Published Mar 12, 2025, 8:00 AM

Welcome to episode 50 of Rapaport's Reality! Starring Kebe & Michael Rapaport. This is the reality television podcast that the whole reality world has been waiting for. The Rapaport's are here to discuss:

Pre-Spring Weather in NYC

Having a great gate

Finale & Winners of Traitors

RHOA & Put some respect on Porsche's name

Trailer For The Valley

Making Beats Rhymes & Life: The Travels of A Tribe Called Quest

Getting Emotional Over Craig & Austin

Summer House Is Great Television

Reflecting On 50 Episodes

What's Next To Watch

This episode is not to be missed!

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You know what I say, Like, if you're gonna shoot Housewives of Atlanta, try not to do it in the hottest months because all the glam they go through, they end up looking like shit. I was saying, they're all sweaty, their edges are all whacked out. As much time as Porscha sat on that chair and was late to her best friend's birthday party two hours.

Yeah, she's always late. Oh, I'm surprised you didn't skip to a montage.

Of her being late all the time, the entire.

Time spent on the show.

I agree.

I also didn't like I believe it was the waffle Queen. I don't know her name yet.

You got to earn us as a caring and knowing You sit.

Down, say what you want about Porsia. You don't I say this to all these new jacks. Put some respect on Porsche.

Don't come on well, by the way, don't come on my show trying to check me. Shade me. Read me immediately before you.

I just sat down. She'll know her.

Two two two, we are back.

We're back Rappaport's Reality in the Place to be. My name is Michael Rapport.

And my name's Kimi Rapaport.

Is Rapaport's reality podcast, where me, Michael Rappport, and my wife Kibi Rappaport discussed all things reality TV, all Things popular culture, and curated gems Diamonds Share Diamonds about our relationship. I hope everybody's feeling fantastic. If you are in New York City, I hope you are enjoining this pre spring weather this.

We're in it. We're in the thawing stage.

I'm shocked.

Unlike my frozen shoulder, the city is sawing down. It's a Bomby fifty, which is welcome for.

Us crazy, and it's a beautiful.

And Sonny Sonny, Sonny, Sonny. Oh, it's so nice.

It just seems like it just skipped.

I know, well what wait, let's not get caught. Let's not speak too soon.

Let's not get caught.

I had a time change. How are you doing with the time change.

I'm good.

I haven't asked you.

I'm fine.

I feel tired. That's why I was like, I'm feeling a little. Should I be tired? Or do we go forward? I feel off?

Yes, I just feel off. You know why I think you feel off, babe, because when we were walking down the street. Today, we were walking on Third Avenue on the Upper east Side and a woman probably about our age, recognized me and she said, you have a great gait.

Well, she said, first, she said, I wasn't sure if that was you because you were walking so while your gate is really really good, and.

I feel like you're a little jealous that she looking at her like, who does she think you are? Like? What did she think I was gonna be hobbling?

Yeah, I was like, wow, I don't know. I just it took me a second to catch on. And then she turned around and she said, sorry to bother you, but I'm the same age where I'm like the same age, and you look good.

Yeah, so I think I don't know, but it was such an unusual compliment. But I was feeling good today. Number one the weather. Number two, wait, let me fix that. Number one, I was with you, Number two the weather, and number three, I was just feeling good. But the weather. I mean, when the weather's like that and I'm outside with my gorgeous wife and you were dressed to the in your chic way. I was chic.

We were both cheap, we were very check today.

You know.

The thing is is that I was just thinking, we haven't been out in the city together, walking on the streets in a long time.

I agree, because of the fucking weather.

Well not the yeah, the weather that too, but you've been God, we're always on the run, and so we haven't just had a day. I mean, we walked twenty blocks. That was nice.

But when it's nice out, you can just kind of meander, and that's what we were doing. But I was entering with a nice gate per the woman.

I think that is so funny. You know, we still don't know if she knows who you are.

Do you think she thought I was like Dick Van Dyker or some ship like that. Like she was like it was like some kind of fucking old She didn't know who I was.

That's what I think. That's what I'm trying to get. I'm out of no shade to you, but like I think she thinks she was somebody else. Bayliss from ESPN, those crazy gait Well, I don't know she thought you were like at thirty years older than you are.

No, but but it was a And.

Then I thought, does she work in the where you got your knee surgery? Like I didn't? I did I wasn't understanding. I think I think you know what. I think she knows who you are and she knows your sense of humor.

No, baby, she was dead as she was dead as she was, and she did it as a compliment.

