Just B Rant: The Divisive Era has to End

Published Nov 6, 2024, 8:53 PM

The election happened. It’s time to stop talking at each other and start listening. Authenticity and genuine connection means hearing one another out—even when it’s uncomfortable.

Okay, let's talk about the election. Not an easy thing to talk about. I have said that both sides have done things that I didn't like. I've gotten killed on both sides. I've lost followers on both sides. I cannot be a chicken salad lipstick swilling woman alone. And it would be easier and I would make more money and I would gain more followers if I stuck to chicken salad and chanel. But the truth is, I have to be a grown ass woman, a mother, a friend, a partner, a business person, an entrepreneur. I have to speak my mind. I'm smart. I've been on Shark Tank with Kevin O'Leary and Mark Cuban on two different sides of the election. I've held my own and texted them privately. I've held my own. I've been right with them. I'm sure i've been wrong with them. But I'm a grown ass woman who is just as smart as anyone else, and I'm allowed to have an opinion. The thing is, we've gotten to this elitist state where people are snobs. People act like because they went to a better college, because they're richer, because they had a better job, that they are the authorities on the election. They're gonna talk louder, they're gonna browbeat you, they're gonna abuse you, they're gonna fight you in the comments. They're gonna fight with each other in the comments. And they think that that's gonna make them win. And this was the most divisive election in history. It got ugly, It went to almost fisticuffs. It was just really unbelievably vile in just the tactics and people beating the shit out of each other. Everyone was so afraid everyone needed their side to win so badly that they would just abuse other people that disagreed. Here's the problem with the divisiveness. There is no way to have a healthy conversation. There is no way to talk to someone else about your beliefs if you browbeat them, verbally abuse them, attack them and jam your opinion down their throat, or refuse to sit at a Thanksgiving table with them. Do you know how many rich Hollywood celebrities or members of the entertainment community and archaic bedrock community by the way, in LA that I have heard say I want sit down to dinner with him because of his politics. Are you a fucking idiot? I'm friends of Mark Cuban, I'm friends of Tim Dillon. I would easily go on Joe Rogan, and I would go on Alex Cooper, Carl her Daddy, I would go on the View, and I go on Fox News. I have worked in philanthropy, and incidentally, Republicans just happened to give more money than Democrats. Democrats talk more, Republicans give more. I don't know why, but I would go on CNN and I would go on Fox because I want money from both sides, and I will help people from both sides because humans are humans. And I use the analogy of a relationship. So you're in a relationship. You have a partner, you have a husband, you have a wife. You're in a relationship. You disagree on something, and it could be spending, it could be parenting, it could be religion, it could be upbringing, it could be where you're going in the holidays. Whatever. You attack the other person verbally, you tell them why you're they're an idiot, you're right, they're wrong. Are they going to listen to you? Will they hear your message? Or you can have a rational, healthy conversation with them about why you feel the way that you feel. In therapy. They teach you to talk about your own feelings. So like, I as a woman, feel this way about my body, I as a trans person feel this way. I as a poor person who can't afford to feed my kids, feel this way. I as a person from Ukraine, I as a person from Russia, I as a person from Gaza, I as a person from Israel feel this way. Versus you are a fucking idiot. You do this, you do that, You're blamed, You're wrong. You can't hear someone attacking you. You can't hear. There's no way to prove a point by verbally it attacking someone else by fighting with them in the comments. And I don't know why people are so stupid, Like talk to you're a Democrat, talk to a Republican, But can we have a healthy conversation. Can I tell you why I'm scared as a woman who was raped in high school, who had an abortion in high school, who's broke, who's a nurse working three jobs, Like why can't or you're a Republican, you're talking to a Democrat. It makes me. This makes me uncomfortable. This about sports with my daughter, who's an athlete, who's a female or this about my daughter who's in a in a camp bunk. A person with a penis comes in there, Like it's a conversation. It doesn't have to be a zero sum game where you're a fucking idiot, you're wrong, I'm right. I had a guy, doctor Amador, this therapist, a relateationship therapist, and his book was called I'm right, you're wrong, Now what. It will murder your relationship for it to be a zero sum game. I'm right, you're wrong, now what? And that's how politics has been. I'm right, you're wrong. Celebrities, the most sanctimonious group, have acted like they're the authority. They're right. They take a picture with Kamala, so therefore she's gonna win. They go speak at the Trump rally, so therefore he's gonna win. Nobody gives a shit about celebrities, Like why do people Hollywood is a dead town? Now? Why? Because social media is king, because citizens journalism is king, because cable is a dinosaur, because my former network is like being in Bedrock with Fred Flintstone trying to start the car with his feet, Like it doesn't it. There's three hundred thousand people watching these shows