that I've copyrighted that have embedded Supreme Court dicta to proactively protect First Amendment rights, religious liberties, freedom of speech, even in employment issues. But what that does is that opens up now for these people who want to do good to even now potentially be in the market to acquire these these businesses. A lot of these baby boomers that are going out, they don't want to sell to traditional pe and that that are going to dismantle the businesses or sell them off of a maximum profit in seven years. They want them actually to be grown. So if you create this marketplace of mission driven organizations that are that have a mission and a purpose and now they're in the market to acquire these businesses, they can either have their own model for a business like entrepreneurs or startup. Even if they already have their business, they can convert from a C corporate LLC to a PBC.

So it just when they do that. What is the advantage.

There's multiple advantages. One, if they're thinking they're going public that it provides protections from them from being sued by their shareholders because if you're a C corp, you actually have to maximize profits at all costs, so it subjects you to being sued if you're not doing that and you're trying to do something that's mission driven instead. So it provides that legal installation and also because of our copyrighted bylaws, it actually provides protection by bringing them into this universe with other mission driven organizations through affiliation and through overt expression, to align with things the Supreme Court has said, to protect their religious liberties, their freedom of speech, even labor employment issues that whatever.

Yeah, so suppose you know, and this this is the big nightmare, right, what they do with the bakers or with the case of the LGBTQ community targets you for they come and they and they want to They want you to either bake the cake or hire them, and then they challenge you based on discrimination because they send a wild transgender over there has got the job qualifications. You have to explain why you didn't hire them. So the intimidated or the meet conservative feels like, well, it's a business, is what the government requires. So we have all kinds of LGBTQ and employees working here. And then it's kind of like here's the deal. The pastors and the religiasators go, I don't want to do that in the church. So the government says, all right, your exempt. The government basically controls the game and says, just don't talk politics and we won't force you to have to hire our people. Well, Trump is exposed a revolutionary pushback on the whole thing. So what you're saying is there's a way in which this structure protects you so that you can hire people that are compatible with your mission in your organization.

Yes, and normally that exemption, like you said, is only for the C threes. Well, but what you see is that, well, there was a Bosstic decision which was not a good decision. Love Justice gor such, but disagreed with that because that was what pulled in you know, transgender and all of that definition within the whole gender definition, and so it now gets pulled in through the EEOC and.

Title audience constitutional.

I got to always be thinking, if I don't know it, I know my audience. So help doctor Lance understand what's the Bostish decision.

That was a decision where they basically said we're going to change the definition of gender just being related to female and male, which was basically there to protect women from all the discrimination in that, and we're going to throw into that that that also includes transgenders and all. This just a very messy decision. But the interesting point is he didn't talk about religious exemptions in that decision, but the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals did, which is where we're sitting. And they added into that and said, there's certain things that you can do that just like a non prop can't exempt you even though you're a for profit under your religious exemptions, we have to make sure these are sincerely held beliefs, and there are certain ways you can do that. What's interesting is what they said, are all the things we're doing by certifying our mission driven organizations because they are overt expressions of faith that they're making in their core corporate bylaws and their affiliation with the organization and mission driven organizations, all of those are things that the court said, these will be litmus tests, things that will look to to prove you really do have a sincerely held belief that would allow you to hire and fire, you know, Christians and people of like faith and that. So it really expanded those protections. But there's a way you.

Have to do it, and you are the person who knows how to do it.


I can't believe you've gone through a half hour show here, that's how fast it is when you're doing stuff like this. How do people get in touch with you, Cynthia, so that I know we got people out there that are both in ministry.

I want to know.

I would like to be able to have businesses that I'm working on, and I don't necessarily want to do it wearing two different hats. I want to be able to synthesize them into one kind of like you call it, mission driven organization. Well, let's get right into today's most important story, and that is the Biden administration appears to not want Donald Trump to come into office. It's as though the whole Democrat machinery has said, well, the greatest strategy to keeping Trump from getting in maybe is to start a war with Russia.

Does that sound crazy?

Same people that are allowing millions of people to come through the border, letting criminals in, terrorists in, willing to ramp up the economy to thirty five trillion dollars a voter overheated debt. I would say that it's it's not even Biden, it's the senators, It's the War Department. It's blinking, it's desperate, crazy and incomp in people that are willing to push us to the brink of nuclear war in order to disrupt the possibility of Trump disengaging the military industrial complex from having his nose in the trough of the billions of dollars.