I know it was very bizarre, but you I don't never gotten that before. Yes, no, who does who comes up and says you have a Really I'm surprised you have a great gate.

But I have to tell you I did have a little pep in my you were walking with me. I did have a little pet myself. It's not like I'm, like, you know, a male model, like walking the runway gate. My gate wasn't that. But I was strutting. I was feeling good. We had come from some errands. Let's just say we don't want to tell everybody. No, let's just keep it an errands. We don't need to explain to everybody. Un Listen, Listen, If you guys really really really really really want to know what I did today, If you guys leave a comment and ask what. If I get ten people saying what did you really do today? Michael Rapport, I will share it. I will share it because it's worth me sharing on this podcast. It's very it's worth sharing.

So if we get ten people, yes, but we did today, Okay, it's worth I'm going.

To give it out for the fans of Rapport reality.

It's Rapaport's reality, where we share, we open the window to our life. And I must say I'll just give guys, I'll give it a hit. I no listen, I'm just gonna say. I am the gate keeper to your health and wellness. Yeah, how about that? All right?

Yes, you are the gatekeeper to all things Michael Rapport health wellness. You keep me intact.

You told somebody, you said to somebody today, You said to somebody today that I have you on a leash. Yes, I didn't think that was a compliment.

So you don't think it's a compliment. But you wanted me to like you want me to be on a leash. But then when I disacknowledge it to the world, then you don't think it's a compliment.

I guess it's better than saying all change. It's better than saying my ball and.

Ball and change. I'm being led. I'm being fair.

That's a nice way, my leader.

Yeah, like I'm being ball and chains, like where you're miserable, like just like I go where you go, I do what you do. I eat when what you eat. And that's it.

It's it's it's good. It's good for me.

I'm leashed up.

So terrible, like you're a dog. Oh my gosh, it's so sad. All right, if you're happy, I'm happy, babe.

We have to first discuss the finale and the winners of Traders. Wow spoiler alert, there were four winners. It was our girl who we had a feeling she did great. I didn't know she fucking won it. Glorious Patterson for New Jersey. Yes, you fucking did it. You did it, so proud of you, along with Ivar, along with zach Efron's brother I remember his first name, and along with Gabby.

Gabby Gabby from the Bathroom.

Was really quirky.

I mean, she is quirky and funny. I think she has an acting career ahead of her.

She's I don't know if she is an acting career, but she could definitely have like a podcasting.

Or like any I think she has a podcast she has.

I mean, I don't know if she could say lines because she definitely has like that young Jennifer.

I bet you she can act. I bet I have a feeling she can act.

It would be a specific yes, so she'd.

Be like, it's very good, babe. She'd be like a young Jennifer Tilly.

But Jennifer Tilly obviously had a skill to do that.

I don't know. She kind of looks like she's.

Babe when she was at the reality TV.

The way she is this girl Gabby, I think she's very special.

Very unique. She's like fucking out there.

Out there in a world of her own, but it's a welcoming world, and she's funny as all get out. She is, Yeah, she is so.

But the four of them won the four Faithfuls one and it went down to the wire.

It was nerve wracking. Yeah, no spoiler alert.

Oh no, we just told Okay, we justly.

I know, But I'm just saying in the very end, you know, when I was kind of questioning Dolores's skill, I'm still questioning it. I think she got lucky, but I think that her natural ability, I don't know, just to be who she is got her that far because she's so likable. Yeah, and you know, but at the very end, when they're around the fire pit and you have to throw in your thing that turns green or red.

Or they were making it seem like she the editing.

Her facial expressions too, were like, oh shit, I chose red, and this game is we're gonna have to annihilate somebody else, and she didn't. I was really nervous, and when that thing went up green, I was so happy.

I was so happy too. And I don't know if there is a real formula. I mean, I feel like when I'm watching that show and as close as we watch it, I feel like that show takes you on a ride, and like, you know, there's not like, well, this is how you win the show where it's it's kind of the breaks, the luck of the drawer. She was definitely below the radar for a lot of it, Yeah, which I think is smart, but not too below because then they think.

You're I said, and watch what Happens Live that she was choosing Tom every time to eliminate because she was angry, she was annoying, which and she said, I let my temper get the best of me and like so this whole time, I said, oh, it's a strategy. You know, she's she's picking charm because nobody else is picking him, and to pick the same person that is annoying you kind of seems like a strategy to not call the attention on other people. You know what I'm saying. But it wasn't it was.

