Bethenny reveals the details behind her hiring the infamous RHONJ Private Investigator, Bo Dietl, as well as the fallout from someone digging up dirt on her.
Plus, wait until you hear the Real Housewives' social disaster move that left Bethenny (*almost*) speechless.
Okay, So I didn't know this. My producer just put it together for me. I had seen in the media that somebody called Boddle, who I know I hired but bo Diel for less than a week on this ring scam where someone scammed me for a diamond ring that I ended up getting back myself. And it was an internet crime, and bo Dietl was like, can you fax me the information? In fairness, it was years ago, but still people were using BBM and BlackBerry and it was an internet crime, very much an internet crime. And he kept saying fax it to me, which makes sense right because he's like an old school Italian And a guy who I dated, who was in construction law introduced me to Bodel who was doing it as a favor to him. They all knew each other because they knew a lot of people that were connected. And bo Deedle kept saying to me he needed me, he needed me to fax information. I was very frustrated. Facts in the police report, facts and because we had to be on the internet. It was an internet crime. It was literally an eBay scam, and this diamond had crossed state lines twice and we had to be moving fast not at like a dinosaur fax machines pace. And so I ended up figuring out the whole entire crime and uncovering a Russian crime ring. And someone went to jail for over a year, and so did my diamond was taken for a year, and I got it back a here later. Crazy story in my book, but I should tell it here one day. Remind me, I'll tell you here. It was an insane story. And this is the place that I could really tell you in a slow and low way where I'm not rushed, not like doing it on a talk show. So I'll tell you the ring story. Just remind me. So bodedl I met before, and he likes the light, and he teased doing running for office, and he likes the press. And it makes perfect sense that Bodedle got involved with Louise. Makes sense. They know each other, makes sense he helped them out. What my producers were asking me, what I would think if someone had hired someone to investigate me, I don't even think that's the main question. Who cares? Like what do I think of the act? I think it's I think it's smart. I think it's really really smart. Never has there been a group of people that hide information more than the housewives never, So I really wouldn't go get a private detective right now on me. I wouldn't care. I've actually had someone an X of mine, do it on me and have me followed and recorded and hack my email to come up with nothing I except for like where I'm going to dinner or who I'm sleeping with, the things that are no one's business, but like nothing, you know. I think it's brilliant that Louis did that. He has a lot to hide, and he it's I don't know anything about him. It appears if when they's smoke there's fire, that he has a decent amount to hide. He's got some skeletons. People are concerned. I don't know based on what. I don't know anything about him. I met him, he was nice. I literally can't speak on what I don't know, and I don't do deep dives on this, and I literally haven't seen the show. I don't know anything. I could just like text people from Bravo and ask their opinions, which I wouldn't share anyway, but I haven't done that. I don't know a fucking thing, but I know that everybody's super skeptical. Usually when they smoke, there's fire. So if this is a guy that has a checkered passed, he's fighting fire with fire. He's saying, I walked into this, and everybody's got shit on me. So I'm getting shit on everybody. And I don't know if bo Diedle's the guy to do it. I don't know if he's all show and no go, but he's probably connected. He didn't he wasn't able to help me that much on that crime, but maybe in this way background checks and shit like that. I think it's fucking genius, and I'd like to do a background check on everyone. I'd like to do. I'd like to I'd like to hire. It's very expensive, but it's worth it. So let's say it was like t it's like expensive, it'd be like ten grand, but ten grand a housewife you'd get an ROI like, how many relevant housewives are there? Other like people would care, like normal and formal, and most of the ones you wouldn't care. People that have been out with it, Like would you care about Ninie's check or past? I wouldn't. She's already told part of it, okay, so I don't care about Nannie's Teresa's gone to jail. Do I care about her past? Yes, I would care about Luisa's past. If I care about I don't care. You might care about Erica's. I think you would. I think you'd care about you'd care about Kyle's and Kathy's because you know they don't seem to have one. Uh, you'd probably you'd care about that woman who left that like rich woman Diane or something. You'd care about Lisa Rinnaz. It's people that like are really out there but seem like they could maybe like they're I don't know either people that are like flaunting that you'd want to know, or people that are acting super like demure and innocent, you know, like like does Yolanda have a past? She seems so like muted tones, that whole quiet luxury thing. You know. I like Yolanda. I don't know her that well either, but I'm just saying I don't. Quiet luxury is such a sham to me. Like I don't care about Larza Pippens because she's on OnlyFans, like Denise Richards is married to Charlie Sheen and like she's on OnlyFans, Like it's okay, whatever, it is. We don't care, Ramona, you don't care because she's done everything on television. I'm sure there's a pet checker pass. I don't really care. I mean, Luanes would be a great time, but she's already been to jail and gone to rehab like and says she's like etiquette, you wrote a book on etiquette. She's got to jail and rehab like probably in the same night. Like, so it's like, you gotta care. But it might be the like you would have cared about Scott Tinsley's guy because he was acting like the big time or taking everyone to Dubai so they'll promote his coupa on cabin and all that shit, Like there's definitely a lot of shit on him. He's got like vagus underground, slippery, slimy shit on him. Who else, Yeah, it feels like the spouses Joe Gorga, that'd be a good one, Melissa, that'd be a good one. Not now, but like if Porscha was on the show, she's always like running around with these rich, hot dog tycoons, like she'd be fun to find. Everybody's got a past. Wait a minute, I saw I saw it on TikTok, Margaret saying this is so shady, it's amazing. I used to not talk about housewife. Here's what's funny. So I know there are all these accounts and these people that talk