Bethenny addresses the aftermath of Shannon Beador’s accident…and what she has to say, may surprise you. Plus, Mauricio Umansky's latest moves and what it means in the long run!
Shannon the Door was driving under the influence, hit someone's property, hit and run, then pretended she was I guess walking her dog. And people are making fun of it on social media, and I swear to you, I don't know if I'm getting softer in my old age. I don't know that I ever would have made fun of that. I felt compassion first. I don't even know if it was just for her, but just like I felt like, oh, amazing, this is somebody to drag. Now. It is not admirable to drive under the influence. She is not the first person to ever have done it. It is certainly less admirable to crash into someone's property and then it's a hit and run. It certainly makes you think of what if it was a person and driving under the influence is so disgusting and so selfish and what if you hurt someone? But people are happy about it. That's what freaks me out. Like it's not like people are like, Wow, that's really unsafe and unfortunate and irresponsible. People are like laughing, like ooh, I guess this other one on the show is gonna be excited. Like that's what's getting disgusting about reality TV. That people are just thinking of it as content and like that. I guess she made fun of somebody else's duy, a girl, Gina on the show, and so now that girl gets to make fun of her, and then this is going to be the talk of the reunion. And it's really fucked up. Like it's really fucked up. And it's not the first thing my body thought of. I just I swear on my life, my body thought of, oh my god, I'm so glad everyone's okay, because a dui is fucked and it's just it's a turn off. It's bad. But then that you could really kill somebody and hurt somebody, and there could have been a kid on the lawn of that house, and it's just it's very scary. It's just very unfortunate. And I think of I've been thinking of Tamra lately because Tamra. I think she sort of came out against my either Raquel interview or something else. Tamra's the type of person that if you like, you know, if you say one thing towards her, she like has to snap back and is very you know, she's spiteful. She has to like go for it. Because I've said really positive things about her before and being a goat and an amazing housewife. And I talked about an episode that she was on on The Housewives of OC, the Naked Wasted one, on how it was an example of this genre of television where it's a genre where it's okay for women to get somebody wasted and then someone's son to go force themselves on another person and the cameras don't stop. I don't blame Tamra for that anymore than I blame anybody else or myself or the things that I've done on reality television and said that don't reflect who I am in a normal, non stressful environment. I never blame the talent. I genuinely don't blame the talent. I don't blame when you're on the field, and when you're in the Hunger Games, it is kill or be killed. It is a zero sum game. You are there to drive ratings, and it's taken me years and years to rinse it off. And in the way that it takes like over a year or two for your body to bounce back after having a baby, it takes years for your psyche, your mind, and your emotional well being to bounce back after being on the Housewives and being really good at it. Many people try it, are bad at it, leave and that's probably because they're too ethical, too good. It's just not worth it. But I was very good at it, and I was all in with it, and it took me a really long time to realize all the things that are not correct about it as a genre. And I'm not a hypocrite. I'm just a person who's older and wiser and doesn't have to do that for money anymore. So I do not blame tamorra anymore than I blame anyone else, anymore than I blame Raquel or Tom or anyone else. It does not reflect real life. I am sorry. And I was thinking about this episode of New York when Barbara was caught saying something about Tom Luan's fiance. She had a hot mic, and they aired it because there is no line with reality television and the producers that people think of their friends. Their number one goal is ratings, so Barbara. So it's legal in New York to record a phone call. So I could get on the phone with Paul and say some things to him, and he could say some things to me that are private and I could record it and I could air it here on this podcast, and it is legal. Does that make it right? And he's signed up for this relationship, but he's with a crazy person and a public person. Does that make that right? And why I say that is that that incident ruined Barbara and Lewan's relationship because Barbara was saying negative things about Tom on a hot mic. She did not ever or intend anyone to hear. She signed a release because she was gonna be at a party, but she didn't sign on that every thought that she has in her mind, by the thought police is going to be aired for profit content. She's not a housewife like even there are so many things that we say that we regret on camera when we know we're being recorded. That that's dangerous enough, that's a risk enough. Now talk about if you're on a hot mic. That's so frightening. And I say this because