I've aread did he definitely laid laid low they wanted It was a.

Fucking great se love that show so much.

The only thing that sucks about that show is that we have to wait like.

A year literally yeah, for the next season.

It's like the super Bowl, Like we have to literally wait until who knows when January.

Well, we could be watching the British version.

We maybe we need to check that out. But again, can't emphasize if you guys have never seen Traders and you want a good, fun reality competition show Traders season three best The Real Housewives of Atlanta started. What is your initial gut response to episode one of In a way, it's it's not a revamp or reboot, but it's like a half revamped reboot.

My initial response is, I was very happy to see Porsia back on television. She's I'm a Porsche Stan yes, but halfway I wouldn't. I want to say, like maybe ten minutes in I was like, ah, stop myself, because we do this when there's new people.

You always do this, You always judge.

I mean we judge to filth right, but this cass was really giving love and hip hop. Thank goodness Kenya's there because she's a no g and as we learned last year, when they're filming it, I think she leaves. Yes, I'm having a real problem. There was a lot of Climi and there was a lot of me. By the way, girl, you change your total personality now that you got a peach, Like who is this person? Yeah, we've seen her for years and we haven't seen not even a tat of this personality. It felt like so forced. I mean, she's her confessionals were like entertaining and like loud, and she's her house is big, and she's really rich, and she's this and she's that, And I was like, wait a minute, this should be either Kenya show or Porsche show. And it was feeling like it was Shamia's show.

Totally, and I don't feel like Shemiah Again, You're right, we do judge, especially early with new people, as we should. We have the right all reality TV show fans have the right to judge. But It was definitely like they were in there with big boobs, I mean bells and whistles.

Porscha met her what's her name? At a scoot rip club. That was crazy too much in this whole show. It was like, what is this? It was glossy, there's a stripper of booty behind shaituess.

It's sort of the Atlantic culture, but not for me.

When we've been with this show forever. I was like, don't dumb it down, No, don't do that. You know, it wasn't even like it was.

Gross Cynthia doing are you on the show or you're not.

On the show, Like what's happening?

But you want to be on this because she's popping up on all these shows. But she made it seem like maybe I'm wrong that she didn't want to be on the show anymore. But she's on all these shows as a friend, and you're on the show that you were on as a star, as a regular as a friend. Why right?

And then Mimi as a not a friend and she's a star. I was very confusing to me. I'm missing Marlowe. I never thought that's something that I Candy, you know, Candy is a staple like she is the center and yeah, she's a good point guard and I'm missing that. So listen, you ain't.

She's not Candy, she's trying way too fucking hard, sorry to me.

Is not not Kennya.

No, Kenny is.

A star, Like what what is happening? So anyway, I just you can't just throw women in there and make them. I mean the insurance lady. There's one with the husband, the light skinned husband.

You mean the waffle queen.

No, that's another one that's waffle queen. And then you got the insurance girl. I think I've never seen these women before.

And then you got Charles Oakley's wife, who we see schedule.

We will never say anything bad about her, listen, except for her melting wig, because he even had to say, girl, you got to hit the bathroom because you're losing your wig.

That was. It was so funny, especially because we know the personality of Charles Oakley. I know it very well. You've been around him a little bit, and he's like, however old he is, he's like fifty years older, Like his soul is like one hundred and seven. He's like an old.

Soul singer, Like an old soul singer, and he looked like, I'm here to support you, but what in the fuck am I doing here? That's what he look like.

He kind of looks like that wherever he goes, but this was in protection.

Fair, fair, fair, fair, because he has.

That attitude wherever, he has that edge wherever he goes, but this was specifically. He was like, what's happening here? And he told his wife, you got to go in the bathroom, and the way he said it.

Oh my gosh, so funny. And she went in the bathroom and you could hear her mic still on, and she was like, who I'm losing the wig. The glue is fully melting by the way. You know what I say, like, if you're going to shoot Housewives of Atlanta, try not to do it in the hottest months because all the glad they go through, they end up looking like shit. I was saying. They're all sweaty, their edges are all whacked out. And as much time as Portia sat on that chair and was late to her best friend's birthday party two.

Hours, Yeah, she's always late. Oh I'm surprised they didn't skip to a montage of.

Her being late all the time.

The entire time went on the show.

I agree.

I also didn't like. I believe it was the Waffle Queen. I don't know her name yet.

Gotta earn us as a caring and knowing you.

Sit down, say what you want about Porsche. You don't, I say this to all these new jacks. Put some respect on Porsche.