like it's not it's not it anymore. It's not it to like do something for six months and then later edit it down, like that's not what's going on. It's twenty twenty four, baby, you have fucking opinion, Get on your guys damn phone and share it. And celebrity La real estate's getting fucking killed. People are moving out of there. Everyone says it's dead from like because the entertainment industry is dead, so celebrities are not relevant. Celebrities are getting canceled that we're like the biggest A List celebrities ever, celebrities that have hundreds of millions of followers coming to me to work together, to ask my advice. Why I don't know the world's catching up with just saying what you fucking feel, but in a way that's digestible. I've said things that are wrong. I've said things in the wrong way. You could say one thing two different ways. I'm learning because if I say something the wrong way, you know what I'm gonna admit. The reason I owe Megan Marko on apology is because I said something the wrong way. I said crimey a river invalidating her experience. The day before she was going to talk to Oprah about being suicidal and talking about her experience with racism in the Royal Palace. Now, did I feel inside crime a River? Yes? Could I have said it in a different way, one hundred percent. Would the message have been received in a better way. Would I maybe have had a conversation with her in a different way. Possibly. I've said things about the Kardashians. I've said things, but during this election I said things appropriately about Trump, and Kamala still got killed because people can't have a healthy conversation. So people have to be able to have a healthy conversation. If you're in a relationship and you're going to tell your husband that you're not feeling seen, that you're not feeling sexy, or you're telling your wife that you feel like she's spending too much money or like you're not having enough sex, or you don't like the parenting style, or you want to go on a ski vacation versus a sunny vacation, or you are worried about the war in Ukraine, like whatever it is. If you talk at someone, they can't hear you. If you talk to someone, they can talk to you. And the divisive era has to end. I considered a dinner table. I could marry someone who voted for someone that I didn't vote for. Why. I want to know why they feel how they feel. I want to hear what they have to say. They may have grown up in a different way. They may have grown up rich. They're not wrong because they grew up rich. They're not a bad person because they grew up rich. They may have grown up poor. Let me give you an example. I don't have a big tolerance for coddled, spoiled, entitled kids that like the parents like I just am feeling bad. They're going through something because they're very stressed out, because they have homework and lacrosse practice. I come from a different perspective. I come from the tough shit program of parenting. I come from the Drew Barrymore school of childhood. I come from abuse, drugs, alcohol, the racetrack, gambling, debauchery, night clubs. I come from that. So it's hard for me to understand someone else who comes from a coddled cul de sac. But it doesn't mean that their experience is invalidated, like they're a bad person because their parents didn't abuse them and let them get sexually abused by people on the racetrack. That doesn't mean they're wrong. You have to be able to have a conversation. You could be a person who grew up Puerto Rican and you're in a relationship with an Italian American or someone Irish. You grew up in different houses, you were taught different things. Why can't you have a conversation about that. You grew up Orthodox Jewish. Your partner is a devout Christian. You gotta be able to talk about this stuff. Why why does it resonate with you? What do you disagree with about your childhood, about the way you were raised? Like? Why can't what's wrong with everybody? This is what couple's therapy is about. This is why people. This is what like the un is about. This is what boards are on big successful company. You have a board of directors, you have a chairman of the board, and you have all these other people from different backgrounds. You might need a woman. You might want a black woman. You might want want a male who's worked in tech. You might want someone who worked in politics. Why. Because it's like a summit. You want to hear other people's thoughts. That's what the Allen conferences. That's what business summits are. It's frankly why corporations have like national sales conferences. Let's hash it out, let's talk about it. And this guy that that I date, you know, says it's called raw raw shit, the raw rush. It is when you get everyone together and you understand them. I have several people that work with me that are Albanian. For example, I connect with Albanians. I don't know why. I just I love Albanians. Okay, so I'm like, let's do our Christmas dinner at or a holiday dinner at an Albanian restaurant, because I want to like understand their culture. Why. You know, there's something about Albanians that I connect to. I think it's their work ethic. They're like sort of not sensitive. This is also completely like making a blanket statement. But from my experience, Albanians are a tough group male and women. They have fixed They care about family. They often live with their parents. They're into religion. They marry young. A lot of the women are makeup artists and hairdressers. Men love cars, they love bling, they love like luxury items. They fucking work like a dog. They are hard workers and they're not sensitive. Like, so, like I want to understand, I