I was watching It's the one where Lenny has a hot mic and he's in the kitchen and he's talking about how he's been sleeping with someone else and he's leaving Lisa. Now, I've met Lisa a couple times. I think she's very nice. I like her. There are many housewives I've met from other cities that I really like, just like many housewives from other cities have met me that they really like. And then there are people from New York Housewives that could hate me because they get a different experience than my nice, pleasant relationship with Phaedra or Lisa Hoxney because we're not at war together, we're not on the back I feel together. So Lisa would feel very differently about Larsa if they didn't work together on that toxic battlefield. So what I'm saying is I like Lisa. I think she's very nice. I don't know that much about her, but I don't know about her marriage. I met her on a trip. We all went on a trip together, Lenny, her and like fifty people, and they seem fun and she's the life of the party. But that doesn't mean I know her. So I'm not going to judge her or Lenny, except that I'm team Lisa because I've met her, I like her, and I'm going with the girl. But that's still even Let's pretend he's a full scumbag he got engaged with someone else. These two aren't legally divorced. Okay, I think I might have done that too. I think I might have done that too. I think Kim Kardashian did that. I think people have done that. Okay, I'm not sitting here in judgment. I'm saying on a television show, Lenny wasn't on camera, he's not the housewife, he's not being paid. He's signed a release because he's part of this, but like, it doesn't look like he's really loving being on the show overall or in this instant. He's on a hot mic talking about cheating on his wife, talking about maybe leaving her. Does that mean it's right that they air that He didn't consent to that content going public, He didn't want it going public just because he signed a release. Does that mean that, like it should be a loophole and their relationship secrets should be aired. What if she thought that the fucking trainer at her gym was hot and told one of her friends he's got a fucking hot ass and I'd hit that. Does that mean that that's supposed to be aired because it's like because she thought it? Like, And I'm not defending Lenny by any stretch of anyone's imagination. He's I've already publicly, you know, said watching him get engaged was like picking out of a garbage bin, you know, a discount bin, you know, for the five dollars bin. I've already said that. I'm just talking about a construct of being on a hot mic and not knowing that what you're saying is going to be used on television. Like, there's got to be a line with that. It wasn't something he wanted out there, and he's not the main character. And people are in relationships that cheat and then they still stay together. People are in relationships where one person doesn't really want to know. Many people Luan didn't want to know. Many women don't want to know. More women don't want to know than do because what if they can't afford to get a divorce. Ignorance is bliss? What if they have an open relationship. So it's just something that hit me when I watched it, because I thought they'll stop at nothing. It's just it's for profit, and he did sign up for it. I get that, but there has to be a line. He signed up, But it should be like if you know you're being filmed, that's what should air. It should not be like you not everything you have. You think every thing I've thought about my relationship with Paul should not be public. I wouldn't want everyone to know. He wouldn't love everything I've said to my friends about my relationship. I wouldn't love everything he said to his therapist about me. That's not what real life is. Barbara and Luan would still probably be friends to this day if it wasn't a hot mic on a show that she wasn't being paid to be on because she had signed a release to enter a building that's fucked up. It it affected their relationship forever. So I don't care if it's wrong to talk about this medium because I was paid and made a lot of money and signed up for it. I don't care. I just I'm seeing things differently. And when I did tell Luanne about the Tom affair, I told it on camera it was for profit content. I own that. I recognize that. I get that that was kill or be killed, that was the Hunger Games, that was the Unsullied, And I wasn't friends of Luanna, and I didn't really care. And you're either being killed or killing so you want, you need, you need the on someone else as they needed on you. At all times, because you never know when you're gonna have to use it. It's war, and no honest housewife will tell you any different. They all know it's fucking war. If you have it, the producers want it coming into the show, and if you have it, you'll save it for a rainy day because you will need it. Ooh, okay, a couple of things housewives. Two housewives have reached out to me whose stories you would want to hear. I've only ever had Jill Zarin, and that was more about a reunion than about housewives. But we didn't even really. Yeah, we did talk. We rewatched Housewives, but I did not have her on because she was a housewife. I had her on because we were