Don't come on well, by the way, don't come on my show trying to check me. Shade me. Read me immediately before you. I just sat down her check Yes, who gonna check me?

I miss her?

We oh charre. Of course, that's what I'm saying. This was a dream team. Okay, these girls are iconic. Whenever you start messing with it, I don't you know. Did it get a little messy in the end. Yeah, But like these ladies, I don't where they go. Man, I just don't know if I'm gonna deal with the insurance Queen and the Queen and I just uh.

I think it's hilarious, but sad that Porsha's marriage failed so quickly. And she said on Andy Cohen, watch what happens like she's not divorce yit and he's detained, Yes, in Georgia, he's this is.

By the way, I'm trying to figure that out because he was married before. So usually when you marry somebody and you're from somewhere else, doesn't it help you get citizenship?

Or I don't want to know.

There's probably more to the story.

There's something's going on, and she's just it's just one bad I feel.

Remember her the first guy that Cordell, and.

Then it was what's his name? Who's who they're accusing.

Of Dennis Drew, Dennis the hot dog kid. He's allegedly dating Drew. Now, I kind of tend to think that there might be some heat around that, you know, where there's smoke, there's fire, and I think that would be you know, it's the hot dog King.

But Portia just she seemed kind of chill for that woman to attack her for Drew to may or may not be dating Dennish.

We haven't seen, babe. They cut to the next episode and we see some old Portia.

Well it's episode one of Real House fives of Atlanta, and so far it's.

But listen, let's be fair. That's how we felt about The Valley, and that was a brand new show.

Speaking of the Valley, I didn't want to tell you the trailer for The Valley, which I think drops April fifteenth, just came out today.

Oh, I haven't seen it.

And the best line in the Valley is Jack's saying that who would have thought Kristen Dody would have the best relationship out of all of us?


This ship made wow wow Wow. So we were in the beginning of the Valley, we were like, what's happening here?

Now? We can't wait for it to drop second season? Yes, so let's give him a chance Atlanta, And you know it's a it's a monstrous show. You know what, if these ladies can't show and improve, then you know they'll be out. Yes, so let's just hang on and see what happens.

We're definitely gonna hate on. We're definitely gonna see what happens. We definitely really, really have been enjoying Summer House. We have been enjoying Southern Charm immensely. What did you love so much about Craig, Shep and Austin.

I turned to you and I was I did want to look at you because that last scene after Old Girl.

Leaves with Craig and Austin.

Yes, it was so emotional, very genuous. I teared up, and I looked over to you and I felt like I felt your energy. That you may have been getting emotional.

One hundred percent.

Why the reason why I got that, I got.

Emotional with that. The reason why I got emotional with Craig and Austin is because I can relate to the fractured relationship of friends men, not just you know, relationships between women. I relate to it very strongly, and when I see it articulated and playing out, it hits me. I remember when I was directing the Tribe called Quest movie which inevitably beat trimes in life. If you never saw a documentary I did about the great group a tribe coll Quest. I directed a film called Beat Trymes of Life, which I'm very proud of what you could watch on Apple. But when we were directing it and the storylines were playing out, that Fife and q Tip and the real sort of b storyline of the film outside of the group was the dynamics between them and the whole group, but specifically between those two. And I remember one day we were in the edit room, like I was crying watching it. Yeah, because I relate to it so strongly, and I felt that I don't relate to these characters as much because they're new to me. But I relate to that of men and friends that are like almost like brothers, having their differences. Unfortunately, it looks like their relationship is healed and tribe in real life it got healed, but in the movie at the time that we did it, it didn't get healed. And that's something that it hits my heart. So I thought it was very want to though it was very real, I thought with the backdrop of Shep wandering around.

I mean, he was telling the bartenders, wanted to tell the Bartenders the whole story. Let me just go back to that. Let me go back to that because I was curious because you hadn't been with the show, Like you looked at your phone and I made you look at a flashback scene of Craig because I wanted you to understand who Craig was before yes, this iteration of him and the pillows and page and all that, and to see who what he really went through and how these guys were like, yo, who the fuck are you? Like you've changed right, And the fact that he honestly said where he was at and he said, I'm an attic and that was his best friend's first time hearing it, and that is like a kabang boom. It was so powerful. I'm so proud of them for sharing that part of the show. I think it would help a lot of people. And I was just proud of them. On the other hand, like you're saying, shep is, you know, funny, he's too funny. He did go to a rehab whatever, you know for his last time. We saw him at Bravo con and he really seemed like he was struggling with some things. But I think that the fact that he thought that he liked this girl.