That they make.

And it's infuriating when you consider that the United States, what have I got here?

Are this?

This picture should not leave your mind.

The three hundred and twelve Electoral College votes, the popular vote, the Senate, the House, the Executive branch, all the American people, by a vast majority, are saying no to what they're doing in Washington. But it doesn't stop them, does it. So Ukraine has fired its first US made US made long range missiles into Russia. This was an option for the last thousand days, but only now the Trump is on his way in did the State Department and the war machine and the nut jobs in Washington say let's push a war. So I'm I'm rather furious at this, as you can imagine, because I mean, we're talking about other news cycles here, like Matt Gatz and what's going on with Trump's latest appointments, And I'm sitting here looking at all the news that can be covered, saying the judges that are being pushed through by the Democrats, while the Senators are all lining up at mar A Lago trying to kiss the ring of Donald Trump to get an appointment for six months or a year. We got problems here. So let me just let me just back up and explain what this is.

We've got.

I'm going to read to you something which I think is kind of important. It's what Putin himself said on their tightly controlled television. He's made open threats of a nuclear attack on Britain and the United States. Britain and the United States in the wake of the Biden administration's decision to permit Ukraine to use long distance missiles made by US to target Russian tear territory, the Kremlin chief propagandists express fury at Biden for giving Ukraine the green light to strike targets inside Russia with the coveted ATACMS systems that has arranged up to one hundred and ninety miles. Carl that we plan it. I put it on. So there we go, in this wonderful Internet age, we can go watch the idiocy of desperate Zelenski said, because he knows Trump wants to end the war, so they're going to try to escalate it so that it can't end. Moscow sees it. It's highly likely that Britain and France are going to mirror that decision.

Remember this is the this is the how should.

I put it, the One World government versus the populist movement in the United States. So the Britain and France and the one worlders over at the UK in the European Union are all kind of moving in lockstep. They don't agree with Trump, they don't want Trump, they want the woke bureaucracy ruling in the United States. So Britain and France may mirror that decision and it will allow them. This is the part I want you to catch. If Britain and France go, oh, well, the US just launched, well, I think we'll go allow our storm Shadow and Scalp missiles which we've offered also to be shot. That gives Putent an opportunity to shoot back into NATO countries. You get this so that an attack by one is an attack by all. According to NATO, if you ATTACKOS, we're all for one on one for all. But now instead of being attacked and threatening Russia, NATO alliance will all act as one as a deterred they're instigating an attack, so that it's almost like all of them are behind it. And if France in the UK with their Marxist socialist nut jobs at the helm of their bureaucracies lockstep with Biden and his cronies. Will they are trying to construct at war with Russia. So andre Golev, Russian Army general, hardline MP and pro Putin TV propagandist warned of a full scale nuclear strike on Britain to show the dictators intent. There are individual targets that can be hit with demonstrative warning strikes, and the first candidate to get a nuclear bludgeon will be the UK. And then he says, and then there's with their supersonic arsenal of their super fast nuclear technology. They don't think there could be any deterrent against them. Then he warns, will be essentially nothing left of America if America ends up in this nuclear conflict. So meanwhile, while Donald Trump is in mar A Lago setting up the deliverance and exorcism of the demons, out of the institutions of American government, high level principalities and powers are at work to embroil the world in a global conflict. It's almost like chess. The devil couldn't do what he wanted in the United States, So now We're going to go to a global theater and see if we can do something with the rest of the world.

What else do we have here?

Putin's long warn that Moscow would consider Ukraine's Western allies directly party to the conflict if their weapons are used by Kiev's troops to strike targets in Russian soil. If someone is thinking as possible to supply such weapons to a war zone to strike our territory and create problems for us, Putin says, why can't we supply our weapons of the same class to those regions around the world where they will target sensitive facilities of countries that are doing this to Russia.

Well, he's got a point.

I don't know why he is an't target sorry to say Ukraine rather than expanding the word.


Putin has to know that Trump wants to end this. I think he does know that, and that's the reason why the State Department gave the green light to go ahead and accelerate, because they know when Trump gets on the scene, it's going to end. Any acceleration could reverberate on the Ukraine itself. With the Biden administration on its way out and the incoming Trump administration indicating an attention to end the war. Putin has little incentive to act with restraint and is a retaliation towards Kiev. That's a military analyst at a think tank in Washington giving their two cents.

