Justice for tourists! Get over yourselves locals! PLUS: Lemme at Kourtney's Lemme gummies
So I was thinking about the Olympics and Simone Biles clapping back. Of course, I forgot the name of the girl who did a video a while back talking about the Olympic gymnastics team that they're like mid sort of subpar, that it's not what it used to be, et cetera. And this woman is obviously eating her words because so many people are talking about her video, and it's obvious that it bothered Simone. And of course if something gets pick up, you're going to hear about it and it's going to bother you. People think that these celebrities don't read the little things that someone says, but they do. And I know that from both sides of it. I know that from things that I've said, and I know that from things that I've read and things that I've heard, and things that have gotten pick up. And sometimes things just get pick up. So this must have gotten a lot of pickup. I think it might have been a YouTube. I think it's now been deleted. But someone said basically that the gymnastics team was sub par. I don't know what the language was. I forgot exactly what the post was. But so the gymnastics team crushes it they win the gold simone claps back and you know, gives it air, gives it, oxygen, gives it gasoline, puts fire on it. And it's funny because the question is to clap back, to react, to take the bait, or not to take the bait. On Housewives, people always take the bait. I did not always take the bait intentionally, and it can enrage people. Now, the thing is, once in a while you want to slap someone, Like once in a while you're like, I know what I'm doing. I know this is childish, or i know this is giving this air, but I'm going to clap back, or I'm going to slap someone because they deserve it, and I'm going to do it. And she's stuck the landing not only on the mat but in the clapback. But the question is, overall, is it worth the clapback giving the other person more air? In this case, I would say probably, but probably not because the truth is I didn't know who that other person's name was, and I didn't even know about the slight because like that's very inside baseball, and people often are inside baseball. And I had a big time celebrity, a very big celebrity reach out to me recently to say, oh my god, hot, doi you do this? And I was like, do what? And they're like, I'm getting killed for something? And they thought they were getting killed for something. They were in page six and like one, I think daily Mail article about something that no one's ever gonna know about. This is not real. This is like a drop of poison in the ocean. Like you don't get it. It's not real. You think it's because you're reading about yourself. It's confirmation bias. And Simone Biles it was real for her because she was reading it and people that follow her were reading it, and that is kind of real. But in the grand scheme of things, Simon now who you know has appealed to such a broader audience, And like you know, Wheedy's boxes is the Olympics. When the Olympics are happening, like it's more or you know, Jen Pop, I'm not following gymnastics year round, I'm not following sports year around. I'm not even following the Olympics religiously. But like, ID have to be under a rock to not know who Mary lou Rihttin was when I was a kid, and to not know who Simone Biles is now, so I know who she is and I know what she's done, and I've watched her and I saw the TikTok gold medal chomping creative TikTok that they did, which is hysterical. We have to talk about that too, like Olympic gymnasts having the focus to do their sport, be their train and do tiktoks. It's so ridiculous. But anyway, now I happen to have forgotten who this girl's name is, but I knew it a couple of days ago, and I had never known it before. So I would say, by and large, I would vote, don't take the bait, don't do the clap back if the person is really not relevant to the level that you are. No one's more relevant than Simone. And she did share a piece of her Olympics with this girl, whether it's good or bad, she still did. And I've been used a lot, even recently for headlines, and it's tempting to take the bait. You just can't take the bait. Just gotta let it all rints out it's gonna be. I would never have known of that girl. I would never have known of that post. That's the bigger picture. I would never have known that someone ever said that this team is subpar, and that that that you know that this girl isn't it. I would never have known that. My whole, all, my thing is that she's it. That's all that I know. You know is that she dropped out. It was controversial and now she's it. So think before you react, take a while before you react, and take the bait, even if it's one, because even if it's one good post that's gonna get pick up, that too will dissolve. So you gave her the attention. We know what she said, and I don't even remember what your clapback was either. So is it worth it in any situation? You don't have to be famous either. It could be like in the cul de Sac. I always talk about the cul de Sac. Is it worth fit to get all heated in the cul de Sac? I want to talk about locals and tourists. It's a very very common thing in tourist destinations. It could be the Ozarks, it could be Lake Michigan, Lake George. It could be the Hampton's, It could be sent Trope, it could be highs Lows, middles It doesn't matter, right. It could be on a lake, on a pond, it could be on a river, it could be anything. But locals hate the tourists. Locals need the tourists. Locals thrive on the tourist. There's a three month window and they gouge and they charge so much more, and the tourists come in and the locals can't wait till the tourists leave. But the locals also can't wait till the tourists come. That's how they're going to pay for their education all year. You know, it goes in circles. And if you're in a really intense highs and lows community like the Hamptons where it's very rich, like billionaire Goldman Sachs one hundred million dollar beachfront Michael Rubin residences, and what they call like bonic, which is like it's hard to explain bonker. It's like refers to like locals in the Hamptons that ocean rescue fishermen like crabbing, clamming. You know those big boats that have those rusty nets all over them and like that are used for deadliest catch that sit in montalk and you know, real year round locals. Those people hate these assholes, but they have to get along. And it's a quarter of the year and this group has to get along. And I know this is going to sound ridiculous, and I can't if I'm ever going to say this, but I have made this one establishment in the Hampton's viral, to say the least. It has already been successful with people in the Hamptons, for sure, It's always been successful and drastically psychotically overpriced. But I made it viral. I made it a destination. I made people come there to get certain items that are so expensive. And I've gone back to visit there just to want some acknowledgement, like to get some food, but for someone to just say, wow, that was so funny, not like kiss my ass by any means, just to like look at me in the face