Oh no, he didn't think that he liked like this babe.

He doesn't know what's happening, babe.

But he's saying they must have had some like it might have been five days of like this intense probably sex. Maybe they were smoking weed and they're saying things and they're maybe drinking and all stuff, and he thought, oh, this is it. And the girl was like, I mean, I.

Mean, babe, that is a far leap. I mean, he was saying, we were so passionate to a woman and her face was blank. Is a white piece of kit she was looking at him like, wait, what's your name again? It wasn't cool, not at all, like Ice Queen. Is she a terrible person? Or is he that much? I think it's a litle.

Bit of both. I think he his feelings were on Elon Musk rocket Chips to the Moon, and I think she might have had some feelings at some point, and and he's going to the rocket ship. But she's like good and that ship was Yo, that's a fucking good show.

You equated it to Friends.

It was like it's like Friends. To me, It's like what was going on? It was like, literally, like this is an episode of Friends. There's probably another show that you compared to. That's the only show that I know that you know, I could compare it to her like Auntourage or some shit, like.

It's like Friends. To me. It really is like a darker Friends, like a real life friend. I love that show so much.

So good.

Yeah, Chep is a trip.

He is hilarious. He had We were dying.

Laughing watching that show, shying laughing.

And again, I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but this is why we watched the damn shows.

Ships are funny, Yeah, they're funny, and wold behavior by the way, the whole thing. But Tree Vernita and JT like and her going to the room and her he's got a girlfriend quote. I'm making air quotes with my hands. But yet she he lets her into the room, and then in her interview package.

She's bragging about it.

She's bragging, she's making it seem like shit went down and she knows for sure he likes her. And I was like, oh, boy.

Vernita, let me. Girl, Vernita, I met you. You're sweet, love your hair. But Karma is a motherfucker. Yeah, because you're essentially with a guy who's in a relationship. You said that, he said that, and now you're like, well, he's basically he's paying attention to me and she's getting crumbs. And I'm like, that's terrible.

I couldn't believe it from her.

Yeah, me neither.

Yeah, and she should probably get some swim lessons instead of chasing JT. That's my feeling on that.

But what a show. That fucking Summer great, That fucking charm is a great television program.

Yeah, I think it's my favorite. And a Summerhouse.

Really good TV man. Yeah, it's great, and Summer House is just it's just good TV.

Yeah again. Another emotional situation be between friends with misunderstandings and lack of communication. Page getting attacked by Kyle Oh.

He's not texting?

Yeah, rage tech crazy. I wish somebody would text me that they would never hear it from me again. I would never I would be so happy never to talk to them again.

If if one of mife yeah yeah, like yo, what's going on? And he's doubling down Kyle's and watch what Happens live and on social media.

I couldn't believe him on watching What Happens Live, he couldn't admit that, Like, what's up, dude, Like, first of all, none of this is her problem. These are her friends.

Yeah, and her Hannah, you got a problem with crank Cole Crank? Why you bothering her?

Not cool?

And you're going at her like that's your girlfriend.

Totally there you go.

That's what I'm trying to say, going at her like that's a dude, Like she has nothing to do.

With this shows and also like you're gonna ruin her friendship with your wife. Back out, man, beat stand up. You're acting like a bitch.

Yeah, he needs to chill out, and hopefully he chills out, and I.

Mean it's fear. You know, he has a lot of fear about his brand, right like boy lover boy you really like? Yes very much?

Baby? You know what, I should have started the episode off with this, but I'm throwing at you now. This is our fiftieth five zero, our fiftieth episode of Rappa Portry five zero five fifty. First of all, congratulations, thank you. Second of all, we're coming to the end of our first season rapp a Perach reality. But how did this first season as we come to the close, this isn't the last episode of the first season. Guys. I know people will lose their mind if we start podcasting, but how did this first season feel to you? Based on what you hoped it would be, wanted it to be, and doing a professional podcasting show, because this is a professional podcast.

This is I was a little worried about when something that you love to do becomes work. Then my and and see me, kibi, I I tend to like get like, Okay, I don't like that anymore. Remember when I did the yoga teacher training. Yeah, then I haven't done yoga since I got the thing. So but babe, to say.

It was fifteen years ago.

No it wasn't, babe, it was yeah, it was. It was fourteen years ago. But listen, I have really found this to be a fun thing because I'm doing with you. I gotta be honest if I was doing it.