close friends and we reunited. Housewives have wanted to talk about things that you would find very entertaining and would be very clickbaity and very provocative. Bravo block them. Bravo for bade Housewives not in writing from doing this show. That's some tea, okay. In other news, I said to Paul about Maurice doing Dancing with the Stars. Maurice is the only person who has four names, Mo, Mauricio, Maudicio or Maurice. I've met Maurice as Maurice, and I think his friends called him mo Maudi cio is I think what his family would probably call him. Mauricio is also his name. He's got four names. He's who else has four names? I gotta give him that he could be a different name each week of Dancing with the Stars. I don't know. I think it's brilliant of him to do it. I think it's brilliant of them to ask him. I think it's interesting that he's doing it before Kyle. I can't imagine why Kyle hasn't done it. She loves dancing. Fun fact, I've been asked to do it since the very beginning. I was asked to be a celebrity apprentice since the very beginning too, But same with Dancing with the Stars, and I've always turned it down, not because I'm better than it or anything. Brinn was young, going out to La to do it was never a possibility, and I don't know. I haven't wanted to do it. Is that is that just a good enough answer? But I was the first housewife to be asked to do it, but I didn't want to do it, and I love it and I love them and I love ABC and it's great, but I can't give a good reason. And the casting person always emails she's love and amazing and it's a great show. So I think it's brilliant of Maurice to do it, brilliant of ABC to ask him, brilliant of Dina Katz to think of him. I do think it's interesting that Kyle hasn't done it. Kyle's now leaned into I guess Maurice being famous some tea. He's always wanted it really badly, and he did help push that whole business and that whole fame model in their home forward. I mean, Beverly Hills is very much a show of husbands and wives, and Maurice, you know, the hot house husband, and he's been part of that equation. I know that. You know it's a double edged sword. I know Durinda experienced it understandably when you bring in your partner and like, now they're becoming famous and doing carpets too, and it's not really about the fame, but it sometimes turns you off when they now are all into Instagram and social media when they weren't like that, when they're loving the light and it's double standard because you're doing it and you love the light, or you may not love the light, but you're in the light and you're the peacock, and then when they become the peacock too, it can be challenging if people didn't enter that together. It's always best when one person doesn't really want it and kind of just is there to indulge you, but when the other person really wants it, which Maurice definitely does. And I know that because Kyle didn't want Maurice to kind of be doing his own TV stuff, you know, and he was. We had it. We share an agent years ago, and the agent was getting on the phone with Maurice about this other show, not Housewives, and said, do you want me to get Kyle on? Because it was kind of going to be their thing, but I don't, you know, it was really his thing. It was their thing, but it was his thing the way The Housewives was her thing and she wasn't that into that, which I get. You know, they did the Housewives. It was a means to an end. Let's build our businesses, let's make money, but we don't need to like have you over there doing your own show. That's also going on with Heather Dubreu and Terry where he's a big star. Now that's got to be fairly annoying, I'm sure. So it was happening where Maurice was trying to get his own show, which and he said to the agent when the agent said let's get kylong because she was like the primary client, Oh, don't worry, we don't need to get her on, because he really wanted it. So Maurice has wanted the light and the fame, and that's his prerogative. You know, he has a business, he's liked the attention, he's become wealthy. He used to be in the garment industry. He's very forward facing. People have thought he's very hot. He's wanted the light, and maybe that's part of what happened in their relationship. You know, they came in together and she was the peacock. And now he's on Dancing with the Stars and he might be wearing a peacock costume. Who knows, he might be on the mask singer soon wearing a peacock costume. It's just always challenging when there are two peacocks in a relationship. It's interesting that Maurice is going to be on Dancing with the Stars. I'm sure she'll cheer him on. I'm sure the kids will be there too. He's got his own shows buying Beverly Hills. And also, you know, you can't fight the ocean. So once Maurice started being beloved by the audience and started being funny and they became a famous duo and they do commercials and stuff together, Kyle probably just leaned in and said, Maurice is famous. Now. All boats rise with the tide and it's all going into the family pot anyway. So I hope to see Kyle watching Maurice. I hope to see him dancing the night away and congratulations and I'm excited, and the audience is going to love it. But headline, it's brilliant across the board.