I would say to you.

And I'm reading normally, I don't read verbatim, but I want you guys to see, this is breaking news.

What they're doing.

Is they're going to try to do everything they can to kneecap and destroy Trump's administration. You know, Margie Taylor Green says this is an effort to keep him from even coming into office.

That's how crazy they are. So what do we do?

You know, the only show that I know of that has the power to talk about these things and pray we will pray. This is coming out maybe a day after the news is breaking.

But in the name of.

Jesus, the same grace Lord that has restrained the darkness in the United States. I pray that the world order will respond to the scepter of righteousness that is descending on this country, and we bind the operation of wars. They shall cease. That I pray Isaiah forty five will continue upon Donald Trump. He will undo the military capacity of his adversaries, and that they will with prudence handle their affairs. Lord, we ask you to disrupt France and the United Kingdom from accelerating the conflict. That there will be an extension of grace in this ninety day transition period, that we could see President Trump come into office and ouish stability for the sake of the nations. That's why he's in office right now. It's not just for the United States, it's for the sake of the nations. Restrain the madness.

Of his enemies.

Lord, I pray you put them on a leash in Jesus' name, that they come thus far and no further. And we pray that the peace of Jerusalem will descend upon Europe. That there'll be a restraining of madness, a restraining of violence, that they will beat their swords into plowshares in this season in Jesus' name. Well, I feel better just praying that way. Speaking of praying that way, let's play a clip I just saw feig in two thousand and five, a prophecy from Kim Clement.

Watch this, I would expose Frans, I would explose Russia, and then the citizens of this nation then it after the hall, I will bring them out, and then there.

Will be one political upheaval after the other, because I praise ex profit in the White House, not a president, a prophet who has too a the taste of time.

And he's exposing all of this without him even knowing it.

He's anointing, is exposing every corruption. Is anointing, is exposing corruption. And America shout a rid itself, says the lord of leechers that take and they give nothing back, citizens who are not citizens but enemies of this nation.

How could he have known that I will put into the White House someone who is not a politician but a prophet, though he doesn't even know it, And he will stand the test of time. Four attempts at a federal and states and local level to lock him up, two assassination attempts. He will stand the test of time and exposed, exposed, exposed. That's the business that I'm saying, that's the agenda of heaven now. And France is going to have its own expose, Russia will have its own expose.

The dark workings.

Of things are being exposed even right now. Kim Kim's prophecy could not be more accurate. People don't understand what what he's doing with is.


You see that it looks it looks to people like Pete, you know, over at what was his named, hes Heseth over at the Department of Defense, who's under tremendous backlash for his uh, you know.

Because he's he's got some I'll talk about that in a little bit. Matt Getz.

It's always always amazing to me how the how the left and the Senate becomes so puritanical and so very us and Victoria in looking at the criteria people when they're all a bunch of leeches. Anyway, we're going to be coming right back in a minute. I want to talk about what's happening with mar A Lago. I just left there and want to give you an update.

We'll be right back.

My favorite source of information right now is watching what's happening with the MSNBC and the various meltdown centers of the lift. Let's play video. Next video for MSNBC says that the FBI and the DOJ are getting worried, and Matt gets is being selected as AG and they're all lawyering up.

Let's watch this.

A sense of Alarm is building among officials at the Justice Department and the FBI who are bracing for possible revenge prosecutions from the incoming Trump administration. NBC News reports that some civil servants who work on a government salary have proactively reached out to lawyers. That's according to three people with knowledge of their deliberations. They're worried about the effect of long and costly legal battles. Joining me here in studio NBC News Senior Executive Editor for National Security David Rohade, who reported this story, also with a Glenn Kirshner, a former federal prosecutor and MSNBC legal Anmost's good to have you here, David. A lot of do J staffers we have been hearing and you had been reporting. We're saying, there was some nervousness about what might happen about frankly, what has been said about the plans for going after people who they felt unfairly went after them. But how has the choice of Matt Gates changed the equation or has it it has?

And that's the difference. There was worry about congressional investigations. They expected that, but the choice of Gates, which was I think a real surprise to many people inside the DOJ.

You know signorware everywhere.