about housewives, and I never do because I never know anything. But my producers tell me a lot most of the things that are going on because I don't watch. It's not I'm better than I just don't watch. I never watched my own shit. I keep having to say that because I feel like I have to make it up. But it's not like I want don't watch some a hater. I just don't watch because I don't watch. So but I see clips. I learn everything I know about, like Teresa's wedding or something going on with Nini, And sometimes I don't know if it's current, like Ninie seemed like she was shading Andy Cohen on TikTok, but that could be an old video. People be like, have about that time when, and I don't know if it was last week or last year. So I saw a clip that on TikTok that Margaret Joseph's was saying that they gave cash to Teresa and Louis and that the check was cashed within the first twenty four hours. Okay, I don't There's so many things I have to say about this. So number one, do we give cash to adults that are our age and presumably somewhat successful, Like it's just weird? How much cash? I need to ask Margaret Joseph's how much cash did you give? And no matter what you give, they thought it was cheaps. You gave too much. And then you're you're gonna have a wedding, some party, then they're gonna give you back the same amount. Just keep your own money because they're giving it back to you because that's what you get. Let me ask you a question, how much to say? If I were going I would never be giving them money, by the way, never if I were going to Teresa at his wedding. I guess it was a good scam because housewives care about what shows like let me show my bag, let me show my outfit, let me show everything. Right, it has to look rich, So housewives would care that they would have to give a gift that's going to show like you're not giving one hundred dollars to Teresa and Louie a gift for a bot a bar a bought mitzvah or like a sweet sixteen I think is like one hundred and eighteen dollars or something. If it's a kid that you kind of like, I'm sure that if it's like someone that a father's working with, they're gonna go show off and give a five hundred dollars sometimes be a big timer one thousand dollars for like a wedding or something like someone has I knew a guy who had a foreman who worked for him who was getting married, so he gives him a thousand dollars, right, because that's like a nice gift. So like, what are you giving Teresa and Louie? Like what did people give Luyne and Tom at their wedding? How much to me? Five hundred sounds right, but it sounds cheesy too, Like what would I give Teresa Louis if I went to their wedding? Like let's say I wanted to go to Joe and Melissa's renewal of their vowels a perfect thing for the housewives. Wait, why haven't they done that? They must have done that. That's such a good like content thing. So if I was only allowed to give cash, by the way, they should just be like, here's a deposits lift to Bank of America. That's why we do. Here's a venmo I think I would have given if I wanted to show off, I'd give a thousand, but I wouldn't want to. I'd be talking about it. I would be so upset. I'd need a return on my investment. I don't know what it would be, but I would. I don't know what it would be. I'd be like, and here's a clause. It says, Melissa has to promote my Forever Young wine, my Skinny Girl popcorn, my spicy salad dressing, the new Asian vinaigrette, and my Mingle mocktails. So I'll give you. I'd give her, you know, for that, I'd give five grand. So maybe I'll do that. I'll go to housewives weddings and I'll go there and I'm like, I'll give you each house Web ten thousand. But you have to like promote like three to five of my products. It's a good model. But anyway, why are we giving cash to Luisa Resa? Why would he accept cash? It's also gross? Why did he wear the grandfather's clothes? Why did he give the daughters the bracelets. Like I liked him, he was nice, but like, why are you cashing a check? Who cashes a check? I don't wedn't even know how to cash a check. I don't when was las time you got a check. I don't have a check book. So I get a check and then I'm gonna go cash it the next day. Like that would take me four months. I'd have a note to myself for four months, be like, I gotta find somebody in a horse and buggy that's gonna find a way to cash this check. I don't know, so I'm dying. I would like it if they didn't cash the check, but they just signed it over. What do you call that when someone like indorses a check or like forwards a check and sends it to like the next housewist thing. But anyway, I don't know, there's no way and so how much money they must have gotten a lot of money, Like, but that's just kind of Italians give a cash which I like. By the way, nobody needs another fucking like silver spoon, especially housewives. What would I want? I'm a housewife. If you're going to accept cash, you may as well just be like, okay, listen, I've registered at Van Kleef and arpel Airmez Tiffany, because then you could just go then buy other people gifts with your gift. So I'd be like, I've registered at these three places, but just buy me a gift card. I only want gift card. I'm accepting gift cards at these places. Or you could venmo me. Or here's a great spa that I like to go to to get massages. Just just send the money there. What's the fucking what I don't need is a shafing dish? I don't, I really don't. I really don't like people. I'm not using my dining room and I'll walk fucking to home goods and get whatever I need for So I just die. I don't know why. That just struck me as so ridiculous. It can't even be true. It can't be true. Can it be true? By the way, if Kim Zolziak has a gambling issue, I actually feel tremendous compassion because it's very noisy, it's very money focused. It's very like throwing money at the problem. You keep chasing it, you keep thinking you're gonna get there, You go back. This is the one time it's gonna happen. It's a disease. It's a very very sad thing, if that's actually true. I don't know if that's true. But what a waste like buying luxury goods and doing all this stuff in these vacations and it's expensive water, at least there's something to show for it. Gambling, it just goes so quickly, your money just flies. It's horrendous. And I've known people, and people don't talk about it enough. And my heart goes out to kingsolsiac if that's part of her problem, which is probably connected to the overspending. It's like action, it's addiction, it's I get it. I have noise sometimes about buying things and spending, and then I having nothing to do with money but refret it and want to like pare it all down, and it's just it's noisy, and I feel I actually feel found h