want to go to there, I want to go to an Albanian restaurant. I would like to go to Albania, and like, I want to understand what makes an Albanian person tick. So you got to learn to understand your partners, your enemies, people that differ in political views, in religious views, in socioeconomic views. You can't be on social media beating the shit out of someone else because they grew up privileged. That's how they grew up. You can't go back and reverse time they grew up privileged any more than you can get mad at somebody for being uneducated. It's like nobody gets a double vote. Everybody gets one vote. The country has spoken Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. Something happened where he lost, and then the country said, this is what we want. We don't want that, we want this. Why people were being mansplained to, people were being talked down to. People. Celebrities were saying they're moving. Let me run through a list of celebrities they're moving. Amy Schumer moving out of the country, George Lopez leaving, Chelsea Handler going, Brian Cranston Shares moving to Jupiter. Unclear whether it's Florida or the other planet, but Florida is very pro Trump, so I assume she's gonna get on her spaceship and move to another planet with her young boyfriend John Stewart, Samuel L. Jackson, Miley Cyrus, Lena Dunham, Whoopy Goldberg, Raven Simone, Neo, Reverend Al Sharpton. What does this mean, Robert de Niro, Like, they're not moving. They pay taxes here, their kids go to school here, They've made their money here. They have participated in and relished in the American dream fueled by democracy, which means the people have spoken, which means people got their chance to vote. Everyone got up, they voted, they spoke. So all these people who want to move out of the country and won't, are you gonna believe them next time? Are we gonna like care whose celebrities vote for? Do we care that Hillary Clinton took a picture with Chris Jenner several years ago? Do we care about jay Z and Beyonce? Do we care? I mean any more than a normal person. I care about Beyonce as a single voting human. Taylor Swift, I care about her as a single voting human. Taylor Swift is arguably the most famous woman on the planet. Did it fucking matter when it came to milk and gas and unemployment and the Ukraine and Gaza and Israel and did it matter? It didn't matter. Each celebrity gets one fucking vote. Go in that booth and go for it. But you're not small, more elite, more educated, more correct, more anything than anyone else. And the world has had more than enough of celebrity sanctimonious. The die has been cast. This is the president. The country needs to come together. Mark Cuban dug his heels in, Guess what. Congratulations Donald Trump? And Elon Musk Andy Cohen despises Donald Trump. Guess what? Come together? Because everybody today is like, holy shit, I went so fucking hard in the paint and here we are. You know, Jennifer Lopez crying on the stage. Carti B. They have Jennifer Lopez has two hundred and seventy million followers. What does Cardi B have? What does Taylor Swift have? Let's count the social media followings of Taylor Swift, Cardi B, Beyonce, I'm gonna do that today, jay Z, Chelsea Handler I'm gonna have someone combine the social media followers of all these people and we're gonna say that, and we're gonna realize and everybody's ready for it. This is the age of authenticity. This is the age of truth. This is the age of unemployment, war, religious differences and coming together and Fox and CNN fucking rolling their eyes on both sides. They're better than last night looked like a funeral on CNN and it looked like Marty Ron Fox, And if it went the other way, it would have been the opposite. That's bullshit too. Report the fucking news like when we were kids. We don't need your eye roll, we don't need your personal opinions, we don't need your snark because you all look like a bunch of fucking losers. Now that's how I feel like enough. The media has played a part too in this bullshit. So twenty twenty four, Donald Trump would be the president. Take it or leave it, like it or not. This is what it is. So if you said you were gonna move, I guess you got to get the fuck out because that's what's happening in this country. Or you have to say I misspoke. That's it. You know, and I had so many different opinions having nothing to do with who I was voting for. Literally, Peico comment at the Trump rally was terrible. It was in poor taste. It was degrading to Puerto Ricans. I spoke on it, got crushed Kamala. I didn't think she should do call her daddy. I didn't. I didn't think you should be like, Hi, I want to be popular and cool, like we want to hear what you want to do with the world. And that's I spoke about it. Fucking canceled, lost tens of thousands of followers on both sides. I got killed twice. You help Gaza, you get killed, You help Israel, you get killed, You help Ukraine, you get killed, you help this one. You have like, it's unbelievable. You're not allowed to just do something and I allowed to say something. You're not allowed to have an opinion. You're not allowed to think that someone at a Trump rally saying something about Puerto Rico that didn't fucking land. I know it was a joke. It was a bad joke, didn't Land. Sorry, that's a problem. You're not allowed to say you don't think that Kamala should be like cozying up to celebrities. You know, allowed to say it, Well, tough shit. I'll say whatever the fuck I want to say because it's over. The dye has been cast, and the age of divisiveness has come to a screeching halt. You welcome

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