Yes, that he you know, he's a lawyer, but he's had no experienced proceeding cases. But most of all, he is a firebrand loyalist, a very vocal supporter of President Trump, and seen by people as a choice. It's someone who trusts who Trump trusts, and someone who, given the ethics investigation, sort of owes Trump. Trump is sort of protecting him by giving him this new job just before the extra ethics report comes out. So it does raise fears that there could actually be criminal investigations and prosecutions by the Trump administration of career DJ and FBI officials.

So you know, we had that who's the surgeon general Levine, the transgender surgeon general. I mean, so we had these guys, like how many of them? Twenty of our senators, seventeen of our Republicans. Had no problem Merrick Garland going in to the DOJ though he was the guy who spearheaded all the prosecutions of Trump. Transgenders get in. He got the guy with the bald head in the dresses that was stealing luggage, Mint he got in. I don't know why it is that they can't just allow an administration to bring in who they want. Why they suddenly what's going to happen is the Senate that has never had the scrutiny it's about to get. He's about to experience. And they don't like this, by the way, they don't like getting harassed. They don't like any phone calls about stuff. Because they're senators, they have six years. They have the insulation of six years in office, so they can afford to kind of distance themselves like the imperious fellows and ladies.

That they are.

But this maga movement, this populous movement, is not going to let them disrupt Trump's agenda.

We did not vote them in.

We voted Trump in and they're Republicans, so they went on his coattails. That's pretty much how that works. But of course they should be nervous because they did trap General Flynn the FBI would crossfire Hurricane, I mean, they set him up. Comy Brennan went right in from Obama's office, would stork and stricken Page. And then they broke the huddle and went after piecemeal, destroying the lives of individuals who were bankrupted and taken out of office, like General Flynn Giuliani who's bankrupted trying to get his law license, Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon put in prison. Well, I guess they should be concerned. Not that this is a retribution campaign, but if what they did was a conspiracy, a political conspiracy all the way back to spying on Trump and the Russia hoax, if that can be proven that they are a corrupt conspiracy abusing their powers, well then they might just be subject to the same kind of legal processes that Trump himself went through as they took millions of dollars from him and tried to bankrupt him and lock him up for seven hundred years. But Trump says this, I'm not looking for retribution. I'm not grandstanding. I'm not out to destroy people who treated me very unfairly. What he's interested in, if you follow him, if you study him, he's looking for his Roy Cohen. Roy Cohen was the fire breathing attorney who Trump worked with in New York who knew how to utilize the full spectrum powers of the legal process to protect Trump. He's looking for somebody who's going to make sure that he went through and his friends went through, and the patriots who have served in his cabinet have gone through. He wants to make sure that this is forever rooted out of government. And that's why they should fear, because if indeed they are the kind of malicious cartel that intends to do this to us, the people who have a different idea, idea of governance than they have, then they need to be removed from office.

They need to experience.

In other words, if there's no consequence, then there's no incentive to stop. And this is the reason why deterrence is necessary. Christians sometimes don't understand this piece. But I was talking to some folks lately. There's like a con artist that took one hundreds of thousand dollars from a church, and they're explaining to me how the church didn't want to prosecute, and I said, well, here's the problem. If you do not create a disincentive for people to take advantage of you, there are people that are narcissistically demented enough so that they will find another target. So you have to discourage something so that it's not done. And the only way that you can do that with people that are self interested is you have to appeal to their self interest. So the Senators, we have seventeen of them that are up for reelection, all seventeen of them.

I've listened to them on my Twitter account. By the way, you need to go there.

I'm doing my news stories this week right from at lance wall Now on Twitter. May not always do this, but I like going over there because this way I could read your feedback.

I could read your comments.

So if you go over to at lance wall Now, you could follow me on what's happening. Matter of fact, I want to go to my second post there when the scales of justice tip too far frustration bills. Molly Hemingway delivers an absolutely masterful defense of Matt Getz, and I want you to hear that. This is what we've got on Twitter, my second post. Go ahead and check a look at it.


Matt Gates was nominated for this position because we have a problem at the Department of Justice. For the last eight years, they have run roughshot over rule of law in this country. They have prosecuted political opponents, they ran the Russia collusion hoax, and too many people in Washington, d C. Did not stand up against what was happening there and many Americans are upset about it. Matt Gates is one of the most effective people at fighting that Russia collusion hoax and other information operations, whether it was the Brett Kavanaugh information operation, the Donald Trump Russia collusion hoax information operation, or the one that is referenced here, which is something that the FBI and Department of Justice, which hate Matt Gates, looked into and cleared him of any wrongdoing. The idea that this is about.