Here's the thing, it depends who you're doing. Well.

Yes, Also, I love being with you. I love that you're you're my best friend. So like we just have this thing and this truthful thing and it's very authentic and honest, and I love being with you doing this and I love it. The problem that I struggle with I gotta be honest to people everyone. Thank you for listening. But I have a problem with social media. So in order to promote, you know, this professional thing, I really have a problem going on there and like putting myself out I was an actress. I stopped doing that because I didn't want to put myself out there. And I'm getting warming up to the idea that maybe I have to go on there. And I don't like the comments, guys, I don't like negativities.

We do great things negative but yeah.

Right, I love the sweet comments obviously, but I'm one of those people that I get to we do so many good things in the world and people calm on and call us names. I don't like it, and I don't I also don't like people calling you names. So the internet's not for me because I get angry and then it stops everything. But so that's not the question you asked me. You asked me how it is. I feel like you've helped me do better at it.

You've been great.

Thank you, babe. I think with being with a professional, this helps you.

We're professional, yes.

And now I am. And I'm very grateful for the opportunity. I swear I'm grateful. The opportunity each and every day with you is a miracle sent from Hushem. So I really appreciate it and I'm having so much fun and I hope people continue to share it and tell people about it.

You've got to tell a friend to tell a friend. Yeah, the rap Aports reality podcast, of course, always got to tell a friend to tell a friend. Do you feel more comfortable now than you did episode one? Obviously you do. I mean I feel like we I do.

Because sometimes I'm just like, we don't have to talk, we let's just start talking, and You're like no, no, no, and I'm like, I think it works better for us when we riff and just go with it. Just none of this is written down. We don't have We have producers, but they're in LA and we.

Do our very very much discussed pre production meetings.

Yeah, but it's like we just did it now while you're eating beef jerky and yes, so yes, it's been fun. I'd like to get better. I'd like to learn more, you know, about broadcasting, because I think this is what this is, right.

It is.

It's podcast It's different badcasting podcasting.

It's definitely different than broadcasting because I've done radio. It's a different thing. Live radio is it's live. Obviously we record this, we don't plan much. But it's definitely different because if you're doing like a live radio show and you're doing something live for when you do a ratio, it's like at least two hours, sometimes three.

You did four hour radio somebody Else's you sat in for Colin somebody, Colin Cowherd or one of those guys, and you did his show for four hours straight and it was video and on.

The radio it was three hours.

It was four Babe, I was there, and I also knew one of the ladies I worked out was the wife of it. It was four hours that you did. It was insane. You just kept going.

It was incredible with dark commercial breaks. Yes, and those shows are a little bit more produced, and I don't know, it's all challenging, it's all fun. It's all very easy entertain digits. None of it is you know, laying roof times right, It's very easy, and I feel like it is entertaining. That's why I have said many episodes, this is a.

Good this is fun. This is a lot of fun.

But it's our fiftieth episode. And like I said, we're not done with season one, but we have a couple more.

We're going to be done.

I think fifty two we're going to be done. I think in a week or two we will be done with the first season. Then we'll take a break for a week and then we'll fall right back into Okay. I mean, I feel like if we stop for a week, we'd be chomping at the bit. Oh sure, I mean, we'd be like right. The other show that we have to finish, which other people might have finished, is Love is Blinde. We haven't finished that, which I'm enjoying, and we're.

Coming to the end of the Bachelor, Yes, which you know again another show we watch it, we go why are we watching it so long? But guess what last night, episode seven, I think they've cut out fantasy suites because we're not seeing any of that. It's probably not PC to show people going into a room and we know what they're doing. I'm sure that. And we're at the cast tells all, the women tell all. And next week I think is the last one. So that would be eight episodes. So Bachelor's turning out to be It used to be like fifteen episodes. Oh no, it'd be more more twenty episodes. Now we're at eight and then we're onto the next one. I can't wait to see who's going to be Bachelorette. I don't think they've announced that yet. But that is a show that again I stick with it because you know what.

It's the fun it gives back. It's a good time. It's a good time. And again we want to give a shout out to Jersey's finest, the Goddess of New Jersey, Dolores, along with the three other winners of Traders and I want to congratulate us and congratulate you again on our fiftieth five zero, fifty fifty cents.

I don't think I've done anything in my life fifty.

Times, Oh please. Fiftieth episode of Rap Portrayality. Tell a friend to tell a friend about our show and we're out.

Love you, babe, Love you babe,