Got the right venue (Palm Springs), the right theme (Mad Men), the right plus one (wouldn't YOU like to know). ICONIC.
So I went to a wedding this weekend, a bougie wedding in California. I was excited about this wedding to be perfectly transparent. When I was invited. It motivated my dating era because when I got the invitation aligned with when I started dating, and I was thinking, oh my god, I just would love to have a great date for this particular wedding. It's going to be such a beautiful wedding. It's going to be so elite. But you don't want to bring the wrong date. You'd rather go alone, dare I say it? And maybe meet someone then bring the wrong date. But going to a wedding alone can be depressing. And it's not just going to the actual event alone, it's the whole weekend, like who's your partner, your wing person, your wingman, get the red to car, what's your hotel room? Like? What are you doing during the day? It makes you feel connected? Okay, So, but I was never going to just bring any date because I wouldn't disrespect the bride and groom because not everyone's invited with a date, and you know, a date has to have meaning, and honestly, I don't know that I would have gone without a date. I don't know. I'm sure I would have because I love the people, but like I was at a vulnerable place in my life. My mother had just passed away, gone through a breakup, Like I don't actually know. And this is going to be a cop out and sound elitist, but you know me, I'm always gonna be honest with you. As a public person, I do get approach at these types of events and there are hundreds of people and I sort of want a wing person, and I do believe that that's part of the reason I was invited with a date, because they know that everyone's going to be coming up to me, which they did anyway, not everyone. I'm not Madonna. I'm just saying there will be people that will come up to me, and it gives you like guardrails if you're talking to someone, it's not going to be like the whole entire time you're you know, doing a public appearance. And I don't know if that sounds bad, and I'm sorry if it does, but it's just my experience. No one wants to hear people complain about being known, and I'm certainly not I love my life, but it's just one of these things where when you're standing alone, people come up to you and ask you about things and talk to you about things, and talk to you about the show and the media and whatever. And so I went to the wedding and I did have a date. My personal life has become way more personal now I am not on TV. I don't I'm not compensated to share my personal life, and ironically, more for me than even the people that I am with, I'm more militant about it. It is so tempting when you really like or love someone to share it. It is so tempting you want to share it. You have oxytocin serotonin, you just are feeling happy, alive. That's the time you probably shouldn't share it, because the minute things get shared, whether you're public or even in your neighborhood, your community, everybody's business is in your business, and there's such a strength and power in keeping things private. So that's what I have attempted to do. And I will just say that I brought the right date, I had the best time, and we can get into the actual wedding. So this was a high profile wedding, a daughter of someone very high profile that I'm friends with, and it was in California. It was in Palm Springs, and they gave a bunch of different hotels. I stayed at the Lakinta Resort Hotel. Evidently there was another hotel that people were staying, and I don't know why I didn't get that recommendation. I would have stayed at that fancy hotel. It was called Sente, I think, and it was like a cousin of the Nobu hotel that had a Nobu in it. Incidentally, I heard Megan Markle was at the bar and the person who said this to me said it was very low key. It was her and two girlfriends and no one was really you know, coming up to her or saying anything to them, and she and her girlfriends bought shots for the whole bar. That's the story that was told to me. It was told me a little more enhanced, but that's just a little incidental gossip. At the wedding I was at, Angelica Houston was there, which I was so funny because Angelica Houston looks like Angelica Houston, but she doesn't look like Angelica Houston, like you don't think it's her. She looks like someone who looks like Angelica Houston. So that was a funny moment and she was really sweet. Lauren Michaels was at the wedding. And this is iconic because I my internship story where I got an internship while at NYU to be to work at SNL. But and Y, you wouldn't give me the credit. So SNL said they couldn't give me the internship. It was my biggest regret and the me now would have pushed through. And I always tell him the same story, and I'm sure it's boring, but I know, Lauren. I've been to his house one time and he gave me I had a good advice just about being in this industry. And I went to dinner with him and some people one time and he told stories about different people who are on Saturday Night Live. I never connected dot, I