and be like that was crazy or that's funny, or wink or smile or anything or lol. Nothing, because they're locals and they hate what they perceived to be rich assholes. And there are rich assholes. And I've only ever gone in there and wanted to celebrate them and got excited about it. And I went into a store and there were easily twenty people that came up to me and attacked me in the store, like, oh my god, I bought this because of you. I bought that because of you, like I was. I made a joke, I made a video. I was justin Bieber of this place, like I thought I was such hot shit. But these particular locals didn't even acknowledge my presence. They weren't even unbothered. They were bothered, And it bothered me because I think it's important who is and in life and in Chanel when you're going to psychotically overpay. We're talking thirty forty dollars for guacamolea or chicken sal like basic foods or Chanel bags that cost fifty dollars to make that cost twelve thousand when they sell them. The very least is the workplace culture. You should be treated so well. Everyone should just be so nice because you are going in there and you're getting fucking bent over and you're getting ripped off. But it's like I've paid one hundred dollars I'm sure for truffle pasta, but it's probably been so good and I've probably been treated so well that it's part of the experience. I've had a baked potato filled with cavia. It's was so expensive it'll blow your mind. You want to throw up. But it was in Central Pay and they treated you well and you felt like you were part of something, Like we just want to feel part of something and included if we're going to get ripped off. So that's when you lose me. If you're going to fuck me, you're gonna be nice to me. If you're going to fuck me, you better be nice to me. It's all I'm asking. Otherwise, no way, we're not fucking again. I'm not getting fucked by you again. If you're not gonna be nice to me, that's the problem. That's where you lose me. We know we're getting ripped off, Just be nice to us. And the rich assholes will go into these stores and they'll overpay and be treated like shit because that's kind of what they want. They're so insecure that they'll wear something with a logo and be treated like shit. That's what happened during the pandemic. You have money, but it's not good enough. We don't have a supply of the bags. You have to wait and beg like a beggar, like a dog by the side of the table, scraps waiting for a Chanelle bag and now for fucking guacamole. You will wait like a dog. We're gonna treat you like shit because you're such a rich asshole and secure tourists that you're gonna want it more. That's how sick. This mental warfare is also with the virility of things, So people get crazy. They get crazy things that you can buy on Amazon. Candy you can buy an Amazon People waiting online just to be part of of the experience. It's nuts. There's a psychology to all of this, and we're crazy and it's based in insecurity. Let's lap a logo on it, and we feel better about ourselves. Even though if it were nineteen dollars or were made out of straw and it didn't have the abcdefg's on it, you wouldn't like it. We are so insecure that those letters, those one to two letters, will make you feel like you're part of something. They're laughing, so the same way that whoever the people are that work at Chanelle, like the owners, are certainly not laughing. They're they're laughing their way to the bank. They're not laughing at us or it. They're laughing their way to the bank to twenty billion a year. But the people that know how it's all done, and know how the sausage gets made, and know how much a bag is, and know what the game is it's being played, they're laughing in our faces. And the people making the guacamole are laughing that schmucks like us would pay forty dollars for guacamole. What kind of fucking schmuck would pay forty dollars for guacamole. I think Courtney Kardashian is the silent assassin. Now I'm not saying she's gonna have a Cashmere ligned plane. It's going to be hard to come in for. You know the success that Kylie and Kim have had. Kim has worked and stayed the course the whole way. Kylie came in on Kim's you know, the fumes of her plane like meaning the fumes of her rocket ship, like Kim did pave the way. Without Kim and everything she did, it wouldn't be so easy for Kylie to have like a glow up and have a Swan like transformation and get where she got. But Courtney's been like the mom that you know is about eating organic and sort of. She seems unbothered and unflappable and unwavering, and she's got a monotone way about her that people do imitate. But I don't know this lemmy thing of hers. Now I tasted them. Don't get mad at me, Courtney, And this could be a good thing that tastes like candy. Like I want to eat them. I just I want to put them in a bag like a quarter pound that I bought somewhere. Just eat them. And so if they are going to make my vagina better and my sleep better and my energy and debloat, I don't get bloated. I don't know, Low Bosworth said, all the gummies are bullshit. It makes us feel better sometimes, and a lot of things we do or to make us feel better. But I know the name is cute. What is it like let me let me sleep? But then there's one about like your vagina that's let me something, let me flutter or something. I don't know what it's gonna do. But anyway, I don't know the numbers, but it feels like they're doing well. They're doing influencer campaigns. I know the guy Simon who runs her company. He used to be the like second guy even and it used to be an assistant to this PR guy, and now it seems like he's overshot. It was Jonathan Chebyn. Jonathan's good friends with the Kardashians, and he has this food think food god. But Simon went off to be like an entrepreneur and he's really funny. He's really nice. I used to hang with them there. They used to be very close, and I'm sure they have a mutual respect for each other, but they're they're not like one unit like they used to be. And Simon himself really had his own business, Glow Up he runs. He's best friends of Courtney and he runs her company. And I wouldn't bet against him. He seems to know what he's doing from a marketing standpoint. From a PR standpoint, I do not know the numbers, but I don't know. She's like another one of those stilent assassins. She's sitting back quietly, and I'm here for it. So I'm going to try the products, specifically to sleep. I don't know how to test the vagina product. I really don't. I don't know what it's gonna do. But low Bosworth seems to own the vagina, and she said that gummies don't work. I don't know, debloating, I don't really have a problem with I think there's something else she has. I don't know. Let's test out the sleep but I don't care because it tastes like good delicious candy, and I like the packaging and I like the name, and let me eat these gummies's candy, Courtney. It makes me feel better about myself. I don't really give a crap once I start using my vagina. All weigh in on Courtney's vagina products. So let me know what you think to do to be a walk to that, to walk to that, to a walk to that, to the after