The issue is corruption.

It's the Department of Justices corruption, and people are sick and tired of people in Washington, d C. Doing nothing as these people tried to destroy the country and getting upset at someone who actually might root out the coruption there. We don't have a Department of Justice. We have a Department of injustice, and that's why you get Matt Gates as a nominee.

Matt Gates was nominated for this position because we have a problem. So I think nothing is more telling of the change of tone and that is taking place, at least on the surface, than the fact that Mika and Joe Scarborough I made the pilgrimage down to Mari Lago to go do a reset with Trump. You know that had to have been a hard pill to swallow. But Carl, check out what's happened with Morning Joe the ratings, because I'm curious about if there's anything on the internet about the ratings battle that they're experiencing.

But they do have a problem with the ratings.

And listen the Drudge Report, I was delighted to see is now having to yield to the Citizens Free Press. The new Drudge Report for America is Citizens Free Press, and I'm promoting them on purpose because that's a great news feed. So let me know what you came up with there. Let's play this little update on video three on Mika and Joe Scarborough.

For the past week, Joe and I have heard from so many people, from political leaders to regular citizens, deeply dismayed by several of President Elect Trump's cabinet selections, and they are scared. Last Thursday, we expressed our own concerns on this broadcast and even said we would appreciate the opportunity to speak with the President elect himself. On Friday, we were given the opportunity to do just that. Joe and I went to mar A Lago to meet personally with PRESIDENTC.


It was the first time we have seen him in seven years now.

We talked about a lot of issues, including abortion, mass deportation, threats of political retribution against political opponents and media outlets. We talked about that a good bit and it's going to come as no surprise to anybody who watches this show, has watched it over the past year or over the past decade, that we didn't see eye to eye on a lot of issues, and we told him so.

What we did agree on was to restart communications. My father often spoke with world leaders with whom he in the United States profoundly disagreed. That's a task shared by reporters and commentators alike. We had not spoken to President Trump since March of twenty twenty, other than a personal call Joe made to Trump on the morning after the attempt on his life in Butler, Pennsylvania. In this meeting, President Trump was tearful, he was upbeat. He seemed interested in finding common ground with Democrats on some of the most divisive issues. And for those asking why we would go speak to the president elect during such fraught times, especially between US, I guess I would ask back, why wouldn't we Joe and I realize it's time to do something different, and that starts with not only talking about Donald Trump, but also talking with him.

Which we didn't do when we lied about everything he's been doing for seven years and then realized our ratings were so bad, maybe we ought to pick up a few people back in the udis. Do you have any information on what's going on with them?

No actual numbers other than just the crowd rate is giving it less than five out of ten, So I think their ratings are like four point two or something like that out of ten.

Well, they've lost half of their view I heard that fifty percent of their staff has left them since they went down to mar A Lago, which is which makes sense because these aren't news agencies, their campaign headquarters for the radical left wing, funded by corporations who aren't getting a very good return on their advertising investment. Well, look, I'm going to be We're going to be covering daily what's going on with the scandalous you know, background checks and the and what I'm saying is the hypocritical double standard of a government that suddenly is worried about the personal lives of the appointments when they are they themselves, are are so culpable of compromise. I'm going to say that Donald Trump has a mandate from the American people to give him the flamethrowers he's needing, because he's not really going in there to run these departs. He's going in there to exterminate the infestation of ideology that is Marxist communists and destructive in its nature. Out of the top levels is a big deal man in the Department of Defense, in the intelligence agencies, and ain't going to be easy these people.

It's like a criminal cartel.

They'll go to any lengths to protect their power, their money, and perhaps their protection from prosecution. So we're going to be covering these stories every single day. You don't want to miss a single broadcast. And once again, when you're over there on the Twitter account, I get a chance to read them every night and reply to many of you. So I look forward to talking to you on Facebook and Instagram and various other platforms. Make sure you like to subscribe if you're on YouTube, It's the only way you can keep from me being suppressed is to actually subscribe.

And we'll see you again tomorrow. God bless

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