never read anyone out. But he was talking about specif Civic cast members and how it's important that you make an exit to be able to make an entrance. And years later I left reality television and assigned that to myself. I left reality television and came back at a drastically higher value, like you could astronomical stratospheric increase in salary and I literally only left for three seasons. But not until you leave, just someone see your value that could be in a relationship, that could be at a job. So don't be afraid to make courageous moves because you just don't know how it's going to end up. I've had people leave a job and then regretted it. I've left relationships and those people have really regretted it. I had one person go to therapy for ten years over our breakup and they just were flippant about the breakup at the time. So you just don't know, and you have to make an exit to be able to make an entrance. Lauren Michael's quote. I worked for him under a guy named Barnaby Thompson that was a producer for Lauren. I did not know that he's still he knows Lauren and that they're still friends. So much so that this producer, Barnaby Thompson, who lives in the UK, he was British, he is British, was British and moved I guess back to the UK. He was at this wedding. I was talking to his son all weekend just because he was like this tall, good looking guy that girls were after, and I was asking him, you know, did you get with that girl that was interested in you. This was like on the Saturday after the rehearsal dinner the night before, not knowing that he who I was talking to like he was a peer, is the son of my former boss. So my recollection of my job, which most of my recollections are correct, as we've proven in reunions and in housewives experiences, my recollection was that this guy Barnaby was like the apsmidy professor, and he was a little disorganized and like a little little scattered and scrambled, and he was a young man that I think he was married, but if he had kids, they were babies, well yeah, it was like thirty years ago, so they were babies literally because this kid was his child was thirty one. But I don't think of myself as someone who worked for someone who has now as a thirty one year old man that I son that I'm talking to as a peer. So anyway, I Barney, this man comes up to me at the wedding the Saturday, because Friday was the welcome dinner, and he's like Bethanye, I look at him and he's like, barnaby, I'm like, what the fuck like? And we were dying. He was so endearing and I said to him, I feel like I used to boss you around because I told that to Lauren Michaels and his wife and I always like for things to track. And he said, well, you were quite intimidy, which is so funny because I was always me because I was twenty five years old, you know, living in la and I was a temp I got the job through a temp agency and then I got it as a real job, and I was just fucking pushy. I mean, I just was confident. He produced Black Sheep and Tommy Boy. I now am friends with David Spade. I forgot to tell him that, and I just like sort of jammed my way through making myself useful and decided to take over the planning of that premiere. And the same thing happened when I worked for Chris Blackwell, which was not really Chris Blackwell. It was another situation where I now say I worked for Lauren Michaels because I worked for the guy that worked for Lauren Michaels, and I now say that I worked for Chris Blackwell. The guy who created I founded On Island Records because I worked for Mark Berg, who worked for Chris Blackwell. And mark Berg wasn't who he is today either. Now he's the guy who managed Charlie Sheen and was a producer on Two and a half Men and the Saw movies, but then he was just Mark Berg. He'd worked in a couple of smaller movies. And I now say I worked for Jerry Brouckharimer, when I kind of did, but I really worked for Linda Bruckharmer, his wife. So it's like I technically worked for him, but I was really hired to work for the person under them. But I finagled my way into working for Chris Blackwell because I planned a party at his house up like on King's Road, and I forget what we were celebrating, but like I was, like pushed myself through. And later I worked for MERV Griffin indirectly because I produced events for a company that MERV Griffin Productions purchased. So anyway, Barnaby said that I was intimidating, and that made me laugh. Let's get back to the wedding. Friday night is the welcome dinner at this house? In an area called Okay, Okay. There's an area called the Madison Club. There's this guy who's a baller. I think his name is Michael Mellman. He's partners with Clooney and Randy Gerber in the Cosami Goes. He has this thing called the Discovery Club. It's like this investment real estate company that has these very elite, bougie as fuck developments like Yellowstone could be part of it, but definitely there's one in Cabo and there's one in Palm Springs called the Madison Club where Bieber and the Kardashians have homes, not far from like where Kyle etc. Have homes, but like, this is the elite one. This is the Rolls, Royce Colin and big major bag alert Like you are the not fucking around cro If you have a house in there, your house is thirty million dollars, fifteen million dollars. It's not a joke. For me. Palm Springs doesn't have water, and for me, I feel suffocated when I'm not by water, and I prefer I think Arizona because of the mystical aspect. But let's not talk about that. The guy on Friday Night, this is Raeli guy. I think we're allowed to say his name, Gala. He's a fucking g He's cool, he's handsome. His wife is pretty, she's cool. They have a house his design aesthetic, and I've read he's like sold houses into Holmby Hills and he's this build or whatever. The event Friday no cameras was held at his house, but you were allowed to have like a little bullshit camera and some people took pictures. They just probably didn't want, like it to be a free for all. His design aesthetic is triumphant, like I don't want it. I don't want a giant house. I don't want a thirty five thousand foot house. I don't I'm too OCD for that. But when I tell you to appreciate a person who has curated a real estate experience like this beyond chef's kiss. So that was Friday night, and my date and I, who have decided to go through a midlife crisis together, were the last ones to leave the party. He has my energy level. We had the best time ever. These kids were like the thirty year olds all there and we like we started dancing. I am kind of when I'm in the mood. The life of the party. I definitely am. There's music on, I don't care who's dancing. I'll start dancing. Other people start dancing. I'll talk to people. I'll have sixty cocktails. Let's give some name dropping. Scott's Sardiano who owns zero Bond and used to own Butter and own Sardiano's was there. Check who else was there? Gogozian, Gogosian Galleries, massive guy in the art world there. Some guy who ran Sports Illustrated was there. He's eighty years old. He was as cool as anyone I've ever met. My life long conversation with him. Some amazing, hot, sexy, interesting gaze were there. It just was like a good, interesting crowd. Alex and Steve Cohen who, by the way, shout out to them because my date pointed out to me they didn't make this entire weekend about them. It was a kid's wedding, meaning I'm calling kids thirty year olds like they had twenty five people there. Their friends I live for were all really good friends now and that's it. We were like a side side dish. Kids ordered what they want, ate what they want, designed how they wanted, had the party they wanted it's sexual. We were like guests, and I fucking shout them out because you know what happens with a lot of rich people. They want to make it their show, their rodeo. They want to get the talent they want, They want to show off. When you're Alex and Steve Colon, you don't need to show off. And they just they acted like anybody in any neighborhood whose kids were getting married. And that's a chef's kiss too. It happened to be at a sick place. But like they get the award for like understated they you know what I mean, Like they they just they were They were not like trying to like pull focus. They were not trying to get attention. They were parents of the bride and the bride in the groom of the stars, and the event was the star and that was amazing. Like they just had fun and were great, We're gonna get into Saturday on the part two because the next and they didn't do a thousand activities like you have to go to everything. It was a choose your own eventure. Friday's a big party. Buckle up for Saturday. It's gonna be big, it's gonna be great. And then Saturday was the wedding and that was the main event. But like I was not sure what to expect. I didn't know if there would be pretense because so many such a you know, a wealthy families event, and I've been to those and it's like performative and show up. The It wasn't that at all, And like I didn't know what. I didn't know if it was gonna be stiff stuff stuff, I didn't know what it was going to be. Well, it was alive, it was free, it was appropriate, it was correct, and I had a great time and it felt like a family affair, felt like any other wedding in spirit, maybe not in location. But the truth is you could be at the Nights of Columbus Hall or a barbecue or you know, your backyard and have a great wedding. It's about the feeling, the alchemy, the combination of people, and this event had that. So Friday had a great time. Loved my date, my choice, my life, the family, the friends, the bride, the groom. Also, she didn't dress like forty two wardrobe changes, all this stupidity, like every night of six outfits like so stupid. She had a beautiful dress on the theme was mad Men's Sixties for the weekend. He looked handsome and that was it. Like they looked relaxed, natural, They looked like they're guests, but like elevated. But we all you know what I mean. It was really I hate all this tentiousness now. So Friday night, welcome dinner, sickest house ever check. We'll get onto Saturday next and we'll get onto my whole entire weekend and laking To resort and we'll do a review of that too. You're welcome.